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Harrisburg Daily Independent from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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COLLISION THIS AFTERNOON. TEMPERANCE LECTURES. FREIGHT OF THE COUNTRY How Railroad Companies are Embar DISHED TO DEATH. Frightful Runaway of a Team in Lebanon County Yesterday. BOILING SPRINGS.

Conference of tha We-tt eunftylvanla Lutheran Synod, Correspondence cf the Indki-hsdknt. Boiling Springs, Nov. 13. The Cumberland Valley Conference of the West Pennsylvania Lutheran Synod met in St. John's Lutheran church at this place ou last Monday evening, continuing in session until Wednesday noon.

The membership Includes the nineteen pastorates of Cumberland and Franklin counties and one in Fulton county. The parochial reports show that the church is in a flourishing condition. An excellent programme bad been arranged and all tbe discussions were interesting and edifying. Rev. B.

F. Alloman, D. of SUippensburg, discussed the topic, "The value of catechetical instruction Rev. J. A.

II ai man of Chambersburg, "The A Couforenoe f.ooklng to a Settlement to ue xi a xnm Arternoon. Chicago, jsot. 13. A call was made on several of the packers' of fices down town and nearly all of tbem said they were igooraut of any contemplated conference. A further hunt was instituted and at last gentlemau closely associated with one of tbe members of the Packors' Ex ecutlve committee was found.

He said the statement was true that the conference would take place within a few hours, and would be attended by Mr. Carlton. Mr. Hately and Congressman. Frank Lawler, who would act as medicator.

Later this Important piece of information was con firmed by Mr. Hately himself. He was found alone in his of flee and prompt acknowledged that he was waiting lor Congressman Liwler and Mr. Carlton. Mr.

Hately declared he did not know how skn gressman Lawler came to interest himself in the matter. "All I know about it," he said, "is that I received a message from Mr. Lawler ar.kins me if I would be willing to meet himself and Mr. Carlton at my olllce tins morning. I said I most certainly would, and 1 am now wait- lug for them to coiuo.

hat the outcome of the conference will be of course, cannot say. This is tbe first in timatioa that Congressman Lawler has taken any interest in the stock yards troubles, and his advent into the councils of the opposing leaders as "an angel of peace" will be looked on with interest. At 10.4S o'clock, Mr. Lawler and Mr. Carlton entered Mr.

llately's olllce and the confer ence began. BUSINESS OUTLOOKS. Iron Leading In Activity When other BlapleB are lJall. Broaclstriets, in its issue to-day, shows by special dispatches lrom commercial and manufacturing con tres of trade, thero is a continued lack of general activity in the distri bution of staples with the exceptions in favor of iron, steel and lumber. Day goods continue to bear the brunt of the falling off in demand, while textiles generally and produce are quiet.

The industrial troubles in Chicago and in Eastern New York knitting mills have not seriously nl- lected general trade yet, although 40,000 employees have been rendered Idle. Tbe labor troubles and a check to the foreign demand for American securities created a dullness in the stock market, with some tendency to lower prices. Monev is easier, the arrival of more gold from Europe, together with the activity of the Treasury in anticipat ing December and January Interest payments, tending to improve the situation. Money is returning from the West more generally than one week ago, although at Kansas City and Milwaukee tbe country demand Is heavy. The total bank clearings at thirty cities are this against $1,054,337,611 last week and 073,777 a year ago.

Tbe special reports of October earnings of sixty- three railroads show totals of 2 J.OJs,- 000 this year, against $22,884,000 last and $21,043,000 year before. American makers of pig and fin ished ireas are confident of the future. A moderate advance in prices of raw iron is looked for in a few weeks, say $1 per ton. The rail mills have contracted about 700,000 tous for 1887 delivery, nearly one- hnlf thpir unnoitv. Whfilt continues heavy and prices low.

In nine out of eleven weeks, from August 27 to November 3 inclusive the total failures have exceeded those in corres ponding weeks in 1SS5 by 209. VICTORIA MOROSIN I SCHILLING. The Coachman'a Wire Well and Happy In Europa. TheNewYork Herald to-day con tains what purports to be a statement of the wheribouts of Victoria Moro- sini Schilling, who is represented as being in Europe happy and contented, and especially pleased at being far awav from her husband, Earnest One of Victoria's sisters is said by tbe Herald to have received a letter from her to whom she wrote.discribing her situation and absence from her husband as being most delightful. NEWS OF VICTORIA.

According to the Herald, a prominent banker in Wail street said to one of its reporters yesterday after he had exhausted every clew to find out whether or not Mrs. Schilling was in the city: "1 had a talk with Mr. Morosini this morning and be said that his daughter is well and happy, traveling with a rich family in Eu-roDe. and never was so happy since she left home as she is at the present time. Her sister had a letter from her yesterday, and she expressed her delight in getting rid of that brute of a husband." The renorter wrote out the above and called upon Mr.

