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Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma • Page 19

Tulsa Worldi
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1022 19 CYCLONE STRIKES NEAR DRUMRIGHT, ALSO MANNFORD CONTINUED rOM I'AOB ONB fytone firet dirtied to tlie earth nt a. point about three mllea due west of Shamrock, where It bowled over a couple of homo, but without lie irins any of the occupants. TiavellnB in direction It next waa In action throo miles north of Bhamrurk. laytnK a.gste a Brent leafe of the I'ralrle Oil A Clue topping approximately derrick nud nt least one home Then came ho moet disastrous) eitailon. ft series of lease of tho It ixunu Petroleum company, tmi r.nrle, (lypsy.

I'uro Oil and other. in being struck about lo and a half southeast of OrumrHtht. li was on the Hoxana lease that four wer killed man and his wife and child and another. It waa estimated fully two hundred derricks aIko were In this region. Also that fniiy forty homtfl of field worker were leveled.

liom the point near Drumnsht to a point four miles south of Maim-' which Is about iwen miles from Drumrlght on a straight 1 no, i here wern no reports of lose of life or specific Instances of loss of prop, prty, It Is certain, however, that between these points the storm swept clean Its 300-foot path wherever It dipped to earth, and when the relief workers set Into the a ea Sunday a deflnlto check can be lad. Muted mid liiM. The storm continued north and cast past Mannford and was reported passing about four miles west of Keystone. About this point it ti behoved to havo lifted and been dispelled, "probably helnc broken up by Mrlklng tho Arkansas river and luster of hills In southern Osngo county. Thus the best estimate Is that It is about 25 miles from where the storm first struck to tho point where was last heard from.

I'ruo and ether towns northeast of Mannford, which would havo been In the direct path of the storm had It continued, were unharmed. TulmiH Hardy MlMPd Storm. A party of Tulsa people, W. 1). Itlehatds, 111 North Yorktown, nn Attorney, with Mrs.

Richards and K. Roberts. 3317 East Admiral, returning by motor car from Shamrock, reached the city Saturday night after a thrilling race with tho storm. Richards said they left Shamrock nt o'clock Just as storm wan brewing. They reached Drumrlght ns It was beginning to rnln and then "stopped on It" nil tho way to Sapulpn, keeping nhead of tho storm until they were out of Its rearh.

Uefore they arrived in Sapulpa. It was rnlntng furiously. Tho storm crossed behind them. They saw one oil tank blazing and said hundred!) of rigs appeared to be directly In tho path of tho storm. Richards said It was the worst storm he over saw.

SperM te the World, DllU.MllIUHT. Nov. 4. Four pcplo wcro kilted and tremendous datnago was done to near-by oil fields by tho cyclono that swept by DrumrlGht nt 0:30 Saturday afternoon, Up to midnight the known dead In this district arc; JOU JCVMNGS, oil field workor. employed on tho Roxana lease, a' mlln and a half southeast of town; Mrs.

Jennings, his wife, and their H-ycar-old son, Wilfred Jennings. WILL 15, who lived In n. houso adjoining that of the Jennings family. Two of the Injured were Identified as Frank Hurst and Mrs. Fannlo Hurst, both of whom lived In a grocery store on the Roxana lease, where the tunrm first struck.

Darkness llimipcrtt Relief Work. Several automobile filled with physicians departed Tit once for the norm area from hern and Otltun. Total darkness which covered the nl! field as result of the destruction of electric llghtlrig equipment, Is hindering the work of rescue parties. More than thirty houses of oil workers on tho Roxana, I'ralrle, Tldjl, I'uro Oil und Gypsy leasea were wrcckod, according to reports here, and oil rigs und pumping machinery strewn about for miles. A heavy downpour set In immediately after tho tornado passed, and Is continuing, adding to the difficulty of bringing In the injured.

I'n I SpnrcN Motorist who raced Into Drum-right ahead of the storm reported that It pasewd over their heads when their cars failed to outdistance it. II. II. Sykes. who was driving from Rrlatow here saw two motor trucks overturned In the road, lie-side one ho found driver unconscious and brought him here.

Tho Jennings family, which wan wiped out by the storm, was living on tho Roxana Oil company's lcuso a mile and a half southeast of Drum-tight. The Jennings home was blown to atoms, apparently, not the sllghtcut trace of It having been found up to midnight. The bodies of Jennings and his wife were dls-covered more than a quarted of a mile from where tho house had been, lying within 15 yards of each other. They were terribly mutllatoj end nearly uvory bone was broken. It appeared that they had been hurtled along for a distance, then rolled on the ground, then picked up and blown along some more arid finally dropped.

The body of the Jennings boy was found a few feet ftcm where the homo had been. It was not mutilated at all, tho only mark holne a small round hole In the forehead, which looked as If a metal object had bran driven Into the skull. Tho body of the Dod-Bon boy was found near the home. All four bodies were placed In ft Drumrlght morgue, Those Injured on leases near here were being cared for In Drumrlght hospitals tonight. According to all reports the greatest destruction In this vicinity was wrought on the Roxana lease, al-thought others Buffered severely.

The Ruxamt lease, which was one of the most Important In the region, was utterly devastated. A deflnlto report of tho damage done on tho Tidal lease, which ad joins the Roxana on the north, was received late tonight. On this lease 36 rigs wore reported blown down along with one power house, four pumping houses, several drilling housed and numerous store buildings, The man in charge of the Tidal leawi estimated' his company's damage In me lien; at or more. lie said the estimate of halt a million dAmige In the field was conservative. I'i-thLh Altui Altminri.

