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Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma • Page 1

Tulsa Worldi
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


I'A'II 'I ri-. 'DANGEROUS' CAGE AT STATE ASYLUM DENNISVRETREAT Tulsan Says Ex-Bank Plead Was Locked Up to Help Perfect Disguise GREW A FULL BEARD But It Was Cut, Preparatory to His Return, Planned as "Political Event" WOODWARD FOLKS SAW HIM Kayser Admits Dennis "Was There for Few Weeks," but Is Now in Mexico Special lo the Worla. OKLAHOMA CITY. Nov? 4. He-port from Woodward to tho effect that Fred Dentil lm bcn Identified liy a number of person there nnd Is being kept at Supply, wan corroborated hero today by Howard I'attcn, of Woodward, who states that ninny person In Woodward have seen Dennla since his sojourn at the sonl-turtum.

i Open Secret at am certain that Dentils 1s there," said I'atteti. "and It has been an open secret In Woodward for long time. Upon occasion of the governor's recent visit. Robert-on and Dennis wont to the ranch homo of Charley Martin together. Citizens of Woodward have boen told that Dennis has been anxious to Blvo himself up and get tho trouble over, but that ho ban bben prevented from ilolnj: so heretofore.

It was common report thcro a few days ago that Dennis was to bo brought In the last of this week, and It was suppled that the recent visit of tho governor, tied a. for tho purpose of making arrangements so that tho ovent might be given a political cast Just before tho election. Floyd Thompson who ws In Woodward four days during this week, arrived hero today and confirmed the reports of Donnls hav-Ins been soen nt Supply and Woodward, Thompson snyB that It has leaked out at Woodward that Dennis was brought to Supply under a com-mltnient und an assumed name, and that he has been In hiding thero Hlnco the Okmulgee affair. Also that on Saturday night of th govcr-tinr'w recent visit Dennis and Rob- ertson were together at Martin ranch, and that Mrs. Dennis also was there at that time.

Mrs. Dennis It Is related, lms mado soveral visit to Supply to see her husband, Thompson bays further: Ixjcknl Up an Dangerous. "It Is stated by Woodward pooplo that a deputy uhorlff from Okmulgee county was nt Supply nnd visited the sanitarium while tho governor was there, and that after remaining In tho vicinity for several days ho went back to Okmutgeo without results. Dennla' It is asserted, wiis concealed in one of the cages for dangorous patients at tho time the deputy wa shown througn tho InHtltution. This practlco Is said to have been followed whenever officials or others thought to be tercsted In securing Information Here piloted through.

Tho opinion at Vodward Is that Dennis was taken tb the Institution nn.l. 1 1 mnnt Allli UIIUG1 Ifc lOjUlUt luiwil vim that ho was entered as a patient, un-' ncr an assumcu name, me nuuim. lum. being entirely under tho control of Governor Robertson and his CONTINUED ON WAGE TWEIA'K The Republican Platform Ths ptelforra on which Bs Is run. nlnr Is ooneldereit by so honorable camlldsts solemn obligation to Ins people to bs redeemed ss far ss poeil.

bis In ths eent of his election. John Holds Is such a candidal and so views tbo plstforra on which ho sc. certed Domination tor the of lies or governor. Eeeb day until election "the World will present In this spacs sn Important at the rspubllcso pltttorm. Law Enforcement WK demand the strict enforcement of all laws and the removal of public officers neglecting their duties In these respects, to the end that Ufa and property may oe secura and the puhllo morals be protected, and that special dlllgonce be exercised In the enforcement of law und dry laws and lawn against commercialized vlco that are violated by habitual criminals for profit.

We pledge that our candidate for governor, as the state's executive, will mako a unique and valuable contribution to the causer the law enforcement by scrupulously striving to obey all laws himself; that he will not nullify the good work of prosecuting attorneys and the courts by pardoning or paroling murderers, bank robbers, bootleggers, and others convicted of violations of the law, except upon recommendation of the officers of the ourt In which convictions were obtained; that he will demand con. vlticlng evidence, publicly submitted, that Injustice has been done before granting any pardons or paroles. Republican J. P. Candidate 'Dissapears' From Capital; Election Officials Balked J.

