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Harrisburg Daily Independent from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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lIA'UHISUUllGt ST A. II-INDEPENDENT, BRYAN STUMPING TOUIl A SON'S AWFUL CHARGE. Dochres His Father to bo an Incendiary and Murderer. GREAT STORM DAMAGE. Pennsylvania Feels tho Forc9 ol the Cyclonic Disturbances.

SHE LOSS AT LAKOASTEE $1,000,000 TurneiA an unknown man and an Infant Hundreds of residences are injured, and the most, beautiful trees in the city are down. The loss to shipping will amount' to owr SSW0.00O. The most serious casual ty was the capsizing in midstream of the Savannah river of the Norwegian bark llo-se-iius and tho total loss of the tug Robert Turner. At Brunswick four persons were killed outright, ns follows: William Daniels, Abel Da-saml John Jefferson and baby, all cototTid. A careful estimate places the damage in Brunswick at $500,000.

FOR OFFENSIVE PARTISANSHIP. A Dtslrlct Attorney in Virginia by Request. WAsniQTON, Oct 1. Whatever doubt may hnvo existed as to the course of the administration with reference to the of tho rule against Dicers of the govcrnmeut. especially those in anyway connected with tho judicial branch, actively engaging in political campaigns, was dissipated yesterday by the action of Attorney General Harmon in acceding the resignation of Frauois H.

Lasslter, United StMes attorney for the Eastern district of Virginia. Complaints had reached tho department of justice that Mr. Lasslter was acting as chairman of a campaign Gladness Comes With a better understanding- of the transient nature of tho many physical ills, which vanish before proper efforts gentle efforts pleasant efforts riri-lillv flirteted. There is comfort in I tho knowledge, that so many forms ol sickness are not due to any actual is-ease, but simply to a constipated condition of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, promptly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who valuo good health.

Its benetieial effects are due to the fact, that it. is tho one remedy which promotes cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefora all important, iu order to get its beneficial effects, to note when you purchase, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the Cnli-tornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, ml the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies aro then not needed.

If affiieUd with any actual disease, one may be commended to tho most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, onb should havo the best, and with tho well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely Used and gives most general satisfaction. EDUCATIONAL. KARRISBURG CONSERVATORY Instruction in vocal fnrt instrumental iiHisin bv the lifSt foreimi te.elier. Teiius, tT.50 to J.iO a Call or MIL TAUBE, Director, copl linn TU N'. B.xtu Street BUSINESS COLLEGE.

ITVU.I. TIOitM of tha Harrislmrg business CoUeire St-p lsc at its uommodioui new ro nis 3.1 Market street. Marrisburg. P.i. J.

K. UAltN'BS. Principal. ELGIUM'S DEMAND ON TURKEY An Armenian Sentenced to Death Must be Liberate d. Co.vsTAN'riN'OHLR, Oct.

1. The government tribunal yesterday sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment each a number of Mussulmans who were convicted of taking part in the recent riot.s. Those aro the lirst rioters who have been tried and found guilty since the lata massacres. Tho tribunal also passed sentence of death upon all of iho Armenians who aro known or suspcutcd of having taken part tho seizure of tho Ottoman bank. In this list is included an Armenian who was surrendered by the legation, with which ho taken refuge, upon condition that he would bo releasod after he had been examined by the tribunal.

The minister has sent a peremptory note to tho porte demanding the man's liberation. Honor Major "IcKinley. Canton. Oct. The rain which sets in during tha roception of the last delegation last Saturday, with slight interruptions, has continued ever since.

The first delegation to seo M. jor McKiuley yesterday arrived in a spocial of nine coaches a 8 o'clock a. with rain pouring down In torrents. The party was taken to the Tabernacle, where shortly after 9 o'clock, Major McKinlcy weut to receive the greetings delivered by Vv. ijray, chairman of the Center republican central committee.

The party organized at Bellefonte and represented tho first Pennsylvania county to instruct delegates for MeKinley. Mr. McKiuley addressed the delegation at length, paying a brilliant tribute to Pennsylvania's Republicanism. State Senntnr Short in His Accounts. Cinx-ixxati, Otst.

