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Gasconade County Republican from Owensville, Missouri • Page 7

Owensville, Missouri
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Louis and Mr. ami a sinutijle. There were no wltnennes to the tragedy, of courae, but Mr. Hleekman my wht. probably tlM-d the tub with water after he left th- house, and asked the children to itetjn for a moritltiK bath.

Their mother undoubtedly acted peifm-tly normal and there were no mmpiclom anythlnu beinit wrong In their biTK. an; by airplane Marn-in Mean ami laughter Lambert Field, St. Mon- I'nion spent last Wednesday Coming" To OWENSVILLE, MO. JULY 29th DR. II.


ONE DAY ONLY One of the most shockltm and trairle oecui Slices in the history of U'a-hlnRton happened last Saturday mornlm whe'i a mentally 111 mother drowned her two small iluy, ami wan im-t by her flanr vcniiiK with Mr. an! Mr. Henry wilhert 11. Hf ik whom she nmt Caiir and wins. wniie Herg was an Interpreter; Mr.

ami Louis Hosenkoetter ROUTE THHEE liev. and Mr. al Spurgeon are xov: to tln ir property In Cuba. Oscar Collier has lost several -iheep by dogs kiilllng or Injuring them, Atnlfl Souders also lost one. Two dogs were killeJd.

The threshing machine will star1, out along the Bourbols Molt and family of BerKand vlnited Mr. and Mm. Clarenre Wright and' her alster, Mrs. Iva (Mier and daughters and other relatives thin week. Morris Wright and Daniel Molt stayed at the WrisM home.

until the 7th Army was deactivated. son of St. Louis ami Mr. and lauuhters In the banh tub at her home while the father was away (tiny lnstei.1 for about nine I.oitU Rosenkoetter, of little mlnda. After they got Into the tub, she probably pushed them under and held them there.

There were no marks or brumes to Indicate there had been a atruggle. Mr. Bleckman is naturally terribly broken up. but Is standing up In a remarkably 'brave manner after for a short time to dosorne The mother Is Mrs. Eiward E.

and the two little (flrJs wee Carol Lee. 3. and Geraldlne Emma, 7. Both ware born In Wah-Initton and have many relatives here. A double funeral st-rvice was held for them at o'clock Monday mornln? at St.

Francis Boraia Mr. and Mrs. Clorence Woodruf anl son, Michael, of St. Louis visit church. The two little ulrls were found in what he has been through.

"No man can ever know what It Is, ant what It has been," he said, and his only hope now Is that his wife will fully recover and me horn again. She is a private patient ait the Farmlngtort institution, which Is operated by one of the nation's great brain specialists. Washington Mis-ourlan. St. Louis upent Sunday with Mr.

and Miss fthiiiitj, who was in Mar- Walter Haake. Miss Catherine thajtvllie Tuesday with Mr. Berg, aake who had been visiting the sahl that everything here Is so Knsenkoetters accompanied them mtu-h different from the customs here. wnd manners in Germany. Miss jn ari, Wesley Brandt.

Mrs. Soh-mltz willj also have the problem ja Kanepsrhroeder, Mr. and Mrs. of learning the language of her warren Meyer and family and Mr. nww home.

She was amazed, she'an, John White wptit Sunday wild, when she first sighted New.wirh Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kamp-York ant saw the tall buildings. hroeder. She hnH gone to New York from Among those who attended the Frankfurt.

Germany, the day family reunion at the Fred Hoenemann home Sunday were To offset the difficulties of a Mr, an. Richard Sanders of strange land and language, Mis William Hoenemann Srhrnltz will find frlnedly people. daughters of Arlington, At the family home In Heidelberg. an,) Mrs. Edgar Meyer and Miss Schmitz has her mother, three family and Mrs.

Minnie Winy and brothers and a sister. She says family Sr. Louis. Harlan that Heidelberg is a college town Rjre an family of Drake, Mr. and and earn peri the heavy bombing, Mrs otto Sander of Freedom, Wil- WILL GIVE FREE EXAMINATION Learn the facta about your case; take advantage of this fre offer now, because Incurable complications frequently result from neglect and delay.

