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The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 4

The Times Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Infantir, uuiler com- mana ei lunutra ifix on use inuu this afternoon over" the Iliigh Vallpy, MONRQB HAWK. At the house of Andrew Sutton, In Htuilork. Hejtemler jantli, rH77, by Kev. (ieorge Winters. Mr.

Frank Monroe to Miss Sarah A. Hawk, all of Hiinlock. DON'T DELAY! WI LKES-BARBE, SEPTKMBER 28, 1877. for Fort Unutv. Micliiinin.

The UKA F-STAT1C. Ity virt ue of Mindrv oi fieri facias ami ei', out the Court of Common fleas 1 1 county, to ine directed, ill beespo-ci DIED. HUT COME TO MY LOOK TIIItOUGIl company numbers men. To take tlieir Elace Co. B.

of thp'same regiment, arrived ere yesterday from Buffalo, and reported to Col. Otis. lwr.Mli.18-. at lOo'ehH-k in the STORE AND TAKK A MAGNIFICENT age, and not less in height than five feet and six inches. oflioers of txtn serWeokhM-in the Vejrnlnr or relAiteer service of the United States, and some of them in the English service.

Sixteen years of military life and experience, such as some of theui have had, ought to be sufficient to enable them to put the battery in a thorough state of efficiency, and it is the determination of the officers to do so. The Arsenal in Cinderella street and the approaches to it are in a disgraceful state. The boaZd walk at tlie entrance being so rotten, that it Is dangerous to ran the guns over it. An accident is liable to occur at ill Hi- HALL On the 10th hist, of diphtheria. Ilihle- "lines 1 rie, 1.

iiMMining properly, viz: Luierue Connty Ceurt. All the riRhl. title ami interci n. ant in and lolie ribc, 1 1 tract of html, viz: Situate in t. ORPHANS COCRT THURSDAt AFTEHNOON New Spring and Summer Stock.

ownsliip oi VMIkes I.u, Present, Judge Rhone. Estate of James Cawlev. deeeased; final reiiDSyivama, Ih-iiik lot No. i in ii. ii an oi (,,.

''in nirlii and known as North Wilkes account of Administratrix audited by the court. COMMON PLEAS. TMCIRSDAV. I any time, and to prevent a bill of coats the oiu iu-i-i-iim-ii as loiious. to corner In tin- line of i .7 council should nave it repaired at once; If you want a Suit made to Order If you want a full Suit of Sunday-go-to-meotln' Clothes, If you want a rough-and-ready, everyday Working Suit If you want a Separate Coat, Vest, or pair of Pants, on II.

nbiU avenue: aloiVi V'1' of Miller one hundred and Itiiv I .,..1 a on Before Judge llandley. I Petition of Banisa SSliiffer jfor authority to act as a feme note tnuler; court having miricn: General County fjewa. HAZLETOK. hcrt of William H. and Mary Jaue Hall, aged iijears, 1 mouth and days.

Buried In Newport Cemetery. RRKKSK At the resilience of his mother. In Wyoming, this morning, Capt. James L. llreese, aged years.

Fnneral at the house, on Sunday at 2 o'clock, p.m. I HOLLKN At Wyalusitig.Bradford county, on the evening of Tuesday, September 251 1877, oi paralysis, John (. llollen-back, fourth sou oi the late John Hollenliack, of Wyalusing, aged tM years. At an early age, inielll by a spirit of enterprise, young H'lllenbaek pushed his way westward ami after a sojourn in some of the upper States of the Mississippi Valley, he lixed His residence! in the parish of Avoyelles, in Louisiana, where, ami iu the adjoining paiisli of Saint i.imlry. lie made his home for some thirteen years.

In lsfil he returned to tlie North and after a sojourn of some years hi I Instates of Illinois and Iowa, found his way baek to his native Valley on the Susquehanna, afllleted with a disease which eventually destroyed liis evesiifht: ho that for the last Ihlecn Uii owned ly th ilkM Karri lounvhip All the prominent Republieaas in town were in wukes-isarre yesterony. If you want a Hat, Cap, or Furnishing Coods, If you want Children's and Boys' Clothing, If you want a Trunk, Valise, Satchel, or I s.i uioii MHO fifty feet Mo'l. nba. avenue: u. 11 said avenue fifty feet lo tlie place coiilainiiii: seven thotisaii.l live hundred b-et of land, coal and all oilier IlaJetonians were delighted with Prof.

Roberts' lecture, on "The Antiquity examined tne petition, direct it to ue marked filed, and that the same lie recorded ia the Recorder's office. P. Peeler v. J. A.

Schrecls; case referred to David L. Patrick, Esq. I Ten Ttioaasinci Dollars Bail. Joseph Malia who killed Michael Walsh, at Sport Hill, near Duiiinore, on Saturday night last, was brought before Judge of Man. If you want them all, you can find just what will suit voir, The relief committee from Wvoininrr l.h 'd v.

Mill return thanks to the men of Jeddo, High o' -m mm iwo houses and late of tlie defeiidant hi said writ nai the and l.iken in ceciiii, Hi .1. M. CoiirtriKht vs. II. Miller.

