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Nashville Union and American from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 4

Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
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Pint 'Item of" JPaclftc Railroad Expcn- dlture. Washington comaponaenl of the Alexandria Sentintl, in noticing the Ttporl of Gen. G. W. Bowman, Saperin'ttniient of the publio printing, calls attention to the fact that the printing ef the pacific Bailroad Report, lullcost over one million of dollari This fnrnishts a salutary -warning.

What will He the gross cost of an unconstitutional enterprise, or which the mere incidents are so alarming. necessity for a thorough reform in the management of the public printing. Bridal inventory ot Cliarras. There is a prospect of this being required, on oath, to make a marriage legah The female, fak-fications are said to hare become bo numerous that then- may be a rewal of the la mentioned in the following bit of history: "An act was introduced into the English Parliament in 1770, 'that all rank, profession or de- VfUIUCU, V. grec, whether Ihey be maids or -widows, that shall, from and after such aot, impote upon, and betray into any'of his Majesty's male subjects, by scents, paints, cosmetic leathtt, artificial teeth, Spanish wool, iron tay, hoops, high-heeled shoes, bolstered hips, shall incurthe penalty of" the law now in force against witchcraft and like that the marriage, upon conric-tion, shall Etond null and void." Eclipses tltc Present Vcar.

There will be fonr eclipsts of the sun in 185 viz: a partial eclipso on the 2d of February, Invis-ibleiere; a partial one on the 4th of Mtrch, here another on the 20th of July, partial and Tery small-it will end at 41 minutes past six in the eTeningj another on August visible paly in the Great Southern Ocean. Th'ere will be two eclipses of the moon the first on the 27th of February, will be total. It will commence at 18 mitfutes past 4 o'clock in the morning, middle 6 o'clock end quarter before 8. The other August 13th, will not be visible. Fred Doafflass' Daughter lor Sale.

Among the serrants offercd.for sale by a Mr. Forrest, of Memphis, is a grl who is known to be the daughter of the notorious Fred Douglass, the "free-nigger" Abolitionist. She is said to be of the class known among the dealers as a "likely girl," and is a native of North Carolina. She remembers her parient" very Tiridly, haying seen him during his last wieit to the Old North State. The Memphis Avalanche that as Fred is amply able to make the outlay, he should either purchase his own flesh andblocd from servitude, or cease his shrieks over an institution wmcn possesses such untold horrors.

Xt.CHIATBAX. HI. E. chathac CHEATHAM, WHOLESALE GIlOCEItS, AMD DEALERS ui IINE BRANDIES, CIGARS, NAILS, DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Sec, CORNER OF COLLEGE ASD CHURCH STREETS, Nashville, Tennessee. Wl Ears Justin receipt of a Urge and well selected stock of Tjr iukui ISO hhdj Sugar, all grades; 100XM genuine Havana Cigars; SSJO bbli choice Molasses; aj tegs 100 do do lOOdozen Tainted Buckets; 450 bags prime Rio Coffee; Tubs; 100 ibis Powdered, Crusted and 10 Mils English Walnuts; Loaf "agar; 10 bbls Pecans; 110 boxes Star Candles; 10 bbls Filberts.

00 boxes Tobacco, assorted FINE BKANDIES, WINES, iC. 25 choice French Brandies; 20 casks lladeira, Sherry, and Port Winestf ISO baskets best brands Champagne; SO boxes Scorill Claret, SO do St. alien do 30 casks London Porter; 10 casks Scotch Ale; 1(10 bbls Walker's Ale; 100 bblslne Robertson Connty.Wblskys 2J bbls pure old Rye do iln An An Ttaurhon do And also a large stock of Common Whisky, American Brandy, Gin, POWDER AGENTS A md for the Duoont. Hazard and Svcasore Powder. The nn dersiimed Leimr the onlr Acents in Nashville of the Manufacturers; would call the attention of the Merchants and Trailers, to largt stock of Powder on hand, in JlagaziDe lor sue.

3000 kegs Dupont Rifle Powder; 2000 kegs Hazard Blasting Pow 500 do do do der; 300 a do do do 3000 kegs Sycamore Blasting 0000 kecs Haiard do do l'owoer; 300 do do do 200 do do do ISO cases of Powder, assorted brands; SO bbls Toy, Bedford a. Co, safety fuse. E. P. CHEATHAM, Agents.

5000 kegs Dupout Blasting PoW' der. anil M. SOLE AGENTS FOB Dupont I Powder; Ilazard do Sycamore do Joy, Bickford Fuse 8afety racuiico audcrscx, I Lebanon, Tenn. CUEBCH ANDIESOV Sathrille. Tenn.

1. C. AlDEROi, wholesale gkocxks, raosscc asd rOBWAKDING Jtl lilt CHANTS, axd scalers in BRANDIES, WINES, WHISHT, ALSO, Dealers in Bacon, Lurd and Country Pro. tiuce, of Every Description, Crner of College and Bread KASllvlLLE, TENNESSEE. 1M hhds Saw: 200 bags See; 100 bbls Molasses; SO kegs Golden Syrup; 23 bbls powd'd Sugar; IS do crushed do '30 boxes 1.

Loaf; 2U tierces fresh Rice; 250 boxes Star Candles; SI) do Tallow ds do Sosp; SO do Quart Flasks; 25 do pintandXd SO i bbls Cin histy; 200 do Old do SO do Amer. Brandy; 30 bars JO bags Tepper; bbls Raie Ginger; 5 ccr. choice Indljo; 500 Fine Salt; 500 do K.nawa bait; 200 hoxrsTobaccs. assorted iezi Lead; Legs Shot; 25 keys fftne; 5 bbls Peach Branny; 25 cliestaUreen Tea; 25 do Black do; 100 bUs Smok. Tolacco; Cigars, assorted; 3 bbls Old Port Wine; SbO kegs Nails; Together with maiy ather articles such as are usually kept In he Grocery line, tjanlt-tf P.

C. ANDERSON. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CiNSIBTINO In part or JLudicH unci Gents Traveling' Cases', EatiicD Work Hoick and Cubraa; Ladies Traveling I every Tarlety. Just received by decSl J.

n. McOII.L. HEAD PURSES. Ilenvy Silk Bead Purses; lleavr Silk Plain Purses; Eight Plain Silk l'ures; Buck Purses; In endless varitty.jnst received by dec21 J. UcQILL.

Fancy Goods. Ilaiors. Razsrtiops, Shaving Cream, Shaving Powders, Alooey Belts, Com us, etc. Pocket Knives, Hair Brushes, Forte Monaiet, Alarm Dells, Just received and fersale ec2 J. H.

McOILL. Dressing Cases. JTJST received and for sale a splendid assortment of Endictt und Gents Furnihiiing Cases, furnished and unfurniaheJ, all sorts and sixes, by J. II. McOILL.

Hair Hose. INDIAN, Cashmere, Shaker Flannel, Lambs Wool, Merino Brown English and Whito Cotton Half Hose, every sty la variety. Just receirrd by octlO J. H. McOILL Sea lis and Tics.

Wliite Fancy and Black silk Scarfs. Wnlte Fancy- und Black Silk Ties. White Funcr and Biuck Silk Stocks, And other styles too numersus to nentioa For sale by dec21 J. iicOILL Kobe He Cliauibrc, NT1XMN'S Robes, Cashmere and Jlerino. of every size, style and pattern, just received and for sale by J.

II. BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, AT 22, Public Square. NOW opening a complete and extensive stock of Fall and Winte Goods, Including a large line of Shawls und Cloaks of the latest styles and patterns, all of which we offer to our oli customers and friends for CASH AT REDUCED RATES. Those In want of Good Goods At JLow Prices, Will call and see for themselves. acta I.

C. NICHOLSON CO. METROPOLITAN EATING HOUSE. THE Proprietors beg to Inform the citizens of Nashville, and the public generally, that they have at considerable expense fitted up the store houses on the corner or CBEItR JJi'D CEDAR STSEE1S, tor the purpose of carrying on a regular business in tka NEW VORl STYLE. We purpose having a regular BUI of Fare, with prices attached so that we can be enabled to suit both pockets andappetites of our customers, and change for no more than they get.