Morosini at bis olllce on Broadway. Morosini received the reporter courteously, but declined to talk about his. aaugnter. The reporter then laid before him the above statement oi ins inenti. 'Is that statement true, Mr.

Moro sini?" he asked. Mr. Morosini read it carefully as if wetebinz every word and then said: "That is the situation exactly it is true every word. Now I hope the papers will drop the subject." Mr. Morosini then fixed bis initials G.

P. to tbe paper to certify still further the authenticity of this statement. MUa Cleveland Depresied. Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland is reported to be weary and disgusted with her position as editor of Literary Life, and is now ready to retire from the arduous duty of editorial work to go, as has been reported, to the south of France. It is also stated that this resolution on the part of Miss Kose meets the heartj approval of her brother, the President of the United States.

When and by Whom the Pulpit Will lie uccnpled lo-motraw. Salem Reformed Cbnroh, Third and Chestnut streets, Kev. W. H. H.

Unyder najttor Services at lO.oO and 7.30. PreaeU- ng la tbe morning by Rev. G. li. Btewnrt and in me evening oy me pastor.

Wealev Union Ctmrob. South street. Rev J. Daniel, pastor Prcaoblng at 10. SO and at 7.

SO. Prayer meeting at 6.80. Sab hath nehool at l.oO. All are welcome. Cburcb of God, All Workers, corner of Two-aud-a-Haii and taiuer streets, r.itier M.

Foose, pastor Preaching at 10.30 and 7, Habbath school 1 45. All are welcome. Seats free. Otterbein Church, United Brethren In Christ. Kelly street Third quarterly meeting.

Preaching at 10. SO by Rev. J.W. Urimm, of Nrw Cumberland, and at 7 by the PresididlHg Klder, Rev. A.

H. Rioe The holy cummunion wilt be administered both in the morning and evening. Zwiugle Reformed Church, Norlh street services at anu i Dy xujv. j. r.

oei hAl thn new nastor. fiiiimh ctf Ond. Konrth street. Rev. J.

Pan-ell. pastor Preaching at 10.30 and 7. Bunday school at 1.30, Prayer and praise sen-ice ate. Prayer meeting on weunes. Hu? evening at 7.30.

Young people's meet ing on Friday evening at 7.80. A oordial In vltatlnn to all. First Free Baptist Church, corner of State and Fourth streets. Rev. Jamea Calder pastor Prayer meeting at 9.45.

PreachliiKatlO.SOand 7. SO. Morning ser mon by Rev. H. B.

Sherman, of Canada. Babbath school at 1.45. Seats free, church of God. Naele street, J. Berks tresser.

pastor Preaching at 10.30 and 7 Sunday school at 1.30. First Regular Baptist Church.corner Sec nn.l and Pine streets. Rev. K. M.

O. Bot- terill pastor Services at ia30 and 7.J0, Morning Subject, "ine name oi runty, nr the Nineteemn tjeniury irusaae. Yoaug men and maidens luvueu. tven. inn sublect.

"The Coming kartnciuaKo, Creating Jerusalem a SeapoiU uid the Seat of Anglo Saxon Government." A talk to sceptics and sceptical Christians will oiooeed the sermon. Seat holders should Annie earlv. Seats free. Pine Street Presbyterian entire Kev. George V.

Chambers, pastor rreacning at 10 Su and 7.SO by Rev. w. a. iTiiau. Snndav school at 1.40.

Chnrch prayer meet'ng women's prayer meeting Friday afternoon at Meu prayer meeting riuay evening at. Bethany Musion, cievemn street oeiow Herr. Hunuav scnootaiw; prayer lueeuu and ou Tuesday evening at S. Thirteenth street si.

u.iDiiren preach ing at 10 0 and Sabbath sohool at Heats are free. Grace MetuoaisiKpisoopaicnurcn, itev. Jesse Bowman Young, pastor Preaching at 10.30 and at 7.80 oy me pasior. lass meeting at 9.30. Sunday school at 1,30.

Strangers cordially Invited. Seats fiee. rlumsuurgturanivuie) o.cnurcu E. Li. Hughes, pastor preaenmg ai ius'j.

All are invited. Memorial v. ennren, corner oi isoas street and Mvrtle avenue. Kev. C.

PhilliDs. rastor Preaching at 10.50. Re vival services in the evening at 7. Song service at to, Sunday scuooi at i.4 Praver meetings at 9 and 45. Plymouth U.