Als Travelers Galde. LXHIGDTAI.LrrSAII.BOAI. Oetxrt below Northampton (Met. cast of tM Usual. Traini going Sonth, leave Wilkes-Barra for New York mmT l'lUUdelphU at l.a and 8.M a.

atxl i.tb p. in. fur Beading, Harrlsbarg and PittsUurg at 1.3) a. m. and a.

p. m. fur Haaletoo, MaHanor Cltjr, a. and p. in.

TralM going North, leaTe Wllkea-Barra at 1.1 T.Stt. aadB.4&a. and 1.1, and TIw l.Uand7.30a. and I.fii p. U-iim run to Eunlra.

Ttaa a. and 12., l. and p. train noniwnt tor Beraotoa. CENTRAL K.

R. of N. L. 8. 1IV.

Leave Wllkea-Barre fr Scrantoa at .00 and 10.3) a. 11.90, 4.00, 6.tind for New York and Philadelphia at 11.40a. in. NAKT1COKK BHASCn. Leave a.

and 4.00 p. m. Keturnlng Leave Wauamie at 8.45 a. and iu. feare Nantleokeat a.

and 4.20 p. m. LACKAWAN NA A BMKMSUURO R. K. Pot Scrsntun at W.SS a.

and 12.5. i.U, 4.15 and p. in. Leave KiugsUHi for Northumlierkuiil at 10.2S a. and 3.

0t n. in. Iror Nantleokeat 8.35 and 10. SS a. and S.05, 4.50, aud 7.31 p.

iu. Street ear leave, the Square twenty mluuteS pre-Vtou to thi Utue. 8TREKT RAILWAYS. SotTTH Wn.KBR-BABRE-I.eave Public square at .20, 6.40, 7.UU, 7.25, 7.50, 8.15, 8.40, 8.05, 19.0U, 10. SO, 11.15, 11.40, A.

M.x 12.05, 12.30, 12.55, 1.20, 1.45, 2.05, 2.30, 3.U0, 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, 4.45, S.2U, 5 45, 4.10, S.35, 7.00, 7.25, 7.50, S.1S, 8.40, 0.05, 9.30 r. loavt) South IVllkes-Barre at the same tliue, with the exception of Uie Brut car In the morning, which leaves at 6.40, ami the kutcar In the evening, which leaves at 0.50. WILKK8-BARRB AND KlNOSTOX STREET KAIL WAV lsave 7.25, B.out, e.35 S.2i, 10.00-tt, I0.3&,, 12.15" A. I.U), 1.35 1.15, 2.40"tt, S.25, 4.00, 4.301U, 5.1W, 5.50, 0.26 7.40, 8.10 8.50, f. M.

Ieave Kingston at S.50, 7.50, 8.25, .05, s.55, 10.25, II. lu, 11.40, A. 12.50, 1.25, 2.05, 8. Si, 3.05, 3.16, 3.50, 4.25, 5, 4.40, C.15, 6.10, 7.30, 8, 8.40, 9.10, r. m.

A Indicates cars which connect with trains on the LiU.ll. K-, for Scranton, for Nortbuniuer- In Price, Quality, Quantity and Style, at land, Eltervllle, l-attiiiier and Hollywood. al sun oi ni, i oiirtimiit and f. SIMON LONG'S The total received was CARIlOMI.VI.E. Long tonnage was paid yesterday.

or twenty years of his life he was hopelessly WIIIIU. Mr. Hollenliack was a man of great natural intelligence ami imeoiiiinou nowers ofoliserva I. II. Miller.

Also at the suit ol .1 rihl vs I). II. Miller, Fl.fa. Kulp. ALSO All the rildit.

title anil interesl The minstrels once more to our de light CLOTHING HOUSE, lion ami ireneenou, lo wiueii was aimed tne viiroroiiM 'ImhIiIv emiMtitiiliiiii. nntl no little Mrs7 It. Lacev is lying ill at her resi- ant ill and to the follow inu deuce. the energy ami daring spirit belonging to his family, which rendered some of its members so WJLK ES-HATl 11 PA. parcel and Ijact of land, viz: All of all MHMcTrlaiii lot laud i.

iV I'ily of Wilkes-lfcirre, l.neine eounu Mr. E. A. Benedict remains here until famous as nioiieers in our earlv iHirtier history as well aft merchants and business men in later next spring. 2oot.3 ana hofjj.

Another detachment of soldiers have llandley tins morning in ciiarge of anlcn Litts, ou a writ of habeas eorjtu. There was a large numberof people in attendance from Spranton as witnesses, and at half-past eleven Judge llandley adjourned the Common Pleas Court in order to goon with the hearing. The testimony oil the part of the Comaion wealth dcvcloicd the fact that the case was one that was bailable. Judge llandley lixed the hail at $10,000. The prisoner having no bail present was remanded.

Mill reek Kelief More. Editor Ittwrd of the Dear Sir: We, the undersigned, committee of the Mill Creek Relief find Supply Store, wish to inform the public that we have no particular friends in regard to distributing any of the goods that we re Aauia: Iwuu; lot nniiiber twelve on tlie map and plot out iu said City of Wilkes-lkirre l.y the i) years. Vet he was able to face misfortune with a Una and tranquil mind; and the checrlul courage bud unfailing spirit of content with T. arrived and pitched their tents W. f.

