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The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri • 10

Kansas City, Missouri
Issue Date:
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1 --bEEm4Veall1EM TITE KANSAS CITY STAR SATURDAY MARCH 5 1910 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY LAGS 1 1 twnhea Radishes 40133de a dozen 1400t No 3 alfalfa 190ott SHIPPERS ROLL UD SLEEVES1 ejtrss anches I 11 00 a V10 Cad l'aing hay es1ted No 1 11)e: No It CLe bides Se CONCISE MARKET CLUOTAT IONS LISTLESNESS AND A LIGHT VOTE MARK THE DAY'S BALLOTING ACTRESS MISTED EACITEMENT Merle Dressler Tired of Her Istatereere Mode Cowcatcher of irate From the Fltlebura Gazette-Timca In a spirit of goodfellowship Marie Dressler left the stateroom of a spedal train en route from Detroit to Pittsburg Sunday and mounting the step remained Tito Week's Fleur Output Kansas Cite Mills made 117400 barrels of tolr Ole seek ownpared with le00 laic week and b0700 tarred a year ago Some mills report a alight Increaso the demand for floar but the $ay orders are corning uncomfortably I1 (Contotted from First Pego) the stream ill be reclaimed and utilized I "Since 1 million dollars is required for the project subscriptions must be Grata Trade I 011116 ho days recoil)! a at Omaha ire 11 cars cora 123 cars oats 11 CA: The estImated (Mirage rszsopts Of arats for Monday are 26 cars of wtleat 16 cars c-orn and 1::1 cars of oats Sth dik114 11S Val uN Legis Vine One-Third the Thal of the Beptablirn Primer In Espreted-- Only Reel Centrat Are le the 1-h cowcatcher rem cowcatcher THE TRA-DE IN LIVE STOCK 16EW TORK STOCK Minkur I Chlcago reported cah yeteria evioenuy are awaiting tui- I ten times larger than It $100000 were the engine's cow(' I 111tva 1f tlfill AAA urdbra rie onoino's declines of tha vinten New Yorit March of stocks moved irregularly today receding IA to I point In the early dealings owing to the dhgturbing xtenelon of the etrilie in t'er In es wheat One nitll 1 the aim :2000 of wheAt 1110000 bushels of onc 1-' i there for a few moments The train ran i corn and 2:5000 bushels of oats i closed and fie mills are operating less i hew Nib and 14Ik WArde than 11111 time I welfare ruepoonf The days Karras City sales wheat in-I The flour output at he pi-lactea milling eluded 11 cars 0: No 2 i3 oars of No 3 amrenter od by for the seek ending ll' bshould tb 14 cars of No 4 azd I car of mectel 'ned a eprtehe Northwestern1 who was acom fast II schedule 1 edd nol the dates his participation to the extent of his ler cpanied by a coin- Listie6oness is characterizing the ar this afternoon 1) nocratic prim i means in a movement that will give puny of tinety-live and a party of local 1 train a rl eaocnb ead 1 I In car fielect candidates or mayor membrs Feb :7 i Kansas City the commercial supremacy newspaper men desired oomething more I 0 Feb 19 1909 i i eiiine A Pnilman i fe Mll'oshelltnretsbse-1 Nib end 14111 1 4543 icy LUC 11AvLm uevwavv --c 19 1909 endowed her" than riding in a Pullman car candidates for mayor members Itimisi n11501Lor which nature has 15344 100601 Within a short time her desire for ex-'of the lower house and delegates to the 2 aaaa 26600 i "THE RI EH MILLtirio BuirroN I citement bad been communicated i city convention The polls are open front Navigation Boosters W111 Wear Emblems I throughout the special train with the 1 1 till 8 o'clock and each ward IS di at 'mete Aim result that she was soon satisfied Ivided into two voting districts The 465170 I The river stock subscription campaign The train was stopped at Mansfield polling places are the same as in the -13100 1340o I I has reached the and Miss Dressler was escorted to primary be 363570 MI100 13S370 gss570 moo IS370 delphia but the market rallied briskly in The clays exports front American ports 1 killer le Iter srown the final dealings and closed at about the included 6781ye busheis of wheat i0r0 I of) Feb 28 top prices of the day with fract Ackages of flour and 64000 ional net ear Minneapolis 30000 gains in most stocks American Tobacco' worm itpmem oe itheat tt1 weak 18400 preferred was exceptional receding 2 points-vary estimated by Broornhall at aboue 12 3411wauae8 20904 Total sales were 191000 shares 1mi1lion buohels: they sere 184320(4 bush- February' iron production In the United els last week and 10800000 bushels a year otal 352 200 51 outside m1111 States averaged 84781 tons daily compared Nlle with tons in January and 60842 tons -IV ed 344 ears of wheat Aggr 11 egate spring0600 In Feb th 81 todaiy nneapois rec compared with 409 cars a week ago st Louis 14900 ruary 1308 and 285 cars year ago Duluth received LOWS outside The weekly bank statements made a 0 cars today 23 cars a weeig ago and 42 rntii 29454 much poorer showing than expected 'Vicars a year Indianapolis 107 the actual figures there was decrease ori Exports of C1111 from the rnited States 'Detroit 13000 $9Z70000 In aurplu a lose of 104 mlition 1 61" '11 I amount to bueheis i with 81871 tons in January and tons 3 44 Carl cn wr'a'iAggregate spring491600 In Feb today compared with 409 ca Louts rs a week ago st -uts 14 1308 ruary 900 and 285 cars year ago Duluth received lat LOWS outsid The weekly bank statements made a 41 cars today 23 cars a ago and 42 rntii 29404 much poorer shoeing than expected 'miners a year inthartapolis 107 the artual figures there was decrease ori Exports of C1111 from the rnited States 'Detroit 11000 89270000 in eurplus a loss of 104 million Inc Juli 1 amount to 18278044) bushels 'Chicago 19600 The clay exports front American ports' killer le iter 'town: Included 4 000 busheis of wheat I eckages er flour and 64000 Of 1 Feb 20 Totes 342200 outside m1111 146304 pa me time lest year 21066060 bushels lis-attaas City 44000 dollars In cash and an increase of 8 mill- two years ago 37852000 bualels three and Mo mills 14997 on in lOang years ago 46679000 buerele iTolelo 70631 The weekly statement of averages of the Hanorte ed ent-Tt l'nrn tha 1-r1tel ftittptICIeveand 6400 The weekly statement of averages of thel Exports of corn from the United States 0400 4254 3 4250 :0550 4 0450 6350 2 6830 6600 16700 23ne 4C300 1800 1200 button stage cowcatcher She hesitated just for a I lietuocrats would not surprised if moment when it was suggested she the total vote polled did not exceed Dobson who has mount the front of the engine Ac11500 to L'7000 That was the estimate charge of the pubcepting the suggestion however and I of Shannon this morning Tsui Betty department at I headquarters in the Is-1th outstretched arms and face comic- i vote cast in tine weather compared with ally contorted Miss Dressler climbed total sote of nearly nine thousand Midland Building upon the cowcatcher of the train in the Republican primary in zero has received twen- stayed there for a short time and then weather would seem to indicate the dif1 ty-five thousand of re-entered her stateroom none the ference in the interest displayed In the 1 the emblems which worse apParently for the experience i two primaries will designate wear- and receiving the applause of several