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Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma • Page 13

Tulsa Worldi
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

18 Coach Schmidt ot Tulsa Appointed Athletic Director for Arkansas University TULSA DAILY WORLD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1922 10 TAKE BERTH JJRST OF JUNE, DISPATCH SAYS Schmidt Out of City and Has Not Yet Submitted Hid Resignation I i Alata Witt. pau I'TEVILLB, March -1 Francis A. Schmidt. or fivo ycars foot ball coat nt Tulsa university, TiiWa, has been tip-n(ntP(l director of athletics to' the University of Arkansas John 0. Cutral, president, atmoutirrd today.

He was choson from a field of 40 aji-nlicants. Ho participated in four sports at Nebraska uni-vcrsitj. which lie is a graduate. Si hmidt is to report in June. i "imiuoinvATnn.

i iii'-ln Schmidt of fho tdfvenlu of Tulsa whose oiM'olnt-mcnt director of athletics for the I'nlvcrni'v rf Arkansas was announced itio forogoliifr Associated Press dispuMi, has not yet submitted Ms M-ignatlon to the local Ins-tliutlon. a' ordlng to Dr. J. Qor-Jon, pusalint. (tarh KUimldt was In Arkansas rrr in urHi uv.

uuvii ueuii lalltu th' to aionuuy uy uio serious lllnefs of lus father. Ho Is expected to 1 1 turn to Tulsa Wodnes-iliy, nurd having been received thut his taihi ii improving, Not Advised. Prcsiilint cordon said ho had htard nmli ng of Schmidt' contemplated ronneetlon with tho Arkansas lii'ul until Informed hy The World of the Assoolnteil Proas dlipf' h. Whllo deeply regretting hit Jess, ho said, ho wanted to bo the flret to extend congratulations to tlio cuarli. "Xot only myself but everybody tt the fhool Will deeply regret the loss of Kchnifdt." said Doctor Uovdn.

"Ho was splendid coadi and a gentleman nnd tlio luc-ulty and ttudent body ullko will hato 10 ico him ko." Doctor Gordon said ho had not (lien tlio matter of successor for Sthmldt a thought, yet, and would not until ho una notified by Schmidt himself of his Intention to go to Arkansas. Wonderful Football Itcconl. Schmidt, who was 1 Imself a star football player nt tlio University of S'ebraaka, has had wonderful suc- fTitlan imliniDltv n.hnplnlltf In tho major sport of football. Ko camo to rulsa in lain to no iiunttaii collso fooi Lall coach. That year he turned out a ter.m that lost tho into cha iplonship by being beat-to by Oklahoma U.

14 to 13. Tho next fur lio achieved tho wonderful feat ot winning tho statu gridiron championship, dofeittlng Oklahoma. was the first tlmo I. history that a University of Oklahoma football team had been ftnnuered lv team LI produced in tho Hamo state. After 1Mb Schmidt was ay from Kendall fir yearB.

cnter- 'Ins the army it tho serine of J317 tinen the war sturtcd, whllo no vja away the schoql tried out a pair ct coaches. Hal I.tedford, a Chl-caso university product, bossed tho Job In 1917 and tho" next year he ent back to Chicago as nn ns-Hitant to Alunzo Staggl. In 1013 a coach by the name of Smith waa en the Job. Then In 191D Schmidt returned from the war nnd waa at once rc-ipsaEed as athlcllo director for Kendall college. Taking tho remains of his treat football team of 1115-lC ho perfected another ma-ee nml again won tho state fATipiotiabiii.

once more trlmmins Itennla Owen' Sooner eleven. Thts tm was also all-victorious, la Sihmldt won tho stnto tnitnplonship for tho third straight time, tut did not havo a gamo with unahnnm. In 1011, when It eeraed he was ipelessly out of 'no running because of tho failure Harry llrlan nnd StcMntmn to uamy, he hullt up a fair team that jwy lost btau tltlo through de-IMtat the hands of Central normal, ltniulli'il ah oiiu While Sihmidt'n football success mi been fmarkablc, hla activities the ''anpo and Ulack athletes nn mean.i been confined to lltrldbon WnrWnir ivllh (lr1ng Mrsy ho has directed every branch nn'1 llls versatility has i i'luvo ruttrnsiui in SZi vil tarbni track and field unes. The mverslty of Arknnsaa cer "wry m.i'io a wise Hclnctlon for i. nl department.1' said MmMcliirney 0f tlio Nutlonal llanjt Comrncn "father of football at nwoail informed of a "8.

