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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 8

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fts 5i Kr feCt iicf SS WHfSmf iiiiimmmtM ia i An easter surprise at break fast 1Is often sprung on those who buy thtlr dairy produces mm an uurellabte source I If you waul Irish tatd tffi hljtn erode i tweet table butter rich and appetulug I cheesct yim will always fltiil them rteit i and tempting In our choice toci of pro ducts 1IENKE PILLOT Houston oceoaooaaasocooteooaaoeooo STRICTLY PURE i AND Best Kettle and Boiled INSEED OIL are the only two Ingredients to make a good and lasting Job of home palntinri JJ carry the beat brands ol above and one a tame to tic trade at lowest prtren li tspn of the recent advance Do not be de reived by Inferior grades ivbkh unncrii polotis competition puts on toe market fcr strictly pure goods Write for prlS Randolph Sons Preston and Tannin Houston eoiesco ooacoeaoo O0a oooo Dealer In Suh Doors Blinds Lumber Shlnsles firSfilebxAIXLUMDER MENIN THE STATE OSS Office fiu Travis Street Tremont Hotel GALVESTON TEXAS Now refitted and refurnished wlilt Bathrooms furniture and Carpets Elegant Suites Can Be Secured RATH5 ARB RI AONAULB 3ryc5TUr A Tlrurd dell KCRST trojrletnr Wholesale Aamifacturers And Dealers In Lumber Sash Doors Blinds ami Building Material BERING MPQ CO Phone 394 Eggs Wanted I I will buy ail the Cet blr pM to Houston durlnc the next two months Writ for price the shlpplntr point for sale csx cases and fillers JB JO TOlSrES HOUSTON TEXAS ioum TEXAS CiRAIN CO Wholesale Dealers 803 805 807 Willow Street CHICKENS AND EGGS Browne Lyons Co Ocneral Produce Fruit and Commission Merchants 406 nilain Street Houston Texas Conslcnmentt and correspondence Solicited MALLORY L6NE TSiSCo1 rirstclass Steamship Uetwecn NEW YORK and ULVUSTON ReiClnnlnE October ist sslllapj between vet York and OaKtltjn eery Vcdne day and baturday WeifiexJays steamer from liaUeston calls at Kej West Passenger Accommodation Unsurpassel tor Infortoatlon as to rates ol patties ar freight apply to Mote Rupjiael Aaent Housloa JB UcnlsonTrolllc Alanaztr I lawyer Co Affents i Mallory Co New Vork no YOU KOW Conrutrptiora la preventabla athCe has nd that neislect is su 1 0f Bt Id tmu caw bo cured wr jnivu rabsn ana Consurnptlcn curt Fold on positive guarantee for over fifty ycts 1JOI28 THIS STHIHI5 VOCf Muddy complexions uausminK breath iJ i nrVnt constipation Karfa fciSn eLM LT 1f JLfln euro and has ytara on nt absolute jruar jjjtee Price it twli ad ta cents A Kleallng dniKclst SOZ Main street Houotoa rnmifcii i PAINES Celery Compound MAKES PEOPLE WELL MORPHINJE BtttV Wo4rfd twb Rj A now auaran flfaasattfosn ll etlwrs7NojUl Uclty or la ffiNMoi worV oriiiw i ttt swKExnv coombs ornitA house Tuesday March 21 ONE NIOHT ONLY Miss Belle Archer FreaD Zht SutrpundeJ by magnificent cast of Attlsls Presenting this favorite authors pet conectyi H5 A Contented Full ol Music Specialties and Pretty flirts If you are In Politics be sure and ste it First Big Laughing Success Here this Season 1ET IN LINE FOR SEATS NO ADVANCE IN PRICES SIVKEVKY C00MI1S OIISItA HOUSE Thursday March 23d ONE NIUHT ONLY THE WORLD FAMOUS Black Pattis Troubadours THIRTY BCSTACIB3 IN EBONY Presenting a Kaleidoscope of Coon Comedy Ccou Sengs Jublle Shouts Cake Walks Duck Dancers Vaudeville Operatic Alastar ptecea BLACK PATT1 and ERNEST HOOAN Universally rrrclslmcd the roost popular i ard rlemiiiR rt i noveltv cf the age Lost acatjon titcer ew rk WI THE EXriTBMEXT OVER THE CAKE WALK REOfLAlt PR If F3 Bovk fur men fret 3lcn If you iinrr from uir n0 rouhlf rvniilittiK from soiitluul rrnri ott imiy lie nirrtl prriiin iiontl Irj InUliiK tin oltt lie Util look otitlcrnl tilrrtrl IMIU Weak Married xitajly or blntlo Men who are aulferlnK a fligBiiic of thUr 3 or cr rrom premature old as uae theae wonderful 1 natore the Tnrkod and tlAtjIlliaud organs to per fort irlgor arrtst pre rnatiiro erhauatlon Impart touo aud eaergf to tbo blood and tuily restore ttm flageius poxrern and