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Harrisburg Daily Independent from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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ft 'ONE iS VOL. XXIV. NO. 17. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 22, 1888.

IS. A WKKK. SINGLE COPIES, 2 CTS. I steam healinc apparatus was introduced a candidate for President of the United fllnn of militia Interests and the nation's ca ALUMNI HANGED AT LOUISVILLE. The Independent.

COM KNCEMKNT. Programme of Kxercleea ot the Ulgh Sebool Oraduutet, Cluee of '88. CANDIDATES. Named Last Night, Bal loted for To-day The winter following the loss of the money, Mrs. Huber began to cive elaborate receptions at her home.

When hot wUeatlier arrived the lluliers gave river parties, and Mrs. Huber thought nothing of the cost of taking frequent trips to iiarrlsburg. The people of Sunbury were told that Mrs. Huber had been left a legacy, but the two detectives, who were all the wnile living in Sunbury, found that Mrs. Huber had no rich relatives and that the legacy story wasn't true, but the people of Sunbury took the legacy tale for gospel truth.

One of the detectives In time made himself a great friend of Express Agent lluber. The aeent new triena organ ized a mineral ore ruining company and Induced Huber to let him have $1,000 ou the strength of promised profits. Hu ber had the money In cold cash and the detective secretly noted the tact tnat tne money was in the same denominations as tnat ot tne stolen money. The detective didn't know where Huber brought the money from, but it had the odor of camphor, lie thought it had been "planted," and he soon af terwards paid back the debt and a little while later borrowed another thousand from his friend Huber. This time the other detective watched Huber as he left the express office and went to his house and returned with the cash.

He had not tone near a bank and the money again had the odor of camphor about it. That was In the early part of this week. lue finKerton detectives concluded that Huber was the thiel and that the stolen money was hidden In his house. But it was necessary to decoy Huber away from Sunbury in order to search the house. On Tuesday Huber received telegram from Philadelphia telling him to come down, as he was about to be promoted by the company.

When he started for that city Captain Linden and his men searched the Huber house and found $22,535, with the clinching fact that it was in the original Adams Express packages. Huber was then arrested as ha was about to board a train at Broad street station. He was indignant. He explained the presence of the money in his house by saying that twelve years ago he had failed In the grocery business and had cheated his creditors, but when, the detectives told him that lie had only saved 1,300 by that failure and began to let him know what they knew he broke down and confessed. "Well.

I have been fortv-five vears in this world," Huber said, "and this is the first time 1 have been in trouble." Then he told the detectives he had made his greatest mistake when he didn't return the money, and added: "My other mistake was made twenty- two years ago, when I married my wife." lie also said that tor the past two years his life had been a perfect hell on earth. DESERTERS FROM STANLEY. The African Explorer Not Dead He Is wouuaea in a jgtii. London, June 22. A dispatch from St.

Paul de Loanda dated Wednesday, June 20, says: "Several deserters from Stanley's expedition have reached Camp Vanibuna. They stale that after traversiug the Upper Aruwhiml Stan ley struck into a rough mountainous country covered" wtttr dense- itw. The natives who were excited by reports spread by Arabs, disputed the passage of the expedition, ami there was continuous Stanley was severely wounded by au arrow. He was compelled several times to construct camps in order to repel attacks. Stanley was encamped when a number ot de serters left.

Ho was surrounded by hostiles, and was unable to send news to Eniin or directly to Vambunga. Major Bartellot had returned to Yauibunga, where he was awaiting the men whom Mr. Ward was collecting to lorm a powerful expedition to go to the relief of Stanley. Early In May the steamer Stanley left Stanley Palls, taking Bartellot the first re-enforcements and supplies. Yauibunga advices are to the middle of April.

The time the deserters left Stanley is uncertain. Governor Janssen left the Congo on the 15th instant on his way to Europe to consult regarding the tending of assistance to HEARING'S ltIO PARADE. Grand Demonstrntiou of the Patriotic Sou ol America. Readisg, June 22. It was nearly 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon when the big parade of the Patriotic Order Sons of America began to move.

The weather was stifling hot, but all the or ganizations were on hand and with few exceptions marched over the route, which was nearly five miles long. So long was the line that the route had to be tem porarily changed, as the marching space on Penn street was not sufficient to allow the column to countermarch so as to clear the rear of the procession. In numbers the parade far outstripped any ever given in Heading and was the greatest demonstration ever given by tne order. ii is esiimateu that fully 20,000 strangers were in the city. The Heading railroad alone brought 14,000, and so great was the rush of travel that all the morning trains were delayed.

The Philadelphia delegation alone filled a special train of fourteen cars. There were about twenty overcome by the heat along the line of the parade. They were promptly taken charge of by the ambulances stationed along the line and medical attention furnished. Last evening the business of the week was concluded by a public meeting in the Academy of Music, at which addresses were made by prominent members of the order and music was furnished by a chorus of 125 voices from the Reading Choral society. Holly Steam Engineers.

SpbingfieLd, June 22. The Holly District Steam Engineers, Superintendents and Managers' Association held its third annual convention on Wednesday. These officers were elected: President, K. H. Gallagher, of Harrisburg; Vice Presidents, C.