I NO NEC fission Al Milk RIM ILL ION clearing house banks is as follows: this week were 33000 bushels? last week Loans K241435800 Increase $10331- 721000 hhes: same time last year Till- Ou0 bushels two sears ago 141I000 hosta- ge els three sears ago 2632000 bushels Deposits 769700 11248123100 Inereasei Fair rnikl weather continues in all the 721000 litisheat: same time last year 761- 000 busbeis two years ago 1400ObUsbJ els three years ago 2632000 bushels Pair mild weather continues ln all the 1 ers as river boost The mathert wai ers They are being wear them sent out to subscribers with this letter: Circulation $47968700 decrease It- 408700 Leeal tenders $658111400 decrease $2 $14000 Specie 8261633200 dtcrease $4124 200 Reserve $326346600 decrease $1438- 200 Tbe Cones Market Tont March 15--At the outset near niontha showed a slight advance and other months a decline The early etrength was grain area Temperatures wiil be high to fewer cables and bullish weevok-Inents(! clay probably follo in wed by coer weesttheerrli and wtit esos Laeh a the net einnsstireof el5eakened Monday Maximum temperatures flay were around SO in Kansas and Mia-1C1osing prices were: March $1454 May sourl 70 its Nebraska 81413 July $1431 September 81220 Porsarts of wheat and flour from the 61230 Spot cotton declined 20 United States and Canada this steel( were ipoints: middling uplands $1472 middling 2046000 bushels last week 1646000 i gulf $10 50 bushels Caine time last year 2660000 Neer Orleans March worlds vitd points: middling uplands 6 1426 middling gllq S1500 New Orleans March worlds vitd- 111: 4 7 Prices of hogs today advanced I 10 yenta and were the highest this year quality conaidered Three loads weighing 250 to 260 pounda sold at 1260 the top price and were similar to thosee that brought $271 Friday Prime heavy hogs would have sold at a new high reoord price bad any been offered The bulk of the hogs sold at 121a to 1910 Receipts in Kansas Catty today were 16110: In Chicago 12000 at the five Western markets 1100 NVIth the exception of a decline of to le cents in prices Thursday the hog market ruled higher each day this week On Wednesday the top price reached 210 and Friday and today several loads sold at that figure but were not as good as the bunch that brought the price Thursday The net advance an prices for the week was la to 41 cents As compared with a year ago prices are 1326 to 1140 niftier and 15111e to 1520 above two years ago Light reeelpts are rwasonodole for the Prevailing high prices both COMMISSiOn an and pacers eay that as soon as the farm work begins rereipts will be tatialler Receipte of hogs in Kanaas City this meek were 2600 lain week 40225 a year ago 721l6 Chicago received 111000 as taimpared with Lai3O00 last week and 184- 000 a year ago The five Western markets received L50400 this week 2ce4400 lest week 40230 a year ago 1 Receipts of cattle in Kansas City today' were 200 in Chicago 1200 at the fivtit iestern markets No sales were reported here With receipts of cattle here this weekl about the same as Ian week prices ao-i issued 15 to 21 cents and were the htehest I ever paid in March- Cnolce steers sold up to $770 helfera 1610 steers and 'lettere taxed $740 veal calves 1s110 and cows 1 $65a borne steers on the quarantine steel brought $115 The previous hien record I price was 17 Buyers fear that reeelpts tills month will be khort of requirements I int for that reason this demand Vvial urgent The bulk of all the StPerj offered robil at 1650 to 175e and tioital that brought Lee to did not show prime finish Some Idahu steers sold at 16SO and 1640! and Oklahoma titters 161a to 173a Butcher cattle a-flowed about the same asivance as steers The supply was small aloet of the cows brought 1150 to 16 and heifers 15 to 1650 Veal calves closed the week 25 cents under last tree 1 -The highest prices of the )ear were paid for stockers and feeders- Late in the week light weight stockere declined moderately Close to 10000 were ehipped to country points Choice feedere eold at 16 ta and istockere brought 145a to 1575 lieceipte of cattle in Kant-as City this week were 34320 last week 240LO a )ear ago 3291:5 received 65200 as compared with 68200 last eeek and a00 a year ago The five Western markets received 121975 this week 13515a last' week 116226 a year ago The 100 sheea received here today were not offered for sale Chicago received 1600 and the five Western markets 2100 Prices of lamb this week were quoted about steady and eheep 10 to 15 cents higher Some 74-pound pea-ted lambs sold at Vale yearling wethers at 1610 and ewes It 1725 This Is the highest price ever paid for lambs from the 'arta Lute Valley and record prices for yearlings and ewes Lambs are quoted at 1850 to 6115 old wethers 1676 to 1760 ewes 8625 10 1725 and yearlings 177i to 1110 Light receipts are expected next week Receipts of sheep in KIITIPIIP City this week were 25175 Ian week 214601 a sear ago 25010 Chicago received 65600 trite week as compared with 63600 last week and 74000 a year ago The five Weetern markets received Leita00 this week 116550 teat reek 120250 a year ago To the Phoreholders of the Kansas Ctty a large theatrical company Is trans- Missouri River Navigation Company: Here ported from city to city are five river buttons! Wear one yourself and pin the others on prospective subscribsecretary era to navigation stock REPAi-LS IIIS WINTER ifIlEATz The 1 14 a of the day Is Navigate or Stagnate! Mali of Clay Center Belleses He And Kansas City's fate is summed up in IA ill Get a Good I ield those uords It's a fact! It CLAY CENtElt KAS March 's true! lines in failure inlirZnictreintedisneritombibniantgive freight rates Mall a farmer living a few miles east of the experiment this hard winter heat toGaeeetUyroetlrinbourAsinneiagsnualnadetpeurirntognainidtursletrnigto sor your part urge othein to do their part for subscribe to the million You have done Sir Mall farms a large number of acres and much of his winter wheat he be- si I Kanae etv Hour Set for the Mill- lieves has been killed Ile has all the Ion! land in oats and corn he can take care ldn of so be has decided to replant a ZO- Siight March 3oolrr very truly FA acre field in hard winter wheat CO xsAs Crrr EMI NAVIOAttON MPANY A few years ago he was late in getting his wheat in the ground In the fall The IFELD FOR 4 CHILD'S DEATH winter was a dry one and the wheat did Manslaughter the bar not sprout until spring (hare Against Hugh but it yielded Lyons a Teamster twenty-fivo bushels to the acre Ile Hugh Lyons a teamster who ran over Planted Ile whea a tw daY6 ag" Th a large theattVal company is trans- ported from city to city -4---a REPLAN-1S HIS WINTER Mall of Cla? Center nelletes tie ill Got a Good I told cua CENtEtt KAs March 5--K RI Mall a farmer Its ing a few miles east of Clay Center will try the experiment this spring or sowing hard winter heat sir Mall farms a large number of acres and much of his winter wheat he be- lieves has been killed Ile has all the land in oat and corn he can take care so be has decided to replant a eft field In bard winter wheat A