Terrific etorma aro always freaky "'m inn one was no exception. Hie most unueual occurrnnce related so far was the condition of a big oil Death of Cyprian Tayrian Removes Oldest Indian of Northeastern Part State 'Ilili incline ttnx ml. it in I.SIL', lit oftfr turning In tlio Indian Tirrllurj Cjprlnii TiOrlun, Minli-IUtiih, row! (intpriior Initio Ducdir, anil Illack Srertal to Tho Nov, 4. Way i back In tho picturesque, daa of Indian Torrltory when there wero no courts to Judge the misdeeds of tho lawless but whon the word of honor held supremo power, a small group of historical Indian Usages gathered around a small log cabin where tho town of Tawhuska was later built. They gathered there In April for tho purposo of receiving their payments from the government, l're.

vlous lo this few smaller payments had been made nt-Silver liko nnd plaoes In Kansas. A photograph which now graces tho directors' room in tho First National bank at Dartlesvlllo In realistic colors, and llkuvliio offices of many pioneers of the community, was taken of group who havo passed long since to their hunting ground of peaco and content. Cyprian Tayrian was tho last to follow his Osage friends with whom he Is shown In tho picture. Uo is seen at the upper left-hand corner of the group and might easily bo recognized by tho many who knew him even though slnco the timo of the picture, age had added gray-ness to his hair and deep furrows to his brown skin. Next to Tayrian in the' picture wore his friend Man Shah-Kctah.

1M Mathews nnd CSus Chotcaw for whom tho town of- Choctaw was probably named. Those sitting beginning with tho third from the left wero Governor Joe, Lame Doctor, Hill Tinker, Gray Kaglo, Tall Chief, and Illack Dog. Tho names of tho proud chiefs nt tho extreme lower left have not been determined. Cyprian Tayrlun was said to bo tho oldest man In tho northeastern portion of the state, In fact It was not definitely known by himself or his rolatlves Just what age ho wa truck which was blown from tho rond three miles south of hero. When a party went to bring the truck to town after tho storm It was found that hundreds of straws had been driven between the steel rim nnd tho wheels of the truck, tho straws not being broken.

A crew of 30 workmen employed by the Oklahoma Plpellno company had a narrow escape from death )n tho storm. They wero urivmg on tho road to Shamrock whon the storm hit nnd weie about threo miles south of Drumrlght when they saw coming. The driver put on full speed, and tho htigo truck rumbled out of tho path of the storm by a scant few yards. The workmen said It was a terrlblo fcollng that they experienced tho roaring twister moved by. The most freakish story told of the rtnrni.

however, won related by H. Miller of Oklahoma City, flold superintendent for tho Oklahoma Gas Electric who was on ft tour of his company's lease wiui iwu companions Saturday nftornoon. Sacil IYo nm Doutli. Miller said when they saw a storm coming that they could easily tell u-n. no nnllnarv blow they stopped and hurriedly adjusted the sldo cur tains on their car, iurnu end to the wind and prepared to "weather it." Soon a man rushed over from n.

nnd told thum to get out, thut a cyclono was coming. They wont wltn mm to mo in of his homo and remained thero until the storm had passed over. Miller snld they went to look for their car and It waa gone. Finally they found It. about a hundred yards nway.

It had been picked up and deposited neatly on top of tool hoiiko on the I'ralrlo lease. The sides of the tool house wore caved In and the roof had given way. A great 3 by 12 beam had been thruH through tho automobile, entering thiough Iho glass In tho rear and protruding through tho windshield. Tho seats were smashed In and there was a quantity of Tnud on the floor. Had Miller and his compnnlons stayed In the car they certainly would have been killed.

All Llglitlns Out. Sillier estimated tho loss to the Oklahoma Gas Electrlo Co. would be JS0.000, Ho believed the total loss In the field would b0 well over a half million. All street lights, as well as thofo In homes and places Of business In Drumrlght, were out for about ft half hour tonight. High tension wires between this city and Sapulpa were down.

Hut temporary repairs were effocted and the lights restored. Numerous searching parties will leave Drumrlght At dawn Sunday, going In every direction Into tho field. Spteltl to the World. ANNSKORD. Nov.

One man wiui killed Jind another fatally Injured when' a twister accompanied by a downpour of rain that was almost a cloudburst struck four miles south-of bero late this evening and sped northwest through the oil coun'ry Tho deal man la known only as Walls. He was an oil field warkr the int i.tjm nt tin Osagcs rccchcil Toil row, rending frt in left to right. Mtitlicus, (us Cliiilunti. I 'colli Hill, firny Tull Chief altlvugh If was thought ho was be-tw en nnd 10 years old, Tayrian I a osago and French and proud of cvry drop of Indian Ktr.n.1 It, fU I 1.1. Knw valley in Kansas claims the early homo of Tayrian bofore lie came to Indian Territory In 1ST1.

Ho was educated at l'rlests college, a MlHsourl school, at St. Pauls, mid wns thought to have left thero nt the age of i'l. More than fifty years ago Tayrian oamo to Indian Territory and conducted an Indian trailing storo east of Hartlwllle between Turkey creek and Coon creek. loiter thinking that a changn was what ho wanted he moved hl business log store to Hominy. Just 15 miles north of Tulsa for a short time hut camo back to I liartlesvlllo and built log house threo miles west of here whero hh now modern fnrjnhouee and 100 acres of cultivated lands with great herds of emtio and hogs nre.

This was whero Tnyrlan's allotment was given to him. Tho last move was mndo In 18n nnd the old ruptlc log houso of tho ploncr Osnge still graces tho foothills of the Osage landscape. Tho 100 acres woro under tho best of cultivation and each year it spoko proudly of tho Indian's thrlftlness and pood management. The wise old full-bloods say that when an Indian goes to collego nnd then returns to his peoplo "Hack to tho lllanket" Is their prcdlclton. Whether or not Tayrian ever went back to tho blanket but the successful career us a farmer and business trader speak for themselves.

