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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 7

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEDNESDAY EVENING CALIFORNIA innn niiuv ESE LOTTERY GRADE CROSSIiiG El RECALL SURPRISE GIFT MAKES GLaD BATTERY we had Svme decent kit bag. Son. vf Us have to keS pur cutlery mesa tins under our n.i:resses." said a sergeant of Battery of the First Cali of th police agamsr resorts were last evening when SCULPTOR ON TRAIL OF LOST LONDON BUST Tracer have been Iss-ed ly the fc -and red of late In an eft-jrt Tnj Finn H. r'roeiicti b-t of Jack London, which left here three weeks ago for Honolulu but cropped out of and ken c-f steamship orKcials, pres company attaches and the ur of the Pan-Pacific Club, islind city organisation, ta whom it had been sent. Froehoh, lwal sculptor, executed the order fur ilrs.

Char-mion London, widow of the dead California author, who intruded giving It to the Pan-Pat tie Club. a )9ad under the direction of J. F. I-yucT and Corporal sr. P.

Rilev raided a Chines lottery at E'ghth street, and arrested twr Chinese on charges of selling tukets and rive visnora, Th Chin utt ba each and th v'tor inak'rg a total of I' ') 'to be added to the setervl thousand dollar already on deposit pending disposition In th courts of gambling cases. Alt an an All Ly fate lv charges -'each. Th visitor gav the name of SOLDIERS TELL r.KT nrc" aw- a v-f a ajjiij 1 CAMP il 5-v Y- Sept iv Laae xna-y ch Plans, the CanfornU itwtur etiUoneJ at Camp Jlu.s lovev f'-r-ward to At that diy of th n.ei received hours tie an.1 depart New York. Sergeant Nelson Ieaa of ae ramento was one of the rit rtt the company to view New York from the top of the Wo4urta building. whicft is a p.jputar isasttme among th California troops.

Chde tliles of Lodl Is) proud of Company mascot and 1a "Jerry," who is a pgiuing bulldog can Uck anything In farap Mills. A I'nited Preaa correspondent Visiting Camp, Mills today found members ef Company discussing the Ignorance of Easterners regarding "bits" It sometime requires explanations to make merchants understand that "four bits'' is equivalent to fifty cents In the coin of the reslm. With the engineer from North a4 South Carolina, the Celffr-nia bov form the lUth Fnglneer Hattallon of the Rainbow 1)1-vtslon. They ar smamped with work "We wilt glad enough to get awsv from here." said Sergeant Edward tUker, looking up from a eopy of drill regulations which he was diligently perusing. None of tlie men would he satisfied to remain at Camp Mill Indefinitely and their chief worrr I that they may not be allowed to engage tn overseas service.

Thomas J. Olblln. Rmervrllle resident and botel keeper for many years, did to-' day, following an tlln ef king-stand-1 Ing. Iath ocurred at th Ho-' tel. which trlblin ewnd and conducted until a short time be for hi death.

He waa a famlHar figure In Frnerv ville, p-r- onatiy known to score of people Funeral rvlc-ar. pl.nn Pat- urday morning From th Qulnn chapel. 7J Twenty-fifth atreet, th funeral cortege will proceed to t. Columha'a church. ttan I'ablo avenue, where re-pilem high msss will be said.

Inter menl will take place In St. Mary's reme tery, Olblln waa 14 years old, a native of Ireland, and had lived In Oakland and Emeryville for a long span of hi Ufa. He Is survived by a widow, Mr. Kate Utblln. and two daughters, Katharine T.

and Mary E. Gllilin. ADAMS IS SUED THUS J.G1BL1N. HOTEL MAN. DIES fornia.

Field Artillery to friend wha vLslied the battery at th mobilization camp at Arcadia, ilia i.L:m did dot fall on deaf ears, for th boys of Battery soon after received a pleasant surprise ia th shape of llJ haul n.a kit bags, aeot them by th member of the Aid vf th First Episcopal church of Al though they were working hard iww trig for Oakland Chapter of the Ked Croaa. th church women started in tu make the kit 14 aa aoon aa they learned such were required In F. Battery. Th fact that the artillerymen had made no formal request for these indispensable articles made them all the more grateful for the unexpected gifts. The battery, composed of Oakland beeye and under the command of Captain Walter J.

ciuef of ia training at. the camp in Arcadia before Joining other batteries of the First California Artillery at Camp Kearny, Linda Vista. FOR DRAFT RIOTS IPSOCIiTTB LEASED WISE TO laxBtrvx WASHINGTON'. Sept. t.

