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Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma • Page 10

Tulsa Worldi
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1922 1: Coal Miners and Operators to Confer Monday at Kansas City Over Differences HALF WIND SWEPT nrxr-n )n nrniiiir MtlUllf llulmli'U for AREA IS REBUILT Drumright Tornado Nov. A Will Soon Uo but a Memory OIL WELLS PRODUCING Stool Derricks Aro Iloplnclnjf the Wooden Ones That Were Leveled flpelt la Ths World. UIIUMIUOIIT, Nov. IT. Willi Khnga cf innn, iiKKriKOllnic liiurf than 350 nltnirnhsr, worklnx In tlis arrii liri dpvsslnleil by Hie tornado of Nov.

1, It Is tiuw rstlmatsil Hint linlr of Hie work of rseonstruotltin hhn hfcii ilnni'. In tliU flu. 1 1 limn since ths ills-nstcr llio tvukn of Hw wind nlrwirty Ntionn m.irkf-il illffrrrncn from Hie mnmoraliln Hundrty riinrrilns; of two wrokn Afro. Now hoi hntlsM mid even new rlcrrlrks ulionily Klve ovl-iloncs of Die worjt of rcbulldlnc nn oil fl.1. Almost nil of (ho oil tvfOls Hint wero pumped liy csriiral power sin-lloiifl are fiKO In prodii'lup, nrrordlnir to (lny McUnivnti, superlntendi'M of the TUI a I Oil compnny lioldlnfcs Iirra.

However, wlla pumped liy individual engines "on trio lienm' are for the on pnrt yet to he Iiiiiir on. The wind played hnvoo Willi Iht'so well and It will tako sorno llmo to net mnt of them producing. A number have suffered collapm of roda or lublmr mnKliiK expensive flshlns Jotui neccoonry, Vor the moat put steel derricks are replacing ttio wood structures levelled by tlin elorm, Tim '1'ldnl compitnv, which ulime nt 37 rise, la rebuilding entirely with aleel, ao-cordlm to Mcdownn. Tha work Of curing for the home win taken of nlmoit en-tlrely by thn moro fortunate people In the flrld, omitted by I ho hi com panles nnd friends In oily nnd the surrounding country. Tho lied Cross sen1 representative Into the field.

Mia. I). Mllchell, htit "he reported Hint tha splendid spirit of thn oil field people neceaallnted no outaldo relief. Tills work wtia the first done, nnd considering the difficultly, was donu well, nccordlnit to Mrs. Mitchell.

Improvements Planned For Mushopcc County MIIHKOOHIJ, Nov. 17- Plans for ImlldliiK Muskogee county court-liome and for the construction of another brldije ncroiui tho Ornnd river nt Kort Ollisnn wero nnnoimcod by tho county commissioners today. At present the county Is building four eteel brldjtea connecting with itdjolnlnir counties; nt a coat In excess of 1000,000. nr Hi rr. nisi Ml'HKnOHIS.

Nov 17 -WhaUa regarded na nieetlnK will take nt City. November It waa announced here today, between mcmlrera of the executive hoard of the United Mine Workers of (iklefiomfi, Arkansas nnd Texns nnd illrwtora nr the Aouthwuslern Inteielnl Conl fJtierntora' nsem intlon. I'lHtia to atHhlllae the tudustry In niTindiinre wllh ih NMri'iiii'liI renihed fit riallmisl ronference nt Cli'Volnnd, Ohio, some weeks a Iro nnd ndlueinient of Impnrmiit Wnite ill'puii's In Hi'' illslilrt will be consldeiMl, i fs niimtunied. MEXICANS GIVEN FULL PROTECTION Brcckcnridgo Mayor ToIIh Consul tho White Owls Now in Hiding ny tntstnatlenst Ns DAl.AH, Texas, Nov. 17.

Assured by Mnyor Kill Her Jlreckeiii Idje. Mint full protection will Im Riven Mexlenn residents, nnd with Texns inngeia en routo to the city. A. I.utxbert, Mexlmn consul here, exprriied confidence todity that I tier wlll bo no further trouble. "The lenders of the 'while owls' nre Mnrful of (lie consequcncca of their a Alinttnti iiKnlnst thn Mexican populntlon, Mnyor Kttlwller told mo In a telephone convnrsntlon." Consul Lutibert mid.