MOltliAN which he met tlie treat ailliclion of his life was a constant marvel to all who knew him. For The D. V- 11. mules have lieen removed to other pastures green and running Hid il IHIIIIMleil deslilllM-d lollows Iu nil: pond on I he south side of Mr. corner of lot niiiiiher niiicl.s i.i,.,...

maiiy years he wrought with his hands at such simple avocations as by their nature are not DrooKs. TTtrcKSVII.I.E. wholly illnsed to the sightless: ami when C. J. T.

MORGAN, dred and sixty feel lo an alley easterly, alouK said alley fort'y feel lot of number lilleen in said ido. u- wearied With toil, he would lake his statf ami Tramp and lieggars buzz about like llnd his way unaided to the postolllce or some Hies, i iioiihweslerly almi" line ol lot mimu i other village resort beyond the little river Wyalusing, or perhaps to the old mill nearer Business is very dull and money is a by, builtiby his own father more than half thing talked of not abfjet one hundred aud sily i llanc.M-k lliem riv said llauciM-k street to the place Ik' coiilainiiii; si thousand live hundred tysuiiare feet of laud, more or less HEAI.KliS IN A LL ST LF.S OF century sign; where in cheerful converse he would while awav a timet hour with many David Holcomb and wife from Il'inois, friend and neighbor; not one of whom but will long remember his line face and commanding are visiting in the neighborhood. I proved with a larue lwo sloiy house I hereon. Late the esiale of lana lor nauucone, lor HerwtcK. Ashley Strbbt Railway Leave Wilktis-Harro 7.0U, 7.45,, 9.

IS, 10.00, 10.45, II. 30, A. M. 2.15, 1.15, 2.00, 2.45, 3.30, 4.15, 5.U1, 5.45, 7.15, 8.00, 8.45, 9. 30 r.

M. Ieave Ashley at the same time. The properties of Messrs. 11. M.

Hage loi iu. ni pleasant sanitation, his quiet uiinu his ahiiuilaiit anecdote. 1 hese with Ins many man and Win. Allen, have lx-eli greatly daut in slid writ named with Ihe I niiiiaoien inues will long cinuaini in tne nearts improved. frtf.rti .1.1.1 i.v, ill III IOI1 vi.ti oi ins numerous friends the memory of "iSliml tJeorce l.

t'rnll r. fhilip A miarry has been ojiened on the farm John Hollc uback." Our friend married late life; ami though unblessed with children, hi oi nr. Lewis, ami uagst ones taken out are did not lack iu age and misfortune the earelii ceive. Vie nave been informed through the Record ok the Times that we had special friends and favorite people that we used to give, goods to, but we, as a committee, want to have the public at large to understand that we have and that we an' willing to give to one and all that is of inelt if they will apply fori It. Therefore, we biie that those that ridiculed us will witjiilr.iw, or, if not, to retaliate.

William Wj Barrett, Edward Grnuoxs, Isaac Allox, Larry Dempsev, Michael Ruddy, i James Herrino, Committee. of the best quality. and hiving ministrations of a wife and adopt ZaAlllt IMlldlller. Kidder Nichols. ALSO All tlie right, title aiid interest' of the ii.

t. Slut in mill ilM i I. i' 1 i ne streams in our neighborhood are daughter, It is worthy or note that of a family of ten sous, ti( edost of wlnmi ha passed hi STKAMBOAT-SUMMKK AltRANliEMKNT. Ilellirlitful excursions dally, roninieiiclng July 9th. IS7J.

The steamer llendrlrk B. Wright, will make four round trips tally, Sundays exi-entrd, leaving the lauding In front of the Wyoming Hotel, at 6:30 and 9:15 A. M. at 1:00 and 4:10 M. Plymouth gotiig down 7:00 and 9:45 a.

at M. Returning leave Nantlcoke, 10:36 A. and 2:10. 5:15 r. leaves l'lynumlh, 8:06, a.

and 2:50, en m. On Suuday the steamer leaves Wllkes-Bai I at 9: 00a. aud p. ni. leaves Plymouth at a.

8:00 p. m. low, coiniielhug the flouring mill of Rice inreeseore years and ten, li lloiiennaek is the Hrst to tve bv the side of his niollier. Smith to be run by steam. KINGSTON'.

11!) MARKET STR KT-( XE A IOSTOFFICE.) long gone before, in the old burying ground al YYyaliisjhg. Cpon her marble tablet we read, ill character aud nhrase already eruwii iiuaint sijom-II IKircel and tract of land, viz: kiluaied iHironcli of While liave'u, Lu.crue ciihh feniisylyania. Iieins lot number se. (To) in the plan or pi. .1 of said borough.

a on the north by an alley, soulh by street, east by lot number sevenly iluve west by lot number seventy sam Col. Lewis was in town last evening. Alfred Davis is absent recruiting his witii age: leaves Piyiuouth 10:45 a. 5:10 p. m.

Refresh-ments served on board. S. AY'RES, President. to Ilie nieniorv or ice necKali llollen health. patiiel Edwards, visited Scran "back, wife of John llolienliaek, and daughter "of Eii ward ami Marv I)ajtglirty, ho departed this life June oth, 1817, aged at yuarii and lu ton yesterday A New Sarci The Peoples Bank have! been treating themselves to a new safe.

