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The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 8

The Times Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


O'COTLE STILL CHI CLERK." uimtat-ss hot ices. XailoriDg I I CU aTXB-TaBLB oootua-OMutca THE FIRST CoB I liilm Overcoats Col I Dyercoats GOOD RESOLVE Work Will Begla at Oaes-The; fie, nil Plaa of Ibe Old Breaker Will tie followed The Leas aad la. saraaee. Morgan L. Ferris of Plttston held all the Insurance on the Mount Lookout breaker.

MJ.OuO. While the breaker being rebuilt the two ahefte will sunk to the bottom velna Work at re building will be begun Immediately The apmpany'a loss, not made up by insurance, win oe or Ths general plaa of the old breaker wll be followed In rebuilding, though It win tie somewhat larger, and tba In terlor will be arranged differently. One aide will be arranged for the prepar- aiion us ary coal, with patent elate pickers, while the other aide will be fitted with "Jigs" for tha preparation of wet ooal In alaea below stove eoal Tha lateat appllanoee In eoal preparing ma chinery will ba placed In position. While the work of rebuilding la In progreae both the main shaft and the air shaft will be aunk to the lower velna, so that when the new breaker Is completed the plant will be In better aiiape for mining and preparing eoal man ever. The burning of the breaker Is not only a serious losa to the company, but the blow will also fall heavily upon the 00 or more man and boys who are thrown out of employment, "air.

Simp son aald that while the breaker la be Ing rebuilt the Harry E. and Babylon collleiiea will be operated to their largest rapacity, and that work will ba furnlahed at these oonleriea to as many as possible of tba ML 'Lookout em ployee, preference being given to mar rled men and thoae with large famlllea, Arant M. 1'errln of HMUrtoat con trolled all of the lnauranca on the burned breaker, which aggregated IH3, Ooo. Of thla amount was la com- panics represented by Mr. Perrin, the remainder toeing distributed by him among various local agents.

Lance St Snyder having flO.vuO and Joseph lille-man M.Mrt. The campanlea in which the Insurance waa placed are aa follows: Royal, tll.too; Liverpool. London gt Qlobe, 110.000; Vnlnu Assurance, Commercial Unloa, German American. U.7&0; Home of New York, phoenix. London, 13.760; Phoenix.

Hartford, tt.OOO; American. Boston. A Use, Aetna, II.sOO; Na tional. tl.SOO; American, Philadelphia. Fireman's.

II. ooo; tamcinentaJ. St. Paul ll.IM); Flreman'a Fund, Caledonian, 12.600. TH1T MET MB, BILLIMAI.

Scraatea Traclisa sstpsay Eataleyes Had a CoafereBce- A gala. Scranton Truth. Thursday The grievance committee or tne Motormen and Conductors' Association held another conference last even'ng with general manager Sllllroan, of the Scranton Tracton Company. In addition to the committee, a number of the employee were present most of the eve ning, though Ibe commute remained nearly an hour after the other bad retired. The committee atated that tha em ployes were not satisfied with the de cision of tne company relative to tne desired Increase in wagea, and they alao touched upon other matters In the company's answer.

Mr. Sllllman dwelt at some length on the attitude tak by the company on the several que ttona. and. explained, more freely than had been done In the circular, the I eon for the company 'a poeltlon In the aeveral cases. The meeting was a har monious one, but there waa no change In the position or company or men, The committee left about 11 clock.

The association will meet on- Satur day evening after the Inetallatloa of officers, report will be made of last evenlnsrs conference, snd action taken The committee will likely request an other meeting with Mr. Sllllman for next Wednesday evening. The men regard the method of an swering the grievances aa Ignoring toeir union, ana mey aay tney will de mand a recognition of the union, tin ne other band, the company takes the aland that the committee represented heir employea, and that the matter of union waa not the Question under consiaeration. LBAOQED UP A KI5E, Serioaa Fosltloa al a Perelgeer la Plyaaoath Mia. i Joseph Cavic of Plymouth had a natv row escape from instant death at No, u.

t. mines, yesterday morning. He haa not been in thie country lone and being diesaaisfied wUh work Ins in the breaker, he was anxious to get a joo tn tne mtne. Yesterday morning he descended with a fellow countryman, who piloted him about the- mine search of work. He waa unable to find any and started back alone.