few years ago he was late in getting wheat in the ground in the fall The winter was a dry one and the wheat did sprout until sprieg but it yielded twentyflve bushels to the acre Het planted be whea a fes days ago Th hundred persons I A good deal of this is due of course The local newspaper men went to De- to the fact that there le only one eandt troit Saturday night for the purpose of date for the mayoralty seeing at first hand the manner in which Judge Andrew Estate The lack of interest has made it unnecessary to take the ustual precautions to prevent ad- berents of thP oppostte politisal faith from participating in the primary The saloons will be closed at usual between 1 end 8 o'clock thie evening Saloon keepers are expreesing consid- erable dissatisfaction over the fact that 14 the rimary as called for Saturday They say Saturday is their busy day 'two LEAL (ONTESIS The only real contests are in the Twelfth and Fourteenth wards In the Fourteenth Ward there are two candle (Jetts against Dr Gilman a meutacre bil- of the council who has achieved a reputation for standing with the peohis Pie when their interests were threat Hied la the rite council ne was a Demnot locrat who stood out against the 42-year Mt-414)0MM) frallobito The candidatee againet hint ate Arbuckle a sign I drilling was carefully done following Painter who supported the franchise any of the last fall's wheat is still alive Doctor Gilman will be renominated Doc- beteeen the rows of aist fall so thht it and Robert Mien It is expeeted that it would not be Injured tor Cilium' mild this morning be expect- Mr Mall egures that be will at least ed there would be six hundred votes get enough feed from the field to pay cast ill his ward because of the interest for seeding it and expects the field will in the nomination of a candidate for the go as tigh in yield as any other field tit lower house sjinhaeesbonlaTtsbbseleald ertal fdoitoennhr the county "RIGHTS OP 34 COLOA soolallarie Ideals Start Co-Operative Farm at I klah Cal the Fourteenth Ward any of the last fa '1's stilitlAVer it would not be injured 3ir Mall figures that be will at least get enough feed from the field to pay for seeding it and expects the field will go as high in yield as any other field to the county RIGHts OF coL1 Socialistic Ideal Start Co-Oaerattve Farm at klah I 1 Reserve bushels two years ago 2964000 bushels ble supply of cotton as compiled by the $144742i required 1312020 1'75 Increase I Lhree years ago 2251000 bushes secretary of the cotton exchange is 4440- 100 bales a detrease for the week of 23- Surplus 31481512G decreaee 1 The day's Kansas City receipts Of wheat S73456261 Included ze cars on tae Alissouri Pacific 167 bales A year ago the total was 2402- Surplus on deposits other than those Pacific 16 cars Santa Fe 6 cars 426 a decrease of 94197 the United States Treasury 11i23592k de- Burlington 32 cars Rock Iaand 20 cars crease 67670275 tether roads 1 cart total e5 cars Re Curb Meeks In New Work The percentage of actual reserve of the (elide of core were 44 cars and of oats I Following are the quotations for the lead- clearing hpuee ban cars ks today was 2694 ill New York "curb" stocks: American To- bacco common 'rile statement of banks and trust corn- Exports of wheat and flour from the United States (including some from Can- I I 420 Bay State 2014 Butte roe' patties of Greater New York not reporting acia after January 11 since July 1 amount '11367- 1'Liav Dit ie ly31T to the clearing house 'shows that these in-Ito 749810e0 bushels bit ne time last year ine ational C'opper 4 Goldfield Cn- stitutions have aggregate depoeits of al-1102245000 bushels two Years ag''! r' Nol eoliciated 114 7 Green Cananea 104 1111111 223413000 showing an Increase this week i 1 $1669 000 i 13740)00 buebels three years ago 100- ration ils Montana Tonopah ii ont 000 bushe ls mery Shoshone ts Nevuoa Consolidated 1 A special Russian cable said "Stocks 2ga -azpising i 10 Nevada tah Il total ash on hand $145 s14a 307000 an Increaee of $276000 and loans at the ports are showing teme derease as standard Oil 622: Superior Pittsburg amotmting to $1160629000 an increase of a reeult of the bad roads and recent large 1 134 Tonopah Alining United Copper $1452000 hi pment I crop reports from the south common 714 United Copper preferred Time loans were steady sixty davit go iiin4 teenotitotrraaLlecliastsrlactrg ceouinttinu the to herecent cold in a r--1 4 lo Uh011 Gold per cent ninety days 313 to 3 per cent weather and light snow cover and it is es- Grata fa St Louts si res 3 -7i to 4 Per cent: Prune mar- i timated that a large area ill eventually St Louis March cantile paper 414 to 6 per cent show deterioration" 31aY 11107a 1 Jul 21 0214 Sterling exchange was firm with ouota- A letter from 13 Young of the Lyons leutureg owe? Sons for bankers' bills at 246725 for de- Milling Company "While there is a 1o2 oe-tel May ns -1--e 1 a al 63e: July 6511c- tr nd end a $411435 to $485013 for 60-day'" -1 ra 1 I'D'se t'l acreage it le 63 sible to tell the amount of damage at this weak May ebac July 4- sc la bills commercial Mils $4St4 It 4- -c1 64 I date Today I have ridden from Lyons to Cash dull track No 2 red 31111a Bar silver unchimged 50c an ounce Great Bend stopping in probably twenty- 2 hard $11014 6 11614 1five wheat fields Aly impressions are that steady- track No 2 6914c No 2 white Ti rage of prices for the leadng gtocks on the road between Lyons and Great Bend 4c weak traok Yo 2 oil toe SP V4' YOIK StOest Ex itange anti the are no more than two or three fields 4314e No 3 bite tiltsc Itye--Noininal close today together with the cioee yef eh er- I ich should be 'owed up and put in sic day as given by Houston Iole Co are other crops right now Quite a good many i4 10110We however show considerable crack- Cash Grain Pekes Gym High Low today yest ling of thcondition ground and a condit which chicago Alarch 2 Amal Copper a I 1S a 61 ti We 84 i calls for about tile right kind of a rain 1 1134a113 No 2 I Am I 6" ia 66i 115 6614i 6 I without delay to avoid very serious dam- 'n Ana Mining 5114 Oi 6111 61 11 age I certainly think at thee data there hard 2113113 110 No 2 bard 1'j Arn 'Aleut 54 64 at 14 64 te e4te lie not 20 per cent damage between Lyons i 112 No 1 Northern $116 le 116 -No Aln a 1' c'''' 854 66'4 6'''' 66 '4 and Bd Great en a lon the road which 1 12 Northern 31140116 3 spring Am it ples10a14 100 4444 1 traveleu 1 mink there are parts of Rite $112'411121S 3 59ae No 3 Am Re 126 126 126 12e1212- 4 IC which are In poorer condition but white 60e No 3 yellow 601ec No 4 6211 Am 142 142 14114141414 so much depends on the weather of the 63c No 4 white eat 66e'r No 4 yellow 64 Am Tobac 9ol asti 116 eti ea next few eeeice that an opinion at this eyeetsc 2 white A 116-a117 1164117 116''4 1 date is of little value" No 3 41e No 3 white 4414 ag 451 No 4 klal 112111121a1121112S1121 Brook It 3i 76- 153 '7ir-41 A let'er front II Burns represen 'leg white 421S fd 4414c standard 47c Can PaciVe Dol-a Ise tseseee440044B Christopher CIr at Wichita Kee chesa- csjphio 85 g474 65 said: I klbbp Probst and meself Live Sleek he C1214114E0 AI 8 c1451451 1454 146a41440i leovered a little better than 100 miles In an Chicago March 1 hi Non 16714 15714 16714 1571 li 4 'automobile yesterday We went "e'74 200 market steady 12 t'on Gag 14714 14714 14614 14112 14 ii through Oatville Clearwater Vitia! 