This has been needed in our city, and we hope by strict attention toour business to merit public patronage. We feel certain of success, with our own efforts and the Immortal Fil In the kitchen, we will furnish public dinners at the shortest notice. We also keep on hand a WiJMCSSWlXCf TOBACCO. WISES AVD LIQlOEi all and examine at the iletropolitan. octfi J.

fc W. MOORE. good house carpenter, also a woman well anaufisd as pastry csos, cosap ior nun at aBSBMazUuii WISHER, WHEtESS HOLES ALE GROCZXS, General ComsaissiOK and Prodnce MERCHANTS, COTTON AND TOBACCO FACTORS, Corner of Broad and Market Streets, NASTTVIEEE, TENNESSEE. GROCERIES. TTTTTE are now receiving one of tha largest and most desirable stock of Groceries ever offered to tits trade by any house In the city, to wit: 87 hhds New Orleans Sngar; 150 bags do do Coffse; TO barrels Plantation Molasses; 45 i do do do 405 boxes Star Candles; 1000 kegs assorted Nails; 50 boxes Tallow Candles; 40 barrels Crushed Sugar; 75 boxes Cheese; 73 do ED do 300 barrels Whisky, all brands; 23 casks Imported French Brandy; 5 Holland Gin; 150 boxes Family Sosp; 150 boxes Fresh Raisins; 100 do do do 75 do do do 150 boxes Fresh Cove Oysters; 11G5 Fine 790 do Coarse do 300,000 Cigars, all brands; 173 boxes Chewing Tobacco, all grades.

With many other articles too numerous to mention, all of which we will sell at unusually low prices to cash dealers declSWf F18HKK, WUKLES8 It. CO. NEW AUTUMN AND WINTER STOCK or DRY GOODS, FOR 1858. FUR MAN CO No. 2 Public Square, Nashville, Tennessee.

are now In receipt of anextenssreandcomnletestocko American and Foreign, staple and fancy Dry- Goods, Varieties, Arc. Our assortment of Ladies Dress Goous, Cloaks, Mantles, Shawls, Embroideries, White Goods, Robes, Blankets, Cloths, Cassimeres Tweeds, Sattinets, Hosiery, and all kinds of Woolen Fabrics, will compete with, if not surpass, any that was ever before exhibited In the Koulhwest. Superior inducements will be offered to cash and prompt time buyers. A call Is respectfully solidtM from all the merchants visiting this market. We will pay the market price for all kinds of barter.

FURMAN CO. aug27 No. Public Square, near the Suipeoinn Bridge. J. Hoaais.


WE are now in receipt of a large and well assorted stock of Groceries, Liquors, fee, to which we invite the attention ot tsie trade. SUGARS. 400 hhds Louisiana Sugar, til grades: 150 bbls N. Y. and Baltimore Crushed Sugar, all grades; 50 do do da Powdered do do; 350 do do do Coffee and Extra da; 100 do do La.

Loaf, do d. COFFEE. 2500 bags choice Baltimore Coffee; 100 do do Laguyra do. MOLASSES. 600 bbls choice Rcbollcd Molasses; 300 bbls do do do; 40 kegs BU Louis Syrup; 100 do La.

do. TIN PLATE. 200 boxes J. C. 10x14 Tin; 100 do J.X 10x14 do, very cheap fsr cash.

SUNDRIES. 550 boxes Star Candles; 200 do' Summer do: 300 do St. Louis and Mem. Soaps: 100 do Starch; 50 eases Tea; 100 boxes Boston Ground Pepper; 50 do do do Spice; 50 do do do Ginger; 100 do superior Carb. Soda, papers; 200 casks do do; 1C ceroons Indigo; 3 casks Du'ch Madder; 100 bags Pepper; 50 do Spice; 20 tierces Rice; 100 dozen Painted Buckets; 125 do Washboards; 30 nests Tubs; 100 dozen Brooms; SO.OOii aanrted Cigars: lOu bales Smoking Tobacco; JU boses Tobacco, all Ta.

brands; 500 kegs pare White Lead; 30Uls do Linseed Oil; 25 kegs Shot, all sizes; 30 do Bar Lead; 50 cises Mason's Blacking; 3,000 bugs fine Liverpool 1,000 bbls Kanawha do; 640 boxes Glassware. LIQUORS. 300 bsrrels Tike's Magnolia Whisky; COO do Raw Ohio do; 200 do old Country do; 250 do Smith's old Reserve do; 100 do Old Bourbon dot 50 do do Rye da; lis) do Monongahela do; P0 do Old Port and Malaga Wine; 40 do A M. Gin; 2 pipes Holland Gin; 8 do Old Cognac Brandy; 180 cases SU Julien Claict Wine; 40 baskets Champagne, extra; 1500 cases Brandy; 300 packages Domestic Brandy; 200 barrels.Cider Vinegar: With many other articles for the Grocery trade, jsnll MORRIS STRATTON. THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND.

READY-MADE AND merchant Tailoring Establishment, ITI. SULZBAC1IER No. 53, Market Street, Nsalivllle, TAKES great pleasure in informing his friends, patrons and th public generally, that he is still to be found at his old stand with a large assortment ot Fine and Common Ready-Made Clothing, Furnishing: Goods, Huts, Caps, Ac, Also, a choice selection of Piece Goods, consisting in part of Fine Cloth, Cassimeres of every description, Silk and Velvet vestings. In addition to the above there can be found at the same place, the celebratsd cutter PEIFFER, who will always be on hand to give those fa-oring him with a call a'beautlful fit. Clothing made to order, ana Tailoring work done in a nunner to give satisfaction, both as regards the price and the quality The subscriber takes this method of tendering his thanks to his customers for their patronage, and begs a continuance of the same, and requests thepub-lie to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.

All persons indebted to the subscriber will please settle the same as soon as possible, as the old business must be settled up and much further indulgence cannot le allowed. ulokox sucoexooe. laMis aaxxinun. ItlACGKEGOB BANKHEAD, GENERA I' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 16 Carondelct Street, New Orleans. TAMES BANKHEAD Nashville, Tennessee, will male a cash advances on Cotton, Tobacco, and other Produce ship cJ to the above house.

joct5-tf WANTED IMMEDIATELY! CT(f BBLS of choicejGrccn Apples, dellvesed at our OUU warehouse In Nashville or on the plantation. Persons a ishing to contract can call upon us, and we can furnish barrels and fix the time of delivery. We also want 1,000 bushels of Dried Apples and 1.007 bushels of Dried Peaches. Sacks furnished by us. sepO 8 H.

8. FRENCH fc SON. Wheat! have an order for Five Thousand Rushels Wheat, and wish to purchase that amount immedi ately, for which we will pay the highest market price II. S. FRENCH fc SON LARD AND want to purchase all the Land, Grease and Bacon wecan, and wiU always psy the top ot the market for same.

dec9-tf n. a. FRENCH fc SON. lORN CORN We want immediately Fifty Thou sand Bushels Corn, delivered at our Warehouse, or a few miles above or below Nashville on Cumbeiland River. We will pay the highest market price for same.


LAMER Sc. CO. eatr-tf PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS 250 Cast Mould Boards, 250 Wrought Iron Mould Bsards, Bteei iioaia isoaras, sale low down for casa. TERRASS BROTHERS 33 Broad street. mar25 LARD I LARD IT BBLS.

Family Lard in Store and for salo lew, by 50 TERRESS fc augis 33 Broad Street. oxes Longhorn and Arm stead's Superlo wnaeeo, ror sate ery low tkkkasb llliUlHKKB WI1ISKT. 10CO barrels Tennessee White, and other brands; 150 J. II. Smith's Reserve; 200 Rye and Bourbon; 150 Newsom fc Lincoln: 100 Country Single IDstllled; for sals low by TERRASS BROTHERS.

IRON 200 TONS. We have a large and well assorted stock, amongst which is some extra sizes of large round aad square. We particularly invite the attention of buyers, as we are determined to close it out at low down prices. TERRASS BROTHERS, os 33 and 35 Broad St. RANDY -sale by 1 cask superior old Otard, Dupey fc for TERRASS BROTHERS STILL AT COST.

