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Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • 5

Richmond, Virginia
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V) THE DISPATCH1 RICHMOND VA FRIDAY NC VEMBER 25 1940 1 i GAME NEAR DYING IRE SURVEYING FOR THE TIDEWATER ROAD A DMMOND IN-I PLASTER BILL Consider Quality and Prices Before Buying Your Groceries Gelatine 5c Package Gelatine 10c Package -v 'm VS -4 -Y3 Lard pound ls Coffee pound 18o Best Full Cream Chees 2 lbs for kSe New Swiss Cheat pound 1 SO Ewt Water Ground Meal bushel 70s OT pock a a a a 38 Sneer Leaf Lardt in tins lb lie PUlsbvry Flour bbl STtio Pride of Richmond Flour bblguSJO Mountain Roll Buttor I)- 16s Nsw Mincemeat pound Te layer Raisin pound 10c Seeded Raisin package 8o New Prune 7 lbs for 85 Currants package' fie Cl tro pound Date pound i 9s Layer Figs pound lOo Codfish pound Blacker Pea quart Te Feet poind Oe Quaker Oats package lOo Sons Inc WHOLESALE AND RETAIL QROGERS STORESi i fc IN PETERSBURG ilhe Burning of the Mortgage of the Second Baptist Church r- A SCARCITY i OF TURKEYS Tobacco and Peanuts Are Coming Into the City in Large Quantities (Special to The Tlmc-Diaptch) PETERSBURG VA November 24-Tbsnkglvlng Day waa quite generally though quietly observed in Petersburg to-day Rellgloue aervloea were held at nany of the church the Federal office and freight depot were closed the aleipel department! did no buatneea aud many manufacturing firm gave half holiday Quite a large crowd of foot-ball entbu-alaeu went over to Richmond thie morning to attend the game between Virginia and Carolina The Tarheela have many friends in this chy and though tha Virginia University has many alumni in Petersburg tbs Carolina sympathises seemed to predominate certainly as far as snthtislsam Is concerned The burning of tha mortgage that had been carried by the Second Baptist Church for the past ten year waa the crowning feature of the semi-centennial services which were held In that church Sunday and last night The paper was burned by little Miss May Alley a descendant of tha woman in whose house the church was organised fifty years ago Tha services dosed last night They ware of a vary Interesting character and largely attended throughout Last night tha capacity of tha church was Insufficient for tha number that desired to gain admission Tobacco and peanuts era coming into tbs city in large quantities One promt- nent dealer reported to-day tbst ha was aelUng peahuta as fast as they were brought In and that he Is now selling from one to five carloads a day The market la very active and many farmers seem willing to sell their crop at eighty live eenta which Is tbs present price for Hpanish Borne well Informed dealers be-Have that Spanish peanuts will bring ninety cents before the first of tha "year Thera was a scarcity of turkeys for Thanksgiving In Petersburg They art scarcer and higher than ever known before A Thanksgiving german will be given In Library Hall to-morrow night and promisee to ha a brilliant event A gfr-man will be given at the Country Club Monday night BEAR MEAT SELLS WELL Newman Eubank Operated on for Cataract (Special to The Tlmes-Dtspatch) PBRA VA November Mr Wlmer killed his pet bear last week near here and sM the meat at S3 cents a pound which will realise hhn the sum of without the skin which he lost ther by a thief or by dogs dragging Mr Euoank a very aged gentleman here was operated upon last week BL Andrew's Home Lynchburg for cataract Ha has been Welting in this section during the summer for his former home in Newport News He is seventy-clght years of age and at one time wee commissi op er of revenue of Lynchburg Unitarians Adjourn (By Associated Press) CHARLESTON Nov M-Ths eighteenth annual session of the Southern I nitarian Church was concluded with a Thenksgiving Day service to-day that waa lurgely attended Brief addresses were "Me Tjy Rev Messrs Ramsey of Iioulavlils Langston Atlanta- Foote New Orleans and Gillian Fsceville Ga Tha conference will meet next year at Dellas Texas The following officers were elected: President A Fsrlelfh Louisville Charles Behre Atlanta first