7' 000: maeket strorg to cc higher light Corn Prod le iii is lgf le Annese in Ssegwick County to Noewn 171511990 mixed $960et 1000 heavy a 43 434 4: 4331 41 in Kingman County smith and euet throtigu pgs I 1-) go go bo go so oi 1 Mil Mayfield and Wetlington in Suinner 74' Erie 'I tn 33 heald u'Elo '0 go si gltil gos et got Couan nty an- I1C fie km read i 1570 e4 965 bulk 1600 mar ati ad MayflPid and NVtlington in SumnPr Erie Aatii 3tt 304 3154 Bot County and back to Withita Wheat fields bushels two years ago 2254000 buehels hie wipply of cotton as compiled by the three years ago 2251000 busheis I secretary of the cotton exchange is 4440- The days Kansas City receipts of wheat 100 bales a decrease for the week of 28- Included 20 cars on the Pacific I 10)7 ba'es A year ago the total was 5401- 'Union Pacific i elm Sftrita Fe- a cars: I 426 a decrease of 94127 be supply of cotton as complied by the of the cotton exchange is 4440- HAI bales a decrease for the week of 23- 167 A year ago the total was 6402- 426 a decrease of 94197 Curb Meeks In New lark Following are the quotations for the leading New York "curb" stocks: American To- boom common 420 Bay state Ga 1i Boston Consolidated 20 Hutt Coalitio-i 241 Cumberland Ely 7 Lava Daly 31 First National Copper 4 Goldfield Con- solicieteO I 7 Green Commie 10a" InePt ration I :11 Montana Tonopah ont- gomery Shoshone T4 Nevada Consolidated 734 NiPissIng 104 Nevada Utah Standard Oil 62S Superior Pittsburg 1344 Tonopah Mining United Copper common 714 United Copper preferred Yukon Gold 44 Grebe in St Louts St Louis March Futures lower May 81107A July S10214 010 Cci tower May Curb Stocks In New Verb Following are the quotations for the leading New York "curb" stocks American Tobacco common 420 Bay state Gas '14: Boston Consolidated 20 Butte Coalition 24 Cumberland Ely 7 Lav Daly 31s First National Copper Goldfield 61t 7 Green Carlene 10a) InePt ration I Montana lio Montromery Shoshone Nevada Consolidated 23 Nipissing 10I4 Nevada Utah lig Standard Oil Cf Superior Pittsburg 1344 Tonopah Mining United Copper common 71i United Copper preferred 10 Yukon Gold 4IB weak May 45c July 43s4c Caen dull track No 2 red 31211i No 2 hard 611014 116 steady track No 49c No 2 white 64c weak trak Yo 2 4Lie No 3 white 410-2c I lc Chicago March 1e :00 market ready 000: miv'ket strong to fie higher light $7 sfcp 990 mixed $960ej 1009: heavy sel5eutoetkit Plas $5-70 t4 95 hullc 994011995 11500 mar- kat steady Sadie Lewoe the 2-year-old daughter of Abraham Levine of 1956 Street in front of her home yesterday afternoon inflicting injuries which re suited in the child death as ar 's rained before Justice Fistus Nillier this morning charged with fourth de-1 gree manslaughter He pleaded not guilty and was committed to jail In de- fault of a $1500 bond His preliminary hearing was set for next Tuesday morn- itg In Justice Millers court A coroner's jury will bold an inquet Frem the Les Exammer at 2 o'clock Wedneeday afternoon an of Alan Colony" a co-opsrative community of STOPS THEIR COCAINE SPREES enriqiiatio iriplate 4 hoin A coroner's jury will bold an inquest From the Los Exam rer San of 'Aiani at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon established Colony" a co-operative community ofl STOPS THEIR COCAINE SPREES socialistic ideals i bei THE GRAIN MAHKETg Erie 1st 60 601 49: 44 4U look brown from the road wits few- A brie let 09 tOt CP4 094 4 '11 -7 Th "Telephoning Pair" Sent to the Gest- eral Hoopital There wt11 be no more cocaine sprees for a while for Lucile Lowry 20 years old and her sister-in-law Mrs RcsAalind Lowry The two were arrested yester day charged with obtaining the drug by using physician's names They were fined $50 In the municipal court this morning and sent to the general hosu pita' for treatment Richard Lowry husband of one of the delinquents said be believed medical treatment was advisable Mit "Telephoning Pair" Sent to the Gem- eral HOOpItlill There ill be no more cocaine sprees for a while for Lucile Lowry 20 years old and her sister-in-law Irs Rosalind II Lowry The two were arrested yester day charged ith obtaining the drug by using physician's names They were fined $50 in the municipal court this morning and sent to the general pital for treatment Richard Lowry husband of one of the delinquents said be believed medical treatment was advisable 1 ft 1 HOVE FOLKS AT "OLD DUTCH" ag on Sett tattle Al lee limey Sang Her len' a 2S00-acre ranch near Ukiah by a group Wilt tor her 'limber and rather Every seat in the Shubert Theater of fourteen families of San Francisco and Oakland under the leadership of! was occupied at last night's performance Albert Adelson a jeweler of Oakland lot 'Old Dutch" but Alice Dovey the The families left their former homes tiny prime donna who is Lew Fields's and will take up their new residence at main support sang only to two mom- once and com ers ment the new life i I that big itedienee They were The colony is to be eonducted strictly in the fourth row on the right eo-operative lines dividing the along profits equally There is to be a central aisle and they had come all the way boa-1 i from Plattsmouth Neb to hear Alice kitchen and dining hall but earb family sing will have its separate cottage atd its Their names' own home life There will ultimately 280 ND and Mrs Gcorge DoAey father be accommodations for thirty families The ranch has 4 acres of whieh and mother of the girl who was singing 1100 are under cultivation Each farnity Something must have told the audi- may a NI onaerfol Mao once that two such interesting folk as has WO to start with and live Stock 1 From the Philadelphia Record ill be purchased re Berke County has all kinds of profes- whased immediately I th parents of the singer were the for there was eneore after encore to Miss 310nal dancers and a large number of To Scatter Aliakes of Herd 1Dovey's songs genuine spirited api amateur performers in this line but From the an Antonio Express Vith the ashes of her dPad husband tplause that seemed to set the house this art among the hundreds of celebrities of and Dovey had never seen Wilhelm Todt holds his own in an urn irs Reati Campbell arrived In San Antonio the other day en route rocking "Old Duteh" and therefore they never without a competitor betseen the foot- to theruin of litla in Mexico where had seen Albs? in her best part They bills of the Blue Mountains and the Were elated of course and after the she will scatter the ashes to the four banks of the Perkiornen Totit instead winds of the earth curtain was rung down on the last aet of darning with hie feet and searing out In doing this she is complying with Mrs Dovey followed by Dmey sole leather dangles his extremities in went bacit to Aliee's drevitig room and the last wish of Reati Campbell her