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Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma • Page 14

Tulsa Worldi
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

14 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1922 V. Four Players Signed to Fill DUDLEY LEE TO PLAY SHORT ON CHAMPION CLAN Henry, Tatcm and King Cast Lots With Tulsa Clan it) iKii. Although tho 1022 Imschnll cfimpnlfrn which wltnonsml victoriuH on thu pin of Tulsa's Western Iciitruc entrant is now only very recent history, the ninnnRPinent already set about to fill torn hv sales in Oilor llllH hole tlio wonderful machine Kiiided ly Jack Lelivelt and at the same limo strengthen the team where it was weak. mini fOlorl Hole. Tho Irat step, mid what sldcied mighty important step In-d'rd, was Inkon this week when Hill Krlol, business manager of lh Oltf m.

clnsed deal wlili the Hi. IuU Urowns for thn outright purchase of Dudley I.eo, ft brilliant young shoitstop, who linn been H'0 properly of tlm Moutnl t'lty Amerl-n for thu Inst 'wo yam. The Urowns kept Ijno In St- most of thu 1921 season, and during the last cnmpnlgn had him farmod nut to Columbus nml Chiittnnoogit. While Manager Kohl nml lluslnes Mannger Qiilnn of thn llrown (on-eldor ft gloat prospect ther I a baseball law that prevents inn-Inr lesiruo club from keeping young player turmoil out morn thnn two seasons. iul ns thn llrowns al ready hail owned Ien two yonis thoy either hail to koop lilm in Hi.

ImuIk or foil him outright. Conse. nuontty, tho Oiler muingcmont was 'naliloil to purchase Iu itncondl-tlonjill y. Th neo.ulslllnn of Loo makes llio Ollor Inflold airtight. Manager Jnek Lrllvclt will he buck nt the Initial hair.

rniMy Il.iumiiu will roiiifii to his Job nt oocoinl ntiil -Prank Thompson will take IiIh 11111 position at thlril. With fllllnif the hole nt hort. the Inflold will he highly ontlnfiictory to tho Ollor bosses. to lirmi'. Tho purchase of l-o moan the depnrturu from thn Ollor rotor or young nun who ha tioon on the pay roll for the lnt two seasons (leorge In 1021 when the Oiler worn tnllondnr MoOlnnl lookoil mighty good, hut thht year, dosplto hi pereonnl populnrlly.

It was well known to the mnnngn-mnt nml fan nllko Mint "little Mnc" was thn weak spot. He I a streaky player, brilliant at time, but at other time the name with lot of ruvoro englleh. Last winter tho Sacramento club of the Coast league wanted Mclllnnls, and thrre a good chnnca Unit ho will bo disposed of to that flub thl wlnlnr when nil the minor league magnates get together In thu pow-wow of tho Notional association at Lou-lvllo, December 5, 6 11 nil 7 Mc Cllnnls I Just ns good 11 ball player now ai hu wits n.t winter, nml tho Sacramento pooplo figure that what ho nooil 1" ft rhnngo In uniform, which often makes nil thn dltferencii In tho worhl In ft bn.ll tosser's pcr-formiinoo. In supplanting McOlunln, tho Oiler management forward to 11 season when Tulft may not havo a team of ucli powerful offenslvn capacity that ft wnk membor couhl not bo corrloil, Tho Ollor it 19SS, with 'ft loam ImtlliiK ftVoraRn of nroimil S20, packoil ucli iiiinrh tlmt Miko Stunrt. probnbly thn lmrlot hitter In tho Western Ioiiruo, oponl uonrly half hi time warming tho bench.

Wnil lit llJit. llowovor, I-00 I not oxpccleil to ailil nny Bront itrciiKth to the but tlnif nvoriiRo. Hill Krlol think hu probably will hit about thu iuno clip McOlnnl. no far porcont-nen goo, but ho I follow who ilrlvra the bull. llo' a hitter.