president George Gibbon Charleston second vice-president A Langston Atlanta secretary New Fire Insurance Company Tlmss-DIspatch) LTNCHBLRG VA Nov The Southern Fire Insurance Company which waa recently organised In this city with a capital stock of $260000 has made application to the SUte Corporation Commission for a charter under which to com "no commence business The directors yesterday at a meeting elected Mr Payne preeMt Dings vice-president and Miller treasurer The selection aa saaaaiaaw baa baS A a for secretary has not been made public as yet It Is tha Intention of the com- a- HSWMMVII VI lll com lny when raodyfor buslnes to enter the Southern Slates for business The concern wlH be ready for operation on February 1st Caroline News 1 kS villa Broaddus a prominent farmer near j7 Christmas Clifts Christmas is nearer than most of ns realise The shorten-'ing days of November and December fly feat Why not come In now and select your gifts? The store is not so crowded and you can Inspect our stock at leisure and in comfort Then you can give instructions about engraving and your orders can be carefully carried out We put your purchase In a vault and you call and pay for It at any time that suits your convenience Even if you have not made pp your mind to buy we should be glad to have you look at our stock and Judge for youraelf whether we have overstated Its varied attractive- ness May we not hope to be favored with a visit? From an Aorfld Skin Humour Soratchod TIB Blood Ran Waited to Skeleton CURED BY CUTICURA Ons Appliostlou Soothed Hini to Sleep Cure Speedy snd Permanent When my little boy wu aboat three months old hie head broke out with rash which waa very Itchy and rau considerable watery field tried everything we could but he got worse all the time till It spread to his arms legs and then to hie entire body end he got so bed tint he came near dying The rash won Id Itch eo that he weald scratch till the blood ran end a thin yellowish would be all over hla plUow In tha morning I had to pat mlttana on hla handa to kaep him from tearing hU akin around hla wrists He got ao weak and mu down that he took fainting spells like we would think hla dying He wee almost a skeleton end his little hands were thin like clan wee bad about right men the whan we tried Caticttra Remedies I had not laid him down in his cradle in the daytime for a long time He had got ao that he Just slept In nor arms all the time I washed hla with Cntlcura Soap and put on one application of Cntlcura Ointment and he wu eo soothed that I put him tn the cradle Yon don't know how glad I felt when ha felt better It took ooe box of Cutlcnre Ointment pretty near one cake of Cnti-enta Boa? ud about half a bottle of Cntleara Resolvent to car I think our little boy woeld have died only for the Cutlcurm Remedies ud I shall always ramala a firm friend of them Mss MAITLAND Joins Oirraaio No return la 14 years Mr Maitland writes nader date of Feb 34 ISOS that the ewe le permanent It riforda me much pleasure to Inform yon that it la fourteen yearn sines my boy waa eared of the terrible akin diocese' from which ha snffbrtd He haa been permanently eared end la hearty and ntroag" awrtnl ttt mm OsMisii I ism asThmlm No SM Mr OMmii Si-lmta Am Chwfn-km VsHaaie FWsi IS A VMM Dias Cftm Cm tm tm te ImI -nil JORGE ORDER GUARDS TO SHOOT TO KILL Negro Highwaymen Arrested and Held in Jail Under -Guard (Special to The -Ttmw-tMiipataH-) PULASKI VA Nov The two negroes who held up-and robbed-two section men here lost- night were captured this morning about six miles west of town In the mountains by a white man named Wolfe and a colored man named Grubb When brought to town the negroes confessed to the robbery and also hi shooting at the officers who chased them lest night Both are young Circuit Judge Jackson ho Is new bolding court her will summon a special grand Jury to-morrow and try tha negroes Immediately and the chances are good for a double hanging here This hold-up was one of the boldest crime ever enacted here One of the darkles gave hla name as Fisher Parum of Dinwiddle county and the other gave hla as Jesse Boulden of Lynchburg Then