Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 2
- Publication:
- Sun-Journali
- Location:
- Lewiston, Maine
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
i 2A Lwrimn iounwl Localctato Saturday JuntA tor tfrip to AA -v McKernan vetoes strikebreaker bill do everything within your power to maintain peace in Jay and to reach an acceptabie con-traict with the McKernan spokesman Willis Lyford said the let- ter was meant tobean to the comnanv In detailing his objections to the bill McKernan told the Leg-islature that the measure goes too far in the limits it puts on an rights to hire workers and hinders the collective bargaining process The governor also objected to the effect on companies 0dhs ST Journal reporter LEWISTON Throlocal high-school students are preparing cor culture shock Before Chris Ayotte IS and Jonathan Hussey It return to St Regional High School as juniors neat fall they will have spent a month to the poverty-stricken tropical lowlands of Bolivia Ayotte and Hussey wifi be accompanying the Rev Frank Morin formerly of SL Perish in Lewiston whm he re- turns to Santa Cruz Bolivia Morin had originally planned to take along one nighccnoal student sponsored by St June 39 after a when he returned short visit to Maine However both Ayotte and Hue-sev members of their htoh-school Key Chib and debate team expressed an interest when they were approached last fan by their guidance counselor St Parish will be sponsoring noth students as they experience life in a Third World country Just came upon said a once-in-a-lifetime serves as priest at the Purissima Concepcion (Immaculate Conception) Church in the community near Santa Crux as part of a five-year program through the St Janies Mission Society of Boston Both teen-agers are trying to prepare themselves for what lies ahead think be shocked said Hussey While one-third of Santa Crux Jon Hussey left and Chris Ayotte Don Hinted Journal photographer is middteclass Ayotte said he understands they have American soap operas there Boftrte on the whole it the second-poorest country to Latin America pretty poverty noted i Ayotte Added Morin a grapfaiegap between those who are poor and thofe who are Their typical day will include getting up early in the moraing at the rectory where they will be staying cufy becaun jIaas 99 nmm rammnnn 10 iiWHaa id babysitting and doing Chorea at the church they will Sscms youth group activ-itira and accompany Morto along the dirt rands to neighboring communities visiting the sick and if need be helping at funerals play it by said Ayotte A noticeable difference they will encounter will be in the food they eat The two teenagers will survive on diet of rice every day and some chicken and fish' accwdtag to Ayotte Morin said the climate will resemble that of Florida Although it will be the beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere Bolivia lies in the Amaxon Basin Winter in Bolivia still means high temperatures but km humidity Another challenge will be the language harrier although the two will be going to Bolivia with some preparation: Whik neither of the students had any previous background in Spanish Bolivia's -native language they nave been studying the language since Jan: uary to prepare them for the trip briefs -old Bur Harbor Inn has been vid Witham for $675 million the holdup but was not serioulsy injured police said How lawmakers voted: By Mark Hayward wiston Daniel Callahan By Cty CUleT Aiwthttii Press reporter AVGUSTA Gov John McKernan Jr- says his veto of bill should not be interpreted as a sign of support lor manage- position in the strike at the International Paper Co mill in Jay In rejecting the bill designed to curb the use of strikebreakers in Maine McKernan said yesterday the measure was legally flawed and too broad in scope McK Kernan in his veto message to lawmakers said his decision was in view of the strike by 1250 workers that began three (toys earlier at IP realise that some may use this veto to fuel the passions of union leaders or members but I must do what is right for Maine in both the long and short McKernan said The office an-nouncecT that McKernan had written to IP to say that the veto not be interpreted in any way whatsoever as an endorsement of you know the so-called strikebreaker bill went far beyond the regulation of McKer- nan wrote that reason I could not support the a personal level though I find it difficult to condone the use of out-of-state independent contractors to take the jobs of Maine the governor said in his letter to the company therefore urge you to 5' McKernan said he wOuld sup-an anti-strikebreaker mil it would only regulate firms whose sole business is providing replacement workers if such legislation were cleared by the Maine supreme coiirt Earlier yesterday McKernan told a State House news mice that the strikebreaker proposal out false for fp strikers because it take effect until September and may be preempted by federal -law The bans the hiring of companies that cousktently offer to perform work normally done by permanent employees on strike McKernan said state authorities are working to prevent clashes between those working those striking at the Jay mill want to do all we can to prevent any violence in Jay and try to end that impasse as quickly as he said rm BarHarborlnnsold for (87M BAR HARBOR (AP) The sold to New Hampshire hotel owner R-Mechank Falk Susan Dora D-Auburn James Handy D-Le-wiston John Jalbert D-Lisbon Gregory Nadeau D-Lewistan John Nuttii Stevens R-Sabattus John Telow D-Lewiston 1 In what developed into a partisan issue the House turned down a move to use the real-estate transfer tax to fund property -tax Bar Harbor Inn is the best property on the most picturesque island in