How a small coterie of active anti-war worker, operating under the direction of the Industrial Workers of the World, persuaded hundreda of unlet" tered Oklahoma farmers to take up arm against the government's enforcement of the selective draft law, Is revealed In papers seized by federal agents in the recent nation-wide raid of I. W. W. headquarters. Testimony given at Knld.

re- cently to the effect that a national uprising was planned In which towns 1.1 fc. .1.1 "uiu i eeiAeu, miri iiininru, i bridge burned, was taken by officials here aa an Indication that the Oklahoma farmers really believed the plana would carry. Aa a matter of fact, officials assert, even the most 1 radical leaders of the movement knew that It could accomplish but little more than local disturbances. KTAUT ON FA II MS. The anti-draft demonstration started aa an agrarian movement In Oklahoma, where a number of Illiterate farmers obtained an exaggerated Idea of the law's operations.

Certain I. W. W. leader learned of secret meeting held by the farmer In church and other buildings at night and sent agitator to tne scene to tan tne ois- content mto open reneiiion, it is saiu. uy placing upon vneir tears.

It was rrtiresented to the farmers that thousands of their neighbor in Missouri, Kansas and Texas were ready to unite In an armed uprising, that millions of "men working for wages" would join them In other states, and that the movement could not fall t.o result In overthrow of th government. With the government overthrown, there was to be a general division of the money of the rich among the "men working for wages'" and other benefits, of wide dimensions, were to be obtained. XO TKOUHiF. Pepartment of Justice agents, operating In the vicinity, learned of the ambitious program and prior to MB I i TIH IB OFFERED Developments In the recall itua- tlon teday Indicated that the amended, petition aimed againet Mayor John L. lavie will be fncd next Tuesday lit accordance with the charier pro- LMon.

t'tty Auditor Clay Investigating the claims of Attorney Henry K. hklnner that the salary of City t'lerk t'ummtngs should Be held up for alleged negligence In performing ths duties of hi oftice. The recaU league claim that Clerk Cummin, In accepting trie unjutained opinion of the city attorney, did i aijainat the Interest uf th recall petition. for the purpose of delaying procedure. While ignaturea for the.

recall are rourlng Into the headquarter of th league In the fourteenth and Br'iada, agents of Mayor I'avle are busy, according to Henry Skinner, endeavoring to obtain withdrawal. 'Vaaea have come to our aid Hklnner, "wherein person who have Binned the recall have teen Induced to cik another paper In auppo. Uton that they were correcting thtlr first signatures. We are keeuina a rlo watch on the situation and will have aome startling disclosure to make in the near future." According to those behind the recall, there are already sufficient ad-ditlonal petitions ready tu offeat tha 10 declared Invalid by City CJerk Cummlngs, and alao to coyer the percentage of possible withdrawals. Kvery day Increases the list and the signatures are being carefully checked that when they are filed in the amended petition thera wilt he littla chance iff their being invalidated by the tVi'lcvk.

It la hot anticipated that the Mayor's force will file their withdrawal until the last day, which will ba one week from next Tuesday. After that tlm the city clerk will check over the petition and If It i found sufficient, containing i475 valid signature, or more. will be certified to the council and the calling of an elelon will be mandatory. rTvTFt "captain LO.r0., Sept. Tha Gazette announces the appointment of Ker-mlt Kooeevelt as temporary honorary captain, while specially- enipkned, from Auguat 2 3 last.

Kermlt Roosevelt, who was" In training at Plattshurg, left thera on lulv to acyept an oTfer to serve In the l'Tltlhh army on the stiff of General Maude, commanding the force. Willi Mrs. Kooxevelt he arrived at a lirltixh port on July 2, McCALL RENAMED BOSTON, Kept Tha desire of Massachusetts to keep the "ar gov. ernor" In olllce for a third term was emphatically shown yesterday when Jovernor bamuel W. Md'ull was renominated at the primaries bv a majority of ni.