M. Anderson, Name of Nominee, Cnn't Bo Found; Three J. M. Andersons, One a Negro, Deny Having or Ever Having Had Any Aspirations to Hold Down a Political Post. 11 tho AeinclsteJ Prees slsle Wire.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. l. lilcctlon officials are nonplussed ovpr an unprecedented situation which has sot political circles blitzing with curiosity as tho llmo for the general election draws near. A republican candidate for Justice of the peaco In the Oklahoma City district has disappeared as completely as if tht earth had opened up and swallowed him. Local nowspapers which have begun a penrch for him s.iy that threo moil In tho city bearing the namo of the missing CJiidldato all deny any aspirations of a political nature and officers of tho stnto election board so far have been unable to gather any Information which might clear up the mystery.

J. M. Anderson Ui the namo of the nominee hut the M. Ander- FLYERS' FAILURE STEP TO SUCCESS Experience of Kelly and MacReady May Solve Nonstop Problem THEY BROKE RECORDS Lower Mark Set by Englishmen, Maintain Flying Schedule Only 15 Minuter Late tljr th Associated llreia. WASHINGTON'.

Nov. 4. Lessons learned by Lieut. Oakley Kelly und John MacReady In their two world record flights In tho' 1rmymoiio- plana T-Z, will be turned to advantage by army air service officials here with confldenco that a successful nonstop flight across the continent can bo niada In tho near future. A Matcment Issued by tho nlr serv.

lco headquarters tonight paid flight of tho two pllotg from Han Diego, to Fort Itenjnmln Harrison. Indianapolis, a distance of nearly 2,100 miles had set distance record, the longest previous continuous flight having been that of Capt. John Aleock and Sir A. W. Brown.

British pilots, when they covered miles on their transatlantic flight In lata. Tho two Amorlcan pilots on October S. established a world's chdurnnco record of 36 hours, 18 minutes, and 30 seconds, flying over Pan Diego. Was I'orfcct. It was believed by nlr service officials hero that Lloutenants Kolly nnd MacReady would have success fully nccomnl shed tho gtit from California to Now York if their motl(r equipment had been In as good condition as It was when their previous attempt, made a month ngo, was uaixea by unfavorable woauicr.

ex amination of weather bureau re ports made by th officials hern indicated that no difficulty due to ivcnthcr conditions was In pros-pect'on tho part of the Journey between Indianapolis and New York, ''An unofficial report." said the air service stutement, "states that trouble was encountered with the water Jjcket approximately four hundred miles from San Diego and that dtviplte this the filers continued on their Journey until conditions became such that they wore forcod to land -at Fort Ilcnjamlii Harrison shortly after a n. in, to-duy. Olouiitnlu iMssago liisy. "Tbu most difficult of the Journey the tortuous mountain passes of southern California, Art. zona and New Mexico, made with a heavily loaded plane, "As successfully completed.

The weather bureau reports Indicate that no difficulties would havo been encountered between Indianapolis and Now York, Air service officials, although disappointed that the transcontinental flight was not completed, aro Justly proud of the remarkable achievement of Lieutenants Kelly nnd Mac-rteady In breaking tho world's nonstop distance record. "Plans oro being made to correcj defects and take udvantaga of les ions learned in these two record- breaking flights and thero is every Indication that a successful nonstop flight across tho continent will be made In tho near future. Kept Schedule Time. A feature of the flight from San Diego Uo Fort llenjamhi Hunlson considered by officers hero ui illustrating the preclsldh and accuracy of the flight made by the two lieutenants, was that they loft San Diego within a minute of the time fixed In the official schedule for their departure andi arrived at l'ort Ilcnjamlii Harrison within a few minutes of tho time phnwn on the published schedule of flight. The arrival nt Fort Denjamln Harrison, unofficial reports showed, was made at 9:16 a.

m. whereas the schedule for arrival at Indianapolis was 9 a. m. Dr the Associated Press. DAYTON.

