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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Lewiston, Maine
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-w 1 1 v- I rr: ii RAINS AND THREATS OF SNOW ADD TO DISTRESS FROM FLOODS LEWISTON MAINE SATURDAY MARCH run raw AGUES inunra 2I1936 Drops Eirst Published Picture of Submerged South Main Street Auburn VOLUME LXXV BIG CONN AND MASS CITIES ARE FLOODED Lowell and Law rente Hard Hit as Rivers Rampage Toward Sea RELIEF UNITS BATTLE Manchester Nashua and Con cord New Hampshire Still in Grip of Waters SY DOUW FONDA Associated Praia Staff Writar Capyrljh! UN by Associated Praia BOSTON March AV-Two Riiihtf Naw England rivers tha 'Connecticut and Merrimack oread eat ruction In four of tha section's principal citlaa today Aa Federal and State relief aganrlea and military unite fought to bring order to Hartford Con 'nt Lowell Lawrence and Haverhill Mean New England counted S3 cMn dead within tha-' la at three days and at least three others were believed drowned In Continued ca Page Coloaaa B- 23 Ice Holds Governor on Way tb Rumford Says $25000000 Modest Estimate but Loss in Wages and to Manufacturers Can Hot Be Measured---Rush Repairs on Broad Street Bridgfe Automobile and 1-ton track trsffle equal to snm-: mer tosrist crash moved slowly over the North bridge -Lewiston end Aaborn from 1005 this morning thra tho afternoon The bridge was declared safe by State Highway -Engineer Whitney New Aabara and Aabnrn were In communication by telephone and by way of Sonth Main street bridge The lee jam five miles apstream from Galf Island dam was anchored bat the lee la the pond which in holding the Jam is softening At US the Lewiston Mnntelpal pnmps were going again relieving a threatened water shortage Boll the water however Street lights will be on tonight Annan's flood damage can be bracketed between $100000 and $200000 and ho closer at the present Government Sends Rescue Party toMaugermlllc On 8L John River ST JOHN March (ft) Tho Naw Brunswick government sent a roscus party to Maugermllle on the SU John river today after unconfirmed reports that five parsons had drowned aa the swollen stream swept over Its banka Rajclng torrent thruout New Brunswick and Quebec were re-tumlnsr to normal leaving behind lam property damage and an un PRICE THREE CENTS Page I Column 4 uation say that It may eventually reach $50000000 At ths State Highway Commix-slon office Friday night a partial check-up showed 31 bridges either wholly 'or partially gone and it was felt that this did not cover half the number affected It was 'estimated that of this number about half were located upon town Continued on Fagw Column 1 STEJfrER WILL SPEAK AT GOP CONVENTION WASHINGTON March Senator Hale announced today Senator -Frederick Stelwer of Oregon would speak At the Mains Rs publican State convention to be held in Bangor' April 3 Steiwer will substitute for Sen a tor Daniel-- Hastings' df Dataware who Is ill I JtaAJIocalea 143000000 tv 1 WASHINGTON March (AV-lrealdant Rooaevalt today alio- rated 84300000d totha Worka Progreaa Administration for ro-j pairs and replacamqnta in tha flood stricken areas i Fear Heavy Damage To Pastures Hay And Grain Continued on For the first time' freshet water of the Androscoggin flooded Sooth Mala street in the Auburn hasiaess This pletarawas takea Friday looking toward Coart street -wysy Girl Scouts Lead Flood Five Lives Lost 000 Victim Children In At the Lewiston Be Called Bridge irative Hearty 200 Bridget Either Partially or Wholly Destroyed-Many Milos of" Highway Seriously Oamaged--Loss in State May Reach $50000000 PORTLAND March 21 F) The Saco river reported at its peak pitch at Blddeford and threatening further devastation': from Bartlett H' to the sea moved the Maine flood hasard to that valley today as waters of other streams receded Governor Louis Brann said I2S400000 physical damago was a of havoc wrought by Maine floods Tile figure ha said did not all account" for losaea In wages and manufdcture in Mains is at a standstill ha said Games Armory Tf Girl 8 couth they were playing games and singing motion songs There were refreshments too for in mid-forenoon lunch was served milk and cookies and crullers It was really a day in their young lives for they never before had a chance to play their marching games to the strains of the lMd Infantry band and that'a just what they did whan tha band gave a concert at 1000 un -Already the tar-' rora of Thursday when thay wc 'roused from their- bedg and taken out amid tha darkness of night a tha roar and tumult "of tha flood were nearly forgotten Not so their elders- Thera wsra some sad faces among the women Continued on Jhft 10 'Column Admits Martin V'T Saturday afternoon was that as soon os tho Jury bad retired for deliberation all those under -inf diriment in this ERA scandal now under bail for their' appearance from day to day would be required to give a new bail for their appearance at the June term of the superior court as Justice "fisher Intends to finally ad lourn the Feb- Con tinned on Pago