1. Stnto Senator Adolph Pluemcr has been missing several days, and yesterday tho oity treasurer stat. that ho had fail od to turn over tKOO due the school board for its library fund. Senator Pluemcr retired as treasurer of the library in Juno, and was unable to settle then or since. Tho senator is not considered guilty of auy embezzlement, but so pressed that he cannot meet his obligations.

He was a millionaire five years ago. Serlons Strike in t'oheuiia. Pr.AGL'E, Oct. 1. A serious strike is in progress throughout tho coal roglons of north Bohemia, due to tho incitement of anarchists.

A band of about fifty strikers hijs been marching from pit to pit at Breux, forcing the miners to stop work, and at Ossegg and elsewhere the strikers are smashing windows or doing other dam-itge, besides intimidating tho miners. Tho managers ol mines have asked for military protection. Verdict Against a rtailroad Company. Tczxtox, Oit. 1 Augustus Larue, Pennsylvania railroad fireman who w.n injured sumo months ago while riding in his cab near New Brunswick by being struck by a piece of timber extending from a passing train, secured a verdict against tho company yesterday in tho United StalC3 cour; amounting to 1896 00T0BEH.

189G Tho Democratic Candidate) Speaks in Three States. EOYAL GREETINGS EVERYWHERE. lie Stakes Addresses at Harper's Ferry, Murtlnsbnrg, V. and Hancock and Cumberland, Md. Introduced by Senator at Cum he tit.

and, Oct. 1. Tho special train carrying William J. Bryan and his party from Washington was an hour bo-hind tho schedule time when it reached Harper's Ferry yesterday. Tho only stop mndo lwforo that was at Washington Junction, where Mr.

Bryan shook hands with a few people who were at tho stntion. Harper's Forry, mndo famous by John Brown's raid, was gaudily decorated with flags and bunting. The candidate addressed an immense crowd from a platform built on the side of the hill. At Martiusburg, the home of Senator Faulkner, Mr. Bryan spoke to an ou-thnsiustie crowd of West Virginians.

It was a typical southern greeting. Senator Faulkner Introduced Mr. Bryan to an audience which hnd assembled on a vacant lot. at one end of which a platform had becti erected. Tho crowd was enthusiastic, and cheered thooandldato from the beginning of his speech until the last Bontonco.

In the course of his address lie said i "Our opponents, not wo, are responsible for the fact that in this campaign we are engaged in a battle royal between tho I money powers and tho common people, i These contests aro always brought about by tho aggression of those who seek to use governments as a means of private gain, All the great questions which from timo to time have been forced upon tho puLlio have been forced, not by the many, but by the few, nnd tho great struggles which I have occupied tho thought and tho effort of the peoples of the world have 1 eon tho, i struggles made by tho masses in folf de-i fenso. And so lu this campaign tho hosts are being to resist tho aggres-! sions of tho gold standard, "If I were to tell you that a foreign army was coming to attuck you, or a for- eign navy was anchored at our gates, I i could expect every one of you to join and liht to protect our country from inva- sion. I announce, to you that a foreign i financial policy has not only invaded our 1 country, but it has gained a foothold hero, and a great, national party has declared that foreign policy shall remain hero until foreigners themeolves shall consent to Its retirement. "Some of our Democratic friends, who have worked with us in the pa-t. tell us i that in this campaign they will cither work with tho Republicans or stop half T.

ay between our ranks and the Republican ranks. I want them to go on, understanding that they go never to return until they come back in sackcloth and ashes. If these men who havo gained their prominence through tho honors given them by the Democratic party have an idea that they cau withdraw iu tho face of tho enemy aud then be invited back to take command hereafter they aro making a mistake, the greatness of which will increase as time goes on. "My frieuds, our opponents nssumo that money is a thing created by commerce, end that law has nothing to do with it. I want to say to you that money is a creature of law.

