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The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Times Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-3HE "WTLKES-BAEEEHECOED, TOESDAT MOBNTN'G, APJJIX 1G. 1895. Mr. and MraTjoba Bennett. Mr.

Bennett re TLYM0UT1I. bishop tno COIIFEREHCB APPOIHTLffiirrS. applause whloh demonstrations rebuked. la tbeeharshea Wednesday velosr, April 17. Te taale will b1a to eerv supper at 4 o'clock tr-teed of Uutaala sftcr the ea-tertaiameat aa the procrm states, Bev.

B. The Philomatbean Literary Society in fast I Boberts of Wlikee-Barrc wl3 bo the con growing Into'promlhense aad a mere pleasant or profitable hour eaa not be spent than at its meetings. Tbe members' have eatered ductor. The services at. Prof.

Be vaa ot Quite a Number of Changes i In speaking ef the matter Bev. Mr. Hogsa said, weakness of say erftics fs'showa by their failure to give the names of the signers snd the fact hat they did "sot vesture to; submit the paper to a vote et the eonferenee." It ia not pleasant for me to make this protest, bat think tbe whole Into their literary work that Is Orwell P. M. Motr, Owego, Y.

MD. FuDer, Borne 3. B. Flory, Sayre Thomas Harroua. Bkinaer's Eddy W.

H. Strang. SUtersvllle, K. Y. H.

H. Vaa Dsusen. South Deaby, P. F. Mead.

rSpeedvilIe. K. C. Billman. Bpeooer.N.

Y- J- B. Wilson. Tioga, K. Y. Ziba Evans.

Waverly.S.T-aM.burdam. West Dsnby Supply. Windham a Keeney. Wyaluaing J. Smith.

Dralse worthy. Tbe nsDers read arsjuwais oa Made in I Miner's Mills, Mrs, Amos and Miss Myfanwy Evans ot Wltkee-Barre, aad the Ulted GWe Club ot Parsons, have beea svearod for the evsalng. A cordial Invitation is extessed to ail. Interesting topics aad the debates oo sub turned with her. The WIlkee-BarreGae Co.

has finished laying a main ths entire length of Maa batten street. Mrs. Wert Alberteoa and children ot El mire are visiting bar mother, Mrs. Anaa Dualop. Mr.

aad Mrs. George Bprowl returned from Whit Haven oa Fridsy night, where they had beea to attead the funeral of his DavM L. Davis, who has worked for the Central as ear builder for over fifteen years, resigned to become aighW. wateamea at the Maxwell.breaker. David Sherman was married to Miss Fannie Engie et WUkes-Barre on Thursday.

Conyngham, Sebrage A Co, issued a hand Id) jects prominently before the American people. At the last meeting of tbe society the subject nnderisoastioa was "Should property hold All of the District A Sensation Cre- ing be mad aa additional qualification for voting?" Messrs. SUoharda, Bags aad WUU ated by the Resolatioa of Bev tlogaa Ceaeladlnc Business A meeting of the common eouseTl wae held anrued for the sfflrmauva aad sffairwlUbsa means of graoe to several brethren. It is notdlffleutt tor a presiding elder to secure forty names, especially when he has four years patronage in a. district.

I have taken nothing bask aedt regard the waoIeaffalrasaviadteaUoB." 5 ApponrnciKTS. I Tee complete list ot sppolatmests ot the Wyoming Conference read at the Methodist Church this afternoon is appended 1 aiROHAJcrojr DraraicI- for Infanta end, children. teat evening. Tee committee ca estimate submitted its report. Ordioaeoe i fixlnc mayor's salary as approved by select cos ndl J.

G. Eckmaa presiding elder, poatofflee. Bees. Jones" and' MsDoaough the negative. The debate was a spirited one aad though tbs negative wen it Seranton.

first aad second read! are. The ordin bad not any points to spare. John F. Boyle sheer intUw, of CuWU writ years' contributed aa exeeUeatly prepared paper oa yearaart wa te aweak of it withwat ances fixing salarr of dry solictor, treassrer and ehtet ot polk re held over for farther consideration. The ordlaaaee iacreasiag lee salary of controller from $300 ro $500 passed first aad second reedtsce, The term "Druidlem," as also did Harry oa Canals." some Easter sard to their trade on Saturday.

The beet Welsh singers ot tewa are preparing for a concert to be held la the Welsh Presbyterian Church May 15- for the benefit ot Bobert Hashes. Tbe W. O. T. U.

will hold a mother's meet J. O. Woodruff, presiding elder, John J. Davis Is spending a few days at It le wwcwwtlemahly the seit Teems dy for ljaraat aad ChCdJcw the wrcrLX fcaa cwew katwa. It Is ksunaOUca.

CUUrmm Hie It Bingbamton, N. X. Auburn Issae Jeaklns. -1 Spring Brook. J' and Adjparnmeat, The United PrM reports as follows a sensational Incident at Wyoming M.E, Confer-enes yesterday: At the "Wyoming Conference of tbe Methodist Epleeopel Cbareb la session at Carbondale tail afternoon occurred the most sensational and dramatic seeae witnessed la tba open session ot th coaler.

no la many years. Est. E. B. Du Brigss of Jlarafton.

N. offered a resolution la which was characterized aa aaehrlstiaa aad Intemperate tbs language need by Bev. J. C. Hogn of Forest City at tbs prohibition meet In last Friday -evening at which Bev.

Mr. Hogaa referred to preeldtog elder Thorpe ot the Honeedale district as a moral ot the election ot th ty rttk from one to Bingbamton. N. Churih, H. Baee; The employes at the Avonaale eoiusry wlu two years' alto aa'srd first aad second Ktwoc taesm ioalth.

It vrffl ssve vAeir llwee, it Motaerc rr be paid to-day. r. A Chenango Street, J. A. Faulkner; Clinton Street, J.

