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Vermont Watchman and State Journal from Montpelier, Vermont • Page 4

Montpelier, Vermont
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VERMONT WATCHMAN STATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEIll, 1899. 4 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1809. AHIHtTR ROPE8, Oouoral Edltor. Tlio SKuntiun in Kcntucky. Untll quito recont llmca Kcntucky was tho "dark and bloody ground" of tho Hourbon Deuiocracy.

Its mnjorlty for tho Democratic tickot, in Stato or national clcctlons, was as cortain as Vorruont'a for tho Ilopubllcans. Ex-posuro to tho dialntregating lnfluoncoB that followcd tho collapao of tho Con-fodoracy did its bonign work on thls adamantino majority. It bogan lo crumblo and in tho last national olcc-tion its electoral voto was east for Mc-Kinloy, a Itopubllcan Govornor and Logisloturo wcro choson, a numbor of Ropubllcans worc elcctcd to tho nation-al Ilouao of lleprosontalivca, and ono Unitod Statcs Sonator is a Ropublicin. A rovoiuuou so compioto naa nreu a countcr rovolution for tho rostoration of tho Stato to tho Democrats. Tho conacqucnco is that Kontucky is iu a atatc of political fcrraeut unuBual ovon in that community of violent political commolions.

Tho hoad of tho Democratic party thore, and its candidato for Govornor, is William Goobol, a pcrson of foroign parontago, and not ovon a nativo of Kontucky. II ia tho hoad of tho party and ita candidato for Govornor by vir tuo of docds and mcthods of tho politi cal highwaymon, bold and unscrupu lous boyond all prccodent. Hia char actor is illustrated by tho killing of John Sandford eoveral ycars ago in Covington. Sandford waa in Goebel'a way. Goebel firat attacked hia victim, who waa of irroproachablo charactor, by an infamous publication in a uowa- paper.

Then, with a cockod rovolver ho wont into tho atreolB, put himsolf in Sandford'a way, and whon tho lattor aakod him if ho was responslblo for tho pnblication of thc brutal chargo, Goobol promptly rcplied ycs, drow his weapon from his coat pocket, and whon Sandford made a motion in sclf dofonac Bhot him in tho hcad. That is the kind of tnan Goobel ia. Nominally a gold Damocrat, in this guiso be secured tho confldence of Senator Carliele, undor his patronago obtaincd a eeat in tho Stato convention of hia party in 1890, and then betraycd hia aponsor by voting for the frceailver candidatea for offlce and for the reaolu tion pre8enting Blacfeburn as th choico of tho Democrats of Kentucky for the presidoncy. Mr. Carlislo ox posed thi3 treachery, aud othor proni incnt Democrats have siuce announced that they cannot aupport a man so dls honorablo aa ia Gocbcl.

Thia ia Goobel in miniature. After hia induction into Kontucky politica aa tho prophet of Domocracy, ho drew and Becured the onactment of tho Goe obi mvv wmcu ia aeacrioea as a moas uro "to establish fraud under tho pro tection of the law of tho Stato." It providea for tho clection by the Legia laturo of three State olcction commia eionera who hold ofllco for four yeara j.nese otucora appoint tho county boards, and tho latter tho precinct oiection boarda. The Stato board may ai any moment removo tlm nnnniw boards, and the latter may do the Bamo with the precinct boarda. Eycu aftor tho vote3 havo been east tho Stato board may removo election olllcors who may uot provc to be subaervieut tools, and turn ovcr tho ballot boxcs to men who can bo trusted to count in accord-ance with the party necesBitioa. The de-cision of the Imrd of cauvaBsers is flnal.

No appeal ia po33ible, no roviow can be ordered. By nnothor proviaion of the hw, if a canvasaing board does not repott within ten daya the voto of tho county or precinct may bo thrown out. Thus, if a Rjpublican ounty haa a majority of 10,000, and tho rcst of tho State is Ddmocratic by G.OOO, tho can-vaesing board, by withholding tho re-turns from tho Rjpublican county tcn dayB, may hand over tho election to the Democratic candidato. Thia ten daya' proviBion ia apparently dcsigucd to bocomo oporativo whon tho nxl. gonciea of the situation aro too preas-iug oven for Damocralic unscriipiilouB-ness In the raattor of counting out Re-publicans.

Thus the Goebel law takes nochancea. Under it, if ita author cannot bo elcctcd Govornor by a fair count, ho has tho machinory of a law of hia own devising by moana of which ho will bo ablo to count himBelf in if ho daroa to attempt to dofraud tho popular will, and if tho good citizona of Kentucky Bubmit to fraud. Hut thoy aro organizlng and, it ia aaid, armlng to resiat tho conspirator. Thus arraod to mako his election Bure, Goobel Becured, by charactoriatic means, hia nomlnation to tho ofllco of Govornor. Ho ia not a popular raau.

Tho convention waa hold in Juno. Notwithaianding his efforts and hia mothods at tho primarioa, whon tho nominatingbody asaemblcd Goebel had Iobb than 200 dologates. Of the thrco candldates, Ilardin had ovor 600, and Stono nearly 400. With 900 dologatoa aalnst him Goebel ehowod that ho waa tho Luclfor of tho occaalon. ile secured Stono'd aid by promislng to mako him tho candidato for Govornor in do- foiting Hardlu'd candidato for tompor-ary chairman.

