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Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • 5

Richmond, Virginia
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-V THR TIMES-mSPATOIT: IUOIIMONI) VA Pi I ID AY JANUARY 0 1014 BELLE ISLE SUIT vvyjfAsv iThe Kid of Husk I I Tired Blood That whlsh la tasking In vitality debilitated weak and thin cannot possibly give preper nourish ment and it must be purified built up and vitalised by HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Five Humtred Replies to Letter Asking View on 1914 Outlook Cover Witie Field $2475 to $3375 Suits $1298 Nearly every Suit in this collection (and they're all new thi-t season has been marked at less than half price for Friday Nub suitings cheviots serges Bedford cords and fancy mixtures in all sizes and a good assortment of colors plain tailored and fancy some with velvet collars $1500 Coats Now $598 The Coats are all new a lot of chinchillas' in Oxford gray brown and navy that a manufacturer sold us last week Flush collar and cuffs kimono sleeves three-quarter length Friday only $598 Odd Bed Spreads 25 to 33 Per Cent Under Price About two dozen of them for three-quarter and large size be! some with cut corners others hemmed A few of them are slightly soiled from display Oliver Duran! asalnst Charlae Tinsley eommlssieiiar of ravanns and loath- tar trsaaurar of Cnlpspar County and Lao Moera Htata Auditor in v-hleh Durant aako tho court pormanontly to onjoin th eunty author! llM from eollsetlng from him about 1 HLNt in 8tato and county taxes alltsod to -have boon erroneously asoaased against him on his stocks bonds and personal property eras htun to-day In tho United fltataa Court for the Eastern District of Virginia Judge Edmund Wad dll I presiding Twsnty-nins witness have been summon -od Tha taking of antimony will bo con- eluded to-morrow This amount represents back taxso allsssd to bo duo tor the past thirtssn years LEHRS BUY FINE MANSION WUl Join Small Colony of Rich Amor leans In Parts Special Cable to Tho Times -Dispatch Paris January I Hon-y Lehr has I You Like Plajo4 aa often anl when ever you right In your own home la waiting for you at our itore Como In anti an- a lect either a a Victor or I Vidor-Victrola 3 ami then you or any other member of the houMihoId ran have "Juxt tho kind of uualo 6 you like' IS The coat and terma of pay- moot are within reach of all A Victors $10 to SJOO Victrolaa $15 to f200 Walter Moses Co 11 10U Rant liroatl Htreet Oldent Mnnio House In Virginia jS and North Carolina JJ Mass-Meeting Will Be Held in Chamber of Commerce Auditorium to Discuss Plans Plans for consolidating the local Travelsra Aid with the national organisation will bo discussed at a mass-meeting to be held In the Chamber of Commerce auditorium Tho outline of the proposed scheme was given last month by Orin Baker of New York who spoke before a large audience composed principally of representatives from tho pMUnthropia and charitable organisations of the city Mr Baker so forcibly voiced the Ideas of the local workers that a committee composed of Dr 8 Mitchell Rev Muslin lather Hannigan Miss Katherine Hawes Miss Hellstern Mies Minor and Mrs Lewi was appointed to consider the advisability of riving usnonal scope to tha work now being performed by the Young Woman's Christian Association Dr Maatln will preside over the meeting to-night The principal speaker will be Dr Anna Brown of New York a representative of the National Travelers' Aid and short talks will be made by Rev Russell Bowie Father Hannigan Professor Metcalf and Hanry Hutxler The Young Woman's Christian Association will continue to be vltallv interested in the work At present It employs two secretaries Miss Fallls and Miss Jones to meet trains and deal with the emergencies there I11 the month of December alone eighty-one girls seventy-nine women and twelve men were assisted at the stations The plans for the future contemplate an extension of the boardinghouse Investigation work In order that girls coming to ths city may be safely boused: Investigation of fake