imldt Id i i .1 coach, nnd an for ik'Hf n'hlet' knowledgo snd Hiiout nn equal in tins wt or country. Whtlo I re- I'nvo Tulsa I'm S' see htm better him- ti Uhlctics In a wm havQ ml)ch iu worf with, and oi eat uoal moro pres (hi! known for nomo tlmo 'Hire contemplating CflflTlln university. He waa with tho small salary nihorm ral1'' o- 'l the rollopo ff no Ingtlnatlon to School of 'uv and is be eved Ill because the Ar JfJecamo available. anntii f.

h.9 been rna(l0 ll th8 tw 21 c.01,n,y on Avnnt, rawhuska. posslbla that the Wl ba r. r.t0.wns county '4t ihrpfntQ4 In tho meet. Ho-thean etl contests therowill Dcs Moines Pair Sets Classy Mark In A. B.

C. Doubles TOMiDO, March 51. Tlio advent ot spilliu wnit heralded hy Lbor hnrdt and W. Coffin of lies Moines with near lecord scoro In tho doubles event of the Amerlcntt Howling congriiiw tourney thla afternoon. They lulled In tho best unil mi'st I'onsiatent team bowling tho Kama lias nvor seun.

lOberhnrdt totaled 1103 and Coffin fi.lS. Kburhnrdt'H gaunjs wore 231, 221 and :15. TIioho nt Coffin wera 200. 219 and 233. Their total is 'he highest ever made in tlio Interna-Imial oliiBCle, tho roeuid ot 1U4K bc tlmial t'lassli', tho record of 134S bu-Holzoi'hui'h of 1'rorlu.

Barllcsvillc Squad Will Report Sunday hi Th World. March 21 Mansger Ned Peiilgrow of the liar-tleavlllo team the Hoiilliwestern Iiuh (inlercl eleven plnyers to leport for spring praetlce pext Huuday. Among IIimho who will re-piirt la llimbury, the rrarU third ot dm champion ludepond-enee leaf of 1021. The playeiM who huvo hail transportation mint to them are for thu most part, IilliherH and caterierx They arc liurnnuiii, Hannibal, lefthnml- ed pitcher; Crittenden and Wiley, catchers; Jim House, Iteene, riglit unntleu nitciior: i.owis. or near Hartlevllle, pitcher: Waxson.

TuIk.i, second bniicninnj llenry Dawson, Dowar, Biiort nop; joo uioom. iianninai, nutriciuei'; joe Ucin- ty, Cordoll, outfielder. Tho rent of the players will report for duly April 1. Manager relllgrow says Joe Illoom )a coming to him with the best recommendation of all the phiyere, being boosted by nn old time big Jeaguo acquaintance ol I'etugrow. Practice Match Hy-'IV-tt 1st 2nd 3rd Tot.

HoynoIdH 17 5 iS.r. 15k bIS Ilorgwald 1BI 170 177 601 Hooker 177 17li 172 C2S Hehroeder ISO 107 T.2H rlpollinan 21C 202 IDS u72 Totals 01 1113 82'J 2014 All Slars: 1st 2nd Tot. Morgan 17S 100 Mil Stlcknoy 17(1 137 100 T.27 OariJson 174 182 148 Oregory 172 1S2 r.4rt McGregor IBi 143 140 444 Totals 835 874 832 2540 NI'OHO IS HEM) roil ML'ltDIUl (lartigo Worker Will Ho Tried for Htinnliig Ilnuii Mrs. Hadlcy. Special to Tlio World.

POKCA CITY. March 21. As a result of hla preliminary hearing In tho Kay county court, Edgar Jnrk- son. a negro garago worker ot tiua city, has been held for trial in tlio (llHtrlct court on a chargo of running down and killing Mra. l'hoebo Hartley as sho waa going home from church on Sunday evening, March 12.

She was struck by nn automoullo driven by Jackson, and killed after being dragged for sumo distance. Jackson Is being- held in tho county jail at Xcwklrk. SCHOOLS IN HEAITIl CONTEST Spur Wins Honor" Oicr Tho Other Ittiral M'IiuoIh. Special to Tha World. VINITA.

March 21 Jones Spur contest which lias boen waged between that Bfhool, Kelso nnd Cobb school waa the winner in the health schools. Thn final contest was hold at Kelso Thursday night, under the supervision of Misa Myrtlo tJritiham, public health nurse, us.ilstetl liy Airs, Marry wammacis, county superintendent, nnd County Agent Warren, "SWAT Till: HQOSTKU" NEXT Ct'ttlng Hcailr to Ellmlunto Cfolcss Main 1 nun lli nliiiiisc. Special In The World. NOWATA, March 21. The members of tho Nowata County Poultry association nrn making preparations to stage their annual "Swat thu Hooater" campaign.