Thoti ho eocurod a coni- mlttoo on credontials which decidod all coutcstcd olcction casos agaliiBt Ilardin, invonted contosts whoro uono oxlatcd, praclicod his Satauic art of manipulation on tho Stono contingont, tlll hia 200 had becorao a majority of all tho dolcgatcB, and ho Becured tho nomlnation. In boldnusa and tra-dittonal capacity for auccosBful wlcked- ncBB, Goobol out-Satona Satau himsolf. Havlng thcBO qualltlos, fortlilod by tho oiection law of his own croating, bus-tainod and oncouragod by tho prosouco and voico of William JouningB Brynn, tho national Domocratio loador, why should uot this political highwayman count his calling and olcction suro? Tho opposlng candidatOB aro John Young freo ailvor Dotn-ocral, Taylor, llopublicau, and two othere ropresonting Bomo othor ahadcB of nolltical bolief. Tho gold Demo crats havo no candidato and may voto with tho llenublicanB. With a fair count tho Itepublicans will undoubtod ly olcct their caudidatc; with tho count Goobel's tools may mako, "tho dark and bloody ground" of Danlol Boono may havo a new chriatoning.

Ovcrrated. Nowa that contiaues to como in of tho flgliting at Gloncoo and Dundco, with tho commenla of tbeBrltish nows-papcrs, BhowB that tho victorics of October 20 and 21 wero much ovcrrated. Tho military critic of tho London Morning Post says: "Olearly the victory at Dundee roqnlres elucldatlon. It waa a magnlflcont exblbl-tlon ot daring, but as a victory lt looks poorly. Technlcally, no doubt, lt waa ono.

The posltlon waa taken and tho enemy fled, but fled, lt appoara, with bo little confuslon that thoy captured all who had the toinor-lty to paraue them. That may bo a technl- cal defoat, but from the Boer polnt ot vlow, wbere tecbnlcalltiea aro not consldored, lt is practlcal good fortune." Aftor tho victory at Gloncoo on Fri-day tho Engliah thought thoy wero clear of their enemy, tho Boera, for eomo days, at leaat, but thoy wcro on-tirely miataken. Tho roport of tho cap-turo of all tho Boers' guns was incor-rcct. As a mattor of fact thoy took them off before theEnglish stormedtho hills. Meanwhilo Gencral Joubert worked around and threatenod Dundec.

On Sunday tho Boers bogan ehelling tho lattor placc at long rango. Tho aim of the gunners was oxcollent and tho British wero oompelled to got out of tho placo leaving their wounded to tho caro of tho Boera. On Monday, a diversionby the British nt ElandBlaagte, about midway between Dundec and Ladysmltb, opencd tho way for tho rctroat of General Yulo to tho lattor piaco, and tho union of his forces with those of General White. In the courso of theso operations a body of tho Eighteenth hussars, aent out to iutercept a body of Boers, was itself intercepted and takcu prisonera. Theee havo recently orrived in Pretoria, the capital of tho Tranvaal.

The British loaa in killed and wounded, also, wbb acvere, approximating G00 ofllcerB aud men, among the former being General Symons. Thia i8 exclusivo of tho captured hussars. Theso flgures repre-sent about the entire losa of tho Araer-ican army in the Philipplnca, in kil'ed, wounded and missing, since tho break-ing out of the Filipiuo rebelliou, Feb-ruary 4. But the Boer is a ruarksman. He ahoota to kill.audEoglish mortality in tho recent cngagements i3 proof of the dcadly certainty of hia as tho cnforced and hasty rotreat of tho British armic8, with their superiority of discipliuo, organization aud armament, is proof of the sturdy of thc Boer as foeman.

Tlio Eugllsh Oovcriiment. G. B. It. initials of a mmc woll ktiown iu Montpelier, writing to tho Boalon Ailvertiser of strugglea for in-dependonco saya: Oneof tho most inatructlvo hlstorloa of our war with England in 1812 a war, by tho way, aa woll aa our rovolutionary war, ouo of our own declarlnR, Uke tho prosent war of the Boora for thoir Inilepomlence, and with allko dotenBiaatlon aa our owu.

"If yo rulo o'or our land yo shall rulo o'or our Rraves" was wrltten by Itoaslter Johnson and publUhed In 1882, Itlawoll worth reaaintr, fspeclally the cloalug words here quoted: "Aa we road tho hlatory of our couutry'd early HtriiBeloj, lt may holp uh to avold auy unworthy feolliiR of roientinont If we btiar in uilnd the fact that thero 1b a wlilo aud peoullar dlacropaney of charactor botwoou tho KdrIInIi people and tho EnRllah covorn-ment. That peoplo, porhaps at preaent tho nioat onllBhtonod ou oarth, auil juatly noteil for tholr lnnato lovo of fair play, for tholr contlnual BtriiKClea toward llborty, and their ilovelopmont of the creat princlploH of JarlaprudancB; but that Rovernmout, In lta dealliiKa with other powora, haa heeu for canturlea arbltrary, soltlsh, barbaroiiH, and luconalatent to tho laat doKreo." Tho author cltea many instanceH with tnany natlona, our own tncludod, ln aupport of hia aasortions, too numuroua to inentlou horo, only the lattor, which soema prophotlo and applicablo to tho proiout tlmo, Ia clvon: "It haa oaton Indla Into a famlnn, and Is now layliic Ita kleptlo flncera on tho great Island of Ilomeo, and apnirontly maklnjj ready to conaumo the contiuent of Afrloa," No bravor man ovor woro tho Unitod Statoa uniform than General Guy V. Honry, of tho regu'ar army, who waa burled on Monday wllh military honors, at Arlington, whero bo many of his former comrados aro Blcoping their Jaat sloop. In tho Indlan wars, ho earncd tho tltlo of "Flghting Guy" by his gal-lantry. His galiantry was cousplcuoua in tho campaign againat tho Sloux In-dians in 1880.

Ho lcd his reglmont iu a chargo aftor rccelving a shot through his facc which broko his noso and de- stroyed tho aightof hialoftoyo. Aftor tho flght had bcon won, ho eald to tho ofllcor who nttomptcd to condolo with him, whlloloadlng him from tho fleld: "It ia nothing, Jack. This is what wo aro horo for." And agalu whon ho puraued tho Cheyennoa acrosa tho Can-adian bordor in tho dead of wintor and gavo thcm a humilialing thrashing thoy novor forgot. It waa in tho latter campaign that Gon. Honry had both handa and foot frozeu, which mado him a cripplo to his dying day.