ISO over Orafton 1. Cush-Ing, former lieutenant governor. The Votes: dishing, W. Maiislieul, who opposed Governor Mil'all In the elec. (Ion last year, sua In was nominated for governor by the Iienmrrats without opposition.

MUST MOVE CROP WASHINGTON. Heft. 2.. fnnble to move its food crop because of a lack of ocean tonnage. Permuda has sent a mission of four members to Washington to confer on the sublet! with oMIcIhIs of this government.

They point out that America, by Importing the 300.000 i rates of vegetables, 000 barrels of potatoes and lltotmo crates of onions available this winter In Bermuda, will able to release additional foodstuffs" for the Kiiropeuu allies. VOYARlmSSING James Kidney NorrK an of the Barbour Chemical Company, recenttv of New York, who left his www intents st the JVralla September is for trip to T.oa A nicies, is being h' Ti i-Ttds who toilay iippealed to the polie. Nor. rls engaged passage on the sleamer vsrd for Los Angeles but did not leave with Die vessel It Is snld Norrls lias been III and had planned tha trip for rec reation. 1 1 THIS MEDICINE WOMEN VALUE Positively Relieves the Suffering.

More Convincing Proof. When Lydia E. Pinkhnm' Vecretalila Compound was first introduced itji cur- t. I be proved. But the proof came, and Kradually the ua of It grrpad over tha Whrfte country.

Now that hundreds of mousanas 01 women nave expenencea the not Iwneflcial effects from its use Its Value baa become generally recognized and it it now the standard medicine for women's ills. The following letter is only one of tha -thousands on our file, Dennison, Texas. "I cannot feel that 1 have done my duty until I tell vhat Lvdia E. Pinkham's Veentablo rnmnnnmi haa rlonn for nw. 1 anft'enxl I I Kdson F.

Adams, sdmlnlstrator of the ef itrtft ef building eslat Thoma IVather, baa bsen lt i itslall wrote to the by th Mount Hebron laimber Company of the Kirt Christian ehoryh to compel th estate to txecut a today In submitting his resignation tentatively entered Into between pastor. The church had refused to plaintiff and Thoma Prather prior to hlelrml, nii giry. death In til), by which he agreed, for al -fwo year sgo," continued th Fv. consideration qf II per year and a piyalty ibaeU, whn I cam her from of 3 a thousand feet, for the lumber rut' jOM pj a barrel for flour. Today to givs a less on 10 aires of heavily )t ma til ss SANTA ROSA.

Sett. S4. Ttuugh It mill take ear and mure than tu make safe th mora am 1 i. railroad grade gs In yet th: is Uio goal that a.uat be aiaied at, said Mai Theieu. prldetit of the railroad comrussstun.

In au addras last right at the annual cutivent-on uf the League of California municipalities. In four i ears pat 4v0 peopie have been killed and Mm injured in grsj ross aci- Jeu's, while in July of this alvne thirteen died and were ftel llir.t 4t (hi, Iran 1 Thelen aatd thai the of dan gerous crossing present ui. of the d'trttult prcbleiu in the railroad com mission work, ti said, in part: "Th increasing congestion of ponula- tion and trafric in cities, th stupendous increase innotor vehicles and ti speed upon raiiiblie highway, have become nationwide problem in the guarding of crossings of steam and elect rc line with liirhys. "The California iomtnleion realise fully th tremendous fn.portance of safeguarding th lives of our ieori and also th very serious consideration which must be given, from the point of view of all th panics to the question of expense. The full accomplishment of what must be done will take years, perhaps a generation or more, but we should not he discouraged bv th etiormou expense and th length of time involved.

should proceed promptly to th work." AST OF 21 DAYS FAILS TO REDUCE OFFICIAL'S GIRTH In order to qualify In th lightweight division, and at th same time serve th cause of economy in tha interest of allied" victory, Cliarle F. Wagner, of th tax collection department at th courthouse, haa for twenty-one days last past persistently said taboo, skldoo, eschew, ti everything which according to tha science of dietetic Is intended for the sustenance of human life. It Is to fast, with him; and although he will not and does not eat, he goes regularly about the business that employ him, and the net result to date I the loss of forty-one pounds of superfluity. Kven so, his pulchritude lias suffered not, and he could still do the Falstaff ryle becomingly. How long he will persist in the way to famishment he cannot tell.