B. Mission Sunday school, Herr street. near Kleveuth, at 9. lou are especially invited. Come and bring your children with you.

seats tree. Westminister presytenan cnarcn, Kev. William A. West, pastor. Preaching at 10.S0 and 7, by Reu.

llliam A. MoCarrell. Men's meeting at 0.16. Seats free and strangers a'ways weloome. St.

Paul's P. E. Church, corner Sixth and Forster streets, Rev. Loroy F. Baker, rector Services at 10 i and at 7 'JO.

seals free and strangers cordially invited. Forster Street Lutheran Church, i6v. H. 8. Cook, pastor Preaching at 10 30 and .08.

Sunday school at 1 30. conierence and prayer meeting al 6. Seats free. Tne publio cordially Invited. Second Reformed Church.

Broad and Two-aud-a-Hall streets, Rev. George W. Snyder, pastor services at io .30 ana 7. Sermon In the evening about young men. Seats free nnd all cordially invited.

MemorlalEvangeitcal Lutheran Church, Fourteenth-aud-a-Half and Snoop streets. Rev. S. Dasher, pastor Preaching at 10.3O and 7. Sunday school at 1.30.

All are welcome. Trinliy Evaneelical Church, North street above Third Kev. 8. S. Chubb, will preach in the Lecture room of the new church at 10 SO and 7.

Sunday school at 2 All ere cordially invited. Sunday school and Bible class In tbe hall over the Broad street market house at S.15 Sunday a Iter noon. Gospel meeting at 7 30 Sunday evening. Elder Street Presbyterian Church Service at 10.80 and 7.30 by Rev. William R.

H. Armstrong. Sabbath school at 1.30. Lecture and prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7 30. Mite Society on Friday evening at 7.30.

The publio cordially invited. Ridge Avenue M. E. Church, R9V. B.

C. Conner, pastor Class meetings at 9.30. Preaching at 10 30 and at 7. Sunday school at i Holiness meeting at 8.E0. Young peo- lie's meeting at 6.

Weekly prayer meet-ui Wednesday, 7.30. Seat free, strangers always welcome. Bitter Political Contest. The Republican newspapers of Philadelphia are making a bitter political tight on the postmaster of that city and collector of that port, charging each in turn for violating the civil service rules, in that when a Democrat and Republican submit themselves to competitive examination for a place in either branch of the public service these officials always decide in favor of the Democrat. Is not this about the way in which ail politicians work, when they have the power? Declines a Diadem.

Prince Waldemar, of Denmark, at the advice of bis family, respectfully declines to accept the throne of Bulgaria, and wear its unceitain crown. It Is rumored at Sophia that General Kaulbars, acting for the Russian Government, lia3 entered a protest against the election of Prince Waldemar as ruler of Bulgaria, on the ground that it is illegal. To Take off the Market Train. Much regret is expressed along the line of the Lebanon Valley railroad, as well as in Harrisburg, that the Wednesday and Saturday morning market train will cease to run after to day. This train brought to Harrisburg a large number of farmers and truckers, whose sales made an important feature in'the supplies of the domestic market.

If these people are forced to drive to this city it will make a difference in prices at market. The President Must Start the Flame. If the flame in the hand of Liberty on Bedloe's Island is kindled by any one before Congress assembles to appropriate the money for the purpose, it must be by order of President Cleveland, as no other official can de it. The country will approve the act on the part of the President. A Steep Price.

Several plump wild turkeys, shot ua In Clarks valley on Thursday, were offered in the market this morning. Tbe Nimrod who bad them to sell wanted $5 for the best pair, but afterwards dropped to $3.50 and found no purchaser at that price. Mo Public Reception for Beecher. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher has declined the public reception tendered him by Mayor Whitney and the Common Council of Brooklyn.

There was no way of appropriating money from she city funds lor such a purpose, and he gossip that has spread concerning the mean3 used to get it from private tources has led Beecher to decline. Saturday, November 13, 1880. Russia hu at last reached her limit ehe must now put up or shut up. It may now be accepted that summer has been blown out of the lap of autumn. Thk eight-hour system, as a gauge for a day's work in the West, may now be considered as off.

Mas. Cleveland will soon resume her informal receptions, and will hold regular weekly receptions after New Tear's Day. Illinois has voted to hire out its convict labor to contractors. The peo pie of Illinois do not believe in paui pering their convicts. Col.

Qcay starts with the Phila delphia Republican representatives in the Legislature pledged in bis favor for U. S. Senator. Governor I.kb, of Virginia, has gone so far as to recommend the ob servance cf Thanksgiving, contrary to the ens toil of his predecessors. Thanksgiving day will occur late iu this year, but it will not lessen the reason for a hearty thanksgiving by all the people fur the mauifold bless lngs they enjoy.

ihb unfairness of the boycott is demonstrated in the fact that it acts like a boomerang, likely, as it circles round, to return in a fatal thrust to the hand that flung it forth. Ik all that is said about careless handling of ferry boats running out New York la true, it is more dan gerous to make a voyage on some of tbem than it is to go to Europe in an ocean steamer. Thkri seems to be a general assent to the proposition to send Col. M. S.