You can havo as much money eras little money as the law permits. If the laws are made by thoso who want niouey to be high priced, they make money scarce in order that money may be high priced. If you want money sutli-ciently plenty to keep pace with population and industry, the laws have got to be made by ihoso who believe in having enough money to keep pace with population. "If you want dollars dearer than they are now, you can have them by making dollars scarcer than they are now, if dollars could be much scarcer than they aro now. If there are any Republicans iu thisaudi-ence I want them to consider just one proposition.

If our big Democrats who I have a pecuniary Interest in a goto stantl- ard are willing to leave the party in order i to advance their pecuniary interest, why will not a Republican farmer or Kepubli- cau laborer Republican business man leave tho Republican party iu order to protect his home, his family and posterity from the distress consequent to a foreign financial policy. At Hancock, Mr. Bryan spoke to a crowd from tho rear platform, saying among other things: "Our opponents aro not only opposed to frco coinage, but they are opposed to agitation, which means that they are opposed to discussion, and tho man who is opposed to the discussion of public questions in a country like this Is not acquainted with tho principles of the institutionsundor which we live." The ride from Martinsburg to Cumberland was along tho Potomac, with the Al-leghenies towering overhead. Cumberland itself nestles in the valley, and the surrounding scenory is niarkod by rugged grandeur. A committee, headed by a band, met Mr.

Bryan at tho station aud drove him to the public square, a few blocks away, whero decorated stands had been erected. Au excursion train from neighboring towns brought a large crowd, which, with the citizens, guvo tho candidate jv big and enthusiastic audience, to whom he spoke at length on the issues of the day. Grafton. W. was not reached until 10 last niht, but notwithstanding the lateness of the hour there was a crowd in waiting, and Mr.

Bryan addressed it briciiy. Delaware Itepnblieans Compromise. Oct. 1. Th--3 will be but one Republican electoral ticket In Delaware.

The Republican state committee received and accepted the rosiitnr.tion of William C. Sprsmnee of New Castle and M.tnlovo Hayes of Kent, the electors on the Higgins ticket, aud r.ominaied Jamas G. Shavy nnd D. M.Wii- fo-i of New Casile and Kent respectively, i Tiie latter two wore electors o-i the Ad- i dick ticket. The remaining elector was lioinina; a 1 by sides.

waj done in regard tho rest ticket. til 1 rx Hurtled. Morocco. I. Tho Jewish quarter Fez.

the principal city of the empire of Morocco, has 1 een burned and several persons have perished and many have I con fatally injured. Five hundred if tho 'residents of the burning quarter were compelled to fly in an unclad condition to the country nntil the Gaines were oucut lied. It is estimated that there are lM OiO Jrws in Fei out of a total popula- tiou titju.Oij. Kr. i.N A'K DAT Take l3nii-e icmo Qmmne Tahlris.

All refund rtcn-y if it faiU tu cuie. ST0EY OF HABY GRAVE CRIMES. If the Son's Statement be Trne His Fattier Has Enleil Series of Crimes by the Murder or Ills Wife Near A Sensational Story. New Oct. 1.

Herman Paul Schultz, who is held In prison here charged with arson on tho evidonca of his owu sons, is also charged by Charles lmund Schultz, the older son, with murdering his wife, the young mail's mother. Tho murder of Mrs. Lizzie Schultz occurred on Tuesday of last week, at tho High Point House, owned bv John Wohl-fardt, three miles from Siiohola, in tho wildest part of Pike county, Pa. According to tho story as told by young Schulta, a stranger went to the High Point House on Moudayof last weok and called for "Mrs. Smith," who was in reality Mrs.

Schultz. When sho responded they spoko a few hard words, but everything apparently was arranged amicably, because the two weut to the woman's apartment. The mail remained there that night. The next morning, wliile he was dressing, tho proprietor's wife went, to tba room and found "Mrs. dead.

The stranger was Schultz. who was arrested and released by the coroner's jury bringing in a verdict that the woman died at tho hands of some jierson unknown. Schultz claimed, so it is that ho sat up talking with his wife nnd a son until 4 a. m. then fell asleep.

Ho sal'' he did not hear a shot. He came to this c.f wheu released. Charles Schultz, who caused his father's nrrest. said today that a few days before his mother's death the father called upon him and asked for her address. Ho refused until his father said he had for her.