Just aa he reached foot of the abaft the raxi-tage waa ascending and he doubt less thought this waa hla oahr chance of getting up and made a rush for K. He was too late to get on and waa dragged up the ah art between the bunt ing and the oage a distance of fifty feet when he became unloosened and preoipKs-ted to ttrre bottom. Ills body aa badly crushed and trie nip broken. He waa removed to the hospital. Hlg condition la quite serious.

Peatloas tor Lehigh Valley Mes. The Lehigh Valley R. R. has estab lished a pension fund fur auperan- uated and injured employee. The money for the fund la derived from the paaaenger fares of the employea of the company ana tneir ramlllea.

up to aeveral months ago It waa customary to furnish free transportation to the muloyea and their famlllea, but thla privilege waa abused, and the offlrlala decided to withdraw It and make a low rate of a half cent a mile Inatead. The receipts from this source were ao Urge that tnt director euDsequentiy de- Id ed to aet aside one-halt of the re celpta from this source's a pension fund. The working detail of the plan ave not yet been fully completed, and the management of it la at present In charge of second vice prealdent Robert II. Hayre and general superintendent llolln II. Wilbur.

Ex. How Mori Will Be Eatertalned. The program of B. I. A.

entertainment be given at the City Hall on Satur- ay evening, under tne management or Mlsa Hope Hullard, will be a follow Inglng by the audience, followed by hleaux A Daughter or the South," Miss Stark: "Hood Morning," Mis Osborne; "Little Miss tPrim." Mis Osborne; "The Young Musician," Mlaa Florence Bullard; recitation, "Charge the Light Hrlgade," Thomas address, Mr. Coughlln, superin tendent of public school; music. Philip Rice snd William Ingham; tableaux. I'ricllla" Mlsa jtutn utruthers; Prtellla and John Alden W. Leciar and Mis Struthers! Mr.

Fred Chase; recitation, "Hailed nf the Oysterrnsn." by Miss M. Bullard: a of a Of Drue flat John F. Certw vm quit 111 Uat night. Tha rraa Kinder arts Aasoelatloa VUU a building. Union Vetera Uarit Installation and banquet oa Saturday evening.

Anyone anllna a nice black eat mar be snoomnKxlsUd by calling at th Heoord oflloe. An elevso-pound bob waa born yes terday tu Mr. and Mr. W. rul of Uollrkb i Court Llvsrymsa aa4 thsr who bar sleigh are getting them dowa (rum their summer quarter.

A number of sl.lgha were out yse-tsrday aad many enjoyed tha rid oa tha aoow-eovsred asphalt. Cleaa Uo (now from" your aide-walka aad gutter. One mora tha po-Uoa have a duty to perform. John Oarrnon aldertnaa of tha Fourteenth Ward, announce that bs-ts a candidal for re -election. -fctlal Llbrarlaa Egte will road papar brfora tha Soclaty thla evening, aad Oppeehelm' orchaatra wlU play.

Tha Saturday night meeting at tha T. M. C. A. will ba led by physical director A.

F. Wolf. Subject. "Blotting out tha paat." Tha men'a meeting at tha T. K.

C. A. oa Sunday aftarnooa will ba ad- dressed by Kev. J. lay.

chaplain of tba ttb Regiment Wyoming Valley Assembly. RotaI Society of Uood Fellowa, will have.n-etallatioa of officers and a collanoa heat Tuesday evening. The handsomest Kusalan alelgb la thla city la on exhibition at the ehopa of Lewi. Le Urand at Hon. It ta of tha latest inaka and very atyllah.

41. A. HI. John and three asalatanta hod on Tueaday ninrty-six horses and set one shoe In nine hours and a half, which beats the record for time and men. The next State convention of the Painters' and Decorators' Association will be held In Wllkee-Harre neat year.

It waa so decided at Heading yeoter day. The funeral of Bernard Coyle, eon of Mr. and Mra John Coyle, will be held from the house at Iee Park to day between the hours of I and o'clock. If you have not secured your ticket for the Preaa Club dance, send your order to the rooms, South Franklin street, and have your ticket and seat reserved. The second term of the educational claaaea at the Y.

M. C. A. will open oa Monday evening. Jan.

I. at o'clock. Kvery atudent la requeated to be present at the first session of this claaa. Hugh J. Tracy, living at the Km- CI re.

had a thumb crushed yesterday a car wheel falling on It at the axle worka It Is thought that the thumb can be aaved. The funeral of Hiram Booth took place' yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from his borne In Msltby. Ths remains were taken to Stella t'hapel. where ser vices were conducted by Rev. W.