W. Nlsholaon; High Street, T. F. readings. The aenvaameati incrvesiee bis have I et mm ing oa Tuesday st 8 p.

at Mrs. Wer-borten's, on Haxie street, Tee wtli be served at ft. Members and friends ore in Mrs. James Bambries has been removed to wthlns; wrhLA Is aaceJatcly aaJW awd prmoticallr wavf salary from $50 to $60 per month Was tot I by Hall Oak Street, W. B.

Turner) Tabernacle, the City Hospttet tor treatment. avotcoiu yeas to nave. The ordli vited. Barry Jordaa et Fittstoa has accepted a that en officers tarnish $500 boad ale passed Anderson-rC B. Heary.

Ahly 3. B. Sweet. Askam W. WUeox.

Avoea J. B. Wagaer. 4 -Carvertoa Abet Wrigley. Cehtermoreland J.

W. Price, Dallas W. B. WesUake. Eaton E.

D. Savaaagb. Forty Fert L.E. Vaa Hoesoa, Glen Lyon J. a Lewis.

Kingston H. MeDermett. Lackawanna E. L. Santee.

Larksvllie Decker. Luseme J. F. Williama. Lehman James Beanlnger.

Maple Grove F. D. Cornell. -Mountain Top L. E.

B. Sumner. Noxen. Parsons W. XL Hiller.

PitUtos G.C. Lyman. Plains J.N. Lee, Plalnsrllls 0. D.

Sxinnsr. position at the FranU House. aalloVc saedlctma. Caetcrla elcctroye "Xtfmrmm. -Caetorta aHaye TeweHsaweca.

Mrs. John Hammond and Mrs. Jona oar Easter day was celebrated la Ashley aad there was a very large attendance ia all tbe churches. At the morning ssrvloe in the Presbyterian Church the seats were nrst and second reading. The ordlaaaee that ths street department Uct a commissioner ss ndopted by select council ter one year was changed te two years sad passed Ma left yesterday for Phiia delpbia to ettead ths eommssoement exereises at the Phila si) takea and the aisle were filled.

The E. B. Olmstead. ,1 Brooklyn G. F.

Ace. i Daltos CL H. Newing. 'ill East Bridge water G. B.

Sogers. Factoryville H. H. Wilbur. Falrdale-O.

L. Williams. Iji D. C. Barneev.

Jjl Flowers, N. T. 8. A Lues. Foster G.

P. Tiffany. Ah Franklin Forks DuCeok. -Gibson and South Gibson G. Jacobs.

Cattria pvveeits wceaxtiag flret and eecond readlec Other release pastor, Bev. Morvtn Ouster, preached a pow delphia College of Pharmacy. Next Monday afternoon a foot race for a parse ot $100 will take plaee at Hehs's Grove. Castcrta. i TMarrhsM Win Cello.

erful sermon oa the reeurreetloa. The floral reseated were referred te tbe proper eoas-alttees. ConnoU thea adjourned till T30 ceo rations aroasd the pulpit were very this evening. beaettfuL After the hermoa tha sacrament Mice Katie Walsh ot Ororoa le visiting la Caetcrla relieves thims; Trwaalec Castwria cures CoawtlwatJoai amd TlatwJeacy. moatrsTtss the ogecte ceT j-acwlc acid gee cw between Thomas Hamlin aad Thomas Ban.

both efown. The men have'beea la active training aad a close spurt Is expected. Tbe dietaaee will be 100 yards. ot the Lord's supper was celebrated. At St, Jobn's there was a Urge attendaaoe and the Hew I or, city.

Glen wood snd Fleetvilte 8. Austin. assassin and a Kioisterial elowa who dis-graoed the ministry. Tbe resolution presented to-day eontaiaed the algDature of forty prohibition ministers. Bst.

It. Hogaa at once seen red the floor on a question ot privilege and started to relaie the history ot hie trouble with the presiding elder. He wae sternly stopped by Bishop Andrews, who told him that? be could onlyexplsia hie of Friday evening. Sen Mr. Hogaa again started to relate the story, bat a seo- ond time was prevented from doing eo by the presiding elder.

Then Est. Mr. Hegaa de- elared to the eoaferenoe that he would not soelogize and would not air. Mrs. Roe Harris aad daughter ot Sersa- services ware impressive.

The rector, Bsv. Mrs. Frank Tamer and son, Joseph, have to are vlaitlng ber mother, Mrs CT Brows. Horace Ed wis Haydea, preached from St. on.

William strwet. Plymouth O. L. Ssverson. Pringlevllle Thomas Beidy.

Bendham's Stewart Memorial W. B. Cosk returned from Tampa, Florida, where they have beea spending the winter. Mark 16 4. Theebaaoet was heaped with a Parke Biehards ot the Weet Bide left profusion of beautiful plants and lilies.

At Csvstcria docc met ewtcia wsevphlac, otacr-aiaTeevtc pi op ei ty Castoria atxcllatc) tha rweralatcc the eecwaacw amd Vewals, rlvtws; haaltay suad matwral ileeyj -r CactorU te wat WW la owc-wleo pcttlca ly. It le atct'eeld la aalk. tetday to resume his studies at Beequebenna, floee Oa, No. will meet to-night, Thomas a Thomas has started a charcoal rane. i Sr.

Leo's Catbolio Church the aad 10 Miss Anna Cake of the Weet Bide, who has Seranton Asbury. A F. Chaffee; Cedar pit near the twin nouses. Be expects to be o'elock masses wss attended by large audleaees. Tbe singing was specially good.

bees visiting In Oal iterate te expected heme avenue, J. L. Baoe; Court street, G. B. Price; la a position to give work to twenty men by this week.

Her mother left yesterdsy to meet Elm Park, W. H. Pearee; Hampton street, F. Tbe three altars were decorated ia a tasty the middle of next month. Pewt allow aay ese to call yww ajsyCstsMC el ewe the ylmm, erpremfae ner in ritw York.

