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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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if l.i 'I i 'i i Ik i ipl-pi Jlo ii -i -TV r-x'5p cri Mi'CtUl liiat wonkier at, one 'rJ a y- They uiuUirstaikl what the woman i' it rueer to ci Pennine to see herself over a surel ot rubbing them to pieces u'a last, ft isn't sensible. The 1 v.i/.i No soap Pcarllne. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers ThcQrcatert Perfection yet attained In Best Conttmction Equipment, Artistic Decoration and Elflclent insuring the highest degree of COHFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. TRIPS WEEK BETWEEN Toledo, Detroit Mackinac PEToSK.nv, ''THE soo." MARQUETTE, AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Maekinac and Return, Including Heals and Brrthi.

From Cleveland, $18; from TokJe, $iJ; from Detroit. EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Earliest Trains for nil East, South and Southwest and at Detroit for ell points North and Northwest. Sunday Trlpn June, July, August and September Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay jp Toledo Send for Illustrated Pamphlet Address A. A.

SOHANTZ, a. DITRO1T, MICH. Be Detroit and Cleveland Steam lav. Go. After Thirty Years' Experience I have tho-ixist and Nerve Tonic on earth for nil wonkonntl conditions ot cause.

Mudlclnus sont for full month's troutinent forodo uolliir no.Htimld, or address for particulars A. 3. JOlINdON. M. BATTLE CUEEK, MICH.

CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE Contril MuiiciHall. Chicago. Dr. F. Zlagleld, Pres.

Slut Year toezlnn 8ept.T, 1 HOC. Ackntnvltilanl the Fnrcmwl Institution America, Unvxaollod facilities lor a thorough course In MUSIC and DRAMATIC ART. Complete UUIoff ranUlulny Suilril Timu 1'orai Hnt Applications for the nnd partial scholarship! will bo received to August iota. TIME TABLES. flHUly except Sunday.

Leave Arrive. Bradford a Philadelphia N. Richmond Ind'pJs am Effner Peorla Crown Point Richmond 5:45 a Crown Point A 8:00 am Montlcello Efluer 8:00 Bradford ft Col Effner local Ind'pla Richmond and Bradford and Phlla Now 2:05 Montlcello 2:20 Chicago 1:35 Chi Intermediate. 4:30 Kokomo Rich Bradford 2:45 a 2:45 a 2:20 am 2:30 am a in 7:20 11:05 4:15 2: TRUTH SECURED. Newton County is of Imaginary Bryc July liOth.

under the Hiuniu- headlines "Converts, I'o the Free Coinape of Silvi-r," the rimros said: "Dr. jtKiimston, prominent physician and li'liQiuii ol' Goodland, was a caller Pharos ufHci' today. Wlii-ii asked concerning the political situation at Goodland Hie doctor siiid: 'Never, in ihe history oi' our county has there been such in sentiment. Fifty-throe liiv-lonj; publicans, citizens of. Goodland, and all reliable men.

have the Bimetallic eluli and now converts arc Ijoins mailo daily. Amonjr thy most prominent Koimblicans who liavi- ik- sorttKl and the advocates ol'a single £0ld Manchml is lion. W. AV. Oillman.

lie was elected township trustee, representative auJ state sutui- tor by the Republieans, but is now on tho Domocratle ticket as a r-andidate for reprc. aud we aro to elect the county lins been Republicans by majorities Irom to -100, but you can look K'-'V large a majority tlie other way tiil We liave the standard people on tlie rim and will keep a good pace until the end. Mr. Oillnuin's shift was ii crusher to Tho sought to get tlie truth of tiie matter at once but did not receive a reply until yesterday. A prominent cltizou of Goodland writes: "At the time of the Doctor's interview with the Pharos office there had been no Bryan club orffaziixod here.

There was a. call made to such a club last evening and a total number of twenty-six citizens attended, including a few Republicans who went out of curiosity and left the place before the meeting was over. If there was a club organized it must either have been so early of so late iu the evening that it is not generally known about town, I can not find anyone today who knows any club being organized last night. Mr. W.