Quay- to the 17. S. Senate. Any opposition that may now exist, or may spring up before the Legislature elects, will be feeble. Thkrk is so.

ii1? tilk in Philadelphia of putting up George W. Child for Mayor. If there is anything in the talk there will be great benefit for Philadelphia. It is time that cities begin to seleet from this class of men for heads of their government. Grovr Cleveland was Mayor of Buffalo, afterward Governor of New-Tork, and now President of the United States.

Robert Emory Patti-son is Governor of Pennsylvania; his friends now propose to elect hiin Mayor of Philadelphia, and after that what Investigation into the matter of eviction iu Ireland is now being made to ascertain the number of such cases; how many of tbem are able or Dot, to pay their rents; the actual eviction of tenants, and how far the National League influences them not to pay their rents. Spain hesitates about a reciprocal treaty for commercial purposes between Cuba aaJ the United States. Spanish hesitation on this subject will continue until there is a feeling created in favor of annexing Cuba to tbe United and then wait until the situa-ion arises. The shorts in oil are having a hard time of it in Pittsburg, where tbe advance iu the price of petroleum is driving many dealers to the wall who are clled on to fill their contracts. This is -another of those spasmodic gambles in grease which cause many good men to slip nd fall into bankruptcy.

The policy of the Treasury regarding the prepayment of interest on United States coupon bonds seems both wise and expedient, as its effect will be to place immediately at the disposal of banks and individuals about $10,000,000, which will be just so much added to tbe available means of the business community. It is claimed in leal circles, that the issue between the Bell Telephone Company and the Federal Government as to the priorty of patents for telephones, in its present shape, since the suit was threwn out of a United States District Court, for want of ju-risdictioa, is not likely to be finally disposed of for many years to come. In the meantime the Bell moao poly wid go i making its millions annually, while the claimed real inventors will die out in neglect, plundered of their rightful property. Minister Phelps, who represents the United S'aces in England must be a vain man. lie evidently regards Mr.

Pbelps as of some Importance, and Mrs. Phelps is only second to that of his own. It eeems that whenever an English newspaper taffies Minister Phelps or flatters Mrs. Pkelps, tbe former cables the fact to Secretary Bayard at the expense of tha State Department, tbe sending ef messages has become such an expense to the Department as to force Mr. Bayard to ask Mr.

Pbelps to send no more such messages. is in a to to to Arguments Showing How Alcoholism Leads Drearily to tha Grave. DbUmRDS' DREADFUL FATE Batcher With Blood on His Clothes Killed by Bears. A CRAZED INVENTOR'S AWFDL DEED. Louisville, Nov.

13. James Farris and his cousin, Nathan Farris, both of whom live on the Blue Lick road, came to the city Thursday in a wagon. They visited various saloons and by night both were intoxicated They started about 0 o'clock on their way home. When four miles from the city rain began falling and they stopped before a blacksmith shop kept by Jacob Frier. James Farris got out and ran into Frier's house where be was put to bed and was eooh asleep.

Nathan was too drunk to get out. He fell backward from the seat in the wagoa and lay there exposed to rain and wind. Yesterday morn ing James found Nathan lying faoe downward, his clothing dreuched and his body cold and stilt'. He had died from heart disoase, aggravated by exposure and cold. The dead mau was wealthy.

A TEMPERANCE LECTURE. Tho 8ad Story or Family Addicted to Strong Drluk. Thirty-live or forty years ago Richard Young was a wealthy and prominent resident of Lower Morion, Montgomery county, Pa. To-day he shares the county's bounty in the almshouse, where he was removed yesterday. The career of this man furnishes a terrible lessou of the results of dissipation.

From high social position aud the enjoyment of wealth he descended gradually until he is to-day a pauper and a physical wreck. Richard Young lived in Lower Merlon with two sisters, and later they removed to Hatfield, in Montgomery county. At the latter place the women died last Sep tember, died in poverty ana in nith. for they, too, were addicted to strong drink. The property of all three members of the Young family was squandered, and yesterday the real estate -was sold, bringing less than sufficient to pay the debts.

Attacked and Killed by Iteari. Vbrden, 111., Nov. 13 James Highland a farm hand yestsrday en tered a bear pen containing two large bears owned by L. H. Thompson, a rich farmer.

Highland was about to clean tho pen when the animals at tacked him and lacerated him so badly that he died last niht. He hail been engaged in butchering and It is supposed that tbe scent of blood on his clothing made the bears ferociotu. A Grazed Inventor's Awfal Deed, Denver, Nov. 13. Informa tion of a double murder and suicide near Washakie Needle, Northern Wy oming, has just been received here.