And it is one of the best and most complete! we have ever Also, a Full Assortment of Trunks, Traveling Bags and Valises Now Advertisements. Millinery Mrs. C. A. LiniiPkin.

Situation Wanted C. F. Hale. Another special train passed through "days." September 28th, 1877. nere yesterday.

ne soldiers make the evenings musi oeing i.iny leet ny one and liilv ileep. Ilte tlie estate of tlie hdaul ill said writ named with the apuiicnaiiei' Seized and taken in execution al ihe iji C. L. and A. S.

Keck vs. (icore llalsey. attorn, A LSD- All thft ril.t, tide ami ilcf tli and to Hie loll.twini; d.rrilMl mi. tr. ufUn.l, siiu iic 0.

t'lvimmtli towndiip. tnarut coiiul.v. hs jl ing h.t in the seen. In addition to the portions of the safe used by the Bank, there are about KJenr cal with their singing.

Local Brevities. It is done. The agony is over. An interment took place in the old OITl'ATIOX WAKTED. A young man compartments for rental toj business men and others in which to keep their papers, bonds and other valuables.

Of these desires a sitnation iu a store. lias hail two graveyard near the recently. years expcneiiceTiifiry goods business, ami Certain boys are in the habit of trading i ne entries are an made for the race. nave combination locks. These are all in vau give kuuu reiereuces.

Aiinress i CHARLES F. ll.VI.K. appies lor tooacco wiui ine soldiers. closed by. heavy doors fire and burglar proof.

The large compartment used lv 2S8 Wilkes-Barre, ra Henry Williams left here last night for roa.i 111111 llle KOSS inn f.l, In.lltlll t. Hill rua.1 sixty two leet ami nilii.iiur a aluv two hundred and livo fi. 1,, Creek; and down ku1 lifiv a thence tuu Imndred and seven f-t aayiorviuo, and iiarry r.vans joruiyphaiit. UK. C.

A. UNHEKIN, R. COOLBAUGH FALL STOCK OF JOOT8 AND SHOES. CHEAPER THAN EVER. jv soiuier ny me name or jiavts was arrested yesterday for disobedience of t'e Bank is likewise secured by similar means, and while the outer, doors protect the whole with their massive andnuinerous bolts having two of the most perfect locks possible USte constueted, iTlie doors art-further secured aeainstburrflars bra series Having lust returned from New York with onlers and offensive language to his su choice and carefully selected stock of Rf Hill road, tlipnc.5 alott sai.l road of liepiniHiif; conlailiiiiK twelve sijllare ftet of laml, uioro or lw, all improved: Also, all that ert4.n1 bit rituate in 1,.

Luzerne count)', Pennsylvania, 1 ad follows: IJeiiming st a coiner tleorge Joiicm thonce along .1 slioet north liltv decrees tliirty-fii minutes eal alHut flflv ml. perior officer. Wilkes Barre Markets. September 28. 1S77.

yi.OCR AM) CHAIN. WW MILLINERY GOODS, of grooves in which they are made to dovetail with the most perfect i accuracy, preventing tlie insertion of powder, and by a peculiar arrangement even though the hinges should lie broken, the doors would corner of a bit; thence l.y said lot south il.irly Corrected by W. M. Miller wholesale Will havj thein ready for Public inspection oi ami retail grocers, jin Street. still remain invulnerable.

It is one of thirty uunntes east two,,l an.l -t-i, feet to Cli ck tllelicc alons? said Tol.v a t. Ut said lot of Jones; thence south ti.inv-oic;- grees.tliirty luiuutes vol Jones lt" tu the plaie of all 111 larr two storv Inilue -dwelling Vlmle-i Retail. SATURDAY, 2ith, lie. Hall's patent anil is a valuable addition to the Bank for the safe! and security of its 12.110 When she would lie pleased to have all her idd The signal is given andthe word is go. The convention did its work handsomely.

They gave us a broad, sound and coin-. prehensive platform. And a ticket which will rally every Republican vote in the county. Orphan's Court was yesterday adjourned by Judge Rhone until ten o'clock to-morrow. John Stuart, of Scranton, is in town to-day.

He is visit ing his daughter, Mrs. tieo. li. Kulp. I.aiHlmesser for Sheriff, Darte for Recorder, Rice for Coroner, and Phillins for Surveyor.

This is a "ticket which will sweep tin? track. Many of tlie delegates to the county convention remained in the city until this morning, but by noon they had departed for their several homes. The regular monthly meeting of the I July Managers of the Hospital will be held to-morrow afternoon at four o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. Lord Butler, the president. The county committee met last, evening but transacted no business.

A nieet-' ing of the committee and candidates will 206 MARKET STREET, eicMoiucrs. nun me puiioc generally call and I2.IO Hum see ner latest novelties i it Lite the estate of defendant said writ liaiiMHl. wilh the iippinienane. n'. Seized mid taken in execution at the suit .1 Ski nee llllildilliraild Ijilll Asso iatiun vs.

Mi. I. w. m. Miners c.