W. Gillinan is for free silver and he is the only Republican who is off. He is a candidate on the Democratic ticket and his owu sou won't vote for him. He has been, trustee, clerk, representative aud senator, by the Republicans and qiiit tbe party because they shut him off and refused to nominate him 1'or Congress. "Old Newton" will go Republican by four lundred majority." Since 1878 there have been nine npi- demics of dysentery la different parts of the country in which Chamberlain's f-iiOOam J.


No 6 for St Josepto, dallj ex 10:31 a No It forSt ex Sunday 6:15 No 20 lor St Joseph, ex bun JiJH NO 10 to St Joseph Sunday only fo No 8 ex Sunday for Sown Bend 35 No 8 IWH throncli parlor or, Indianapolis to South Bend via Coltax. No 7S) ims thiougli sleepers, StLools to Macki. nSW FOB THE SOUTH NO 13 for Torre Haute datlr ex Sun V13 a No 11 for Term Hmite dally ex Sun JM No 81 dnllr ex Suiiildy No 13 hn.s through parlor car, South Bend to IndlanaDOlla via Uoltax. No 21 has tnrcugli Sleeper, Mackinaw to St Louis. Arrives No Cnlly except Sunday 0:25 No 17 Sunday only la '2Q For complete tlmo card, giving all trains BtatlonB, and for full information as to rates, through cars, address J.

C. EDGEWORTH, Agent. Loraniport, Ind. Or, E. A.

Ford, GeneVai Passenger Agent, St. LouU, Mo, 2:15 1:30 1:20 1:10 pm :10 in Colic, Ctolera and Diarrhoea Remedy "w-30pm i was "sod with perfect success. Dysentery, when epidemic, is almost as severe and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Heretofore the best efforts of the most skilled physicians have failed to check Its ravages, this remedy, however, has cured the most malignant cases, both of children and adults, and under the most trying conditions, which proves It to be the brat medicine in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by B.

r. KecsTijig druggist. WEST BOUND. Loca' Freight, oocom dally ex 5 St. Louis limited dally, 'old no 43' 10:24 in 1 Fast Jlnil 47' pm 7 Kftnaoa City express dally 'old no 3:18 6 "nc espreis ex Sun 'old no a NO.

BAST BOUND. N. 'X. i Boston Urn dally 'old no 2:41 a in 6 Faat mall dally, 'old no 48 IMS a 4 Atlantic ilm dally ex Sun 'old no 44,. 4:52 74 Local frt.

dally ex Snn 12 60 Sb- RIVER DIVISION. WEST BOUND. 10:30 a No37arrlTO 2 35 in EAST BOUND. No38 leave 10:45 a THE RAILROADS The Coal Situation as to Ohio and Indiana. REMOVING DUMMIES General News of Railroads and Railroad Employes.

Representatives of Oliio aud Michigan roads and operators oil those States will, meet, iu Toledo today I'OL- a geuural discussion of the coal situation it reliUew'to Ohio and Michigan roads and operators, and finally to discuss rates. It is alleged by a Toledo paper fliat the Indiana roads from the Brazil aud Liuton districts have been making a differential of iiO between their rotes and those made by Ohio lines from mines of that State to West Michigan. This is entirely too large. Ohio roads claim, as it lays Indiana, coal down at Grain! Rapids 10 cents clu-aper than Ohio coal. It.

will practically drive Ohio operators out of teri'irory if the Oliio lines submit lo it. This tln-y do not propose to do, and will meet lo map out some plan of warfare. Tlio Michigan roads hold the Itey to the situation. They are able lo practically shut Indiana lines out of that territory if they should choose to. All agree that something must, bu done, for rates have been dropping until they have reached the i-idJculously low figure of from the Indiana mines and froni Ohio.

"re the published rates. Tlu-re is r.i't a shadow nf donb': vhal rates far below these are beiug mail; 1 every 'day. It is not shippors to gt-t a rate from Ohio Bui. this is only one of tin; things which are wuighing on the coal-traffic official mind. There is a general weak ness in rates from Ohio mines to points.