Tho Civil war also wiw an event of his life, but It Is not known on which sldo this French Osngo put his fight-lug abilities. Tho annual allotment received hy Cyprian Tayrian until the tlmo oi his death was approximately 12, 000. Thrro sets of children remain as descendant of Tayrian as well nn a number of grandchildren and and was Rilled on a lease a mile north of town. Tho Injured msn. Sid Fugate, was picked up bodily and hurled sovcral feet.

Ho Is not expected to live, Practically all of tho stores In the town wero flooded and all telephone lines In the town arc down. No rural linos ure In operation and the telephono operator roportn that all long distance lines aro out except to Tulsa and Terlton. Special to th iVorM Nov. A. The cyclono that swept through this oil field district lato.

this afternoon, killing several people near Drum-right, missed tho town of shamrock on tho west by a baro halt a mile. While no fatalities have been reported in the vicinity of Shamrock, tiiero were many narrow escapes Several houses wero blown down and vast damago was done In tho oil field. Tho most freakish prank of the twister nonr Shnmrock was nt the homo of John lllldebrand, lease boss ot tho I'ralrlo Oil Gob three miles duo north of Shnmrock. lllldebrand and his wife and 12-year-old daughter, Ilnzol, ere at tho supper tablo whon the storm struck, fho four-room houso was picked up from the foundation, turned over nnd dropped to the ground with great force, and the Hlldebrnnd family wns saved from death by a piano which held up AM. CIIAItOB WANT ADS nre rtut ant payable ttta aamo day tint Inter Hon at ail aiiptura (All out af-town waniail and all Wantad to Itant, siMsnona Wanted.

Wearing Apparel aid iln.iaehnld Oooda ada art pu.l-lively a all In advanee.) TKLKI'IIOSB WANT APR are charged at the same as tab adi and collectlona Kill be made at your liomt or orrice aa soon after (Irat In ertton aa poeelble. Thla ts an acrorn modatlon eervlcs and payment abauld le made promptly when bill la pre anted. Aiwya aek )Our telephone ad lo be repealed bank to you by the telephone ad to innka aura that It haa been uirreatly talcen. The World cannot aaaume r.appeibllltv for ariore of any kind occurring In telephone ad vertleemente. Under no -Irc'iniitanree are we re.

eponilM for errora In any advert merit unleea r.porte.1 Immediately afier flnt insertion. No redu tlon In coat ot an ad will be made unlets error df-atroya value at ad. Phono Oaago G000 ASK TOIL WANT At) DKPAUTAIENT HOURS! Open Dally. I a. m.

to p. m. Open Sunday, fi m. to p. in.

Ada received during theee houra will appear In The World tha following morning. Hhldler liranch Office I. Cole. Oklahoma City llrancli Office 8tereneon Dally Newa Agency 101 Hroadway. No kirk uranoh Offlr.

Tha rioner Drug mora. f. Starr, Okmulgee tlraeeh Office II, 8 Kenny. Petroleum Ilulldlng Phone IHI fiapulpa llrancli Office Coptland Hroe II South Talk ''hone JS1 Weet'Tulea tiran-'i'" Tieiall Tirug Hrora li VFTk A'FiTlTiit'l'r' Bayte Drug Store. 11 Kecoid Watt Drug fore, (10 H.

Clne'snatl pint of tho room thry oi cupled The tiiroo were stunned, awakening a 'few moments after thn crash nil In it heap sgnlnst thn plann which had saved their lives They crawled lout of mass of wreckage almost iinscifttehed. The new home of C. W. Itlswell, three miles wist of Hh.imrtick, was demolished, but no one was Injured. 1 A small he home belonging to a bachelor named Jennings, near the lllswell home, was also wrecked.

The greitest damage In the vlcln-1 Shamrock was on the I'ralrle on which the lllldebrand homo I .1 itni luiuitu, i.tvi I IK nil ilia I'nrr, steel, and wood alike, was blown and the damage will be great, Tho storm whlrh traveled In northeast by north direction tlret s'rib iibout threo miles west oi Hhamroili, It Is believed. It swept a pa about threo hundred feet wide, uprooting the largest lres i and slr.ewlng these About, Kvery telephono nnd telegraph pole In the I path of the wind was blown down. As the storm psssed mrectly between Shamrock nnd Drumrlght, every phone connection between these two towns, only seven miles Apart, It down The roads In the storm area aro almost Impassable because of 'tree trunks and telephone poles. 1 One of the first reports of casualties from the slorm to reach Shamrock was that of Fred Smith a I truck driver for the Carter Oil com-'ranly, had been killed and his body away Another truck driver I had seen Smith's truck hurled 200 'feet from the road Into a clump of trees. A large party of searchem went out to hunt Smith's body but i Instead found Smith walking toward Shamrock on tho Drumrlght road about three mile north of town Smith said ho siw the storm coming nnd.

reallz im he was In Its p.illi Jumped from his truck and crawled Into a ditch uy tno tune or tnc road. Fom this point of safety ho saw his thrco-ton truck picked tip like a leaf by the storm and thrown high and far to one sldo of the rond. After tho storm had pbmoi! he went to whero hl truck had fnllon nnd found It demo shed. Ho then started to town nnd met tho rescue parly. Thero was no damage at all In tne town ot Shamrock from the wind, but tho near cloudburst that no-comimnled the storm has flooded basements anJ caused water damage.

It was still raining hard nt 10 o'clock. nn.TOV. Nov. 4 Olltnn was un touched hy the cyclono which early tonight dipped Into the oil field Just outside ot Drumrlght, lifted and then struck nt Mannford. Within a radius of eight miles, according to telephono Information trom uh-fields, there was no damage except from tho heavy rain which almost amounted to a cloudburst. Nov. i. No storm dam age was reported In tho vicinity of Yale. It is raining nam tnnigni nun thero wns a high wind late this afternoon.