He then gave tho address. Tho young man tells a long story of family discord, which wound up iu tha sapara-tion of the husband and wife. At the same timo he explained that his mother and children wore known as Smith in order to protect the father, who assumed that name when ho disappeared whilo under bond for assaulting a young woman. The charge on which Schultz is under arrest here is arson, the son in preferring the charge telling a sensational story of fraud. "My father was a tailor." said young Schultz, he opened a store on Spring streot.

Some timo later the place was set on fire, and he collected foOil insurance. "After that, on account of trouble with the neighbors, he move! to Fourteenth i street and opened another store. His 1 business prospered so that after a time ho took the whole building and insured his stock for SS.OXt. One night a strnngu man slept in the store, aud father, who always allowed the fire to go out at night, saw that it was kept burning on that occa- sion. Well, wo had all to run for our lives.

ar.d when 1 was going out I saw father dash a jar coatcinintr liquid on tho floor, which immediately blazed up. He did not get all his insurance, however, so he moved back to Spring nndnftar a time to 411 West Twenty-sixth street. "Threo years ago, the day lioforo New Year's, I saw my brother Willie carrying a gallon of benzine, a gallon of turpentine i and two gallons of oil in tho store. I saw my lather pour all the stuff into a wash Ixiiler and stir it up with an old broom. Then he sprinkled it all over tho floor, and afterwards he went into tho back rooms where hit mother and broth- ers slept.

That nigh! rim whole house burned down, nnd niy i aud broth- ers were rescued by th. after they 1 had been slightly burno i. Tho doors had been locked upon them, but my father was all right. My mother's life was in- sured at the timo for $1,000. and I believe! part of his plan was to burn her up with the store.

Ho collected insurance money on that The family separated for tho last time in the latter part of June, after tho father I had threatened the mother with a razor, Among tnose at tne tiiga r'otut riouwi i the night of the murder was (j. I Carson, a lawyer of this city. While he was awaiting tho arrival of the pris.n,er in the Essex Market police court Carson said that not only were the charges made by the i son true, but there were a score of others behind it. On Wednesday of last week," Mr. Carson said, "the night wheu Schultz returned from Shohola, ho threatened to take the lives of both his sons.

He knew the position he was in and wauled them out of the way." When arraigned Schultz was remanded, i and later the grand jury found an indict- i ment for arson in the lirst degree against Herman Paul Schultz, alias Paul Smith. Tho indictment charges him witli setting i lire to the building at S34 Ninth art-cue. The accused maa told a reporter that his arrest was due to the spite of his son harles. "Ho has always been a bnd he added, "and has given me a heap of trouble up to the present time." Seven British Sailors Drowned. SEATTLE.

Oct. 1. The sailing schooner M. M. Morrill.

Captain Cantili-ion, of thi3 city, has arrived direct from I'naon, Japan coast, and llehring sea, bringing the news of the loss of men from the Drirish cutter Satellite in Dutch Hr.rbor on tho night fff Sept. 4, one of the worst storing that ever swet the coast. The men drowned went out in one of tlia thin's boats to save small Ix-ut containing two men. Captain tlart Apilti Arrest id. Pnn.ADKr.PHIA, O-t.

Captain John D. Hart, tha man who has figured s.i prominently in several alleged Cuban filibustering expeditions, wis afternoon placed arrest, charirod in an allMavit of a py board the Laurtida with aiding a military expedition against the Spanish eovei a power friendly to the Fuited Suites. He furui.Vd ii.OMO bail for appearance. Another for Crosr. Pnrr.ADru-niA.Oct.!.

Alc-aandcrCrow. who was n.iminate;! few days ago a citizen's meeting for the -e of shcr. against James M.ies. the was 1 city the of the p.irty havixt ileoUae I Mary Amlrrmi' Hoy. I.ON.-sj-.

A Ir.iy boy is dt: irii th whc-I? to ifa-i'. ev; s-w isT.i.lvs nnd is the 1 jid to ii i ui the rime an. I ti tli" ether unit. Naarr us.d arc Che BIB Railroad llrldge lit Colombia Completely Demolished At Savannah, the Storm Coats Eleven lives nd Kearlv a ILilllon In Property. Lancaster.