is strong talk of lynching them and Judge Jackson bee Instructed the sheriff to place guards at the Jail aimed with shotgun with Instruction to snoot to kill if any attempt was made to get the prisoner CHEATHAM VINDICATED Charges Against Chesterfield Justice Not Substantiated (Special to The Tlmc-Dlspatch) CHESTERFIELD VA November The motion for the removal of Mr Cheatham from the office of Justice of the peace for Manchester magisterial district In Chesterfield county waa given a thorough hearing In the Circuit Court Monday before Judge Watson Nona of the charges of malfeasance lncosnpetency and gross aUtd In tha bill of complaint wars substantiated -and th evldenc which Vaa fully gone Into was rather a vindication of Mr Cheatham's character and value ea an officer The Instances cKed In the complaint of Improper conduct and decisions on tha part of the Justic were not numerous considering the large number of criminal cases he haa to try monthly nor were they of a very serious character Ode complaint waa for excessive coats Imposed in an Instance where a line was made another for dismissing a case at the cost of the defendants where no fine or other punishment was Imposed: a third waa for imposing a fin for an of-fens committed within the corporate limits of Manchester and so on None of the complainant' own testimony taken apart entirely from that of the defens reflected on the personal character and Integrity of 'Squire Cheatham and the errors alleged were rather in the nature of mistakes than otherwise The testimony for the oosnplalnants was all Introduced before the races for dinner Mr Frank Sutton Jr their attorney putting some eight or ten witnesses on the stand In the afternoon Cheatham was put on the stand flrat bF his attorney Messrs Wells end wffji Moor and in a quiet impassioned he explained away everything damaging In tha charges alleged against him In the case of excessive costs ha had promptly offered to refund the money when shown that a mistake had been made In the case where coats were Imposed when the parties arrested were dismissed the men were really found guilty of tree-pons on the lands of a Mr Davie hut at the request of the prosecutor they were simply warned to keep off the premises In the future and made to pay the costs ths prosecution In the caw of fining Mr Burton for being abusive to Policeman Watts in the city of Manchester tt woe found that the warrant charged that the offense was committed in the county of Chesterfield and that the defendant at the trial made no protect against being tried in this county A dog In the possession of Mr Burton had been annoying the people living Just outsldn the corporation and the affair with Folicesnan Watts grew- outs of the repeated warnings to his owner or keeper on account of complaints made to him Policemen -Watts and Jarrell and others testified In 'Squire Cheatham's favor and the cow was finished soon after 3 In the afternoon The court In summing pp the evidence in the caw and rendering a decision admonished Mr Cheatham In some particulars and a to technicalities but in go way censured him and declined to grant the motion for hla removal from Engineering Corps at Newport News Where Site Has Prob- ably Been Secured (Special to TliMe-Dispeteli) KBVVFURT NEWS VA November SL-A surveying party of ten men arrived In the elty thla morning at lb o'clock end registered at ths Lexington Hotel Inquiry revealed the fact that thin In the same party that haa been surveying along tha line of the Deepwater and Tidewater railways In Western Virginia and Weat Virginia Engineer Trent heading the party refused to have anything to say about' tha object of hi visit hen "Wo are boro for he declared "else we be her but what that work Is am not at liberty to my Wa wU taka a holiday to-day along with the rest of the folk and to-morrow our operations begin" It Is now believed that when William Pag president of Deepwater and Tidewater Railway and Or-cutt president of ths ship-yard and Old Dominion Lend Company were In consultation here recently a deal by which the new railroad secured a alto for terminals at this port waa cloeed