Lcuis Cornwall, iu a vain attempt to produce a perpetual motion machine, became insano and stabbed his wite and daughter to death. He then went out in a yard and blew ouc bis brains. His son, a years old, was spared. Textile Worker Still I neaty. PniLADKLPHiA, Nov.

13. A general feeling of uneasiness and much dissatisfaction 'still exists among tbe Frankford textile workers. The talk of withdrawing from the Knights of Labor and forming an independent organization still continues, 'but no active steps are being taken. A few of the strikers at Troth's mill have returned to work, but most of the men have secured work elsewhere. Eighty of the bands employed at Harris Griffen gas metre factory have been locked out since last Tuesday, because of a request for an advance in wage3.

Direct Western Trade With Europe. Detroit, 13. It has just come to light that for sometime past a few Detroit capitalists and tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company have been considering a scheme to get a share of the Lake Superior business. Some time ago Jesse H. Far-well and Thomas Adams, two leading ves3elmen of Detroit, laid a proposition before Vice President Spencer, of the Baltimore and Ohio to place a first class steamer on the line.

The Fire Kecord Brattlbboro, Nov. 13. A destructive fire is raging in the village of Townsend. Tbe post office and two stores have been burned and a number of other buildings are threatened. There is no fire engine in the town and none can reach It from here on account of a freight wreck.

If the fire crosses the street the whole village will be in danger. A enow storm prevails. DTK WORKS BLRSKD. Nbw Y'ork. Nov.

13. The main building of the Staten Island dyeing works at west cicnmona, was destroyed by fire early this morning. The los3 is estimated at $80,000. The works are insured for in about forty companies. A Cathedral Gutted.

Pittsburo, Nov. 13. The inside of the St. Peter's Catholic cathedral, of Allegheny City, was burned entirely, the fire Laving been discovered at 2.30 a. m.

Tbe origin of the lire is supposed to have been from a heater In the Dasemenc. me Dunaing was entirely ol stone, costing about but this is only half the loss, for the destruction or tne magmnceni stained glass windows, organ, pic tures, altar, vestments ana relics will bring the total loss to $300,000. This loss is partially insured. On tna Pennsylvania Railroad Near Herr Street Crossing. CAUSED BT AN OPEN SWITCH.

An Ensrine of the S. 8. Railroad Collides with a Penna. Freight. THE ENGINEER SEVERELY INJURED.

A frightful collision occurred on tbe Pennsylvania railroad shortly after 3 p. m. to day in the vicinity of the Herr street crossing. Passenger train of the Schuylkill and SuS' quehanna Railroad, going east, when it reached the Herr street crossing, the tngine, No. 321, Herbert Jones, engineer, left the track aud collided with aneastbound freight of tha Penn, sylvania railroad, striking the eighth and ninth car from the rear.

The cars were freighted with oil in barrels aud were demolished, the oil running the track in streams and they was piled up In a mass of complete wreck. As soon as engineer Jones discovered that his engine was off the track he applied his air brake but was unable to control tho precipitation of his train with his passengers. Mr. Jones was severely injured on the breast by being thrown against the reversing lever. His injuries are not regarded as dangerous.

He will be taken to Reading by way of the Lebanon Valley at 4 p. tu. Mr. Jone' residence is at Pottsville. A brakeman on the freight train named Charles Shultz, of Pottsville, had his hand hurt, ne escaped fur ther injuries by jumping out of the window.

The pilot of the passenger engine wai destroyed and the engine other wise badly damaged. A passenger car was also considerable broken. The passengers all escape without injury, though badly ehaken up. They were transferred and forwarded to their destination an hour later, Engineer Bill Weaver in charge of the train. There was no delay on the Penn sylvania railroad.

Much credit is due Engineer jodcs for sticking to his throttle, and the power of the famous air brake demonstrated by the presence of mind of the engineer. The Good Will engine was prompt ly on hand in case a fire should occur. The wrecking crewol tne 1'ennsyi- vauia railroad was promptly on hand and removed the obstructions. The hovs were industriously en gaged disposing of the oil aud carrying it home. Philadelphia's Kew Judge.

Governor Pattison yesterday appointed Henry Reed to be Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, No. 3, of Philadelphia, in place of Judge Ludlow, deceased. He is a son of Proiessor Henry Reed, of the University of Pennsylvania, and is 40 years old. A thoroughly learned jurist, ripe tcholar and energetic practitioner at the bar, he is pronounced a man fitted for the place. Qoay and Boyer Iadorsed.

