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The Evening Bulletin from Maysville, Kentucky • Page 3

Maysville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

v'' M' A BIG SUCCESS. I' The Third Annual Convention of tho Kentucky Christian En doavor Union Tho Maysvillo delegates to tho third annual convention of the Kentucky -Christian Endeavor Union returned from Augusta yesterday, and roported the mooting a grand success in every way. They were a happy lot, all being loud in praise of the good people of Augusta for the cordial reception and hospitablo entertainment of tho many visitors. It is estimated that fully five hundred delegates and visitors wero present during tho session, and all wero entertained with true christian hospitality. About fifty Maysvillians wero in attendance Saturday, and almost as many on Sunday.

The meeting was a revelation to tho Augustans, and thoy wero no doubt surprised at tho interest and zeal manifested by the young people in tho Master's cause. The Secretary's annual report shows that since tho last convention thirty-four new societies have been reported and eleven disbanded. There are now one hundred societies in tho State, beside tho juniors. Tho Presbyterian Church takes the lead in tho number of societies, followed by tho Christian Church. In tho State aro eleven unions and twelve junior societies are in existence.

The annual report of the Union Treasurer showed $114 received and $188 expended, leaving a deficit of $74. About $215 was raised Saturday to pay tho deficit and for tho support of the State Union. Of this $215, Maysvillo societies contributed about $40. Maysville, Lexington, Covington, Versailles and Owensboro all want the next annual meeting, and tho matter was left to the Executive Committee. Lexington will likely bo the place.

Tho services Sunday night were especially interesting, lasting from 7 o'clock until after 11 o'clock. First came tho symposium of all tho pastors present. Eov. W. D.

Rice, Rev. F. W. Ramsay, Rov. Dr.

Overton, Rev. Dr. R. V. Hunter and several other ministers made short speeches, telling of the help they derived from tho society.

Then camo the consecration meeting led by Dr. James Lewis Howe, of Louisville. First as individuals then as societies the delegates pledged themselves to renewed work in tho Master's cause. Tho church was crowded to its utmost, and fully two hundred people were turned away. One result of the convention was tho organization of a society in the 21.

E. Church, South, of Augusta, Sunday with twenty active members. The delegates wero all given a handsome souvenir in the shapo of beautiful programmes of tho convention. These were the work of the Augusta members, and reflect much credit on their artistic taste. SraiKa hatsNelson's.

Delicious coffee, Calhoun's. Best mixed paints at Greenwood's. Geo. W. Sulsek, law, firo insurance.

ii 'Cheapest wall paper at Greenwood's. Reliable firo insurance W. R. Warder. Window glass all sizes at Greenwood's.

S. Judb, insurance and collection agency. A. M. Campdell, real-estate, loans and collections.

SrECiAL job lot Lion coffee, for sale by M. C. Russell Son. 1 1 Call on Duley Baldwin when in need of tiro insurance. Born, Monday morning, to the wife of Mr.

Wise, a son. i The Harris fuel gas plant at Waehing- City will bo completed by first of May. 1 1 -The meeting in the Riploy Christian Jhurch closed Sunday night. There wore twenty-seven additions. 1 1 Douglass Division of Cincinnati will institute a division of tho Uniform Rank, K.

of P. at Riploy May 18. Mrs. T. T.

Doryns, of Forest avenuo, has been ill with the German measles several days but is improving. i Greenwood's paint storo has tho latest in wall paper, tho best mixed paints and tho lowest prices on overything. -1 1 Messrs. D. M.

Carson and Wm. E. McLean, of Monticello, wero hero looking at tho fuel gas. ii For sale, cheap, the brick and other material of tho old "Spalding House." Apply at once to A. M.

Campbell. iti' i Mr. anp Mrs. John M. Hunt aro rejoicing over tho arrival of a handsome ten-pound eon at their homo yesterday-John Mullins Hunt, Jr.

Judos Deminq, of Mt. Olivet, was in town this morning attending Circuit Court. Ho is an attorney for defendant in the ease, against Lewis Thompson for cutting Dick Hwate year ago last fall. Mn. RiciiAnu Dawaon has sold a house on Wood street, Sixth ward, to Mr.

James Dawson. ii Mn. E. Stanley Lee's Fourth street res- idenco was not sold yesterday. Tho best bid was $3,100.

i Taylor Alexander arrived yesterday from Hot Springs and says ho will leave soon for Long Branch. 1 1 An Epwortlt League, with thirty-eight members, has been organized at tho Forest avenue M. E. Church. Tub members of tho Cynthiana Baptist Chinch have let the contract for a new houso of worship to cost $10,000.

ii Mr. Louis Potii, of tho Sixth ward, is Buffering from a broken rib, tho result of trying to mount an obstreperous mule. i Dns. G. M.

Phillips and John O'Brien will open a first-class pharmacy in a few days at Crowell's old stand in tho Fifth ward. 1 1 K. Carey, of Riploy, has been appointed a guard in tho Columbus penitentiary. Tho Abordeen applicants failed to get there. 1 1 Dr.