late the air and dances on his head To the husband who died about a year ago at kissed her an even dozen times Then accompaniment of orchestra mush he Mrs Dovey expressed her joy as women neat) cried his home in Chicago has kept his equilibrium for two min- I For many years Mr Campbell conduct- fr'N 'flea at a time and knotting the beets ied tours through Mexico and was prob- I "Alice was just born for the stage" ot hio ithilog rnvat hpr in na-rt May a NI onderful Man From the Philadelphia Record Berke County has all kinds of profes310nal dancers and a large number of amateur performers in this line but among the hundreds of celebrities of this art Wilhelm Todt holds his own without a competitor between the foothills of the Blue Mountains and the banks of the Perkiornen Togt Instead of darning with hit feet and searing out leather dangles his extremities in Ithe air and dances on his head To the areompaniment of orchestra musie he has kept his equilibrium for two min I I Li i a ut 6 tA 1 A Art) ULM iNetm prork- ca a ul i nn 01 tur RAW of his shoes together in ptrfect 1 Gen Electr1e155 ir 155 155 1 1 ep-eptionf but exeminat that ion snows at 0 Nor p1-13813 138133 lesweseslosts Maras width are alive are turning green Wheat la Minneapolis int 3let 21 i 21'a 21 21 22 I Just above the ground We examined plants Minneapolis March prices Int 3let 85 852 al eneeni12hat show no life and found the tap rot closed 1120 lower for May at $11212 and Int Papr 15 12 5 la 1 is dead Some fields show only small Per 41 la a lower for July at $112 31 pacirw 71 711 71 -it 104 icint dead while others will ro doubt be 31 az 4372 4:12 4314 414 43-4 labenooned In the black soil there are Tisrpealino slid Itoista Nat Lead 8312 804 LIN 14 erfpke 12 to 1i-inch wide about six to i 1 Savanrah Gs arch 5--Tur 1' Central-1212 12214 4elsoase4-ietessrt inchem apart Tine is due to excea- 1 16213 64136 82 12634 Fri rive moisture last fall and winter Fre es- Rollin-2'4c higher type l'a It It 11614 13641 1:17 12614 134 ing tind thawing canaed tne to I Gae (Chi 11e 110 110 110 11042 Leave pulling the wheat up and exposing Pending 16 th 8 168 16782 16c 168112 'e roots But there is plenty of wheat Lead end Speller in St Let Hock Island' 491 4914 49 4972 494 Port that le all right The plant is weak 1 St Louis March irlis 1445 4 It I 6 39 40 3914 40 land backward but this part of the state lower: 115821i 2p 5212 56 6214 54 1114 i ought to raise 65 to 70 per cent of a crop Pacific 12714 127 127 12712 127 ion the acreage sown It le Impossible to CAN'T RAISE ITS 114 TER RATE Fly tom 29 2932 29 saawersees1r1estintate the amount of damage at this fiy pfd 6714 6712 67 404- 1 titre Growirg weather might change tile Judge Powell 1Jet ItIPM the Independence St is a 4414 44 4412 see-seasestesreoutloolt entirely St iic 6712 6712 6712 6712 67121 Carlot receipts of wheat: Intnneties Salt I com18712 18711618713714 KC cili StL hipts Mit Tot Judge Powell of Independence deU WA 9314 98 814 ea 9814 Thift week 139 239 2344 305 37921 icidcd this morning an injunction suit t' corn 8412 sr 34 8412 874s 85 11ast week 143 230 2101 isi 3238 pfd121 121121 121 I 1210 2 weeks aeo449 133 30 1891 254 2957 of Independence against the Independ1 21 31445105 105 105 10512 year ago 527 243 278 1614 321 3103 enee Water Works Company The corn- v-car Chem 6582 8611 b5lt 54 5514 2 years ago414 138 269 1308 147 2268 pany is restrained from charging more t' Copper 62:4 6:: 5214 itetei years tago560 173 '232 2306 640 3soi Wabash cont 2114 2112 2112 Carlot receipts of corn: I WithaFh pfd 4714 41 47 RI 4814 471 NC Chi Tet than twenty-five cents for one thousand Union 778 7 76 7612 lel-7 7712 This week MAT- 4" 2133 675 22601gallons the present rate The company WPq hid 5012 5014 5012 5012 54 Last week 608 2050 800 3153 I Whouse Ella 74 74 73 7314 74 12 vveeks ago -13 2704 612 walitowever is given the alternative privi- ii--- (:7 7 40 ii) :6: iarvi -backward but this part of the state ISpelter--240 lower: 85821a 29 6212 96 6212 54 5112 i ought to raise 65 to 70 per cent of a crop Pacific 12714 127 127 12712 127 ion the acreage sown It is to CAN'T RAISE ITS WATER RATE fly corn 2912 298 29 24ereleeereestiraato the amount of damage at this Ry 6714 6712 67 02404- 1 time Growirg weather might change tile Judge Powell necidem Ike lodependenee St it a 4414 44 4412 09419-949Pwreciatloolt entirely St iic 6712 6712 671-2 6712 67121 Cariot receipts of wheat: Injaneties Sun 1 com11171218792 116 18718712 KC Chi StL Mots Pith Tot Judge Powell of Independence deS 9814 98 814 SS 9814 Thift week 139 239 2344 305 37931 It corn- 8412 tir112 11412 85 85 week -611 143 220 2101 151 3238r-41-1" this morning an injunction suit prdin 1211s i 12i 2-1 121112 weeks a-0449 133 130 1891 204 2957 of Independence against the Independ 17 2ft 32105105 105 105 105 year ago527 243 278 1614 821 3103 enee Water Works Company The corn- y-car Chem 55a 5612 5512 54 5514 2 yours ago414 133 229 1308 147 2 2 'IT Copper 6282 6282 6212 fie 12 years tago560 173 222 22o6 640 38011pany is restrained from charging more Wabash cont 2112 2112 Carlot receipts of corn: than tIventy-live cents for one thousand Wh aaFh pfd 4712 4112 4712 4812 471 NC Chi RI Tot! NV Union 7134 7S 764i 7 7714 This week ofT912--417 4" 2163 675 32601gallons the present rate The company 111d 5012 5012 5012 5012 50 Last week 608 2050 600 3158 I W'house me 74 74 312 7314 74 13 tveeks ago -13 2706 632 29511110WeVer is given the alternative NI best In Minneapolis Minneapolis March Pile" cloed lkie loner for May at s11211 and 410 loner for July at $11? Tarpeoline nod fools avannah Ga March Fihn: itorin-214ic higher type -F- 8152 Lto priviI A year ago 'ft67 2477 663 of charging a rental for its meters Local MOISP7 sad thanking i 3 yeArs ago 1-0 2140 228 2486 Domestic exchange between banks In ill Yeara ago 099 2234 301 3390 or removing them KIIIISALS city was quoted by Houston Fibla 1 Carlot receipts of oats: The company contended that it should be allowed to charge more for its water co 1111'0110CP: NeW York 30 cents pre- hC Chi StL Tot Chicago 20 cents premium SLIThis week 45 1042 371 1458 LOtliP par 'Last week 48 96 S5 1298 The same firm glinted United States gov-12 ago -2 837 254 1178 Death of Mrs John Murphy ernment bonds as (ollows: IA Yeiir ag0 111 1285 29 1645 Mrs Nora Murphy 38 years old the 1k10 MI Actp4 2 years ago 86 172 1925 114n '2 328 213 wife ile of John Murphy died this morning 1o5 927 8IB 1850 Coupon 4 per ePritil 11-0 3 years ago Registered 4 per cents 195 114 31512 at her home 2641) East Twenty-eighth enupon 3 per cents i li I 8 102 91 10314 Genie le Cky Street Funeral services will be at 2 Registered 3 por oents-11118 1032 10312 Receipts of wheat in Kansas city today Coupon 2 per eonIK rer1914) tot tot 12 were 95 CarP FridaY11 inspections were o'clock tomorrow afternoon at her home Reg 2 por ref 19! -10rcA 95 cars Shipments Ti Catt4 a year ago and at 2:30 o'clock at St Joseph's Keg 2 per cents ref1971 lot 101gi care Shipments T1 Carti a year aged and at 2:30 o'clock at St Joseph's liar-lably as well informed on the republic As Mrs- 