dormant enrrgl of yonth ht pilN hiiro cured many tuyuwuicU of men who had buttlcvi for eara atralBst Ihi mental and puyelal autrerlnt of Ion manhuod It Is home tleatmrnt and ull muit who autler with any form of seitial weaknean piorontuo lonei of sexual strotiBth and meruorj wrtk bark or eiumlatlon of parw ran cure them selvea nt home They tup olnht drains at Prien It pr lxt or boxes full treatment 15 PiIIk Mnt cloiely twtld till obntBcii rrfild day order ncclyd on rrcelpt PA UR MHUtCAI HOOK Rive a vivid dottcrlptlon of the nbov i mimed trouble ttlso Stricture Varicocele etc Heud for It today IIOrii Mllslt INVIIt tti till tfittrl St Ilo ttiii JtiiM DRSBETTSBETTSDYAR Ilii Hhlnu 1uiRoit iio lnlUtN Si1 tlittrlrs Now Orlrun 1 ouiik middle ajc nod old slncle and married mn nd all who auff with Joit Manhood Nervot Dwbmti Spetroator lhea Nominal Iobsoi Hnunl llrcny Fall Ins Mfiuory Weak Eton Stnuted Iecl opm nt Laik of Knitiav lmpot rlah cd lilirod Plmplos lKP ulini nli In tar riot I lllool and Skin Iistaa ayph JnWf UK Eruitlons lljlr Pura ittWv Falllim line fm Horv Thtoil Vli fleers BwlPifi Effeets rf a Mcrrarv Kidney and Bladder Troubles Weak Hack Uumlnit Urlre lncontlnccc IJnuorrli a Qleet Btrlturo receive eeaicblnc triattnent prompt relief und cure for life Uolh soxos trentel cmnldci ttallr and privately Piles FUtill rtssuta and ltupturo cured by our new ntithoda Send fnr particulars Artdteja DRS UMTS HETTrf DYAR 21 I Ml CIinrlrN Now OrlcaiiK Im hbddew 1 3 BEAOTY In tK 13 eevialit the hu vr Ptun race tlit teuun of i ftav plui tee ecrema tetter ryslHi la io ibis Qulcljlv mill inak I ho nkln bweotli and bcuHby ueo its i keep the eonplnian el Ar fr and brntliul i iao luj all ciluor bltuilihti uacuutautty It Jtlirili fIEISKELLS SOAP is soothiosand tltnj In It ffJct otidiui A tiiifttc 111 anew A fill raarf 3 fb Iontern Iotnl Jorrcrt ti Tho aiorm wavca will re ch this meri dian nntl tbo other change wilt orcur nt ami within 100 rolloa of Houston within twfiityfour hours of 8 of tho dates slvtil liolow MareU SO Tliroatcnlna Marelv 21 ChatiKcablc ftarch S2 Cooler MarriS S3Ccol Marsh 2 SIoderatiBg March 25 Warmer IF THE RADY 18 CSTTINO TEETH ho auro and usu that old aud well tried remedy Mrs Wlaslowa Soothlne pyrup Itr children teethlup toothes the child ifjftena tho cuidj allaya all pain ruros wind eollo aad is tb best remedy fo dlirrhpoa Ono car each of early amber and sorfihum cano Bced Oct our prices heforu buylnc Outs corn brao chops and hay Moraantllo Slorago Couipauy Box L3i Phona C23 Gas cooklni stoves and hot ntatcs far Mo by iho Houston Oas Weht Co i i Home industry American Steam Dy Werks Hit Conercis avenue HOUSTON OAS LIOHT COMPANT Ueductlon in prise ot Alter March the Uto for ra 11 be UP oor 1000 cUblo eut tor all purposes for JilV gti wik lsi iT tiKaUr HOUSTON DAILY POST MONDAY MORNING MARCH 20 1899 Notes About Womens Clubs tHttttH TM4frv 4 VIIBX IAIVH HICIC Joe Lincoln In A Bulletin When papas sick my goodness sakes Such ntrrul avrful times It makes Ho speaks In oh cucb lonesome tones And sires such ghauly Wad of groans And rolls his yes und holds his head Anil makes ma help him Up to bed While Sis and Hrtdget run to heat Hot water bnps to warm his feet And 1 must net tho actor quick Wo havo to Jump when papas sick AVhen papas sick ma has to stand Right ride the bed and hold bis band While Sis has to fan an fan Tor he says hes a dyln man And nanta the children round him to lo there when sudorln pa Bets through Ho rays he rrnntK to say goodbye And kiss us all and then hell die Then moans and says hla brcathlns thick Its awful sad when papas sick When papas sick ho acts that way tatll he hears the doctors say Youve only tjot a cold you know Youll bo all rlghtn a day or so i And then well say you ought to sec Hes different as he can be And irowis and swears from noon tonight Just cause his dinner aint cpokod right And all he does Is fuss and kick Were all used up when papas sick 44 Through the I movement there was fostered In our Jltto city In tho autumn of 1S92 a club known as the Cactus