Every one In a position to know anything about tha mater la silent however and tha public can only surmise Cash Shaner (Special to The Tlmea-Dlepatrh) LYNCHBURG VA Nov 34-Thpar- onage of the Methodist Church son Heights opposite the James R-ver from Lynchburg was the scene of a pretty though quiet wedding yesterday afternoon when Miee Berta A Shaner iwnivuug WDcn mim osim a mnwigi one of the prettiest young ladles of that town was married to- Hr William Cash of Rockbridge The couple were attended by Miss Lillie Shaner a sister of the bride and Mr Lieonard Wright of this elty AFTER SEVEN YEARS Brought From South Dakota to be Tried for Murder (Special to Tha Tim ee-Dispatch 1 SALISBURY Nov Ut-Thomas Broadway was arrrigned In Rowan Superior Court here to-day for the murder of Mr- Mills Reed a prominent dllaen of this county The murder was committed on ths farm of Mr Reqd seven years ago since which time Broadway has been a fugitive from Justice until captured by Sheriff of this city In South Dakota three months ego and brought to North Carolina for trial The prisoner is represented by Senator Lee Overman and Congressman Theo Klutt of this city and Solicitor Hammer appears for the State Judge Cook la presiding FAIRMOUNT NEWS Grove Council' Jr A If hold aui Interesting meeting Tuesday night at thq hall In Orova state Depuiy Duk of Fulton was present and alto Mr Bock of Fulton who mda some In teres tins remarks for the good of ths order Mtn Rainey entertained quite a number of friends at Than lustres dinner Thursday Mite Fannie Blanghtcr -la visiting friends and relatives In Petersburg-'' 31 Ooddln of Suffolk la spending soma tlmo with Lock Mioses Ethel Smlthsr snd Olllo Claytor snd Master Rowland Anlther who have boon tha gnst of their sum Mrs Rainey have returned home Goorgs Childress has returned from a delightful trip to Fluvtnna county Mm A Slaughter has returned Petersburg when she visited relative The entertainment given at ths chapel of ths Redeemer by the King's Daughters sms great success A Urge crowd was present and a nest sum was realised Mrs i Griffin bus returned from an extended visit to relatives in Albemar county Mr aud Mm Burn of New York were ths guests of Churl Mat week They are now guests at the Richmond Hotel Mr Griffin has returned from a very successful hunt in Buckingham county Miss Bessie Fox daughter of Mr snd Mrs James Fox of No T10 North Terenty-BIxth Street and Mr Ernest Vasa were married Wednesday evening After the ceremony the young couple left for an extended north-era trip Upon their return they will be at home with the hrtde'e parents No no Twenty-alsth Street Mies Maggie Anderson who has been the guest ol friends here for some time returned to her home In Mathews county Little Thelma Pendleton continues extremely Ilk ut the residence of her pe rente Twenty-first Street Mr James Enos is vl (tiling Mr sad Mm Aubrey Enos on Twenty-second Street The Newberry Memorial Circle of King's Daughters celebrated Its sixth annlrareary Met week Many members were present and tbs officers were elected: Mm Jones president George Tuck vice-president Mm William Robert inn secretary snd David Robertson treasurer Bov Dr John Bbnnon will deliver famous laetufe on "Dynamite" Friday eve nlng In FonroU'e Hall Miss Annie Vial has returned from a delightful stay of two weeks at "Woodland1 Hanover county Bov A Beadles and family of Mar cheater have moved Into their new- home on Twenty-second 8trect CHANGE IN SCHEDULE A A R- SUNDAY NOV 27 1904 NORTHWARD Train No 2 Ashland Accommodation leave Elba dally except Sunday 7:10 A Instead of 7:16 A No other changes In departure of northbound trains from Richmond SOUTHBOUND Train No- Ashland Accommodation arrive Elba dally except Sunday 6:33 A 31 Instead of 1:40 Train NO 43 Seaboard Mali leave Washington daily 1UM A 3L arrive Main Street Station Richmond 2:14 3L Instead of 2:06 Train No A Ashland Accommodation arrive Elba 6:42 dally except Sunday Instead of IKK) P- Train No 401 arrive Byrd Street Station dally 9:00 31 Instead of 1:60 Train No 11 Seaboard Express leave Washington dally 426 3L arrive Main Street Station Richmond 9:50 