The system is saving him a lot of trouble, and coin as well; and If It continues to work out so successfully will go on and demonstrate the theory that supply is spiritual and sustenance doe not come alone from "ham and CV rTvA'VSO), Sept. The re-iiiestsif T'lstrlct Judge Vsn Fleet rent rei for officers to bring before hltn ssloon owners rather than their employees for selling It'iuor to soldiers, was satisfied this moitilng tnhen Charles Cont and Charles Tognoll entered plena of guilty on evidence obtained by Lieutenant tioff, of the moral iund, and AssistHtit Attorney T. 11. Johnson, font, who Tims a saloon at Hcott snd Jonrbard streets, Just outside the Presidio, wa iciven nine months In the count Jail. Tognoli, olio runs the Mendocino bar at Kdlmore aid Ixunbard.

was given nln months anil a lir.o tin after a sever arra'gnment bv Jiiilee an tleet The defense proffered by. the proprietor was Intimidation and duress at the bands of the soldiers end ttcnoranc of the law. This was disregarded by the court, who said: "Such claims antagonise rather than bring a disposition for leniency, am concerned solely with the distress of the deneulent of the- violators who ar after sll the ones prim iprdlv to be pitied. I II Is a piiiilege tor ou mm to lie. itei ut tied luait yuur Uv im foreVnrrs as you are, without breaking our Ihw DEATH IS NEAR, BUT ROMANCE IS NOT CHECKED TO UK, Sept.

With death near. A. Curtis Roth! former American vice-consul at Plauen, Saxony. Is. married today to Miss Maria lora Kallmann, daughter of a German army officer.

The wedding resulted from a war romance. At his post In Germany, while caring for refugees, Itoth met Miss Pati-mann. A little later when, by exposing himself to dangers while engaged In relief work. Hoth contrncled a disease which pliv-slelana say will inevitably result In his death. He came back to America.

Miss llaumann, despite her sympathy for her native Germany, followed him here, and while the I nlted Htate was rushing its war -preparations she remained to aurse the man so hopelessly 111. Hy marrying him ah became an American, but, despite this, when the end comes she win return in Oermnnv. Don't Neglect your stomach. Keep it strong and well. When food disagrees with it, strengthen it with raaoc i Lrst Sal si Any M.dicia la tbe WrU, I Sold rrsrywkere.

la boiss, 10c, 15. Experience ths Beit Teacher. It Is generally admitted that perlnre WON OHS UNDER ARREST LUuhL hlLii UU'Jl in titinnii nntmili'i te Te TOi3.SE. F' p.TH I'tV'TV. MKNT.

i'AVP KEIRM. Cal r. A B'jwtser e.f inee frjm i 1 '-ported fir jr the war a fa, TH or iui i-b of the bus.ewc and nifet at ss a 'r wsier-eksdir's re iosel at plesfuee. Srri J'eter of 3 Illeven'S "et. aMdi.l.

arrved ia cafp on IVift i In ed a'e tsn dj'ie With the aion etxepanr. is a er-geant wechank- and wid tak cftarg ef tH me. vnicl asaembiying of stany Be Bsnons sooni to rrie. ierge nt LaSa'le of Ti? Thirtv-eintH a'ret. Oak ant, is a fsrrler aid In tee maicon fs'ir-tny will attend te welfsr ef th government mule.

f'rivt Hugi W'llTian of tllmslwt, tY vs' Peter J. Burn of HS seme street, lnn' ts.o, I r-es Ant'ienv B. lvof. 4411 tirev street. Oakland.