Ohio, Nov. 4 After thundering their way three-fourths of thu distance arrows the United States from San Dlegn to IndUnap-CONTINUED ON TAUB TWBI.VB Home borers sre safest when' titles ate (uarsnteed and deals closed by Title QuarsDtts Trust Co. Advertisement. roil at the address given tho election board nt the time of filing of candidates, denies that ho Ut cundldato for any olflco and says that ho Is devoting nil his time tn tho plumbing huslness, Another J. M.

Anderson at a dlf-crent address assert emphatically that thought of running for office lun never cnternd his mind and that ho has never participated actively In uny political cumpalgn. Still another J. M. XAnderson, thin ono a negro, positively denied any ambition to hold an office anil declared that, he Is not it candldaio for Justice nt tho pence. The question now In tho mind of tho observers as to how the officii will be filled In case of Anderson's victory.

All nre worried and tho morn It In discussed tho moro complated becomes tho Ungl, SMILES WILL HIDE HERMINE'S ANGER Ex-Kaiser's Bride Will Be Outwardly Happy, Inwardly Bitter 'AFTER' HER ENEMIES Goes to Doom With Stern Resolve to "Get Even" With Those Who Fought Her DOOItN, Holland. Nov. 4. Princess Ilcrmlno who is to wed tho former emperor of Oermnny to morrow arrived here at o'clock tonight. By D.

WE YE It Copyright, by International News Fervid. DOOItN, Nov. 4. Princess Her-mne, of lleusa. who will bo married tomorrow to the former Herman kaiser, conies to Doom today not ni a happy brldo but with bitterness In her soul.

Her lips will smile as she grcetH her new lord and master and receives tho congratulations Of the at the former warlord's castle, but thero will be blackness In her heart. Her Ulltornoss The Intensity of the prlncrss' bitterness Is equalled only hy her determination to get even with those who mado this day of "Joy" one in which sho feels that tho whole world Ib against her. Hermlne, to put It succinctly, camo to Doom with the defiant will to win and punish. In a two-hour Interview In the drawing room of her castle at Saabor, In Slletla, she had poured out her heart to the correspondent but begged that her revelations and her declarations "to get oven" not be printed until she left Germany and arrived In Holland, Consequently, her Interview can be given to the public today. Tho correspondent asked the prlnctss; "What about that mysterious trunk which Is said to have arrived In Doom the other day? It was said to contain the crown the former kaiser Is personally to place upon your head," "Tho Latest Lie." A bitter, Jerky laugh was the first reaction fijim this question.

For moment tho princess struggled with herself. Then, no longei able to master the omotlon which repeatedly throughout the Interview threatened to overwhelm her, she arose and Joined her hands high above her head. Razing Upward at CONTINl'lIU ON TAOB TWELVE BOWEN RELEASED ON $20000 BOND Will See That Family of Brother He Killed Is Properly Cared For Ily tho Aisoolatixl I'res Stat Wire. OKLAHOMA CITV, Vov. Alva Ilowcn, confessed slayer of his brother, Walter C.

Bowen, wa released this afternoon onbond of J20.000 after pleading not gullty-fii charge of first degree murder filed against him. Ilowun nulrl that Ills former wife, Gertrude Ilowcn of lartlesvlllo, had telepraghed him asking If sho be of any asslstancu. Ho notified her that his friends were doing all that was possible and that her presence was not-needed, "I will see that my brother's family Is taken care of for the present," ho said, "I have the money and havo Instrucled the welfare board to euro fur theiy nnd I will pay tho bill. I do not see how ntiyono inn live In tfle rcumstanees they ro In." Tho slayer, declared his fate Was mntter of rupreme indifference, to CO.NTI.NUUO Oil I'AQU TWELVE HARDING REGIME MEETS ITS TEST IN BUCKEYE VOTE Most of His Cabinet Busy Campaigning in Ohio for Republicans KLAN ISSUE IN WEST Campaign in 2 States Waged Aliout Empire; Wet-Dry How Figures Important Too MANY WOMEN SEEK OFFICE Feminine Aspirants and Voters Rigger Factors Than Ever Throughout West lly 11, Assoelsteif Press. CHICACiO, Nov.