Instead of 10:29 3C No change In arrival at Richmond of other southbound train CASTOR I A For Tnfanta and Children Tbs Kind Yon Have Always Boogfct Benre the IligAatwo of WINTER TOURIST VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE Winter tourist tickets era now on sale to all Southern winter resorts via the Atlantic Coast Lin This line ia the shortest quickest and most elegantly quipped between the North and South It offera to health and pleasure seekers service equalled by nan You make no changes to Florida resort For full particulars apply to any agent of ths company or -C CAMPBELL Division Passenger Agent Richmond Va SVC Its Kind Voe Hie Always Bsstfit Boon the EXTRAORDINARY Doctors tall you to never try sleeping on a full stoniich Good advloe but sleep on a full pocketbook Flneat a I a a tonic ever known going to fill your pocketbook with "change back" and furnish sleep easy with reduced prices all' this week because holiday goods are now coming in by the carload and we must make room for them Ltf ALL" ODD PIECES AND SUITS OF Furniture Carpets Druggets Linolemns and particularly Sclf-Fcidlng Hilling STOVES muet go to make room for Oils Christmas Stock which we promise you will be the biggest best and prettiest avsr seen hsjre By the war you might find a useful present among our special bargains You know we store all goods bought of us and deliver them without extra change at your pleasure -cSs We'll give a souvenir book marker or pin tray to every lady or- gentleman attending this special sale 419-421 Briad St The Furniture tors that afraid to mark all Its goods In plain figures Mi I i Special Attention filVEH OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS! The Hudgins Trial (Special to The Tlmea-Dispatch) MATHEWS VA Nov 24-The trial of Irvin Hudgins for tha murder of his cousin IV Hudgins was con tinued to-day The prosecution concluded Its evidence at the morning session The evidence for the defense was not concluded when at o'clock the court adjourned until to-morrow Burned to Death (By Associated Press) CHICAGO ILL Nov 24-Mr LI sale Couet forty -one years old lost her life to-day and her husband and Infant child were fatally burned in a fire which their horn Great Flan Dr Wiuiam Murray of Suffolk a speaker of rare gifts and powers will deliver an undenominational religious discourse in Marshall Hall Twenty-fifth end Broad Street next Sunday at 3 o'clock In the afternoon His tifbji Object Will be "God's Great Flan for Human public are cordially invited to hear him 1 A Pretty Romance in Connection With a Present-Day Marriage MISS MARY A BRIDE When a Little Girl an Admirer Gave Her Present to be Opened on Her Wedding Day (Special to Tha Timet-Dispatch) RADFORD VA November 24-Con-nected With the marriage of Mis Mary McKee! a beautiful young woman of this city to-day la connected a pretty little romance which began at Culpeper when she was eight yean old Dr Shackleford a wealthy gentlemen became very fond of ths cute little msldrn and taught her to Kelts Stingy Man" for a church entertainment When she finished the recitation he arose and presented her with a plaster-of-Paris ball bidding her not to open It until her wedding day The years slipped away The lkita girl grew to maidenhood and the little white ball kept Its secret well until to-day when it was Opened at dinner In the presencs of the family and the bridal party The bonnla bride dashed It In two end received as a bridal present from her admirer of the long ago a handsome diamond THE MARRIAGE The marriage was a most beautiful and Interesting event the bride plighting her troth to Mr Malcolm Ripley Price The church was slaborately decorated In: laurel and cedar potted plants and cut flowers the color scheme being green and white The wedding march was played by Mrs 8 Jen lowing tl Bayers otHlnton Mr William Price of Hinton a brother of tha groom and Meesrs McKeal anJ Wallace McNeal brothers of ths bride rams ths maid of honor Miss Gwendolyn Bladen of Roanoke She wore point d'esprlt over taffeta and carried bride's roses The bride who Is a handsome brunette was gowned In blue broadcloth with blue