TONS well assorted Iron which we will continue to sell at cost until disposed of. TERRASS BROS. No 7 Market street 150 rash. hags Uimore Coffee, for sale low for TKRRASS BROTIIKRH IIOUSi: PA1NTISG, pared to execute al 1 manner of siok hid ORKaircrraL raixnxo, aiuixixo ak MaKauxa. navies In thai department second the services of themostexper and experienced artists.

The subscriber would request persons having work in kis line to give him a call before making final arrangements. R. T. FLEMINfl, marchS-dtf No. 62, Union between Cherry and Summer.

PAINXINU ESTABLISHMENT. BUILDERS, HOUSEHOLDERS, JkC, are requested to take notice that the undersigned, having made tbt necessary arrangements, and secured the services of competent workmen, is now prepared tale LARGE CONTRACTS, in the line his vocotlon, in all its various branches. In the department ot xixx. wnxiutsos. WILLIAMSON CHEATHAM, IMPORTERS OT Brandies, Wines, and Liquors, AND DEALERS IK HAVANA' CIGARS, Ac, Ac, JVU COLLEGE BTREE1, TENNESSEE.

TnE undersigned have In store the" following pnreXtquori) Wines, fcc, which they offer to the trade at low prices on favorable terms, and respectfully invite purchasers of those goods to examine their stock before buying. Our Liquors and Wines are purchased direct through the Cus torn House and can be warranted genuine. Being determined to sell at low figures possessing the facilities to do so we flatter ourselves that we can offtr such inducements to Cash and Prompt dealers, as will meet their views. Brandies, Gin, Hum and AVhlskies. S0K and U.

pipes Fine Cognac 10 bbls superior Ry Whisky Brandies. choicest brands: very old; 5 pps Bordeaux do 5 yi do Bochelle do 5 do pure Holland Gin: 20 bbls Oid lire do 5 bills genuine Old Bour'n 100 bbls fine Tenn. Corn do 2 puncheons pure W. I. Ram; punclleons Irish and scotcn Malt Whisky, best brands.

Wines. 100 baskets and bxs Champagne, 20 do Sauternas: best brands; 10 qr casks Sherry; 20 boxes Hock and Mosello; 10 do do old and 20 do Hungarian, White and 10 do Madeira; Red; 5 do do old; 25 boxes Fine Clarets; 10 da Port; 100 Table do 5 do do very superior. Porter, Ale, fee. 20 casks London orter, best brands; 3) do English and Scotch Ale, best brands; 20 boxes Boker's celebrated Wias Bitters; 20 do French Cordials, assorRu; 20 do Brandy Cherries; 10 do Curacoa, Mareschino and Absynthe. Cigars.

iOO.COO genuin navana Cigars, Cigars; choicest brands; 50,000 Baltunure Regalias do Tobacco. 20bxs Fins Virginia Chewing Tobacco, T. W. Anderson; 10 do do do do do "Lef twlck's 4 aces;" 10 do do do do do do Victoria; 20 do do do do ds "Sutherland's Fine 10 boxes fine Virginia Chewing Tobacco, "Sutherland's slno qui non:" 20 boxes fine Virginia Chewing Tobacco, "Chamber fc Flippea Golden Leaf;" 20 boxes fine Virginia ChewingTobacco, "Langhorn Armistead, No. l.UoldLear;" 10 boxes fine irgnia Chewing Tolacco, "Allen's;" 50 boxes be.t Tennessee do do.

Also: 33 boxe' "Kean fc Smith'." celebrated "Twist and Pancake', inville Tobacco, equal, if not superior, to any ever offer. ed in this market. With many otier articlei connected with the business. WILLIAMSON fc CHEATHAM, on9 Nt. tt.

CnllesH street, Nif.hvUlA. Tnn. X.C. CaKTSK. vf.

wills roan. j. a. u'routu REMOVAL AND NEW FIRM. CARTER, WILXSFORD CO, (S uccessors to Carter, McKay fc and to B.

Ltnier fc Co.J HAVE this day associated themselves together under the style and firm name of Carter Willsford fc Co for the purpose of doing a General Auction, Commission and Wholesale Grocery Business, and having removed to tne new ana commodious ware house, lately erected and occupied by Messrs B. Lanier fc Co. and having tskrn the entire stock ot lioth houses, will be at all times nrenared to fill orders at the lowest ca-h prices. We will tetlte al I claims against the old of Carter, McKay fc and hope that all bo are Indfbtca lo them will come lor-ward and settle immediately: as we want to close the books at once. CARTER, WILLSFUIW ft.

CO. CRANBERRIES. 100, JJfc'i bbls alee fresh Cran buries for sale very low by CARTER, WILSF0RD fc CO Jan. 11. No.

5. Market it. CJTARCH. 200 Boxes Fox's Pearl Starch, the best article rgin the market for sale low by CARTER, WILSFORD fc CO, Jan. II, No.

5. Market st. VYSTERS.ir0 CasesNumson, Thomas Co's Eup.rior JFCovt equal to any put up. for saieat isal timore prices, freight added by CARTER, WILSFORD fc CO. Jan.

11. or No. 5. Market st. gilt AN BERRIES.

1(0 bbls halfand quarter bblt fresh uranrjerncs just receivea, aau ior uie vy Dec I CARTER, WILSFORD fc CO 100 JinlJ BAGS strictly prime Laguyra Coffee, Justlanding and for sale low cy, auu, No. 5, Market street. Cg! BAGS prime old Government Java Coffee for sale low by 2J CARTER, WILLS OKU janlt No. 5, Onlen street. -t BIGS strictly prime Baltimore Rio OoHee, thi best ar I Ovl tide that has teen in this market for years, jsst land ing and for sale low by CARTER, WILLSFORD fc Jan II No.

5, Market street. CJOAI' -300 Boxes St. Louis Memphis soaps sale at Manufacturers prices, rreigut aanw ny CARTER, WILSFORD CO. Jan. 11.

No. 5. Market st. store and for sale very low by CARTER, WILSFORD CO. Jan 11 No.

5. Market st. TTJAINTED BUCKETS. 300 Doz. Buckets assorted, just received in store and for sale by the trade at manufactU' rers prices with freight added.

CARTER, WILSFORD CO. Jan. 11. No. 5.

Market st. CjUG hhds fair to strictly prime and choice Louis iana Sugar; landing and lor sale low for casn. by CARTER, WILLSFORD No. 5, Maiket street. Jinn Copartnership Notiec.


HARRIS, and F. HARRIS hare this day associated themselves together an' der the style of HARRIS, GORDON tor tbs renrose or transactiso a GENERAL COMMISSION Attn Forwarding Business, At the old ttand of IT. JT. Gordon 0., Xathtiltt, Tenn W. II.

Gordon fc will continue the Factory and Mil 1 Agency as neretoiore, in tne arenouse now being erected, ad joining the one occupied by Harris, Gordon fc Co. Nashville, Nov. 1, 1838. Fine Imported Rrandies for Sale. 5 a Pipes, Jules Eobine Co.

Cognac Vintage 1S52. 5 18U. 5 Alex Seignette 1H5C. 10 183G. 1 Pnnchon Old Scotch Whisky, very fine.

The above Invoice of Brandys we will sell to the trade cheap. on 4 monins time. DeclS HARRIS, GORDON fc Co. WHISKY. Tfi fa EAfiRELS Dean's Aurora Whi'ky; lull do Sammies oo In store and for sale by HARRIS.

GORDON fc CO. TURK'S ISLAND SALT. BAGS T. I. Salt, la store and for aile by HARRIS, GORDON fc CO.

2000 SUNDRIES. Iy nALF BARRELS Molasses; i 105 do Land Plaster; 23 bags Alspiee; 310 boxes Nu 1, Bar Soap; In store and for sale by HARRIS, GORDON CO TOBACCO. 200 BOXES Langhorne fc Son's ex. Gold Leaf Tobacco; ou ao i' uoaz no Toracco; 50 do Jos Godwin's Rosebud Tobacco: 50 do Keen fc Smith's Tin Foil Tobacco; In store and for saleby HARRIS. GORDON fc CO.

COTTON ROPE. REELS Bed Cord and Plough Line size Cotton Cord in store and for sale by HARRIS, GORDON 300 J-1LOVER SEED. 15 barrels Pcnnsylva 1 1 1 plover cecu. Just received ami forsale bv decl5 tf HARRIS. GORDON CO.