In past years tho drive has been thn direct causo of hundreds of useless rooateru being removed from tho flocks nnd marketed. Much action hna raised tho grndo of the ogga which aro marketed for eating purposes, Tho roostera are needed only In tho breeding pens. Tcmtpali After Nminta Scalp. Special to The World. NOWATA, March 21.

Tho No-watn county track meet to bo held In tin city in about forty dnys, promises to bo the bent In the history of track athletics in tho county. In the past Nowata has had Its own way and won handily, but thla year Lnnapah Is pending a crowd of nth-loter who they think will curry hack the silver cup to that town, Ilnth school will send athletes to the -fJanta l'o and A. St. track meotg. HlantH nml Indiana to Clash.

fiAN ANTONIO, Texas, 21. Tho Now York (Hants will play tho first of a two-gnmo serlos hero tomorrow with tho Indianapolis American association club. Tho Indians arrived today from their training camp nt Marlln. Follow, ing this snrles and a game with tho local cluh of the Texas league here Friday, tho Olants will break enmp, going to Dallas where tho Inter-loaguo terlei with the Chicago Americans will be resumed Saturday. One, Way to Namo 'Em.

Special to The World, UHEKNVII'l'l', Texas, Starch 21. Togs, meaning Texas, Oklahoma, QrcenvlIIo und Saboloskey, la the name nolccted for the Ureonvlllo team In the Texas-Oklahoma bate-ball league, Iko Saboloskey, owner, announced today. Special to The World, NOWATA, Starch 21 When the notary convention opens at SIus-kogee, SUreh 30, Nowata will have a delegation of 100 In attendance. Tho ltotarlan will take, a 40-plece band on the trip OFFICIAL WESTERN LEAGUE SCHEDULE FOR 1922 AT A AV AT AT At Ar OKLAHOMA CITY Tt I.MA ltlllr. llll.Nlill (IMAII 1IIS MOl.M.1 I) Mar S3.

SC, Jl, II 1, (4) May it, II. (M). II Slay 1. I. I April t.

It, (IS, St) May II Ma (71, I OklA. tttv 11 OT IllP IlCSl ii- V- Unt ''i' J. It. (3t) July ii. (II, IT, 111 July li, It, ll, il (3st, Hi tt it, te (it.

U1 llM' JJ- ari. II. 1J. It (It) ah, it. It, 8H.

it, to, i. it JT, ll, II. (It) II, II, II. it An. It, lit.

HI, III, il A.ii tl, II, (if, It) May IT, II, 1. I) I II May IS. (II), It. ID (I) May I. II Mar I.

(I. 7) May t. 4 Afrll it, II, (10) Tl l.SA July I. (4, 4.) il i' Ii 1 II July i. 10).

It lull' it) July It. (tt), ll, tl, It July It. II July II. la, II), IT, 11 July ll, II. ll pl.

It. CI) ti, tt l1 1 1 Hai't. It, to, II, 21 MtH, tit), 11. ll. ll Auk.

II, II. II A iis. II, ll, (M, It) AUK. It, It, ll Auf, li, it, (IT, If), II May SI, it, IT, (31) Mar Ct), 31 91, CI 1 it, (IS, it), II A fill It, (It) May I. I.

4 May (Tl, I Ma t. It, It IVHIII1A July u. (t) Jtmi 10, July l. U) Nl I II ll 1 1 1111(1 tl, tl, tl July II. 11, II.

(It. II) July II. (It), IT, 1 Julv It, It, tt, Jl ill, j), jl Ntpt. (J. 4.

4) T. UUJIIMILn Augi ,4, AU(f, ii (f(l AUf, IT. II, (It) Auf. tl.

II. II, it May (II), It. SI. tl May II. it it.

(II) May IT, It, 11, i May t. U) May t. it. II A Mil tl. It, i).

May 1, I 4 ST. JOSU'll June It. to. July 1, Juna (Jit, rl, luly t. tl, 41, TXII't Ifltt fiODlk IA t'j lul ll' J' It.

II mpt. I. Sept. (1. 4.

4) Napt. tl, (ll). il, It, It. til, 17). II Au.

il. It. It vt. tt, II. It.

(SI. It) Auf. () April II, (II) April 14 tl Is April II, 11 April (16). 17, It. 13 II I I J7'.

May II II, a 17, (St) Jim. 8 Inn. 0. It. ill.