Some of tin- weak coal opi'ivi tiirs have been pinched for money am have cut Hie price of coal to the con sinners. They liavu thus undersoil Ihcir competitors, who have used till leverage to press down railroad rate? The coal agreement, which lins bcei such a blessing to Ohio lines, is being disregarded, and au efton: will made to give it new lease of IIIV. CLOTHING. CLOTH We have no old shelf worn goods, but ever new and up to-date. Read the following prices: Our $15,00 Suits go for $12,00 Our $12.00 Suits go for Our Suits go for 7.5O Our Suits go for Our $5.00 Suits go for $3.50 DOC FOR CHOICE OF STRAW BAT IN TflE STORE.

25c choice of any''of our Children's Straw Hats. Boys' Duck Suits one third off, are bargains. Now is lhatimejo buy a Suic of Clothes, a Hat cr Gents Furnishing Go ds, and 526 Broadway is the place to save money, These Prices are For Cash Only. 0., DUMMY COUPLERS. An order has recently gone out Iron the Panhandle motive power depart m'tint to the effuct that all dummy coup lers on passenger aud freight cari should be removed.

This is a very rad ical step, and the order affects overj division iu the Pennsylvania system The dummy coupler is au nrrangcmeu for hanging up the overlapping ai liose on each car to keep it from Iw ing clogged up with dust and dirt, thus preventing good nir service. It is saic that there has always been some trou ble to get the brakemen to hang up tli hose when its connection was with other cars, and while this may have been one reason for dlscontiuu ance of the dummy coupler, the great est cause is understood to he that the life of the hose is destroyed by the kinking which results from hansriuc the hose up. The work of removing the couplers has commenced on all the divisions. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF ILLUMINATING GAS. We desire to notify those who are favoring us with their patronage, that the price on Artificial Gas consumed after September 1st, 1SOG, will be reduced to a maximum of per thousand cubic feet net.

Wo trust that this material reduction will result not only In a continuance of present custom, but also In Increased patronage, which we will continue to endeavor to merit by good service and low prices. Very respectfully, LOGANSPORT WABASH VALLEY GAS COMPANY. On account of the G. A. R.

Encampment The North-Western Line (Chicago North-Western Railway) will on August 31 and September sell excursion tickets from Chicago to St. Paul and return at rote of $8.00 for tie round trip, good for return passage until September 15, wlUi privilege of further extension to September 30, 1890. For tickets and full Information apply to agents of connecting lines, or addresa A. H. Waggoner, T.

P. 7 Jackson Place, Indianapolis, Ind. Subscribe for The Journal. I RAILROAD NOTES. Baggage car No.

742 is in the shop. 1 for clas's 2 repairs. Fred Weihle. the switch tender, is off tluty on account of sickness. A.

Bender and Joe Murpliy tiro oft duty on account sickness. William Foster went home yesterday suffering with an attack of malaria. C. E. Wells, trainmaster of the Wabush at Andrews was in the city yesterday.

Joe Dempsy returned to work yesterday morning after a. lay-off on account of illness. The ventilators Lave been placed'on the blacksmith shops and have proved to be a great improvement. of the tracks in the new repair ynrds is now in position and the lumber yards will be removed this week, John Suyiler, grate Inspector a.t the Panhandle roundhouse, his wife has gone to Chicago to visit a week. John Shew-In, foreman ol! the paint shops is spending few days' vacation at Cincinnati and other point iu Oliio.

Charles Clnrk of the.tin shop will go to Akron, Ohio, next week whore he will wed cine of Akron's fairest daughters. Albert Van.steJnburg of the Panhandle roundhouse left Saturday evening for a two-weeks' visit at Cincinnati and points In Kentucky. Mr. J. M.

Patterson, foreman of the freight repair yards and J. J. Haunoii, 'general foreman, have returned from n. business trip to Columbus, Ohio. Will Baker, Ellis Cliue, Jack Ensfield, Jesse Warnock, Tony Bender and several other shopmen were among the to Terre Haute on last The party was chaperoned by Leonard Wecht.

Herman Bercdtj who had his foot 'mashed a few weeks ago and who returned to as cured, Is having a hard time of It Sunday his physician 'found it necessary to cut.dp'o;:, toe 426 BROADWAY. Hi: will be laiO and scrape the boue. off-for several days. The repair track headquarters are beiug removed from their present lo- cation to a point about twenty-live feet south. Charles Hamer of tlie repair track gang removed yesterday from Twelfth street to'North street between Sixth and Seventh streets.