FAIRBANKS' SCALES. A FULL Stock of all sizes, In store and for saleby nov2 HARRIS, GORDON CO. LOVER SEED. Fifteen bbls Tennsylvania'CIove Seed, Just received and tor sale by Uecl5 HARRIS. GORDON fc Co qnA BOXES Werk fc Thelett's Star Candles, in store and OUU forsaleby HARRIS, GORDON fc CO.

FRESH ARRIVALS. WISSEL THOMPSON respectfully announce to their customers and the public generally, that thry are now recti vine daily, by Railroad, a large and well assorted stock of goods, which they are selling at lew cash prices, and among which will be found the following: jcruiis. 25 bxs New Raisins; 2G0 drains fresh Tigs; 5 bbls Currents; 3 frails Dates; 5 cases Prunes; 10 bxs Lemons. Nuts, 10 bbls Pecans; 10 do Filberts; 10 do English Walnuts. 40 bbls assorted 10 do Brazil Nuts; Fish.

0 doz fresh Lobsters 1 and 21 20 doz fresh Salmon 1 and 2 cans; lb cans; doz fresh Mackerel, 2 cans; 3 doz spiced Balmsa in 10 10 bbls new family Shad; cans; 10 do do Mackerel large 100 bxs new Scotch Herring; 500 best Cod Fish. Matches, Ax. lOOgross Shanghai Matches; 75 gross Genuine German 40 gr's ge'ine Round Box Matches; Matches: 120 bxs Fire Crackers; 100,000 Torpedoes; Wines, Ac. 100 baskets Champagne from 10 to20dos sparkling Catawba; S22 9 basket, an assortment of 50 doz Allsop's Ale; Old Port, Sherry and Madeira 50 do Dublin Porter; )'i casks or extra quality, Old 80 do London do London Dock and Otard Brandies in casks. Sundries.

18 chests Fine Teas; luO doz English Pickles; 1 doz Ale Pumps; 20 do assorted Sauces; 20 do Brandy Peaches; 25 do Brandy Cherries: 15 do French Cordi; JJ do Fresh Pine Apple; 50 do Mustard; 200 Citron; 5 cases Canton Ginger; together with a variety of new stylesof Confectionarics for Wedding Parties fcc. WES3EL THOMPSON, ct21 40 and Union street, Nashville. Kirkpatrick. Ncvins BECEiynra, ioswardixo axd wholesale GROCERY MERCHANTS, (MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE TENNESSEE, HAVE now in store large and complete assortment of Groceries, embracing New Orleans Sugars, all grades; Molasses, In barrels and half barrels; Coffee, a large and complete stock; Raisins, a full stock, with Teas, Candles, Sardines, Mackerel, Glassware, asso-ted. Pecans; together with all kinds of Grades usually kept in Lie Grocery line.

Our stock of BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKY, Wa think cannot be surpassed in this or any ether market. To our heavy stock ot goods now in store we invite the attention of the trade. zoarSS-tf KIRKPATRICK. NETINS fc Co. Nuw Sugar, Coflce, Raisins, Sardines, Ac.

JUST RECEIVED 50 hhds New Sugar, prime and choice; 200 bags Coffee, New Crop; 300 bxs Raisins; 25 do and Sardines: 51 bbls New Buck Wheat Flour: Which will be sold low to the trade. LANIER, PHILLIPS fc CO. N.B. Will be receiving Nw Goods daily. novSt L.P.fcCO.

JOHlt LXZXTZTT, 'JLEDLyETT SMITHS' SOS. 10 ASD 12 SOVTH MARKET S7KEE1, Importers of and Dealers in Flue Rrandies and Wines, Whiskys, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Fresh Arrivnls. WE beg leave to call the attention of oar I friends and the trade generally, to our large I ana weu selected stock el tne sdovs aniaes just received, embracing in part: Brandies. Barzerac, (1S40 3 Alex.

Seignette; Otard, Dupuy, very fine; United Society Proprietors; Jules Robin; Raynal and Alussee; With many other brands. Wines. Claret, (every gradO Madeira; Port, do Champagne, (vory fine;) Old Sherry; Pure Imp. Malaga'. Tobaccos.

Adam, No. 1 Lilly Dale, do Wills; Richardson; Tyreana; BeVerly; Jhn's Twist; Rough and Ready; Silver Roll: Claiborne Tallaferra; Hannah; BR Totter; Corner Stons: North; DeRosa; reaches ani Cream Twist; Silver Flake: Gold Lump; Langhorne Annstead; Pine Apple; And many others. Cigars. scar 1st ta; Imported Londres; La Salvadota; Imported Solace; it Ncsselreds; -do Principe; do Tratracos, LnTIigucra; Gift; Estrella; Columbia; Estrella Prbaera; Cintrode Oroln; Concho Regalia; LaSlIra: La Prueba, Imp La Suiza, do La Diana, do Embracing every grade. LELLYET Sc SMITH.

oct2 L. tm. ruaurs. e. C.

USJIILSY, LANIER, PHILLIPS WBOLESALll GROCERS, COMMISSION AMD DCALXRS IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, so. 33, varxxt strxxt, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE WE are now In receiptor a large and choice assortment of GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, comprising eveJy article in our line, and to which ws would respectfully solicit the attention of the trade. SUGARS. 300 hhds La. Sugar; 100 bbls Baltimore Crushed Su 50 bbls.

Powdered Sugar; 25 do Grannulated do 100 bbIs.5fcSSLoafSugar; i'-a coxes uavana sugar; 3U0 bbls Molasses; 150 do do 50 bbls. Golden Syrup; 15 tierces Clarified Surarc 50 boxes D. R. Loaf do SUNDRIES. 50 casks English Soda: 6S0 bags Rio Coffee; 123 do Laguira Coffee; 50 do repier; 35 do Spice; 15 do S3 15 bbls Pecans; 175 kltts Mackerel; 75 cases Teas; 300 boxes Star Candles; 330 do Summer do 273 do Boston Soap: (50 do Foxes' Starch; 23 cases Sardines; 400 boxes Scotch Herrings; 100 dozen Buckets; 40 nests Tubs; SO boxes "Hare's Extra" Tobacco; 75,0011 assorted Cigars, "Extra brands;" 25 tierces Rice; 30 cases Pickles; 50 do Matches; 75 colls Lute Rope; 2 casks Dutch Madder; 10 ceroons Indigo; 12 bbls Alum, 150 bales Go.ton Twice; LIQUORS.

200 case, St. Julian Claret; 50 do "Haut Talien" do-extra; IOC baskets Champagne: 6 casks Malaga Wine; 5 ii do Old Sherry; 10 do Old Port Wine; 12 i do Madeira do 3 i Piper Champagne Cognac Extra; 15 pipes Otard, Duprey 75 cases Champagne Cider; 50 do Brandies assorted; 40 do Brandy Cherries; Coirnac: 150 bbls Country Whisky: 10 casks Jamaica Rum! 500 do Rectified do 25 do Louisiana do 300 packages Domestic Brandies 1 Puncheon Holland Gin; etc. LAFIER, PHILLIPS fc Junell No. 3D, Mar-it street. TERRASS BROTHERS, UCCESSORS to McCrea fc Terrasj, dealers In GROCERIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC QUORS, No.

33 and 35 Broad street. IRON, AT COST. 200 tons assorted Fittsbng Iron, 50 tons Hastings, 10 Iron Axles, 25 Boiler Iron, 500 kegs Nails, 25 boxes Tennessee Axes. Wishing to quit this branch of our business, we will sell in large lots, for cash, at cost, and in small lots at greatly reduced rates. TERRASS BROTHERS.

SUNDRIES. 40 Boxes Black bottles, 4,5,6, and 7 ECO Pint, half-pint, and quart Flasks 500 Window Glass I 100 Tumblers: 25 kegs Boiler Rivets and Nuts 100 dozen Brooms: 500 Cast, Wrought and Strel Plows 100 boxes Pickles, for sale low down. Jan27 TERRASS BROTHERS. SACK SALT. ff BAGS Fine Sack Salt which we will sell at cost rather JUU than move it.