Doty Providence, William Edgar Simp wsy with caster lilies, plants and flowers. A small fire broke out yesterday morning Installation ot officers of Pride of the Valley Mr. and Mrs. William Kteldler entertained son, L. C.

Lloyd. 'V that It la "Jwt ae gd! amd "wrCl ssrse Lodge was held last evening: Worthy mis- la the residence ot Henry Carver on Willow street It was put out before the arrival of on Sunday, Mr. aad; Mrs. Vsaeleve Kreidler withdraw any statement that he bad made. He said tbst there had been discrimination against' prohibition pastors for ten years, aad he had been told by the presiding eider that none ot the ehorobee wanted him.

He declared that It tbe forty mtn- latere who signed the resolution would (Its tVat raw get O-AHS-T-O-K-I-A. tressv Juam LewellTaai deoutv mistress. of WUkes-Barre. Hannah Arnott; reeordlsg secretary, Maggie Great Bend J. a Orompton.

Harford Thomas Eva. i Hawleyton, N. Y. J. H.

Weston. Kirkwood a J. B. Wilson. Lanes boro C.

Troomaa. Maine, N. Y. E. P.

Eldredge.1 Montrose J. N. 8blpman. --4 1 New Mliford W. L.

Ltnabery. Newton J. Johnson. i Kioholson G. E.

Van Woert. 1 Oakland 3. B. Hanton. Bush J.

ClJEtogan. Bpringville Abraham 8ohofield. Susqoehanna Stephen Jay. Uuioia. N.

Y. J. F. Jones. 1 Union Center, N.

Y. S. M. B. Williams.

Vestal, N. Y. J. B. AngeL West Nicholson L.

T. Van Cam pen." G. Ward, professor in Syracuse University Members ot Centenary, Binghamton, Quarterly Conference. Austin GrifSo, agent ot Preachers' Aid Society Member of Chenango street. Bingbamton, Quarterly Conference.

CHEKaNGO DISTlUCt. Dr. and Mrs. Dobsoa ot Nanticoke were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.

William Vlsoeut roily financial secretary, Mrs. Daniels; Taylorvilie F. A King. -Trucksville N. J.

Hawley. Tunkhannoek W. P. HlUer. Wanamle T.

M. Furey. Waverly--F. H. Parson.

West Nanticoke Clark Calleodsr. West Pittston W. G. Simpson. lieswwy sistant secretary.

Maggie Evans: trustee TWiWeiamlU atgwatwro cf on Busday. fcwyar. Mrs. D. Arnott, Mrs.

Benjamin Evans. Bev. Mr. Custer's bible class will hold a social at the borne ot Mr. aad Mrs.

John Bora To Mi. and Mr. Thomas Has lie ot Frothlognam street ca the It Issu, twins, a Wllkes-Barrs Central, J. W. Webbs the fire company.

Burgess Loderiek was kept busy yestsrdsy morning dealing out justice to a number of unfortunates that had Imbibed too freely on Easter. They were mostly Huns aad Poles. A E. Williams, undertaker, livery and general teaming, oomer Mala street aad Gay. lord avenue.

195 M. Grandl has opened aa ice ersam parlor on East Main street. Attorneys D. L. and J.

Crevellng are at Blocker this evening. Children' Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. bey and gtrk Dsrr Memorial, J. F. Warner; First' Church, Misses LUIle sad Jennie Kaiser ot Wilkes-Berre were the guests ot Mrs.

Charles Kest- Flrst-claae pants aad veet makers wanted J. B. Boyle; Parrish Street, Ju a Murdock; their attention to lmmoreUtlee within the eonfcrtnoe, they would be in better business, A half minute ot sileooe that followed this daring speech was broken with applause on the part of two or three. Like a flash" ths gray-halted 'bishop was on his feet "Is it possible that there are members ot this eoaferenee who will sheer a sentiment ot that kind? he cried with great dramatio foree. Many clergymen were Indignant over IteT.

Mr. Hogan's remark and the applause here broke la with cries ot "shame, shame." at Greenwood Berth, oomer Main aad rup on Sunday. Welsh Mission, J. B. Williams; Wyoming, Wilson Trelble Yatesville, Joseph Madison.

William streets, 103 Joslah Schwab baa beea spending a fswj Brittlgaa Massell's bakery wagoa driven I L. Sprsgue, principal of Wyoming dsye with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John by Thomas Masghaa, was struck by aa elec Seminary Member of Kingston Quartsrly Schwab.

Conterenoe. tric oar yesierasy on too West side. A rear Walter Cannon, son ot baggage master F. A Dony, secretary of Northeastern wheel was torn off aad the vehicle was badly Thomss Cannon, was bitten by a dog oa Sua The appointmesta of this district are all in Pennsylvania Sabbath Union Member of aamagea. The driver eeecped.

day evening. Officer Patterson shot the dog Tbe bishop went on, "whoever knows of Im the State ot New York. 1 i Mrs. Hiram Hobbe. aged abest 40 year.

Asbury, Seranton, Quarterly Conference. and the daotor cauterised tbe weuad. moralities Is responsible beiore ooa in not tending a session of the Supreme Court at Philadelphia. Three cows are is the pound waiting to be claimed by their owners. Thomas West is buildlng'sn addition to his shoe factory and placing new machinery.

Artistic wall paper in all the new shades at Davenport's Book Store. 105 Bush O. Lees ot Harvard College Is visiting H. M. Cryden wise, presiding elder, post died st her heme ia Upper Ptttetoa yesterday M.

a Hard, assistant corresponding secre Mr. end Mrs. Charles Bells of Mountain Top called oa Mr. aad Mrs. Michael Warner tary of Board of Chureh Extension Member aftoraoa at A ta o'elock after a Uagerlng ot Kingston Quarterly Conference.

luness. A8aasa was aaaugmer oi Mr. aad i having them made known." He then eom- manded Mr. Hogan to be seated and the cldont dropped there." (from tbe Record's correspondent, CAEBOirDALn, April 15. Conference opened on Sunday.