Albert Burgess of the repair track gang fell from the top of a nut car at Trimmer on last Saturday while at work aud sprained fife ankle. Ho will be laid oft duty for short time. The Panhandle has 1 just revised list showing over 000 industries In the rittsburg and Allegheny districts reached by their sidetracks and those of the Pennsylvania proper. Orla Haiian has returned to work iu the rdiijin after attending the Na- of the ITarlan family held last week at He reports a good attendance and a sociable time. The Pennsylvania company-lias ordered built at its shops in Fort Wayne fifty box ears, fifty feet in length, to accommodate all classes of traffic.

Up to the present time thirty-five feet in length has been the longest ear built. Hartwiek, the Panhandle brakeman had his hand badly mashed yesterday morning while making a coupling. Two fingers were seriously mangled and the physician, Dr. Hethering- tou, says that they may have to bo amputated. The Master Car Builders' association" have embodied the new inter-change association In their new book ot rules which lias just been issued.

It will take effect the first of next month. The rules simplify the process of Interchanging. i A couple of years ago at the suggestion of George W. Boyd, assistant general passenger agent of the Pennsylvania, the plan of placing uniformed porters on their more popular through trains between New York and St. Lcals and New York and Chicago was adored, and so satisfactory have been resulw that on several other Pennsylvania lines that course is to be pursued.

Those porters make themselves rery useful In various ways to the trav- lliug public. Drawings of All Kinds Made by BYRON B. Draughtsman Attorney. Spry Block. Logansport There Is more taia section of the country than all other dls- mses put together, and until the last years It was supposed to be ncurable.

For a great maay years doctors pronounced It a local disease; and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to with local treatment, pronounced It ncurable. Science has proven catarrh be a constitutional disease, and there- lore-requires constitutional treatment lull's Catarrh Cure," manutactured Cheney Toledo, Olilu 'the only. constitutional cure market. It Is taken Internally rom 10 drops to a teaspoon-l i. Irectly on the blood -anu Bar- faces of the eysteaj.

They one hundred dollars for any case It falls'to ure. Send tot circulars and testlinon- Address F. J. CHENEY Toledo, 0: Sold 75c. 0.

AT ST. PAUL. Special Kates vLa Pennsylvania Linos for National Encampment. August 30th: and 31st and September 1st are the dates upon which low rate round trip tickets to St. Paul will be scfld via Pennsylvania Lines, the ehort route through Chicago.

Tickets will be good returning until September 15ft, Inclusive, and if deposited with the joint agent nit St. Paul on or before September 15, the return limit will be extended to Include September 30th. The rates tor thte occasion will be exceptionally low via Pennsylvania Lines, the only system of railways over which trains rum from Western, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana to Chicago Union Station, the natural gateway from those States to tha Northwest Dally trains from Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianiapolte and Louls- vilto make convenient connection at Chicago with St. Paul Arrangements may be made by G. A.

R. Posta or parties of-friends to travel together on special trains or special cars that will go through from starting point to the Encampment without change, If the numiber Justifies it. Information on flie subject will be cieerfully furnished by representatives of the Pennsylvania Lln'ca. Subscribe for Tli'e Journal, 40 cents 'a SIX SIX. Special Train EXCURSIONS -TO- fflaiinknckee Lake VIA THE VANDALIA LINE July loth, 26th, and August and, 9th, I6th, 23rd.

Fare for the round trip $1.00. Train leaves Vandalia station at 8:50 a m. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Notice is hereby given that I wffll make application at the regular September term, '96, of the Board o-f County CoBiinSssloaors of Cass County, Indiana, for a License to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquons in less quanttaes than a quart at a tixno with, the privilege of permitting the same to be. drank upon the premises whereon sold.

The premises wbereoii said liquors are to be sold and drank are situated' on tloe ground floor, of the two-story brick building on part of lot Xo. 83, City of, Logansport, Eel township, Cass county, lutl. Saild room. Is known as No. 221 Fourtli street, -with a.

20-foot frontagX! on. street and extending 70 feet west with a 12-foot ceiling. CHARLES FOHREB..

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