F. Olhbons. Burial was In Forty Fort Cemetery. ohn OToole of Rcranton, who lived in Wllkea-Barre twenty-two years ago, died on Wednesday, aged IS years. of typhoid-pneumonia.

Ha waa the father of M. J. OToole, city editor of the Scranton Tlmea A South Uothlehesn rmtcher arms yesterday suited on te charge of aelHng horseflesh for beef, fie admitted his guilt and aaM he had been making all ail hla bologna out of boras fleah and had been selling it wa roasts and steaks. The symphony orchestra, composed of musicians from Hera ton and Wllkee-barre, will give a concert at the Academy of Mualc In Scranton January Zs. The concert will be given under tha leadership of Theordore Hemberger.

Wllket-Harre people In New York recently: C. Pabst, a F. Terry, Mor ton House; Mrs. Shoemaker. Miss Shoemaker, Bt Denli; R.

It. Hlgglns. Hoffman Rev. Dr. H.

L. Jones. Park Avenue; M. 11. llllama.

Westminster. The drill squad that gave the march of all nations at the HL Aloyslua New Year reception Is to be retained aa a feature of the society. Capt. Phillips 111 drill the squad. The officers are: Jamea Illnea, chairman; Jacob Iteuffer, secretary, and Peter Bwlnburne, treasurer.

The New York Life Insurance through its general agent, J. Wlll- amaon of thla city, haa paid to the heirs of Samuel Line (who Waa acci dentally shot while out gunning) the sum of I7.1XJ0. The proofs In this case did not reach the home office until Dec 24, anqchecks were dated Dec. 31. Architect J.

H. W. Hawkins haa originated a handsome design for ths band pavilion to be erected In the armory for tha Press Club ball. He baa also made designs for a unique stage for the orchestra. Wilson J.

Smith will beglp work on thorn on Monday next, aa it will take a week to build them. Rabbi R. Mayervlts of Kanaas City, one of the best known rabble in the country, will deliver two lectures next Saturday. Jan. 11.

at the Itnal Jacob Bynagng, on South Wellea street, at II a. m. In English and 1 p. m. in Hebrew.

Ths rabbi Is the guest of Rev, Kaplan, minister pt the congregation. PERHONAL8. Ruth, dauehter of Mr. and Mra. O.

M. te suie to ue sooui aiter her recent Illness. Mlsa Marlon Keck of Scranton la a guest of Miss race Puckey of North Franklin atreet. Mra. Peter Drier.

15 South Hancock atreet, will visit at her former home at Trucksvllle for a week. ueorge Miner, assistant manager of me Auaaemy or musio at Scranton waa In town yesterday. Mlaa Rose Oroaa of Scranton visited her aunt, Mrs. Jerome Meyer, II South Hancock street, for a week. Mlsa Jessla Meighan, who was the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Clancy of Dana atreet, returned to her home In waucn inunK on Tuesday. Manager M. H. Burgunder haa been Buffering with rheumatism for a week, and la to carry a cane.

Mlaa Lena Landmesser from Haale-ton la visiting at the residences of Mrs O. M. utter and Mra John Adajna of HOT GOIKQ TO CUBA Report That the Tklrieeath Regimes! Officers Uad Bee a Offered Cobs-saaad. ISfyanton Truth. Thursday.

The report, wbloh comes from Wllkea-Barre, ithat two omoera of the 13li Regiment have been offered the oom. nuutd of troopa of the Cuban Insurgents, Is denied by officers of the regl-men here. Among others, Adjt. Matites aUutea that ha believes the rumor unfounded for the reason thmt no application 4xaa been made for dischargee "iiimi nave Taaen place, An officer of the regimen intend in leave ths stsde L. leave ths State la required fey the regulation of the National Guard to notify the adjutant of hi regiment.

It Is understood, however, that Col Keck, lute of the tth Regiment, haa been offered command of a body of Cuban troop and at seriously considering the advisability of accepting the offer. Jary West to Daaaiore. Deputy cornor Perkins of Luierne County and the Jury he empanelled to Investigate the cauae of the boiler ex-ploaion at the Pennsylvania Coal Law shaft, Avoca, last week, went to Dunmore yesterday morning. They In-epected the boiler which exploded laat week. The Inqueat waa resumed at Avoca, and a verdict of aceM.t.i was rciurnea.