It lo mon liko Gon. Honry who havo givon tho Amorican aoldior tho hlgh placo ho occupics in tho eatoem of tho onliro world, and who makcB him unconquorablo. Evory Amorican is proud of tho fact tbat wo havo nevor lacked a Honrv when thero waa noo'l for his Borviccs. FostmaBtor Genoral Smitb, who has been epcaklng in Oblo, saya lt is only a qucstlon of how large tho Republican maiority would be in that Stato. Hia last Bpccchcs wcro mado in tho "west orn roBorvo," whoro Democrats had boen raaklng all eorts of claima about Itopubllcan apathy.

Mr. Smith eays ho found no republican apathy in that section of tho Stato; that tho Ropub licans thoro, a8 in all scctlons of tho country, had bcon so buay maklng money that they waitcd until lator in the campaign than usual beforo glving their timo and altontion to politica that when ho left they woro thorough ly arouscd, and that thero ia no roaaon to fear that the full Republican voto will not be brought out. Mr. Smith says that while thero aro wido diffor cnces of opinion as to tho sizo of tho voto Sam Jones will got, tho boat in formed men iri the Stato aro abaolutely cortain that ho will takc many moro votcB from McLoan than from Nasb Privato ndvices from Ohlo all polnt ono way to certain Republican victory. The "round robiners" and tholr al lles of tho yellow and anti-imperiaUst preas at homo, liko certain Bhriekcrs of Scrlpluro times, flnd their occupation gono sincc tho rocont information from Manila respectlng Gencral Otis awful censorship of the nows do 8patchcs.

General Otis has been in favor of eonding any nows, tho rcal facls of balllcB aud situalious, except ing only factB and particulars of cou tcmplatcd movemontB. Tho Washin ton authoritiea havo used their judg ment in gtving out nows, onu any abridgoments that havo boen made, uot for trlckiug the people, but for th good of the cau30, of which thoy, not the howling journaliatic dcrvishca yciiow aua scuitious ournaii8m, are tho wiser and moro competenl judges Gorneliu8 Jr. should braco up. Ho haa invonted a locomolive and in uae ful employment has been acquirin habits of thrift aud self-dopondencc during tho time of his fathor's diB pleasuro. He has shown, certoinly that ho has a mind and a will of his owu.

By tho practice of rigid econ omy, on tho 1,500,000 his stern par cut loft him, aud tho 0,000,000 hia younger brothet has givon him out his patrimony, ho may bo ablo to mako etrap and bucklo mect till tho incomo iroru His mveniion, anu ms mcogcr stipcnd as an of tho New York Central rallway, may onable him to livo eaBicr. He ought not to cut tho Vandorbilt'e in a huff but to atand by and ahow them and tho world that whero Cornelius Jr. thoro is tho hcad of tho family. flieu irom me lar W03t au tcll ono story groat prosponty aud almoat unanimous aupport of tho foroign pol-icy of the administration. For in-stanco, C.

W. Hartloy, of Boiso City, Idaho, says: "I votcd for Bryau at tho last preeidential election, but I will ncver do it again. I navo bcon study-ing tho Bubject Binco that tlme. Moro than cighty ptr cent of tho silvor Ite publicans in Idaho havo decided to go back to tho Republican fold, ond un-Icbb thero i8 a very perfect fusion of all tho oppoaing parties, Idaho is a suro cnough Republican Stato for 1900. Anti.expansiou docsn't go out our way.

Wo want the UHnds iu tho East and lots of trade for our 'weBtorn citios. Billy Mason, it Is reportcd, will rc-eign hia ofllco of Sonator for Illlnoia and appeal to the people of that Stato to Bustain him in hia opposltiou to Prosidont McKinloy's Philippiuo pol-icy. "Bllly" has fallon from graco. When tho war with Spain was impond-ing ho was a ready aud oagor to llght Spain for hor crimes ln Cuba. Ho was a tho-u iu tho sido of Peaco-at any.prico Iloar and others of that class.

But Hoar is now a Furioso comparod with thia Bomhaatoa of tho pralries. "Bllly" ought to rcaign, and If ho has tho hardlhood to ask a rocloc-tlon tho people ought to cllnch his rcslgnatlou. Now York. Tho continued Btory from nbovo tho Harlem river of Itopubllcan cnorgy and confldonco givcs pcomiso that aftor oiection day i ovor Uio lnhabltauta of uio ismpirc atato will Havo ronowou caiiBO to bo proud of it. New lork is not to faltcr iu support of Govornor Hoosovelt whon Tutntnany Hall has flnally faattned a grip of abeoluto con-trol upon tho oppoalng party, nor ia it to slink from behind tho national Ad-miuislration and our gallaut array iu tho Phllippines whon Bryan'a Bhouts for silver and aurrondor aro echoed by Agulnaldo'a distant appoals for Democratic aucccas.