Witham said The origual building constructed in 1887 was one of the opulent clubs that launched the summer colony of Bar Harbor The prior owner Alliance Corporation of Portland had operated the inn for 15 yean AUGUSTA After debate that lasted more than an hour the House Tuesday overwhelmingly approved a mil to widen the-Maine Turnpike to six lanes The Issue won the endorsement of Lewiston-Auburn officials after the Maine Turnpike Authority agreed to study economic considerations of the toll road move effect Yes postpone or measure Clark D-Brunswick Joanne Lapointe DrAubum Ne: John A Aliberti' D-Lewis ton Bradford Boutiiier D-Le- Shaw's sells controlling stock mmor's deak' incnuM the: ftepubhcaiu uud the tax xfc- PORTLAND API tb reUifer I cities and towns thus enabling them to cut property taxes But Democrats said the pro: gram which helps middle-income home buiyers be larges1 Great Britain buying a controlling interest in Supermarkets Inc which has 16 stores in Maine Sainsbury which now owns 384 percent of Shaw'a stock will toils holdings in 1 two stages eventually owning at least 74 per cent of according to an agreement announced yesterday Descendants of Davis the of Shaw's will The toll which now site on the million Statutory for aix lanes land and the line Those favor a Maynard primary owners sell 355 million shares at $30 per share Shsw's was selling share at the dose of business llmrsday with revenues of $11 bUlionis the third largest supermarket chain in New England Sainsbury has sales of about $66 tollkn Warrant issued In stabbing AUGUSTA AP) A murder warrant has been issued for an Ogun- iBeacnin jeopardized 171016 voting favor a com- mittee report to kill the measure Yes: Aliberti Boutiiier Clark Cote Dora Handy Jalbert Lapointe Nadeau Nutting Pouliot -No: Callahan Stevens Telow 6U6a mIim mII iirolMvIau Ihof State nolle lice said that 14-year-old killed in accident thestal body was found washed ashore by a passerby last week family has a home in Kennbunkport In an affidavit filed in Biddeford District Court Curtis is Identified as Nixon's homosexual lover A car believed to be the victim's wss found Wednesday at sparking area in New Jersey police said Curtis described as 5-foot-8 140 pounds with blond hair ibbtag was to yesterday Dean A Curtis 24 wss wanted in death of David Nixon 30 of Naugatuck Conn whose fnait A PinJto A tuan urnntml in ORLAND (AP) An Orland man was being held in Hancock County Jail today on charges of manslaughter ana drunken driv- tag after an accident that left a 14-jnear-old girl dead authorities The Hancock County Sheriff's-Department identified the girl as Nicole White of East Orland She was walking with her sister and cousin along Route 1 around dinnertime last night when she was struck by a small truck and died soon afterWard Sgt Jeff Clem Robbery probe continues LISBON FALLS Police said they are still searching for a robber who took between (300 and clerk According to police the robber is described as a black male about 6 feet tall and was last seen wearing jeans jeen jacket and a white T-shirt The clerk David Boucher 19 was struck on the head during ents said -The truck's driver Frederick FreUino 40 of Orland was being held today in lieu of $10000 double-surety bail or half that in cash If he fails to make bail a jail official raid Freiltao will be arraigned on Monday CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! GOLD BUYING A BILLING GiM Cohi 1 Friaf (sts Psckst Wstdws MMNi IRV NTS MPtimc cow 6 jiwaiv 782-9492 Mm nmm rsi-veya JUNE 21st jyg ttgefa 66 Hm mcim Mimn aav aasMMMansNaan Planting grass Earl Godsoe holds onta a hose pumping water into atank used In an advanced grass-seeding method Godsoe and other workers from 8E MacMillan ware putting in grass seed along Farwsll 8 treat in Lewiston yesterday Seed water and fertilizer are sprayed onto the ground in the procsss Don HimselJournal photographer CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER? YOU SHOULD PEI! or oro you buying wator at 40'-90 par Galf To tho groatost man that ovor walked the face of tho oarth Ho was in tho world and tho world was modo by him and tho world know him not "Religion is vain" said the Lord For som say he is a prophet just a messenger from God howovorHo is God in tho 'flash Remember when Martha said to Josus know my brother will rise on tho day of resurrection" And Josus said "I am tho resurrection" Soma religious groups teach that tho body of Jesus was hidden away and God usod another body in tho resurrection these have no spirit nor power Others teach that baptism is of no importance those have no spirits fjor the Lord himself was baptized at about the ago of 30 Soma teach baptism to tho young In the NaW 'Tosfament no one was baptized until they believed in their hearts that Josus Christ was thf son of God and that his blood covered their sins Remember what Josus said to the Pharisees "destroy this temple and in throe days I shall raise it up" moaning the temple of His body It is Josus who raises the dead opens blind ayes and makes the Lama walk Ho is King of Kings and Lbrd of 'Lords Every knee shall bow and ovary tongue shall con- foss that Joius is the Lord Turn your ayes and hearts back to tho Lord and heal tho Notion HAPPY FATHERS DAY LORD 5-9-45 GSC CORF HOME HEATING 0IU Subjmct to Change POET OIL CORPORATION CUV OFEVNOUAm4 tfwr MM-492-MI4 22-4559 ISV 190 MOVING VANS RENT A RELIC 1697 CsatarSt Ankara 704-5430 Installod In your honw Romovti: HarmM SscSsris Orgsnic Taslss Cslsta aaiOdsta Must Many Chemical Cestaml cants DBCP VMy CMw IPs Twdc al 106 EPA ForFREC AngraBaAswlljM wnvRiiigiiM CaB Otaaad 712-2429 atm 245 Csalar UAsh 714-4661 TCEEOBalc a-.
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