Chautauqua circle composed of twenty uve ambitious studious women with the purpoeo of selfculture In view When all had completed the regular four years fi cour It was doomed wise to adopt a different trend of thought that Is course of study mapped out by members and thus particularly adapted to their Individual needs For our Initial year we choso the study of American history and American literature with currant events This year wo continued the study of American literature with parliamentary law nnd the relation ot the United Statea with foreign powers Tho Intter has proved most In tereMinc and benellclal especially In tho individual work dono on tho weekly papers in connection with the routine lesson Thl now plan of study gavo rlso to anew move nnd eo on the drat of Octobor ISO tho old Cactus circle was christened anew the XXI club Its membership being limited to twentyone Tho officers elected at Its llrat meeting wero reelected this past year and ara still In fcorvlce and through the strong leadership of Ita president and the vice president tho club has met svlth slgual success The officers are President Mm Frederick Cockrull vice president Mm Ftuinle 1 Norrls secretary Mls Emma Huleey Sayles assistant secretary Mra A 0 Hollrrairbrailan Mrs A AI Robertson The circulating library has proved a pleasant Innovation to regular club wotk twentyone books of current Action being selected nnd purchased by a committee und through tho librarian exchanged In alpha betical order po that each member has tho benefit ot that which Is best of the story writers of today Tho club meets once a week from Octo ber until the latter part of May and Is a member of tho Stato federation Miss Sayles being delegate to the last annual meeting In Tyler Tho year book Is used and found very helpful The flub colors urn wbllo and gold tho club flower tho rose The XXV club la striving to livo tip to Us motto Scorn frlltos lift your alms do uhat you arc Afraid lo do Kami Hitlsey Sayles secretary Thr tinnlti Sosnmo club wa i organized with sexen members It Is now In third year Tlio limit In number In twenty and at prcsrnt thoro are tnlrtoen members Our motto Is Ad Aslri tier Aspern ilowor tho violet color purple The meetings aro held tho residences of members taken alphabetically As you will notice Shakespeare Is studied tho first week of each month A teacher conducts tho class After a drama Is completed thero follows a review und club discussion This season so far bus been devoted In the main to tho study ot Unltod States history I think tho addition of cssay3 music und reading will provo decidedly advantageous one Variety In club work Is one of tha surest guarantees of success so far as our experience goes Two cntcrtnlnmonts of somo form nro given each year ono at Christmas tho other at tho close of tho year Mrs Annlo Laurlo Alvls IJxSccrotary 44 Programmes of tho Ennls Sesame club for tho current month March 1 Richard III acts I and teacher Mrs Oliver Fountain Papor History tho Time Mrs Dunkerlcy Rending Mrs Trlplclt March 8 United Stntoa history 1S50 to 1801 teacher Mr WUIInm Chancey Paper Washington Irving Miss Min nie Howe Dtccuuslon of Irvine club Mnrch 16 United States history ISO to 1SC3 tcaoher Mrs Wntklns Paper Abraham Lincoln Mrs A Daffnn Discussion Character of Lincoln tho clubMarch March 23 United States history 1SW to 1SG6 teacher Mrs Cummins Paper Robert 13 Lee Miss Boll Discussion of military schools Mrs Fountain Match 29 United States history istil to 1SSI teacher Mrs It Hoivcll Paper National Progross Mrs Trip lett Reading Miss Minnie Uowe Vocal duct Mesdames Watklnn and Fountain April 5 Completion ot rovlow of Richard III United States history 1S81 to 1S9S teach or Stlss Minnie Howe Paper Our Foreign Possesions Mrs A Dalian Spain as an Enemy Mrs Dunk orley Club discussion Tho Dallas Federation of Womens clubs has wheeled Into line In the onward movement of tho clubs for public llbrarloa uud at last he much needed frep library for Dallas seems poselblo of accomplish ment It nollceablo fact that vhen a