eTlngl rose She entered with her father Mr A McNeal and was met at the altar rail by the bridegroom who with hla brother Mr Tom Price of Hinton Va as her man entered by the side alele performed by Rev of Bourne Me- ones sang "Because I Love You" Immediately after the marriage Mr and Mrs Price left for Be Louis and points In Texas and Kansas A beautiful luncheon was given to the The ceremony was perform Woodwardpa-tor of morial and Mr 33 8 jonei bridal party Wednesday evening at the of the bride The parlor was besu- homa ti fully decorated in pink and green pink chrysanthemums and evergreens being a The color scheme In color scheme In the dining room was pink and whits The table was decorated In pink chrysanthemums and brood bands or pink and white satin rib bons Ths souvenirs ware a pair of hearts tied with pink and white uaby ribbon on which was done in India Ink a smiling Cupid A delightful menu was served A Urge number of very hai ding presents were received Tbs bride who ia the daughter of Mr and Mrs A McNeal Is strikingly handsome and possessed of much vivacity She has taught in the public schools and has taken an active part In church work among other thing being organist at Bourne Memorial She has many friends In Radford and will be much missed The groom Is a native of Giles but for the last three years has lived in Charleston Va where he hat been very successful In his profession and holds pr a prominent place in the social and dub lty be at home' after December 6th Mr and Mrs Price win IN FREDERICKSBURG General Holiday and Services in the Churches To Have Bridge (Special to The Times-Dispatch) FRBUERICKSUURG VA Nov 24- To-day waa generally observed here as a holiday Most of the places of business were closed and tha streets wore the as pect of Sunday Many visitors were here for the day whilst many Fredericks burgers took advantage of tna holiday to visit friends-at other places The congregations of the Baptist Methodist and Presbyterian denominations united in a Thank Church onan aenominauons united in a anksglving service In the Baptist urch at 11 o'clock Rev- Dr VI Rose- on Services were also held at St George's Episcopal Church at 11 o'clock with sermon by- the rector Rev 6mitb end at Trinity Episcopal Church hour she rector Rev Barber preaching the sermon and administering holy communion At tha Baptist Church and Trinity Church the col lection waa for the 'benefit of the Mary Washington Hospital at St George's it was taken for the Charity School of the church For some time past a bridge has been badly needed over the Rapldan River at Ely's Ford and atfer conference Cul- paper county agreed to pay eight-twelfths of the cost ot building the bridge and Spotsylvania agreed to pay three-twelfth Thla left only one twelfth unprovided for colled upon Fredericksburg to pay that amount as this city Is largely benefited by trade from that section The City Council by unanimous vm appropriated the necessary amount $461 Miss Sarah Adam of near Guinea Caroline county will celebrate -her one hundredth birthday on Saturday November Mth Tha venerable lady to still comparatively active and alert and her re markable age ia thoroughly authenticated a Jar England has Ford on the Rapl and has purchased ths Nolle Mill In Cul- eiia has a large family connection Mr England has sold his mills at Raccoon Ford on the Rapldan River peper county The farm In Caroline county known as Caroline Springs" has been sold by Its owner Mr Lord to Mr A Vaughan on private terms Rev MoManswmy of Missouri who recently accepted a call to the Bowling Green and Upper Zion Baptiat Church-e in Caroline county to succeed Rev Dr John Pollard who resigned on account of 111 health will enter upon his duties next month Hanover Court (Special to The Tknee-Dlipateh) HANOVER VA Nov 24-The Circuit Court of Hanover which convened Friday adjourned Wednesday Thera were aoout thirty-five decrees Several contested esses were submitted to the Judge for decision in vacation SICK HEADAGHE Positively cared by llTTLE IVER PILLS these Little Pills They also relieve Dt tfac (Tom Dyspepsl In digestion and Too Hesrt4 Bating: A perfect