E. Emery, New York: E. P. Holly, Springfield, O. W.

Shouck, Wilkes-barre, William Ridley, of Den-ver, Secretary, Ira A. Holly of New Haven; treasurer, Robert Mowbrey; financial committee, A. Z. Shock of Bioomsburg, J. D.

Walsh of Lockport, X. and A. D. Merrilt. In the afternoon the proceedings were opened by the reading of a paper on "High and low pressure; which is the most economical in heating a building from a central station?" by R.

H. Gallagher of Harrisburg, Pa. He favored the low pressure, maintaining that the consumer was much benefitted by this method. pacities, bis perfect Integrity, his Justness and consideration ol tue riguc 01 man, ui uuoiu to KcDublican iirinclules would assure an ati ministration promotive of national develop ment ami progress. I do not beam hero, nor shall I be compelled to make elsewhere, if be shall be nominated, a defensive campaign.

It is true his business relations have been urged against him. If the most brilliant career and achievements as a business man known in our country, where so many markedly successful men may be noted is iust cause of criticism, others merits it, for 1 do admit his success has been phenomenal and his achievements unsurpassed, and I may add also that his life has been sigually pure and stainless. Yes, he is the President of a great railroad corporation, and there is not a farmer, freighter, mechanic or common laborer iu New York, who will vote against him for that. As his life lias been above reproach, so in the management of the vast business interests under control he has gained the confidence and holds the respect of all our people. 1 have told you that the laborers, the wage- worxeis were to be on our side in tuts contest They will not be repelled by the candidate we propose, Dtit such Has been his service and iitlelity to them, as to all interests entrusted to him.

and so true and helnfula friend and counsellor has he proved himself, that they win rany to her standard and niims uis eiet1 tion sure. As their candidate and as th choice of the Republicans of New York I present for nomination by this convention, as the Republican candidate for President of the United States. Chauncey M. Ieuer. When the State of Ohio was called another great demonstration was made, Delegates all over the hall climbed upon cnairs, waved American nags and shouted at the top of their voices.

Mr. Hasting, of Penusvlvania. in nominat ing Sherman, opened by declaring that Pennsylvania was ODDOsed to Grover Cleveland and to a continuance of his administration and that her electoral vote would be cast for the nominee of this convention. Pennsylvania came to this convention with great unanimity to ask it to name a standard bearer who will represent the principles, the traditions anu tne brigbest Hopes and aspirations or tne Republican party John Sher man. He paid a handsome tribute to Sherman's record as a man, a soldier and a representative of honest eovern ment in the interests of the people, and concluded: "Make him our standard- bearer, and every principle for which the party has battled, every triumph which it has achieved, will be repre sented in our leader.

Governor Foraker seconded the nomi nation of Sherman. When he nnfnrled a United States nag as the bands na of the itcpubiican party the delegates stood upon chairs, waving flags, finally the whole convention joined in singing Marching Through Georgia." After continuing twelve and a half minutes order was restored and the roll of States was resumed. Langs ton, of Virginia, and Dancey, of North Carolina, seconded Sherman's nomination. Charles E. Smith, of Pennsylvania, then took the platform to nominate Mayor Fitter, of Philadelphia.

He was frequently interrupted with erie3 of lime and other derisive calls. When Wisconsin was reached Sena tor Spoouerrose and nominated Gov. Rusk. A mention of the name of Blaine as the signal for loud and continued cheering- Upon the conclusion of his peech the convention, on motion ot Air. Miller, adjourned until 11 a.

in. to morrow. TO-DAY'S SESSION. Appoarsme of the Convention When im it aiiot won Tuua, Chicago, June 22. A copy of an address signed by Susan B.

Anthony and Isabella Beecher Hooker to the Republican National Convention was placed iu the hands of every delegate upon entering the hall tins morning. The address is a repetition of the claims on which woman suffrage is based, hut urged in this paper with perhaps more ability than they were ever before advanced. The length of the address and the temper of delegates meeting on the eve of balloting for a Presidential candidate prevent its perusal, and very few delegates read their copies. Chairman Estee appeared on the plat form at 10.40, when the scene presented was one of great splendor and enthusi asm. Around In tne corridors and rotundas the throng was as dense as ever, and the fact that a good many thuiuuudo cf sho'dters returned to their homes on the night trains seemed to make no appreciable difference.

The air was lilled with rumors of combinations and dickerings, plots and counter plots. The Blaine under current seemed to be as strong as ever, and the fact that Mr. Walker Blaine was closeted with the Maine delegation until a late hour last night and again early this morning was generally commented upon as having more thau ordinary significance. There was a confident feeling in the Sherman camp, and the Greshamites were also in a similar mood as a result of the rallying of the united labor forces under their banner. Of course, the enthusiastic confidence of the other candidates were claiming everytlting in sight, but it was noticed that the managers of the booms had adopted at least a conservatory policy and were unwilling to go very far in the direction of predicting.