Bev. J. a Sweet will return to Ashley. Mrs. An tboby Loft us, both deceased.

She is W. A. Noble Missionary In Korea. survived by ber husbasd and five children. A a Williams left without appointing to office, Norwich, N.

Y. Castle Creek 8. S. South worth. Chenango Bridge W.

A. Wagner. Chenango Forks M. Olmstead, Chooonut Ontre Charles Smith. Coventry 8.

D. L. Meeker. Eomeston F. D.

Hsrtsoek. Exeter Sobleyter's Lake A. D. Finch. Bsuben A Hess has bought a lot eu Brown as alee tb following brothers aad eistere attend ons ot our schools.

street la tbe rear ot William Hubbard's prop ie, at a. m. wuo prayer oj -i. d. oumuor.

Anthony. El ward and Daniel Loftue of Car A topic ot conversation immediately at the TtV Tbe tweaty-thlrd question was taken up It's Provjokinp; to be deceived it's annoying to have a poor article of shortening. You can avoid both by seeing that yonr pail of COTTOlf IE bears the trade mark steer's head in cotton-plant wreath and -be sure of having delicious, healthful food. Other erty and will com meaee tbe erection of home In a short time. close of the conference was the trick, bv roll street, Mrs.

Jshe Drake of Wyoming. Wha mr th annnrnnm.r&rv. nraaehers?" Mrs Jenny Hurley of Pise street, Mrs. John John a Dlefenderfer bss been in Lewis his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Lees. Mrs. John Young, ot Youngstown, Ohio, who has beea visiting her mother, Mrs. John Hutebings, returned horns yssterdsy via L. V.

B. B. Harry Perkias and John Lloyd left yesterday tor a few days' stay in Philadelphia. A meeting of the Uao Aulmo Club will bf Garrattsville 8. J.

J. Henry, Fanning of Searle street and Miss Sarah Lot which tbe Herald, one ot the Carbondale dailies, published the appointments. Bishop Andrews was Indignant when he heard it, for i burg the past few days, where ble family is Gilbertsvilie L. Palmer. visiting.

These names were read: C. 8. Alexander, D. Alexander, W. W.

Andrews, a V. Arnold, Philip Bartlett, H. Blanohard, Asa Brooks, B. D. Darrier, B.

B. Carruth, H. B. Clarke, Leonard Cole, C. Foiton, C.

Gill, Henry Halstead, A. F.Harding. Joseph Hart- be said he had given the publisher the list only on the promise that be would not use The following nsmes have beea added to tbe list of contributing members et the rue, who bae made ber borne with deceased. Mrs. Hobbs was a highly respected lady.

At the Armory Block Dry Goods House, Campbell's this week: Cotton dress goods. Kid gloves, asw shades. them in tbe paper. manufacturers try to imitate COT-TOLENE, that's the best reason Beseue Hose Co. David Miller, W.

a Ceul ter, William Field, E. Doney, Jacob Kline, John Bruner. Ksstrup Keck, a E. Wells vibyou want the original article, i EMPIRE SOCIAL and Allen Lindsay. held to-night.

Our line of perfumes, toilet soaps, toothbrushes, ete cannot be excelled. Fine assortment ot candles and cigars. All kinds of patent medicine always la stock. Prescriptions caret ally end promptly filled at Keystone Drugstore. 105 Miss Barrett ot Danville la the guest ot Elmer Mens was conscious ths greater The First Annual Ball Attracts a Greene B.

Weeks. Gsilford M. GodshalL Lisle H. G. Blair.

Marathon E. D. Briggs. McDonough a George Pope. Morris Levi Johnson.

Mr. Upton W. T. Blair. i New Berlin E.

Ii. Jeffrey. North Fen ton a D. W. Sweatland.

North Norwich G. N. Underwood. Norwich John Bradahaw. Oxford Wllilsm Frisby.

Plymouth W. Lowry. Preston a Albert Clark. Bockdale a part of the day yesterday. Made only by Th N.

K. Fair bank Company, CHICAGO, m.r- 139 S. Delaware In BobeTt A Winder ws vry low leSt evening and was not expected to live untlL morning. The Knights of Honor and Junior Mechanics have a trained nurse attending well, J. i W.

Howitt, B. Horns. Philip Holbrook, W. it Judd, 8. 8.

Eeanedy, G. W. Leach, J. W. Mevis, George Psrsonva W.

Loomis, J. K. Peck, D. Br-'sonsous, R- S. Bose, Edgar Sibley, 8.

G. 8tephens, M. Btono, M. Swallow, W. B.

Thomas, O. W. Todd, J. L. Wells, E.

Walworth, a F.Wright, William Keatley. Their characters were passed and their relations with the exception of 8. 0. Fulton, who was rsqussted to locate, and W. J.

Keatley, who wae changed to a superannuated relation. The third question wae asked i "Who are readmitted?" The ease of L. A. Wilde was discussed and he was readmitted. The qnestiOD.

"Who are received, on ere dentists from other churehes?" wae asked. J. W. Worley from the United Evangelical 15-19 Steckisgs and corsets. The last sad rites over the remains ot the late Peter Joyce were held yesterday moralag with requiem mass at St.

John's Choree. Very Bev. Father Fianea was eelebreat, Bev. Father Grevede icon, Bev. Father Kelly sab-deacon and Bey.

Father B. H. Walsh ot Moscow, a relative cfdecased. occupied a seat in the sanctuary Father Fiaaea referred to the masy qualities Mr. Joyce possessed, both ae a faithful Christian and aa exemplary and dutiful husband.

The pall beatere were nephews ot deceased. Thomas Joyce. Patrick Joyce and Joseph Joyce ot this place, and Jehu Joyce and Biohard Joyce Of Seran him. xter. Morvtn Custer will leave this morn- lag tor Seranton to attend Presbytery.

Miss Bresnahan. Dr. D. F. Smith vlsltsd his mother at Seranton yesterday.