4. Indorsement or tejectlon of President Harding's" administration by the voters of Ohio, senatorial fights In tho Buckeye state, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wis-coneiln, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dnkotn, Nebraska and Texas, ami tho activities of a large number of offices are tho outstanding features women candidate for Important In Tuesday's elections In the Mississippi valley nnd middle west. Prohibition In an lssuo In onvoral stales; thero uro a number of Important rcforrndums, Including xtate soldiers' bonus laws; South Dakota has several Initiative nnd referendum actions, and In Texas and Kansas, tho Ku-Klux Klati has boon mado all It sue. Harding's Cabinet Hard nt Work, Most of President llunlliiR'n cabinet ha gone into Ohio to urgo the voters to Indorse tho national administration by returning a topubll-can senator and republican congressman. Keprf sentul've Simeon Fess Is tho republican candidate for senator against thu present Incumbent.

Atlee Pomcfouo. Ohio, tho home of the Antl-Salnon league and of Prohibition Dlreclor Ilaynen, will Vote on a beer nnd wine umendmeut. Miss Florence Allen, woman Judge of Cleveland, is a candidate for awnclate Justice of tho Ohio supreme court. Interest In Indiana Is centered In tho race, between former Senator Albert J. Ilevcrldge, republican, and former Uovernor Samuel llalaton, domocrat.

Mr. Ilevcrldge a follower of Colonol Itoosovolt In HIS, defeated Senator Harry Now, closo friend of the president. In tho primaries last uprlng. Miss Esthtr Kathleen O'Kcefe, runnlnc for con-gresH on the democratic ticket, Is tho first woman nominated for that honor In the Hnosler state. "Undo JihjV Seat Factor.

Illinois lias a woman candidate for congressman-nt-large, Mrs. Wlniit-freif Mason Iluck, who Is a republican nomineo to fill the unexpired tornt of her fqthcr, tho late William Muson. Several hot fights are on In tho congressional races, one In the Danvlllo district, where a succcsssor to "Uncle Joo" Cannon Is to be chosen, and another In the Peoria district, where tho wet and dry Issue has been rulsed. The state also voto on a soldlors1 bonus referendum and a beer and wine amendment. Smith W.

Brookhart, republican, and Clyde L. Herring, democrat, closml the Iowa oenutorial campalg, tcnlay. Their hard fought oattln and tho 122, out). 000 soldiers' bonus referendum are the outstanding points In the state election. Minnesota boasts a woman candidate for United States senator, Mrs.

Anna DIcklo Olcsen, democrat, who Is opposing Senator Frunk II. Kel-logs, tho republican nomineo- Senator lji Follolta of Wisconsin has been In Minnesota speaking for Hen-rlk Shlpstead, tho farmer-labor nomineo. In tho Seventh congressional district, Representative Androw Volstead, author of tho prohibition enforcement codo Is opposed by Rev. trend O. J- Kvale.

Indorsed by the democratic and farmer-labor parties Mrs. I.llllan rjault St. Peter, la democratic for congress In tho Third district. Hitter right In Missouri in tho a Utter fight between Senator James A. Reed, foe of too Wilson administration, and It.

It Brewster, republican, It' td has derla'red be favors modlfl-iiitlon of tho Volstead law. Both candidates have denounced the ICU-Kulx Klan, Two women are socking seats In congress from Missouri, Mrs St- Clair Moss, democrat of Columbia CO.NTINUKU ON l'AOB TWELVE. TuUis Hits nnsreinmsn. Congressmen llert Chntwller wss the dl ting Inlluenrn thai pssse-l the Crpinlo Heights Tilts hill In congress He mught Tulsa's fight, sided by the total committee appointed by the msyor All Tutas property owners rsmember how the clly waa thrown into a panic In tits summer of IISI by the (Itlrg of sever al law suits silsrkluc (To. bit heights.