Hundreds of persons from all parts of the State have benefitted from Dr. Saunders' treatment for diseases of the stomach, heart, kidneys, bladder, liver, catarrh, asthma, weak lungs, rheumatism, (lability, leg ulcers and other chronic ailments of men, women and children. Dr. Saunder treats without surgical operations enlarged prostate, hemorrhoids, gall stones, goitre, tonsils, female disturbances and appendicitis. If you suffer from any of the above named or similar conditions and would like to know what might 6e done for you without surgical operation, It will cost you nothing to find out.

On this trip Dr. Saunders will give you his professional services free of charge. He will give you a thorough examination, charging for medicines only In cases the hath tifh when the father re-nrnei home after having been (tone 20 minutes or a half hour, while the mother was on a bed that had ed her aunt. Lillian Sorrell, Friday morning. Rev.

Bsirkley is holding a meeln at Mt. Pleasant. Mt. and Mrs. Leslie Cason of Kania City are visiting his mother.

Mrs. Maud Cason. V'iotor Havelka Is combining for Estil Spurgeon. He has several crops on the Prairie to romhin-. Mrs Nora Munch of St.

Louis is spending the summer with her Mrs. Mabel Ellis and Mrs. Rufby McArthur. been made, apparently asleep. When Mr.

Blecknian discovered In the hath tub, he pulled them out and at HE!) BIRD tempted to revive them. A and Mrs. Tom Bingaman nomerits later he rushed out of the house to call Grover Crismon, who that was experienced in the Indus- am Njawald of Washington an-d IN MEMORIAM trial nities in that area. anf yr Wehmeyer and Mr. Berg was happy Tuesday, he flmnv.

The Sanders leift for their spent the weekend with friends and relatives in Norwood. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Kimbel Rogers and family of I'nion visited with Mr.

anil Mrs. Herman Klnkeade Sunday. Miss Alice Price of Clayton visited Mr. and Mrs. Brt Fisher and lives next door.

He ran to th Blerkman house and then called Mis. Crlsmon. The hospital, docto-ani officials were called as soon afterwards as possible. A pilomotor said, after having tried for eight iU)nie California Tuesday morn In loving memory of our accepted for treatment. Married women must be lanied by their husbands.

Dr. Saunders will be In Hermann, i ait tihe White House Hotel on Monday. July 28th. 1 Address: 221 Fullerton months to get his fiance into this nB country. Countless papers had to jr anf yrn, George Gasperso was used on th two little sirls.

but wife and mother. Mrs. Elie Viola Tayloe. nee Lindholm. who departed this life two years The doctor also gave daughters the past week.

to no avail bp out because immigrations nf jt lunula are spending th week St. Louis. Mo. AdV. from Germany to this country are on their farm.

rloswl. The prospective briries are anl yrf. Arthur Gerloff and them an Injection, but all life had Mr. and Mi. Lewis Blackwell of left their little bodies.

Union visited Mr. and Mrs. Luther The circumstances! leading up tO'BlackweM Sunday, the were described Tuesday i Mr and Mr9 John RoR, an1 by Mr. Bleckman. His wife had I crilln, u.un -ith aj lowed entrance to the United daughter and Mrs.

Nixon of Mc States on condition that marriage ittrick and Mr. arat Mrs. Wm is ronsiHi) maited within 30 days Miton of Gerald spent Sunday with been ailing for sometime. he felt after arrival in this country. yj anr) yjri, a.

Garrison. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Myer.

MarthaflviJle Record. tiren and run down, and had a fr. nl.t fr Saniniv Morzan of I Mr. and Mrs. William Kreutze and children of St.