There Was little delay on the part of delegates in getting toward the neighborhood of the auditorium this morning. By 0.30 fully one-half of them were in their seats, the upper part of the building rilling up at au astonishing rate. Chairman Estee was in his seat liftenn minutes before the hour set for the reassembling and Harry Smith the journal clerk of the National House of Representatives, who in consequence of his knowledge of parliamentary law has been acting as adviser to the Chair, came in a few minutes later. With him was Carson Lake, who has kept himself on the left of the Chair since Wednesday, and looked to it that the Blaine element got all the recognition that it wanted. Leonard Swett was welcomed with the first burst of applause of the morning, aad Major McKinley received the second.

At 1 1.00 a. m. when Chairman Estee brought his gavel down upon the desk and asked the convention to come to order not a score of delegates or alternates out of the 1,000 or more were out of their seats, and from the floor to the roof the immense structure was a sea of heads and waving fans. The attendance was larger than at any previous session, and Colonel Ingersoll, who has missed few such gatherings for a score of years, remarked that it was a sight that would fasten itself upon his memory to his dying day. It took a good many poundings of the gavel to still the roar of conversation and bring about a semblance of order, but when it bad at last been accomplished prayer was offered by Rev.

W. H. Wooster, of Chicago. Poll of States on First Ballot. At the conclusion of the prayer the roll call was ordered for the selection of States.

At 11.35 the roll began and was follows: Alabama Sherman, 12 (cheers); Alger, TIhimiv 1: Harrison. 1 filliblausel. Arkansas lugalls, 10; Harrison, Gresham, 1 Klim-mu. 2. California Is called.

Haymond announctA "California castB her sixteen votes for n. nitiiw." There Is a roar of applause. It commeuees in the galleries, back of the stage anil eoes like a Hood over the hall and tiirouurli the mass of human beings to the roof, Ladies waved Hags, white pinnies and parasols. The Chairman pounds the desk iu vain and it is four minutes neiore mere is uiwi. Colorado Gresham, Harrison, Si; Alii son, 1.

Connecticut Hawley, 12. Florida Harrison, 10; Fitler, Sherman, 4, Georeia Gresham. Harrison, Sher man, lit; Linooln, 1. Illinois Gresham, 42. Indiana Harrisou, 2i); Grcshim, 1.

Iowa Allison, 20. Kansas John J. Ingalls, 17; Blaine, 1. Kentucky Alger, Depew, Harrison, 4 Grnshnm It KliHrllltul. VI.

Louisiana Gresham, Allison, Alger, Depew, Harrison, 1. A Louisiana delegate asks that the delegation be polled. The chair says it is rigni anu me clerk calls the roll of delegates. Tl'he poll of the delegates results: Alger, Allison, 3: Depew, Gresham, Sherman, 9. Maine Alger.

Allison. Depew, Gres- aaiii, Harrison, a. Maryland Depew. 1: Sherman, Harrison Allison, Gresham, Maine, 2. Massachusetts Depew, Blaine, Allison, Lincoln.

Harrisou, Alger, Sherman, 9. Michigan Alger, 20. Minnesota A leer. 1: Beoew. Gresham.

11, Missisiippi Sherman, II; Gresham, De new, 1. Mistourl Sherman, Alger, Harrison, Gresham Allison, Blaine, Depev, 2. Nebraska Allison, Sherman, Alger, Gresham, Rusk, 1. Nevada Allison, Alger, 4. New Hampshire Harrison, Depew 4.

New Jersey Phelps, 18. New York Depew, 71; Blaine 1. North Carolina Gresham, Harrison Depew, Blaine, Alger Sherman, If. liuio auerman, wi. Oregon Gresham, Harrison, Blaine 1.

Penusvlvania Sherman. 31: Fitler. 16; De pew, Phelps, Alger, Blaine, 1. On a loll by individual votes Pennsylvania gave Sherman, Fitler, 18; Blaine, Phelps, Depew, Alger, 1. Uliode island Allison, v.

South Carolina Sherman, 11; Alger, Depew, lngans, uresuam, z. Tennessee Allison. Harrison, 1: Depew, Blaine, Sherman, Alger, 9. Mr. lames, of Tennessee, challenged the vote.

Another poll resulted as follows: Sherman, Allison, Alger, uepew, iiamson, Blaine, Gresham, 1. Texas Gresham, Sherman, Harrison, 1: Alger. Allison, Blaine, McKinley, Phelps, 1, eruiont narrison, Yiruinia A Doll is asked and both Mahone and Wise vote for Sherman; also Langston. Ktduleberger says he would like to vote for Blaine, if in nomination, but as he is not he will vote for Allison. The poll resulted: Alger, Allison.

Uresuam. Harrison, kusk. Sherman, 11. West Virgiu a Alger. 1: Blaine.

2s Harri son, Gresham, Sherman, 6. Wisconsin kiisk, tz, Arizona Alger, 2. Dakota Allison, Rusk, Gresham, Harrison, Sherman, Alger, Fitler, IJejiew, 2: Phelps, 1. District or Columbia liiaine, v. Idaho Allison, Gresham, 1.

Montana Gresham, Allison, 1. New Mexico Alger, Sherman, 1. I th Allison, 2. Washington Territory Harrison, Alli son. Phelps, 1 Uresham, 3, Wyoming Allison, V.