advertisements designed to trap unsuspecting girls and the extension of the work Into rural communities The Idea Is to have In each rural community a "key" one from whom the national board mrfy expect help and information In tracing and aiding travelers T- Mott Glover Who Quoted It at Dance Escape Term for Killing Meade Haines Tbs Supreme Court of Appeals yesterday refused to Intervene In tho case of Mott Glover convicted in Buckingham County of tho murder of Meade Heines and sentenced to eighteen years in the penitentiary The murder was committed on May 5 1913 The Governor designated Judge Carter Scott of Richmond to hold court for Judge George Hundley Judge Hcott appointed- a commission consisting of Dr A Prlddy Dr Drowry and Dr Beverly Tucker to Inquire Into the prisoner's sanity The commission reported that Glover was sane at the time of examination Ho was put on trial on August 8 and ottered the plea of Insanity at tho time the murder was committed He was found guilty and the Jury fixed tho punishment at eighteen years In the penitentiary Tho transcript of record shows a number of Instances Including a Christmas dancer at which Glover repeated some poetry without being naked to say anything several of tho neighbors testifying that they regarded these Incidents ns queer and possibly as indications that Glover was losing his mind Tha petition had ones before been refused by tlio Supremo Court when presented by Hal Flood and John Moon attorneys Tho second petition was presented by Richard Evelyn i Byrd naosebreoker Gweo la Pen Fleadlng guilty to a charge of housebreaking John Williams colored wa sentenced yesterday by Judge Carter Hcott of tha Henrico Circuit CourL to servo two years in tha Stats Peril- 1 tentlary Tha negro entered a storage-house owned by Veitch a road contractor Wilt Hopkins colored an i alleged accomplice was acquitted ONE FOR FORGERY Appeal aw Gnmnd That Initial Were Used In lmUrlmrat 1 Rejected For forging a Indor-emcnt on a check for I19U Jamr Italian Ashe of Ilmmoka must errs on year In (h penitentiary tlio Supreme Court of Appeals yoalerday refusing a writ of error A Kb was tried In tha Corporation Court tha city of Roanoke November Pit Th record rhaa that ho hail lu his iHishemlnn chock signed by Tynan on th I'nion Trut Company of th Dlitrlct-of Columbia for llAtr and thnt he forged on th bock of the rh-k In writing ths Indorsement of )( Frlrk tho payra with intent to ddirud In Ms petition for a aril of error tlio prbtoner gives a the firt ground for a now trial that he was Indicted by fela initial It Ah'- Instead of by hi Christian iiHiTio Tho appsllnto court won nt im-premed by tho argument and refused the pv-tltloa SUCCESS SAILS MONDAY Old tow let Ship Ready for Her bwyagw to Jarkneaville Information received from Captain I) II Hirlth who is In Jarkoouvllle Ereparirg for the reception of tho old riilah convict ship Nueces there tells of largo plans on foot to greet tho ancient hulk when she arrive In Florida wttr The iaipwm which ha toon lying la the City l-2 at KaMeontk and Cary ritreetj for 'the lest throe weeks to belra made ready to sail on moral use t-n leaving hero will lako nuothor long stride on her record-making voyage froni England to Han Francisco Captain Kmlth Is expected to return to Richmond to-night or to-morrow morning jjokership ions HUGH WHITE STILL I RACE Legislative Machinery Ijrady for Opening of Scssicj on Wednesday Friends of Edwin Cos Member of lli House of Delegates Iwn Well-mond mad the absolute uM-tlon yesterday that even heforuthoicUrqinMit from I' Martin to him c-ntar tho DumoruUn Huai caucus Tim telegram of Judge Wllams slat-Ing that ho expects to for Mr la believed by friends 1 Mr Cox to aotilo tha content I -Hugh A White of Rockbrtge Is the rnoat formidable opponent et In tl Mr Cos hltnnelf authorlxerihe stats-meat yesterday that ha pladgea of aupport from ovary faeun Efforts war made by friends of aln IJ-llama to draw wat and drylnaa without suoccea Mr (' la ktenly op-pored to tha enabling aethnd Judge Williams aa openly favora but their ntrength did not follow tk