Louis spent Sun ago July 13. 1945: Sunshine passes, shadows fall C' More Honey Love's remembrance outlasts all. Before Lthe war the United S8" was a honey exporting country. And though the years be many or it imported Pabouta quarJr rw- 'ot a million pounds in 1939, it They are filled wibh rememhrances, shipped ten times that amount. The dear of you.

next year, howevr, imports nearly Her memory 1s as dear today. I doubled. They continued to increase As in the hour she passed away. tU iey a Peak 2'moI! ithan 36 million pounds in 1943. At Sad.y missed by fte same time production of honey JP Husband and Son.

on farms throughout the United States was multiplying. It totaled For best results advertise in The i more than 233 million pounds in IN MEMORIAM day in Rosebud. Mr. and Mrs. F.mmett Estes of feeling there was something organ-1 ically wrong winh her.

Her condition gradually grew worse and last February Mr. Bleck-j man tofik her. on the advise of her physician, to St. Anthony's hospital: in St. Louis for observation by two specialists.

She was there for1 In loviing memory of our dar OwensvHle and Mr. and Mrs. George husband, father and grandfather. stein of near GeraM spent Monday Owensville visited with Mr. and Mrs.

Billy Morgan and Myrna Sunday. Frank Sorrell and daughter and Mrs. Etolia Rogers and daughter of Lincoln. visited Mr. and Mrs.

C. C. SeweJl Monday. Mrs. Monroe Fleetwood.

with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Garrison who doparted this life ten years.

Mr anr) Clarence Linen 1945. ago. July 17, hroeker of Fresno. are vislt- Republican. Rogers remained for a longer visit.

several weeks. Iear husband, father and jn j(r arh) jirs. Henry Linen father, can it be true broeker. Mrs. Wm.

Goers visiter! a few After being there for several IN BOniES AND AT FOUNTAINS Ten years have passed since Ckl Mr arifj jjrs Ieroy Krafft and weeks she returned to 'lth her eMMrn with the family. They moved in in f1' called you! sons. Charles and Paul of St. Louis with her folks because she did not feel well enough to take care of her; that th? wn Cemetery was The call was short the shock severe, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs To part with one we loved so dear.

f. (- Milton. Ir'ine dear one, gone forever. jr William Linen wn house. Her condtilon continued ntly cleaned up.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith and Maw we miss your smiling face. and familv of St.

Iouis grow worse. Mr. Bleckman said. But you left us to rememtber. snent th-- weekend with Mr.

and and early in May he rook her to Mary's hospital in St. LMiis on son of Belle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts and chiMren Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Scheel visi't- None on earth an take your place. John Wehmeyer. Jr. A happy home we one? enjoyed.

K(lv Eugene G-oetz. Arthur Hin the advise of the specialists, where he underwenit treatments until, How siweot the memory still: ton. Binkhoelter and Mr But death has left a loneliness Mrs. Louis Hemplemann and the middle of June. She re- The world can never fill.

family were guests of Mr. anri Mrs Marie Rothmeyer of St. Louis, over the weekend. Those eating a catfish d-lnner with ments. After a few weeks she said JuaI a thought of sweet remem- A Garrison one day last week bra nee.

i felt fine and was discharged from the hospital as cured. BOURBOIS NEWS i The family then took a trip f) From the ones who think of you. Sadly missed by Wife. ChiMren. jp and Grandchildren.

Davenport. Iowa, and returne I to Mcintosh's Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Gu-s Scheel" and Mr. and.

Mrs. Sam Jackson. Although Ellis and Sammie are kept quite busy wtrh farming activities, it appears1 they find time to attend to the finny tr-ibe. i Rrce Souder was taken to the Wahingiton about a week ago. On the Fourth of July they decided to I Wavnesville Hospital one day last Pevti-Coh Company, Long Itland City, N.

Y. PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING OF NEW HAVEN week. We wish him a speedy re move back into their own home. Farm Motor Market In the evening the entire family irove out toward the ptrk to see he fireworks and were jonel there by Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Blackman The nation's farmers are in tht (or four million electric mo- John Rutz. is In Barnes Hos-tort, farm electrification officlall pm jn St. Louis. W'e wish him UlnBte- I a speedy recovery. I Mrs.