"Tho mnyor ns-sured me he wrui furnlshluic the fullest protection, bavin commla-Moiled 100 sperlnl offlrera, A number of Mexican started lo eve hut the mnyor nt man to the rail-ron() station to stop them telling them they would be protected." Consul I.utzbert snld lin la keep-Inic In cloie touch with the ellim-tlon, The consul here doos not believe thn aliUBtlon wnrrnnla Interference by tho atnte department. Triilnmnil Kllliil nl Work, liy th AMttil I'reM Ftsta Wlrs. Nov. it n. i (nobby) Thompson, nse 4 4, nnd nn employe nf the K.

T. rnllrond since 1004, was crushed to death early this mornlra; In the North Mc Alester yards whllo making; coup-llntt between (wo cars. He was a HWltchmatt, 8iiiiiIIm "iihlriiilc ut Norman, liy Inlrrnsllnnsl Nwi Dtrvlc. NOHMAN, Nov. 17.

Klve etu-dents nt the University of Oklnhomn aro Isolated nnd under observation for poslb1a smnllpox slgni, authorities nre uriclnic nil tu-dents nnd citizens here to bo vno-cltmted follnwlnic the death of travellnir salesman Iters from the disease. "MKt Corni htt li your traaff AufhoUtnut hit bsu'l KtUttt'm last's fit lor any King, and that't why I ty tiy'rs fit tor yen, cams tiv nvr aft futh or hard Is ilr. Alnff It's the wonder-flavor and crispness that wins for Ketiogg's Every spoonful of Kollogg's Corn Flakes is a taste sensationa thrill! Such delicious flavor in a cereal 1 And, Kellogg's crisp crunchiness beats description! Kollogg's aro never tough, never leathery, never hard to cat! Little folks, as well as big folks, will mighty quickly "speak their piece" about ICellogg's! Ho imitation over could compare wita Kellogg's Corn Flakes- and your good taste will prove that! You want KELLOGG'S and you'll fcet Kollogg's if you insist upon Kellogg's an the RED and GREEN package that bears the signature of V. K. Kellogg, originator of Corn Flakes! None are genuine without it! mimp mm TOASTED CORN FLAKES It stSBsH CORN FLAKES Alio m.Viri of KELLOGG'S KJIUMBLES and KELLOGG'S ERAN.

cool.J uJ LrunU, 1 1 1 I ft I I IQ Hmtntlmcr Contracts UULLI UIIXL lo Ganrrcne I'oixoninp HELD COMPETENT Petition for Guardianship DiHinisHcd by at Okeniah SMll Ths tVorl.1. OKKMAII, Nov. IT. At hearing In tho mtinly court a motion by lbs diifendants Raklnx that the ootirt deny Jurisdiction In thn ttttnrdlan-ship iirbdlnR asking that in ii rd Is appolntwl fdr Annie 'ully. wns sustained.

Testimony was produced In court showliiK that Annie was not a resident and had no property Interests In Okfuskee roiinty. but had houajht hotue In Wlehl's. nod claimed pint ns her home. A similar hearing will bo had In Clulhrln on November 27, when II Is believed that the iurt them will also deny thai It bus Jurisdiction. Kfforts have benn niacin to hav? Hie Cull girl declared Incompetent ever since she became of nxe last July.

Annie waa the owner in allotment In Ihp Okemah nil field, and at the time she twined he' miilnrlty sold a pnrt nf her oil Interests to local pat ties Annte Cully, who la nRr Rlrl. Iins had a etrc'iuous Hmo slnco be-cnniln of ae. Hbo claims In a petition iukI mill far iltitimxi filed In thn rtl-tilot court here iiKnlnst a Milskogeo attorney, that bo at one time had her Incarcerated In n. Jail at Chlnmn nnd kept there until eho had sinned contract employing him as her 'attorney. 1'.

K. Oumm. thn attorney, retaliated by flllnij a suit nirnlnet Annie nnd thn firm of Cocliran Itattnrree for the sum nf 150.000. Ileforn lenvliie Okfuskee itinty Annie Cultv deeded nil tim re malnltiR property belona'nj to hor to btr father, wuua ctuiy, who nnd been her guardian, pll 10 The WiifM. I'AWllfelKA.

Nov. 17. J. I. Johnson.