lines of division on that bill It eoncedsd that tha liouca will paaa tk enabling net -i Delegate XL Lava ofaunanburg an ardent dry man haa frai tho flrat taken tha around that question should not be made an Hus In the rpaakerahtp content and tie and number of other dry men avo vigorously supported Mr Cox Hold Ceera Tueeday Night The House and Senate each hold a separate eaucua on Tuaady night at o'clock for the nomlnatloimf offlesra Tlio Houea caucus which dll contain ninety-two out of ltil inaihera will choose a Speaker rlerk wgeart-st-arms and two doorkeeper John I Williams has no oppoaltln for the clerkship In fact a Hou) in which a mujorlty of the menibos are new men could hardly get alqg without him In tlm Senate the prwnt officers hold over The caucus dll approve the ad Interim appolntmet of Clerk Hanger who xucceedd Marshall Hooker resigned and inffirm tho i lection of other officers With tha kpeakcrshlp practically sided It appears that there will be r( great con-Put in either House I The House caucus will fc called to order by Captain tv Maker of hestarSeld tho senior member in point of service ftcnatoj Echols aa president pro tern will cal the Henate caucus to order Tho flrat formal aeaeloniof the two bouses will bo on Vednsay at noon The henate will be calledo order by Lieutenant-Governor' Ellison Tho Honso will be called to oror by Clerk Williams who presides during tbs diction of a Speaker I Aa soon as formal eottounleations hove been exchanged betwen tho two houses a Joint commit! will be named to notify CoverooiMann that the General Assembly ha convened and' Is ready to receive ay communication be has to make He Governor has been working for the get tan daya on bla message which wilbo laid before the General Aeiembj either on Wednesday afternoon at Thursday morning I Governor's Receaios Governor Mann has fitted Invitations for a formal rccrilon at tho Governor's Mansion for 1 Wednesday nlgnt to meet Jovernor-Elct and Mrs Henry Stuart and the members of i he General Assembly Ihe moeaage of the Governor is rend 04 Wednesday afternoon It may bs thatfcn adjournment will be tukcp over thursday to allow the Speaker to preps hie list of committee assignments The Senate committees hold over wjh the few changes consequent on )e resignation of Senator Folk's Richmond who Is succeeded by JamelE Cannon the death of Senator Ik Cummings r-) Inslstpn Distillery Bottlll wvticelK It Is Y)ur Protselen -i -MOM 3 MONTI CELLO CkfiU Jism Gnaranfeei Best on Earh IT'8 ALL WHI3K CLARKE MJlkS Distributors eY nc Vo See What Chsh Will Save ifou The secret of success I saving By buying your DIAIONDS WATCHES JEWEUY and HOLIDAY GIFTS fop us we guarantee to save you ftm 25 to 50 per cent We hae tie largest stock of Fine Diamoidssand guarantee to save jou big money Bachrachs I MONEY LENDBV 815 Fast Broad Stfet I 1 Be sure and sie us I Kdwin Cox Has Sj Support From All Fi in House Supreme Court to Pass on Riparian Rights at Bosher'a Dam Argument began yesterday before thn Ktilireina f'uurt of Appanln In thn null tit Him Old Jmiiilntun Iron and Knit Work hiiI net tha and Ohio itnllwny Company and tlm city of Richmond Henry Andernun ap pniirod for ilm nppcltunl nml Henry Taylor fur tlm upptdlaeN Tlm argument will ltt roiitliiueil lo-duy Thn Hid I'loinlninn 1111 and Nnll Works uwua linlln Inle lit Junicn River It idalina that thn Chennnrnka and Ohio Rallwuy Company la withdrawing from tlm river at itonher'e Iietti for thn high level canal more weter than Itn rightful proportion nndnr the agreements by which that dam was creglml The city inida 11 party an under a par- by which that dam was creglml The ind 11 party an under a par-pBtuul contract with tli railroad tlio wafer front the high level rnnal In twnd for pumping jiurpoeen at the New i'untp ilouKe The Supreme Court nl no heard argument yenterday lit tho case of the Stephen Sunn Company against thn Richmond Fredericksburg and T'o-tomac Railroad Company A Cpl-linn amt A Andureun apimarau for appellant and John Kgalnuton for appellee and the case wne submitted The next' caeca In call are: Campbell nyalnet Alsop's admlnletralor lloe-pltal of- HL Vincent dn I'aul against Thompson: Williams against Commonwealth at relation of Xinlth and oth ere Ashby and others against Rolen Full Set of Legislative Bills and Papers May Be Had for $10 Attention was called by Superintendent of Printing Davis Bottom yesterday to ths act of 1912 In relation to furnishing certain persons with printed copies of Keuate and House bills advance sheet of Journals Acta of Assembly and similar documents Many firms and corporations which usually keep In close touch with legislation and desire an opportunity to scan proposed bills have failed up to this time to arrange for their seta as provided by statute and Mr Bottom fears that after the session opens It mav not be practicable to supply back copies of bills already Introduced under the act in question the Superintendent of Public Printing Is authorised to furnish to such persons a Mfinlag of each bill printed for the House of Delegates and Htato Berate the calendar for each house advance ebeets 01 the Journals and of each document and of the acts printed not exceeding one copy to any one firm person or corporation For this service the fee 110 for the session with an additional charge for postage when sent out of town A deposit may be made for postage and the balance at the end of the session will be returned Officers of tho Btato government members of tho General Assembly and press representatives actually enraged in reporting the proceedings of either honae desiring such papers for their own use are provided with them by the State Brings Bor Berk Detective Bryant returned yesterday from Petersburg with Leonard Hanes thirteen years (Id who Is charged With stealing the wheel of Bicycle Policeman Botto on Tuesday night Botto left the bicycle -in the street while he went aboard the Brltlih convict ship guecose lying at the loot ef Eighteenth Street is arrest a drunken man When lie rettkned the wheel was gone The bey was arretted in Petersburg and he had It with him will tried in the Juvenile Court Loses MsaanleThnrm- II tV Hntvhinsan of the Jafferson Hotel yesterday reported to the police that be either lest or had stolen from him a go! 4 Masonic watch charm valued at 9SL Wanted in Cheutertleld Metis Williuna colored was arrested yesterday by Detectlree Krangel Thurman and Maymock on the charge ef being a fugitive from Justice In Cbeeterfleld County where she to said to he wanted on a charge uf larceny COMMUTERS COMPLAIN Mill Tell rorporatlon C'omiaiwdoa About Houibern Railway Roadbed A delegation of commuters living on tho lino of tho Southern Rollorny between Richmond and Amalia Conrthouao will appear before Judge Rhea of the State Corporation Commlsalon to-day to lodge proteat against the condition at tho roadbed and the train service on tha Southern It is understood that committee of commuters from Bon Air and other point hoi been formed and bos employed au engineer 1o make a preliminary report on ths condition of the road for tho Information of the eommlseinn The present morning train coming Into Richmond brings tho Birmingham sleeper and with many Southern connections is frequently late making commuters on this road late for their buslueas engagements Finance Committee Meeting The Finance Committee meets at I o'clock to-night to hoar requeue for hoepital appropriations In ths budget Other public matters will also heard to-night Tho Committee on Dock River and Harbor sot for last night was postponed subject te tha call of th chairmen FORECZEMAS ANDRASBES cunausfflp ANDOINIMT Hie itching burning' suffering and loss slerp caused by eczemas nshea and irritations of the skin and scalp are at once relieved and permanent akin health restored in 1 most cases by warm baths with Cutkura Soap followed by gentle applications of Cutieura Ointment Soso ooS IMatmmt Ml Ib-soota Otm wal maple of aaSol tma site ISa bore Mma-Crtwa-DwtliB Wan wOo wore ooS maasoo on Cud lot wR Sag a ore tar of Abingdon who will bo succeeded by Muclianan of Marlon and the resignation of Judge John Randolph Tucknr of Bedford