Philadelphia, Nov. 13. The Philadelphia members-elect of tbe House of Representatives met last evening in tbe rooms of the Union Republican club building, Elenventh and Chestnut streets, and unanimously indorsed Colonel Quay for United States Senator, and Henry K. Boyer, of the Seventh ward, for Speaker of the House. That FlllbDSterlDg- Army a Canard.

Desvkr, Nov. 13. The Tinies this morning says editorially that there is nothing in the reported invasion of Mexico by a filibustering 'expedition headed by A. K. Cutting.

"The proposed scheme." the Times adds, "consists only of the frothy vaporing of a few schemers who desire to foist themselves into a cheap notoriety by very reprehensible means." Wild Turklea. OurLebanon exchanges talk of large flocks of wild turkies having been seen in the Blue mountains, Union township, that county, this week. Rabbits are also reported plenty in the vicinity of Colebrook station. Re. A.

II. Stodebakar Will Lead. The publie is cerdially invited to come to the Young Meg's meeting this evening from 8 to 8.4o o'clock in Association hall, corner Second and Locust streets. Tho meeting is opened witn a fifteen minute service of song, after wbicb Rev. A.

H. Studebaker will conduct the meeting. Consecration Meeting. A consecration meeting, preparatory to the special services during the week of prayer for young men, will be held in the parlor of the Y. 51.

C. A. to-morrow morning from 9.33 to 10.15. Every Christian young man is urgently requested to attend. Tne Strike at Chicago.

Chicago, Nov. 13. There Is no change in tbe status of affairs at tbe stock yards this morning, except that many more new men are at work. rassed by Its Movements. BOX AND FLAT CAES SCARCE 111 the Roads Feel the Need of More Rolling Stock.

INCREASING BULK OF ILL FREIGHTS Tbe general and wide spread, ran ifying improvements in business, tbe movements of raw material to ruauu factoring centres and the rapid de livery of manufactures to wholesale and retail markets have made de mands on the freight rolling stock ol carrying companies which they have not, perhaps, experienced In years In the est the movements of gram are of a character demanding every car at the demand of the roadi in that region. There are not cars enough by one-half to enable shippers at Chicago to till these orders on the Atlantic seaboard. Now that the meat packers have gone to work, this demand a-ill fall still lower in being met. A.t every shipping point in the North and South the same demand for freight cars now exists. There is not a railroad in the United States to-day, according to accounts from the localities where they run, which has cars enough to meet the demands of its freight tonnage.

They have all allowed their rolling stock to run down for reasons best known to their directory, and many of them have also allowed their motive power and tracks to reach conditions hardly fit to go through a winter's work. With all this the labor troubles have had much to do, a fact which we leave to others in a different channel than the columns of a newspaper to discuss and settle among themselves. THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY. The tracks and roadbed, acqueducts and bridges, and motive power of the Pennsylvania railroad, running from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, with those of the Northern Central, the Phila delphia and Erie, the Cumberland alley and the several lines which connect with them running In the tbe State of Pennsylvania, were never in a better condition than they are now. But all of these lines and sev eral roads operated by tbe Pennsylva nia Company need freight cars.

Hie demands made on the Cumberland Valley railroad by the enormous amount of freight put on by volume from tbe Shenadoah road are daily on the increase. ThePennsylvaniarail-road Company have the largest orders now out for freight cars it has ever ssued at this time of a year, and is keeping more car builders at work than any road in the country. All its manv branches are daily calling on the main stem for freight cars, a demand which is felt by tho lines operated by the Pennsylvania Com pany from Aew lork to Philadelphia, thence to Pittsburg, on to Chicago and onward to the Pacific coast. The material and live stock wealth of the country demands to he moved by those in its commerce and the common carriers are put to their utmost to move it to its points of des- THE READING RAILROAD. This Company is scarce in fiat cars for hauling timbers, and it also needs more box cars to meet tbe demands of its freight tonnage.

All the coal cars of the Company are in use there is not an idle wheel in the possession of the Heading or its net work of branches. The Lebanon Valley branch of tho Reading is daily embarrassed for want of freight cars, but is making every proper effort to bring its stock up to the needs of the commerce of the road. INCREASING VOLUME OF FREIGHTS. Tb8 increase of railroad freights in the United States is wonderful in all respects. Through as weli as local freight has grown into bulks of such enormous size as to put every common carrier in the country to his utmost capacity to deliver it where it wanted.

And this freight is destined to grow in proportion in the future larger than tboseof its increase the past, because every man in the country is a producer and a consumer. NOTES OF RAILROAD PCBrOSES. The New York Stock Investigator to day says It seems that steel rails have advanced to a point at which the American consumer can purchase from the English manufacturers without any loss, in spite of the tariff, and further advance would be injurious the interests of American trade. The railway romancers a till say that the Lehigh Valley Railway has trunk line aspirations, and proposes building tracks along tbe bed of the old Morris canal, by which it intends reach New York and Newark. The Lehigh Valley owns a route of its own, known as tbe Easton and Amboy, that runs from Phillipsburg Metuchen, and at present it runs over the Pennsylvania tracks from Metuchen to Jersey City.