Undertaker of this place, Is seriously sick from irnriKrene in-feitlou nt HI. Anthony's hospital, Oklahoma City. In a body for Interment, Mr. Jnhnean received enull Injury In nls rlht band. Tn wound wo dls-Infectei and dr'eed and tl not Kt aorlnus until the undertaker nnd party renchml Oklahoma City nn their way In the football iranm at Norman Saturday when Mr.

Johnson bad to be taken to Hie hospital Iheie He Is n' prceni linprnvlne; but Is not out of danger. HOLD SUSPECTS UNDER BIG BOND 1922. nnd has been filed In Musko-see, Sequoyah, Kloro and Haskell Sapulpan Turns State's Evidence and Tells of tho Robbery BURNS FATAL TO DRUMRIGHT MAN George Holers Hurt in Jumping From Home Wrecked by Fire BpMlnl 10 Ths WOfM. DHUMItlOIlT, Nov. 17 rienre Itoners, C4, who mnro than two weekH nii'i was badly lnlurd In esraplriK from his bnrntnx Jmmn died this week of his Injuries in the Priimrlxht hospltnl.

Itnirers hud been eleeplnar nlfineln his little box housa. IXnItiR the nlcht from some unknown cause tho house cauKht fire. was awakened by the heat of the flamea and Jumped through thn slaes of his window to tho nround eight feet below He recelvod burns, bruises .....1 afti.M... i ahniil flirt tlnfiil 11 was nt first bi-llcvcd he would ro-I cover. The dead man leives a wife and eight sons and daughters, ports! la tbt World.

Nov. 17.The prelim i nary hearing for the stven held In i conneotloti with tha recent Kelloy-villo bank robbery was held before Justlrn l'lltx and nil of the prisoner were bound over to the district court, except Mrs. Hob Colllnge worth and J. V. LariR, nn nttorney of Henrvetta.'s hearlns; was poet ported until November 21, because some 'vlttiesiiHi worn not present. Iionald Thompson, 20, of 1303 Hast Kulrvlew afreet here, who turned slate's evldenro told his story of tho robbery. Jlo nld that he had lived In Hapulpa for night or nine yearn and for severnl month bad driven taxi for his brother whoso stand Is at tho Ht, James hotel, Ho said he hnd Juet become Hi'riualnled with Collingsworth In i nfe a short Hmo beforn tho robin iy, and ihat tha following day f'nlllngsworlh nnd Ivan Ilhndcs, also one of thn boarded bis car at IMstow nod discilfed the rnlihnru nt thst time. Thn day nf the robbery no joinou eountion, uainnoma CoUlinrsorih and IWiodco on West The lossee agrees to pny nn annual Dewey aveniib nnd they drove to rsntnl equal to tho amount of Inter-Kelleyvlllo In a HuM car.

drlvlns nnd rharge: on thn nmount of up and down the street awaiting for uonda of tho lessor outetntidlng. The the noon hotlr. Thompson stated ina0 given, it Is staled, to have that while hie) companloni robbed thr lessee guarantee an Issue of 12.1, the bank he alood In the doorwn 000,000 of the lessor. In, order thai with his hand on his gun. When hi 1 funds might obtained for the companions came out of the bank construction of the lennor's plant.

with over 12 000 the party then drove tu the woods where Thompson i wns given 310, all he over got out the robbery, according to his ttatl- I mnny. Tliompson, toiungeworin, i-ox Hhodea nnd Turned were bound over to thn district court. County Atlor ney Hickman stated that there was not sufficient evidence to hold Mr I Collingsworth In this county, hut that he believed a chargn of rccelv- Ing stolen property could he filed Tho power hou.o la located on th Arkansas and Clrnnd rivers, near Muskogee, Okla. Kntisns Pioneer Dies. Jptttdl to T6 U'crlil, EUWIIADO, Nov, (Intlln, 84, a resident of Mkoui nnd Kansas for moro than tip.

years, died nt tho home of his toil iinru. ino oony win no taker, to Lebanon, Mo for burial, against her In Okfuskee county. POWER LEASE IS FILED 1 Oklnhomn fins A Co. Tnkca I Out tfcncrnl Power Property. Bp-rtal to Th WorM I'OHT BMIT1I, Nov, IT The lease of tha plant, transmission and distribution Itneei, subsratlons and nil property of tha Oklahoma (lineral Power company to Oklahoma dm A Hlectrlc has been Med In tha offlco of tho circuit clerk.