who will be sue-reeded by Paxton of Huena Vista Com Reek to Pesltratlary After he had served mere than six years of an eght- ear eenteme In the penitentiary Juhn Trnnrli colored woe paroled and ye-lerday wan convicted In the liuetlnge Court of violating lilu parol and recommitted to flnleh out III eeeieaeo Trensh woe convlet-ed uf petit Inreonr He boxen bln original sentence on May XNi and use paroled oa July lid 3 Kdaai-d yapp alia William colored wee convicted of having nesaullod Annie John-on on Dsoember ir- tho Jury giving him a year In tha penitentiary Controversy Between Bristol and Norfolk Western Reaches Supreme Court Tha long drawn-out fight of tha etty of Bristol and the Norfolk and Western Railway Company In rogard to construction of an overhead bridge will bo reviewed by the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia A writ of error was granted yesterday front an order of thn Corporation Court of the city of Bristol entered October Z3 1013 directing the Issuance of a peremptory mandamus sgainst tho railroad company compelling It to repair eertaln steps and to maintain a flagman at a certain point on tho line where It la claimed Edmond Htreet and the tracks of tha railway Intersect In its petition for an appeal the railroad exhibits maps of the city of Bristol do aupport Its contention that this street was nevsr projected across the tracks The road At this' point Is operated In a rut tho bank where Edmond Street ends being on one aid three or four feet and on tbe other eight or ten feet high The real purpose according to the contention of tho railroad of an ordinance adopted by tho City Council of Bristol on May 11 nil is "not to much to establish a permanent pathway across tho tracks of tho railway company at Edmond Street aa tomake the conditions of operation at that point so expensive to the railway company that In order to relieve lteelf of such expense It will construct an overhead bridge under different terms and conditions than those provided by law" The petition states that this has been tbe subject of a long its tiding controversy and that the company has declined to consider the construction of such a bridged both because it would bo impracticable on account pf tho grades and unnecessary because of tho existence of a bridge at Mary Htreet ISO yards east of Edmond Street in tho cost of the construction of which the railroad participated The writ was granted by Judge John A Buchanan who required bond In the sum of $00 WRIT REFUSED Attachment ef Property of If Crsaff Held Valid A writ ef error was refused by tbe Supreme Court of Appeals yesterday la the case ef the Awninx fom-ry (Inc I era Inst 3 It LTeaff from the Law and Chancery Court ef tha city ef Roanoke The awning company (scared a Judgment ngtlnst Cmaff some time age for HSLZj Oa July IS Wt the awning company represented to tha court that tha defendant wan removing eertaln ef hie property from the Plate and that iwh removal would make the Judg-intnL if obtained unavailing The application for appeal waa from tha order attaching tae property of Cmaff in this State QuallSe as Esmtiix Mrr Mary Hargrove nuelinee fn the rhancery Court yesterday aa the executrix ef the estate ef her husband Arthur Hargrave Tho seta to is valued at 9Wt The Weather Fsrrrndi Virginia lentiilic eloadinrse Friday fallaevrd by twin berth portion) Saturday unsettled probably ruin North Partly cloudy Friday) I oral rains at night or hntnrdey Specie! Loral Data for Vrstrrday IS noon temperature 49 I temperature Maximum temperature up to 1 lii S3 Minimum temperature up to 1 so Mean temperature 41 Normal temperature 88 Excess In temperature 5 Excess In temperature since March Accumulated excess in temperature since January 1 Deficiency in rainfall since 8 larch 3 23 Accumulated excess in rainfall since January 1 Li) Leeal Observation 31 Testrrduy Temperature 43 tiumiauy gt direction velocity it Weather cloudy CONDITIONS IN IMPORTANT CITIES (At 51 Eastern Standard Time) Ther II Weather Asheville 49 Atlanta uO Atlantic City 43 Boston 3d Buffalo 3d Olgary 24 Charleston