Katicv llax- all Hour Superior Haxall Fancy White Wheal, pastry Amber for family Kxrra Minnesota for bakers liniham Kiicku'heat Corn Meal While, kiln lriert patrons. His Honor, tlie Mayor. Mike Barrett, of Kingston, was found in the city last night, lying on the sidewalk on East Market street, drunk, with his shoes off, and every indication in his own mind of having gone to bed. was H.IIO I SO and James Kiely. (Vend, ex.) li-i.

altori Goods WM. SlierilT's ollire, Wilkes-Iiarre, S. 12, s77. WILKES-BARRE, PA. 3.511 Eggs, limed.

11.1111 10.110 y.uo U) 7.U0 4.110 21) 111 2li 18 SIX) 7.1") 2.lO 1.75 1.2; 1.25 2.U0 ALL GOODS MARKED AT THE 15 16 turn s.uo S. F. IIIK.SIIFIELD'M VERY LOWEST PRICES. Mike's first officially, wittt the Mayor and plead guilty of the charge, saying it only took cents to bring, hint finder. This was all the money he had, and therefore was sent down stairs to calculate the expense of getting drunk in ESI I'OitI I'M OF it 2.25 Iiuttor, choice.

fair Cheese Clover seed, medium Timot prime. Hungarian (iiass Mellet Flax HluetJriss White Clover 2-U -WE CONSIDER IT (i 1.50 iiKes-isarre. Belle Higgins' handsome face and were seen and heard in court HUMAN HAIR, M1LLINEUY AND FANCV HOODS. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW COODS, s.iki I Only a pleasure, and each ami every one will r. B.

40 40 this morning. llns makes about the fortieth visit she has made to his Honor. She was charged with being drunk and a vagrant. The former she admitted, but oe neid on Monday of next week at 11 o'clock a. at the Bristol House.

Mr. J. Geisselman, accompanied by his chief clerk, Mr. John E. Dow, goes to Xew York and Boston next week to pur Correetel by Sharp, Ilealer iu Fish i receive a CORDIAL RECEPTION rrint, and general ('umiiiission Merchant.

Ladies' Hair (Combings) Made up in the I FItflTS. chase his stock of dry oods, boots and' Isc. Oranges, prdoz FISH. Halibut per B. HaddiH'k per ti Muskalonge per Ik Cod Fisii per S.

mi- nions, ihtiIoz Sixic in- itiuanas, jir doz Sue MRS. C. A. LINNEKIN'S, i-c i autelopes.prdoz .511 the latter was denied with an emphasis more vigorous than classic. She said she was no vagrant as long as she had money to pay her way.

Xaney Harris, a witness, gently remarked that Ik-lle was a verv bad woman and needed reforming, and tnat if it were not for tlie law she ''would mash her finer than mush." To which Belie joyously answered, "Come on, I'll give wis per 1 aternu lous, 25c 1'ickerel ner B. The Latest Style, at F. IflksnFIELIl'S, No. 119 Konlh Mnin (Street, (Next door, to Cary's Dollar Store.) iM.rrur (f ounttj air. N'O.

6 PUHLIC SfJl'ARE. i iiieApples pr doz $1. liasplierrics per box, I ri-aelies. ner Ine 11 ic hh' IV IV Ulc IV- AI KKTINEI I.irrrEKN.- List remaiiiing in the l'ostolliee. at Wiikes- Flounders per B.

Fish per Samon Trout per l'orgies per Sea llass per Weak Fish per B. iirrams, v'Hn l.u.erne county, 2Slh, Tears. sickeit, Vtivl.rc liarre 1S77: you a oeneiit wnicn will do you llelle went below to cogitate and cool off. ROYAL DRY GOODS STORE, IV tiwton in iterrieslse I I.AIUCS LIST. Salmon lira pes per shoes, for Ins fall and winter trade.

The steamer llendrirk li. Wright having been obliged to susjx-iid, on account of tlie crew striking, will rtisuuie her regular trips on Sunday, September and continue running until the close of the season. The contest forSlierifT was a close and vigorous one, but as tlie candidates dropped away, the votes naturally droped to Landmesser and Sommers, until the final ballot, which, as announced, gave Louie one majority. Mr. Mapledorf, delegate from Foster, in nominating Mr.

Hughes for Sheriff, coupled it with the threat tliat if lie was defeated the lower end would bolt the ticket, and throw their vote for some other candidate. Mapledorf is "an amoozin euss. The quarterly meeting of the Frank Marv ixniii.i itiitcKf rci, iu iiron. eacli. Jl COUNTY FAIR.

Albert. iMiss Mary uysters, jier nun. jisi.s-j Apples, uo. open VKliET.m.KS, AC. lirowii, Mrs Ihiliiel liitrloui Mrs Kmnia no uysters.

4H- corn.per doz. luu Kelly, Miss Lizzie Kinn, Miss Louisa Jones, Miss Francis ciiixan. Miss Mary ie Liwreiiee MeErlour Mrs Sarah ItilVliss. Miss Klleii k-'iioii, i.ii routines, luc ilerlbi. Miss Rachel .1 No.

131 Market Street, risii. sweet )Hit. per pk 4uc Annual lYliihtimr The Kighteenth tli. Klatchford. Mrs Thos ii.iuiiiM-K per 1 Kadisu.

s. per hunch Salmon per 9 25c Onions. tlanier, Mrs Asa iiiiix-y, I.izcy Litzerne County Society II h.dd I their grounds, in Coin.st4H.-k. Miss i IvilTei- Ui. i 25c 25c 1.