The lease was executed Anrll 1 Realization BRUNSWICK RECORDS FOR DECEMBER Now on Sale Don't Fail to Hear the New Numbers No78wtl Fifth CfiiAn 2T39 MassWnHMM cm3 I Hot BiscuiTsr ffip Baked Potato UAA I II I I -EPC rw jnwmsewije tppredatea the oconomy of RICH NUT. Notnsubstltute but pure, wholesomo foodhigh Ln health-giving qualities. Ita delightful and wholesomo taste aids in tho well prepared meal whether used as spread or In the cooit-ing. MJT Saves five Difference Churned to vslvety smoothnsst from cholcMt nut tnu and para whole milk. Try It on your next order.

Distributed by Hnrrow-Taylor nutter linjisaa City, Mo. TSOUHOHir WIIOHT 0LE0HARCAJNE aacw-TKnjSixraJjP (i SAME PRICE 1 for more than years BAKING POWDER for aUA ft i inccs YOU SAVE when you use KC you use less than of higher priced brands. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. "HIGHEST QUALITY" iSSSST'iiir MITJLTONS OT? POUNDS BOUGHT BY THE GOVERNMENT FLORSHEIM SHOES Sample Sizes, 6 to 8, for When one visits the Bonne Boot Shop, Tulsa's Stylists, aad finds renlly the newest in shoes, so high in quality and low in price one realizes the decided advantage of purchasing from this store. Mail Orders Filled $7.85 TURK BROS.

GREATEST SHOE SALE 318 South Main 412 514 South Main are: Barleycorn Fighting for Resurrection Ten Thousand Automobile Deaths Turkish Fanaticism "Gone Wild" The Cry for More Immigration Discoveries Among the Southern Stars The Presbyterian Attack on Dr. Fosdick Four Miles a Minute Through the Air When the World Gets Overcrowded Venomous Fish Mussolini Garibaldi or Caesar? Thanksgiving as Turkey's Head Falls Dr. De Forest's Audion Orchestra Commander Owsley, of the American Legion, and His Four Points Many Interesting Illustrations, Including the Best of the Humorous Cartoons HoV Many Jokes Do You Know? Wherever people congregate, the spice of conversation is a whimsical story. Nimble reporters garner the bust and hasten them into prjnt. And from this elaborate array Tho Literary Digest selects the cream ot clean numor ana presents in the leading theaters ot English-speaking countries in a sparkling now motion picture "Fun From tho Press." Laughter is the age-old antidote for depression, the "high-sign" of good-fellowship.

And wherever "Fun From the Press" is showing, vou aro suro of fivn mlnutna of wholesome mirth, oome clever new "wheezes" to "spring" on your friends, and a good dramatic program besides. Watch for it weekly at your favorite theater. If not on tho bill, ask tho manager how soon he can get a booking of "Fun From the Press." Produced by Tho Literary Digest; Distributed by tho W. W. Hodkinson Corporation.

Get November 18th Number, on Sale To-day At All News-dealers 10 Cents The Mark ol I Dlatlnotlon to 1 I Randarof I Tb Utara Vdio S-mtSierS and Mothers of America mbcr, on bale lo-day At All News-dealers 10 i i I Why not make sure that your chfldren have tha advantage of using the Funk Woenall Com prehensive and Concise Standard Dictionaries in school nnd at home? It means quicker pro (tress. Ask Their Teachers Will the Radicals Control the Next Congress A Republican Congressional majority, so large as to be unwieldy, has been cut to a margin so small that in both Houses Republican legislation will be at the mercy of a handful of insurgents of doubtful party regularity. While the Republicans sustained losses in the election, the Milwaukee Journal (Ind.) can not see that the Democrats made any conclusive gains. Indeed, it is forced to conclude that if one looks for the real gains he finds them going to the radicals. The New York Sun notes that "Voters mt radical sympathies have lined up with he radical candidates almost as generally as they might have if there had existed a great radical party.

It has happened in the East and in the West. The radicalism that has come into evidence in this election exceeds sectional bounds. It has eaten into the vt ry fiber of both the old parties. Do not fail to read in THE LITERARY DIGEST this week the summary of opinion upon this very interesting development that has come out of the election. There are a host of other important news-features in THE DIGEST this week which will have more than an ordinary appeal.

Among them.

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