Tho Inventor of a set of chisels and punches to be fitted Into common handlo claims tho tool will stand as hard usage as one made of solid piece. Ilwiinc8s Cards DR. IIARHY GREEN Wishes to Announce the Opening of Ills Office nt 217 ATLAS LIFK HUILDINO For the Practice of Medicine nnd Surgery JAMES M. CANNON, M. D.

nnnounccs tho romovnl of his office to 220 Atlas Lifo Bltlg. Dr. Charles M. Hickcy announces the opening of rtew offices at 219 Atlas Lifo Dr. Henry S.

Browne Dr. Chas. D. Johnson Dr. Edwin B.

Wilson Announce the removal of their offices to 201-207 Atlas Life Bldg. DH. WALTER V. HUXTON DENTIHT announces the opening ok new okkices 218 ATI AS UI'K nUIMMNG OKLAHOMA PHONE OSAGE S523 THE CHILDREN'S DAY NURSERY 111 SOUTH ClUIYKN.tlE Children Cured For Darin Working or KhoprVjut Hours I TREAT MEN ANDVVOMEN lor Jlei Byphllli iJonor rhot. Utrlctur, I)lddf Troublf.

Mrdrocclif nd li prWU dlitMn. For Unror Dtipuc merit, painful n1 Irrrvu IfcT mtniliiill'in, unnaturil dlichrc ktdnty bin rid and all chronic 914 Struma and Vacclou TlMirntnt, CONMJITATION I'UKK Elf lit Vfnra In Op IWHtlon DR. JOHN LEE rWnnd and Main Klrrrta 118 nttaritf Hid. Oince (U( DR. STOTTS 210 Richard Bldg.

Third Street and Boston Avenue, 'Tulsa, Okla, Formerly of Hot Springs, Ark. IIIoimI. Hklu, Gcnllo (Jrlnnri and Vnicrcul Diacascs nnd General Office I'ractlw -k'riiina. Vni-cltii'k. Electrical 'Jreiitiiiciith.

IIIimhI Tests CONSPIRATION I'lt KIT PHONIC OSAGIi HIH COLORADO SWEPT BY ICY CYCLONE CONTINUED ritOM PAUK ON'B etorm hrokn nhont 2 3o VIn x. Mn on huTsohurk Imvo left pueblo In mi effort to imrh .1 run. li hua whre omn liflxint lielluvn tho linyii m.iy I if nnd try to luo.tte thorn. A lillliillliK noftrtnrm anppt thr irRlon Into which tho bova went utid there aro aoino frg fxprfarl for their aafety. Puehlo hnn been ccimpletrly Isolated from the rft ft the world for the pi't nlT houra.

All loiig-dlalnnrp telephone mid nil telegraph llm lime been down berntlan of the hllg-Mrd. Mi-Ager report of a tornado nt Orway and Hn.r City, Colo, two poliito on tlin Mlertourl Pacific railroad 60 mile naet of here, have not been verified an It la lliipneellilti to gel Into communication with these place. In Pueblo electric wire and telephone lines wore broken bv the heavy coat of alret that chine; lo the wlrea caualiitr them to snap In the wind. LEXINGTON. Nov.

4. A lorilfldn wtrlick f.OYlMirtuii IhIm thla afternoon, cutting a wide ewath through me southern part of the town 'n nunnm vi'nr. foiwiMml Injured. Union Pacific trnlns were hold up and many barns were demolished. PKATT, Nov.

4. tl.irni were blown down, eheda nnd otilhotte knocked over, trerx uprooted and telephone nnd telegraph lines put out of fommlnslnn In aurles of tornadoes that swept this section of the statu tale today. The ltock Island railroad from Liberal to Pratt nnd Natrona reports iiln nnd winds. Mlnneola reports a big storm doliiK considerable dnmnRn. Ciillleoti nnd GrecnburR were visited by high wliule that destroyed bulldiiiRs.

The Hun In l'e station at I'arln was unroofed. At Itika the Mlssourl-Paclflo coal sheds wero blown down and other damnca done. The Wichita North -weeiern reports Its wires down north of Hopewell. Pratt's city lldht system was paralysed when wind blew down pole carrylnK acoren of power wires lo nil parts of the city. Insurance men tonight report senren of lnsaes rnnRlnir from cnttle being struck by lightning to blK harnn nnd rrnnnrlcH hrlng blown down.

An Inch ot rain fell hero In nn hour. K.LDOIIADO, Nov. 4. Claude Shermnti, a farmer. ycara Lodges nnd Societies fUTfiA ti, v.

a. i. metle every Thuradayi dial Thnredey C. eerond rnura. Uy, liu.ln.e., ll.ll.l Tbuiedey.

M. fourth Thureday. H. A. Neil meeting November Ituelneee at 7 10 p.


HefilJilZl-DELTA I.OIXlli HT VvTll meet In regular roaimunleatloii. Tuea. dsr. Msr-rab-r r. Lm.

O. Degree, commencing at 3 capo joiin r. a vnns, w. m. AIITIIt'U

Hecielary. UHMIK NO. til, A. A. M.

Iri Pllday. November 1, at n. Itegular monthly bual. nete meeting. All Maeona In- IkiNItT W.

IIACKtlS, W. M. fUDlA CHAI'TCk'NO. 12 iioyAt. AHtifl third Monday at Xaeonle hall.

Nett ineetlna slonday November Sill at 7 10 p. jn. Work In Paat and.Moai l.i; cellent Dfgreee. All Hoyal Arch Maeona Invited niANIC H. DAVIBdN.

II. P. "ViiiNITY l1lMHANDriHVNl. 1 lay of each month at Maannle Hall, Net meeilng October 11 Work In Order of the lied Croaa. All anjournlng Knlghla cordially Invited.

Itetreah- ni Tlieiiie It. O. (1HHICN, B. c. KltANK (1; SHAMAN, lien AKUAIt rKM I'l-ts.