Column 4 Neither overcast skies nor downpours nor floods have power to de-proas children for long at a time when they are for the moment comfortable and well-cared-for A Big Pienlo for Children 1 To the 140-odd children from' the flooded homes along the river bank now housed at the Lewiston Armory it la one mammoth picnic there being- no school Saturday When a-Lewiston Journal reporter looked In Saturday forenoon the younger ones formed in a ring occupied the floor of the Armory auditorium which had been cleared of the army cots on which 204 persons had spent tha previous night Their voices were raised In song and laughter Led by tha Lewiston Salesman Paying -AUGUSTA March 31 Arguments in tha egae of George Martin former foreman of the ERA warehouse in Augusta on an Indictment charging him with having accepted a bribe were to progress Saturday afternoon and it waa expected that tho case would go to the Jury shortly after three o'clock altho It 'might be later Evidence closed Just before noon Understanding aa court came to Death Toll In 13 States 168 AUGUSTA Mgrph 31 A apodal session o'f the Legislator to provide' funds for bridge reconstruction end flood relief was believed to be inevitable in nffMmj circles Saturday morning With aa it ia believed nearly 200 bridges either partially or totally destroyed mile after mile of highway seriously damaged together with the vast destruction of other property bringing suffering and distress to hundreds probably thousands action by the Legislature la believed to be the only means by which the situation can bo met- At -this time ia Impossible to secure even an unofficial estimate of what the total losa will eventually amount to It prill run Into many mllllohs A fsw of the better Informed and more closely In touch with the sit determined fatality Hat The government reported that no word had' baan received Cram Maugermllle for two- days altho observers flom Lincoln declared they could see water to the eaves of aoveral houses More than 40d families' wsra homeless la tha two provinces Telephone communication' and transportation were disrupted Tho Quebec Minister of Roads said the situation in -this province wse moat serious in tha past 30 Damage in New Brunswick waa estimated A nearly 33000000 DEMOCRATS DEMAND CAUCUS ON THE CCC 75 House Members Want AD Camps Continued Prw-fdent Rejects Plea' WASHINGTON March AV-Turned idiown oq their request that President Roosevelt revoke an order to does hundreds' of CCC camp 74 rebellious Hours members today forced 4a Democratic caucus on ths Issue A petition ckrrylng 34 signatures nine mors than necessary was tiled with Chairman Taylor (D-Colo) of the Democratic'- caucus demanding a meeting Tuesday Party rulu make it mandatory for Taylor to eall the caucus Hop Johnson (D-Okla) aald: President turned ue down mighty cold" Chairman Nichols (D-Okla) of tb bloc' of revoltera sald a committee would be named immediately to prepare legislation to authorize an appropriation to contln-ua the present 3148 CCC camps Ho wanted to obtain House passage before April 1 Capt George Doughty Diea At Great Chebeagne PORTLAND March 31 -()-Capt George Doughty 14 master mariner died today at his Great Chebeagus island horns to Portland harbor Ho followed the sea from boyhood and commanded numerous Portland fishing schooners before hie retirement several years ago A widow three daughters and three smmu survive PORTLAND-BOSTON ROAD UNDER WATER SALISBURY Mass March The Boston to Portland highway was under five feat of water here' today The Merrimack river waa back over marshes apparently eeeklng another outlet to the sea a mile north of Its mouth BORAH OPENS DRIVE IN HIS NATIVE STATE CHICAGO March (ff-Ez-pressing confidence an Illinois victory would presage- Msnoml nation by tho Republican convention 8enator 'William Borah opened his drive for the Presidential preference Indorsement of his native Btate today The Idahoan plunged Into a round of parleys with hid supporters and prepared to deliver an address tonight after gauging ths importance of the April 14 primary In thin statement: Illinois gives me Ha approval feel certain I will be nominated at the eoavention" vBorah he was not In the 'face merely to 'fight the "old guard or to seek a --liberal caa-didate ea a liberal platform A dike at West Buxton washed out flinging an enormous wall of water downstream on the' twin cities of Blddeford and luo inundating additional streets Saco Water Main Shattered A water main shattered cutting off Saco's supply of drinking water Engineers said the flood crest still was to come From other valleys came word of wa tare receding grudgingly after taking toll of five lives Tan -thousand people driven from their Continued on Pago Column 5 The IS-foot flood crest of the Ohio diminished as it spread down ths broad valley toward Hunting-ton Vs reaching Pomeroy and Point Pleasant W- Vs But on down tho river lowland Continued on Pane 9 Column NO MILK SHORTAGE AT BOSTON TRUCKS COME IN BOSTON March The New England Dairies annouheed today a threatened milk shortage In Boston