I A RICH TREAT IN STORJa. i Oood Thing That Will Re Within the tumuli of All Next Sunday. Even, those who have long realised that oe Philadelphia Sunday preaa wss tha greatest of Sunday newspapers. will be astontahed. at the quality of the issue oe Sunday, Jan.

ll There ta evsry sign that the Press will outdo Itself. To begin with, there will fee exclusive reports from atari eorreapottdMHa la the great storm oantrsa of the world South Afrloa, Veneaueia, London. Berlin and Washington. These will be of particular value In view of tha critical state of International affaire, la addition, there will be a eoore of noteworthy feeturea. Including a talk with Mrs.

Oen. Grant. In which sums of the re markable incidents theerer of the reniarkable "Old commander" are umq for tha first time; a chapter of absorb ing Interest on "The People of cue Trenavwal;" a graphic deaoriptioa of Leadville'a Ice tmiace: the first install. ment of shrilling serial story, by tha author of "Tha Forbidden liuest;" a delightful fairy tale for the Mule ones, and page after page of other matter of equal Interest. Then, to cap the oil- max.

there will be a splendid art sup. piement free to every reader. Do not tall to asa your neweoeaaer for tha Philadelphia Sunday Preaa of Jan. II. See Hambrldge' doubt page paint.

Ing, "fseauty and Innocence," in Truth to-morrow. THE EXCELSIOR'S Great January clearing aal la now on. All winter suit and overcoat win be sold at and below cost This Is dons In order to avoid carrying atock over till next ecaeoo and keeps our assortment always ud to date. Men aulta an overcoata were tla. now 1 13; men' aulta and overcoata were lit, now 110; men ults and overcoat were 113, now M.

All our boy' and chlldren'a overcoat and winter ult will sacrificed at the same proportionate low prlcee. Now is your chance to obtain first. class clothing at almost the cost of the cloth. The Bxcelilor Clothing House, 13 Pub. Square, Cor.

E. Market St r-11 ATTEND The Excelsior's great January clear ing asle, which Is now going on. Every garment of a winter texture will be aold at and belew cost. Excelsior Clothing House, 121 Pub. Square, Cor.

K. Market St -ll THE GREATEST CLEARING BALE On record Is now going on at the Ex- celalor. Every winter overcoat or ault for men. boys or children are being aold si ana oeiow cost. Excelsior Clothing House, IK Pub.

Square. Cor. E. Market St -ll ITS PURITT THAT COUNTS. While "the history nf brewln" ma hays "begun with Etrvnt" ths hi.

tor. of pure beer began at St. Louis under tn direction of the Anheuser-Busch Brewlnr Association. Pure beer should oe orewea rrom barley malt and hopa The Anheuser-Busch It Is especially u.pieu 10 ismny use. Ilacon at Kay aer, south Canal street, brewers', can supply you.

t' OOOD rich Is rather acarce at thla time of the year, but one la alwaya aure of getting It at the Btan.dard Dairy. 71 South Main, cor. Northampton. The cow which lupply thli dairy are kept In good warm barn and are well fed and cared for. Fancy nutter in "pound print," or in larger as you wsni it, and strictly Abner Welsh, superintendent of the Jackson-Woodin car worka at Berwick, and hla word la worth something to his fellow sufferers, saya that after suiienng ror years or a dlstreaalng rupture hs wss completely cured by Dr OMslley In eight weekly treatments' and he ha discarded his truss, having f-u THB NATIONAL BOTTLING LIMITED.

CO. 143-1 North Main street, Wllkea-Barre haa oompleted tie flrat year weu, nJ graUfying result. None but the best nuBBues o( nmparanoe drinks mineral water. bavw been or will fee wmie meermaier' celebrated Liebotschaner surer beer and medb-in. al porter admit no superiors.

The new temperance annk, made from unfer-monted grape Juice, has made a great mi. a saaupie Dwue rree ror the asking. 14,. WILKE8-BARRB BUSINESS LI-X1U. COL- winter term opena Jan.

1 in nih. school and Jan. I in day school. Tuition, four months In night school only 110, and full commercial and shorthand courses In day school only tMV ana eourse This roller is recommended hv cators, business and professional men tne leading business college In wiiKee-arre. It la conducted on strictly bualneaa basla Thorough courses, unsurpassed facilities and auc cessful, scholarly teachers.

To convince tne pupno mat thla college I what It represents to be, have decided to make this proposition: To all sunlls who have become dleaatlafled with the Instruction given In another business college we will give two week instruc tion in thla college free of all ooet of tuition, ao that they can see for them selves whether the courses of instruction, ability of teacher, methods of In- pupils in tne Wllkea-Barre Bualneaa Coileg la not far better than In the one they hav attended. For further ln formation rail or write to O. W. Will-lama, 7, to 11 West Market atreet 1 ECONOMY IN STEEL ROOFS. No matter how cheap a building you are going to put up, you can't afford a poor roof.