SO i Chicago 43 Denver 3S Duluth 33 'Galveston 44 Hatterae SO Havre 2 Jacksonville 53 Ksnsss Olty 48 Louisville 54 Montgomery 64 Xew Orleans 58- Xew York 38 Norfolk 50 Oklahoma 51 Pittsburgh 40 Raleigh 53 HL Louis 58 HI Paul 3d Han Francisco 54 Savannah 54 Kpokane 89 58 5S 2 cloudy 38 Clear FOR HIGHER RAILWAY RATES Shockoe Creek Free Bridge Taxes and Public Library Most Often Named Riiplltg to the letter of Inquiry sent by the Chamber of Commerce to Its 1100 members show a wide difference ef opinion In regard to tlio city's most urgent needs Although the Irtter was sent out only a few days ago already more than 000 firms and Individuals have replied The opinions range from tax reform to the covering of Khockoe Creek from the widening of Fourteenth Htreet to the raising of railway ratea Not a few of the memhura urge a reform In the eynlem of city government and many are clamoring for a nubile library Tha anywerx will be tabulated ae they are received anil the result announced at the annual meeting of the chamber on January 29 The object of the correspondence Is to determine the views of the rank and file of tha chamber In order that the energies of the organisation may bo concentrated on the popular movements The outcome will settio the pulley of the chamber in 1914 This scheme will serve to have the entire membership rather than the board of directors volco Its opinion on public questlona Msyor Alaslle Replies Among the most Interesting ef the replies rcestveil Is that of Mayor Alns-11 As the Mayor sees the situation to-day thk city most needs tha following reforms: the covering of Bhockoe Creek the renovation of the Free Bridge the rehabilitation of tho water and gas distribution system a publlo library and a municipal clubhouse In Byrd Park It Is interesting to note that the Mayor has touched the popular chords as shown In the SOU unsworn already received The tax problem comes In for general remark by the members many asking for revision and reform of tho Hiate tax system while others plead for the removal of tho tax on bank deposits One firm urges tlio raising of railway rates an the most Important need of tho hour Another correspondent writes that the chamber had better allow the rallroade free rein In building passenger stations In order that they may be encouraged to improve transportation faellitiex To WMcs Fourteenth Street Among tho replies is an entirely new solution of the Fourteenth 8 treat problem Beveridge? of the firm of Harvey Blair Co advances a scheme which he says will cost the city very little and will relieve tho expected congestion of foot and vehicle traffic He proposes the removal of the present sidewalks on both sides of Fourteenth Htreet and the building of one walk down the centre of the street As this plan would run the street cars off of Fourteenth be proposes that they be routed down Fifteenth Street Not a few of the correspondents emphasise the need of better housing facilities for factory labor Tbe canvass so far shows that the chamber Is solidly behind the proposal to build cheap and sanitary homes for men In moderate circumstances With aome-thlnk Uge unanimity ths writers cry for street paving and dosens ask for a campaign for better street and alley lighting 80 pronounced has been the success of the referendum plan that it seems probable that a series of smokers will be given by the chamber following tlie annual meeting to afford the Individul members an opportunity to voice at length tha Ideas advanced by them In their replies by malL Two Automobile Suita Bait fnr tha raeovery at UMM was entered yesterday in ths City Circuit Court by tha Gordon Motor Company agalnit Bodi-ker Tha declaration recites that Bodoker owsa tha money on promiuary notes mads out and signed by him and delivered to Lamb Wingo A Carrington attorneys for tha Gordon Motor Company and that ho now refuaes to pay ths debt Suit wa Instituted in th same court by ths Blus Ribbon Garsg against Harry Elchrlbcrger for flM damage Tha declaration allogaa that Eirheiberger owes the Blue Ribbon Garage B1TS Help But Admire Babies