Mrs. Smith is still in poor health. Ths Father Mathew Society held its twenty, fourth annual ball ia the armory last night. Being the firstdanoe after the Lenten season a large and jolly crowd was ia attendance. Ths ball were an attractive appearance, flowers and evergreene being everywhere to be seen.

The grand march took place at 9 o'elock and was led by Mr. and Large Crowd. Tbe Empire Social Club held its first annual ball In Landmeseer Hall last night and the twenty-tour dasoes wore enjoyed by a large number ot young people. Master ot of ceremonies, H. J.

Tracy; assistant master of ceremonies, Ed Baker; treasurer, William Kelly; reception committee, Cornelius Mack, John Casey, James Williamson, Daniel MoV beiln, Peter Casey, John Drugan, James Ford, Mice Conway, Thomas Ashton, Mike Keating, Patrick MeGinnls. William Keel, Thomas MoGroarty floor committee, Francis Tracy, Chris Mack, John Hotehklss, William Mulherin, James Car, John Mulherin; prompter, George Mulherin. EDWARDS V1LLE. Sherburne W. H.

Alger. Smyrna S. EL Wood. South New Berlin J. W.

Divls. Triangle a M. D. Mattoon. Whitney's Point F.

A Chapman. Willett J. M. Correll. EONKSDALS CHOICE BRIC-A-BRAC Calendars of all Publishers, The first literary entertainment will be held at the Welsh Baptist Church next Wed ton.

Among tbe cut ef town attendants were Jamee Joyce, wife aad.daughter ot Syracuse; W. L. Thorpe, presiding poatofflee, Tkmu JtM in4 anna 1 Wl1ka Mrs. CPonnsU, P. J.

Hooan, AUred GInUy, 'IVo TTOllTI ISOQfitJ ((ZCKY. KnnlTQ. I Jfl. Tf IlftflAq Church was Introduced to the conference and alter considerable discussion was admitted. The fourth question was taken up, "Who have besn received?" The following were admitted: C.

P. E. D. Cavanagb, J. W.

Davis, E. A Qulnby. 8.E. Hunt, D. L.

Seranton; James Ginley. Dua more; William -axaavvxAAA twwy wwwy Pureell. Carbondale James Jennings, Avoca Mrs. J. Boyle.

Tbe following committees bad charge: Master of osremosise, J. Boyle assistant, Ed wsrd Powers reception committee. W. L. Murray, James Doyle, Jamee Butler end Hugh Carr floor committee, William Long, John F.

Ginley, Felix Mucphy, P.J. Foley. John Bresnahan, James J. Flansgaa, James Grimes, Oswald Moore, Michael CalahanStnd William Cleary. William O'Malley.

WUkes-Barre. Honeedale, Ps. Arlington J. G. Raymond, Beach Lake W.

Worley. Bethany J. A Transue. Canaan P. B.

Tower. Carbondale G. A Plaee. Car ley Brook Philip Houek. Cherry Ridge W.

Bawiings. Clifford D. a McKellar. Tbe Austin colliery at Siblay shut down last evening till May 1 on aeooust of the alls ess of the coal trade. AN INSURANCE DETBAUDEB.

People Should Look Oat for Rascals of ills Stamp. Of late a maa calling himself an insurance agent has been going about town soliciting aocldent insurance business sad has succeeded in writing a considerable number of For ioe cream and eaudv. wholesale, go to aesdsy svsning. The program will be ss follows: Address by the chairman, 1 hemes D. Davis; song, Thomas G.

Williams; recitation, David A Thomas duet, harp and organ, Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas recitation, Joyce Williams; song, Mrs. John T.Jones; recitation, Iaaae Deoghton song, Mrs. Williams; recitation, Jemima Jones; address, Bev.

Mr. Williams; com petition, reeding portion ot the English language, prise 23 oents song, Mrs. Price; recilatlos, Ble hard Beff; quartet, Thomas Morris aad party; eloeing eong, David Jamee Jones, "Tbe Lead Ot My Fathere." The fair and festival of tbe fire company to be held all week opened last night la Evans Hall. At 7 o'clock tbe firemen aad tbe Hook and Ladder Company of Kingston paraded tbe etrest beaded by the Plymouth bead. The hall presents an attractive appearance.

Coooin's confectionery, 20 South Jfala VEBY LABGE ASSOBTMEItT OF FINELY BOUND BOOKS, Gold and Silver Pensand Pencils, OXFORD BIBLES, GAMES a nd DOLLS That are Absolutely Unbreakable McDonald, W. A Wagner, a B. Henry, M. Andrews The relation of H. Hayes, F.

J. Jones, Cornelius Bweet, 8. D. Gal pin and C. M.

Chamberlain wae changed from effective to supernumary. The twenty-first question was asked "Are there any recom msndations for recognition of orders?" Those ot F. H. Taughnwere recognized. street.

103" W. G. Matthews and wife leave to-day tor Sayre to attend the funeral ef a friend. policies. After delivering the policy and getting the first payment he has in several in Celynath E.

OaeteUne, aged 1 year and 8 George Williams ot Seranton Is visiting in town. Mrs. H. a Day of Ashley, who has been visiting Bsv. W.

J. Day and family, returned home yeeierday. We have Just opened a large consignment of white Marseilles bed spreads and show some extra good valus at 90c $1.23, $1.48, $1.66, worth $1.33. $1.50. $1.98 and $4.23.

It yon expect to buy it will be to your interest as well as ours to inspect before purchasing. months, daughter ot Bernard Castellne on stances come beck and requested a return ot Damascus H. E. Wheeler, Dundaff Dsnmors J. C.

Leaoook. Forest City 8tone. Galilee and Riley ville A Bwckenbury. Goulisboro Hals's Eddy Wilkinson. Hswley A.

W. Cooper. Herriek Centre Honesdale A Benjamin. Jackson Samuel Homan. South Main street, died yesterdsy, Funeral the policy for eerreotion.