A II N. M. Neat rerular mealing Nnvim- ber 10 at I m. Walrli thla column for any epeclal announremeota. announremeota.

nomsm n. I'otantale C. t. HUONKKR. Ileculdei.

Winter ceremonial, convention hall. December 11, llualnera meeting November 11, Patrol dmiree hall No veinber to and 34. P. nAIHt, Monarrh N. KI.MH, Hecieiary TULSA CHAITKIl.

O. K. 111. meals at aiaaonio nan third Wedneadaye of eaoh month, at 1.10 p. in.

Plrat meeting, buelneae, eecond meeting. Initiation and aorlal Convention llall, lllinaaay, rofmui Tlckela It far coui'lt. M11B. NKM.IK K. tlRKKN.

Worthy Matron MUD. I1MMA 1A8T. becretl.ry. TtliAlJIA CltAl-lKll. II.

l. fJ mt lalarine llatll ond and fourlh Baiuiday eyenlfiaa, 1:10. Klial meeting bualneeei eecond meeting foi Initiation eod eoctal aeaalon, Mra. Lucia Haiti. 11.

Worthy Matroo. Milt I. In Oaughey, Reey. Oeaga tllt ll AAniM COtlllT LAUIBS' HIIIIINU will Maeonle llall mtei ai the toutth Wednaadav of each month at TilO p. ni, Ceremonlala on tn niiunfentenl etta.

O. T. Haw. on. 1 1 lib Prleettae.

Oatgt 1111. Hy Waller llaaae lilt. Neil eegular meeting Sept. 17. sphinx ci.un or aaiiiia roimi flral Wedneedav ariernoon at Ills al Ma aonle hall Natl regular meeting October 4 MltH.

ItAVMUND bKINNIH, Oatga 7II Prreldtnt O. uiilKCTOnT lim Houtb llouldei Odd rellow. Hall AUrtOttA LODUIi. NO. II.

I. O. O. 9. Meeta evtry Wedneaday evening, Till W.

T. tIAIJDT. N. O. M.

U. I'OPNDtlTONb, Secretary. TOIJIA IXJDUC NO. 10. I.

O. O. meela every Tueaday eveotna 7 HO, DIM (IWINN N. O. J.

UOOlu; Her.reiary, tllJA KNCAMPMKN1 Ml HI. I. O. O. t.

Metla on eecond and fourlh frlday of each month at I p. in. J. HUOHLKTT, C. V.

it. ii. ynu.tCK. sriiie. TUIJIA ItUUKKAIt NO.

II. I. O. fttgulai mfailna tlret and third Friday of each mrinih. I p.

m. una. uiwk MIIB. rAItltT DA VIH, eo. Oaage (llin.


Patriarch Militant Plrat Saturday each month, I p. m. W. 1. HOLTON, Capu II.

II. rtlLLKH. Clerk. ORUKn OF U)TAl tWlNS. 'l-ulea rireelde Na eerond and fourth Hainrday eaoh month.


KFIKMI.IN l'UU()K I. O. M. mvete avary third Saturday I p. m.

J. J. wiiiitn W. M. ItlCHAItDB.

lllnliter of Itaoorda. i 1a InatWtv Mll'd In to.ty nl tua l. ui. inllrH mi'lii iil lir-ie. when a email toi nnd i awpl hia farm.

hhci man's rkull waa i malit-cl when hn rna caught when a amall outbuilding rollapaed. Other propri ty on tho farm win damafril, but there 1 no icport of oilier tintn- llOVAIItli'S MH'ClUaSOH NAMIil). lieu I'. Hotkey nf t'nnill- iliiln In I'liiet- of tlllhil. Hy Ilia Aaemlaled Pre State Wire, HAPHLPA, Nov.

4. lien V. Ilorkey of Rhumrock, was named to sueieed Walter llovlard on the reptiblli an stills ticktit for lepresen-tatUn i.Hii this duttrlct at a meeting of the republican central enecu-llte rnliniiillen held hern today. Ills appointment was unanlitMiis. vlard wan Ullled In nn auti'moblle an Idem la niglit.

llcrkey was HiivihiiI's opponent In Hie primal) last Atmust. He a member of the first Oklahoma, liKlftlature, nlectci from Utillirls. where be lived at that lime. He has been a tesldent of freek county for el)it )ear WANT ADS Announcements gualliy and tervice Tltlaa Co van eat a you one half I 1 to thank Ihe inaliv frlemla wh'i eapieeeed ihelr ayuipatliy In lie in our aorroe, and bereaveinenl In the deelh of our loving elater and aunt. Mia.

Ntvn for tha lieaiillful flnral offerlnaa, and laperlelly ill, we wleh to thank Iho flabiHiae. Hlgned Mr and Mra lleAdln, Mr and Mia. l-elhert Ct -I 'TTfT T. iTraV Mill' AMI 7 I'UtfNI-A plare In gel nien'a aulle cleaned end pre.aad right for III a I terry Mlllera, Cleanere, 1 day aervlce fe.lar IIP iTifiNli-ltay h.iree "Ir on Itit ehmildef liuiutie Ilaeaball t'alk. fi' PaTTi'V iTiio pTrked up a'lone marten neekplera In front af Wright bull, ling, alll rail Oaage 1711, he will receive le ward and no uueallone aaked.

I.6nT t.har aini while iioliiier. 'J. 11. Hommera. Oaage aitt; rewatd LOST White angura cel.

roweid. Oaage tors. LOUT on Main alleet' between Seventh and round blark leather puree with gnu? pule on aula wiui iniilai pt. II I'all Oaage llat and receive reward Loaf ruWee Tlea. between ira'k and puetnfflre lit III bills I'lnder pleaea roll daaue fttat lerelve reward CORT-JlVlween the Pliat" building and the poatofflce, by the way ot Main ana i iiini, a roiuer pomei iiok containing valuable rnnta and eolrte money, Addreaa In puree.