11111 wiy, on tho onlor of Krnnk Thonip-Hon, llnc-ilrlvo hltlnr niul il.uiRor-ou In th pinch, ll'H lifo'it field-Iiib that mndo thn llrown' loath to part wlin nun una itki no hum nil. In tfnt liltll. MnnauHr Jnck Illvolt wns with Krlol In St. IjOuIi when lee wn purchimoil nud whh much ploimoil with thn nciiulnltlon. Home otHor Umber nlio win iiildod hv Hie Oiler mentor, but It In the rough nml ha yet to Hhow II worth, .1.

llonry, ft riiu-nanu nllchor. who hall from tho May. vlllo, club of tho llluo Clrnnn leuguo. wlilch won tho pennant thl your, Wlllmm Tntotn, ft rigni-naim nllchor mill outfloldcr nnd loft-bund hitter, from the Terro llitulo club of tho Thrco-I lo.iRiio. nml Harry King, a rlBht-hnnil pitcher from aeml-pro riink In Kulton, wore the other ndded.

Of llio I Tntem I thn moat highly recommended The Terro llnutn aklppor plnyed Tntem In tlio outfield mml of tho yon 1, ilesplln tho fact thnt ho wn winning pitcher. bocnun of hi ublllly to hit tho old upplo fur nd freuent. Vnle Tnloni mojuuros up to the loft-fleld berth vn-calod by llorschol llonnott, tlio Rroatem player of tlm your In the V.Wojiterii league nnd who w.i old rv 1110 itniwiip itr in rmi vncunt Hut tho llrown manHRo-mont lot Krlol and lllvolt know thst they'llid 10 outfielder who'd Routh with tho team next prlng, omn of whom undoubtedly would mako the grndo, nml that there hould ho no can fop 11 Tulun worrv on tho outfield eooro. Illght now the only thins worry-lncr tho Oiler lender I Pitching lalont. The Ollor pitching laff vn not entljfnctory thl year until brio In the enon nfter Danforth nr-rlved, and now that ho' gone, nnd a good chance that Hoehler will be gone, too, there 1 room for rnft of ernek hurlor nbotit tho Tulna fireplace.

Hut It's ft long tlmo till next April 12 why worry yew IVnck lliiiuiit tlriindoillcll. TOt'KKA. Nov. 4. John reeek, nnvenna, won two etralght fall here laxt night from John (irandovltcii, unimallnn chnm plon In tho prellmlnarle.

Dick 1 in frwn Jatrlndtt 00 fetr, U.o Hindu, Boehler Declines Job With Browns; i Would Rather Pitch for the Oilers 'Didn't Get Pair Chandc in the American League Before; Would Li Ice the National My II. A. niuoncwATnit. IMcluro a IihmIhiII pitcher who'd rnther remain In the Wenlern lenguo thnn tntin fling nt the big liow i momher of an Ainerlenn Irf-ue dub' bo Muff. If you rnn't do thnt we'll tell you how irn emy, Jut foru your mind' eye tipnn 11 hefly young Hill In who mad Weeiern I.iikiib hi-lory In I tin 1 11 in pH Ik rif ISJ1 by winning the rernrd-lirenklng nuinlwr of I KHrnexniid nrng lull 1 3 Yep, you KiieMtid right flrat limn.

George lloeliler, the peerle, I I Mr guy. The new Hint (leotgn doewn't fool the AmetPan lenguo c.illlng In 111 In got out thl urek upon the return tfom HI of Hill I'rlol, litielm- mnnacer Hie oiler. HroiMi I'rliil In liny lllin. "Thn llrown wnnled Hoehler nnd were willing lo pov 11 nent pilm for him." enlfl Krlol "Hut when I got In touch with rteorge I found thnt ho didn't want to go Iwifk lo HI. I.

mils, nor did he wnnl to go to nny nllmr Amerlr.m 1eiigun club, Jle ftiUl he'd rnthrr tny In TiiIm. He'd like to go up, providing ho could iio to National League club," All linllpliiyera nro upcrtttlnu nnd Hnnhlor I no exception to thn rule Itnudmll hlalnry how that George ha been In the American lor.guo couple of time nnd en-cnuntcrod bnd luck on ench vlnlt. Ho wan with Detroit In 101 1, 'IB nnd '16, but wnn nnly nn lii-nnd-nutcr, lie KANSAS JAYHAWK CLAN TRIMS 0. U. IN EASY BATTLE Bonny Owen's Sooners Tie Down Title of Cellar Champs JtAWItKNCIS, Nov.