Every Woman Casts Loving Glance at the Nestling Cuddled In Its Bonnet A heart responds to tbe sweet-Bess of a pretty child and more so to-day thsa ever before since the adrent of Mother's Friend This is a wonderful external help to tha muscles and tendons It penetrates the tissues makes them readily yield to nature's demand for expansion so there Is no period of pain discomfort straining nausea or other symptoms so often distressing during tbe anxious weeks of expectancy Friend thoroughly lubricates every nerve tendon and muscle involved and Is a sure preventive for caking of the breasts i And particularly to young mothers Is this famous remedy of Inestimable value It enables them to preserve their bhxlth and strength nnd they remain pretty by having avoided nil tho suffering end danger that would otherwise accompany such aa occasion Too will find this splendid remedy as Halo at all dreg stores at 1100 a bottle Write Bradfield Regulator Ca 234 Lamar Bldg Atlanta Ga for their Instruct Ire book for expectant mothers NEW YEAR SPECIALS Dressed Hens lb aoc Elgin Butter lb 350 Best Flour sack 35c Sliced Ilani lb 25c Irish Potatoes peck 25c Good Lard lb iac Yellow reaches can iac 3 cans Best Corn 25c Fat Pork --lie All Kinds of Fresh Meat at Lowest Cash Prices THE AUGUST GROCERY CO 611-613 East MarshalL 4 Phone Mad Mad 1232 i Governor Holds Robertson Papers to Ascertain What Riparian Rights Are Affected An application wax made to Governor Mann yesterday by Jamex Taylor Koberlflun for a land grant of certain islands rocks shoals and public lands lying In the James River at or near the mouth of Canoe Run The property is described as being ons and seven-eights acres of which about one and five-eighths acres are In Henrico County ana about one-fourth acre in Chesterfield County together with a small strip of land lying between James River and the main line of the Houthern Railway on the southern bank of tha river Papers for the grant were made oat by Register of the Land Office John Richardson The Governor will defer signing them for a day or two to ascertain whether any or the riparian rights of the city of Richmond may be affeced by such granta In former years several small Islands In the river near the pump-house have been taken up by Individuals which has resulted In extended litigation as to the water rights of ths city at the New Pump-House and at the City Electric Plant Except for possible riparian rights the land Is believed to be almost valueless and the State ts now deriving no taxes from It TREHY HEADSNEW Charter Secured for Cigarette-Vending Machine Company of Norfolk James Trehy elerk of ths Corporation and Law and Chancery Courts of Norfolk wns named yaatorday as president of ths Cigarette Vending Machine Company Incorporated which was granted a charter by ths State Corporation Commission Ths principal offices aro to be In Norfolk Ths company has an authorised capita of from 110000 to 950000 Bell of Norfolk la named as Secretary-Other charters wore granted I by the Stats Corporation Commission yesterday as follows: Denby -Ford -Wilbur Company Incorporated Norfolk Capital 910000 to 25000 Ford president: Silbur secretary both of Norfolk Lyon Blood Purifier Company corporated Danville Capital 260000 to 9150000 Ruffin president Griggs secretary both of Danville The A Jones Company Incorporated Victoria Capital 95U0Q to 925-1 000 Thomas Williams president Lunentfurg A Jones secretary and treasurer Victoria Foreign charter: 'llaverfonl Cycle Company a New I York corporation with 9200000 capital I stock Charles Hobbs State agent Norfolk Amendment to foreign charter: Insurance) Company of the State of Penn--vylvanla a Pennsylvania corporation Increasing its capital stock from 800-000 to 1000000 Institute Will Hold Convention at Murphy's Hotel January 20 and 21 With reduced rates on all rallroada tha officers of the Virginia Fanners' Institute which meets at Murphy's Hotel on January 2u and 21 are predicting tiiat tha attendance will be tho largest year in addition to tho regular meetings of the Institute several Joint sessions