few capable women In community plan lny needed Improvement be It church or hos pital or library number of capable men open their pockctbooks and lo the thing In done Dallas Is no exception to this rule rf 4 The Tyler federation of clubs has already rtarted a free library for Tjlcr given It habitation and a me and put It pu a working bails At sbook reccptloa THE DOCTOR A1AY HAVE LITTLE PRINTED BLANKS On which he writes hi PresetIrtons On the back of these blanks may be printed the wards lisvethlt Idled at cx the Dtoor get a percenlace oa the business sent to the Drucctstt da you pay hl fercentajre Rvsur Phscltnsays take this to so and so lie Itaa It thli or lie lias II that there may a money motive any first class Iijltlmale Pharmacist can propitly till any legitimate prescription Remember It tell your Doctor so recently given by the federation many valuable books were donated and Immediately put Into circulation Tbe Tyler etub women evidently believe In a practical beginning Having planted tbe little acorn they propose to dig and water nnd enrich the soil until tho tall oak nball spread its branches over all who cartT to rest beneath Its beneficent shade 4 The Ladles Readtnc club of Houston Is touring the great cities of the world It Is now la Paris doing the palaces and chateaux of Louis lo Grand and in clover papers recalling tha brilliant life aud literature of that gorgeouslyset court The Woman club Is still among prehistoric ruins In Honduras and Guatemala Tho Shakespeare club Is making an exhaustive study cf Othello The Culture club it new club composed of the young society girls of Houston Is devoting Its time to current literature and current events 44 Dastrop Texas Atarch 17 By special Invitation the Ladles Heading Circle of Bastrop enjoyed a lively violet luncheon with one of Its most prominent membsrs Airs A Metord at her elegant homo Satuiday afternoon Tho prearranged literary programme was first rendered as follows Roll call answered by couplets with names of tho author vocal foIo Jlrd A AlrCord miscellaneous business Mrs Ordain the president presiding minutes read by Miss Reynolds the secretary Current Events Mrs Jones select reading Airs A Palmer Women Journalist paper by Mrn II Jenkins English hU tory lesson leader Miss Garwood criticisms Airs Orgaln At tbe conclusion of the above exercises the guests were invited to the dining room where a scene of beauty awnitud them that Is Indescribable Violet the color and violets the sweet blossoma themselves opened their blue eyes and shotio out from everywhere smiling In fragrant purity amid green leaves aud the whiteness iind brightest3 of pnowy linen and olegant tsblenaro On every plate had been placed a bouquet of violets and tho souvenir cntd most artliticul ly designed and finished as follows On outside tho name of the circle the dato of tbo Unlet luncheon and name ot the hostess while beneath all wero the significant lines of Campbell True happiness Consists not In the multitude of friends But In tho worth and choice On tho Inside were twentynine literary conundrums to be answered a lovelv bo with bandpalntcd violets on the Ifcl be ing the prlro offered to the ono who would answer Iho most of llicii correctly which prize wn won by Aire id al though uho hail a hard light In the winning for four others AllsKct Reynolds itud Garwood nnd Mesdames Mlley aud Atay nard were very near to tho front In tho race At last the victors hnl to draw straps for tho prize tbo lot falling to Mrs II Hell On visitor graced thi meeting ot the circle wllh he presence Alms Bvi lllll of Hills Prairie cousin of Mm MeOord who Ih guest In tho bnantlfut home Tor a tew tlavn The menu was porfert and pleasure reigned supreme Air A Haunor was toaet mistress and sparkling water the beverage Mrs I Orgaln remanded lo Our Ho te3s Mvb I Ornaln to Our Circle and Airs II JnnMtiH to Our President od Rn th delUhted guests lingered loath to uee the nludnwH of afternoon lengthen Into the dusky evening meanwhile taking on heart and memory a scene bright and beautiful