Kinder rail a rrdar ti or 101, Plrat National Hank mug aim receive rewem. n. i l75Sr- SfinaTi Mo. ion bull terrier male dug, brlndle, aabla brown with white mark. toga, eara nut trimmed, reward.

Oaagt 0I7, III Moulder. Ufii'l'lnke)a lloee. brlndle gley houndi wide leather collar, fall Oaage 3011 or notify I. It. Ilurlon, lied folk, OkU Ileward.

eat In' blue e- phlrea and illamondi reward. Call Oaage lilt. hoHT or atrayeil. two Airedale pupa, i inonlhe fall rd-r I0II-J and re. celvo liberal reward.

Oaago III, office rhone, LiiiTfTllark fTn neckpiece, tall finder railreilar xtll; I erelvere wail. iXlfPr Vld'; Llaek'a're! tan, collar bearing llcenaa tag No. lilt, reward. Call Ceder 17tl 13. Koilrleenlh rr.SA.

L'JTL 'm i't 1" "H7. LiAini i.ia nieen-int-'ii aiinia oi i.e l-earlai down lown, raward, Oeagi' Itll UXrr. MTIIAYI1D OH hTIII.KN -An Kng-Hah aeller. 4 montha old. white, atmltel black, both eale black, large blark epot on right ahoulder and able, eome tan epnle, while tall with few epote Cell iiaagfltaii ror return and reward.

I.OST A large cameo plni finder (ileate Oaege 0.7Q. reward. LoaT lielween Alum lintel and Hat rare, a mink neekrtere, no rewerd rinoer rueaae ran naaga Tar. I'elnaTe Kngllah aeller, )ettow apotteil, It niiilitha old, anawera to name 'queen, rail Htier wood between 1.10 and 4 10, reaard. Oaage 700, JJiXl-' afelal bell Human koy palterna.

aet wuii rhlneaionea. large amytheat In renter reward rail 3IA7. r.T"liT--fll Majeatle tlieale'r. Albrecht meke chnkeri finder ple4aa return to HlilK anil receive raward. I'TTllnuni diamond wedding rlngi finder ploaee return; liberal reward.

Hum, redar or I'edar 1111. iH ritTTffif VVTille pointer 1,11,1 ilng, black eaia anil IHJ'e 111) reward Oaage 1017. PPr.AHi'tl Fife Kaimtxiat one wardrobe trunk, Ilrlatnw and Tulaa roadt 111 reward for eaiiie. J'linne Oaage ItaT TAKH.N win Hike'rlllh Halloween nlgfTt. dark blue root with nalrakalll roller and 020 H.

Detroit. Oaage llll, It II WA 111) pi.iiMi.NAi, ASTItlll.OOY 1,1100 wontTrlal reading, ICc. two UUeetluna free; elate blrtbitale. prof Audrey, I'ept II, 114. Waahlngton, 1 1 Kit i'i 1M MIIB.

P. I1I1AN ot Mllwolikee cured by eimpta dlarovery, iloclore gave her tip, 1 willend vou the eame kind fit medl. i tiied free. W. I-epeo, Mllwaukee, Wla.

Ill.lXTIin.Miri reactlona ot Abrama, Dr. K. ri. Huueek, pioneer to practice the II. II.

A. In Tulee, a graduate under the founder, Dr. Albert Abrarne. Phyaleo clinical laboratory. Paramount Court.

311 Cheyenne, Phona Cedar 2m. I'AIIIMOUNT maternity hoepltel lor coi', May work for nan of ei peneea. Ilablea for adoj.tlon Write for booklet. Mra II. Long.

4111 I'I Twenty-eeventh Ht Kaneea city, Mo. Hill'. CAttFyni'cH'i and feel Uiler. STTt. irAPPV MUT.S" and leel better" VTnaT rATtTiT He 1 1 hi in Hiclualve hoapltal for cara of young women during pregnenry and confine-inenl; pllvete, ratee reaeonabte, habl.a adopted.

Dr Newman, medlrel director. li7 Main. Oklahoma Hy NI'MTIiU. NOIKT.h A V. gmklfF would oua, Sl.te It Allll-K.

K. K. Vote for nui DH CIIAlll.llX MTiTlCKBV will be local ed al aulle 310 Allaa Life after r.ovemner i. LIBTINOH WANTRD IMMGDIATI. Inauectlon and paraenal al tenllon given to properly Haled with tie for eale; we ere making an eicellent eeltlng record end have many buera for oil ria.aea or city property.

K.CIIANIIK Tlllirf CO. 00t eau IIABOI'KRADB coatumre for rem or made lo order, itooin ii inns Becond end lloaton I'edar I0I4 J. NiTTici. ok iiAlTic Vou and each nf you will take notice that the underelgned iruatee will uffer for ealo Ir, the beat bidder for caah on the 0th day or ills, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon el he eturrr'om of the clarernore furniture company at Olare-mora. Okla the following areata sf the Clarernore Purnltuta company; HTOCK IMIt.H KI.NTUHK.H 177.00 ACCOt'NTK IIKCKIVAHLI.

I.IIOIt TOT A 1 114.104.17 Theee aaeele are being offered for eale by virtue of a deed of aaelgnmeiit made by the Cleremore furniture company to the uiideralgned truatee for the benefit of Ha rredlloia Detailed Inventory of aaeela may oe teen at any tuna al the office of the trutlee or the allorneye for tho Iruatee. II. IAHHMAfJ. Tfualee, I HI'MOfll' OKLA. owrv yam i av run" l0 Mayo I Id in Oli a aiurneye ir- ai.