will be held with tho Virginia Htato Horticultural So ciety at ths Jefferson Hotel auditorium Tho convention will open on Tuesday morning with an address of welcome bjr Mayor George Alnslle Two Beamons will ho held tlist afternoon and night There will be a business session the following afternoon and the Institute will meet Jointly with the horticulturists that afternoon and tttghL Among the prominent speakers who will maka addresses on agricultural topics are George Kolner Commie sioner of Agriculture DLEgglcstoii if ti Department of Agi ture: II Itaw-1 Dairy Division united Eg resident of I lie Virginia Polytechnic iistltute: Professor A Oukler United States Department of Agricul- Htates Department of Agriculture: Joseph A Turner Collins Institute Dr John Lee Department of Commerce and Labor: George I Coleman Htato Highway Commissioner l'ennyparker secretary American Highway Commlsalon Governor William Hodges Mann: Bradford Knspa rhlsf I'temomuratloa Department Valdon 1 agricultural representative Virginia Htato Bankers Association: Protestor Dsn Gray North Carolina Expert-1 ment fitation lr (I Rommel Bu- I reau Animal Induairy D-partment of Agriculture Professor Brain-aril Animal Husbandman Virginia Polytechnic Inatitut and George Bedell lnartagt uf Curl' a Neck Farm btir or DVRtkr hum Ho fob to Eojoio Cellertioo of Alleged lnraiM ftJff fSpsrtal to Tbs Tlmsa-IMepeteh Alexandria fa January Ihe suR at i Just bought a stateiy mansion In tho Fsuborg HL Oormaln and with bio wlfo will Join tho email colony of wealthy Am Orleans residing In Paris Lehrs quest for one of tho hlstorlo houses on ths left bank of tho Heine has lasted for severs! years Bines tho days of Napoleon tho mansion Just acquired by ths formor pet of Now- port society has sheltered tho flower of French aristocracy Tho Lehrs aro having ths place overhauled but are preserving (ho magnificent staircase and carvings IntacL Had Lung Trouble and Expected to Die With tbe civilised world anxiously seeking a epaetde for Lung Trouble th number -of recoveries brought about through tho um of Bekmmn's Alterative a medicine for Throat and Lung Trouble is attracting uni- voraal attention For fifteen yosra Ecknuufa Altarathro haa bean used ana tha roporte at recoveries In ninny supposed hopolooa eaaoo Indicate that thia medicine Is doing a vast amaaat of good Road this: 38 8t Keysar I waa tekan sick In N'ovtm- 1 bar Ott with a vary bad cold and dlisy polls Th doctor then pronounced my coo 1 oa Malaria Fvr I grew steadily worse 1 Had two consultation bald over me and thn 1 verdict wo that tha fovar had affected my lunxs and that my caaa waa hopalaas: only Seva me two months to lira My physician od triad moat all kinds of traatmsnt and bob did ma any good so ho asked my http-band If ho objected to him trying a propria- tory msdiclna So I began on your Alterative i I woo In bad from November ug until Fsbrunry a 1ML and waa thought dying oovaral times To-day 1 am haalthiar sad strongsr then over" (Signed) MRS BRILEY (Above abbreviated: more on request) Eckman's Alterative has been proven by many years' test to bo moot efficacious for severe Threat and Lung Affections Bronchitis Bronchial Asthma Stubborn Colds and in upbuilding ths system Contain no narcotic poison or habit-form lag drugs Far sal by Tragla Drug Co sad ether leading drugelata Write tha Echman Laboratory Philadelphia Pa for booklet telling af reoararlM and additional avldaaoa Adv The Shoe That The Steadfast 6500 to 6600 Ths best Shoo you can bujr Try it like it Tha Hil 6400 Beat 400 Shoe made Come In and see It Sibley Shoe Co 814 East Main Street WHY NOT NOW7 Year New Year's rtaeloftioM can he kspt fcsttsr whsthsr they wars to 4o mors or hotter work or to iyw4 nsn Lima wkh your hooks If yoe have goot cywfght Now at tho boffaRing of ths Now Year Is a good thn to hecemo (qaiiotriwU Caleskl Service sad hun eyo comfort for along (fans to conw Gakski Service is Goo4 for tho Kyat- Main and 6th Sts MIL Broad SC Washington Winnipeg Sun rises 7:24 Bun sets 5:09 i.

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