111. II Jima 17, (4, it, to Jn 1 1, I It (if Jill (UK S. SL'L1 Aug. t. 10, II, (II, Aug.

(II, 11), II, li Aug. I. 4 Asti. (t). 7,1 U1 I.

110), 11, 11 SapU tJ, 4, I), I ArH1 At'" "V' 19 Alttll It. II, II, (II) April 14, tl. ia, if May It. (It, r.i it i ii i 'J. ufV OMAHA Jun.

10, 111). 1J I una J. I Jun W. 14. It, 16 JuM 17.

(Ui. J. It July tt, ti. It. tl IIIIC 1 1 it T( 1 Si ,5) ''i Aug.

1, I. 4 Aug. (. t). 7, I Aug.

(13, 11). II, it Aug. 1. Iv. II, II itpl.

11, (11), It, St a iapt. e. 7, jKew. II. II, It.

II. (IT) April tl, ft. SB April II. SI. (II) ApHI (Itl, IT.

II, It Apr" 11. II, 1h" May 15. It, ST, (III 109 W. First My C')v I). MOI.M.S Jun 17, i HI.

It, SO J8 1) 10. (Ill, II sa. ST. 2. lull July 1.

tl). I Itiiiy tl, 41, Aug. 1. (f. C), 1.

I Aug. 1, 3, 4 Aug. 10, 11, 11 Aug. (13. 14, It.

II Urul. II, It, (17) Hl't, 11. It. It, II IMlOIIC OsngQ 22 (It), ti, IS fpr" 'Jv 11 April II, It, 14, II April II it April 50. SI.

rs C3) May IS, IS, (UI, It lima 7. t. (I) May tt, (St. It), tl StlCCInl Pricet in tirv II. II.

II, It Jun 17. III). It I. 9. tut.

12 a. 7 a Hun 5a July I. tf S) tuna it, 31. It iD- II, ft. (10) JHCtim I rices in Aug.

OS, l-i 14, 15 auk. 0. in, il, ii (b, j. i I. i Hi'i'i.

It, 13, tn. i.i't li. 4. 4) Htpt, it, tt Keen Outfits RICHMOND JOINS HOLDOUT CLASS, MAY YET PITCH Dickers With Club for Salary Hike; Fricl Says He'll Stand Pat Itay Hlchinoud, ono ot tho Oilers best pitching beta, who announced his retirement from baseball several weeks ago, has becomo a member of tho holdout class tho Tulsa club only holdout, hy thn way. Thla became Known yestcrdaj from baseball nnd has inndn litis! new Manager b'rlel of tho Oilers proposition, offering to pitch providing tho salary specified In hla con tract is tnlsed a certain amount b'rii'l and itlclimond had their con fereucs two daya ago.

l'rlcl said last night he had offered to incut Itlclimond half way although he did not mention the amount In dispute. Ho declared. however, that ho had gono as far us he. would, and that it waa up to Jtichmond. Tho fact that Itlclimond has re lentcd from Ills decision not to pitch Is good newH for Tulsa baseball fnm and tho general Impression is that he and tho club will come to terms.

Jtlchmoml, who took a bride shortly after the close ot the last season, has made Tulsa hla homo and hag purchased an Interest In the wliolurale jewelry business conduct ed by Handera Hones. His original reason lor giving ui) baseball waa that Hones and ho believed his time could not bo spared from tho Jewelry business. They now bcltovo, however, that It can bo arranged for him to bo away during tho summer by another man being engaged to take hla place. Tho Itlchmoud development was by far the most Important bit of news or gossip around tho Oiler camp Tuesday. Tho routino ot training went tlio even tenor of its way.

broken only hy tho arrival of a couplo of younstcra Krauk Skclly, a semi-pro southpaw pitcher from Pennsylvania, and I ranK J'rnnxcn-hoff, an outfielder in the Southwestern leaguo last year. rrankonhoff was ono of tho most promising young gardeners In tlio last summer until he had the hard luck to break his leg. Thla may prove a more serious handicap than he thought even at tho time, nn he still teems to favor tlio Injured membor. Joo Having, brother of tho redoubtable John, la one outfield candidate who appeara to havo something In him. Joe'a actions at the bat are pleasing.

He slams the ball out like a regular. Maybe It runs in the Hevirig family to clout the hurschlde on the note. As Slanager ramorked, however, you can't really tell much about a youngster's hitting until you see him facing pitching where they're) putting something on thu ball. Jack la not forming any set opinions about any of his youwi-slors. llo prefers to wait at leant until next week, when tho exhibition season will be on.