Ohio place, KlrkwpaJ" place, llclge, Cher ohee hrlshls snd others. Congress psseed a law validating and curlnx art these titles ami malting the home owners esfe tn their homes It cured Ilia titles to 11,000,000 to 11.000,000 tl Tulsa property. This law did more tn re-eetehlleh enn flilenca, In Tulia lilies than snylhlng ever enuld It wae pseeed epeedlly and It did the work end Tulsa ss whole snd es-psclally the homo ownera rf T'ltea own tn Congressman ChsnUler sn ttsrlastlng debt of gratitude. Mr Chandler hss represented the entire cc ngresetrmol dletrl in iuefii greis -not 'I ulea. slone.

not the lead end slno region slor.e. not the termers alone but he has repreiented stang with tho balance of ths district snd ho should ha relumed Paid political advertising by Tulsa friends, Pair of Hubbies Meet Their Wife In St. Louis Jail ST, l.Ol IS, No. 4. Wooed, wen anil mnrrleil twlie within three months, lo-year-nld Mrs.

OHdys Wltnpeo lientil, an attractive brunette with bobbed halt, was spending the wnnlng days of her second hn-eymnoti In the houso of denteiillon here, having been arrested at tier father's homo this afternoon on .1 charge of bigamy. "1 did not think I was doing anything wrong or Illegal," said the plrl-wlto when she admitted to po llcemen that she. had married Orvel llcnid, IB years old, Inst Tuesday though she hail not obtained 11 divorce froni her first huslmnd, William Wlmpi-H, whom she had ntar-iletl three months ngo. Her first husband, sho said, was arrested shortly after their marriage on a charge of grand larceny. III! arrest awakened In her tho conviction that he was "not thn right sort of fellow" without any scriip'en.

she accepted Heard's) attentions nun proposal for marriage, she told the pollen. The two husbands met one another for the first iltue. nt ths police station, where tliolr wife whs taken before being lurned'ovcr lo the Jtle-ntlo court authorities. G. 0.

P. IN COUNTY SURE OF VICTORY Entire Ticket Will Probably Go Over in Landslide for Fields 1 1 a 11 as a WALTON POOR RUNNER Business Men Fail to Fall for Contradictory Prom-'ises Ho Makes HV KIRK U. LATTA. Victory In Tulsa county for the rs. publican party seoma a certainty on the eve nfthe olectlali.

The gubernatorial ruco Is of course Attracting the most attention, not only in this county hut throughout the state. Early In tho campaign J. C. Walton, duinocratlo nomlneu, tunning on socialist platform, was conceded to have' tho lend but its the campaign lengthened John Fields, tho republican aspirant grftilunlly closet! tho' gup and during tho last week has been far ahead of his opponent. Reports from nil ovur tho state show that Flolds has better thim an even chance to win, providing that no stealing is rinno.

Walton loosing ftrntinil, Walton has been a poor runner from the, In Tulsa county. Ills contradictory promises and hair-brained day dreams el let not appeal to tho hurtl-heuded business men of tho oil section. Even Walton staunchest supporters havo conceded Tulsa county to Fields by at leist a 1,000 and conservative political oh-servers say that the county will go for Fields by S.O0O or more. Tho remainder of tho slata ticket, with the exception of the legislature offices and district Judgo races. It attracting oity minor attention and few bets are being made.

Irving Pago of Watonga, republican seeker for the state treasury beith Is regarded as having an edge on A. J. Shaw, his democratic opponent Thomas O. Andrews, republican can dldate for Bttorney-general Is ox-pected to win Tulsi county over Oeorge Short, his democratic opponent. Fred Parkinson, domocrat.

Is conceded to be. stronger candidate for examiner and Inspector than 12. E. Short, republican. Tho president of the hoard of agriculture race, between J.