Oct. 1. Reports which have been received here confirm the earlier lulvices of tho wide extent of yesterday morning's cyclone disturbance. Every section of tho county has been heard from, and the story is that ruin rode in the wake of tie gale. While an estimate of the total lossisnecossarily speculative there does ot seem any doubt that it will easily warn $1,000,000, and may largely exceed hat amount.

In this city the individual losses are as a role comparatively small, but there are hundreds of thorn which Will make the aggregate enormous. The wind roared through the streets with a noise like thunder, and housosjit-arally rocked upon thetrfoundations. The oldest Inhabitant cau recall nothing to at all approach the gigantic fury of the Vtorm king's revel. During the two hours terror, which kept a large part of the population Jiwake. the air was filled with bricks, stones, slate, timbers and roofs of lieavy sheet-iron and tin, while gigantic trees which had withstood the storms of generations were ripped up by the roots uid tossed almost like toys, i The storm onteide the'eity was scarcely less- severe.

The destruction of the Pennsylvania railroad bridge across the Sus-queliaaaa at Columbia overshadows all sise in relative importance. The bridge, (which comprised twenty-seven spans, was completely demolished. It was Insured lor jjdO.OOO. Everything was carried away except the stone piers, the single iron and one of the shore spans. The fbridge proper was crushed to splinters.

It was lifted bodily off the piers and deposited just above in the water, a portion on the piers. Not a timber was left s-trding. The Columbia bridge was one of the longest covered bridges in the United States, being about a mile and a quarter In length. The bridge.that spans the Susquehanna at this point was originally built in bat that structure was carried awviy by a freshet. The bridge that succeeded it was burned by the citizens of Columbia to prevent the threatened invasion of the Confederate forces, which vere then in York county and menaced this side of the river The loss to the Pennsylvania railroad will be inestimable.

It is pretty well settled now that there was no loss of life, as a search of the debris failed to reveal the bodies of wo men who, it was feared, were ou tho bridge wwii it was swept out of existence by the hurricane. IHK STORM AT WASHINGTON. Seven Veopie Reported Killed Near the Nationftl Capital. Washington, Oct. 1.

Reports from the ubu. ln; towns about Washington eIiow great damage was done by tne storm throughout the surrounding country. At the Catholic university, just outside the tho new dormitory in process of tioit was demolished. At a few miles out. the town hall was )-artialiy destroyed and many other building, unroofed and otherwise damaged.

The train sheds at Alexandria were blown down, and the debris is across the tracks. In this city the papal legation was uu-roofed nnd the Chinese legation was damaged about from Rookville, and other sma'l r.locrjs rIodc the Metropolitan branch or' tho Baltimore and Ohio rail- road show ihat the storm did a great deal of datuage, hut no loss of life reported. The F.pisoopsl church in Rock- I ville was demolished and a tree fell upen. the Kpisc.opal wrecking a por- tioti of it.

Houses were unroofed and trois blown down in ail the smaller towns outride of Washington. Ureat damage is reported in the farming districts, where all i grsuis in stars or snooks have been strewed over the land. Many barns hava been blown down. All reports indicate that the storm was very severe in every direction outside of Washington. Th? White House was slightly injured by the storm, a portion of the copper roof iug being stripped off and other damaee dene.

The most notable loss to the building was that of the tall flagstaff from which the signal was given to the city that the president was in town. In the beautiful grounds surrounding the house the damage sustained was harrowing to tho feelings of the lovers of nature. No less than twenty-five of the splendid rrees were completely leveled, while fuliy fifty of the ether, trees are permanently defaced. There Is rearou to fear that the beauty of the lawn is permanently injured. Fully 5.

OX) tf the 75,000 trees in the city are destroyed. Iutelliueuce of the death of seven persons as the result of the storm has reached this city. Dr. H. C.

Sherman, of this city, rousin of Senator John Sherman, of Ohio, died cf fright at his country residence at Olney. Md. Three colored men. names unknown, were burned death in a cabin at Washington groove, about twenty miles from Washinetoo. A tree blew over, demolishing the cabin and overturning the lamp, which set fire to the place.