George StcGlnnls, Oiler shortstop last year and as promising a young Infelder as the league boasts, duu from the roast today. Everybody will bo glad to see "I.ittlo Mao" out there, It it is only In practice. Tatty Ilaumann, thlrdbaieman purchased from Tolodo, who also was exacted Wednesday, probably won't ha on hand until the next day. He has Inlormed tho club that he had Important business in Indianapolis on March 21, and if he spent yesterday In tho Hooslcr metropolis ho couldn't very well bo hero before Thursday. Hill Friel says he has lines on another good pitcher.

Further than that deponcth wcth not. Iluriiuin In I.lno for Huff. NEW YOHK, Starch 21. Dy vlr-tuo of his 12-rounrt victory over Hmlth in Madison Square Garden last night, Joe Hurman of Chicago today was In line for a bout with Johnny Huff for the bantamweight title Jlurman avoided Hmlth'a dangerous right at the. samo time time he was piling up points hy Inflicting body punlthineut on Smith.

I'll) lor unit Kelly Jlvuily. CHICAGO, Starch 21. Uud Taylor, the Terro Haute terror, and Jimmy Kelly, Chicago bantamweight, finished training here today for their bout at Kenosha, tomorrow; nigra, This Would Be a Real Scrap 1 1 ii' ti Exhibition Games NEW Oltr.EANS, March 21. New York AmerleaiiH It 10 2 New Orleans, Southern 4 4 Ilattcrlea Sluys, Wilson and Hoffman, Devornici Martina, Jon eg, Muttoraon and GALVESTON, Starch 21. New York Nat.

(2nd team). 12 9 4 Oalveaton, Texna league 0 llatterles Mcl.uimh!ln, ltanrhao and Hamlde; Pennington, SlcCall anil Wrlley, ST. I'UTEltSIlUIltl, Starch It. II. E.

Washington Americana ....7 0 Iliistort Ndtlunals 3 8 1 Ilattcrlea; Slogrldge. Erlckson, Francis, Torres and Plcininh; SIo-Qulllan, Stnrquard and OVN'idl. DALLAS, Texas, Slarch 21 It. H. E.

Kansas City American Astn, 7 10 1 IJallnB, Texas league 2 I Hattorles: Kcliupp. lloyd ami SIcCurtliy; Tipple, Held and Schong-ling. Wheat. Ada to Havo Fhllu Card. Spaclal to Th Woild.

ADA, Slarch 21. The third boxing event ot tho year to be staged horo by the Amcrloan Legion is announced for the night" of Starch 30, according to Charles Johnson, sport manager for the legion post. Arch Cooper, local pugllUt of the middleweight olass, la taking nn "Fighting Kwarto" of Iloldenvllle for eight rounds as the event. Twenty-one rounds of preliminary fighting have been arranged. Ailn I'lriMircs for Tuliwi fiaiucs.

Special to The World, ADA. Starch 21 Winning their first practlco game from the Francis high school hy a more of 13 to 3, and with bright prospects for an easy victory thla week over three high 'kcIiooI teams, the East Central baseball team Is beginning to round Into shape for an active season. The flrt hard batllo will tin with Tulsa. University a two game series In Ada, April and 0. Coach Thompson la building his team around Waner.

Vernon, willlartui and White In tho box and West and Hurkhart behind tho bat. His men havo shown a great Inrrcaso In batting efficiency durlnp tho patt week, he aald. M.MIAV. IIOI.lll.Vl.H AM) 1101 III. I.N I' Ed fKlrangUr) I.chI.i.

world's heavyweight ihapipum wrestler, has rhall'Migr-d Jark Dcmpsty, heavy-Height Imxlng (hatnpion, for a mixed match to bo Hinged anywhere in tho 1' lilted fitatos. Lewis has chaltenged Dompscy to a finish match, Dempaey being cllillhlo to enter the ring with bare XIW, to cither lilt or wrestle, while I.owls It to confine hi efforts strictly to wrestling. No IioIiIh will be barrod. Pcnnsulvania Stars Depart for Europe NEW YOIIK. Slanh 21 Slein-be r.i of the Eulversiiy ot Pennsylvania four-uillo relay teums sailed today fur London where on April 8 thoy will meet similar tetuns from Oxford nnd Cumbrlduo iinlversltluH ut thu Queens club In an Interim-Monti collegiate conleat ulikh will bo tho feuturn of thn Achillea club relay moot.