The holder gives up tbe policy snd that Is the last seen ot the this aneraoon at 1 o'clock with Interment la policy or agent. Among those who have had piymeatn cemetery. Wall paper from 8 eeats up at W. F. Moyer experience with ibis sharper are: T.

A Bra, 98 North Mela street. 94s Smyth, mine inspector Williams and outers. The bishop was requested to re-appoint Bev. Dr. Griffin to the office ot financial agent of the Preachers' Aid Society.

Aa invitation from the Centenary Church, Bingham ton, N. to hold the next sssslon of conference there was accepted. B. A Terry was admitted late full connection. Hamilton addressed the conference, making an earnest plea in behalf of the colored people ot the South.

Dr. Behell spoke Bridget Stanton, aged 80 years, died yee- being beautifully decorated with flowers aad bunting. Around tbe aides of the hall are arranged booths prettily trimmed and waited on by pretty young ladies. Fancy goods, S. L.

BROWN, tejrday afternoon at ths horn cf bar daugh Lehmaa Graded School. Oee cf tbe most successful terms la4he ter, Mrs. Michael Tlghe on Thompson street, Oregon. The other surviving children are Jermyn Francis GendalL Laekawaxen Mr. Bell.

Lake Como L. W. Karsehner. I Moscow A D. David.

Narrowsburg, N. Y. D. B. Wilson.

candles and numerous ether email article An entirely new assortment ot ladies' shirt wslsts in percales, cambrics, lawns, Swisses snd wash silks. Boms very handsome styles in medium priced goods at very reasonable prices. Bemember we carry a large stock ef carpets and cut, sew aad lay to order. 106 Weil's Tsads Ill Public Square.

are for sal ia theee bootbe. Tbe crowd in Mre. Padea of PhUadslpbla. Mrs. Bstter- attendance last night was very large sad orth and Miss Ellen Stanton of Providence.

taxed the capacity of the halL Tbe fire B. I. Funeral next Thursday morning with laddies are deserving of the patronage of tbe a rvqetem mase et St. Jobn's Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in Hyde Park ceme history ot the Lshman graded school was brought to a eloee on Tu seder, tbe 9th, under the management of Everett J.

Harding, principal, and Miss Ella Pennington, his able assistant r-' The program -was wall arranged and The hall was filled to overflowing, hardly 'Standing room being left when master Albert Wilkinson delivered tbe closing address. Many of the delighted crowd Moving, Moving, Moved. North Abingtou a N. Butts. Peek vllle a Simpfclns.

Pleasant Mount W. Bhaw. Balem H. G. Harnsd.

Sterling J. H. Boyee. Stoddards vllle T. J.

Vaughn, Thompson A C. Olver. tery. people ot the town and it ie hoped that it will be unstintingly given. Hon.

Daniel Edwards of Klngstos, who has always glvsn liberally to deserving causes, -has sgala B. Bitchier ot Nanticoke called oa his brother. A F. Hitchler, yesterday. Bev.

Thomas McKay left yesterday for Blossbnrg, to attend the tenth semi-aaaaal meeting ot the Wyoming Association ot Congregational Churches and ths third semi The solemnity ot the Lenten season was enthusiastically in behalf of the Epworth League. 'Dr. Griffin made some remarks eonoeralng the Preachers' Aid Society. Aa interesting feature of the session was 'the disbursement ot funds to conference claimants. THS HOOAS BZSOLtmON.

A lively and exciting scene was witnessed luring the afternoon when Bev. L. B. D. Briggs presented a short paper bearing upon tbe remarks ot Bev.

J. C. Hogan uttered at the riobiWtiou rally on Friday last. The I placed a worthy act to hie credit by present broken last evening when the Elite Social Club held Its annual ball at Keystoae Ball. Th society, heeded by the Eeystose Dram ing the firemen with a cheek for $25.

It ie Tbroop and Nsy Aug J. V. NeweU. Uniondale David Evane. unnecessary to say that Mr.

Edwsrdss liber- Corps, also the Eat la and Crystal Clubs, wished Prof. Harding soeeeee in his future pursuit, the study of law. aad as many re erallty te appreciated by tbe "boys." gave a short parade. Thsre was a large quested Miss Pennington's return as teacher attendance and a good time. Tbe committee annual meeting ot the Sunday 8ohool Union.

Bev. W. J. Day preached at Berwick on Fridsy night. Members ot Wad hams Lodge.

872, LO.O. are requested to attend a basis ess meeting at their hail to-night. FSXDAY AJT0 SATtTSDAY The funeral ot Mrs. Llewellyn Biehards occurred yestertay at 1p.m. The sort lee ia the primary school next term, General maaacer, Jamee Sterling; was eond acted at the Welsh Baptist Church by Be vs.

Williams aad Jones of Seranton and master ceremonies, p. Farmer; floor committee, Ed Cailagban, M. tfoHaie, Thomas Doyle, Thomae Loftue, Will Me Andrew, John Connors aad Ed Began. Charles Jones. M.

of Nanticoke, Tbe ISake K9 Response. The clergy and kindly disposed citizens are pall bearers were: Lewis J. Lewis, Thomas requested to make no res pens to any appeal D. Devise, Philip Williams, DavM B. Jones Tbe Lock Corset Baal, in ordsr to adver fcr aid in my be nail.

1. 1 KniiOosx. pSper was mild in ite tone and did not mention any- names. It disapproved ot the words used by Bev. Mr.

Hogaa In characterizing Mr. Thorpe, but at the same time commended the seal ot the former. The Immense audience was deeply Interested and it was evident that the conference ot its ground. Mr. Brlggs said his paper wae signed by forty preach-ere, but lid not give tbe names.

Bev. W. BHIer, a leader in the conference on prohibition, was the first to get the eye of tise their concert which takes place at Masle and J. D. Williams flower bearers, Thomas Morris and Daa'el Davie.