That' what keep you out the wet There I true enoonomy la ateel roof. It will last a lifetime. ill not leak, will not burn, and will ward or the lightning. Coat Is lea than for the beat shingle. Oet an eatlmata front the Plttston Iron Roof.

tng Co. WANTED. All graduate of the Wllkes-Barrw Busbies College since Its organisation ten year asio to send their names and addressee. They will hear something to their tnterest. 4-10 O.

W. Williams, Principal. Purr A scats, of tartar baklag pasrder. if all la IsaeealBg atreaaria tftofa govs) nwwal iteperi, Royal Daklntr Powder Co 106 Wall New TTgrk. Mi ret tVaitaf Jadie Wssdayard Csslie tha la.

jsaetiea Asalesl Capiat Plaa. serf. A decision waa handed down by Judge Woodward yeoterday Id the injunottoa prooaadlnca brought by John P. Xu. ney, fittaioa eouDollman, agalnat Capt.

Joha Ktanoery, recently elected oty ckrK of fliuttun. The ileotaton, whloh la againot flannery, deeldea that j. r. cTHoyta ta attu city oiera, and aa followa: "On tno flrat day of April. 1M.

J. P. O'Boyle waa duly elected city clerk of tba city of Plttaloa for the term of one year. So far aa from tba evl denua eubmlMed Mr. O'Boyhi la atlll tba Incumbent of the office In queatlon It true that at a meeUng of tba com moo council of tha city of PMteton on Pee.

laai, a paper purporting" to be a raaignatkn of ttM omoe ty Mr. O'Hoyle waa nreaented and ordered fllad, ThU papar waa afterward, tuy.ed naca as aar. uoyie oy aiyera, ne aof Ing olerk, and no record of It appears upon toe mtnute book. Nor doea ap pear that tha resignation baa been ac aepted or thm any action whatever In releaJoa haa been taken ty eitner breach of tha city council. It la clear therefore that no vacancy in iie office of etty clerk existed on Dec.

M. which time the election of John T. Flaonerv. tha defendant In Ibe Mil, Is claimed to have taken place. To the fast Lhua oneented the case of I'pd MrmJt va.

Craua at al. doee not apply The right to restrain by Injunction all acta that are contrary to law, and pre judicial to the Interests or tne community, la treated in the courts. And It would seem that an attempt to by aouolntment. aa office of a municipal character of which there ta at the time an Incumbent, wnoae reaignauon ne not been accepted, was prematura and tllesfaL The motion to continue the In Junction ta granted and the Injunction Is continued FLATS AID PLATEB3. Alllraelloas That May Be Local Keea la Ths sals of seala for Walte's Comedy Company at the Urand next week opena at the bo office or me iirana at o'clock thla morning.

Prices. 10c. Mc. Matlneea dally after Monday. It may be a matter of conjecture with our neoule now whether Walte'a Com edy Company la not good enough for the Grand Opera House at popular prices next week, but we find thla company playing In the beat only, and from all reoorta.

the show Is superior to msny higher priced ones. The band and orchestra this aeaaon must be wonder, being directed by Professor Vincent F. Irolll. the greatest clarionet bandmaster the world has brought forth. Kdwln H.

Wontray, the great trao drummer, and xylophone soloist A. N. Knoll, the great cornetlst, aa well aa composer, will appear each performance ion the stsge only) In conjunction with Msrls McNeil. In cornet duets snd solos. Dims matinees dally after Monday.

Shakespeare's subllms comedy "A Midsummer's Night Dresm," aa pre sented by Augustln Daley's Company, la tha acme of modern slags produc- llona. The aoenery. ooastumea, eleotrtcei effects are simply wondrous, tha music chsrmlng, ths whole production being a revelation of the progress or science aa adapted to the stsge, the characters sre assumed by such able actors, -as Percy Haswrll, Lyble Carlisle, Lillian Hwaln. John Craig Sampeon. Kdwln Barry, Hobart liosworth, Tyrone Power ssslsted by forty -five other, artists of known ability.