Kentucky, Ohio and Nebruska aro blazlng with patriolic do- tormination inai uoxi wook aliall not boo an Agulnaldo victory, or a BOt-back to tuo unparalloiou induatrial rortuno that haa grown up with tho McKlnloy adminiBtration. New York belonga in that good company. Now York Suu. (locbol and llryan. Honcat men nre branding him al most evorv uav on tuo atumn aa a Bcoundrol and a murdorer, but tho fact of most conscqucnco is tnat no nas nlottcd and is Btill nroparing to murdor irco oiccttouB iu KontucKy.

in ims Bnirit tho grcat massof honorablo Dem ocrata who aro sunnorting John Young Brown for Uio eako ol tho nonor of thoir party and thoir State, are conduct ing tho campaign to its concluaion. No bolt waa ovor moro praiBowortny; no political causo waa over bettor ontitled to tho anx ous Bympathy of oll Amor-ican8 desorvinc that namo. Tho tono of tho latcr epecchcs of tho Democratic orators onposeu to Oooboi ts oxtrcmoiy Bcrioua, aa befita thoso who confront a crisia in wbicn aro all tno elemcnts ol revolution. Mr. Bryan's paltry argu mcnta na to tho "rcgularity" of can didato nominated by tiickory to perpet uato an organized fraud againat tho freo ballot, received their aufllcient commontary when Goobel flung after Him tbc nromiso tbat an oiection law cood onousrh to count in Goebel in 1899 will bo good enouph also to count liontucky lor JJrjan luuo.

iNtw York Sun. Dlsappoluted. New York, Oct. 27. It is loarned from a trustworthy sourco that Como llus Vandorbilt, is much disappoint cd by hia father'e will and tho attitude in which ho haa been placod by hia brother'a handaomo conccsaion, and that ho will withdraw from any further paTllcipation in the allairs ot tbo Van uerbilt nropertice.

Cornelius Vandorbilt, ia doacrib ed by thoso who know him most inti mately as a reticent young man. Ho took hia diaagrccment with hia father much to hcart, and after his marriag tried in overy way to ovorcomo tho dif ucuity. He enterea tbo olilco ol tb superintendont of motivo power of tho New ifork Uentral, and wont to work to provo his merit. Ho toiled oarly anu late. ue never asked moro tha any other employo.

IIc inventedali-comotlvo which was successful. Ho dld overything he coutd to provo to his father his aorioua intentiona. Ho never complaiucd and never allowcd an op-portunity to paaa without trying to 6c-curo a re-establiehmcnt of the former cordlal rolatious betweon himsclf and father. It is further suid that be hopcd and belioved, from various circumitanccB, he had Bucceedcd in gaining tiis fathcr's favor. To a World reporter thisevoning Mr.

Vandorbilt sald: "Tho acreemont by which I receivo 0,000,000 from my brothor's portion of tho eBtato haa been mado to appear as a mero gifl. It is no gift but tho resull of a compaci en-tered into beforo my father'a demise. By this compact I was to receivo no lo88 than 10,000,000. Tho truth of the mattcr is that au agreemcnt or an adju8tment waa made from the bogin-ning to tlio end." Additional bequeats in tho will not beforo montioned aro 100,000 to the mothcr of the deccascd and a liko Btim to William K. Vandcrbilt, his brothcr.

JJcwcj's Engageiiient. Washington, Oct. 30. Admiral Dewey aiinounced tonight to eomo of his intitnato frienda tho fact of his on-gaoment to Mrs. W.

B. Hazen of this city. Mrs. llazou ia tho widow of General Hazen, forraerly chief signal ofllcor of tho army who died about ten ycarB ago, and is a aister of Johu R. McLeau, ueraocratic canuiuato for govornor of Ohlo.

Mra. Hazen has no ohiidrcn and sinco her huabaud'a death has made her homo with her mothor. Sho is a wormn of large meana, about forty yearsof ago aud popular iu tho best bo-cial circles of Washington. Tho date for tho weddlng has uot beon llxcd, but tho undcrstandiog i8 it will lake placo aomo timo in November. Tho Admiral'd Urst wifo died in 1872.

The Admiral took posscssion or his now homo today. The last of tho fur-uituro was arrangcd today and tho Ad-tulral's trunks wero brought up from the npartmeuts ho has been occupylng at tho Everott. William II. Coburn, a convlct of tho State prlaon at Windsor, oscapod Sunday nlght Juat before dark. Tho prlaon ofllclnla havo ofTersd a roward for his capture.

Ho waa worklnf in a bulldliiR, opnoaito tho prlson carrylOR hrlck and mortar. Whllo carryliiR a load fro.m the cellar to the upper floor ho oludod tho cnnrd aud mado hU oa-cape Into a wooded bank at tho rear of tho Ilouao. Bomo tluio ulapaed boforo hli oa-capo bncame kuowu and whon ohaao waa made no cluo to the directiou ho had taken could bo found. Coburn waa a palntor, barher and rallroad man and durlnp; hia tii.prlaoninent had boen woll bohaved. He waa trlod for adultory at tho Fobruary torm 18U7 of tho Wlndaor cnuuty cnurt and aou-tonced to threo aud a.

half yeara' linprlaou-ment. Wo Will l'osltivoly l'ny You Ono dollar if ono bottlo of Smith's Groen Mountain Renovator iIoob not boncflt you in caso you aro troublud with any blood dleordor, chronic rhou- matism or nouralgic uffcctiona. It la ondorsed by tho bcst physicana lu tho country aud is warranted to do what ia clalmed for lt. O. Blakoly, V.


Mrs. II. A. Uiicff la vIhIHiie at North Gholmaford, Maaa. A.

aon wai liorti laat Frldar to Mr. and Mra. Uurt liluir. Mlsa Anna Holden la atonocranher ln tho ofllco ot City Ulork Wo la. Hov.

A. E. Atwater wont on Monday to Iiurlington for a fow daya. A datiBhtor was born laat Thuraday to Mr. and Mra.

Ilamllton Johnaon. Uobert McKnleht roturnod to Boaton on Monday to rosumo his muatcal studies. Mlas Kato Weat. asalatant poatmaUor, haa beon In Iloston during tho paatwook, Ovor ono hundred tlckots from IJarro woro sold for tbo Iioaton oxcuralon last weok. A.

Stafford baa nurchaaod of II. M. Ilouatou for 81.500. a houao and loton Long streot. Tlio Tounc daushter ot Edward llurk has noarly rccoverud from a serlous Ulnoas with acarlotfovor.