'mid "Silo PiklYed Retilig an many with the music This teat be has any man of his day Ile loved the min- sh g'Ion as could walk and talk and 0 accomplidied at practically every farm try with a genuine alft (-lion and it was did her sister Ethel They played house in his own community and at every sodal event of his neighborhood liis last wisa that his ashes might minI'lloineo and Juliet' when they were 0111- i with the dust of Nlitia which marks dren and I knew they would make civilzation as anrient Ittr Todt is one of the strongest en the remains of a 1 names for themselvet They couldn't In his town and with his teeth he lifts! and as advanced as that of the Egyp-lhein IL" a ma of from 125 to 150 pounds and Wang LLCA ill 4-- Speculative wheat lorieea receded tilightlY at the opening tills morning owing to lower tables but wrenewal of crop damage news from Kansas and Nebraska marted a buying movement that carried prices up about cent The market retnained firm until the last half hour when the offerings suddenly increailed and the market developed decided wealinesa which continued until the close The heavy selling may have been prompted by fear of a "bearish" government report on farm reserves next Tuesday Some sensational claims of damage in Conran and Nebraska and also some new oyes from Missouri were received but there wore also some from good bources of a hitch more favorable tenor May wheat in Chicago started unchanged to down at 2113ti to 81127S held around $113 for a short time and then rose to 9113 Around $113 there was a nervous trade for an hour followed by a Ilreak to $112 and the close 9112 showed 14c net loss July wheat sold down 14 0 to 91044 early rose to 1105s019 106 and then receded to 1103 closing tit 9E030103 with I IA ki I net lose Kansas City May wheat sold off a to $10740107 at the outset rose to 208 and then dropped to 9106 closing with 12440 net loss The July price here rose trc to $10114(9101 and dropped in the final dealings to 9101c closing with 1ic net loss 'The movement of wheat to primary mar 14te cmitinues liberal The two Northwett cities got lial cars against 327 cars a year ago Winnipeg had 149 cars compared with 194 cars a year ago Minneapolis Mocks increased 150000 bushels Friday Winter wheat receipts were also up to expectations' lianaaa City received 95 care Chicago 22 ears end St Louis 35 cars For the week $ins five principal Western markets had 3793 cars 55 cars more than laet week end nearly 700 cars more than a year ago Kansas City elevator etocke have increased 116500 bushels in five days this week Liverpool wheat closed esd to tsd lower Broomhall said the firmness In America was offset by the continued liberal offering to4 La Flats wheat and predictions of large world's shipments this week Continental market' showed fractional changes aome lower others higher There was enough buying of corn futures to advance prices about Ific early The buying was largely covering of short sales and the market fell back when wheat turned down May corn In Chicago rose to 64c dropped to 3c and closed with mat loss In Kansas Cit May corn sold up tic' to 63c and closed at 61Q 61tic with toc net loss The days Chicago corn receipts were i cars against 390 cars a year ago Kansas City had 41 cars and St- Louis 95 cars Kansas City stocks hate increased 137200 bushels since Monday showing a decrease yesterday for the first time in a tong while English corn prices closed WV cilanged carries him around the room neveri More than a year ago Nit Campbell! letmen Elect and Aomori' letting him lip Dentists have de- was married and his honeymoon tvasl The twelfth annual conventioe of the clared that they never saw a person 'spent in showing his bride the places in Western lee Nianufacturers' Association possessed with such molars One of bislMexico which he loved so well While ended at the Coates House this morning feats is to bite a piece out of a tumbler lon this trip be contracted the sickness with the eleetbm of these officers: A and then grind the broken glass to shich resulted in his death As be vi as Blackwell of Carthage and Joplin pres- powder between his teeth dying he requested his wife to A Belournay of Concordia With his sweetheart in IS8 Todt his body and to return with the ashes i KEW vice-president: les har Wood 3 Nir came to America from Germany where to Mexico and seatter them over the of Kansas City secretary and trcasurer he was a Eoldier in the German army ruins 01 Mitla Although it is a sorrow- executive committee Frank Riddle Iota and where be served as chief cook in fut journey Mrs Campbell is making Ka eliairman: A Elsner Clinton his regiment and as husband and wife the trip to comply with his wish Mo Lehman Stillwater Ok 1 in Rockland Township tor the last six- le NV Black Des Moines la Frank Leh- teen years they have conducted a farm rable of the Mice er Omaha: It Edwards Greey quite successfully I From Puck it William 11 Qtnt 1 'n "''51exico which he loved so well While' ended at the Coates House this morning feat is to bite a piece out of a tumbler lon this trip be contracted the sickness with the eleetbm of these officers: A and then grind the broken glass to 'shich resulted in his death As be as Blackwell of Carthage and Joplin ores- powder between his teeth dying he requested his wife to cremate ident A Betournay of Concordia With his sweetheart in Is8 Todt his body and to return with the ashes i KaF vice-president: les har Wood Mr came to America from Germany where to Mexico and seatter them over the of Kansas City secretary and treasurer he was a Eoldier in the German army ruins of Mitla Although it is a scrrow- executive committee Frank Riddle Iola and where be served as chief cook in rut journey Mrs Campbell is making Ka eliairman: A Elsner Clinton his regiment and as husband and wife the trip to comply with his wish Mo Lehman Stillwater Ok 1 in Rockland Township for the last six- 4-- i V' Black Des Moines la Frank Leh-teen years they have conducted a farm able of the Mic mer Omaha: IL Edwards Greeley quite successfully 'From Puck William Sweet Roswell coupon mi Panama 1916 10014 44 On 101 9: cars The cash wheat market was Church Ninenteenth and Harrison Reg iste 2s Panams1910 lot The exchanges of the Kansas city hankodull as usual on Saturday and only a Streets Burial sin be in St Mary's through the clearing house each day this few sales were made quotations were Cernetery WPFli and the figures for the corresponding 2c to le lower The sales were: 1-lard (jays a year ago are here shown: heat--No 1 car $110 6 cars $109i1 a 86 39261 187009 pi412 cars $10:12 A 3 1 car $108 1 car South Mee Organize Too Tues 848577n 9818592 353122 415107 1 car $107 1 ear 1 At a meeting of South Side property Wed 10905667 9241778 1729376 1131409 186 $1 No00 a cars $105 1 car iihe sample $104 Thea10034476 891)100 1n18 4 2 cars $105 1 car 1103 1 ratio ti-0642 1 ca ners held at Thirtyfirst and Holmes Fri 9748003 89711230 :49777 8 41210212 6 ears 1102 1 ear $100 streets last night the South McGee Im Sat 8203000 :347054 I15976 94 SSIAe 2 cars Pse 1 car 95e 1 I