President Roberts and President Corbin are disposed to an amicable arrangement regarding the troubles in tbe Schuylkill Valley between the Pennsylvania and Reading and with the Baltimore A Ohio. The railway companies are going to act the part of peacemakers with the Express companies. Commissioner Fink suggests as a dernier resort that the railways cut the Kilkenny cats apart. War on Sunday Liquor falling. The law and order people of Phi a-delphia have arranged for a general surveilance of aii the saloons, restau-ants and other localities in which liquor is supposed to be sold on Sunday, and will keep a strict watch on all of them to-morrow.

AWFULLY FATAL EXPLOSION. Summary of Regular Messages Received by the Independent To-day. GENERAL EVENTS OVER THE COUNTRY Lsbanon, Nov. 13 A terrible accident took place during a severe rain storm near Mt. Hope, Lebanon county yesterday.

A carriage containing Mrs. Mopfg Obrr and ber daughter, Mrs. John Sweigort, and two child ron was descending a steep hill when a portion of the liarnesg broke and tho horses ran away. They had not gono far when horses and car- riage fell over a precipice and the four cccupants were burled among the rocks. Mrs.

Obcr and Mrs. Sweigert were so terribly injurod internally that no hopes are entertained for their recovery. One of the cliildrtn were instantly killed, and the other, aged four years, it is fcartd, It Is feond, also fatally irjurcd. Tho dead and dying wore carried home on stretchers. The horses were also killed.

FATAL BOILER EXPLOSION. Two Femona Instantly Killtd and Other! Serlouely lljured. Siikvfiki.d, Nov. 13. The boiler in Mapes' mill exploded last evening, blowing the mill to atoms and inatanlly killing Milton Mapes, the owner, and bis son, a boy of 12 years.

They were torn to fragments. Robert Monross, Ijink Comstock aud Harry Knowlos, employees of the concern, were probubly fatally in jured. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Condnn(1 from ICltiboratft IMapatchea to tlio ludcpeudont io-day. The first seizure of butteriae and oleomargarine in the State of Iowa for violation of the national law, which provides that the packages of those substances ust be stamped with the r.auie of their contents, was made yesterday at Davenport.

Itcon- sonsists of 800 pounds. Mrs. Benjamin S. Wheller, of 48 Eagle street, was choked to death last night by one of two men, who en tered tho house for tho purpose of robbery. Old Mr.

Wheller, the hus-band of the murdered woman, wai also assaulted and received a bad cut upon the head. (Jharles Johnson, a collector for the wholesale wine dealers, Hirdenheir Brothers, is missing, and Philip Bar- denheir, the head of the firm, states that they are $5,000 out of pocket. Alderman Mcuane, one ol tne JNew York boodle takers, adjudged insane, and therefore not held for trial, was resting quietly at his home this afternoon. Considerable interest is awakened at Rochelle over the expected find of a vein of copper ore. Col.

JLainont, the President's pri vate secretary, wus suuueuiy summoned to Albany to-day by telegram announcing tbe serious illness of his father, who resides in that city. Negotiations are being made with the Vanderhilts for the side of Madison Square Garden, New York City. Cornelius Vanderbilt wants twelve hundred thousand di liars for the property, and a syndicate has offered within fifty thousand of that amount. night's rain was very heavy in nearly all parts of the West and South, tho fall of water reing Immense at Pittsburg, Pa. Columbus, O.

Louisville, and the region surrounding these cities. The gales were more than ordinarily severe on Lake Michigan all of yesterday. Keal Estate Tramfera. Auctioneer J. T.

Ensmioger gold at tbe Court House this afternoon the following desirable real estate: Tbe farm of the late John Rudy in Lower Paxton township, near Sboop'g churcb, containing 140 acres of improved land, with good frame building thereon, was sold to William K. Al ricks at $15.25 per anro. The property of the late Catherine Berkey, located on Williams street, this city, a two-story frame bouse, back building and lot, sold to A. R. Keefer for $1,350.

The property of late Tracy Forgu- son, on vvuuams street, tins city, frame bouse and back building, was bid up to $550 at the hcur of going to press. Ben. Flower' Pet. On Thursday Mr. Ben.

Flowers, of North Front street, trolled in the river above Independence Island a few hours for an afternoon diversion. He captured five clever-sized salmon and a five-pound bass. Tne bass was as lively as a cricket in a trough of water when the Indepisdk-vt reporter saw it at noon but Ben. talked of having it served for dinner to-morrow. Interest on United States Bonds.