Conner, Miss Isadora J'ell, Mrs Mary" The Convention. Following the close of the contest for Sheriff, tlie convention took a brief breathing spell long enough to utter the usual exclamations of astonishment and rejoicing, and then proceeded to the nomination of a ltecorder. The following gentlemen were put in nomination: i John Scranton E.T1. Hawk, C. Hathaway, E.

Httngerford, C. V. Hcets, of Wilkes-Harrc T. I). Iiong, of Sweet Valley; D.

T. I-cwls, of I'eekville; L. C. Darte, of Kingston; (i. W.

Conklin, of Carbondale; S. Dunbar, of White Haven. A motion was made and carried that the Maekrel per ik Sturgeon per 25e pk Kebi per iVjCueiimbers, doz JlerruiK per iloz. 40 hd 11)1 I.TKV. l-ets liii'u i I an.

Mr Ueltecea loc t.r-iiy, Who are Dailv Receiving law iMckson. Miss Klleii l) Kva Goods WYOMING, TV wkdxknuay.tiu rsiiay i-uidav, ..0 lin street M. E. Sunday school will take ru'iniK i-iiit-Keiis i aiinaiietiiol i liiniKher.X.Mary A Karehilils. Mrs Kate Kowau.

Miss ICIh-n liilcy. Mi-s A Saulee, Miss Saliy Seiifel, Mrs Mary' Tone, Miss Annie Thomas. Mrs It li place on Sabbath afternoon at ISM) o'clock. perjiair prbk Sue I)o. dressed, 2Uc Kgg I'lants, lul.v iier.

fllrs Lizzie OCTOBER 3d, 4th and 5th, 1877. HT UIIS, JtH' iiiini, per ni ni'ts. Williams. Mrsciinrlol Will Occupy this Space. The Firftt Dav will he csneci.illv niiecu, er r.

aii 22 reaniits per it. Km (iaeltz, Mrs Jacob tiroser, Mrs Mary tiilliKaih Miss Marv Houriuan, Mrs HerriiiK, Mrs Mrs Annie iKTisLi-ais, ht ip isc itrazil per fit. l.V bi the Kxhiluls. r-orier House. er Watnnrs do 15c A 2.i o'eliH-k n- m.

the Hicks' fun will iiiiiiuru. Airs ims Wivell, Mrs Knin. is Welch, Mrs Lizzie Williams. Miss Marv Walker, Mrs li trotted for by eidls sired by Coiiulv two lowest names lie dropiied after each ballot: The first ballot resulted in giving Knbcrt-son 23, Hawk 1, Long 14. Iewis Darte Moses, Kitsaii.

per IsiMlazle lo. yc Jtoiiml, per lrte Pecans do. il oc Limb, per B. Hickory do. Mutton, per lie Almonds do :in.5Uc I a three minute race.

I'Sl. KiM-olol OCN'TLEMEN'S LIST. I lie exercises attending these quarterly meetings are very interesting, and visitors will be well repaid for the hour passed among tlie children. Tlie public are cordially invited to be present. Chief Kelly is no longer obliged to loaf around the Mayor's cozy sitting room at headquarters, when be desires' to take a rest His own apartments have been put iu apple pie order, being thoroughly renovated, the walls whitened, the floor covered with new oil cloth, and tlie entire quarters have so much style that one has to walk on tip toe when across the tiiresh-liold.

"Lola" one of the fast goers of this ISAAC LEVY. third. Tww-fortv race. No I'nrse ilm wo-si i.j. i-ocoanius per piece llic Aiken Moore, John Burt, l-roy MontL'oim-ry.

John second, third. Byron. Thoinas aiarx Wholesale and He iii riHTt-i i-iioue rvpiare. TheThird Day. Two nrtv race, Purse, third.

No.4.onen t.i:illT Altril Carey, Thomas Chase, Kdwin Oarre, II lavis. Joshua lloilson SI stkaw. ilbicon, U12c All Hay.per ton tVWtVA Herring, per lb 5c Straw, per Ion $tis Tatile salt, per sack 12c pkovisions, No. Mackerel per ftlSe 42, Conklin 8, Hathaway 7, 'Dunbar 1, Hungerford IK, Keets 1. There was no choice, and under the rule Hawjc and Keets were dropped.

In the three ballots which followed, all liad dropped out except Darte and Robinson, resulting on the fourth ballot in tlie nomination of Darte by a vote of 72, as against 53 for Robinson. There were rive candidates for Coroner J. N. Rice of Pittston, O. V.

Harvey of Wilkes-Barre, Long of and Mcsursj second. ir: third, lu all the races four to enter and three i start. All horses eligible from the 1st of June liiiiau. Tim 2 Mitrpliv. Michael Mott, Win Morse, Ix-vi Mack, Commodore Mefirath, Win Melntire, Pat McSheffry.

James Mefilian, James O'Connor, Pat O'Neill, Pat l'embli-toii, Asrt Juimi, Andrew Uussell, Itholtinjr, J.ieob Shalew. Dennis A.S. Secretary. niiiier.perm JVB2Sr I'od Fish, per 8c riytiioiitli. Kvans, Evan Kiiirle.