Frank Canton, of tho grantte flrtn of Can- ton lirothora, is traveling through Maaaa-chuaotta on a bualness trlp. Mr. aud Mra. G. W.

Ilunt. Mrs. Jamea Bleelow and Wllllatn Dlcelow aro vlslttnir in rrnvuienco, ii. i. I.

N. Cliano of Easoi Junctlon ahinpod a carloau ol young cattlo Irom liarro to al Joaeph, laat Wednesday. Dr. Charlea A. Galo ot Rutland haa been the cuiiBt during tho paat week of Mr.

and Mrs. E. P. Olda at South Barre. The Stato rallroad commlaalonera were ln Ilarro laat Frlday inapecting tho Montpelier wolls ltlvor rallroau anu us urancuea.

Tho crois recelntB of the Mary IIowo con cert Riven at tho Barre opora liouso laat Wedueaday ovening wero oniy sius. Mra. C. Li. Ocklngtou has purchased of Duffy Mead, for 8100, a bulldlng lot at tho coruer of Sherldan and Beacou atreeta.

Dr. E. B. Whlttaker was in BeliowH'Falla laat week to attend the seml-annual inuot-Ing of tho Vermont Uomeopathic Soelety. Itov.

Efllo K. Jonea roturned laat Frl day from Boaton whero ahe haa boen at- tonuing tuo uciveraauat national (jouven-tlon. Mrs. Frank Stafford of St. Johusbury, mother of W.

P. Stafford, waa tho gueat of Mra. L. W. Whttcomb several daya last woek.

Tho members of Company have moved to their new club rooma ln the old city bulldlng, which have been haudsomely fitted up for their uae. The foot-ball caino between the Barre De fendera and the Hardwick team, acheduled for last Saturday alternoon, was poatponed becauae o( the raln. Mlsa Jennio Nlcholaon and Mlea Klttle McLeod left laat Thuraday nlght for Lake wood, 14. wuere they are to work ln a hotol thia wlnter. F.

E. Andrua, auperinteudent of the elec-tric rallroad, has rented one ot C. h. Bug- uco'B nouses on urange street. ile moved hia family there thU week.

E. M. Wheelerof Peacham, baa purchased a half lntereat in the tceat bualneas of J. A Carpenter. Tho name of the new 11 rm will bo Carponter Wheoler.

A large number irom Barro attonded tho receptlon glven laat Thuraday evening at Wllllamatown to Kev. and Mra. P. P. Wo- mer at the resldence of J.

K. Lynde. Ddnnia Keofe waa taken to Rutland la8t week uy Uputy Sberllfdhepard to aerve a Snutencd oi VJ2 days lu the nouse ol correC' tion for aelllng intozlcatlng llquor. Tho Barre Supply Company haa been re orgauizod aa a Btock company with a cant tal of 810,000. W.

Campbell Ia presldont anu general manager oi tuo new company. Fred Blrd, Qeorgo Downie and Jamea Connor returuod laat Frlday nlght from Malno, hringtng with them the cdrcaasoa of alx doer which they shot at Downlug'a (Jmiip, A large number of Odd Fellowa from Montpelier viaited Hlawatha Lodge laat Thuraday nlght when tho aecosd and tblrd degreea were worked. freahments wore serveu. A aon waa born laat Wednesday to Mr, aud Mra. Goorge Phillipa, und a aon the aauie day to Mr.

and Mra. Peter Suther- land. A aon waa born laat Thuraday to Mr. anu Mra. Antoulo 1'cduccl.

Joaeph W. Canton arrlved in Barre laat week Irom the Klondike reglon whore ho has been for two yeara. He brought with him aoiiie excallont aamples of gold taken from clalms which he hua secured in that reglon. Ho expecta to return to Alaaka ln the apring. J.

Stiaw, truvellng paaaenger agont for uio uiiuiuiiau j-acinc ranroau, anu .1, Itobinaon, who holda a sluillar poaltlon for tuo utiicago, liurllngton uml Qaloev rail road, wero lu town laat Fiiday. Hev. Eflle K. M. Jonea apoke at tho Uui versallat churcli last Sunday mornlug on uio rorwaru Movement at tne iloston Convention." Mra.

Jonea had Juat come irom tnat uauonai couventlon anu uer re marka weie uuusually lutereatiag. The Hiilt of A. G. Fny againat State Andl tor O. M.

IUrber which Ia lo be heurd ut tho preaeut term ol Bupreaie uourt Ia Ititor esf, uot only to peoplo of Barro, but lse whoro. Mr. Fay brlnga action againat the State auditor to compol him to pay a feo aa juatice oi tiie peace lu an uuHuccoaalul llijuor rald caae. Jonea Hrothera are cuttiug a soldlora moiuiiiiBiit to bo i-rected at EiHtou, that will welgh, when oomploted uot leaa tuan a'J5 tona lta total coat will he over SH.OOOaud lt will rtquire Ilfteon cara to trauaport it. Surmouuting the die will bo tho Ugure of a bugler in herolc alza and at each of the four cornera a lifo alzu (lguro of an urtlllorymiu, au infautrymau, a aoldler at parade roat, aud a sailor.

Ir. will bo ouo ol the uueat Joua over sent out of Barro. Plytnou Seavor, father of Goorgo M. Soaver, aud Ulydo MeAlllater, tuo youug Bou of Charlea II. MoAlliatoi, both of Washington, wero terrlbly lnjured lu Barro thia mornlug.

Tho buggy ln which they wero rldlng wiih smaHhed Into by a heavy grau-ito team that waa ruunlng away. iioili wore thrown vlolently to the grouud. Mr. Soaver waa unconacloua whon plckod up, aud remaiuod ho for aomo tlme. He waa budly cut and bruieod about tho head, but no bonea wore hrokeu.