A. White-hurst, democrat and Ewers While republican, Is tittractlv Interest among the irmern and stockmen of Tulsa county. While Is the favored runner and will prob. ably carry Tulsa county. For corporation commissioner, W.

51c-Williams of Miami, republican, is thought to havo tho lend over his opponent. Frank outer McWIHInms led the fight against Hie corporation commission In regartl to lbs gas rates and his campaign slogan, "He-horn the corporation commission." has won him many votes in this county. Judge Rati- a Piilc. Tho dlstrht Judge nu Is lonsld-erable of puzzle Thero are three republican and three deniix rulic candidates fom Ttiis.1 county und one democratic mnilltlate from pawneo CONTINUED UN PAOK TIIIHTKBN Arrnofil Wltllo Mtiwr Caught. DALLAS, Texas.

Nov 4 Charges of violating the Mann whltu lav act were filed with United Slates Commissioner Davidson against Hull llrown. who claims to bo from St. liuls. He Is alleged the complaint to have transported a young woman from St. Louis to Dallas for Immoral purposes.

Two young women were placed under bond for their appearance as material witnesses for the government, brown failed make bond of 1500 and was committed to tho rounty Jail to await octlon of tho federal grand Jury The Weather TUI.SA. Nov, 4 Maslwum nnnl. mum (I aitiilttoeet nl Mrer OKLAHOMA Hundsy fa' cooler In eset poriwn fair ANSAH Threatening Vutiday, pai.tliir thunderetorms In eset and rain or sniw In northweel portion, culder, la'r warmer wrat uorllonj strong shilling winds Dundiy. VOTER RESOLVED TO REBUKE REDS, FIELDS DECLARES Constitutional Government Demanded by Coalition, He Says FINDS PEOPLE UNITED Uepicsentutives of Both Parlies. Ready lo Turn Hack Dakota Town ley ism LAST MEETING A SPECTACLE Auditorium Jammed With 0,000 nnd Hundreds Turned Away Despite Kaiu fly CLARK C.

HUDSON, Worlds Capital Correepondenl, OKLAHOMA CITV, Nov. l.C'los-lug his campaign wth 11 monster ileinniiMratJjiii at thu city autltorliim which was packed to thu dools with 5,000 people, John Fields tonight re ceived an ovation from the folks of bin homo town as ho exclaimed In a final tuftsin ge: "I havo traveled nil over this state. speaking In each of thu 27 counties and In 200 hundred towns. 1 would nut have ilono this for money, nor would I havo diitiii It for any Job the stale hus to offer. Hut I liltvit ilono It because 1 fear fur the re sult lo our slate, If socialism In to mutt ul through thu red raillculrt who have coma hero to put their revolutionary Ideas Into opuiatlnti.

Ami I havo appealed to till democrats, and to all republicans, who believe. In constitutional government In this state, to Join with 1110 In keeping faith with thu founders of tills, tho greatest and best government of tho race of tho eiii tn. lliintlrtiK Turned Heavy rnln with lowering clouds prevented the paratio which unci been advertised to pruceed tho meeting, but tho streets were crowded curly and long beforo the tlmo advertised. Thn big auditorium filled, liy tho tlmo Fields arrived ho could hiinlly ittiiko his wuy to tho stand and hiiudrrilH who arrived late couldn't gain Fluld wus Introduced by Ihtn Wilson, democratic speaker of the houso In th -cond Isel-litlon and stale senator later. Wilson was greeted with cheers.

"It has boen well said that I tim a lifelong domo. cint." Wilson began, "and I urn still a democrat. 1 am a democrat who refuses to dilute his democracy with a red stream of socialism." This brought a wilvo of cheers. Continuing with his speech. Wilson said "Lincoln warned tho people CO years ngo that they must bewaro of tho plots of demagogues.