beyond the reach of shatlo darkneis or ouch carrying home with her loyul gratitude to tho popular ho tes who had so generously and bo gracefully tendered them the perfect afternoon with the vio lets duals in nnvL usrvTn Itestimc of TriinnucHoixi In Henlty foe tlio Week The following real estate transfers were recorded In tho office of tbe county lerk of Harris county during tho past week Lou Crow to Singleton 100 acres of land la the ttankln league on Saa Jacinto river 500 Koliraan nnd wife Hulda to Benson lot 1 block 18 FairGrounds extension addition exchange and 1 Charles Wood to Airs Slna Southward wito of Alonto Southward 11 her separata ustate the west halt of lot 10 subdivision of the Kelton survey 212 Sophie Parsons und husband Wil liam by sheriff to Brltton lot block to Halters addition south side Buffalo barou 122 Ida Carrlngton to Lorn Jones all interest in lot 10 block 65 Bakers addition south side Bulfttlo bayou 1 Houston Water Works company to Houston Water comonny S10 acres north Bide Buffalo bayou also lots 1 and 2 in plat as per plat recorded In book It page t7f district court minutes also about three lots near above tract all oa north side Buffalo barou also tho buildings water works plant machinery lxtures tools Implements open accounts choscs Inaction and assets ot every kind and all other real and personal property belonging to eald ooat pany also all rights and franchises owned by the Houston Water Works company acqutrod from the city ot Houston the consideration for conveyance is tho sum of 210000 paid as follows 24 COO cash and tbo remainder of the purchaso mosey Is evidenced by 21G5 shares ot full paid up and nonaFscssnblo capital stock of the Houston Water company ot the par value of 100 each and tho further consideration that tho Houston Water Works company assumes nnd promises to pay all ot tho just and legal debts and liabilities ot tho Houston Water Works company ot every kind and character and to carry out tho contracts and obligations of tald Houston Water Work company Hermann Loock by sheriff to tbo city of Houston lots it and is block SOT Bakers addition north sldo Buffalo bayou 157 David Hackney by sheriff to Jacob Hornberaer lets 1 and 2 nnd onihair of 3 and 12 block south side Buffalo baypu jjoj John Browne Mrry Browne Cfcjrlen and Josephine Mun lln Frank Wendeltt and wife LeultiOj Long and Gillespie Jr solo halrsot ju ft SnCgW emammmm z41PimZ2 Here tbe Customer cetj the Percentile taken oW the charge GEO HEYER DRUaaisT CORNim MAIN AND CAPITOL Long deceased to William ALong a small tract of land described by field notes out of Mia Long homestead tract in the Harris grant north aide Buffalo bayou also lot 2 block 2 I Lords addition north side Buffalo bayou Airs Linnenbcrger by sheriff to tho City ot Houston lots I 5 parts of a and 3 block 232 south sldo Buffalo bayou 723 City of Houston to Chaw executor of estate of Christina LIu cenberger deceased parts of low 4 6 2 and 3 block 20J south sldo Buffalo bayou OW Linucnberger by sheriff to tho City of Houston Gux 0 test of each of lots 3 4 and 5 and 40x00 foH tf lot 2 block 252 south side Buffalo bayou 17S Airs Mattio Dnvlson to Lock AIcDnnlel and Fisher Scars Sherwood northeast halt of lot 3 block 332 south side Buffalo bayou 1 At Gaffney and wife Ilcnorla nnd Helen Ann Carnj3 hoira of arneq deceased to Vcgel OfO acres known as survey 11 Houston Tap and Brazoria Railroad company lands Celesto A King and wifo A to Fannie Johnson cast halt of lot 3 block 45 Baker addition south bide Buffalo bayou E00 Hcobe 10 Isaac A Levy lot II block in south side Buffalo bayou S00 Isaac A Levy to Henry Levy lot II block 2SO south side Buffalo bayou 1 Isaac A Levy to Hoebo lot 10 block 2SB south bldo Buffalo bayou COO Bailey to Jas A Baker Jr tho superior title to lots 4 5 9 10 11 cnehalf 3 and blocV 444 south side ButTalo bayou 1 Nellie Chcllnc to Alary Scott lr 0 acres of land being the noith eust one ourth of section 27 Jas Hamilton assignee of the David White survey exchange and 6 Foster to AtrB Angcllka Kra mer lot 3 