Interment st Way mart G. H. Prentice. OSKONTA DISTKICT. (The appointments ot this district are all in the State ot New York.) A.

J. Van Cleft, presiding elder (postoffloe Alton C. B. Personeus. i Balnbridge Egbert Kllpatrick.

Cooperstown a P. Bipley. Coo pars town Junction D. B. Smith.

Davenport Centre H. Beyaolds. Decatur G. H. Burt.

5 East Worcester L. A Wild, Ferguson vllle 0. E. Sweet. Fly Creek A M.

Colgrove. Harpers vllle and Nleeveh Joshua Brundle. Hartwlck and Mt. Vision H. A.

Greene. La wrens E. E. Pearce. Masoavillc L- V.

Wool MeClure J.H. Taylor. WY0MINU. Forty Fort. Ball this evening, paraded tbe street aad oa the corner ot Mala aad Water street rendered corns pretty selections.

Messrs. Beetea sad To-morrow evening win come off the great conoert of the B. Y. P. V.

of the English Baptist Church. Doors opea at 7 o'elock; con George Carey of Orange: called oa his Milton, between tne third and fourth sets. father-in-law yesterday. of last week. Tbe first two days ot ths sale ot Jsffray Btoek st ths Bee Hive, brought a throng ot interested buyers.

This week ws promise yon one of the most Interesting wesks tn the history et the Bee Hive. The special sale of silks; the bargains is serge; the special lots ot dress goods. Ths bargains in surtala aad drapery material; tbs extra good values la wash goods, ate a constant source ot interest to buyers. There's a tew left yet ot Ugeee extra large $2.50 Turkish rugs, sale price $1.69. Those Japaaeee gilt draperies at 21 cents have brought many buyers.

will give specialties. cert commences at Admission 10 eeats. W.G. Lord was at the county seat yester Gwllym Davie made a trip to Bcraatoa day. 1 yesterday.

Peter Siusser spent Sunday with bis wife's KINGSTON. The Epworth Lesgue gavs a pleasing en DO NOT parents at Hazletpa, Mrs. Henry P. Davie has returned to her home in Boraaton. after spending a few deys HAKE A MISTAKE.

a Bicycle Come and See. Ua at Oar Ner. Miss Annie Harrington ot Avoca was the Whea You Want tertain meat in tbe Saaday school room ot ths Chsreb met with her sone here. tbe bishop, and was about to ask that Bev. Mr.

Hogaa be granted a bearing. At this point the bishop asked it the paper er criticism was to be submitted to the conference for a vote. It was then that the weakness ot Bev. Mr. Hogan's opponents appeared, for It was evident that the signers did not are to take the risk ot a vote.

So they contented themselves with simply reading the paper as the opinion ot tbe signers. Bev. Mr. Hogaa then arose to a question guest of her sister, Mrs. John MeGinley, last i Quaxten, 12 StreeL We Hare Misses Bra via and Evans of Plymouth the Best You Spalding, Union Lafayette Stark, who has been a sufferer Know What They Are Victor, Columbia, were visitors is town last night.

PABSOXS. Mlddlefleld P. G. Buck man. i iMIlfordN.

Bipley. North Sanford aF.Larrabee. 1 Oaeoata J. E. Bone.

i Qtego J. W. Llttell. Onaquags W. F.

Boyee. The funeral of Miss Lucy MaeDooraU took and SeYeral Medinxn Priced Machines. Do -Not be Fooled by from cancer of the stomach for some time, died on Saturday evening. He leaves a wife nd two dsughters. Miss Graoe and Mrs.

place yesterday afternoon etS o'clock. The Mrs. Klsholss Seoble ot Stroudsburg was Tbs table linens have beea pronounced by good judges (extra bargains. Crepoa ginghams at zy cents; the fine dress ginghams at 10 cents. The Hermsdort hosiery at 8 for 50 cents, services wete held at tbe bouse, Bev.

F. Von tbe guest ot friends here for a few days. Carrie Bumford. Mr. Stark was bora at Fake Advertisers.

We Have What We Claim THE BEST ROBERTJOHNSTON. 12 N. Main St. The funeral ot the young child of Mr. aad 4 i Lemon, son of Benjamin Stark.

There are Mm. Joseph Little occurred yesterdsy. Erug omeiatlailng. There wa a large attendaaoe ot tbe peptic of' the Presbyterian Seaday school and ths Christian Endeavor Society. The floral offerings were beauUtal tour sisters aad two half brothers surviving him: Mrs.

Lewis P. Smith ot Dal too, Mrs. The diagram tor which is to be tor 75 ceate and 3 for $1 baa also brought many buyeis. There's a big waving to you on this hosiery, J. Some new features will be added to the played next Thursday tor ths besefli ct the Benjamin Camp ot Lycoming County, Mrs.

St. Aloysius Society here, is biag rapidly aad ot artistic design. Interment was at Wyoming. The pen bearers were: Joha W. Evens ot Dorraneetoa and Mrs.

Flora Port Crone D. L. McDonald. Sanltarlo Springs L. Thomas, Bcbeaevue O.

H. Backelt. Sideey A Decker. Sidney Centre D. Shepherd.

Uaadllla H. Al WUUama. WeUs Bridge C. W. Baboock.

Westford a G. Saowden. Windsor F. N. Smith.

Worcester H. B. Beaediet. owxoo xstsicx. GO marked oft.

Tbe admission fee for children KiooL David Edwards, Balph KeUar, Bobert Kresge of Delton, Paul Somers ot Forty Fort aad Burt Somers ot Wyoming. Funeral to has been fixed at IS cents. Msokie, Freak Btarblr aad Frank Cooper. ot privilege and asked to make a statement. There was opposition to this, but when the bishop decided in his favor the result was greeted with applause.