Kn 11' ii' nan nt "a rn -I at tho wung ail A Layne, Announcements NOTICI'. hWblifslI MsAHK ilMirtoVflT-llATiTV 1 i-i i. Tieaimeiita II. Milton.

Perry 10i Second. njrA-sAiT rourla et haa now opened with a new line of Thankegiving nnvelllea A new feature of thla ahnp will be en Introduction of home made cakee. plea, aalada ant carerllea; freeh dally. A cordial In-vllaflon la eatended RK the Tfek "liaTl a I fifth Aventie Shop reae our use at Moderate priree, Sleo rnildrane bela MIIHCAf. n.A ffTnon Springe a rid iloeior a lanea wnua noma treatment purineu bload In 00 daye, e.od alantp lor da-I alia.

Lloyd Health boa I aornntin, Pa B.Pll.lfTfi.'lt aI' I'ssl a IreVHasnl WTiTiTi iH.ettlvely etopa an eelauiee from rirat day nee, po brnmldee nf rtarroliia, ruaranlted, infotmaiton free Hunter abnratnrlea. 101 Main St Little lluek. tik I ll.l. ailadTv lell anynne eutferlng wllft theiimallaei waa ruie.1 in rnur daya after two yeara teirlhla auflerlng It inailere net what form you have, what you have tiled nr hew long ataail Ing. fenl name ami addreae latter.

Addreea boa I) lit. Llllle llnek, Alk. nxvrn Aeihma, hay fever, lung Wonohal euf. lerere, tio you wani to get wen, seep well wonderful new nil btlllge relief Helping other, will help you. Write and eleee the day ou elarted with this treatment.

William Pawhuaka, lkla ITLKS r.iil.llpalli'n. fl.lula flaaureT, uherallnn, bleeding. Itching, cured at home, free trial, a Tarney, Auburn, Ind AroiT'Al. rmXfttT. Logan." Ametleali National Hank Hldg, Okla- City, Okla.

aaaiasi aa Automobiles ATiOMiiiiinf.N nut" lo ATfrTNTIiN. I'Ali ohTiiini -tine rer loed fcrmiomv rt llrra, theee eliea only no, Hal N. ltn, Kit tin lire llrokeragr, II 10 Maill.nn, chleagn, 111 ArJV make of ret Vepalredel Vour home garage, gualnnteed eatl. faction reliable inerhalilia. Call Oxge lltl ll.

1101 Fl. fourlh Ml A "HAHiTaIN bale model Naalt 4 lour-Ing, good aa new; only u.ed In luwn. Oeaae int. Will lake In i heaper ear. fdlTcirTlIli 'fpa'trenger iiina good, I lie NAHIt MOTOH CO.

714 ft Main. Cedar I IIP fflTcTTFC'UThi07iltTrTiri roa.laleT, rotlal to new l.cwla Matell tool a Maui, otege iiu fiRHfcV'lrTVN-IJli tel Neell-4 touting; good aa nawi tetma, or will lake In entailer car, caah dlffarrnee. Oeage HII, tTnl "RTlll IT-lrfinka and I una like new, lain, eeav I. line 101 W. H.c.ind.

CtiMf'LlTl'i: Una "of uaed rarei prlra.l rlgllfl terma lo reaponauiie parttee een lerKei, iniru nun immu touting car. A-l e'hapei lye, rord llree, two humperet eun ahadei new it. Int. itiiial be seen to be ap preciated! fllat till takea It. Oaage 7 I l.

110 IK Archer 1S10 modeli jiew fii-eral curd cealngei muat aell today. Call o.aga ma ITutHii: r'tJL'lTl'Ntl- lllll good run.Titlon; cheap for rath. Call till M. Haltlinore. tleege III It r'oll riAl.f4&eveii.iaaaetigtr fJaTli dedan, Oaage llll iTRlJAN lloughl leaa than one year agoi perfect cnniHIIont will eacrlflce and give eaey tetma.

101 Second, i77SmH ATI comlltloni good tlree all around. Ill N. Main. Oeaga 3101, f'Oll BAI lleo coupe- a bargain JN. Iewia piece, uni uivi.e lfiTll HA Huoinoblle touring, gooil Iter artioot condltluni will trade for Ford roadater or delivery car i.en crrr k.

iu :Kr.r.:.i'.,; run nni.i, ui. nailery, nee. runner, new peim, vn.n, tor ca.h. oaaga 4174-11. err.

it riril o. l.r. liiMiaa Hon, owner leaving lown. 111 8. Da.

iron. vi.ege HIH rlAljl-Ona Kuril toadater, llll. Call III V'lrlnr. FlVII-PAHSHNlfnil loullng car. III Una running enapet gooa ruooer, mo.

i earn rie. u.vlntf cltv. 101 Peoria, Ptill SALK-Doilge condT- linn, 1370 ream owner leaving mf. Call lit It Madlton. Phcni Oaage llll.

rollTrrTRTlAN-lllfl good order. iTTo NAaTl MOTOIt CO n. aim, fIl" Al.K CHIIAP One I'ord roadaler 714 H. Meln. Cedar 1170 Willi alerter unu enoca ei-euruvre, Oeege I71I-J.

KOH KALH Py owner. J.paa nv.r tnurlne reri ante I each nay nwnt. balance lerme. Uaage 7111 or oaage oioi. Pi lit MALE Ten Porda at reiluted prlceei alao 10 olher cere nf all makea at great Uted Car ilichanie, 410 tj 11.