block 9 Fosters first north addition 2 AI nnd Lotto Waterbury to AI Burns west half of block 141 also lots 27 28 and 20 block 305 town of La Porto 1000 Shone to Harris county right ot nay for a ditch over the southern part of block 17 Young Mens Real Estiue associations additionS At Williams survey Somervillo to Joseph Sehulcr let 27 block 71 Kottnslar addition to Houston 20 Mary Rummell to antl Johnell Rummell lots I and Block 8 Sytlncrs addition north sldo Buffalo bayou 10 Ciluzo to William and Nancy Hawking lot 1 block 20 Baker addition north sldo Buffalo bayou 322 Palmer to Carl Hlldrbrandt 42 teres of land In the Elizabeth Smith league 1600 Isidor Rosenberg to Harry Kohn lots 0 and 7 and onehalf ot and 12 block 370 less 41 23 by S3 13 feet of 0 7 and 12 also parti of lots 6 and 7 block 201 all south sldo Buffalo bayou other considerations and 1 Aire Jeannetto nnd Cablnosa 10 A Thompson southwest eighth of occllou 70 block 2 II and railway grant 210 rnh to Edward Everbart 3 acres part of section tI certificate 222 Houston and Texas Central railroad lands 43 Lulu Mansfield and husband II lo I Sangpton south 35 23 acres off lot 4 all lot and 4S acres ot lot 6 Root subdivision of part of the AI Jones lcaguo 2000 Francis AI Cotton and husband Robert to August Bering 160 acres cf land In Grimes county nlro lots 7 and 8 block 3 ConMIn subdivision of ten acres In tho Rclncrman league C50 Alexander Ludtkc executor estato Henrietta Ludtke deceased to Henrietta Ludtkc half lots and 9 block south sldo Buffalo has on 5 Lulu Schubeck to Henrietta Schusta halt lots 8 and 9 block 05 iouth side Buffalo bayou consideration discbarge ot certain indebtedness The City of Houston to HurrU lot block 498 south sldo Buffalo bayuu sc John Rouse and William Grant to Thomas Harris lot 4 block 2 Fosters subdivision blocks 1 and 2 Halley addition 225 Alurio George to Daisy George north half of 163 bv 1824 feet ot land In block 02 north side Buffalo bayou love and affection nd 1 William Raynor to William A Guenlees 140 acres of land In the Tsbrktus Rrvnolds 12 labor grant mteat 172 51033 QuIIIon and wife Clara to will lam Lemp Brewing company lot 3 block 416 and Improvements south sldo Buffalo bayou 1000 Adouo and Lobit to I Hop Kins lots 20 21 22 23 31 block 89 In tho town of La Porte 4C0 Btrnett to Mrs Sadie Ooolidge lots 1 2 3 94 10 nlt of lot 12 block 31 In the town of PMfdcna ocntsining 10lrei 2100 DtChaumos to Victoria Wor sbam all Interest in my fathers rtate DeCJuuwes and graud father Jtlehael DeChauraos con sisting ot lands town lots etc In various parts of Texas 50 cDt 10 Victoria Worsham alt Interest in tho estate of my grandfather Allchaol DeChaumes Iuil1T ttoChaumes con istlMK of lands in variaus parts of 1 txas Hoary Chaumes to Victoria Weir miaVnter I block 22 Par ker Smith addition to Houston alw all Interest in lands to wbfch heir of Michael and Do Chaume deceased sham fi 1 Victoria Wor all Interest In block 22 Hal amltb addlt on to Houston also 5 SteTs J5tMtM ol Michael hVi H0 11 deceased 50 I 3 3 4 0 7 8 12 block 7 and 1 8 STinot ddIon Con t0 John a KiViioits VoKi pvviiiryn16C0 onofnurth intcrcVt fln gin the Well survey AtaD WdowMo Atau Aimin Westeoti les 100 aer Harris and Yvllioa vtvoUeasus VOCV MV vC HOYTS A CONTENTED WOMAN There will be presented nt tho Sweeney Coombs opera house tomorrow night an attraction that will command more than the usual attention and that attraction will bo Hoyts A Contented Woman tho be nnd most entertaining comedy this popular playwright his over ottered to the public and which will bo remembered ai being presented hero last season pnd pleasing ono of tho largest and most fash lonahlo audiences of the season The announcement that this popular farce comedy will return better and brighter than ever with every particle of scenery and cos tumos now and a number ot bright and taking specialties added will be sure to bo welcomo news to tbo theatergoers ot this city Tho ploco is In four scenes all of which are laid In Denver nnd the new scenery and stngo accessories aro