4. The University of Knniui tram defeuted tho University of Oklahoma nt stad ium field' today by itcoro of 13-3, The contest opening with both team plnylng cautiously nnd look ing evenly matcliud, ilovelopeil into docIMvit superiority on the part of the Ran wis team. Oklahoma scored flrt. In the second quarter from the 37-yard line, Howie booted place kick be tween the uprlgnt. Hhortly Afterward, lllggtn of Kknsns, regnlned a fumble on the Oklahoma 35-yard line.

Adams plunged through the linn nnd carried the ball over Wilson placu-kicked thn extra point. At I he opening of the final period tho Knsan tallied, broke up a Sooner' attempt to over tho goal linn nnd got tho ball on down. On linn plunges, fake play nnu trlplo puss, Krueger to Wilson to Hart, winch gained 19 yard, tlio Kanuin gained three first down In euccoislon. Then Wilson passed to HbiVk, who ran 30 yard Jor tho second touchdown. Wllnon fulled at thu try for tho milled poUit, A bad break In thn Oklahoma luck paved the way for the third Kansna touchdown.

attempt to punt was blocked, lie recovered tho ball on thn Oklahoma flvn-yurd lino. wan Injurci. Loo, who replaced nt-tempted to punt out of danger, but tho ball wont out pf bounds on tho Oklahoma 4P-yanll lino. Oklahoma held for threo plungii by thu Knit-suns, but on tho fourth attempt. Wltsint pnnsi'd to llhick, who fell the remaining yard over thu koiii lino, i.inu.up: HltlMIH IV).

llhick Mushy HlgKlnn (C) lmberg Davidson Cnvo Orlffln Krueger llodgo McAdnin To. Oklitlioina 1,1 Stelnberger ir White Oullon Hohaffer UO Hdutnndson C) HT Howie hi; QH 1,11 HU Jolnfiion Ilammor Hrlstow Morrison Hurt Ml Tho scoro by periods: 1 3 Knniui 0 7 OUInlwuna 0 3 .1 4 7 0 1210 3 0 03 Touchdowns (substltuto for Kansas scoring! MoAdam, Wilson KruoRer), lllaek. l'olnta from try aftiii. touchdown Wilson 1. Oklahoma scoring; Place Kick Morrison, Itefcreo Orover.

Washington. Uniplro Mollrlde, Mlasourl Vnf-ley collrgo. Head Unesniaii llutler, Mlnne-soln. Time of periods 15 minute ench. W.

.1. TiiUc tiniiio. TOI.O 15HOUND8, NKW VOIIK, Vm i 111 Ma i.P 11, ninul ttonal gnmoa ever staged In tho ulty. WiishliiKtuo A Jefferson' Rreat eleven thin afternoon won fiont Uifnyotte, 14-ljl. Neither toani had been bonton In tho nnst two vuuru until todny.

Itinl In t'nw Hlg I'liivc. I.ATONIA. Nov. 4. Itiullo, ridden by Jockey MoDerniott.

won thn 1 41,1 on la cup with a 7.ino added purso over dlstnnco of two mile nnd uunrlor hero thl afternoon In 3:49 flat. Hock Minster, Jono entry, finished second, nnd Cherry Tre0 third. The finish a nlp-and-tuck race botween Hadlo nnd thu Jones entry. I'rlnccnin TiikcH 1'jisy (innit'. IMllNt'KTON.

Nov. 4. Tho Hrlip'oton football team, composed' largely of svitmllttilrs, defeated Hwnrthmoro Ihl nflernoon. 23-13, In loosely plnyed game, Hoth team fumbled frequently and suffered numerous penaltleK. Wohcrlnc llcfciit Aggie.

ANN AHHOIt, Nov 4 Helpless beforo tho attack of tho Wolverine, tho Michigan Agglo football leant wont down to defeat In tho snvcutoenlh animal gnme with Michigan hero tuduy, 03. lin ked cm, Ho), though lie hud tho nrno buff ling nor tinnnt of imh nnd curve thnt td tho Wentern leaguer on their head In thn lnt ennn. Then Hnohler went down lo Joplln of the Weelern lenguo, nnd In 1910 hi work iv hi brilliant "'at the Aineilrnn lenguo ngaln gntbliod him off. Thl lllne he Wilt to the HI. l.nul Hi own.