The first ballot was completed at 12.35 and resulted as follows: AUer Allison li Der-ew Kitler 21 Gresham 114 Harrison. 7 Hawley. 16 Phelpus Kush Sherman Blaine Lincoln M'Kiuley. 2S 25 25' 22U 33 3 2 Second Ballot. The second ballot was completed at 1.15 and resulted as follows: Alger i' Depew Gresliam l3 Ingalls Hi Husk 20 Lincoln ,3 Blaine 32 Allison 7fi Harrison 95 Phelps 1" Sherman Al'lviuley 3 A recess will he taken after the third ballot.

As preparations are making for tne third ballot cheers are given for Sherman and Alger in recognition of their slight gains on the second ballot. The Third Ballot. The third bellot was finished at 1.57 and resulted as follows: Alger 122 Depew i Harrison Phelps Lincoln 2 Sherman 244 Miller 2 Allison 8 Gresham t23 Rusk 16 Blaine McKinley 8 At 2 p. m. a recess was taken util 7 p.

m. Blaine Will Accept. A private dispatch received by the Elaine managers at Chicago from Andrew Carnegie, says that Mr. Blaine will accept the Republican nomination for President if tendered him unanimously. Depot Doings.

"Is this Uarrisburg?" asked a pretty maiden of gallant Usher Bird. "Yes'm'm, it is," was the reply. "Well," and here the young lady blushed a wee bit, "I'm looking for my cousin. I don't see him, unless that's him," and she pointed to a handsome young man standing at the foot of the stairs. "I guess that's your cousin," said the "Duke," "for half the pretty girls who come here are cousins to Clyde." A number of the Mahone delegates returned from Chicago this morning en route to Virginia.

They were among the number "shut out" of the convention by the Wise faction, who were successful. A drinking apparatus was erected today one on the piazza, the other at the entrance to the lower offices. Postponed Until September. Some two months since the Underwriters' Association gave notice that unless Councils districted the city the rates of insurances would be increased twenty per cent, on and after June 15. An ordinance was introduced into Councils, but on accsunt of the work being delayed by the committees acting separately the ordinance cannot be acted upon finally before September.

It is questioned whether the ordinance can be passed as the firemen are against such restrictions. The Underwriters have therefore, continued the time until September 15th. The Order of Railway Telegraphers began their third annual convention at Indianapolis yesterday. I Friday. June 22.

1 888. Thbee ballots were taken In the Republican National Convention to-day without a result, the poll of votes by no candidate before the Convention reach ing the needed number of 417, necessary to a choice. On the first and second ballots Sherman led. Alger came next, Greaham third. Deoew fourth, with other candidates following, Mr.

Blaine' vote not exceeding 35. On the third ballot Sherman still led, with Gresham second, Alger third, Harrison fourth and Denew fifth. It Is difficult to sav on what ballot a choice will le made, and what the combination will be to secure it. Combination is the object of all cor porate movements In the field of busi ness. Tub re is an electric railroad In Vir ginia which carries 75,000 passengers week.

By an ohicial decree it is now made impossible for a colored man to become a Khight of Pythias. Summer started in with a glow that assured every one who felt its heat, that it has arrived in full strngh of its powers. liLooDV results at grade crossings on railroads continue to horrify spectators of such catastrophies in all parts of the country; A convention tnat can sit day and ight In weather like that now prevail' ing is not one which is acting on a cut and dried programme. When the thermoniter ranges in the nineties the atmosphere is hot enough without Injecting additional caloric by street corner discussions of politics. Hot as is the weather Hymen con tinues to gather around its altar two hearts wailing to be melted into one by the touch of Cupid's wand and the seal affixed to a marriage license.

it iae nepuoucans make as warm a canvass in the Presidential election as they had a hot time in making their nomination, there will be sweltering all around. Great as is the west in blizzards and hot waves, snow storms and deluges, the east is still a power in politics, and the management which controls great conventions. lm oratory the Republican National Convention made displays not surpassed by that made in any similar body in years. Political orators in all parties, it muse be conceded, are improving in high degrees. Hot weather of the past three days have had depressing effects on General Sheridan and though he is progressing as favorably as could be expected under the ciicumstances his physicians prefer not to indulge in bulletins that might mislead the public.

As the atmosphere gathers heat and the blood of men rushes in boiling torrents to thair brains, murder and suicide become more frequent and horrid in their perpetration. The force which sends the mercury up in a thermometer also plunges men and women into cf desperation 9Td rashness. The last tinkle of the school bell was heard to-day the last roll call in the term of 1887 83 was called this morning, and the vacation for the summer of 1883 has now begun. Teachers and pupils have earned the rest on which they will now enter, and the hope is general that they may all enjoy it. Commencement under its new regu lation, restricted to a valadictory and salutatory, essay and oration, and followed by an address to graduates, promises to be an agreeable and delightful affair this evening.

As his event occurs at a time when hot weather is sure to be the rule, the wonder always has been that the long programme heretofore made was not cut down before. The change was dictated by wise consideration. Gradually, hope of Henry M. Stanley's return from the wilds of Africa is waning, and his most sanguine friends are about ready to give up ever seeing him alive again. The daring explorer aad path finder has rendered science great service and contributed more knowledge to geography than any man developed since the days of Christopher Columbus.