Captain Robert Chelsinaing. with his srhuoacr Capital, having a crew of a white and a colored man. was caught by a liow at Sandy Point, thirty-live miles from Washington. The boat was overturned and all three were drowned. At Alexandria, the storm was relatively more severe than in Washington.

There were four fatalities and three persons were more or less injured. The dead ere: W. D. Stewart, killed in bed by felling walls; Mrs. Koit, a visitor from North Carolina, killed in bed: Tillman Biles, colored, and an unknown colored woman.

loss in and around Alexandria is es tiir.ated at W00.O0O. A Fpecial bulletin issued by the weather bureau states that foronemicutethe wind reached the fearful velocity of eighty mile hour. SATAXXiO BADLY STRICKEN. Eleven Lives Lost ud Nearly 1,000,000 Worth of Property Destroyed. Sava.nxah, Oct.

1. The hurricaue that swept over Savannah TueIay noon cost nearly a dozen lives and entailed a linan- rial loss of nearly fl.OUO.OOO. Each report that is received is worse than at lirst. The following is a list of dead: J. W.

John- ston. Captain E. Murray, of the tun Robert Turner, nnd the fallowing, cli colored: Miry Waring. Kliza lieatiy. Fannie McFail.

Ruby Williams. Julie iaosson, two deck hands of the Kobeit Two Killed at Shamokln. Shamokix, Oct. 1. The damage caused by tho cyclone that passed over this section Tuesday night is greater than early reports indicated.

It is now thought the total loss will reach SSO.OOO. The Patterson breaker is almost a total wreck, but tho debris was saved from tho flames by the heavy downpour of rain that followed the destructive wind. Superintendent Vincent places tha damage to the colliery at $40,000. Fourteen of tho dwelling houses and twenty board shanties occupied by the mine workers were also blown down and five of the former wero consumed by flames. Two of tho tenants wore killed, several Injured and eleven head of cattle wero crushed to death boncath the dismantled barn.

The killed and injured are: James Kanlon, crushed in tho debris of his house, died in a few hours; Minnie Kline, fractured skull in jumping from a second story window to escape fire, tiled from her Injuries. Sharnoluu, Mt. Carmel, Locust liap and other-surroendiiig towns suffered heavily. In (ho farming districts barns were demolished by the hundreds. At the Colbert mine the fau and engine house, both boiler houses nnd all of the smoke stacks were demolished, throwing 400 men and boys out of employment.

The Storm at Virginia' Capital. Richmond, Oct. 1. The most severe storm in tho history of this city was experienced here Tuesday night, nnd streets and parks are strewed with debris. Th-3 loss of proporty will reach a considerably figure, but fortunately there was no loss of life.

All of the higher buildings in the city are more or less damaged and churches were injured in various ways. The most serious work of the storm was at tho Second Baptist church, where an immense steeple was toppled across the streot, and also at the Young Men's Christian association. During the fury of the gale a section of the steeple of Broad Street Methodist church also toppled into tho street. Reports from suburban towns, particularly Manchester, show that much damage to property resulted. Susquehanna Rirer Steamer Sank.

Suxbchy. Oct. 1. A tornado did damage hero early yesterday morning that will amount: SS.OOO or $10,000. Tha st.irm began at midnight and lasted three hours.

Scarcely a property owner escaped loss. Houses and barns were uu-roofed, trees and grape arbors ruined and stripped of their fruit, and telephone, telegraph and electric light wires were blown down into tho street. A new tenement house was demolished and another house was overturned. Two steamboats on the Susquehanna river were sunk. Narrowly Kscaped with Their Lives.

Wilkesbauue, Oct. 1. The wind storm did some damage to property in Luzerne county, but. uo lives wero lost. In the several districts houses wore un- roofed, fences blown down and trees up- rooted.

At Westmoreland three new houses nearly complete! were blown down. At Plymouth tho culm conveyor, a frame building 75 fee; high and feet long, was totally wrecked. The failing timber1 crashed into tho house of Kvau Davis, and the inmates had a Barrow escape with heir lives. Building Blown Down, Two Killed, Reading, Oct. 1.