Tho McAlllator boy lnul ono leg brokeu, and waa otherwiao out und hrulaed. The buggy in which thoy wore rldlng waa complotely wreuked. N. R. Davla, mauager of the Montello Grantte Company of Montello, Wla and Mlaa Gertrude N.

lieonunl of Barre wero marrled laat wo'k at tho home of Mra, E. Cutta un Highland Avooue. Hev, A. Atwator waa tha oflloiating clergymau. Followlug tho ceremouy a brlof receptiuu was hold.

Mr. aud Mra. Davla lnft on Monday for tholr liouio lu Moutello. Tho groom waa formerly a well kuou realdeutof Barro whoro ho waa omployod in Uio Nalloiml bauk, and Mlas Leonard haa loug boen promluently ldontltled wllh IlHddlug ehurch. Their frienda iu Barre wlsh them a long Ilfoof happiuoia.

At the regular lueeting of the board of aldermen, bold laat week a petltlon waa re-celvod for a ro-aurvoy of a portion of Berlin Btroot which waa roferred to the commltteo ouHtreeta. Thia connulttee roportod favor-ably ou puttlug lu new aowera on Franklin aud Glrcle streeta, Their roport waa adopt-od. Bulldlng nermlta were grauted to Al-len Hobh.A. W. ltohluaon.

Dr. O. II. It iud, Warren Howland, J. McGorem aud V.

O. Jonea, The treaaurer waa authorizuil to mako a temporary loan of mouoy to bo neoil for improvlng tho wator Hjdtom The proporty commlttee waa iiiBtnic.t lo placo a tolephoue iu the police ofllce. Theaunual moetlng of tho Barro Civlo Federallon nf Womon's cluba wai hclii laat Thurailay aftornoou at the rooinn of the lUtoinmrH ut) on I'roancct atreei. xuo roport nf the Troaaurer ghowod a balancu of 822U.33 ou hand. Tho thanka of tho Fed-oratlon woro oxtonded to F.

W. Stauyan aud Col. II, lt. Stoughton for Bocurlng tranaportatlon of the cannon and balla which bavo beon placed In poaltlon on tho Spaulding Hlgh school grounds aud to Georgo T. Connor and Crandall post for tholr asalatanco ln aocurlng tho aamo from tho govornmont.

It was voted to continuo, In tho apring, tho work of beautlfylng tho grounds at the cornor of Semluary and Summer atroots, lt tho Aldorinen will grant tuo I requirou porinlBslon, Tho omcora oloctod for the onsnlng year aro I'resl. dont, Mra. Ida A. Martln: vlce prosidont, Mlas Edlth Boycs; eecrotary, Mlas Eatelle J. Norton; troasuror, Mrs.

Carrlo Townoi audltors, Mrs. Alma Porry aud Mra, Heater SlurRhllold. Mrs. Josoph Ilamllton of Newport is via ltlng hor mothor and slsters ln this placo. F.

J. Marshall attendedahe recent moet lng of tho Vormont Bar Assoclatlon at Montpelier. MrB. Cbarles A. Merrlll of Manchester, N.

H. is vialtlng hor cousln, J. L. Sever-ance. Doarj W.

Edaon and wife were visltors at hia father's for a day or two recently. Thoy havo also been onjoylng a vacatlon ln Boaton. C. J. Wood haa sold his liouso, barn and amall gardan ou Maln Btreet to Mrs.

Bteven-sun of Cabot, posaesaion to be glven November 1G Mr. and Mrs, I. P. Slack aro furnlshing a honBO ln St. Johnabury.

A. E. Lamberton went with a load of gooda for them laat Wodnesday. Wood Brothors are movlng their engtne and boiler to the Klnnoy mills property owned by them and will there retlt and set it up to furniah power for their board Baw A Bilbacrlbor of the Manchester Unton fav- ors ub with the following cllpplng from the marriage column of that paper "Preston- Wood. In Franklin, Cbarles Preston and Jennle Wood, both of Marshfield, Vt." When do we smoke? Through the efforta ot Mrs.

L. D. Nute. a purao of about haa been made up for the beneflt of Earl Kellogg who Ia undor going treatmentat the hospltal ln Burling ton, xuoso wno nave contnnuted to tiiia wtli not mlas the small Dortlon naid bv them and it could not be glven lu aid ot those more worthy or who would receive it witb more gratoful hearta. Between four and flvo o'clock Tueaday morning Mrs.

Andie Cole waa awakeneu by a nolae at the wlndow, Keachtng out she gave the curtaln, which waa on a apring roll, a pnll and lot lt go up revealing a man who had raiaed the lower sash of the wlndow and was Just abont to get in. Before she could get Andte su01clently 'awaka to know what was taklng place the lntruder was too far away to give pursuit. George D. Kldder and J. A.

Foss ot Plainfield have purchased of Mrs. T. O. Parker of Barre for 81,100 a certain piece of land southwest of Wood Brotbers' milla and known as the Kelley lot. Qulte a portion ot thia property is tlmber land and lt ls principally for thU that Messrs Eidder and Foss have purchased lt.

The contraet for cuttiug and dellvering thls tlmber to Wood Brotbers' mllla has lieon lot tn Frank Rn- honon and Fred Darling, they to have two I years in which to do lt. Wood Brotbers aro to llnlBh the lumbor ready to car. We regret to loarn of the sudden death of pneumonla of J. M. Batchelder, proprietor of our villago water suppiy, which occurred at hia homo in Plainfield Monday morning, October 23, Many people in tho yiDage owo him thankB for a supply of nlce spring water at thoir bulldlnga, who would to-day be narryiug water In the same old way from tholr moro fortunato ueighbora had he not Interoated himsolf iu their behalf, at the same timo maklng a profitable Inveatment.