Hale's Household Cough Cure cures every kind of a cough, from a simple cold to incipient consumption. Sold by Power Reynolds. 1 1 Mr. R. L.

Reynolds was in town yesterday in tho interest of The Industrial American, of Lexington, and while hero called on the Bulletin. The reduction on ladies' and gents' gold watches continues at Murphy's, the jeweler also clocks at reduced prices. Successor to Hopper Murphy. Captain Wash Honshell is at his home in Catlettsburg in bettor health than for somo time. His reported illness at Chicago was greatly exaggerated.

i Mr. John P. McCartney, of Flemings-burg, came down this morning on legal business. He was accompanied by Dr. Waugh.

1 1 Mr. John W. the Fifth ward, received notice yesterday that ho has been granted a pension of $12 a month. The arrearages amounted to $125. Second Street Property for Sale.

Buildings occupied White, Judd Miss Niland and Miss Powling. For further information" apply to Thomas R. Phistcr. Mr. Edward Biuqhtman, who hag been engaged in the poultry business hero for several months, leaves to-night for his home at Boston.

He expects to return next fall. 1 1 Sutton street was named for one of Maysville's most respected citizens of the olden time Sutton Isaacs who was grandfather of the lato Mrs. Susan Dim- Morning Call. Died, April 9, df dropsy, at the Soldiers Home, Dayton, Wm. L.

Britton, formerly of this city, aged Bixty years. Ho leaves two sons, Mr. Wm. S. Britton, of this city, being ono of them.

Mr. Georoe M. Bell left yesterday for Lexington where ho intends making his home. Ho has been connected with Uncle Sam's Navy and was at Valparaiso, Chili, during tho lato rumpus. You can borrow money to buy a homo and have over seven years to pay it back if you take stock in the People's Building Association.

Robert L. Baldwin, Secretary; JohnDuloy Treasurer C.L.Salleo, Attorney. 1 1 Ballenoer, tho jeweler, has secured raoro commodious quarters just oast of Mitchell, Finch Bank, and will move into tho new storo soon. In the meantime you can secure anything in tho jewelry lino at his old stand. Greenup was visited by a firo Sunday that made things lively for awhile, and camo near wiping out tho town.

The blazo started in Taylor's livery stable, and that and tho adjoining stablo belonging to Mrs. Caroline Smoots wero destroyed. Having closed out their stoves and tinware, W. L. Thomas Bro.

have moved their stock of queensware and glassware into the store room on Court street immediately at tho rear of tho old store. Thoy' aro offering these goods at "prices never boforo offored, and are anxious to close them out as soon as possible. Parties owing the firm will confor a favor by calling and settling their accounts, dtf IsaaoS. Cobb wont before 'Squire Grant yesterday and had' a warrant issued for Frank Edgington for breach of tho peace. Cobb married Edgington's daughter, but ho and his wife had some trouble lately and she went back to hor father's, taking tho children with hor.

Cobb went Sun day to get his children, and eaya the old man, tho old woman, his wife and her sister all jumped on him. Ho wears several cuts and bruises on his face as a result of tho ecrimmago They all reside on Kennedy's Creek, east of tho city. FISCAL COURTS And County Treasurers Tho Govor- nor's Salary Doings of tho Legislature. The Houso at Frankfort yesterday took up tho Revenue bill. Tho article on fiscal courts, and tho question as to whether magistrates or commissioner's should constitute them, was tho point of consideration.

On account of a slim attendance and a variety of preferences botween tho two systems, tho wholo matter was postponed till next Friday. Tho article on County Treasurers was then taken up. Tho same question of doubt arose over it not being settled as to whether a County Treasurer should bo elected or whether his duties should be performed by tho Sheriff. Tho House reconsidered its action abovo and both subjects of fiscal courts and County Treasurers wero made a special order for to-day. Tho Hart bill, providing for a State Inspector of Coal Oil and Petroleum, was made a special order for April 21.

Tho Committee on Education reported adversely Mr. Tato's bill providing for an increase, of 1 cents of tho common school levy, and prescribing the compensation of County Superintendents. Mr. Tate defended the merits of his bill, but it was killed by being refused a second reading. Mr.

Gay's bill to promote school interests at Winchester was roported favorably, and ordered to second reading. By consent, tho Committee on Public Offices reported Mr. Pettit's bill to fix the Governor's salary at $0,000 and abolish all incidentals, such as house rent, gas, ice, etc. They reported the bill with an amendment making the salary $7,000 and the rental of a house. Tho Senate did not have a quorum and adjourned without doing anything.

Tho House has passed tho bill providing for election of Special County Court Judges. Tho bill provides that attorneys may select a man who is not a lawyer to preside, in tho absence of the County Judge. A bill now pending provides that insurance companies that take firo and storm risks on real property shall, on all policies issued hereafter, be liable for the full estimated value ol the property insured where tho loss is total, and where it is partial the liability of tho company shall not exceed the actual loss of the partyinsured. "'V Mr. C.