Lena Souders and son. Clar- Locker Alarm iene, spent the weekend with Mrs. An alarm therrr.nssti frozen i Souders' daughter and family. Mr. food cabinets is designed to avert an, Mrs.

G. Gruner. at Jefferson The two couples visited while seated in the-ir cars and their children playei nearby. Mrs. EdwaH Bleckman carried on a lively conversation, appealed happy and cheerful, and aajreed to do more visiting back costly rood losses tnrougn mecnaru- cal or power failures (City.

Mrs. Neal Jost, who is attending school at Springfteld, syent the and forth. weekend with her husband. Saiturday morni'ng the familv -te Geo. Jost spent last Thurs- dded to leep late.

Mr. Bleckman I Ofi a good SifH in owensvine witn inenus. attended the 6 o'olock Mass and climbed back into hed when he returned home. The children woke a Mr. and Mrs.

Ew. Shelton of IfOWl suiiivan spent two days with the-ir daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. liittle 1-a-ter and climbe-d into bed with their parents. Everything was If Johnny Nelson and son.

peaceful, normal and happy. At about 8 o'clock or so. Mr. Bleck YouH recognize what's new and different the instant you're away from that big red E5 pump with a tankfu! of Conoco N-tane! For here's a new-day gasoline both fit and ready for any trip 'round the town or coast-to-coast with starts Mrs. R.

D. Sorters visited with Mrs. Geo. Jost Saturday. Mrs.

Lena A Souders callfid In the afternoon. rale Dunton is working at the Mrs. Viola Crowdeir home. He spent A saveral nightfi with his man decided to go Co the store an i do some shopping and go bacon for -rtreakfasit. He didn't know ho WHEN IT'S BY HAASE JOST GERALD, MO.

Signs Built, Ptiated and Erected lorng he was gone -perhaps 2b minutes, perhaps a half hour. When he returned home, he found motner. Mrs. jonn nuu, r. Louia Loeb did combining for the Landwehr brother, Armln the breakfast table unset and everything in the house.

He looked Cupnwkt 1MT. Oil Cm. Z-mZmmSmEmt and Alfred, last week. getaways smooth, LrON-0 mile-after-miU-after-mileaga that's made for you for NOW I into bhe bedroom door and saw his wife, apparenltly asleep, on the bed thait had been made. He left quiet Rom vAicn I sit JyJoc Marsh ly and felt tfhe -children were hiding somewhere to surprise him.

Finally i he looked into ohe bathroom, saw water in ohe itu-b, and articles of The Picnic Was a "Hug" Success! clothing on the floor and on looking! closer, saw the bodies of Ohe two! children in the tub of wafer. He pullied them out Immediately a-nd ried to revive them. 'After work ing on t-hem for a few moments, he called for hejp. and went bark into the bedroom to awaken his wif. She screamed and was hysterical i when he touched her to wake her up.

and apparently was out of he-r cause folks are so temperate and well-behaved in our town, that they could afford to take the whole thing as a joke. From where I sit, even a newspaper editor's entitled to few mistakes. And since I reported that they served a moderate beverage like beer, I'm sure nobody thinks the picnic was the least bit wild, or anything but a huge success and I mean huge! mind. Our local Wild Life League went on picnic Saturday, and I went long to eover it for the Garion. Monday.

kept stopping me, and saying: "Must hate gotton oat of hand, that picnic!" "Nonsense," I aay. "It was mighty pleasant and congenial. Just beer and hot dogs, cheese and cider." And then they show me the headline reading: "WILD WIFE PICNIC HUG SUCCESS." Of course it was Elmer, my typesetter, who had made the misprints But is my face red! It's only be hi may have had a hazy recol-j oction of what she had done, but i her words were incoherent. A doctor later gave her opiates, and she emained in her bed most of the lay under the influence of the Iruss. She was taken to Fannins- ton that evening.

The one thing that puzzles many people is how a frail woman could drown two healthy children without clW U.1 HEWERS FOUNDATION-MISSOURI COMMITTE! riEa luaoiNC sr. iouis.

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