.1 alr.l nrkie, nd Robert M.Kenrva of 14: llitbard street. Alanveda. arrives iun-d vf thi week and er aseined t9 dutv with th wagvn enmnany eret Iraln Molester ef SI H'c Court. Herkeley, a on of John oil ta sporting a new automobile. m-fi to th delight of his ul kin and man friends.

Sergeant Holiis'er is a member of th ago eompaiiv. Sergeant Hubert tarr of Tii Wesley avenue. Oakland. on of Chsr'a Starr, I In charge of the lar saddler shop si Camp Kearny, and is busily occupied In overseeing Hi manufacture of arnee fof th asgoa company. It tu with rettret that th men at yCao.p Kearny heard th new ordere do ing away with whit collar.

Rit cut drs cap and manv Other aids to gri-looking uniforms, which hav recen'l' been Issued. However, it mean tbst headquarter ar getting dowa to business and that preparation are being mad In arnet to fit a force of mn til fight th kaiser. FATAL CRASH, SUIT A. a Hugh and his is brother sne Ister ar bringing an action for damage againct JoMph Asevxta for th deth of their mother. Mary E.

Hushes, 79 year old. a th ruit of a between automobile driven by the plain- V4 1 1 11! T. thrown euK. sustain ing injurle from which died a wei later. The complaint rharge that th defendant waa driving In a man- I v.

sod The brothers snd sir Joining in utt ar Charle H. Arnold. Harry, timet and Alfred a Hughea. and rior AUs and Gertrude Marsh. Alfred B.

Mughe la suing In separate action for 60s) Injurlea susUlned by hlniMlf. snd to his Piachin. DIVINE STRIKES EfRFJKA. Pept. J.

"Tb ct ef alona with th cost TURN -TO CHURCH tjuebec, Sept. IS William Howard Taft today asked th general conference of Cnltarlan and other Christian churches, meeting her, to adopt a strong resolution pressing approval of in war poucie nf frasldent Wilson and Congrees, Tft mrn wom.n lurlni w(Lr wcra turning to th rhurchel wlri greater favor than for many de PflR- Unsightly Hair Tke etgawl Meet i i il itJh Ik, TtebUnsa by lien I ssiw sngl. -5 CO. 1 1 If! July -7, the night set for the general 1 mil yesterday discharged th Oak-uprising, brought the project to end land man from custody with a warn- lalbta day. celebrated In Honolulu recently by the club, lacked only the but, the unveiling of hlch had twjen planned.

Kran-tic messuages sent Pruehch, by Alexander Hume Ford of th I'an-Paclrlc Club developed the fact that the bust was lost. Every effort is being made by ail hands to trace the valued replica of Oakland's celebrity. Froelivh is executing a bronre bust, art exact duplicate of the lost one, for the city of Honolulu. It ia- tu. ba-p.

laced, in a central square of the Island metropolis a gift of the people, who deeply admired London as man and author. For tha bust Christian llul-gardt, exposition designer, is fashioning aa artistic pedestal. Froellch Is working ution tha bronre at hi studio, Zit Nine tieth avenue. Kscorte.l by several decorated automobiles and by KrilUh and. American sold ers.

Marry Coleman, ventriloquist. today turned newsboy for the rone. selling; TRIDI'NKS for the benefit of tli soldiers' fund. Tbat Is. "Sammy," the danirny, "Was tle newsboy Coleman the vocal nd inotiv power for the proceeding W'th the aptarsnre of The flrst edition.

star appeared cn the streets at the head of a miniature parade. In his own tar, decked with American and Tlritihh flags. ere the ventritosruist, two soldier from th local re. run ins stat ons, detailed bv Sergeant 1 atrii t'epper of the American Army and A. C.

Anderson of tile liritish, "mmv," and a lile of papers. In another csr was Ir. T. B. Mcbnev.

lio, with lr. P. 1. Mhs-ser, another old friend of the ventriloquist, was impressed lino service by Cole-iViw- as assistant newsboys, canled papers and assisted In making change as the crowds began to buy. Throughout the noon hour the Pants Kes ster orked on street corners, driving from Place to place, slighting.

nd selling taper. This afternoon after the mHlinee was scbeluled for psfier selling atsin, with the ventriloquist H'1 time selling Hie home edltlina and after ward the big green siHirtiiwt extra. He began the afternoon sules Immediately on completing liis matinee performance at i'antages. The papers weie donated by The Tltllil'NK to the cause, and the vn-trlloiiiist donated bis day to the work. Coleman served tn the British army, with the laincssterslilia regiment, before coming to America as a outh.