TERRASS nov7 No 7 Market street. GROCERIES. 500 bags Coffee: 100 hhds Sugar; 100 half I arrel Molasses; 100 kits Mackerel; 50 bbls do 100 boxes Cheese: ICO boxes and half bojes Raisins; aOO do do SU Candles; 100 boxes Tobacco. 500 kegs Nails; We are now receiving the above articles, and will sell tbem low down ior casn. tekkaes brothers, ilecU No.

7. Market street. Onehundred Tons, wel assorted, which wearestlll a selling out at cost. TERRASS BROTHERS. dec 11 No.

7. Market strut. Removal and New Firm. s. n.

BAiirr. s. a. s. son.

S. A. G. IVOEL iV (Successors to Noel WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 4, market Stfcct, Next Door toB.

Lanier Co. XT AVING associsted with ns In busines, Mr. D. II. BAILEY JU (formerly or the house or Nicnol, Green fc Bailey ,) and re moved from the corner of College and Church streets the abor elegant and large new building, we win be prepared to Lrve on friends and customers with more promptness than heretofore.

Ou stock of Groceries and Bar Stores will be at all times complete and will brsnid on tne most salisiactory terms jocto in S. A. O. NOEL (Successors to Noel fc Co.) Wholesale Grocers AND ATJCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IB Brandies, Wines, Cignrs, Tobacco, Ac, KC. 4 SOUTH KARKKT STRICT.

10 do Pepper; 5 bK Race Ginger; 100 ihdl Sugar. 200 hags Coffee; 100 bbls Molasses. 50 pkgs Golden Sirup; 25 bbls powdered Sugar; 15 do crushed ds 3C bxs Loaf, 20 tierces fresh Rice; 250 bxs Star Candlu; 50 do Tallow do 5o do Soap; 50 do quart Flasks: 25 do nint and half pint do. 5 ceroons choice Indigo; 500 bags fine Salt; 500 KD.ra do, 500 keg Nails; 2U0 boxn Tobacco, assorted: 25 chests Green Tea; 25 do black do 100 bbls Pmoklng Tobacco: 500,000 C'gars, assorted brands; 10 kegs Lead; 3 do Shot; 23 Wine; 23 bbls Peach Brandy; 5 old Port Wine; 200 bbls Cin Whisky; 200 do old do 50 American Brandy; 30 bags Spice: Together with many other articles, such as are usually kept the Grocery Line. tri A.


VRGE AL IV, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Produce Merchants, SCAURS IX BRANDIES, WINES, CIGARS, AC, C0R.OF COLLEGE AND SPRINO STS NASHVILLE, TENN are now in receipt of a large and well assorted stock of Groceries, Liquors, to wnicn we invite tat attention of the trade: Sugars. 250 hhds Louisiana Sugar, 130 bbls Baltimore and Louisiana 1U0 bbls and PhiladU'lpma uonee sugar; Urusned Sugar, UDisiiaiumsreanaiieuisiana 50 bbls and Philadelphia Loaf Sugar; Powdered Sugar; 25 bbls Baltluore and Philadel phia Sugar. CoIIcc. 25 do O. G.

Java Coffee, Molasses. 50 ten gallon kegs Gold. Syrup, 20 bbls ds do Sundries. 200 doz Painted Buckets, 75 nests Painted Tubs, 150 dozen Washboards, 200 doz Brooms. 50,100 assorted Cigars, 75 bxs Smoking Tobacco; 500 sacks Rio Coffee, luu do Laguyra ds; 250 bbls New Molasses, btis ds 100 ten gal 1 kegs da 550 boxes Star Candles, 23U i do do 200 )i do do 150 boxes Tallow da 1UI) do Fear 1 Starch; 200 ds Bar Soap, 23 chests Green fc Black Tea; 75 bags Spice, 30 do Pepper, 10 bales Ginger, 500 do Manufactured do all grades, 100 bxs Garrett's Snuff, 50 kegs Shot, assorted sizes; 25 do Bar Lead; 75 bxs Mason's Blacking; 330 do Glassware; 130 do Window Glass; 800 bbls Kenhawi Salt, 100 casks New Castle Soda, luucxs ao do in papers.

5 ceroons best Indigo, leasts Dutch Madder: 25 tiemsfresh Rice, LIQUORS. 300 bbls Dean's ex. Whisky, SOD bbls best Roberts a county IDi) do Wilsbire's ds wnisxy, 75 do Ward fc Cary do 150 bbls Bye fc Bsurbon 25 do Smith's r.ld reserxs do 100 bxs Longvrorth's Catawba 26 qr. pipes Sherry fc Madeira Wine; ine; casas vi'i jurgunoy mil 5 ii pipes JeanLouisBrandy; Wine; 2 pipes Holland Gin; 50 bask Champagne Wine; 20 bhls Ale; 10 bbls Vinegar; 25 casks London Porter; Together with every other articles usually kept la the Grocery Ine. Ljanl2 BURGE fc ALLEN.

TRIMMINGS STORE. OSCAR BO II ITI Have just epened at their stand No. 7 Union Street, A complete stock of Fall and Winter DRESS AND MANTILLA COMPRISING a full assortment of plain and figured Velvet Ribbons, Galons, Fringes, Bugle Gimp', Grape Trimmings, Uelts, Buttons, Braids, Rugln Bu.tons, fcc, fcc, all of which are entirely new, and the best that could begot in the Eastern Markets rstock of Tcphin Merino and Shetland Wool, Embroiderad Braids and Silks, Crochet, Embroidery and Spool Cottons, as well as any other material for Knitting, Netting Embroidery and Crotchet-Work is complete, and larger in variety an quantity than ever. We also continue to manufacture Fringe. Tassels, Buttons, Corsds, Ac, To order as usual, and will try to suit all and everybody.

sepl2-tf WOOD SAWS. have an excellent article of Wood Saws and Saw Hones Collins and other brand of Axes; Plain and Ornamental Coal Scuttles; Vases, CMI and Cinder scotch; Firs Irons and Strands, of all qualities; Hearth Brooms, Dusters and Door Mats. MACKENZIE fc MINCniN, novH 11 College strest. iiT.i. 'iiiiiaiai'issSsSssssaaiiBilliiSsiiiMll i wiSssssWsfI l''i -wssH THE EXCITEMENT AT, THOMPSON Ji CAUSES BT, THE-LOW PRICES AT WftlCII THEY ARE NOW SELLING'.


1858 '50. No. 57. A. C.

A. B. BEECH, SCAURS IX Staple and Faucr Dry Gootls, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac, Ac, No. 57, College Street. have Just receeived our seconl Stock of Fall and Winter Ury Goods, Oil Clotlis, Ac, to which we respectfully invite the attention of all cash and puns tsal time dealers.

DRESS GOODS. Handsrme Double Skirt Silk Robes; Bayadere and Stripe do do New Style Satin Stripe Robe A'La; Printed Dclane Robe A'La; Bayadere Delanes; Plain and Small Figured Delanes; Gros-de Cross Mourning Silks; Large Stock Plain Black do Plain and Small Check do Plain and Plaid Merinos, all colors; Satin Finish do do do Plain and Bayadere Popllas for Travelling Dresses; Large Stock Cheap Dress Goods, fcc. Curtains, SUades, Fixtures, Ac. 6-4 Sitin Damask; Embroidered Muslin Curtains; 4-4 Wool do Cornices and Bands. 4-4 Cotton do Floor Oil Clotlis.

18-4; 12-4; G-4; 4-4 Floor Oil Cloth, which we cnt eut to suit any size room. Carpets, Rugs. A.C G-4 superior Velvet Carpet; Sup. 3 slock; 3- 4 do do do do 2 ply do 4- 4 do Brussels do Ingrain Carpets; 3-4 do do do Large Stock Rugs, Matts, fcc Mantillas, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac. We have a large stock of Shawls, Cloaks, Mantillas, fcc 12-4 Duck always on hand for Wagon Shuets, Tent Cloths, fcc Together with the above goods we bavo a large stock of 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Bed Blankets.

Also a general stock of Staple Dry Goods, to which we invite the attention of Retail buyers, at No. 57 College street. nov3-tr c. a a. b.

heccii. DRV GOODS! DRV GOODSI McWIIIKTEB BKO'S. For the Fall Trade. We arein receipt ot the most desirable and well selected stock Staple and Fancy Dry Goods! We have ever offered to the the retail trade. HAVING purchaaed this stock from thelargest Importers and Commission Houses In the Eastern cities, we fcl no hesitancy in saying that we are thereby enabled to sell goods at as It ard on as Reasonable Terms as any hense in the city.