He recently spent Beveral days in town with tho objeot of very matorially increas-ing tho supply by the addition of new sprlnga, Thero la probably no place in town whoro a Bower ia ao much ueoded aa for a short di8tance oxtendlng from the gulde board epsieriy to me commou. Here In the apring ilme la a petfect pond varylug from threo inchoi to ono foot in depth untll all tho anow and ice iu tho surroundlng nelgh-borbood la melted and tbe ground thawed BUUlclently to allow it to soak iu. A few dollars judlcioualy expended here would lnstittite a change that would be appreclat-ed by all, and oapooially tho patrons of tho letter box and vialtura from the weat end to tho puhllc llbrary. What bettor time to flx it tbau the present? Wntorburj'. T.

T. Farrell of Canaan viaited hia family laat week. 8. W. Jnnea will occupy the F.

L. Grifilu houae ou Uuiou alreot. A. Lan'dt returned on Mouday from a via-it to Boaton and Lowell. W.

E. Battlos who has boen off duty with un injnrod ankle la again at work. E. II. Bloas has sold hia placo ou Stowe atroet to Mre.

Uolmea of Moretown. Mra. M. E. Greeno and children have returned to their home ln Waltham, Mass.

Mrs. W. E. Carpenter la havlng her tene-ment houae on Unton stroet arrauged for two famlllea. Fred Cooley ia erectlng a bulldlng on Maln atreot next to Smith Soinervlllo's atoro for a photograph atudlo.

Ilev. W. H. Blount has aold his resldence at Colbyvlllo to O. A.

Allen aud will board for tho preaent with C. M. Uibba. A new Unitod Statea letter box haa been placed In psaliion at tho railway atallou to replace the old ono which had bocomo too small, C. O.

Warren has purchased tho Clough place at Mlll Villago which adjoins his laud und will lopair the barn to keep hia teams lu in tho tuture. Tho Phllomathcan Soelety ia to meot with MrH. Btrauau.iu next Frlday afternoon. 8ubjects, Castlea of the Uhino, Siraaburg, Mat nuYiuK teuuvcrou ituiu ma roconi injury Charlea Moody roturned to Waabingtou, 1). 0., laat Siturday to Jiln Profotaor Fronch aa hia asaiataut.

Hov. Auatlu Hazen. with his slx brothorH. sona pf tho late Bev. Auatlu Hziu ol Klch luoml, woro the guests of tholr ui.ele, Hov.

Ii. H. hlliot over bunday. Tho aeeond ontertalnmont In the lecturo course will occur WednoHdny ovoniug. 1-ward 11, Frye, tho fuuiuui munolognlat, will reclte "Davld Harum." G.

E. Woodward of Franklin. N. haa moved iuto the houao formerly occupled by Ned Frary aud is to form a parluorahlp wllh W. II.

Audersou Iu the box factorv at Colbyvllle. Tho IjjilleH1 Mlaaionary Socletr of tho Cougregatlounl churoh will hold ita uunual thauk olferlng on Wedueaday aftornoou at threo o'clock iu tho vestiy. Itrv. H. O.

Dwihtot Coustantiuonle will dollvor au uddrosB. Tho Hypatla olub will moet thia weok with Mra. F. E. Atklua.

The program Ia aa followa: Franklin and Edwarda: Jouathau Edwarda: Thoughta iu a Thunder The Mauy-sldod Frauklln; Tho Way to Wealth Early Auiorlcau Sehoola and News- mpora; uuatoma aim Jiauuers iu yo uuieu I'lmea. F. O. Evaua uuv bo nardonod hia nride ln his hocalah uddiilou to his tlrst-claBa llvorv when it la known that hia trloofswlne camo from tho famoua Moulton stook farm at HiiidolDh und uro reglatered. uuro brod.

large Eugllah Berkshire hogs, They are at-tracttng much attentlou. When you oan not sleop for conghlng tako Chamherlalu'H Cough Itemedv. It alwajs gives prompt rellef, It ia most ox-cellentfor oolda. too, aa lt alda oxpeetoruy tlon, rellovea tho lunga aud prevonts au-tendency toward pueutuouia. For Balo by O.

Blakoly. Northllold. Work on tho new Mayo block haa cloaed untll Bprlng. Waltor Iluntloy roturned from Boston Monday ovenlng. Mra.

Alfred Beati who has been aorlouBly 111 la reportod bettor. Horbort Glldden purchased tho Homer farmat auctlon for 811S0. W. H. Manadeld la couflned to hia houae throateued with a fover.

F. L. Howe reoelved an lnvolce ot Swedo granlto thls weok. The excurson to Boaton was well patron-lzod by Northfield peoplo. Dr.

and Mrs. Georgo Nichols havo moved to their roouia at the Northfield Houao. Samuol H. Grabatn has obtalned a Bltua-tlon as telegraph operator at Woodatock. Work at the corn factory has been dohiv- ed tho paat week by the uon-arrival of cans.

Mrs. A. Tj. Case who recently went to Boston to livo fell and aprained her ankle. Fred Dole, who waa lnjured by a run-away ono wook ago, la atlll conflnod to his bod.

I'hotographer Bullock furniahed the vlows of Dewey Day ln Northfield for the Vermonler. There was a large attendance at the Kir-meaa Frlday ovenlng undor tho dlrectton ot Prot. Elmore. A speclal communlcatlon ot Pewltt Olln-ton lodge, F. and A.

will be held noxt Wednesday evening. Tho trlal of Ollver Oiborne will take placo Wednesday at nlne A. before Justlco Georgo H. Fiaher at the offlco ot M. Davla.