had ended and tho supply -ooming in was 00 per cent of normal Thirty tracks brought milk Into the city from North Conway It was being distributed to dealers in the Boston ares distributors also trucking milk Into the city AUOUSTA March 11 The State Agriculture Department ought Information today aa to flood damago auffarad by Mains fanners 1 Maagra report a Commlashmer Prank Waahbum aald Indicated hsAvy damage to pastures and atorad hay and grain Weather TONIGHT SHOWERS SUNDAY Showers WASHINGTON March Forecaat for Maine: Rain tonight and probably Sunday morning: slightly colder Sunday Atlantic coast East port to Sandy Hook: Strong easterly winds probably of gale Hmewto- ALMANAC SUN Rises 141 SSiS a LiO MOON Naw Length af Day IS hra 11 mini Day's Ineraaaa I hra 34 mliw High Tidaa at Portland Son 10:34 AM force at Mmi day' shifting to westerly late to- Mon 11:11 A-M night from Nan tucket to Eaalport overcast weather with rain tonight probably clearing Sunday morning PORTLAND March (F) Weather forecaat for Portland and vicinity! Showers ending tonight Sunday: not much change In temperatures- east winds gale rerca at rog- Tha Kentucky storm has daval-ped steadily and is-in New Jar-say and another covers Montana Pressure la in the Gulf of Mexico and on tha Oregon coast Rain covers ths East again with mow in Pennsylvania Temperature changes are unimportant Sales are reported north of the Carolina 8 bowers and fog an Indicated Temperatures at am: Halifax Id Eastport it Portland-40 Boston 14 New York 44 Hat terse 44 Miami GreenvlUe 34 44 Chicago II White River Pat 4 Montreal 14 Storm Warning WASHINGTON March The Weather Bureau today Issued the following storm warning: Advisory I ank northeast atoms warnings ordered I ax north of Nantucket to Eastport Me and earn Inga changed to southeast Storm warnings at Nantucket and to small craft warnings smith of Baltlmon to Hattsras Dlsturb-tnee Of marked Intensity moving northeastward ever Middle Atlantic States1 Theatres oday I te 1IS Tka Xertaw linear Mystery" Itk ReeiaaM Dsaay Pmaess Drake and IM la Reeesa MRARS CMttaoaes It te at the Seddle" with Dick Ftaaa alee with Jee Peeaar aed lick Oak Is pusami Cratlsaaaa 1 te Wt Lees Well with Melvye Dauftma and Gall Patrick alee "Hitch Hike Te with Herbert Rawlinses end Felly Aas Teona AUBOBlt Ceettaoesa 1 te yf with Jaekte Cw Jeeanh Calleia Csatias HELP! BY THEODORE KOOP Copyright 193d By Aaeociatod Press With itorm warnings flying along tha North Atlantia coast and snow intensifying the suffering the Plttaburgh-Johnatodmv-Wheellng areas tha Connecticut river wrought the myst widespread havoc today aa It surged with devastating gjid ceaseless fury over ths populous bualneaa and Industrial cities of Hartford and Middletown The death list stood at Ml but as rescue and rehabilitation work waa rushed In 11 eastern after the worst floods In history In many officials feared tha toll would mount Tha number of homeless approached 100000 persons The damage estimates hovered around tioooooooo THE FLOOD SUFFERERS" All Kinds Clothing Bedding Shoes Etc Needed Bring AU Donations Monday to Lewiston City Hall Building Donat Levesque Mayor of Lewiston inoculations This Afternoon On Robert Wiseman Jr of the Lewiston Health Depart' msnt requests that all flood victims not being eared for at tha Law iaton Armory report to tho health office in Lewiston City building between U0 and 5 o'eleek Saturday 'afternoon- Inoculations for typhoid fever will ha given In this time It ia extremely important that theca people who have vacated thair homes receive thie treatment before returning to their hamea aa tha polluted waters have deposited germ laden lilt -against which persona should ha immunized Immunization la tha only method by which possible epidemics may be controlled -r: 'SatiifactioB Talks? Flooded Cellars Raised Havoc With Motors -Bot Tho Emergency Found Ciithain- Fully Equipped and Ready to Give Prompt Sendee Our trained personnel are always oa tha Job ready to give tat mediate service renewing motors sad transformers gad asrvio Ing aU equipment 4 Whether you bumoO or have eoal stokers Cushman OlVEt PROMPT EFFICIENT and SATISFACTORY CALL4826-W Cuihaan Burner -Co B-TB Fark-SLv Tel 4826-W 'Lewiston Every effort possible is being made to inpply MILK to thsbabiflg invalids end hospitals of Lewiston-Auburn! Paatenrised Milk oomes In Sterilized Bottles snd Does Not Need to Be Boiled HOOD SONS Minot Ate' Auburn Telv3830 1 NOTICE TO AUBURN liAS USERS The Lewiston Gag Light Company expects to re- sume aervue in Auburn Sunday morning at half past 'eight The Auburn Fire Department has consented to give notiee of the actua time when service will be afail-' able by a special signal oni the fire alarm which will consist of two blasts with a long pause 1 Eyery consumer should cheek earefully to see that all pilots and all burners 'on gaa appliance are turned off i Consumers should guard against leaving aperture! open if the flame is extinguished by air in the pipes LEWJ8TON GAS COMPANT TW: AV i i.

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