During the storm i the cast house of the Temple furnace at Temple Station, five miles above Reading, was blown down by the wind and neariy a dozen workmen were buried in the ruins. The men were pinned down by the heavy timbers and it was some timo before they could be reached. The dead are: lid ward i Rismiller. leaves widow and live children i Samuel Trout, loaves widow and two believed some of them will die. Fatal Flood at Staunton, Va.

Richmond, Oct. 1. The city of Staunton, in the Shenandoah valley, was visited by a terrible flood yesterday. Many lives were lost and great damage done to property. Tho water invaded the lower portion of the city, rising so rapidly that many were unable to escape in time, i Ochers barely escaped with their lives.

Fifty Lives Lost in FI or 1,14. Jacksonville, Oct. 1. It is a conservative estimate to say that fifty people lost their lives in Florida from Tuesday's hurricane, and the number may run much higher. Xewa from that portion of the state where the storm first struck is very in coming, for wire are down and railroads aro impassable Nine Lare Tobacco Sheds Destroyed.

Towanda, Oct. 1. A terri3c wind and rain storm visited this section about o'clock yesterday morning, doing greut damage, the farmers especially suffering heavy losses. Nine large tobacco sheds within a radius of five miles were completely destroyed. The Cauadlrtn Psvelfle Strike.

Toronto, Oct. 1. Trains oh the Canadian Pacific are nil delayed in consequence of the operators' strike. Iu some cases they have arrived three and four hours behiud schedule timo. Communication between stations where the striking operators havo been replaced by inexperienced men has been carried un with tho greatest It is said that the Grand Trunk operators and switchmen are only waiting a favorable moment to join the men on strike.

Joseph Chamberlain Homeward Bound. New Yo3K, Oct. 1. Hon. Joseph British colonial secretary, and his wife, l'dmerly Mis Endicott, sailed for Kurope yesterday on the White Star line steamship Germanic.

Mr Chamberlain's name did not appear on the passt Dter Iir of the steamer. Mr. Chamberlain arrived in this country four weeks ago. Before his departure he said that his trip had lw.D solely for pie.i-sune and to enable Mrs. Chamberlain tu visit her relatives.

Taken to an Asjlara. NewYosk. Oct. 1. Albert C.

Wh head, otherwise known as "John ur- recently released from an Eagl prison, was taken from isjiievue ho-p t.1 to the insani) asyinni at Amityviile. Lo Island, tokay. Tho pa-crs Whitehead signed by Dr. state examiner fr iasune. committee and otherwise taking a prominent and active part in tho practical politics of his district.

Ia letters to Mr. Lasslter Judge Harmon says in part "Whatever rulo may provail in other departments it is well settled in this, that there is au impropriety in officers like you acting as committeemen to manage aud conduct political campaigns. Tho reasons are so manifest that they should not require more than a more suggestion. As United States attorney you dotermino who to prosaeutc add whom not to prosa-eufo. You conduct or recommend the discontinuance of prosecutions already commenced.

You have admission to tha grand jury room, nnd indictments are found or refused largely upon your oftlce. "Your political work necessarily brings you in direct contact with pooplo of nil classes, whose assistance you seek to gain or whose opposition you seek to overcome. It is impossible for you to do nnd to havo done the work which devolves on members of a campaign committee, especially iu times of high feeling and great excitement, without gathering a crop of friendly and unfriendly feelings which, as common experience teaches, very often havo an unconscious influence on thought aud action. It is more than likely that some of the persons with whom your political action so brings you iu contact will be involved in your future official action. "Tho fact that you were known as a man of active political habits when you wore appointed is irrelevant, because the question now concerns your conduct while in oflice.

Tho knowledge of the fact by tho people of your district merely serves to emphasize tho danger aud impropriety of your carrying into political contests tho weight and authority of Jour olliee." A Mother's Remarkable Kndurance. PitiLAPEi.rniA, Oct. 1. Mrs. M.