nrorsment A wo da nrcrel marl 110712 I rai 1052101 7 car like sample 21 ear 21061t 1 1 cart I At a Meeting 0So-tab side propertyl 1106 cars 2 04 4 2 cars 1105 I car 1103 1 ear 101Irtlera held at Thirtyfirst and Holmes' 31024 ears 1102 1 car cars PS 1 ear 3100 car Istreets last night the South McGee sste 93 2 red nominally $116 iprovement Association was organized Im-1 boft 1 The Town Mouse and the CoLntry 1 (3()1" and One of the Delinquento Complains engaged in a friendly rivalry to To The tar: I was one of the igno- vee which could best entertain the other rant ones who got my "last" and "only" 1 du The Town Mouse led off lie Intro- notice from Constable Chandler that I eed the Country Mouse to a great lb 1202216 29 A many people of the right sort who gra- depota our first had been sued for personal taxes in clously lapped up all the champagne Justice Richardson's court In Decem- IlltIlth aleatte (me ber I wrote Fred Adams county col- he cared to short exhaustedl lltliton fo Dollars in deposits bere lector requesting him to inform me the resources of urban hospitality Thanksgiving question abmit what my county realty tax was and also I "Pretty good!" the Country Mouse ad! 'rated "But s83' you come out to my it sattq one are averaging over 60 new ac-outnts every day sind not a dis- sf3f Oor ste liss dessulolml ore my county personal tax I sent check for the real estate tax got back receipt place in your car and run as fast fast Ilossoit is as you like I'm justice of the peace" all sosst veil ail sts) end the cot 01 a box a lea than a cult a es! i rat abnudt let louse had to Thereupon the Town nfoortattatognesaapatiodmayndpe personal tax acknowledge that the rustle life held It go at that as I simply supposed I the greater possibilities would have to pay the old-time 2 per NIB TAW DAy cent a month for the time I was de- Accounted For fr zt TAIIDJDAY 11) NO 4 INIa Lit moilliranglY la (omuuttee was appointect TA) conrr Tot A58323373 852640447 85972028 107 1 In with the McGee Street Improvement As- Decrease $1le to $118 No 4 red nominally 8100 Ili) $114 rat-1T AND PRODUCE MARKETS Durum '2 1 car 92e 2 bulalsociation in regard to securing a tratehead car 91c No 3 1 car way on McGee Street Receipts Of corn were 44 cars Friday Owing to an improved tone In Eastern insrections were 73 cars Shipments 83 markets arkets the local price was quoted 2ac year ago 2S cars The demand was BRIEF BITS OF CITY NEWS cars: a case higher on 'change this morning or indifferent and prices were irregular un- slightly more than half a cent a dozen not- chamed to lc lower The sales Vi ere: No 1arv Lemmon the 111-months-old INIthstanding the mild weedier 2 white 1 car 411-2c No 3 white ft cars daughter of Niartin Demmon died early Although butter supplies u-ere small the 60'ile No 2 mixed nominally 5944c to goo yesterday morning at the home of her NO 3 mixed I car 59c 3 cars 'SS I car parents 23PS Spruce Avenue Funeral demand was not large causing only a Sse No i 111ell cars 35c I car like services will he at 2 o'clock tomorrow after- steady feeling In the market sample 52c: No 2 yellow 4 cars 600 No 4 noon at the home In addition to the usual good local de- yellow I ear 55C Alleging her husband Abraham Lincoln there was an active shipping inquiry Receipts of at WPre 3 cars rrids- Griffiths cursed her threatened to shoot her isiarv tituLn Na a a s- rureru tereeLeneo to snnot to $120N93 rd 1 car committee was appointed to contr1 BAtittl Unguent You can imagine my surprise From puck and chagrin when I received my "last' 1 The village cornetist who made his and "only" notice that I had been sued living as a barber was massaging a Is there not some better way to handle this? for one consider the present patrons face That4 a peculiar way of massaging method outrageous the nose" remarked the man in the CHARLES HALE I chair Some New York method?" 903 Benton Boulevard i 4 patron's face "That's a peculiar way of massaging the nose" remarked the man in the chair "Some New York method?" "That? Oh no I MOMMIMIMONO Ttritutnls for poultry Steady prices were Tustin- inmpections were 4 cars Shipments 8 cars and otherwise abused her go that she was tained with the receipt moderate ost a year ago 14 cars Quotations were un- compelled to leave her home 3127 Bell changed The sales were No 2 white qtreet: that he induced her to return to ileav supplies continue to depress po- nominaliv 46c to 48c No 2 white nom- tarn price Many any 4 him onl to repeat the indignities Bessie Se to 47c: No 2 mixed 1 car red 43rittithe this morning filed es suit for The market to well simplied with celerY 45c nominally 440 to 45c No 8 misted divorce in the eireuit court and asked for Owing to the lateness of the ectison tit nominally 43e to 44e California stock is of poor quality The Barley was quoted at 56c to 60c rye the custody of their son Earl 8 years old Bertha O'Brien filed a cult for divoree e2o to 75c kern corn 1140 to 1146 per Firrida offerings are better Supolleg of Florida strawberries Bin es are cal bran 1108 to 1109 from Thomas O'Brien alleging non- per cwt shorts support and general indignities She asks ited to an ocCasional shipment and they 1112 to 1117 per cat corn chop 1110 to the restoration of her maiden name Bertha sell elowlY $lag per cat millet seed 1166 to 1160 The continued mild weither is musing an per cat clover teed 81000 to 81400 per Snorgrass increased demand for fruits and vegetaMsts twt a Quotations on 'change today bared on THE WEATHER actual are a 1 follows The range of prices for grain in Kansas lish-S receipts cases Included 1 city for future delivery and the close today Observations of the weather bureau for 1590 a case of 30 dozen together with the close yesterday were as extra 31c a lb: firsts toiiowal Cloeed Closed the tw enty-four hours ending 8 a to- 29c: becondc 7c packing stock 2)c Open High Low today yeat'day day 'Washington time show minimum tern- grease 4e ItHitsT perature in Kansas City of 54 maximum Live under 2lbs 3tay 107 108 10044 100--1073a 78 a year ago the minimum temperature a lb: springs 2 the and over 15c hens July toe 4i loi go NI g9s 1001-- was 36 and the maximum 64 inije cull hens 4c old roosters 91e sept 97 ST I I 1je turkey hens Is itic 95 '11 943 't S61a The Missouri River was 102 feet above CORN et givi low water mark a rise of 32 feet young roosters young toms 111Lic old tome 17c culls loc I may g2aa The minimum and maximum tempera- ducks 15c geese 9c: LOc dozen 13 uiy 63-- 63-- 627 627 63 squabs 110011150 a doz1n i Sept il2 42 6 1 11-- 611-- 61 tures at important weather bureau stations s-q-uanS $10011 150 a dozen receipts tares nicimieci City ror future uelivery SLIM TIM CIOSS tOnitY obaarrations of the weather bureau for 90 tt a extra 1c a firsts case of 30 dozen together with the close yesterday were as the teenty-four hours ending 8 a to- Bu 3 toiiowi 1 Closed Closed seconds 17c packing stock 2Uc High Low today yest'day day time show minimum tem- ease 4c MiticaT perature in Kansas City of 54 maximum Lice under 2tbs 107 10S 10614 1004-1071S 78 a year ago the minimum temperature