Ii, the prtlig of Iftil the llrown' management decided Hoehler wa not good enough lo hold nut a regulur on the llrown atnff nnd he went on the market. It wn well known that ho rould pilch, Mnny club wanted lilm: of the American noclnllon offered for him Tulmi wn endly In nec! of omo renl pllchlng nt tho time, nnd thn ollor being rlon.t to thn llrown wniH nldn to buy Hoehler outright hv pnylng thn'io l.oulnvillo find Offered Kldn't lct I'nlr flinnco. Hoehler Hindu no objection to tile deal Hint emit lilm from tho Amerl-citn tongue iilmoBt nt thn oprnlng of the oiiim. Hut In hi henrt hu fell nml ho nlwny ha felt- -Hint ho did pot got a real chnnrn to dink ii good In Ht. I.nul, I In him felt Hint ho could have delivered tho is'ood If he ha.d hnd the opportunity Hint many other pitcher wero given.

And anyone who followed Hoehler' work In thu enon Junt pnt will benr lilm nut Thn kind of liflll he pitched would hnvo won Texas Christian University Clan Will Shave Now l'OUT WOHTII, Texas Nov, 4. Texa Christian university football player won the right to ehnve hero thl nflernoon when they defeated the Oklahoma Aggie by a cnro of 22-14, hMlllant punting by Kit Curson enabling tho local cloven to win their first victory of the year. Hasbrook 'was llio outstanding Aggl player, tho visitor' sensational half back, scoring their two touchdowns, after brilliant broken field running nnj pass receiving, Several day ngo tho local player pledged themselves to Refrain from shaving until hud won at least one game. Alabama Footballers Trounce Pcnn State Nov. 4.

The University of Alabama football eleven eprang a nurprlso this afternoon when they walked off on the long sldu of it lMo-7 score In their gamo with thl yeir' University of Pennsylvania team, despite the fact that tho southerner' lino-lip included a good number of substitutes. Harvard Has Easy Time Putting Florida Out 1IAHVAHI) STADIUM, Cant-bridge. Nov. 4 A Harvard football lea in, no me of them regular, oinn Hillmlltiltex, scored 24 pnlnla on the University of Florida today whllo thoy hold tho southerner Hcorless. In the early periods Florida's dofonsa w.t broken down continually, hut as tho gnnin wore on, they stiffened nnd at tho close wore playing their strongent gamo.

Sophomore Heavies Defeat Freshmen in One-sided Battle The Tulsa high sophomoro heavy-weight! defeated tho freshmen heavyweight by score of ycr. terdny In tho preliminary to tho Tulsa-IlartloatillA ganiu nt I-o stadium. Neither team displayed fighting oplrlt and tho game was slow throughout. Kowlor, llradloy unit Htono played for the sophomores whllu I-Mrsier and Jennings showed best for tho underclassmen. Fowler scored first by catching pas and shaking uff threo tnckler.

The try. for-polnt failed. I'niwing was resorted to throughout most of thu game nnd tho sophomores wero again able lo scoiu by a 22-yard pns Htono to C.irr. Tho freshmen's only pointer came when, after it erle of Hue to throughout most of tho gamo nnd tho sophomores were ngalir nblo to coro by 32-yiirit pass, Htono to Carr. The freshmen only pointer en mu when, after series of Hue plunge, For.iter carried tho bnll norosH, Hi nd ley made the last counter for the sophomores crashing tho line after mixed Hue plunges nnd pairing.

Following is the line-up and nummary: Sophomores )o I'rcMiiiien Me 111 in ey UK Htluo Hummer HT Heigh Howders HO Chandler Cummltigu Horrent Cowan Ii Woodrnff Ford IT Mathawrt Cart- Jennings Hnidley JH (Irlmes Mudsay Jill Hacked Roller II Font or Mc.Miihon I'll Courtney Hubstltutlonn; Hotsteln for Woodruff, Woodruff for ljolsteln, Htono for HrniMoy for Zoller, Fowwlcr for Lindsay, fihnw for JIc-Mahon, Lindsay for Hhnw, Cummlngs for Fagan, Fowler for Zoller. Crlqul ltnils (). K. FAH1H, Nov. 1, Kugono Crlqul of France, Huropeau featherweight champion, knocked out Walter Hossl.