Our present stock embraces every variety of New and Fashionable Designs, such as very handscntc Robes Ala; Aquille; A Tabla; French DeLaines, Plain and Fancy. American French and English Merinoes; Faconial'laids; LavelUs, for Travelling Dresses; D'Bege's; Plaid Merino, English and French; Every style of Shawls, Plain and Fancy Dress Silks and Clsaks; Black Silks, all grades; together with other article too tedisus to mention. We hare also a very large stock ofStapleGsods, such Bleached Domestic, alt grades; 13fcl2-4 bleached Sheeting; 42 inch Pillow cay: Cottsn; 4-4 Brown Sheeting; 6-4 4-4 and 9-7 sea island Bro.and bl'd drills; Pi'dLinsey, all kinds; Flannels, all colors, qualities and prices; Canton Flannels; Negro Blankets; Jo 1 Blankets, every size and quality; BrvwnJeaus, Ke'seys, Cassimeres, Vestings, Shirts, article aperson may ex. find in a complete retail store We also keep constantly on band a complete stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Dnfour fc Co's best Anchor brand Bolting Cloths, Carpets, fcc To all of which we invite the attention of the trading community. Our motto is to sell as cheap as the cheapest.

MctVHIRTER BRO'S. sepl5 No. 51, North Market sreet. BTon McCrca. Late of McCrea fc Terrass W.

HOORR HARRIS Late of II. B. Morris fc Co. HUGH Mr.CREA (Successors to U. B.

Morris fc Co.) WHOLESALE GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AKD DCALCRS IX Forcljm and Domestic Liquors, N0S. 3 AND 15 MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE. TENN. HAVE on hand and rffer to the trade on reasonable terms, the following articles, and will be in constant receipt of fresh supplies: 60 hhds prime fc choice Sugar, 50,000 Cigars, assorted brands, 100 bbls Baltimore Crushed do, 22 boxes laret ins. 50 bbls Powdered 25 bbls Loaf 150 bazs prime Coffee, do, 50 cases Bl Carb Soda, do, 50 lags Ground Pepper, 25 nests Tubs, 100 dozen painted Buckets, 50 dozen Cedar Buckets, Liquors.

500 bbls Rectified Whisky, 10 bbls Jamaca Rum, 200 bbls Old Rye and Bourbon, 50 bbls choice MononiraheUv. 250 kegs Nails, 10J bbls Molasses. 100 K-bbls Molasses, 25 jj-bblsuoiaen ayrup, 25 bags Pepper, 25 bags Spice, 15 bags Ginger, 75 boxes Tobacco, (all gr des) 00 boxes Star Candles, 40 cases Teas. 5 bbls Bourbon from3y'ra old, 200 bxs assorted Liquors, 50 bbls American Brandy 25 bbls NY afca 100 bundles Wrapping Twin septa Tobacco! have just received the following Tobacco some it the Xv finest that comes to this market; ou boxes utngnorn ajouwui da juujii. 30 do Langhorn fc frons, do do.

do North. 8 ox do do Smith, pounds; do Harper do do II Glass do do Francis An. Tt U'tilt An 15 25 25 16 Any of the above brands we will sell tow for cash at No 13 and 15 Markst street. rcov41 HUGH MrvREA fc CO. NUTS, SODA, CIGARS, Ac 15 bblsSoft Shell Almonds; 25,000 La Estella Cigars; 7 do English Walnuts; 15,000 Rio Hondo ds 7 do Brazil Nuts; 20,1100 La Rose ds 5 do Filberts; IOiOO LaChincha do 100 bxs Firecrackers; Esteffanoni do 30 casks Soda: 10 bbls SmoklngTobacso; 10 New Rice; 50 gross U.

Clay glazed Pipes. All of the above will be ssld very low at Nos. 13 and 15 Market street, by HUGH McREA CO. nov24 sugar, coffee, star 75 hhds new Sugar; 4U) bags Rio Coffee (new crop; 50 boxes Soap; ao barrels uopperas; 150 boxes Cheese; 50 barrels Clover Seed; 150 boxes Fire- Crackers; 4 barrels Kenr.ett Ale; 50) kegs Nails, 2.K1 boxes Glassware: 15 barrels Timothy Seed; lOOdozen Washboards The above will be sold very lew at Nos. 13 and 15 Slarket street, liuuil UKCA fc e.

eel2 ssr Just Rcccivctl. -g TIERCES fresh South Carcllna Rice. 70 bbls crushed JLvF and pondered Sugar, and fo saleby aerca liuuil ilcunnA t-u. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Nasitviui, De. IS, 185.

UNDER the provisions of the act of 14th February U56, chap. 250, and other acts upon the subject of Free Banking i 1 1 V. I Ir, a Wlli KC11 pUlUK. dUlUUU lV'Mi street, New York city, on the 3d of February, 1853, and from day to day until they are all disposed ot, the following Bonds, endorsed by the State of Tennessee, belonging to the following Free Banks now in liquidation, so wit: 21 Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Bands, fsr 31, COO each, belonging to the Rankot Clalborrr. 44 Eatt Tennessee and Virginia Railroad Bonds, for 1,000 each, belonging to the Bank or Jefferson, 17 EastTennesseeand Virginia Railroad Bonds, for $1,000 each, beloniing to the Bank of Trenton.

17 Nashvilleand Chattanooga Railroad Bonds, and 16 Memphis City Bonds, all for 3 1,000 each, belonging to the Bank of Tazewell. JAMES T. DUN LAP, dec29-dlm Comptroller. Dally Memphis Appeal Insert for thirty days and send bill to Comptroller. JUST RECEIVED AT CHARLES ROBERTSON'S No.

17, Market Street, A LARGE assortment of German. French, English aad Amen can Toys, Stereoscopes, fcc; Paper Balloons, from three 19 nine feet In diameter; will be sold cheap either wholesale cr retail. 100 BOXES Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, WorLs. and ethvr Firs FRUITS. A FINE Assortment of Nuts, of all kinds.

new article in this market; Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Citron, Currants, Oranges, Lemons, fcc JgLACK and Green Teas, Spices, fcc, Just received. PICKLES, Preserves, Oysters, Lobsters, Sardiats, Fresh Salmon, fcc, just received. manufacture all kinds of Candy, and sell It as cheap as any house in the city. dec2-Uy a CHARLES ROBERTSON. WZTT FIRM A.

JI HIKTER CO. (ircccssoij SRAinrsRC, x'stsirtsx fcco.J Importers and Wholesale -t STtUXS IS FOREIGN AND JBOMESTIC DRY G0095, Varieties, Trimmings, Ac, Ac, No. es East side Public Square, Adjoining Metbodist Publishing House, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. WE would most respectfully call the attention of the trade to our stock of Dry Goods, Ready made Clothing, Ladies' Cloaks, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Tailors' Trin-mlngs. Varieties, fcc, Ac.

With a viw to making mm for our spring purchases, wo ars now offering a great variety ot tha following desirable and sea sonahle goods at Cost, on six months time, or 6 per cent off for Casta, via: Ready-made clothing, Ladles' Cloaks and Talmas, Comforts, Ladles Zcphj-r Sleewes and Gauntlets, Ladies Zephyr Hoods, Ladies, Misses, and Chlldrcns' WOOlEJf HOSIERY, COLORED OPERA FLANNELS, WHITE SILK WARP FLANNELS, COLORED TWILLED FLANNELS, nine and Colored Coating UlanKets, FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTED De LANES, French Printed Merinos, Satin Striped Mohairs, Plaid Ducal, Fancy Alpacas, LADIES DRESS TRIMMINGS A RIBBONS, Gents and Ladies WINTER GLOVES AND UNDERSHIRTS, Children's Woolen Gaiters, Ac. We shall offer great Inducements to Cash or prompt (I Months Dealers in all other articles, soliciting a call from the trade only. We are most respectfully, janG-dly A. J. MuWUIRTER CO.