In every detail it la an exact reproduction of the New York and London productions and la beyond doubt the beat attraction ever ahown In Wllkea-Barre. The people of thla vtcln Ity are to be congratulated that they will have an opportunity to witness this presentation through the enterprise of Wllkes-Uarre Lodge of Klks, under whose auspices It will be given at the Urand opera House this evening. The popular "East Lynne" wtll be played at Music Hsll this afternoon by Mlaa Renard'a company. In thla play, as In "Ingoniar," the talented lady is said to excel. The press has been em- fhatlr In Its praise of her Lady Isabel, will be repeated to-morrow at both performances.

Spectacular, extrevajranxa and vaudeville Interpreted by the clever come-dlsns of the "Whits Crook" company will rule the boards at Music Hall for three daya, commencing with a special matinee on Monday. Tt) show will be found a departure from the average light extravaganxa entertainment. It la a pleasing combination of comlo opera and spectacular. The production will be alaged with special scenery and costumes. BECEPTIOH TO THE JUDGE! II Will Take Place Tuesdey Evening aad Will Re a Rnlllaal Affair.

The committee of the Iirkawanna bar In charge of the reception given Superior Court Judaea at the Elk building on Tuesday evening next haa roinplcti-d arrangementa, and Invitations are now being aent out. All tha members of the Supreme Court have been Invited, and Common Pleas Judges from the eleven counties Included In tha Scranton dlstrlrt, namely, the Judgea of Iickaw anna, Luicnie, Columbia, Montour, Monroe. Carbon, Wyoming. lirailford, Susquehanna, Wayne and like counties, and all members of the Lackawanna bar have been Invited. Tha reception will take place at I o'clock and will be a brilliant affair.

Hon. L. Amerman Is chairman nf tha reception committee. Scranton Truth. Clobs flay Sell Lienor.

Several months ago William R. Klein, one of the members of the Livingston Club of AUentown, began a friendly action agalnat the club to find nut If It waa legal for the club to acll liquor to Ita members. It waa an action In equity, and Mr. Klein prayed for an Injunction to restrain the club from selling to members. Judge Albright, who la a member -of tha club, and therefore Interested, referred the matter for decision to Judge Schuyler of Kaston.

the nearest president Judge, Judge Schuyler In a very exhaustive and learned opinion deeldea that it is not a violation of the license laws for a bona flile club to distribute- liquor to Ita members. The decision la the most advanced and up-to-date decision on the liquor question In Pennsylvania. AUentown Leader. Notts From County Caarls. President Judge Charlea E.

Rice, of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, presided In the bar office at the court house yesterday and heard the argument for a special allocatur In the case of the commonwealth va. Annie Tod-rlck, who waa convicted of burglary in Northumberland County. Lewi De-wart of Bunbury and W. W. Ryan of Shamokln made the argument Judge Woodward yesterday denied motion ror an arrest or judgment and a new trial ror jnnn Newton, New, ton la a constable or the Third ward and was convicted of embeitxlement at the Isst term of Quarter Session.

Joseph J. McUulgan wa registered yesterday aa a attident-at-law. He will pursue hi studies in the office of hla brother, F. A. McUulgan.

Commas Pies Mlnots. Indebtedness of South District of Wllkes-Hsrre: Petition ordered filed and January 17 fixed aa time fo hearing. John Novak and othera va. Anna Bergoe and others: Rule to show cauae why Judgment should nnt b. opened allowed.

J. 1. Kearney V. J. T.

Flanasn M. tlon to continue the Injunction granted. Coroner of Luierne County: Commission of Frank Mi-Km of Luxernt County read la open court. 4, of on 10 R. Of Sensation I WifeHubbv.

where did von get that good fitting suit Husband I iust had It made to- order at Simon Long's Sons for tic. Thev have about fiftv short suitings worth from $io to $30, which they are going to make- to order for 1 5 a suit until Saturday night 1 ODE EIS NECKTIE 0FFE3 Will be the talk of the town until Saturday night Si imon Long'i Sons Will sell 50 dozen neckties for 25 cents, in tecks, lour-in-handd and club house styles, guarantees value 50 cents. SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY inn Solid Brass IUU Banquet Lamps With Onyx Centre and Spiral Designs, complete with a Silk Shade $2.49 Regular price $3 98. 'S 4 SOVTU 31 A 1 If WUket-Bmrr. In order to give our customers the latest and finest goods in the mar-kct to select from, we stocked heavily.

Jan. 1st Wc Inicntory Such goods as have not been sold must go. We are able to offer Remarkable Values, not in goods bought for a sale, but the finest of goods we now have on hand. Murray, 11-11 WEST MARKET ST. 1 896 Clao rruits, Ltmoa Pool, TLOTS' FINE CANDIES Hum fndJiof sad Banc, Strict TreU Efj i oatiipButu rnnAI and TABLE WATEBi riuriil Orange, Grr fruit, Vsla Grapes, A 3 WUB AID COOILSO SBilDI.