Tho foot-ball game between Montpelier Seminary and Norwich Dniveralty on the parade Monday reaulted In a victory for the Onlvoralty by a scoro of 47 to 0. The auctlon at Dennla SdIoviIh which waa to have taken place Monday waa broken up by tho appearance of Deputy 8herlff Wlnch and Couatable Holdon, who attached all tbetittachable property. Wuitsiioiu Verne Davla has returned from a two montha trlp to Canada. Mrs. George HaBlings has gone to npetnl a few dayB ln Waterbury.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Berry haue returned from a vlalt to dilterent pointa ln Vermont and New Hatnpahlre.

The ladlos of the homo clrcle will glve their annual chlcken ple snpper Tuesday evening, November 14. Mlss EUen M. Mlller ot Brockville, On-tario la vlsttlng at the home of her brother. Kev. W.

T. Miller. Nat. C. Carpenter of Waitsfield and Mlaa Florence Hurdle of Moretown wero marrled at the Methodiat paraonage Saturday evening, October 28.

Mlas Goaa, Mrs, Carrle Miller and Itev. W. T. Miller will tako part in a blble les-Bon upon tho Creatlon, ton minutes eacb, on Thuraday evening, November 2. All are invlted to come to this ilrst lesson ot a series.

H. O. Ward has bonght of A. Josllu his home farm. stock, hay, graln and farm-ing tools, also the wood lot and paature known as the Cassiua Joslln lot.

Vern Grlmth of Fayston is to have the farm of Mr. Ward and get out lumber to pay for the same. Tho Waitsfield Lectura conrHn will ntTr tho first ontertainment at the Methodiat church on Tuesday evening, November 21, uy iiio inu uoncen uompany, oomprlaed of Joaeph Vlau, tenorj Lee S. TIUotBon of St. Albans, cornetlatj G.

H. Wilder flutlat, and Mrs. Bertha ratton Viau, accompan-iat, under the management o( G. H. Wilder Of Montpelier who haa klndiy contributed tbo use 0t his flne plano.

The commlttee has mado every elfort to furniah hlgh grado entertalnmenta, and ln return ask all to lond their aid and aupport by their attendance. Ticketa will be on sale at the stores at uaual pricee. Kast Barre. Constable A. B.

Hutchina ia havlng hia baru clapboarded and repalred. The new lock-up ln the baaement of the hoae houae Ia completed and ready foroccu-pmcy. It. J. Woodward haa had a long diatance telephone put Into hia store oppoaite the hotel.

Mr. and Mra. Levl Sargent returned Monday afternoon from a carriage drlve to St. Johnabury of four or flve daya- Georgo Lucla waa ln town Saturday evening and Sunday vialtlng aud attending the dance in the opera honae. Work on tho quarrlea waa practlcally auspended laat Frlday and Saturday ou ac-count of tho raln.

Mra. Stewart Moore of Barre city vislted her parents Mr. aud Mrs. A. J.

Thuraton, laat week alao her brother at Weat Topsham. Servleea at the Congregational church Sunday evening wero omltted owing to the lndiapoaitlonDI the paator, Rev. W. Parkyn Jackaon. Mrs.

George H. HntchinB haa been vialtlng ln Oholaea and West Fairlee for tho paat few davs. She waa accompanled by Mrs Frank Hutchina of Barre city. F. L.

Tucker and family weut to Weat Fairlee laat Frlday to vlalt relatives, Mr. Tucker returned Monday. HU family will retuain several days, Simuel McDunald from Barre city haa rented tho Stoarna houae of W. E. Poole formorly occupled by B.

T. Chaae, Mr. Mc-Donald expecta to engago iu the granite cuttiug buslnesa. Ilarry MeAlllater was at hia brother Ar-Ihur McAlllster'a for abort call IaatSjn-day on hia way to Washington to vlalt his crandmothor who haa boen dangerously 111 for the paat fo.v moutha, Monday aftornoon an alarm of tlre waa glven. It waa aoon learned tho achool houae was on tlro.

Tho hose cart was Im-medlatoly takou to the apot but owing to tho woik of tho teachers the Uimea wero aubdue.l auil eounecMon with tho hydrant was not ntcoiaary. Tho rlra caucht around I th reglater on tho lowor tl jor. the furnace i boiug ao near the timbera overhead. Aortli aiontpollor. xho crBlimery ms lt9 uew bolor set aml nearlv roadv for uan.

r.tuinwt, wltli il, Knoil rir. c0 uro to hold their annual aprou festlval 8ome tiul0 ln tl)u uear jutHre. There waa a geueroua tnrnout from thia villago to tho play "The Heart of Mary land," Barre, laat Monday evening. Mlaa Alga aud IjoiiIo Htmmett, after a ahort vlalt with tlielr siater, Mrs. L.

C. Hammett, returned to their home in Phila-delphla, laat Thuraday. Georgo F. Bibley, Mr. aud Mrs.

A. T. Gray. Mrs. G.

8. Gray, Mra. II. C. Hollia-lor, Georgo Pray, M.

Cato and O. I. Nyu are all at tho llub. Heury Cato, tbo crayou partralt artiat, who haa boen Wt for several montha la again at hin old homo here, where he can ba found uutll further notlce, Our eateemod friaud Orlando Kuapp, who haa spent the sprlng and aummer months here, went last week to Boaton. It Is hia luteution now to spend the wlnter thore.

The New Euglaud Telophoue Company Ia at wotk sotting a uew llno of poles from 1'lultilloUl through this villago to Hardwick preparatory to puttlug a double line clrcult, which tmpruveuient all patrons will nppre-ciate. Topshunt. Mra. Frank Fostor of Melroae, ia vialtlng at George MoLaiu's. Alonz) Scrutou has moved back to his placo iu tli villago.

Uoad Ooinnilai-lonor J. A. White has moved to tho Ezeklel White farm, Jtldgo J. lt. Meliam and A.

Worin-wood liavo returned from Boston, Mra, Smith who was recently burued tut is llving at the home ot George Merritt..

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