Welsh champion, tonight, ufter two minutes of fighting. At the outset Hossl wus' sent to the floor with ii right hook nnd was drawn for tho count uf ninn. itfterwnrd Crlqul landed another right hand hook which knocked I out (ho Gaps on In nny old liuguu t'ure nnd apecd urn the mine Htiywhern nnd the i piti hlng dlnlntue Ilkuwln. And jioenier nml III linrinml mora of everything that nlt her ni'i d. So Hoehler figure the Ainerlenn tongue hi Jlni.

Why Kliould ho worry nlong up there whero they 'nan npprecinto lilm wlim ho enn breoro In (hu Western whero they no i til ('nirli-il HciMy I.nnil. Hoehler feel that ho ha been royally fronted In Tulin nnd he nwonr by Jim "'rnwford of tlio oiler ii nd the Oiler manage ment. Anil the Oiler boe feel tho wwno way iibout Hoehler. Thu fan fool the name way ftbotil (leorgn. It mny bo truly mild that llocliliir' lrong right nrm carried Hie Oiler 10 tiieir womlorfiil victory In tho Western Irngun pennant race, for when no other tiltclK-r could win fleorgc wn out there turning In one vlitnry nfTer nnother nnd keeping I no tiiimi entry ninny witliln striking illMnnce of tho pitce-mnklng Ht, Halnl.

Tho Ollor management lnnd rendy to eu thnt Hoehler doen't suffer much ffnnnclnlly by not going to thu major If ho doesn't. If he I In Tulsa, next year ns everybody nope will tie, ho will get mighty nrar big league snlnry. And hn'll enrn It- In gnmc won nnd iitteiut mice iirnwn In thu turnstiles hn'll mnko difference. Of courn there' a good chnnco Hint llnchbT will lie grnbbod off next spring by Homo National mill for ii fancy price. Two or threu Natlonnl Ieaguo clubc aro dickering for him nlrcndy.

Though they would like nothing better than to keep him here the Oiler management will not stand In hi wny If thu opportunity come for hint to go where he want to. OUTSIDERS TAKE MONEY IN STAKE ON PIMUCO OVAL Same Rider Pilots Both Winners Over Track to Victories j. HALTI.MOHK. Nov, 4. Illossom Time, 11.

Hrndley' entry from the Idlehour Stock farm, nnd a rank outsider In thu betting, won the, first dlvlnlon of tho I'lmllco futurity today by more than a length over Donges, another outsider, owned by J. H. Ward. Hally'n Alley, from the Willis 8. Kilmer stfthles, generally regarded as favorite, won tho second division of tho event, taking the lead at thu start and never being headed.

She won by more than it length. Albert Johnson rodo hoth horse, establish ing a record In tu history for one day, Tho time worn 1:33 4-5 and 1:39 1-5, Tho puree wn for 50,000 believed to bo tho largest nvor of fered for ft hnr race. The race, In coming auueii money, wa worm $41,015 to each of tho winner. A crowd ectlmnted nt mora than thirty thousand filled overy nvallablo apace nt the trnck, Tho raco wa over the mile distance, Dlossom Tlmo paid JG7.B0 on 12 mutuel ticket. Donges, second Iforsn In tho first division on tho sruno ticket, paid 137 90 to place and 13.

DO to show. I.lllle Celt, who finished third, paid I12.H0: Sally' Alley paid JR.10; Mar-tlngdalo. who flnlshe.1 second to Sally' Alloy, paid 118.20 to plnco and IS. 80 to show. Admiral Ciray-non'H My Own, third In this event, paid 14.20 to show, Tho first four horse In each division will moot In a special raco for a gold cup, to be run next Tuesday or Wednesday.

COAL CROP FOR STATE VALUABLE More Than 3 Million Tons Produced During 1921 for Oklahoma WAS11INOT6N. Oklahoma's coal mints produced 3,362,023 net tons of coal In 1921, according to statistics Just completed by tho United States ecological survey, Tho statoli coal output, which la exclusive of tho product of wagon mines, was valued nt 115, 546, 000, or an nverago of M.62 ton. In It mining and preparation for market 8,054 employe wero utilized, each working nn averago of 140 days In tho year. Minors and loaders numbered 5,000, all other underground workers 2,425, nnd surface workers 1,4:9. Pittsburg county was tho leading coal mining county of tho slato with nn output of valued nt $6,532,000 or nn average of 15,09 a top, nml total of 3,131 workers averaging 176 dnys worked In ft yenr.