B. Willis, of Brooksville, Democratic candidate for Circuit Clerk of Bracken, came up this morning to be examined by Judge Cole touching his qualifications for the office. The Louisville Times' correspondent remarks that Joe Sparks of Vanceburg is one of thecloverest Republicans in Washington City. Tho correspondent ought to have added "and ono of the handsomest." i Governor Brown refuses to pardon C. O.

Mobro who is serving a sixty-day sentence in tho Paris jail for maligning tho Christian Church at that place. The Governor regards Moore's conduct as inexcusable. 1 1 Mr. Dan Perrine is guardian of somo children who aro entitled to a pension from Undo Sam, and that explains tho postal from Commissioner Raum mentioned yesterday. It was their application that had been filed and not his.

The attempt to organize a fish and game club yesterday was not successful. Nobody responded to tho invitation. The parties who take an interest in such matters thought the notice was a fake and intended as a joko on them. Another call will Boon bo issued. W.

H. Chain returned from Manchester yesterday, all smiles. Ho succeeded in inducing tho old folks to let him have his and she accompanied him. They called at the County Clerk's office and got a certificate of their marriage, and then proceeded on their way to Sardis. 1 1 Thirty now names wore added to the Weekly Bulletin's subscription list during February, thirty now names have been added since then.

If you aro not taking tho paper try it a year and you will not do without it then. Only $1.50 a year. Now is tho timo to sub- scribo. i Cards have beon issued announcing the approaching nuptials of Miss May Morris and Mr. Farmer Dewcese Cochran, of Covington.

April 21 is tho dnto of tho marriage. Miss Morris was ono of the bridesmaids at tho Evans-Bruce nuptials at tho Central Presbyterian Church, this city, early last fall. ii Ben Estep, whoso homo is in tho West End, says his wifo, Sarah Ellen, deserted him somo time ago, and left town with a man namedJoe Friloy. Ho is not very anxious to find hor, but would like to got his threo children whom she tookaway with hor. Ho Bays ho located tho couple dyer in Ohio a few days ago, but thoy skipped out boforo ho could ketch up With thorn, and wont to Cincinnati.

SPRING JACKETS! We have just received an invoice from $3 to $10. Ladies not fail Dress Goods Our line is not equaled in tho city. All tho new and desirable shades at 25c, 35c, 60c, 75c. and $1.00 per yard. Wo have also received our lino of -SPRING HOSIERY FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN, In Black and Fancy Colors.

Our Black Hosiery is all of tho celebrated Ethiopian Dye, warranted fast and stainless. Have just received one hundred and fifty dozen of these Fast Black Ribbed Hoso for Ladies and Children at 10c. per pair. BROWNING 51 WEST SECOND. EASTER NOVELTIES lEstster Booklets.

KBSpccIal price to Sunday school teachers. WALLPAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. Price on Willi Paper lower thnn ever before 8c. per bolt for Embossed Paper. Think of It.

Now deslRU and new coloring. The llncst Wall Paper ever seen for 20c. SC1NTILLARE Is the new style Wall Paper. K1CKLEY McDOUGLE, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. iliAXDRETIPS GARDEN SEED! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL-FOR SALE BY THOS.

J. OHENO WETH DRUGGIST, SECOND AND SUTTON. -irsH- jlEr'JSi gBBaia AxJiAJlAss-Sk--i--rr BIERBOWBR -Wholesale and MANTELS JINWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR CELEBRATED The HOUSTON -FOR Liquor, Morphine IS THE BEST REMEDY IN EXISTENCE Because I It restores the glands to their normal condition, Tho patient is furnished with all of tho best stimulants to bo had whilo under treatment until he stops their use of his Own Free "Will. His natural appetito is restored and his stomach performs its functions regularly, and in Three Weeks He is a Happy and Cured Man.

Hundreds have beon cured at Omaha, Denver, Minneapolis and other cities. DR. E. HOUSTON is giving his personal supervision at tho Institute in tho Johns Building, LEXINGTON, KY. DR.

W. t. ELMORE, Physician in Charge and Medical Director for Kentucky. U. PARIS WHEELER, Office at Daulton Bros.1 Btablea, VETERINARY SURGEON.

Cures all cases of lameness or no charge. Has a blister from French school that will not blemish. of Spring Jackets, in Black and Colors, desiring light Wrap should to see them. For Spring RELIABLE MR ANAHAN to NHrfl. SX'I'n.

i i i viikii SaHi Dealers In STOVES, mantels', orates, Inwaro, Tin-Roofing, Gullerlngand Spouting. Jasollno Stoves, Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezer. Retail Dealers in- JOHN VAN RANGES. NARCOTIC CURE THE-o- Tobacco Habit It is not injurious to the patients. It does not violate any of the laws of nature.

It acts on the glandular system. DRESSMAKING! Miss BETTIK A. HILL has opened a dressmaking establishment at Miss Anna Frozar's, and in-yltcs the ladles to giro her a call. a dlm ifi. i'--.

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