W. M. MILLER 4 CO. 41 43 West Market St. FCIE SELECTED STOCK OAine.



CRACK BRA, CirEEBe. corruc cocoa. CANNED SOUPS. toilet bar, Telle! Water, Waasee, Uaad'hl. EitiaoU.

CIUABS aad TOBACCO, Taale aad Mlaeral Wiun, wines a4 liquors. W. D. Beers 48 W. Market Street.




Man wanteiL Hunday Preaa. fhitwrg A -Co. iKarm lor aale, IKooma wanted. Try. Hroadway.

llouea for rent. Qlouee for rent. 'Money to loan. Wail, Plymouth. 7ia4r guaranteed.

OanrtloaU'a card. for ants. InlelHaenca Offlna. Youtig lady wmed. l'w houaea for rent.1 Unhy girl for adoption.

1 V)vn 4k Son, Kingston. VWel.lnic gifts at Parker's. Kin woman wanu Madvma Aubrey; clwlrvoyant. i ml saw found In (Mrl wanted for laundry work. Maar Cattle Will Ba Coa.uattd.

Tha Butchers Protective Association invites all to atund their flrat annual ull at Landmeaaer hall on Tueaday veuing, January XL to partake of their free oa roaat. Other refreahmenU will iil.o ba served free of charge. The r.iaat will conalst of four oattle, pounds each, flfteea lambs and hogs, Death ef Patrick McBala. Patrick McHale died yesterday at tha of his dauxhter, Mra. Kiha Van fti, In Plymouth, of general debility, about years.

He Is survived by rne children Zlba Van Loon. Hi whom ba lived: Domlnlck of -Ht Nantlcoka, and Patrick of Praa- illa. Not Caoagh far Slelgblag. cnuple of Inches of snow fell yaster v. JiiHt enough to nicely cover the ix, although not enough for elelgh-riaewhere than on the asphalted fmPTHiire was mod-r Uurlng the day.

Otcg foal, CUroa, ULSTERS $5, $7.50 and $10 Two to Three Dollars Less Than Before Christmas. MEIiS OVERCOATS $10.00 Ones Nov $6.00 $12.00 Ones him $14.00 Ones Now $10.00 $18.00 Ones Nov $12.00 'Custom Made Clothing Suits that were $22.00 to $2 Suits that were $27.00 to $30.00. Suits $24.00 that were $30.00 to $35 00. 4fHrmfHHHrtHHim See tie Goods on Display in Our Windows. Amusements.

GEASD orEBA Bocsr, M. kC goaneiis. Manager FRIDAY. JANUARY 10. Under the auspice of the Wlikes-Barre Lodge of Elks An elaborate and sumptuous repro duction of Bbakespeare's fanciful comedy, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM By Auguatln Daly's Company.

Music, scenic and electrlo effecta and accessories a used In the original product Ion. Bale of seats opens Wedneeday. Jaa at a m. GHANU OfkkA UoCKR, at, H. BonnTL Maaager JAS.

13, 14, IS, 10, 17, IS. Plot. Usiir Kicpi Uood.r. Might prices 10a, SO, go. Maa M.U BOs, Tse WAIFE'S Cease' Cs.

Csaeerl Orchestra Pre at i am Uaad or S3-ARTUTS-33 Assisted kythe World's Oreatssl Cornel nolotsts ssa voeilMB, A. H. Bt.ltOI.Lan MAgtlB BTBgCIU MONDAT .7... nag-1 TUK9IAT "Mlchaal Btrogoff" WKDNKHDAT "Hrtnce of Llara" THirrtUUAY gre to Bon' FRIDAY "Inalde Track' SATURDAY "Santenoed for I.lfe' NIOHT COMEDIES AT S-10, 10. Kc.

WESTERS H. Woods, Mgr. Mrsio Hli; Mark. Bottoaai Maaager.

obb aoi in wr.rx TiV OOstMBNClBCi BOHOif, JAIi. 0 SgATINBS KVT.RY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Tb Beautiful EmoUonal Actress, iy(i iss Rachelle Renard Supported by a Talsntsd and Vsrsatlle company or Artists. Presenting the grand repertory a fol low i Monday "KATHlKErr MAVOUR- NBKN." Wednesday a great pro duction. Thursday "Pedal mat inee.