If he is dead he died on the field of his most valuable achievements and iu glory, which a famous man always covets. But later accounts from the region in which Stanley is go to show that he is alive, but sever ly wounded, and surrounded by the most harrassing embarrassments. It is snssested that the Board of Trade appoint a Meteorological Com mittee to confer with the observer at the signal station in this city in order that the city may have the fullest ad vantage of the service. The Govern' ment has recently located a station of the Signal Service in this city and the more co-operation the more benefit will the service be to this city. Mr.

Frank Bidgway has been stationed as obsesver, a gentleman fully competent for the service, who will take pleasure in showing how weather is made. A com plete set of instruments are in use by 'Old and observations made at At the Opera House this evening the exercises appropriate to commence ment will be observed. The exercises will begin at 8 o'clock. Following Is the programme: March From "The Vagabond" Zoller Orchestra. Overture to Norma Bellini Orchestra.

Prayer Uev. S. C. Swallow March Taiiiiuaaser Wagner Orchestra. Salutatory Poverty No Hindrance to Success rieroert a.

uurn. Essay Some Thoughts on "hamlet Alice Witherow. Overture King Myuas F.llenberg irvuestril. Oration Silent Forces Harvey F. Smith Valedictory "The Laud of the Free and the Home of the Annie L.

Weitinyer Music Irish Patrol Puerner orchestra. Address Kav II Tl T. War Maroh Athalle Mendelssohn Orchestra. Presentation of Diplomas by the President of the Board of Control C. 11.

Fager. M. I). Walts Artists' Life Strauss Orchestra. Class Song Graduating Class TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY.

Condensed from Elaborate Dispatches tne jnaepenuenc The body of a man supposed to be John T. Bowe, of 1892 Third avenue, New York, was found half embedded in the sand on Rockaway Beech, in front of Johnson's pavilion yesterday. A handsome gold watch and chain which he wore at Rockaway are missing, as is also his money of which he was known to have a large amount. He was last seen alive at 11 o'clock Wednesday night. A man is locked up at Reading charged with administering a "love potion" to a girl.

It Is expected that one-half the lead ing gamblers in New York will be in dicted at next week's session of the criminal court. Several sun strokes occurred in New York city to-day without fatal effects. Paul Witte, an 11-year-old school bov. of Now York, committed suicide by poison. His father had threatened to punish him.

Tammany hall, New York city, Democrats propose to make the eo.ning Fourth ot July a red letter day in its history. Cooley Stone, the jockey who rode Frolic in yesterday's race at Sheepshead Bay, got into a quarrel early this morning with Ernest Miller, a bartender in the St. Nicholas hotel, at the West End of Coney Island, about payment for drinks. Stone drew a pistol and shot Miller dead. Stone was arrested.

Governor Moorehouse, of Missouri, has respited Landgraff, who murdered his sweetheart and was to have been hanged to-day, until July the date of the hanging of Maxwell, who killed Preller. Thermometer ranges to-day at noon at New York, fli); Boston. U5; Philadelphia, 94; Cincinnati, 91; Chicago, 94; St. Louis, 98; Louisville, 99; New Orleans, 100; Charleston, S. 97; Kichmond, 99; Washington, 97; Baltimore, 90.

Arthur Badesr. 14 Tears old. was drowned while bathia? WedunJay night at Black River, N. y. Charles Cole, who was hurt by falling on Wednesday at the Remington pulp mill in Watertown, JN.

is dead. Peter Melntvre was killed and John Scoville fatally scalded yesterday by a boiler explosion at Mount Forest, Ont. Independence Day celebrations will be on a large scale this year in most of the nlaml cities ot rennsylvanla, and as a rule, the expenses will be defrayed by private subscriptions. There were several severe hail storms a the -Schuylkill valley last evening that destroyed window glass in large quantities. Willie Radnlck and Ernest Cate, aged 15 and 10 years respectively, were drowned yesterday at Strafford, N.

II. Charles Hanson and Augustus Suavor, of the crew of the schooner D. Winchester, were lost June 10 on the Grand Banks. A headless body with but, one aim was found floating yesterday at Point Shirley, Mass. It was believee to be that of an Italian sailor of the schooner Florence J.

Tower. The consumption of water In New York is now so large as to render it necessary to keep hydrants running in private residences iu the suburbs of the city proper, to secure supplies for ordinary domestic use. The close of public schools through out the State of Pennsylvania was almost general to-day, and will be completed to-mor ow In all the boroughs and cities. Samuel Cliilds, a Baltimore dealer In housefurnishing goods, and Flemmlog Brothers, dealers in notions, in the same city, assignments yesterday for the benefit ot creditors. Great Britain sent to this country during May, 02,985 gross tons of iron and steel, against 57,000 tons in April.

During the first five months of this year that country exported 1,581,6:12 tons, against 1,008,135 in th same portion of 1SS7. Black bass fishing is very successful in the upper waters of the Susquehanna. Republicans are arranging for ratification meetings for Saturday night in nearly all the leading cities in the North, some of which will be monster demonstrations. A case growing out of the crookd bookkeeping of William Gray, the suicide defaulter -who had been treasurer of the Atlantic and the Indian Orchard Mills, was settled by the Massachusetts Supreme Court yesterday, giv ing the Atlantic Company $140,385 on its claim of $305,000 against the Indian Orchard. General Sheridan Comfortable.