said to eclipse In extravagance any and everything Atr Hoyt has yet offered The cast romalns tnurh tho same as when last seen hcie Allbs Belle Archer one of tho most beautiful women now be foro tho public will be seen again In the leading role Bonnie Lnltle the sensa tlonal dancer Barry Maxwell with a budget of now negro songs Morri son Henrietta Leo and other favorites havo been retained Among tho new faces will be found such prominent nrtlsts as Fanny Denham Rouse Arthur Gregory Will Grangor nnd Phyllis Young Lcnoro LocStwood and Eugene Taylor tho beauty trio last season with Jack nnd tho Beanstalk Hoyta plays have a strong hold upon theater goors and deservedly ao for he has alwayB kept faith with tho nubile ou the road and gives tho smaller cities tt same performance the samo cast and scenery bat ho prebcntB In New York This no doubt is ono ot tho secrets of his great success for the public aro alwuys willing to applaud and patronize liberal management Ad above stated A Contented Woman has created unusual interest for at Its last visit the Immense audience that witnessed It pronounced it tho best Bhow ot the season tlrntlinm Dlitrlrt Clinfcrencc Chappcll Hill Texas Alarch IS The Brenham dlctrlet rentercace African Atothodist Fplscopal church ronvenrd In regular session at 0 oclock this mamlng Religious Mrvlce wsi conducted by nov Am Itlppetoe FroaiO a to 12 noon tvaj dsvoted to KavfAy iA4 fk towss isj The Best Store In To OUR NEW DERB Is Out for Spring Sole agents for Hawes 3 Hats Its the best looking Iiat weve seen for many dity sightly stylish nelvf Quality is not the question for a dealer in good clothe wouldnt jeopardize his repult tation by selling inferior hw BimS3 I33E xl txl iu lx 1 lltTit lViV vuT 4Ul jjJ We have it the Finest TflC StUttgat BUTTER Cirfr2brxp ty7 30 its ON THE MARKET Vi WtPLat Ji 2 per grant also 1C100 square feet of land In tho AI Harris grant adjoining tho Schullcr tract also 12 vendors Hen notes on part of tho Ilarrell grant love and affection and Charpiot and wife AHttlc to AI Ludtke use Lonz lot 1 Charpiot tract and lots 1 aad 2 block 7 all In Porker Smith addition to secure note 100 duo Oe tober 1 1S39 Interest 10 cent State rof Texas to Glddlnc asilgtme of tbe Washington County Railroad Company GIO arrci of land known as section 1 bok 2 on the waters of Cypress creel Julius Bokemeyer to Otto Boko mcyer nnd wife lots 2 and 3 block 2C1 also onebait of lot 1 block 202 north sldo Buffalo ba ou AlcXell and wife At to Fannlo Hawkins 10 acres of land In the Hawkins sure other considerations and MeAshan to II ONeill 60 45 acres In lot I Low rancp subdivision Johnson Hunter league AI Harris to John Wheeler 21 acres of land in the Harris and Wilson league grant on Greens bayou Kennedy to Mitchell part of lot block 60 In the town ot Bay View Johnson Hunter league Tho Morgans Point Land and Loan Company to Mitchell lots 1 2 3 1 fi 7 nnd block 42 In Bay View Johnson Hunter league Leonard Hire tole heir of Alyry Rico and Lottlo Edwards surviving wlfo of Jamct A Edwards deceased to Fred Mason 100 arroi of land part of the John Black onethird league on Brays bayou Georgo Nelson Lorotla Nelson Sadie King and husband Celeste to John Boyle 50x100 feet of block 2 Haritey Franklin addition Smith and Reynolds 10 AIcAbhan 60 43 acres in lot 5 Lowranco subdivision of the Johnson Hunter league La Porto Alayflcld Jr and wife Mullldc lo 1 Swanson acres in survey on Little Cypres cieek doscribed by field nMos Adouo Lobit to Ralph 1 Comfort blocks 12S0 1335 and 1316 town of Ut Tortti Thomas nnd wife Emma to JAI Stewart lot 6 block 18 in the town ot Knty Chrla opu George Atary Fred Clara Joseph Charles and Carrie Kober only irB ot ICober deceased to Damron oec 2 block 35 Washington County Railroad lands Same to Damron acres in survey on Codar bayou Glddlngs to Alascc 317 610 arm part of survey 1 block 2 Washington Count nall road lands on Cypress creek C30 7000 110 5600 400 100 1500 450 1200 1200 2223 hearing reports reading papers and Ui Inc a model Christian Endeavor rami and