ITrMav nisht "IN HIS TOWM." Friday and Saturday matins and BaU arday evening, "EAST LYNNE" popular price prevail. NEXT ATTRACTION. "The While Crook." jcisliiii VaUej Eottlifli Worb PBUir BCBCUTX. PnyrMea, Borrua or vmavi ciuebbatib OArvzornsai Also Alt). Weiss Beer, Eta Telephsae OaU BMe.

7 snd 9 Wlllism Street, GRAND HOTEL read way aad Slat M4 Beer Vers. Safaralaket aad kaaMaeMlr asenrstst. sotsaun pranisiag. a wirz soma ror nauuss -t ss usuieot gaasta fee Pay and rpwara, wat. at.

vkl.ahu,, at etal gesaett, if asaiissjl. I. VVEITZENKORNS. i To carry out after the advent of the pew year is to ct your break-last (a a warm room. This be done by using one of our Oil Heaters, or Cat Radiators.

A large room can be heated la a few minutes. They are absolutely free from odor, and are easily managed. Thousand! of them are in use, as expense of running them is very low. I CARPENTER CO. SI W.

Market St LADIES' DESKS Art the most appropriate piece of amaJl furniture for gifts, and that I why are making a epeual drlvt oa them at this season. have them in i CPRLT BIRCH, (PIRD'B-JETE MAPLE, QUARTERED OAK AND SOUD MAHOOANT, Beautifully Inlaid with cclared woods, mother-of-pearl, eta Prlie ran from 54 to 535 ROCKING CHAIRS Art much In demand also. Wi hav them tn all the popular style and wood; upholstered In plush, silk and all the desirable covering. Cob bit eats, saddle seats. In faot, anything you want Price rang trim tl.Si up4as much as you care to pay, Wo feel very proud of our PARLOR, DININO AND CHAMBER BETS.

Because we don't bellev they oao be duplicated for the price we ask aaywheia. Let us show them to you. EASCHENBACffS Mammoth Furniture Store, tn S. MAIN Wilkea-Barra. VITZ MAKE IT A POINT to bandl II enlr RELIABLE GOODS.

ThU ta Bsstiotblng It veil to rmaber l( ya gOBtemplat buying. Now' a good Urn buy. for the balaoo of our took will oloaed out at OEEATLY BIDOCED PRICES. N. P.

Jordan Son, Wait Market Blreet, Wllk-Barr I Special DriYfi w. k. a let at kroksa slsss la Uiles shasa, I Ba turn sat sxtsnslna solas, viol tM asa eiotk tops, wnicn w. are nnarwg a. rmw Sttry salr warrsated, 1 I vis siting WALKER, Itorthsmptoa ireet, a) the wtsaerot th.

Soil. Ooaea JU. Hambaret Burriaford, 1 14 rOSUO B40A atg. OLIITER'S 4 POWDER iBsatt Svipertor Strength sad reedoia iroai Bmoaie. v.

mi asuDis Mwwa rownsa a rsi seaderrikOllwrar stiBa TsU.Bsaa lots, ar stfsaaaslssssa aseiiOak asiaatiaaa II 4 Si 00, 9M TJ) SHOES $1.98 tableaux. "Ye Olden Time," Mlaa Mabel Deemer; "Childhood," Mlsa a- loreuce Rullard: "An Interesting Book," Miss Kitty Rhoadea; recitation, "One Rainy Day," by Mlsa Bullard. DF1ATHS. MoHAI.E. In Plymouth, Jan.

int. Patrick McHale, aged al years, of gen. aral dhlMly. her reelderic, ltT South Fell street, Jsn. ft, 1KM, iMrs.

Rosa A. Joe. dan, aaed it year. Funeral at I p. m.

Frt-Tay. 4, It, at her home In Roes Township, Mrs. iPost, aged Kl yeare, mnnthe and daya Buried at Maple drove on the th Inst. MYEHA-ln Durjree, Jaa. lung.

John Myers, of a compacatloa of diseases. yer. WlHtre-Barre, Jan. UML M. years, cancer.

Wllkea-Berra, Jan: 18ML Iana atreet, Mary Price, liver disease, jrTsBKBYV-In Wilkes-Barr. Jan. 1, im, of ooiwimptton, al ra, Jennie, wife Joseh Hartley. LKSl.K.-ln W'cfkee-Bsrr. Jan; vm, Jse, rnerJ debility, id North Canal, 77 years.

WW ft.

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