C. White, of Germanvown, held a pad over a cut in hor 4-year-old boy's mouth for seventy-two hours to prevent him from bleeding to death. Tho cut was a slight one, but physicinns could not stop the bleeding, and it was decided that the only way tu save tho child's life was to hold a pad over the cut until tho wound healed. Tho mother promptly volunteered, and the pad was For three long days and nights Mrs. White held tho pad against the roof of her child's mouth.

Ho was kept alive ou liquid food, and Mrs. White was fed by her mother. At times she held little Rexou her lap until uncontrollable weariness compelled her to put him down. But whether in hor lap or on the bed sho never relaxed her hold for a moment. At tho end of seventy-two Injurs her labors wore rewarded, and the wound was found to be healed.

Medical men say i that there are few such examples of endurance and devotion in the annals of tlu profession. Fatal Thouter Fire in Scotland. AmiltPKKX. Oct. 1.

Tho Palaco of Varieties, a play house, was burned at the beginning of the performance last night. The performers were compelled to take to flight, leaving all their property. Tho theater was quickly destroyed. A search of the ruins resulted in the fluditig of three corpses, and i is feared that there may lo still others who did not have timo to make their escape, so rapid was tho lire's headway. Forty persons were injured by being burned or trampled upon iu tho panic.

Officers of the Trison Association. Mit.wai:kek. Oct. 1. Tho report of tho committee on nomitiationsof tho National Prison association yesterday named the following officers: President, Ilocloff Brinkerhoff of Mansfield, O.

vice presi-lient, Charles K. Fclton of Chicago and Charlton T. Lewis of Morristown. N. J.

secretary, Hov. John L. Milligan of Allegheny, Pa. financial secretary, Joseph II. Byers of Columbus O.

treasurer, Charles M. Jessup of New York. Doctors Want to Fight a Duel. Stf.AN TON. Oct.

1 This city's medical circle is excited over the challenge to a duel issued by Dr. E. Z. Bower to Dr. J.

J. Sullivnn. Tho challenge grew out of a disagreement on a case. Tho two. who nre reputable practitioners, were to have met at daylight yesterday morning, but Dr.

Sullivan's wife learned of it and notified the police, and the meeting was postponed. Fellow physicians are trying to smooth the mutter over. Nebraska's Gold Democrats. Omaha. Oct.

Tonight the gold standard Democrats of Nebraska will hold their state convention in Omaha. It is tho general opinion among tho local leaders that the convention will not only nominate an electoral ticket, but will also name a full state ticket nnd make a vigorous fight throughout the state. Itepobllcans Will Support UreeUinrtrijre. Frankfort. Oct.

1. Tho Republican committee --f lbe Seventh congressional district adopted a resolution against making any nomination for congress. This is due to a fusion between the Republicans and Democrats to unite in u''i)ortiiig W. C. Breckinridgo for congress.

Imlinnn's tolil StandHrd iJemncrats. Oct. 1 If tho plan of fusion between tho Populists and Democrats iu this state, as pro7iosod by tho former, is carried out, which is as yet by no means certain, it will likely result in a full state ticket being placed in the Ccld It the goid standard Demucruts. NUGGETS Or NEWS At Baclisville. Harry Alrison.

a 11-ycar-old boy. stabl I killed "Bill" Dr-ir01'- at a political meeting. mine cperators r.t Ler.dville. nre building buliet proof stockades about Uiiiies. and will employ non-union Ulxr.

Because the Bri-ish government ennnot Tyuiu. Kearney and H.iines. the pr of Ivory, alias Bell, will be ol '--id wond Republican conven-t'wa state tit 1: -t and larvd for bimetallism through the ii. i- only brother of r. was murdereU and ro'obc-l in sl hut ndr irrisjn, Mich.

-nJ a recluio. Su. Mo. I Tu. IVc.

Th-1 Fr. Sa. 10 11 12j 13 1 14 15 1G 17 10 20 21 22 23 24 25Y20 27 23 29 30 31 MOON'3 PHASES. Tfw C.Jt I Fall lk33 tAKorn I) Moca Zl S.D. fo 1 i.

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