lb springs 2 Ws and over 15c hens July 10014 PO was 36 and the maximum 64 tije cull hens 4c old roosters bole sent 97 gii Ai 95A 95 ia 961s The l'ilissouri River was 102 feet above ung roosters 11 Isst turkey hens IS Ile CORN un toms 18 Lie old toms I 7c culls lac may at 617S-- low water mark a rise of 32 feet 0'' ifc geese 9c: pigeons 50c dozen July 63-- art ars aa The minimum and maximum tempera- uabs 610011150 a dozen Sept tit 82 611-- 41 tures at Important weather bureau stations was just practicing the fingering of the Second Hungarian Rhapsody" GILLESPIE BROS GritEspi Pi CO GILLESPIE UnplInt $10000000 RAGLAND both Phones liansas city Stock 'Yards We make liberal advances to parties feeding stcali This paper furnished free to I rondo Sugar (reek Derlineo to Quit A Fonda ousted from the office of justice of the peace at Sugar Creek on the grounds of illegal appointment it he does not Intend to quit without I further contesting the action of Virgif 1Conkling prosecuting attorney who procured the writ of ouster from the Icircuit court Thursday Fonda alleging errors in the finding of the court filed an application for a new trial this 'morning in the circuit court small lots Northern 55 it i5c Colorado 70 ti is 1j 75e carloads Northern 45 rit 5rdt: Colorado 600 65c Idaho 50q65e Sweet potatoes home grown 80415100 a bubhel Jersey s2504t 275 a barrel A oath $400a4 50 a bar rel $15041200 a bushel box good to choice 12500 250 a barrel Colorado small lots Northern St 65c Colorado 70 '75c Idaho 70 carloads Northern 451i 51c "65c Ida" "4165e tt1' me grown 80c0110s a a ushe Jersey 10 qt 275 a arrel 4PPtea--arlcY native 8400a450 a bar 21-50612to0 a bushel box: good to ehn Le 504350 a barrel Coiorado 849)417i The May' Market I here h-1711ti bli a nktifie4ne Boston fi SS a I an! Ileavy receipts In addition to only a mod-14a 5S and 78 Chicago 46 and erate demand caused a weak feeling In the 56 acina11 48 and 61 (70nrordia SS I and SO Ites Moines 34 and 68 1 bodge City or pra market I le ay this morning A- 40 and 82 Galveston 62 and 72 Huron fairly active demand wasi reported for the 1 24 and 42 Los Angeles 44 and 60 Moor best varieties of other hay but the poorer head Minn 28 and 46: New Orleans 62 grades SOlot Slowly The price of straw de- and SO New York 38 and 48 North box I dined 50 a ton because of a limited inquiry Platte 30 and 72: Oklahoma City 52 and a box tem I for it ArriVILIS amounted to 75 care of 62 omaha 36 and 10: Portland Om 40 a g3 Joitt400 a box rears 8tZoi'i co 1 prairie 5 cars of timothy 3 cans of elOVer and 56 nt Louis 58 and 78: r-an Antonio 56 and 6 box ranberries 4100455i a mixed and 24 cars of alfalfa a total of 107 0: pringfield i and 78 Wichita apes Sttliaga 64-o04 460 a keg Pine- I are compared with SS cars a week ago and and 2 pies 300 a oats Grano frnt 63 cars a year ago Precipitation in inehes in the past twenty- 48 6 001450 a box Thi week's receipts of hay amounted to four hours: Portland 16: St Paul 01 tomatoes 83501-S 400 456 tars last each 404 cars a year ago Foretast till 7 in unday 6-basket crate cuhan IV: 10 fx 300 a 4- 319 cars For harISSS City and sket crate Cabbages 9 00it 22 a cwt The quotations are as follows: Prairie fair tonight and Sunday continued warm 'tett Oninng 8125t0i 125 bushel saked i cnoice ill 25'01150 No 1 $10221100 For tonight and green 30 fa 400 a dozen bunches el- I No 2 01000 No 3 8800 ft 900 Sunday oontinued mild 'tsoranges S250(t 32: a box Lyn I tor it amounted to 76 care of 400 a box Pears co $11tilft 6 ears of timothy 3 cars of clover box Cranberries Vi110'ti 761 a batrei filmed and 24 cars of alfalfa a total of 107 Grapes Malaga $4o044 0 keg Pine I an compared alto itio cars a week ago and apples 360 a oats Graps fralt ka cars a year ago 0014 rm a box This week's receipts of hay amounted to tomatoes $3 0400 tars last week 404 cars a year ago 4 -bask et crate rutian 110 fx 1041 a 319 cars basket crate Cabbages 00U 22 a cwt The quotation' are as follows: Prairie crated Onions 812 5f0 185 bushel eaked i choice 81125'0 1150 No 1 grren ft44Oe a dozen hunches I No 2 C42501000 No 8 88000'900 The range of prices of grain and previalons for future delivery InChicago today and the close yesterday were as follows Closed Closed Open High Low today yest'clay WHEAT May 11216-113 112 11214 1124 July 10434--10544-103 10314-105 nept 1004 1011-- 9 101 cosN May 64 62 Juiy 651- 6544 4147i 65 6514 Sept 6524 664 6513 6511 6534 oars may 44 4S 4 i July 4314 421a 424 4311 pt -40S-- 4014 404 40 PORK Niy 24Clu 480 2460 2480 2485 July 2420 642o 2457 :460 24s7 tgon 11ey 1342 1342 1327 1332 1340 July 1332 1317 1322 1330 9110AT PIPS tley 1265-- 1267-- 1277 1282 July 1262 1265- 1272 1277 11totter Pugs mud Poultry Elsewhere New York March rreamtry extra 3314e process butter first le special 250 27 Western firtts 22 CI 23c seconds 21161 easy Western spring eiekens 17417 fowls tur14I1 20c Drersed steady IVestern 1401611c chickens 16017c epring siirkeys 160 (11CagO March 6 Butter Steady creamery 26113! dairy 21s4 25c Egg teady firsts tur- key istc thiriens 14 lie Priritlf 1412e St Eouly: 'cit le chlekerP 15e springs 17c turkeys' lec ducks 16c geese reamery lower Esse count :0 lie The National Reserve Banic Tenth and Main Sts Capital $1200000 Surplus $120000 OFFICERS JOHN JOHNSTON Chairman of the Board SNIITII President lloCLUSKET Vice-President JOHNSTON Cashier Ii BURROW Vice-President A BURKHARDT Asa't Cashier AMOS GIPSON Vice-President DAVID THORNTON Aset Cashier ona a 4 a gtill Illtibt Finitace From Fuck "Surely" began the private secretary "it wont pay to give to both parties?" "My dear fellow" replied the astute president "you are forgetting that in a year or two one of them will be offering toe a rebate not to support the other" ery California 4011000 a bun'M Florida Timothy choice $110001450: No 1 tin 15 iv0 a vrate Peppers 1410 4 2: ottiy 8132501875: No 2 timothy $11q 6-hosItet crate Lettuce itou'e i4) No a timothy $900(0100 Clover 61125 a bushel el'Ihrrs' In 82 8 :6 a choke V326'41360 No 1 $1260 6'45813Y0 a icraLe Toppers 14shs 4 3: a I $132Zti 137a No a timoiny allitikg 6-hit slog crate Lettuce lioe 1 41 4 04 i :00 No 3 timothy $900V1100 Clover 4125 a bushel al-Ippo in 12 8 aZ a iiIxeI ctlole $132588 1360 No 1 For tonizht and Sunday Central Savings Trust Co Capital $250000 Surplus $50000 Moral Failure From Fuck la philanthropy dad? with your conscience for a few cents on the dollar my son warmer in northeast portion tonight cold er in wast portion Sunday For Neliraqka tonight and Sunday: "lop Turnips kith $111 a 4 i 3 up 2 $1100412 PO: No it 1450 warmer toPtt colder tiunday afternoon tpiFnet: Noetliorn Si Al pew 414 0 Clover choke S1rPOZP1350 No night Soutilen Zs iti leo a hotel' iiopetietk Hearin I 12 50 44 la ott No 2 $111041260 No For thilahoma---Generally fair tonight or navy 4Cr: 7a 1110 groelt 81000 810qtt 00 Alfalfa choice 61700 and eunday eoider in 'eat portion ion 4 60 a hamptr Lt 308 liPi a ouistu i 18 OP Nu I alfalfa 1l46001440 No a dar I I a me 740ettr" wiw-'11111111b11 '1ft Ara-.

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