He then proceeded to make bis statement, but Bishop Andre we interrupted aad told him that he mast confine himself to one phase of the subject, the language seed at the meeting referred to. Mr. Hogaa said be would endeavor to do said In part: "It is not a matter ot personal feeling between the presiding; elder ot the Honeedale dljtriot and myself. It Is a question ot honor and principle. I demsad to know by -whaf right or upon i what authority a presiding eider undertakes to assume in advance el tbe appointments that Go to Thomas Phisips for furniture and undertaking.

George avenue. Prices moderate. sale daily. We eaa only give you a biut through the papers ot what is goisg oa at the Bee Hive. Wa pat new covers oa umbrella frames while you wait, aad you won't, have to wait over Ave minutes, either.

Unclaimed letters are remaining ia the day at 3 p. in at tbe house. Interment ia the Wyoming Cemetery. Bev. John Saaber will poatoffle tor th following A.

J. Bedford, Mrs. JoO Cosletr, Jtrs. atsttte Davis, Katie officiate, assisted by Bev. Keia aad the Baptist minister.

i Bora to Mr. aad Mrs. Matthew Powers, Good maa, Mrs. a B. Mrs.

Bridget Owego District, George Foreythe presiding soa. 106 8Hirrr. Shoe House, Removed to 87 Pnblic Square, Leeeoa, Albert Leber, Dora Lock wood, X. 8. Councilman John Leonard Is suffering from Matthews snd Harriet Ncdsk.

SUGAE KOTGfl. oiasr, poeiomoe nwega, a. x. Apalachln. N.

Y. J. B. Alien. Athens G.

A Cure, a fractured ankle. William WaddeU has retaracd from a trip those who attended the party at tba ASHLEI. Mrs. J. Carila, who has been staying with her brother, Anthony Kelly, left for Philadel to New York a ty.

Barton, N. Y. a A Terry. Mrs. and Krs.

Xdward Bbielda ot Plvc home ot Mr. aad Mrs. C. H. Mitchell last Fri LAKCiQ BUILDIKG.

Tbe Book Ladder Ca. will hold a sodal Points were visitors hereon Sunday. day were Wtteoa Smith, Samuel Grant, la Its rooms oa Friday slant. Chester Ide, Fred Colvin. Bobert Bias chard.

SHOES FOR ALL AT PRICES TO PLEASE Grift Jones, one of our smbtuoua young men, opened ap a butcher shop oa Saturday. Barry M. Simoae of Hemuatoa. Wsyae Clifton Williams, Biohard Mitchell. Kate Bradley.

Welter Devi a. Soger Llewellyn, Ebea Coosty, speat Easter hero with his ceuais. W. A. Hioanrs Hiss Bridget Kiley ot VtUkae-Barre called here on Suoday.

7 i Miss Lizzie A. Slcholsoa. Berkshire, N. A J. Cook.

Camptowa. N. Y.J. B. Davis.

Candor, N. Y. a -Danby. S. Y.

I P. Howard. Flemingvtlle, N. Y- E. A.

Qulrsby. Harford. N. O. Estea.

Hornbrook and Ghent a N. W. Barnes. Le Barsville T. B.

Wernocfc. Li tab field a E. Hunt. Williams, Willie Boberts. Miner's Mills; Clara Gastin, Jessie Howard, Lottie Clark, M.Garrahaa visited Plymouth friends yes Na colliery worked eighteen hours last 52.50.

53.00 and 54.00 the people or the ehnrehee will not receive a Prohibitionist preacher? am tree to eoafeee that aeder certain elr-. eumetanoes I would be willing to reoail my personal characterization ot the presiding elder, but will sot taka.bsek or modify a single charge or etatement ot fact. This Injury and Intimidation ot Prohibitionists has been practiced for ten years, and It is time that some one entered a protest. would suggest that it these brethern have surplus ot pugllBtio energy te expend thatthey use it looking into rumqrs ot immorality terday. phia oa Saturday to visit her sister.

From there she will go te Brooklyn to speada week. Mrs. John Buhl and hsr children went to Maueh Chunk oa Saturday to say a week with Mrs. Jeha Myers. Mrs.B.H.

Nicholas of Psnobeoot spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Bell. Contractor John Commlskey will to-day begin to raise the Black property. Morris Williams, sou of Jabes Williams. Bertha Clark.

Viola Clark. Howard Clark. Mr. Wama Chrietmaa ot Hasletea has takea aad Mrs. Frank Clans.

Litaie and Laura MEN'S SHOES, The Father Matthew Cadets held a ball at Biley BaU test sight. i ap his restdenss oa Barter street. Hewells, Belle aad Badle Boeaeaen, Maade The Woman's Home Missionary Soeisty aad Clara Letts; Media aad Acnes Austin, Little Meadows J. a Custard. Lock wood, N.

Y. A F. Brown. Every Pair. Warranted.

Ketta Hayward. Maggie Skoggins, Ada Bry will meet ia the Seminary parlors to-morrow sight, Mehoopany G. XL Northrop. i A meeting of the Epworth Lragua aad the both Christian Endeavors win be held oa the 23d of this mouth for the purpose ot consolidating. Tbe mission fathers will be here oa Kay ant.

May Grant, Bath Davis, Lizzie Williams, esboppea B. M. Paseoe, EmmeWilnougbby. Llllle Jenneup. Isabella bacging over the beads ot members ot this iwark Valley.

N.T.-1. B. Coot Smith. Ddra Bradley. LOOK FOR THE BIG GOLD SHOE Tbe St.

Aloyslss Society held its annual ball laDymond Lewie Hail last sight. It was a success socially sod fineneJe3y. The music wss tarnished by Boyle's orchestra. injured ta in oonut usee-iiarra bubo a week ago to-day, is improving. Sirs.

Thomas Woods, formerly Mies Maggie Bennett ot Chicago, is vlaitlng her pareate. onfersBOe. NfcVoIs, N. V. H.

L. worth. for tbe purpose of holding a revival at the The Welaa Congregational Society ot this His statement was greeted with vigorous NorV Tioga, N. H. p.

Armstrong. Catholio Cbursa, place will hold aa and a upper 1.

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