I In warned us that prejudice Would be used to Intlamu our people against each nth-or and tlsnt this danger constituted tho greatest Vitumco to tho reputation of thn republic. I urn using hlu words. As for mo I hope never to seo the dny that tho red flag shaJI he substituted for Old niory. Fields Ileal Farmer. "I am now ami have always been farmer.

1 work nt It myself. This year I have a corn crop which I planted snd gathered ivttli my own hands I know a political farmer when I see him and I have tin use for him. I am opposed to that sort of farming the kind wn see practiced by aglLntntH, mayors and the like. Hut I know John ncias 10 no a real friend to tho dirt farmers, ono of whom I inn proud to be mid I also know that In my section most of tho farmers around lit" are for John Fields for governor and Judging from what I hear from other sections I believe that Fields will be elm led by 10,000 majority next Tuesday When Fields came forward ho was greeted by the Immense audience standing, with waving flags. Thit demonstration was mtn-h for some Waltonlni In the nudlcnio who CONTINt KI i t'A'IK.

I IKfKiJN COURT REVERSES MAYFIELD EDICT Injunction Ordered Dissolved, but His Opponents Appeal Case DALLAS, Texas. Nov. -1 The fifth court of appeuls here late tonight revtvrnod the temporary lujuhi lloti order of the Seventy-seventh district court at (troesbeck huh met placing Curie 11. Mayfleltl name on the Tuewluy's elei tint) ballot as the lemocratia senatorial candidate. At torneys oniiiislnx Msyfleld Immedi ately filed a motion tor a rehearing and tho cotirr will meet at 0 o'clock tomorrow morning to consider the mutton.

The court hold that the suit for tho Injunction was brought "In precise conformity" with thn statutes covering such suits, but contomled that it un brought "lot lain fir cijutty to olvalti in Mir frtll il thr r' re -ej 'l. njJT 1 tl sol cd i'i tidnig a' Hon on the morion for a lieum" thu ttiJun'Mon co'i-tlnues In effect, anti-Mayflcld attorneys de lured, DESOLA CUT BY CYCLONE, LOSS A MILLION Hundreds of Derricks Blown Down, Scores of Lease Houses Leveled, but Towns of Oil District Are Left Inlnct by Storm; Family of Three Is Wiped Out. Boy Killed by Flying Piece of Metal, Thirty Pipeliners Escape on Speeding Truck, One Man Saved by Ditch; Straws Driven Between Truck Tire and Rim. BULLETIN Properly loss in llio oil field slorm may rench the million innrlc, recording to telephone messnge from stuff correspondent of The World who nrrived in Drumright at 11 o'clock Snturdny night. He said reports of dnmnge in tho surrounding oil fields were pouring into Drumright.

According to information secured by the correspondent it is now believed in Drumright Unit the greatest property dnmngc, nnd possibly grave loss of life, would bo found on several oil lenses between Drumrigh and Shnmrock, from which no detailed reports had nt tlmt time been secured. Thn rnrre-snoniliMit corroborated telephone reports received by The World from Drumright and other points. Ho is preparing to go with searching parties that will leave Drumright it dnybr'cak for tho stricken area. mu-xiim urn known Injured and vast property dainiiKo was done hy a eyelonc that tlcvastatert a auu-loot. pam aiioia -i nuieti iujih hi uiu CushiiiK oil field district late Saturday afternoon.

Four were killed uutrlKht near Drumright and three severely injured were taken to a DrumriRht hospital. The fifth known fatality was near Mannford, 25 miles to tho northeast. Storm Skirts Several Towns. The slorm skirted several towns, ineludini? Hhnmrock, DrumriKht, Olive, Mannford and Keystone, but did not strike a single one, and it is dur to this fact that tho casualty list did not assume ghastly proportions. I or from all reports it was a storm of terrific intensity that gathered into Its death embrace everything in its path and left utter destruction in its wake.