Washington, June 22. There was no bulletin lsued to-day giving account of General aheridan condition, for tne reason that none was deemed necessary, his condition being intensely satis factory. Altogether it looks as though the critical period had been safely passed. Much undoubtedly is due to the excellent care the General has had from Colonel Mike, who has been as faithful at his brother's bedside as though his own life depended upon this fidelity. Cut the First Wheat.

George Strock, tenant on the Hummel farm, Bridgeport, cut the first wheat this afternoon. Farmer Strock is always ahead and succeeds in housing his crops la one conaiiiou. A Man Protests His Innocence of Crime tor Which He Died. HIS CASE THOROUGHLY TRIED. Horrible Suffering of a Crew Cast Adrift Our ing a Storm.

DESTRUCTIVE RAIN FALL IN ILLINOIS. Louisvillk, June 22. William Patterson, colored, was banged this morning in the jail yard, the drop falling at 0.11, for the. murder of Jennie Bowman on April 23, 1887. Death ensued from strangulation ten minutes later.

Patterson died very hard, lifting bis body up and down by his neck in a horrible manner. Four minutes after the drop fell he drew his legs up and cried "Lord take me." Dr. Garvin says, talking-afterwards, the drop was unprecedented. He protested his innocence to the last Patterson was convicted of complicity with another negro named Albert Tur ner, in the murder of a servant girl named Jennie Bowman, In April, 1887. Turner was executed for the crime ou July 1, 18S7, confessing the act and declaring just before the drop that Patterson was innocent of any participation In the deed.

On April 27, 1887. au excited mob surrounded tho jail, bent on lynching the two negroes. The State militia was called out and guarded the prisoners for three days, keeping the mob at bay. when the excitement subsided and the crowd dispersed. Patterson's case was taken to tho Court of Appeals and ar gued before the Governor, who declined to interfere In the matter.

Horrible Suffering of a Crew Adrift. San Francisco. June 22. The steamer Bertha from Kerluk, brought three of the sailors of the cod fish ing schooner Isabel which encountered a gale May 1 and two days later had to be abandoned. The men took to the boats but in tne storm got separated.

The eight skirl's which contaiued the seamen on board the Isabel at first divided theux, selves into two parties of four skiffs. The skiffs of each party were lashed together. After being out three days two of the men went mad from the hard ships endured. They had to be put into separate boats and soon were, drowned. Another boai capsized and Captain Nickersou, iu trying to save the lives of the men, was drowned, were also the men whom he tried to rescue.

It is believed that the men in two of the boats which got separated from the others were all drowned, mak ing tourteen who lost tneir lives. Heavy and Destructive Rainfall. SpnmGFiEi.D, 111.. June 22. Yester day afternoon the city experienced the Heaviest raintaii in its History, in one and a half hours the precipitation amounted to over two and three-quarter Indies.

Sewers failed to carry off the water and cellars flooded in all the lower sections of the city. The basement of the woolen mills is flooded, the floors torn up, large quantities of dye stuffs destroyed and work stopped. Awnings were broken down by tha sheer weight of water and pavements and sidewalks are torn up in various places. Damage to crops is heavy. HOUSES UPSET AND UNROOFED., 111., June 22. A hur ricane passed through the city yesterday afternoon, upsetting and unroofing bouses and causing a loss ot about $3,000. Heavy Floods In Mexico. Zacatecas. Mexico, June 22.

The worst flood ever known in the history of Mexico occurred on the night of Tues day the 19th. The rain started at 5 p. m. and coniinuea an nigm ana an next day. The latest advices from Selos report 500 houses swept away and a great number of lives lost.

A tnousana bodies have been recovered up to p. m. METZGEK 8KMINARI. Commencement Kxercisee Held In the Spacious Buildings lo-uy. Correspondence of the Independent.

Carlisle, Jude 22. The commencement exorcises at Metzger Seminary were held yesterday. Throughout the spacious building there was a continued hum of pleasant voices all morning, and the afternoon brought many more friends upon the grounds and within the building. Everybody seemed contented, despite the excessive heat felt so much in every quarter. The school hall was filled at an early beur, and an Interesting programme was looked for from the graduating class.

In this the young ladies disappointed none, for the essays showed the result of faithful work and careful research. Tho class of '88 consisted of only three, Misses Cyrille Frank, Amelia Searight, Mary Kremer. Miss Frank bad an interesting paper on the "Poverty of Wealth." Miss Searight read a pleasing essay cn "The Value of a Hobby." She touched upon the hobbies peculiar to all from ehild-hood throughout life, their necessity, and the results accruing from follow them. Miss Kremer's subject was 'Chestnuts." Her essay was excellent, well written and commanded the closest attention throughout. Hon.

K. M. Henderson, President of the Board of Trustees, presented the diplomas. In the evening the lawn reception was partially prevented by a storm early in the evening passing over the town. However, a very pleasant time was had within the building and upon the veranda.

A large crowd was present. Metzger never showed to better advantage than yesterday, and we bespeak for it a prosperous future. A Trump Bau. Hummebitown Sun. Skilled in piscatory sport as is our townsman Mr.