FINE BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS. NEW ARRIVALS. JOHN RAOTAGE, 42 College Street, TS now receiving a large and excellent stock of Ladies and uents wear; and for 2llsses, soys anu inuarea. Gents sup. Calf Stitched, and Pump Sole Roots; da French Patent Leather and Oal Congress Gaiters; do do Patent and Calf, Silkand Red Top do do Black Cassimere and Prunnella do do English Lasting and French Calf Kid Ties; do Buckskin O.

do do CaH English Stitched Down Pump Shoes; do Lasting Oxfords and Dress do do Calf Kid and Boot Morocco Oxfords do Calf Union half Gaiters. FOR LADIES. Ladies' French Lasting Congress Gaiters, with and without heels; do do do Lace do do do do do do Kid Corgress Boot do do do do Glove do do do do do do do French do Slippers trimmed do do do do White Satin and Kid Slippers do do do MISSES' Kid Boots thick and thin sole do do do do Black and Brown Gaiters do do do da Black Kid fc Bronzed Slippers do do do do LastingGaitersPlalnfcTipp'ddo do do CHILDREN'S New Bronzed Heel Slippers; Black and Col ored Lasting Gaiters, Boots and Shoes, a beautiful assortment and Ingreat variety. BOY'S and Youth's Oxford Ties, Congress Patent Lsatherand Calf Dress Shoes, Satin Ties, etc. College Street.

JOHN RAMAOE. LADIES' FINE SHOES. Additional Supplies. Ladles' Congress Kid Heeled Kossuth Boots; do Buttoned do do Boots; do White Satin Slippers; do Congress and Lace Winter Gaiters; Misses Kid Heeled Welt Boots; do Goat do do do Ac, fcc Just received at 42 College street. dec29 JOHN RAMAQE.

SNYDER FRIZZELX ARE OPENING TO-DAY, 4f-iE XX E.NT3' line Calf Scotch Bottom Boots; Gaiters: Brogans; Stitch Boots and Gaiters: Water Proof Boots; Ladies Congress and Laced Hell Gaiters; Black English Cloth thick Sole Gaiters: t4 Congress fc Lactd Gaiters with Beels Kid Boots, with and without Heels; Calf and Morocco Buskin; Slippers, wiih and without Ileelst Misses and Children Calf Morocco and Kid Boots; Kid and Morocco Boots with Heels; Boys and Youths' Shoes ot all kinds. For Plantation Purposes. Best Double Sole Thick Boots, 6-14; Dutch Boots for Women; Boys and Youths' Boots and Brogans; Which we olf er at low prices tor cash. SNYDER fc FRIZZELL, nov5-tf. No.


i. noorou CCO. KIZCU. lale. B.

Lanier Co. imZEEE, HOOPER Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding: AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Aim is FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, TO BACCO, CIGARS, SNUFFS, Nos. and 8 Market M. Nashville, Tenn. 7E are now in receipt of a large and fresh stock of all arti cles usually kept by Wholesale Grocers, to which the at teution of the trade is directed.

lLr To buh and punctual dealers wa offer Goods an the most tavoranie terms, and solicit an examination of our stock. Jf Orders solicited and filled on the most liberal terms. Jan5-tf MIZELL, HOOPER A CO. GLASSWARE. 40 gross Pint Flasks; 25 gross quart Flasks.

do yt do dox a gallon squat Jars; 10 doz gallon squat jsr, 2 do 1 do do do; Just received and forsaleby MIZELL. HOOPER fc CO. Mackerel la Kits and Half Birrels. just received JJ ana Tor sale by HOOPER fc CO. .9 LOVER barrels freth and nprrior Clever teed, tne best ever ue market.

just received and forsale aliZELL. IIOOPKK fc CO 41IIEESE. A choice lot of Western Reserve ant English Dairy ana tor sale by jIlZtlLL, IIOOrKK fc CO. SUNDRIES, Oranges, Figs, Spices, Raisins, Almonds, Pecans, Pepper, Herring, Soda, Madder, Sardines, Brandy Cherries; Just received and finale by MIZELL, HOOPER fc CO B1 ji aid Il.Ve have In store a large assortment of fine Brandies and Wines, which we are onermg at great bargains. M1ZK LL.

HOOPER fc janlS Nas Sand 8 Market street. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. Cheap Cash and Exchange Store' FTIIIE subscriber havisz sold out bis interest in the old stand ji of Evass fc Co 50 Market street, and located himself permanently or his own property, corner of Cherry and Mul berry streets, South Nashville, known heretofore as Love's Stare, has Just received, and is now opening a splendid assortment of ew ana rresn uooas cr every description, suitasid ler tne wants ei now city ana country-consisting oi DRV GOODS Of all kinds, Prints, Ginghams, Fine Lawns, De Lanes, LineLS, Jacconets, Jloalinj, Silks, Ribbons, fcc. JEWELRY, Fine Gold Rings, Ladies' and Gent's Brsutplns, of Cameo, mosaic ana uoia stone, ton unatns, Also, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Of the Latest Styla and Quality- COTTONADES. neavy Woolen Goods.

Domestics, Blankets, fce. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, RARDtVARC, CCTTLXRT AX9 QCTTWSWARC, In fact everything will be kept that will be necessary for the completion of a well assorted stock of Goods. All of which he is deturmln-! to sell for ready pay, cheaper .1 1 i 1 1- i 'i i VUUMUI.LnuniW4 1U.1MI.IUICHUJJ ilUUiCU UDC1UC) Will allow him to do so mart) I. HASBROOK. 1NTKE8TIIV6 hare been authorized by parties in Tirrlnia to dispose an REMXA2CT LOTS OF TOSACOO We hold, at from Twenty to Fifty Per Cent Lower than they have ever been oSered in this market.

Aiaong thee iota wiu do io una as FINE TORACCO as sver was sold In the State, and believing the idea a good one nave concluded to sell all the remnant lots of Cigars upon the same terms, to "uake room for the largest stock of TOBACCO AND CIGARS ever held byany Tennesseo Hou-. These wislungto avail themselves of a good thing will call early at J. W. LANGLEY fc octS-tf 41 Union street XCI TEHENT IN at J. W.

Langley fc whu are opening a large sslevt- ej with great care by one who knows. Delpit's Fine Snuff. Rose and Macaboy. J. W.

LANGLEY fc jacl- Union street. Ait 1). Wanted, LUO barrels prime Lard, for which the Ii highest market price, in cash, will be paid. B. LANIER fc decft-Cm Office with Carter.

Willsford fc Co. Qir iNGHAI MATCHES. We have reduced the Ik yrice of this rest and cheapest Match. We are opening a large assortment of German Cigars. J.

W.LA2U?.EY fc CO. decI2 44 Union street. Tri INK VIRGINIA TOBACCO. Capt Z. Shultah seat us a large lotor tine Tonacco.

J.W LANGLEY fc CO. sep3 Agents for Z. Shnlts.and Ibilsey W. ill. HAJKiSJAVli, HOUSE, SIOX, AND ORNAMEN1AL PAIS1ER, BROAD STREET, sspt.

87 tf NasnVTLU. Tora Wanted. rSrVfkA Dusaels Dried Apples, do Peaches. SWING. MrCROBT fc CO mp in BESTSTAD IN 1HE CITV FOR RENT.

'HE Store House we now occupy will be for rent for the y. a ifo'j. this a spienaic suua ior iioouana saocs. uioiu log or Grocery Store. For teres apply to I.

Litton at Protection Insurance Company, or TRABTE fc LUCUS Heq I at the store, 74 Public Square. uu twenty pacluces Brussels carpet, wcVth HO, and will sold for 71 Cants Comeaukifc. TJtAtiCil fc TsvsJsa rmim hit -i ssrctMiLisstlfc StT-0 fHt-' ji WILL SELL THEIR ENTIRE 2T0CS GOODS' AT' RED rCEB PBfOE FOR CASBk axb otrx TIME S'T ITT THE EENEFIT OF THE SAME, Until the 10th of February, 1859. We Keep a Bargain. Counter upon rblcls.

Many Goads are Sold at a Lou; It. c. McNAIRT CO: JansaryZ-tf TENNESSEE MARINE ASB FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital SISOsOOO all paid in. OFFICE North West Corner the PuWIc Square.