In Oiii 4401 POHH 8KDAN-IIII caah, talanca lf Inonlh. Oaage IHI fTlllli touring new conl Urea, molor per- ferl; good buy al lilt. Oaage tl. TOP MAI. II llll Meawell, new paint lob.

owner will earrlflce for caah. Ill Third. O.age 110. HPuliT of apeerlaler body tor your old ford, Chevrolel, Maawell, Overland or Dodge rer Call and ere lie. line, pay nunle errenged, Oaage 1041.

ril'oUf at a great Lewie-Marah Corp. 1001 H. Main. Cedar 1170. "9t IJiffr MOlirnriTl louring car, A ahape, eaihange for email hou.e or vacant, Oeaae Tilt.

iTATfTlnO'lei'T'ofd roupe, A-l ehape, new pelnt uaage laoa, LA in MMDKI. all louring tar. A-l aliapa earhalige for email houia or vacant Oaage I'lt. IIIVUMI.I.' iLH'rlnv r. t.

aliieiidld rondl- Hon. aveiy way aacrlflr, and will give eeav leime. 101 seconu, NVillloio" paearnger. new tlree ntw tietllt, ovefnauiea, gueienne.i, r.vv, fcobTIIKAar NASH MOTOIt CO. 711 Main.

iVIar 170 sTAsjl-l'lve-paaeenger; good pelnt. new tlree, overrieuiru, gueranieru HOlllllWKHT NAHM MOTtllt CO. it.ii, f'edar 1110, oitTirff? your "rer with ue; aleam lieatnl garage, our ralea aro reae.mal.le; eervlce le our lliollo. lii rata from ell tiarta of Hie vlty; vara waahed and pell.hrd, our repair department le uader eaperieiwen ma, rhanlre Oil City garage, 310 N. Mala Oeaae till HKNT A NOW KOIID Drive It youraelf.

Coupea, roadatere, tourlnga, Oaage Mrnta-Kord 301 H. Detroit, Oatge lilt. SUVKMAf. ute.1 eere In A-l rendition, at a great bargain lail ei uil Uliy garaav, tlO Main O.aga tltl. fTTALPi III foul eedan In good condl Hon and reah for lale model Kord road eter Oeege al70 iOt Kltat t.

HTUDKIIAKKIt big ell. 1110 touring apienoia ooouiliorij new peiui. ey terme 101 1 W. Meoond. II 1 1 HI AI live, lit month, dead 110.

Hoie A Hrown Motor 410 U. hecond Oeaae ltt ''TOpPYHtl'cKT niiidfeol Utter MA Lfel OK THADK 1011 Olde "eight five Krd.lal norde anil up In good aha t-e, will tell on terma or trade for lot or diamond. lilworthy Oaage 1110. all Main. 1011 DOIKIH HOAD81UII A-l oondlllun.

Priced to aell. Davenport, lllo li. Slalh. )3 FOIII) MAdNllTOS 13 JIUUIIAllUC! A anappy magneto on your Kord rnakea winter Uae a pleeaure. We recharge them for only til, POftll CAIt IIAHOB ti? H.

fJei-ond Oaage fOOt fiTa id for bi dy tOi N. Utnvtr, Automobiles Vfiit tf Til'Ta thla mi Way only," ti la Te 410 ii.iirlng. rune gnod, looks go, tiatteit. re. Inge and tubta.

fair tip holaleiy and entnn tiwla, oh till JJevenlh P'ae fV CfiTlD- seT motor in pe fect condlllon, 1110. 101 Third Hit rftiiTTroadeter, fine eondl'lonTehta caah or Ianna. 101 W. Hernnd. fR if tv rX STTii i r.

Rear Mam building-I'i'th and Main. INDIAN aiiop Var for ear- eral daye driving. Addreea ll-ll, ctre World. A II Ted a uae.T rerc'fn ..11 on email rvimml.elen, for private owneri. tleed Car titrhange.

Ill Main. Oaage HOI, CRO CAltS tevught and tmn on comm'e. Ion. llte.l Car Market. Third and Da-trl.

OTfJiTrtJitBS' The pTiee en every one nf our I'D nrda haa been cut. It will per you to ae eur cart before you buy. Heey terma. fJItt) CAtl BXCHANOV Aglhorlee.1 ford Dealara. Ill M.

Seconl. Oaaga looa. m0 HiuIhoii Spoctlstcr 1010 Hutlson, 7-I'ftssonRcr TlOIkST SIOTOIl CO. 1121 S. Main OanKO 3118 IHk Rpthiction in Used nnd Kcbullt Trucks All slzea; mutt sell at once, W1LLIAM80N MOTOIl CO, N.

Main 2'. truck, lniciimnUc tires: just, rebuilt, firat-cinss condi tion. 120 N. Main Oaago 9428 THH WIIITK COMPANY I nctory llrnnch Tulsx, Okla. llnrRiilna lu used nnd rebuilt White trucks nud other makes.

USKD TItUCK DEPARTMENT Osao VB30 lTril and Uonvei Irnrd Coupe, lnle modol Hfjo Lata 19111 l)odfr Touring, condlllon 11)20 Olds Light Blx 1920 DodRO Itoadstcr, runs Kood J225 1521 Kord Itoadster 1210 1321 Tord Itoadstcr 175 1010 Kord Tourlnu 191 Kord Iloadator ITS S-Tasa Ford Touring, damountable rims. Terms UflKO MOTOItS SO Mouth Main Open evenings New 1922 Special Six '1-PnsH. Studclmkor New 1922 Stutz, 4-pasflonKcr Nerly new 1921 Peerless, enn bo bought nt sacrifico price. Cadillac 59 coupe, nearly new condition; half of new price. Chnndier 1921 touring, almost a new car, Twin Six Packard touring, renewed throughout, $1,950.

lPsiCkgwrd Used Car Msitrketi Twelfth and Main Osage 7900 AND USED PARTS For most all cars Axles and Drive Shafts Ring Gears and Pinions Starter Gears Silent Timing Gears Windshield Glass Globe Ratterics Springs and Bearings Ford Parts and Accessories Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Wo Buy Used Cars AUTO BROKERAGE AND PARTS Osage 7GG3, 113 S. Cincinnati.

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