Harry Stecher, there seemingly Is little else to be done to secure success than an effort. This be made on Wednesday morning, and to successful were his manipulations that In a short time he landed a bass that measured twenty Inches and when placed on the scales, balanced the beam at four pounds. To him must be awarded all the praise and honor which accompany the first big catch of the season. Annual Reunion of Harrisburg Graduates at the Armory Last Evening. PRESIDENT JONES' GREAT SPEECH.

Vacation To-day Brings Its Loving Good-byes and Gladness to Pupils. BOOKS CAST ASIDE FOR TWO MONTHS The audience assembled in the spacious armory building last evening to participate In the annual reunion of the Alumni Association was composad of young and middle-aged persons, all of whom, with few exceptions, were happy to do honor to their alma mater1 the Harrisburg High School. Every class of graduates was repre sented. Some of the Alumni have reached the middle line of manhood and womanhood, and many have been wooed and won by tno seductive charms that Hymen weaves continually for human hearts to become enamored with. Still they feel an interest in tha schools and well they should.

The reunion was an exceedingly pleasant one. The attendance was large and the social fea tures commendable. After an half- hour of preliminary chat, in which the ladies won by a score of 10 to 0, President Thomas M. Jones he of the Tele graph irose from a cushioned chair anu niade a few happy remarKs. tiev.

T. T. Everett Invoked divine favor upon the Alumni and prayed that their re union may last through all time. fresiuent Jones then delivered the annual address. It was known as far back as December, 1887.

that the Presi dent was loading his oratorical gun for a fusilade at the School Board, He favored an equalization of wages among teachers, and he took advantage of his exalted position to say so iu positive terms. The President is a bachelor, but that was not the cause for his able and timely defense of the female teachers whose salaries are so much less than those of the male instructors. He said the time -was at hand when each and every teacher, male or female, should be paid for the work accomplished by each. He also indulged in a kindly reprimand to tne Alumni of the High schools for their indifference to the condition of the schools and the welfare of 1 lie rising generation. Miss Eltleda Barnes rendered a beau tiful solo, and Miss Mary Ellenberger recited a humorous selection, both of which were received with applause.

Miss Baskin and Miss Stroll sang a charming duet aud Miss Laura Barnes strformed with much grace and skill kn instrumental solo. Miss Kate Straede jn-ecited "Smiling Leaves" in a manner Plhat won for the young ladv many fS'oumieiulal Miss VVltherow of the class oi was presented wttn it bm4 gomeicopy of "Will Caj-leton's Poems," as a mark of esteem. Miss Witherow has the honor of being the first representative of a High School graduate. An elegant banquet was served at the close of the social festivities. CLOSE OF SCHOOLS.

The Last Day of the Term of 1K8T-'SS A Happy Event. The school term for 1887-'SS ended to-day at noon, when the children of the public schools of Harrisburg entered on their summer vacation with high glee and satisfaction. What man.or woman, be they ever so old, during an event like this, fails to respond in sympathy with the gladness of the children at their relief from school in memory of their own joy on similar occasions. It 1j a gladsome season, indeed, and opens a long term of play and pleasure, well earned by a long session of study and dilligence in school. The pupils of the puoni; Dcuuuis oi izic nw teachers, pursue their studies and do their work, under circumstances differ ent from those surrounding the schools of a private character, mere is a strict law for everything done in the public schools the discipline is all of a legal character the course of studies is regulated by law, the State fixing the general policy of the schools, and the Directors acting thereon, on oaths of office which bind them to a faithful performance of their duty as strictly as any which men take for fidelity in other official work.

This, at a glance, shows how perfect is the machinery and strict the ruling on which the public schools are conducted. Under these circumstances the gladness of the children is accounted for as they go into the period of vacation. Pupils will be literally free for the next two months unrestrained in their pranks and play the harness, as it were, of the school room east off, the fear of ferule exchanged in dread for that of mother's slipper and the work cf class room laid aside for enjoyment out of doors, as it can be found in the long, hot days of summer. May they all realize their pleasantest expectations. Hl'BER IX JAIL.

The Sunbury Express Agent Held la Default of Bail for Court. Sumiuav, June 22. Philip A. Huber, the Adams Express agent, charged with taking nearly $30,000 two years ago, is in jail. Bail was fixed at $5,000, but up to this morning he was unable to obtain it.

It is believed the amount will be forthcoming and Huber set free until the time for the trial, provided he can be found. Under the law of 1S78, relative to em-be-xlenient from trust companies, Huber can be indicted inside of four years, so that the plea of two years in his case will fail. The story of the discovery of Huberts is a tale of clever detective work. Detectives had been assigned to watch every employee of the Adams Express Company who had anything to do with the handling of the stolen packages or the safe. Huber, who had a wife and four children to support, had a salary of $75 a month and lived modestly.

What first started the detectives on the scent was the fact that Huber had stopped wearing overalls while at work. Then Mrs. Huber began to wear silk dresses and to buy jewelry. In time the Huber house was refurnished in good style-and some time later a costly BY THE REPUBLICANS Assembled in National Convention at Chicago. THE CALL OF STATES BEGUN Three Ballots Taken With the Results of Each.