The Pennsylvania team consisted uf fivo nne-mllu tunners, four of whom will rompelo whlli, thu fifth giiiH In thn tapailty of alternate or MUhstitutj'. Those making Ihu trip wero Cap tain Larry llrowu ut the Pennsylvania tenirt, hulling from Kenttlii, Elmer Mcl.nnu of Oklahomu; Sny-maii Kerr ot Halt Laku City and Diuiald Head, John Kerr of Philadelphia. Training Camp Worrt Turning IlugginH Gray NEW YOIIK. Mai rh 21 Miller Huggiua la sprouting a imp of gray locks every fi-w iioui duwn at thu New York Yankee Haloing rump In New OrliuiiB. ContuslM in whkli his team has been endeavoring to how Its nana have di'iiionstiatud a wiaknuiw of the outfield that HinounU tn a tragedy; an infield that la Inclined to leak at Important points, and a failure nn thn part of Hie pitching staff to comprehend the value ot control.

Ilrooklyn mine through with another victory over the Louisville American awioelailoii teum at pciiatt-cola, the Dodgers plenty ot batting practlco during the fracas. James Johnston led thu team ut the hat, getting four safitles, one ot them a homo run. The scum waa is to j. KerrV Alccncu Not Worriing Sot, HEauiN, Texas, Slarch 21, With lied l'aber in form and Hodge, Acotlu, Itobertson and Ituasall snowing improvement, tho White Sox officials are manifesting little concern over tho falluio of Dink Kerr to sign his rontrart. Officials of the club decline to discus a ie-pert that Kerr wll Islgn with a Chicago Hornl pro club If bis frrua are not met within a week.

Hcrkrtt-took ll'iiil Dclajcil LONDON. 21 Tho r. uled boxing match betwe-n Otorgo I iook anu joo ueiiii ii uaa uecn ny mo Jew l.nBlanu laa ana is im-postponed until April 10 It was an-: pressed with hla skill Judement npuncea today. I in. handllnc pitchers, till HI lM.

BOXMEN APLENTY MAKE CARDINALS LOOM STRONGER They've Had the Hitting and Now Kickoy Likea Pitching Outlook Nt.VV DllLEANH, Slarch 21.Aak any ell-Informed busubnll man what he thinks of the Ht. Loulii Car-d. mils and hu will honk an Index linger in your buttonhole and pro-iced in Itilk you silly. "l'lti hers, pitchers, pitchers." ho will 'hunt. "Thi) Cards have pitch-i r-." i He vlll nnt think It necessary In ui' ii 1 1 ii anything else.

The fact i ib, rt in nnch ItlcKcy la down hern wnli few young men who can pitch a winning ball gaum fivm thnu to iliuo v. ou 1.1 seem to bo enough. Hitlers? Will, ll IVw For it is no Slusonlo aecret that th Cardinals aio an outfit ut thu m.isi sin. em hitters ever known tn major league baseball; Hint aside from ho i-miter of pitching they inn di'ti nsively Irreprouehiililo and that speed on the linaua la their dally sh. Given a bit mnio conalstcncy pitrh.iig last reason nnd the Cards, not tho Giants, might havo been thu team to have come up from tho stir- lept.tloua rear to nip tho Pirates at in ij wire.

Imnglne your distinct chagrin and annoyance to he asked to go out and pitch a winning game behind ouch support as thn following: Jtogoia Hornsby, who led tho leaguo with a batting avcrago of Mueller, who hit .302, hla first year In Ihc leaguo; Austin SlcIIcnry. 3j0; Clumuus, Schiilz, Stock, .300: Dou Laval), and Cllt lleatheote. .243. it must iiavu ticuit a terrlblo or deal fur liny Cardinal pitcher. Yet witu tlio winning of ban gamctt cut to their measure, so to Mpeak, the pitchers couldn win icgulat ly. (Jii'iilly Plcaai'il Now all is sweet, At leust that Is ItrHiich lllckey'u idory, a narru-tlvu ho condticla quite glibly. He points first to Illll Douk, the human salivary gland, uged, but still good; Haines, with a gooil lust ball and cxcillcnt control; 11111 l'lrtlcn. Just (ibui.i getting ready tn show something doflnltv; Kherdell, thu lefthander. North nnd Jeff Pletfer, who seem to huvo attained rum-meudabli) physical condition down here uud aro really trying, These are Mr, Hlckvy's prlzu exhibit. Hut It Is upon sumo ut thu yuungcr men that hu pin hla most optimistic hopes.