ether disctifdsmi At 1230 aJ hnppcll Hill quarterly conference held At 3 Ih dlstnd confertnrer assembled to complete ll business consisted of literary work passlngT recommendations of local preachcrc5 plications lo preach renewal of llccostts recommendations to the annual costJ ence itel At nigh a reunion and district ccs1 ence love fea took plncc condu leil Rev Connor Many subjects bimtghi up for discussion and htstj ahly apd well ita Tho conference adjourned tonlghrsj die OKtAIIOAM CAITLK Territory I Now llli Seller lVil Ilrcsca 1 Fort Worth Texas March 1 Theft men of Oklahoma while they buy rtrr cattle in Texas were here in large c5i rs It Is usuall their custom to LomePff Worth whencter the Lis stock cotiventlea Texas aro held here Tue pr sent mcetEF preved no exception to the rulr Probilijt cf the best posted men from that coaato Alarum of Woodward llo wassctli talked freely of the cattle Industry JlTd tlc stock condition of Western OKIohotBt neer in safer condition than cojjfr tenson lie assigns la that the Icsialafuft acjourned leaving the quarantine anitlil Ruse lands uh tni which is ctlii eatlifnemry to lb cailer of that I ortnerly Oklahoma buy ofita now ithe Is talker Mi Ma runt Af ticarlv all the hea benders nrc i grbued lbretordr nd tbe improWtOt stotk Is rapidly forging jhnd lit Pouts East Oklahoma ortt wh at aud cottce prltulpaily urown while the wc tri of that Territory laltl md Kaffir corse ttltuto the principal mdusnes Thej bnlneas in thtt country 1m Its opcnlat Tears ago has mud inaveleua Mrlaesi are nou eatlle there whose aggregate i tlott teachb the enormous Hum ot our Wi000 Tit iiuuriintim rulrn and resulai that cre passfd and wblih ante tifen a littlo less thun three year ago hsrti pucli to force the tiemen be omen cf stock Previous to that date Uimv Lustra Air Marum jj faa otton ted olP rc beiug located nil over th OKiabonHW try Jlllls jre mr sully opegird Iftl ihin Oklahoma Crv and iutbrie wtthw hrx ot IWWiO buite A new tntllV belPE built in Chandler apd Dgo iatlefJ reading for th erection onotbtr Keno It will be the only cotton serf ttrth of the I nttcd Stat 5 quarjatlSciB When completed will materially addtn Importance of Oklahoma ul edlngiKt It will iptnilt In placing cotton seed frit tat tbe market that have hctof re Ito1 UuOd from the riiHercnt markets of IM ity being located aboe the quarantinf this will grc El Reno a gtcat udvanUft J1 claimed over other cotton seed mllitW United Ktatee Another rail Is also tn ptobpect toteK ct Vv eatherford whleh place ta also about ultcd Stutct quarantine line Altog tierJ Marum Is much elated over the brtjUl pelts for the Oklahoma country ceped Hf cattle districts A JIlrtYlnnnry Aililreas Sherman Texas Alarch 17 Lastf Ing at tho Second Baptist church Xlr Willingham of Richmond Va et ot tne home nnd foreign missions Kf Southern UaptHt convention addre an unusually large audience His talk confnc0 largclv to missionary work tbe most available ways and means taining tho test results iimw 1 1 Itrynn rrcpnrlnjr for Hnllroarll Bryan To as March 18 Thojlc Railroad club mecta In Bryan Av and IS and preparations for its cuts meat havo been begun by tho citltw1 aolcgatlon of 200 is expeted Ths cultural and Mcehnulcal college in eutcrtalnjng tho visitors CURED BY CUTJCUR For ten years iBuffcred untold agonlM Eczema 07 lower limbs boine so siroIW broken out thai I could hardly go about brother a physician of thirty years andothcr phvslclansot splendid abllirw In vain to ctrcet a euro aid signally bcearao absolutely disheartened and Wall horc when a frleqd Induced ma CfTionaA ItEjicniM 1 trial I UM cakes of Cuticura Post and two bw CtnicvRA ointment nnd It resulted absolute ami permnntnt curt 1 DAVID At SAVP WymwV Srsii llllUOR Cras TatitMsxr iskJS witn I11101 llita rrabit rj aSn cnif iobriE wllh Cvrte si OvincrCcriciaallttni iir eu oUtiroathsntthwud roTil 3 Cusr Ml ci Union UtwuiCvifi WiWWs iWiWsVftYAVtAWiYAiV if Dr Harters IIRON TONB MAKES PALEWCAK pEOj Sfcitong qnd Healtf5a I nt i.

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