1-wis 74-5 per u. sjut. per mis 70c Ifcjiiroiiud Alum salt 'iurdner. Chas due He nam, per Wjo per sack JI.40 tJmver, Harry John Jjiftt'jspapfr. i 'J 1 oiuioes, 4lc iiiir.

per IOC; 1 omatoes, bus, title rietcner and Jones of riy mouth. A motion was made that the nomination tJiniek. .1 II Ousti. Michael JAMMtM'HS fJllIE MOST xtws KUOM TO fLod Uauidiaii, Pat Bpllntera. Ktalilbaum.Chas ART GALLERY, county, wno can mm ine track in 'Itzl is now comfortably installed in Courtright's stables, in the rear of the White Horse hotel.

She is taken care of by James liennessy, who thoroughly understands his business, and her appearance betokens his skillful care and attention. "Lola" bids fair to become one of the fastest trotters in the state. Her owner, Mr. Sterling K. Catlin, who has been absent with the mare for some time, returned yesterday.

Strikes are fearful tilings. The man-atretneut of the steamer. riclit find in a Nisjler. Oeo nan, allies lloltchkiss. New Excelsior Lawn Mowers, ne given to Llr.

Kice or 1'ittston, by acclamation in view of tlie fact that the Sheriff and Recorder had lieen taken from Wilkes-Barre and its near vicinity. The motion was lost, wlien Dr. Harvey withdrew iit Wanted a rood steady Piano Player at Public Square, Wilkcs-lJaiTc. 't-tf All lovers of music are requested to roil THE LEAST MONEY. Notwithstanding the important and en-u llilluiau, llollie HerrininAB Jones.

David No. rillCKH KKDrCliD! 128 Wost Markot Street. Stielb, i.e., Shea. John Seliibknecht, Max Hhafer, lwis Joseph Steverson, John 1. I'stice, Wm Vamlerbaek, II .1 Kline, Fi; Kropn.

Henry scnu incir address to L.ock-J3ox Wilkes-Barre, Pa. os Ask YonnsELK thbse Qcestioxs. Arc you a despondent muttering from Sick Klinesmith. Jacob Keiiinher. J.ii di sive additions which have been made in the (Jenentl and lcal and Me-' tavor oi Lr.

uice, ami the one ballot taken resulted in the selection of Dr. Rice by a vote of 75 out of the lOo cast. The nomination of J. P. Phillips for Surveyor was made by acclamation, Mr.

Ira Hart well t)f this city withdrawing bis Crape Vino and Kinney, lawrenoe vvtnman, Sam I chanieal tlepart.tnents of the t.ippineott, Layfayette Welterole. Picture Frames, ncaiiacne, Habitual I Uistiveness, Palnita-tion of the Have you Dizziness of the Head Is your Nervous Svsfem d. Turkey Wing Cradles. iiume. I.we, Kdvvard Weiss, Andreas L-twrenee.

Chas Peter Miles, Kdward lKllKiLASS SMITH, P. M. Looking Glasses. they were running the boat at a loss, issued a notice a day or two since, that the wages paid the hands would be reduced fifty per cent, and this morning she remained tied at the wharf, tlie crew having refused to work at tlie proposed reduction. The chances are, therefore, that she wilt remain at her present quarters until spring shall come again.

Yesterday, hav DAILY RECORD OF THE TIMES, So as to make it The convention then adjourned ie 'Live ou a Iaw ominu ASH A LINE OF 1 I The WyomlDK ArtillerlaU. i nil. i.miii ni u-r lie HARDWARE got or t. oi uiese ana niucn more are the direct re Valnnll tin a fevini' Brackets, Towel Racks, PHOTO. ENAMEL MATERIAL.

sults of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and indigestion, (ireen's August Flower is AT TO KBIT TIIK 'IIMKS. Per The organization of the I Wyoming Artillerists has seen many changes within the past few weeks and considerable judicious weeding out has relieved the battery of some inefficient material. Iapt. Parker FWR A good, sound horse, feetly safe for a lady to drive. 24 il, is.

TAYNK. Handsome as it is Meritorious CHAS. now HCKitowietigeti uy all 1 Jrngglsts to lie a positive cure. bottles were given away in the V. S.

through Druggists to the people, tis a trial. Two doses will satisfy any lierson of its wonderful quality in curing aHd Kxamine Fine Art Department. P. HUNT. MAIN STKKKT.

FOB KENT. New house, with all modern improvements. Hood location. Ijiw, itf Troxell's lliiilding, Public Square. Ill We have determined not to increase the i but will continue to furnish il at fitly cents i month, or three cents per cpy.

os lo.u.-siioii. I mt ties ing stuck on' the bar on the trip down, she did not make a trip even to Plymouth, only being released from the bar at evening tide. Mr. Constine received an order on Wednesday morning to put two boxes of cheese and a barrel of crackers in his wagon and deliver them at Dana's grove, where they were to be spread for the men at tlie meeting. Ed.

filled the order and reached tlie ground in safety, but he had scarcely stopped his horse and commenced to unload, than those near by smelled, if not a "a mice," certainly the cheese, and i ii "uiar size 75cts. Sold jjositively nas ootaineu lor uie use oi the nieniliers of the battery U0 sets of new side arms, and has the promise of two(atling guns for the support of the battery in the alv sence of infantry, for the service of which additional uemlicrs will be enlisted as an auxiliary force, who will lie armed with breech loading carbines, i A new uniform will be ndonted ntxi J. nu urtiggtsis in v. a. TJWR KENT.