Okmuigeo county was second witn 974.457 ton, valued at 13. 939, 000. or an averago of (4.01 a ton, and a total of of 2,596 worker averaging llil) flUIRHI III, HIU Jl'lll. Ijttlmor county was third with 34 1,659 tons, valued nt 11,611,000, or an averago of 14.67 ton, nnd total of 1.097 worker averaging 115 day worked- In tlio your, Tho following counties produced coal In tho order nnniod: IxtFloro, 25(1, Sit tons valued Ht $1,326,000, Coal county, 187, 451 tons valued nt Tulsa 164,378 tons, val ued at Atoka and Haskell fields, 83,910 tons valued at linger and Wagoner field, tons Valued at $119,000. Marquette lk'at Indians.

MILWAUKKU, Nov. 4 Scoring two goals from placement nnd a touchdown, Marquvtto university defeated the Haskell Indians tills fttt-ornoon, 12-0, Marquette was held scorolel. until tho third period. Music rolls slide part way out of ft new cabinet when buttons beside their names on tho Index os top of the device are prcsjvd. Oiler Roster for 1923 Pennant Chase OKLAHOMA CITY GRIDSTERS ARE SET FOR TULSA Mtal City Comes to I'lilsa With.

Perfect Record for Year C.irillnalo 23, (iuthrle 0, 40, Monro 12. Cardinals 23, Ulackwell 0. rardlnnls 7, Kliawntu o. Cardinals 31. McAlester 13.

Cardinal 30, Okmulgee OKLAHOMA CITY, 4. They'ru coining 20 strong, freeh from their sixth straight victory of the senron Friday. That la the eplrll that Coach Hoylo I hammering Into his some 65 gld men every afternoon In preparation for tho Cardinal's "strugglo" of the season with TuIsa high school this coming Saturday, "On to Tulsa nnd revenge" I the battle cry of the "fishtlng Cardinals" they chalk up another victim, nil of union seems more practice tilt to whnt I expected when they wcep out on the Oilers' field November 11. ly In tho season Doyle's proteges thought of the Tulsa eleven only another victim but since their come back In which thoy pulled down tho colors of thu powerful Knld aggregation not Word hn been honrd of what we'll do to Tulna. but only sllcnco nn Doyle drives hi men through terrific workouts, rain or shine.

When tho Doytomon hang the rat- tlors for Tulsa, Friday they will bo In porfect trim, not a man Is expected to he on tho crlpplo list unless some unforeseen nccldent should occur to throw gloom over tno Central high echool camp. Hnyle will depend on lightning offense, dazzling pasecs nnd brnlny hendwork on the ptrt of his back field to offset what I thought to ho a much heavier Tulsa machine. On the lino not a single man will Up the scale at over 160 while tho majority will nverago around lu. Tho back field win run ntiout tno Minn wjlh Ulakebur at full the Heaviest oi tmensu inn nu his weight will be scarcely over the 155 mark. Fox and Funk, halve, tho latter who has thrown terror Into tho opposing defensu all thl season are exnected to match anything that Tulsa can threw against them while Captain Hnllcr nt quarter, whose work I sensational at times and again mediocre wll pilot hi team In hopes, of wiping off stain on tho Ited nnd Dlack colorn which has rested there since that eventful Sat urday a.

venr ago. Dlaknburn. a nhort and powerful lad, who hnlU from NowUlrk, whom he won hi letter two yoars, has beat tho lanky Perry out of his position at full and can be expected to do a good bit of tho heavy plunging for the Cards. On the una llugnes, williartut ana Fusnn aro Doyle's best although noting tho scorlne ngalnet thorn this season tho whofo forward defense I nothing short of sonsfttlonal. considering their weight.

In the Moore gnme tho two touchdowns thst woro chalked up against Central, were mndo with tho entlro second and third stringer In action while at McAlester an Intercepted pass and tumble tilth back field errors wore responsible for tho scores, not touchdown has been made by direct line smashes against the Cardinals so far. Central high schools pep organl zatlon Shirts" I preparing to mago trie journey ns wen ns a largo following of Central bnckcrs. Troop Four Detcats Collinsville Team The "Klehtlnir Scouts" of the Bee. ond Presbyterian church 3ept their rocord clear of defeat for tho eighth consecutive tlmo by defeating Col linsville by tho score of 7 to 0. Tho feature of the game camo with tho first kick-off, Wolvorton of tho scouts tocelvlng tho ball on his own 20-yard line, and with good Interference raced through the Coi-llnsvlllo lino for CO yards.