ENTHUSIASM DURING THE VOTING, Sherman, Gresham, Alger and Harrison lead' ing in the Race. A RECESS TAKEN UNTIL 7 O'CLOCK P. Chicago, June 21, 3 p. m. The con vention met promptly at 3 o'clock.

Af ter a number of speeches seconding the nomination of Harrison, of Indiana, the first really striking scene in the conven tion so far was precipitated by the men tion of the name of Blaine by Mr. Gal- linger at the close of his speech. The people iu the galleries and many of the delegates sprang to their feet and shouted for several minutes, flags were waved and the demonstration finally became really imposing as cheer after cheer rent the hot air of the auditorium. Such a thing as rapping the convention to order was impossible, and the excite ment had to be allowed to gradually subside, when the nominations pro ceeded. The roll call of States then proceeded, and that of Iowa having been reached Mr.

Hepburn, of that State, amid loud applause, ascended the platform and placet! in nomination benator Uliam Allison. Dunne air. Hepburn's peeeh every reference to the name of Allison was hailed with enthusiaui by the friends of the Iowa statesman, and the speaker himself was complimented with a round of applause as he closed his presentation speech. -When Michigan, was reached Chairman Herr, of that delegation, arose and said that Michigan had a candidate -who would be presented by Mr. li.

F. Frazier, of Detroit. In presenting Mr. Alger's name Mr. Frazier said Michigan came into the Republican Convention for the first time in its history to ask a favor.

Michigan has always proved true to the Republican party and always would be true. The candidate which Michigan would propose was a man who would receive the vote of the rich and of the poor, of white and black. Continuing. Mr. Frazier pointed out the strength that Alger would secure from the soldier vote, alluded to Alger's warm friendship for General Logan and declared that a man who was true to his friends could be trusted by his eountry.

When New fork was called the dele gation from that State arose and -led the applause wnicn greetea mr. xiiscuc aa he proceeded to place Chauncey M. Depew in nomination, lie said Mk. President asd Gentlemen- of the Convention The united Hepublioan party of the Stale 01 istjw Vuik represented to-day and by the unanimous voice or that party, through its seventy-two delegates, 1 am mgtructeu to present iur yuur it.ia hnira for presidential nominee. Gentle men, let me tell you what that united and harmonious party means to me country, in my opinion, with every Republican voting in New York next November, we shall gain a grand Republican victory and the thirty-six electoral votes of the Empire State will be cast for the nominees of this convention.

We have no more factional differences iu New York than exist elsewhere, but upon a vote of nearly a million ami a half, where the parties are so nearly equal in strength as there, a little of the bitterness of faction- might cause defeat. Now all friction is allayed, all bitterness is removed and unanimously, enthusiastically we are marching against the lemo-cratic-mugwup tombine to overwhelm it and defeat President Cleveland and to restore the government of the country to the party that preserved, yes, created it. Gentlemen have said little here about doubtful States. We should not leave them out of our calculations. With one exception, the States presenting candidates are uot doubtful. me can your aiieiuioii we win this year, it win oe against tue souu South, as compact as when Kansas was to be appropriated to slavery, or as when the Nation was to be deitroyed. For 1 tell you that whatever fraud and outrage and violence, even to murder, can accomplish, may be counted upon to return the Presidential electors from the Southern States for the Democratic party, liemocratic leaders openly proclaim this purpose, and with these conditions the contest is to be in and over New York. I would not discourage any one. dui confronting the overwhelming responsibilities of this occasion, I must frankly state the situation, and the potential reasons why New York should name the Presidential candidate. We must have the vote of New i ork in this election and equally with us the msmocracy concedes that the result must be determined there.

Uentlemen the contest will be bitter, the fiercest waged since the war. Republicans, farmers, mechanics, have had enough of Ueui-ocratic inal-administrntion; the business interests have had enough of constant threatening, and with this unnecessary disturbance accomplishing nothing, enough of futile attempt, to reduce the surplus aud enough of a constantly increasing currency. New York, outside of her one great city, is more strongly Republican than any New England state; from our valleys, from our mountains, from our farms, forests and mines, and from our shops the people are rallying aul will gather irresistibly to the support of our candidate. Labor in Pfew York City, as elsewhere, has become frightened at the base betrayal of its market, to foreign capital by the Democracy, and its sturdy blows will le delivered for our side in this vital contest. Democracy, entrenched infamer, with its trained hands of officials, holding with its free trade organizations, with its unlimited supply of money, with its unbounded capacity for fraud, will not yield without the rooet bitter and desperate struggle known in our late politics.

It will help to name the candidate, and I assure you we shall need the force of all "the sentiment" we can command. We propose a candidate whose name will bean inspiration to our country. liis name is dear to us all. His counsel has led us and will guide us. His eloquence has electrihed and will continue to inspire us.

His broad and statesmanlike utterance bare long commanded the respect of the people, not of New York alone but wuere-ever heard or read. As Chief Magistrate of the Republic his superb abilities. hU match-la ttvMiifiv enuimnent. his thorough knowledge of affairs, his broad ooinprenen- egular intervals each day..

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