'J'hera la, for Instance, Clyde iiaifoot, up from the Texas league, with plenty of control on a good curve and alow ball. Then them Is Arthur Hiielnhnrt, lefthander from l-os Angeles, who would bu right good It hu a'-'iuires control; Sid Ilenton, former Culver-ally of Arkansas i Iglithander; lllll liallcy, lteveru and Ituy Walltor Out of the lot Itlekey expects to cull enough good pitching to run with tile lender from first to last. Wliero la a Weak Kixil? The Inlleld combination, I'our-nler, Hornsby, Lavau and, la topped defensively only by thu Giants. Tho outfield runs second to none. In all, Itlckey baa eight men, any of whom might be conaldcred a regular outflslder.

Thu list In-'hides Smith, SlcIIenry, Mueller, lleuthcote, Del (Jaynur, Schultze and lien Shotton. Uavncr la aUt) u-iilliililo for Infield utility, althuugh Georgu Topureer will gel thu cull ut every position vxeept first base. Karl Adams, with Syracuse last year, in the only Infield recruit in camp with a chance to stick. He looks almost too good to be true, Jluyond Clemous there Is little to commend among the catchers. Aln-fimlth a bit pasae.

Denninghoven. from California, and Ellis, from the University of Texas, are Just prus-ptcU, nothing mors. OUANGW, Texas, Slarch 21. Preparations havo begun In the camp ut the H(- LouU Cardinal to break camp Friday, when both tirst and second teams wilt leave for Houston. The Cardinals returned to their camp from New Orleans yesterday.

Dr. Lavan, club physician, suffering from slight attack ot Influence. Catcher Alnamllh waa left In New Oi leans suffering from influenza. Itei riill May Calcli for Cubs. CA'I AUNA.

ISLANDS, Cal ii. dy Hurtnelt, youili from tcr. Ma may bo the first ciring cat. her of the Cuba this year Itosa Kiiufer Ilkcj tho pepper shown Fight Docimon At New York Jon lliirmau of Chicago, won a 12-round decision over Hinlth nt Now York, Johnny Mendelsohn Pvtu Hartley In eight, rounds. At tundiisky, Ohio Jack Wolfo knocked out Eddie Hinlth in tho second round, At Philadelphia Hobby Il.irrett knocked out llyman Gold In thn third round.

Johnny Gill outpointed aol-dler ltnilfleld In eight rounds. At Iloalnn llnnny Leonard outpointed Johnny Clinton In 10 rounds. At New Orleans Happy T.ltllelou knocked out Fraukle Murphy In tho thirteenth. At Milwaukee lllll Hums beat Harney Griffin til eight rounds, At Columbus, Ohio lllll Tata stopped Itnughhuusii Waiu In loti second round. At lIuffHlo Frnnklo Koliooll heal Jack Perry in 10 rounds.

At Nowark. N. J. Loulu Flrno line "i I out Sailor Slnxtcil In the seventh. At York, pa.

dark; beat Lew Schupp in It) rounds, Kllhano Unlit for Europe. NEW YOHIC. Slnrrh 21 Johnny Kllbauc, featherweight champion, sailed today for England, leaving behind him host ot disappointed featherweight mitt wletdera who had hoped tn snnro thu champion Into ii match, Kllbano expects to be gono about two months, lie plans to Visit many countries, giving boxing exhibitions, It Is Just possible thut Klllinno may be matched to meet Eugene Crlque, (ho French hoxnr, who recently put Charley Ledoiix away In ono round. Irf'oimrtl I lea I Clinton, HOHTON, Slarch 21. Ilonny Leonard, world'n lightweight chain- plon, buxod 10 rounds in an exhibition contest with Johnny Clinton, New England lightweight tltluhold-er, here last night.

No decision v. its given. Leonard nutboxad hla op ponent without extending himself, Clinton covering often ami seldom aggressive, had the belief of only ono round, tho seventh. In no nlhpr round did ho laud mora than three pmichcH unit In three rounds ho failed (o atrlko single blow. Hoy, Ifl, Itcinalncrt llaby, HUNTINGTON, Sluss, A onse unusual In intdlcnl nnnnls was brought to light horo In the death of Carnlton Woalherwax.