The scouts wind up tlicir sciieduto when they (ourney t'j Mnunsford to take on tho heavy 111 team, Saturday. Nov. IS. COURSING AT WHITE CITY JERSEY FARM East of City on Fefdernl Drive SPECIAL STAKE -AND MATCH RACES THISAFTERNOON IT Kansas Jack Rabbits Admission 50C OTBALL Resu Tults unlvrltjr II. Arksnrss 8.

rhrlfttun tinlvtrslty ti, OkU hunts AcsIm It, iVhUhary mllncs II, 0. At Hhirn IHi'llm university Nnrthwitrn Trschrrs tnllto 6 (tlf). KnRs 19. (iMllhftnis 3. Snulli Duknu crtlshton MI.Mt.biiry Tulla 0.

Krsms S.Kmman 7 UV.I.nri 31, Amhifit Col mi- 11. l.tniich e. Ilstri (, JU.irliuell A(la 0, Fur Atlantic eiMM nsvil chmtiptoAh1pt M-irlnri lo, Hutimarlnt llaaa o. Mawant 7 South Carolina (. a Mount Unlnn fl, Caaa 0, lirnlaon 10.

Wuoaier SUrlftta (Irnva City 0. illlllkrn I'. Aua'Mta 0. I'oa Albion. 7.

Ottalbaln 1. Mfllflb-is 0. Union 7, tloliart 1. Army ti, Ht Honavantura 0, Auburn 7, Oporala rrliicrtun SI, Hwarthmort II. Carnaslv Tch 7.

Allfhany I) ITnUtralty or Detroit Lombird 8. Illinois Northwrittra t. Yala 20. llrown II IlUllar 1. Unas Poly 0, Cornall 18, Columbia 0.

Ororsla Tecli 91, Clamaon 7, waoaan 7 I'uraua Mlrhlun 81, Mlehlsan Aide 0. Kanaae Aralas Mlaauurl 10. Imliana 0, Notra Dama 17 Carolina State IS, DtvPlaon 0. Waahlniton and Lee 8. Virginia 13.

Oslethnrpe 8. Trinity 7 Cumberland 0. Kins rnllefa 40. Maryland 0, B. 31, noil 7, St.

Lnula 11. Drake It, Amea 7. Southearn MathoJIat unlreriltr 48, sojihweitern II. Claikenn 7, Norwich university 0. Holy Croia 10.

Georgetown 0, St, Isnatlua II, Dayton 0. Charleaton Id. 8. Pubody 8. Maine 7.

Ilowiloln 8. Delaware 7, tnevene 0. Wisconsin 2 4, Minnesota, q. X'anderbllt 14. Tennenea 8.

Williams 37. Itannaelaer 7. HprlncfleM 17, Kurd ham 0. Weat Vlrslnle. Wealeyan 31.

Denueene 0, Dartmouth lo. lloaton unlverelty 7, Centra 27, Kentucky unlverelty North Carolina 18, Tulana 13. Iliyliir II, Teiaa A. A 7. Illinois college II, Monmouth 8.

Mount 81. Marr'e 18, Washington cot-less I. Johni Hopkins II, Maryland 0. flettyeburg 31, Dlcklnann Franklin and Marahall 43, I'enn Mil), tary 0. Akron unlverilly 21, Ohio northern 8.

Whlltenburg 8, Oberlln II. Muekloguin 12, Rarlham 0. fit. 11. Ohio unlverelty 7.

Hamilton college t. Law-enoe I. Cornell cnllege 7. Dubuque 0. Harvard 31, Florida 0.

riyracuie t. Nebraaka 8. Iimion collere 11, Villa Nova I. Alabama 9, I'enn 7. W.

A It, Lafayette 11. Weatern fleeerve 21. Illram 8. Unlieralty or Pittsburgh 83. Geneva college 0.