ran edy tor Dbxtue Name promtMs Bed Tests tn the MonUk Coated Taegu Pain tn TORPID UVEA They regelate the Board Purely Vegetable SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE SHALL PRICE CUKE SICK i CARTERS Irrrtfi IVER fflVE Gnarina Must Bear Fac-Siffiila Signature 4e 8c Navy Beans quart Oat package Be American Oct package Te A vena Oats package Half-Barrel Roe Herring flit New Buckwheat 9 pdunda for kBe New Cut Herring down for Ids New Roe Herring doeen 1S Fat Mackerel each Be Lion or Cardan Coffee lb lie Old Peach Plum Grape Apple and Sun Cured Tobacco 3 ''plugs for us Large cans Tomatoe can ho Small cans Tomatoes can Se Good can Corn can So Best Bran per hundred filis Beat Bhipstuff par hundred fiLkS Beat Timothy Hay per hundred 8B Best Elgin Butter per pound SBe Malt Whiskey bottle 80s Corn Whiskey gallon Good Rye Whiskey gallon I THE IT MUST BE RIGHT thla bread of ours because in the first place we use the beat kind of flour for bread making a pare wheat flour and then we have made a special study of bread ing ao that we produce tha beat bread it la possible to make Our customers realize thla Bromiiii THE BRADLEY COHSTRUCTION CO SsvtnUenth and Dock Sts BICHMONa YL General Contractor Pile Drlviag and Foundation Work Wharf Building and General River Work Concrete Constr action 'Phone 2018 Schytarzschild £ros JUadirg JetitUrs Broad and Jtcond Jts HARE AND Compared with the steady successful progress of a hard working saving man the career of the speculator ia a but a sorry show How many thousands of thla country's brightest minds have been swept into the maelstrom of speculation "niy to meet rain Nor is ruin financial all Moral mental ruin unfitness tor useful tasks all follow waa not built In a day1 A fortune cannot be made ia a month or a year But the secret of success financial success bringing a life of prosperity Ilea In two things To earn money or make it In some useful business and to save a reasonable part of what you earn In the end these methods will surely win Just as the tortoise Just as those who follow his methods always have won and always will win Our Savings Department will help you If out of town write us and learn how to bank by mail We pay three per cent Interest PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Twelfth" and Mein Street Richmond Va Capital 980000000 Surplus and Profits 928000 jOO Sparta lost a barn by fire Saturday night also two acres or cured tobacco jot of feed and farming Implements which 'wers stored In it Loss about tlx hundred dollars Taliaferro who lives near Bowl- ft (2MM has MSIa ika I aa -vsw WI ftva iiw OVWI ing Green has mad the most successful hunt the season having killed a deer a wild turkey twelve birds and a rabbit In ons day's hunt i Thieves in Hampton strussffiu tMvaa broke into Turnbull's store and saloon on Queen Street last night Forty gallons of whiskey HO in cosh and numerous small articles wars nde off with The thieves entered by smashing Mrindow rtams 'Rims fa aIa a window gim Thera ls no'clue" identity The whiskey was In four bar- Hi I Miur nr rola and ten gallons or over waa drawn from each barrel Aithna and Hay Fivir jCund The truly marvelous cures of Asthma which are being effected by Dr Schlff-mann'g Asthma Curs certainly cal) for notice Rev Lb Taylor of Washburn Hi says: "Botna 7 years ago my wife used several packages of your Asthma Cura which resulted In a permanent -A Hay Fever sufferer writes: have been a sufferer from Hay Fever for over 20 years and It seemed harder every year The first night I used your Asthma Cura 2 was greatly relieved It cured my rough after using a few times I shall recommend it to all' sufferers or Hal Fever" Mrs Martha Blraenon XalngcVs burg Mich Bold by all druggists at BOe and (LOO Bend 2c stamp to Dr Stihlffman Box IM BL Paid Minn for a free trial age 1 BTOnXA iTtaKadYw HwHUmflBMgk Baers tie TW SON JAMES TIGNOR PROP Wholesale and Retail Dealer lit GUNS RIFLES PISTOLS FISHING TACKtR and Sporting Goods Repair Work Promptly 1719 Franklin St Richmond Vaj 32 Neatly Done and flpiUs HH Blgattara Bipstsie of.

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