Although lha boy whs 111 yearn old ho never outgrew his babyhood uould never talk or walk and waa confined to hla cradle. During the later years of hla Ufa tho boy's faco assumed mannish proportions, hut ntherwlso lie wns nn Inlanl. Convention Hall Thursday Night March 23U 8i30 Sharp COWBOY PADGETT Itorby Sloiiululil Champloii Vs. WARNIE SMITH Wcllcriulght Clintnploi) of tiiu West 12 Rounds to a Decision Three Other Star Bouts Ticket wito nt Vclo Murtln'n liar, Ui) West Flfili mrcct, pliono Osngu 201 1, unil Jucdius Htillcr-milk llnr, HoliliiMMi A ii.u! building, phono Osugo SOVJ, Utual Prloi S3, (S.fto and $3 Plus War Tux Auspices Oil City Athlcllo Cluh SMITH, PADGETT BOTH FINISH UP, READY FOR TEST Confidence in Both Camps; Publics Interest Ia Drawn Warnlo Smith of llarlletvllle. OklAhomn's sis Ih art weltorwelabt chnllenger who gels a crnck at the championship olnaa April 14 when hn liieela Dave Hhinle nt Oklahoma City, nit Cowboy Padgett ot Colo rado, one of the toughest tumbling hloolis In lh 1 17-pound dlvltlon, virtually concludeil llietr (raining vesterdiiy for thslr eclledtllrd It-t omul ilHclalon buttlo at (lotiventlou hall Thursday night.

iioin piiiigtit unit ivnrniH win an- in a nt the T. A. C. xyin WnlnesilHy ft ei noon to exhibit luemttilvtu once muni hi'fnie I'litertnK tlie i'ln the next night, uud will ho through some light exercises, but tho haul part Is now be Ii 1 ml Win ulo Sllglily Cocky. The Mm rugged puneliturt looked xeiy fit yesterday, nnd both din- 1 Ii 1 1'ii I ly annoiiii'i'il tiwy wsim ready.

One llilng crliiln is that ir-rn id less of Mhieli wins thorn will he no alibi from wither cmiiip after Tliutsiluy night. "How do I feel Fine," ilerluted Wurnla ho re clined tiioio or leas gracefully on the nibbing tiibla tttter a slreniinua workout. "If I don't bent thla fel low nml beat him mighty bad thla tliiiu I'll siiro ho aomo surprised. I beat li ni bad enough for four rounds at Oklahoma City, Then 1 piaycu out, Diuiri navn any steam. Hut 1 fuel a lot different now.

I leiilly fuel llko fighting," Waa Pai gott downhenrteil? Tea ho waa not. Padgett folt en much better In fact that hu had changed hla mind about going through Willi two flghia ills manager. Hay Alvls, had ncheiliihid fur tho two wouka follow ing April l. siiiiio in Padgett camp, "Hov," said Padgott, "1 feel so good 1M bo willing to fight both of 'em at tho twine, time. Hay if I feel lIKo thin Thursday night I'd Just nn noon it would bo Jack Hemp- sey nn wamio wnitn." Padgett did tint don thn lmxlnc gloves In hla workout yesterday, lie rnld ho felt hu already was ou keen lighting tiugo anu needed no imxlng, He did go through aomo wind lapping gyinmistliia, howi.ver, and did It so easily und Imprcimlvnly that ho convinced everybody who raw him that ho really la In tip-top form.

Ills wind la excellent. Warnln put In hla usual vigorous hour. Ho followed tho rogulur gym lotillnn und went nt It an though he enjoyed It, then lioxort a quartet ot iouiiiU with Jimmy Harcnnla nnd Chief Jamcn, who hag been dubbed Tubnsco at tho gym. I'iiIiIIc'n Interest Drawn. Thu fact that the boxing publlo Is well satisfied with tho subslltiitlon or the cowboy for O.

LoiiKlillu una well demonstrated Tuesday by thu brisk demand for tickets both nt (he UuttermlHc bar and I'nto Martin' placo despite (ho fact that overybody wan talking politics nna voting. Tho demand for reservations Is expected to bo even tiealcc. In addition to tho main event. boxing fnnn are looking forward with no little Interest to lha semi-wltidui) on Thursday night's riirib which will bring together the featherweight champion ot the state, Joe 1'iatier ot AiusKogee, and hla most formidable rival. Jark Jones of Oklahoma City.

Tlicso two hoyx navn never met, hnr fomed rapidly to tho front nt Oklahoma Clly in tho last few months, and many boxing followers ocllovo he will wrest the stiitu honors nwny from the Sluskogeo boy. Fisher and Jones aro doing their training In tneir iiome ramps anil nrn tint expected to teach the city before Thursday. i ii ai a The NEW CURRENCY arjsl itllirvj 5cn Ojoy In tht WaiiJi 105 West Fourth St. Blood, Skin, Kidney, Bladder, Venereal nnd Rectal Diseases Waiscrninnn Blood Test Hours 10 to 5 nnd 7 to 8 IDEPOINT Minimum weight, rncil. turn height, and inaxi- mum stylo mike the toll' Itont Idepoint cover the widest possible range of titisfiction.

II i miui cnn. idp. ti rn I'nu. i i 1.

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