WUi tai risks against less or damage by flie oa DwelHors said otswr Houses-Goods in Store, fcc. Also Marina and River hASarda and from all parts. Also Risks on Negroes tne Dongara tne River. StXXSTOKs: JOSEPH TATJLX, THOMPSON ANDERSON, JAMBS ELLIS, N. K.





Paid a ihj Sxcnxa. rjnniS Company bring folly organized, according te Charter, is prepared to wri'! PoHjies Lts or Damart by Firv, ooBuktlsgs, Goods, Wares, and McrehasEso gaeraiy. Also, on shipmests against Lessor Damafe by Sea, Rivers, or Ialassl Transportation, on the meat favorable terms. Lin asd Nuro Poucns Issues at Cdrrxxt Ratm. OfictXo 30, Corner ofSptart and Cedar Strut.



ALEXANDER FALL, President. Jakpi Wauck. Secretary. sprB3-y UN1VEBSITY OF AASU VIJLlE. I.

Collegiate Department, OR MILITARY COLLEGE. manes Lnraurr, M. D. Chanccller of the University and Professor ot Chemistry and Oeelegy. Col.B.R.

JoH.iso.Snperiattfidentof the Military College aoj Professor of Bngineerisg. axes F. llAaui.TO!c. Professor of Pkll osophy, and Astronomy. J.

U. of Greek and Latin Laxjuges and Literature. P. L. J.

Tjmsam, A.M.. Professor of French and Drawing. G. S. Blacsic.

AM, M.D Professor ot Botany and Natural History. Rev. J. WaUottz, A.M Frolessor or Mental aad Hani Philosophy, and BsMieal literature. C.

E. Wusrros. J) Surgeon. The first term of the sett Academic year commences en theSUCfc of September, and the second term 14th of February. Tuition, boarding, washing, fuel, roeais, servants' attend aaosv and use of arms, 100 per term.

Matriculation fee, $5. Students are required to furnish their rooms, which can be dene at a mod erate charge, by rent or purchase. Engineering, French, Spanish, German, Drawing, Book-Keeping, and Fencing, each 910 per term of twenty weeks In the regular Collegiate Course, the ancient reputation of the University fur scientific ami classical scholarship will be maintained, and at the same time every facility afforded tttoas who de sire to pursue a partial cease. Besidea the four regular College classes, there Is also a preparatory class. Students under llyears of age wil I not be aitmitted.

By the aid of military discipline, effective government is estah Us bed, and health, physical cultural good order, asd Uxlsstrlsu habits, are promoted. For Catalogues, or additional information, apply te airy member or the Faculty. July II. Medical Department. SESSION 1S3S-0.

The seventh annual Course ef tnres in this IsstHatira will commence on Meeday, the-Sd November next, and continue till the Brat of the ensuing March Tuomas R. Jcmujos, M. Professor of Anatomy. J. BrJuuics LuMixr, M.

ProCrsser of Chemistry aad Thar znacy. O.K. WrxrroK, M. Professor of Materia MnHea aad Medical Jurisprudence. A.

II. BecHAKA, M. Professor of Surgical Aaatomy- asd Phvsioleiry. Jon.x M. Watsok, M.

Professor of Obstetrics and the Disease or omen and Children. Paul F. Eve, M. Professor of Principles and Practice sf SuTgery. K.

Bovrura, M. Professor of Institutes and Practice of Medicine. Wiluam T. Bsiose, M. Adjunct Prefessor and Demesstrater or Anatomy.

The Anatsmiral Rooms will be opened for students ea the first Monday In October (the Sth). A rreuminarv uaune or Lectures, free te ail stndenta, wit be gives by the Professors, commeneiBg also on the Irst Monday of October. The Tennessee State nospHal, under the direction of the Facili ty, is open tc the class free of charge A Unique nas been la connection wna tsa uatreo sity, at which operations are performed, and eases Drescribed for and lectured upon in the presence of tteciaas. Amount of Tees for Lectures is SHB: JiatriealaCOB See laI4 once only), 85; Practical Anatomy, 310: fee, S33 Oood buaruiBg can be preeered for 53 to 84 per week. Ter urther information or Catalognr, apsiy to W.

K. BOWLING, Dean ef the Faculty Nasiiviux. Jvlfldfcwjj33 SHELBY MEDICAL COLLEGE. NASHVILLE. TENNBSSEE.

SESSION OF 1858-9 Thx Fust Ruclar Cocrsc er Lxcien la this InstHtttten will eoaawiiee as Monday, therlst or vernier, IfSf, and will coetiaue tUI the 1st of March, ensuing 7A J'reUmimtry Cewrte of Lettwra, tree to ail students, will be given dnrlag the month ef October. FACULTY. THOMAS L. MADBIN, 31. Professor of Anatsmy, (Sea.

eriptive, UisUlejiieal and Ssrgieal .) JOHN FREDERICK MAY.M. Professor of Principle aad Operations oi Surgery: DANIEL F. WRIGHT, M. Professor of Physiology aad Fa- tholecy: JOHN U. CALLENDER, M.

Professor or Materia. Kedks RICHARD O.CCKKEY.M. Dn Professor of Medical Chemistry and Medical JaiisprBdeare; E. B. UASKINS, M.

PfWesser of Theory and practice Mriheuie; JOHN P. FORD. M. Professor of Obstetrics and of Women and Children: H.M. COMFTON, M.

Demonstrator or The Citv Unt vital is upon tte premises of the Colters aad wa der control of the Faculty, at wMea ope rattans arctperfarmed and cases prescribed fcr in tha presence of tha Class, and Glial cal Lectures delivered. Amotuit of fees for Lectures SIQ3 10 Matriculation fee (paid but once) 00 Demonstrator's fee (required bat once) 10 Graduation fix, 25 Ct Exoslientbolrd can beoKHBea for TJa to Jl per Wotic For further details er aaasoBeemcata asply to JOILN l.F0KD,3r.D ly'7-dfcwtf 0n of IheTacntty. ClOMfORTARLE HOUSE AND LOT oo Liberal Credit. The house with ta feet of eraondan ainritmLIn wMeb W. A.

(heaves row regies. is fort liberal terms, x-oeiessson gives in oays Apply at the rntra Bank. tJar-tfl J. KniliMAN.PM. REMOVAL.

JAMES D. EEIEnER HAVE removed to their large and commodioas Warehouses. Nos. 81 and W. West Second street, between Vine asd Race, one square, west of their old stand, where they are prepared te parcluwe and se'I all kinds of ProJuee and Sleretandlae.

aadie do a general Commission asd FsrwardiDg Business. uonsteninenis aan urders will nave prompt persoaaratteaeca 11. r.sfer to NsAhtllle MerehinU rewrally rn Cincinnati, Jan. 4 janfl.lia ASSIGNEE'S SALE. ON Tuesday, January 25, 1859.

I will Jell at aactloa. Us steamboat. V. K. StevMSon.

her engines, laekic ai fnml-t ire. as she nuw lies at the wharf at Smtthlaad, Tae riteveason Is of UeAt driwgM. is less than three docked and therougblr rt aired In Oeteter last, and has aU the tgvlng and tackle necessary icr a oeai oi nsr ewse. Terms of Sale The beat, will be sold on. a creditor three, six, nine twelve, fifteen and eighteen moatbanotes made Durable in tha Southern Bank of Eentuekv, at SatthUtid, with one or more endorsers oa each, said, endorsers tn be rude en ta ef either Kentucky or lennesse.

E. K. HAYXJJ3. 4ecS)-tds Jtsslrse. A.

7AppiyatS. StocklattaKesriaekT Goal acsteaxccjtwr sale. ItmCoalHesbytBCSi-leot: fie Kail- J7 North Cherry jaa9-3t VIRGINIA TOBACCO, BOXES of pure VlrsMaU Teeace, jm rtctired direct frtm the LyweAfcarg, 50 UKIBtaAU Ht.1 rAAJH, octlS- Stl VarsejgtreC wi HAVE ON ILVND 870,000 HUM4jiu BROKEN STONE for McAdaaitaini. asd will serf treat bargaln.lf taxrnavay Inathort Ume. H.

JOHNW.V. i wejtettjaeatT. YA-- Atf bit -'J I'lstwSMitsjstgti tmm i I sstisftjyii -m, jjei iji i asj jror ult yneieaan ana 1 1 1 1 1 1 'sjM.

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