Several small houses, ranging from four to u-n dollars per iiuuith, Chilli. or I fll. Teas, BE, STIJKET, iH'twcen Market and North- CAN A I Iluslnesft Notices. Coffees, IJroatlway Full Styles Silk, Soft Kelt and when thoronghly equipped tlie men will milt iiais, cheap lor cash, at I'alnicr's. ami, iwo rooms on third floor over banking house, and one mil" FOR HAI.E The sl.M' ami good will of an established Tin, Stove and Hardware business, situated on Kast Main street, in the town of Kingston, tlood reasons for selling.

Apply soon. Address ZeS" 1 Kingston, Pa. and SpicesSTEAHST0NEW0RKS At this low price, none an so poor en mi hi these hard times but that they can afford, and should have a copy of the paper. It Is our aim to "livi prosjiesMie. readable newspaper at lite, comity seat of tin the Lirgest county, in the Two mouths' experience promises tlie certain success of the etiternrisc.

and has- eli. it. present a soldierly appearance. The cap will be the U. S.

regulation pattern in place of the "Kossuth" with its gorgeous feather. An effort will be made to raise funds either For Cash Oslv, at Jordan's, Knox Silk iiais, oest, quality, miuccd trom down Ft lit ICH1N AMI -ntlMKSTIO t'KIHTS. WW. Ij was certainly peculiar, resulting in a broken wheel for Constine and a fall in crackers and cheese. Ed.

left the grove, smiling at his mishap, leaving his broken vehicle at LeG rand's and allowing no one to be blamed for the accident. Wyoming Blue, Ohio Free, and Laurel Run Red Stone. Dy a Dan or other entertainment, for the purpose of purchasing overcoats for the men, and it should be met by a hearty, re groceries for It is a wis plan to buy cash at Williams street. fcast Market sponse iroiu our citizens, i 317-02 Flour, Feed, Jmoai MTEAM BOILER WORKS, several promotions were made at the last meeting among tlie new commissioned i TTS 1MH.ICY IF YOIT ARE The Welsh Band was oat a day or two Since engaged to play for the day, and employed a youna; man from Scranton to manipulate tne drum sticks, ajrreeing to Rive nini $5, for bis day's labor. The band were to receive $50.

for their music, but re- JL IT8 POUY IF TOD ARE FOR THE OF ALL KINI13 OF EASTON WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIME Hair, Pewter, Sand and Plaster. uuiiig uie neasiue, or somewhere else to omcers, dames itoat, orderly sergeant; 11. S. Cox, quartermaster sergeant 1st duty sergeant left vacant; 21, Reese Leislum; 3rd. teorge Brotlierhood; 4th, Inglebird Mentz; BOILERS AND SHEET IRON WORK AtiENT FOK i.iai.

niHuiiauirii. -'Ji sum I earL-a hib trimmer, io go wen right ttjlng can be had at (Snecessor to Tost St, Borden.) and and Iron Mine Cars, at the i. 3d Sllker, 4th Max Mentz, 4th Thos. 1 1 the hearty support or the business men of tliis city. We hope every citizen without rererenee to political crimed will esteem it a privilege lend their Inllneuce and support.

Kind words arc silver, but generous action are golden. Come up to the. help of the IiKciiicn. IV) not wait to be solicited or ill-Red. Itring the news to the ItEiroun.

Itriiij; your advertising to the ItRCOKn. RriiiR your Job printing to the Kecoiio. Take Uie Keporo in your families. tlct all your friends to lake, pay for, and nn 1 nu Wyomlnn Valley Works, n-ivinR ouiy eient dollars or tne amount, with protnLses for the balance in tlie future, were unable to honor the call made upon them by the drummer. Not bein respon-Ibte for tlieir failure the man of tlie drum, "tick Insisted upon havlne his but fail-, and ly llnntl.

See tlieir. 2A, Hearth Stone, Window See tlieir. See their. nwiiii ine money ne matte tils loss uuhhh urmuiciiwr niur, ni nun isKir runs, aps, l'lallorms, etcn waros, bin Joseph Tryor.

Two appointments are left vancant to be filled on rTerit for efficiency and good bebavior in tlio future. The Artificers are; James Shep-lenl and Cltarles Jacobs. I Tliere are, we learn, a few vacancies in the company for wldch good men with clear rfwirth are wanted. They must be men at good character, over 2t years of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. D.

J. Agent and Master Mechanic. MmT" Kenairinc of all rieviiiitlnns nrnmntlr Linen Htiitings Marsailles VestliiL' Ihtck KuitiiiK Linen Suiting. Marsailles, something popular and Popular Styles can be See their. See tlieir.

OwbalH, and taisliiir llraliain mi iiim itiil mi onier uy ex i iieriencud workmen. mi nimT iw oaiiu and a po-, i AU ..7 i iot ine youtn ft4 the ttakUng inMruuxntti. CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY. attended to. nwi mere sios public ItalMiiiir BlscnK Flour.

i No. 133 MARKET STKEET, I i Wiikoti'llurrci. MS-tf 1271-tf read It. J. P.


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