A downpour that was near cloud-hurst accompanied the wind and continued during the The storm wrought havoc with wire communications and made roads into the oil field almost impassable during the night, and not until another tlay comes and the stricken district Is penetrated hy rcscuo parties will the full story of life and property loss come out. i Scores of houses on huBy COLORADO SWEPT BY ICY CYCLONE 2 Lives Lost, Vast Property Damage Kecorded Throughout West DF.NV15R, Nov. 4, Two prrsons dead, two missing, noverni injured und property damage up wards of was the toll reported tonight in the wako of serlea of tornadoes and thunderstorms which gripped Utilo-adti today. "Illljanl" All Out West. The-diimagetl urou was the center of a sleut and miowstorm which hit ilio Rucky Mountain states last nigui and reached tho height of Itet io-verily today.

IllUzardy conditions prevailed in most western states tonight ami heavy snow fell, Willi lower jemperiiturtrt were reported almost generally. Wire communications south and west of Denvor was demoralised, telephone! und telegraph companW rennrlltiir most of tholr lilies out of st fiiesre.fl I wus not available concerning the extent of tornadoes reported to have Itockvforil. LIUIOIl. I Til way and Sugar City, and few other Isolated Colorado points. Hem! at Sugar i'lly.

Two llvfH werti lost nt Sugar f'H. In a tornado which swept near that city early today. It was teported. Another iiiriniiln -trucK that plaie this afternoon and caused piopeny damage hiiiuuiiIIiik eral thousands of according to repeals No Injuries were reported. Nearly .1 houses and bams were demolished eae.t of Llmon, Coin, and tesldents of that town ure soarohlng for Cart Harmon, a rancher, and Ills who were re.

ported missing following tho destruc tion ot men noine niii were Injured at Llmon. Reports that two persons were killed at Rockford could not be confirmed tonight, but HBVeral houses and barns were reported destroyed in that Uclnlty by a tornado which struck thin afternoon. Moderate cold waves prevailed In parts of Colorado. A lco tin and New Mexloo. tonight according to weather bureau reports.

I'UKIiLO, Nov. 4. A troop ot eight Hoy Scouts under the dlrec ilon of their scout leader left I'ueblo Hitt morning fir a hike Nothing h.tM been I fan) of th tt lh'' I'ONTlNl r.H OS I MMVrKhN lllinilKHIDI, AlH ITI1N -ae i- south ot buneet, a Advertisement. TE PA TH to havu been killed, niuiiy' leases operated hy Bome of the largest oil companies in the Mid-Continent field were blown down and transformed into piles of kindling wood by the twister, and it is practically certain that when a checkup is made tho number of killed and injured will mount. Oil Firms Loso Heavily.

At this time it is practically impossible to accurately estimate the property damage, but at Drumright it was believed the loss to oil companies alone would reach half a million dollars. At least three hundred steel and wooden derricks are down, in atldition to the scores of homes occupied by field workers and their families. So far as could be learned Saturday night not a single tank farm was struck by the cyclone. Larly reports were that tho small town Of Olive, six miles amJ two miles north of Drumright, had been demolished by the storm. A telephone report from Drumright at midnight, however, said communication had been established with Olive and that the town was untouched, the storm having passed a mile or so to the west.

A sharp drop III came with tho storm. This was felt even ns far away as Tulsa, approximately flft miles from Drtunrlc' tho thermometer registering a nud-dn decline of about 20 degrees nere, A bluster ng wind that swept sheets of niln along und the lower tempem lure ei. ill thet Tulsa r.efftvej if the slorm. While telephone and telcgt.ipb enovli-o w.ii badly crippled, Tim Win Id k.i able to secura connect tlotts with Drumright, shaiurck, Mannford, dishing, Ollvo and ttl.e towns near which the cycli rolled on Its way, und thereby obtained reports as n. curate nnd complete as wero to be hud Saturday night.

From nil reports It seems that the CONTIMKI) ON TAOB NINETKKN. lims KANTiU). l.u I snts no ilea boys. It or otsr, "ti Kb" preferred tu set election returns Tuesiay st tit bee Mr. ti -nJ nonr, rM bul'tllns.

afternoon st o'elocW. Doa't Advertisement,.

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