Jllltllf ItlflllllllllJIIIIIIJIIIIIf IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIftltlllTTItlllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllltlllllltllllllllllltlllllllllltlS Copyright 192 Hart Schaffner Marx Coats-Women Others at $15 and More Williamson Cloihin Co. Osage 313 Formerly Wright Clothing Co. 204 South Main Vermont It, New Ilamrehlra Btate 0. fob. radii unlverally 7, Colorado Ai glee 0.

Denver unlverilly 8, Unlveratty of Wyoming n. Tulea t'nltenlty 11, Arkantaa 8. Mount Union 33. Case 0 Wake r'nrejit 0, William Mary II. t'alhi'lla university 0, Virginia Mill-tary Inatllnte 8.

Ilanilolrli Macon II, Itkhmond 41 Kalamaxuo 7, St. Viator 0. Detiiw unlverelty 11, Kenyon 7. University ut Weat Virginia 31, Unlverelty of Clnclnnall 0. Colby 7, Ixiwell Teitlle 0.

North Iiakoia unlverilly 7, North Dakota Angles 0. lllriiilnKhatii unlverelty 30, Howard col lee 7. Unlverelty of Chattanooga 0, Unlverelty of Tenneeara 19 Teiae unlveaally 21, Mice 0. High high 11, liar i esvilla 0. Tule, CASTNER IS HERO OF NOTRE DAME'S INDIANA VICTORY Man Does Everything Possible to Do in Grid Game SOUTH HEND, Nov.

4. Paul Caatner, In scoring all of tho University of Notro Dame's points In their 27-0 victory over Indiana today did everything a football back can do. He drop kicked from tho 15 nnd 35-yard lines, scored two toucn-downs following runs of 20 nnd st yards from scrimmage. Intercepted pnss and ran 35 yards for nnother touchdown, kicked threo goals nfter touchdown, returned a kick-off 55 yards nnd played a strong dofonslve game. His punting nvoraged 50 yard and one kick was good for 08 yard In the air.

Don Miller paved the way for two of Castner's markers by strong driving for long gains off tackle Sloate got away for 25 yards through center for Indiana's only long gain. Degree nnd Cotton for Notro Dnmo and Hnnny nnd llutler for Indiana starred defensively. Hut SchiifnTr Mm 1 It's tailoring that makes a fine coat. It emphasizes the smart style and all-wool fabrics, It stands out in these coats. Every woman can see it.

50 KANSAS AGGIES HANG DEFEAT ON MISSOURI CLAN Tigers Get in Rough and Lose Second Conference Game COU'MIltA, Nov. 4. Th University of Missouri football team lost Its second Valley con feronce gnme hero thl nfternoun te tho Kansas Ktato Agricultural lego eleven. 14 to 10. Inability tr break Up tho wildcat passing offensive In thn second nnd fourth imr tern cemt tho Tiger a gamo whlr-li they had apparently won the third period, when AI Lincoln, giant Tlget hnlf lim it, led two marches down tin field, one for it touchdown and the other for 35-ynrd goal from plm e.

inunt. Hushing honor were about even between tin- two teams, with slight edgo to tho Tigers, but tho Missouri eleven wn nblo to cumploto only on forward pnss for 10 yards, whllo ths Aggie gained mora than onu hundred yard by tho nerlal mute, com-' pl'-tlng 7 of their 14 attempt, both Aggie touchduwiiH'CHtiie ns a sult of their-- forward passing c' tensive, coupled with tho Judli Ion mixing of Hue buck nud end rui between tho air attempts. Stark and Swnru woro tho stur of thu Aggie nttack, whllo Lincoln sto head nnd shuuldor above his team-mates for Mlmourl, scoring all of ths Tiger points, anu" accounting most of tho Missouri yardago In scrimmage. Neidlingcr Stars for Yale in Brown Clash NfJW HAVKN, Nov 4--With spectacular passes and brilliant tuns by Neldllnger, third string iptarter back, Yale played the undefeated Drown eleven off Its feet nnd romped away with a 10 to-0 victory tit tho Vale bowl here today. Thrice Neldllnger brought tho 35.000 spectntnrs out of their seats by three of tho prettiest scoring plays witnessed In New Haven In years.

A forward pass from Wight of Vale, who stood on his own 22-yard line, to Neldllnger netted Yale 70 yard, their longest gain, and a touchdown In thr. lait period. Wight gave flno exhibition of punting throughout the game, besting the Drown kickers for several yard time and time ngaln -5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiirT.

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