The Secretary of the Treasury hay ing ordered the immediate payment of interest on United States bonds. falling due December 1. Holders of coupons can nave tbem cashed by presenting them at the First National bank, this city. Batter on tbe Increase. body good" said an up-town housekeeper to a farmer in tbe market this morning.

"An advance of ten cents a pound for butter since last Wednesday is evidence that the country roada must be really bad." Sunday school superintendent Rev. G. A. Bowers, of Bloserville, "The Sunday school teacher;" Rev. B.

11. Wile, of Carlisle, "The Sunday school scholar;" Rev. J. W. Kistler, of Car lisle.

amuv Jtellgion its nature ana Rev. B. F. of McConnelsburg, delivered an inter esting; and Instructive sermon on Monday evening on "The Church symbolized by John's Vision of the Seven Golden Candlestscks." Un Tuesday evening Rev. Allemau preached a masterly sermon on "Woman and the Gospel," and it was highly appreclatad by tbe people of this place.

Tne organization for tne ensuing year is as follows President, Rev. H. R. Fleck, of JNew Kingston; Secretary, Rev. J.

A. Hartman.of Chambersburg; Treasurer, Kev. M. Ort. of Mechanicsburg.

The next meeting of Conference will bo held in Centrevulo in May, 1SJ7. vera. CONTRACT AWARDED. Work to Begin at Once on the Steam Heat Uompany'a Holler House. The Board of Directors of The Har risburg Steam Heat and Power Company yesterday awarded the contract for building their boiler house to Wil liam Gates for tbe sum or tne erection to be begun at once.

The building will be the most complete in all its details of any of tha kind in the country. Various plants were visited by the officers and Directors and improvements suggested and mistakes avoided wherever possible. Ic is the intention of the company to make this a model plant iu every way. The building will be fifty-seven feet wide by 100 feet long, capable of accommodating twelve boilers of 125 horse power capacity, six of which are now being constructed. It will be built of brick, with walls thirteen inches thick with pilasters.

Unnecessary ornamentation has been avoided, but the building will present a handsome appearance. The roof will be of Peach Bottom slate, and will have two rows of skylights or ventilators tha entire length. Tbe timbers necessary for so wide a span are very heavy, and the building throughout will be liist-class in every respect. All expedition possible will bo given to serve consumers with heat as early in December as possible. Is Getting Aloog Well.

A citizen of Hummelstown, whom an Independent reporter met this morning, said in reference to Captain Hummers condition: "The Captain is getting along right well." A relative of the sick mau stated this morning that he is anxious to get home, but tbe attending uhysician insists upon his staying at Allentown till next week. The Captain has the use of his limbs and moves tbem without difficulty and bis mind is per fectly clear Miriam Kebekah Degree Omceri. At a meeting of Miriam Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 12, held last evening the following officers were elected to serve the ensuing term N. Al ice A.

Dean; V. Emma C. Nutt; R. E. L.

Buss; F. George V. Corl; Treasurer, James B. Montgomery; Chaplain, Laura C. Crane; Organeste, Miss Nellie Solomon.

Tbe foregoing officers with the usual appointees will be installed on the second Friday of December. TUey Had tbe Game. Messrs. E. H.

Light and R. R. Uhler, two well known citizens of Lebanon, passed through the city on Monday last for West Virginia, on a hunting expeedition. They returned to-day at noon with two line does, a wild turkey, eight irrey sqlrrels.and several braces of pheasants, Tbe party with whom they hunted killed six deer altogether since Monday. They hunted near Davis, Tucker county, W.

Va. Bart In the F. li, R. Yard. W.

H. Stuckey, aged 21 years, an employee at the Pennsylvania railroad yards, this city, and who resides in West Harrisburg, was admitted to the hospital last evening, suffering from a lacerated wound of the scalp, received while on duty, having in some manner been struck by a passing engine. His wounds are not dangerous. Expensive Fan. About 5 o'clock last evening a well-dressed man, a railroader, while under the influence of liquor, thrust big fist through the plate-glass window of Noah Walmer's saddle and harness shop on Dewberry avenue.

He was sent to tbe lockup. At the hearing this morning ne registered as John Drunk, and paid $5 for the window pane and $2.62 fine. Again on Ilaty, Dr. Culp, resident physician at the Harrisburg hospital, who has been off duty for several months past, has arrived from Philadelphia much improved in health, and is again on duty, Dr. Seabrook.

who has so acceptably filled Dr. Culp's place in his absence, will resume practice in this city. 8 now In tbe North andiWeat. Some of the frleght cars from the North and West this morning had fully six inches of enow on deck and Eassenger trains due here at noon, ad fully an inch of the beautiful, received in a snow torm while crossing the Alleghenies..

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