GROCERS PLAN BUSINESS RULE; REDUCE COSTS CHICAGO, Sept. grocers adopted a set of rules cal-, ciliated to reduce the cost of doing business and to place the conducting of their business on a war basis. The rules will be submitted to the entire retail trade of the city for approval. They provide: One establishment of two sets of prices one to be paid for goods for "which cash la paid and goods carried home; the other for goods bought on credit and delivered. Two The elimination of premiums, trading stamps and trade booster.

Three The discontinuance of forcing sales of any commodity --by flxinir tow price:" with the proviso that a quantity of other goods must be 1'onnht to obtain he bargntn Tate-is nf sugar Four Placing reasonable limits on quantities which may be purchased by a consumer, to pru-vent hoarding. San Francisco News in Brief SW KIMN'flSi'O, Sept -xithongh section crews of the Western Pacific have been drafted Into th search and all effort made by oTIclals and relatives ihe missing men, no trace has been as vet found of John ,1. Casey, private sec retary to President C. M. Levey, and Hubert Edwards, clerk In th passenger department, who are believed to have lost their lives In the Fem'her River a week ago last Sunday while on fishing evpedttlnn.

The two men are known to have left Hock Creek gtaflon and tn have taken a runt with the Intention of sculling acro riyer trace of them lost A broken car is below where they at- lllt, Vt th rock we ciosa, a no thre miles down was found wedged ell out from the shore. Kugene a. Si limits Is among those who have declared their Intention yesterday to he candidate for supervisor at th coming municipal election. As former mayor of this citr Schmits save that he had unLiiilted-optXirUiriit' to become quail fled to act as supervisor. 4 ne oiners wno tiled ihrir declarations of candidacy mere era uk Carroll.

James V. power, Hohert i 'it'iiht Kil'on Tavlor, John O. Wa sh and I Tlioums .1. Code. There are now twenty The car la owned by cnariea sioene ,01 Clement street.

Judge was riding with an unidentified friend. At the hospital they bepan to argue as to the make of the car. Investigation proved Moehle to be th owner. DIES IN ELEVATOR ANGKLKS. Richardson, 22, an Sepi.

2S. Hoy elevator pilot st the Hotel Clark, waa crushed Ueaiu HARRY G0LEII1 WOE a John RuaeeU. William Kebholix. Hobert Mitchell. John Weller and Carl Anderson.

other raids than tho against th Chine loiter les ar Imminent, ul rumored at the city hall, where Information baa reached to the effect that tb gambling Interests have taken advantage of the new reg'ni tn the police department to "lift th lid" on their own account. Th recent raid on th Charroa Club Kleventh and Bmadwae mav be foi-Vfwed" bV other' VaiiTs' agklhif slmTraFre-ort her. it I rumord. erap hit)ng is rife and wher liquor ia ld without aiunlcipal At tli nmt time Chief of Police Ned-dermaa la investigating eUncing resorts abtch. bsv recently beea operating all night.

While these place do not hav liquor license It has been th custom jof visitor to carry In their own "flask" and order "a little aeiier on th aide." "Near" beer ha also been th feature of these places, where youths and young girl have been habituating. RULE IS TABLED I'non motion of Commissioner W. H. Fdaards." tb, city council todav tables the ordluama proposed by th civil service board which. If adopted, would result tn city ball employ commencing work Biornlngi hour earlier than the present schedule, which lend th working day at 5 o'clock.

Commissioner Kdwards, In opposing tb proposition, said that had mad an investigation and bad come to th oon-clusion that tb present svstam la aetls. factory to th business (ublic and that If any (hang was made It would entail a complete revision of th salary schedule. "Out of tha 1100 city employees, till) work in th department at tli city ball and they would be the only ones affected by the rhanae. At th prnt tun out of that l'i'K 3S report for work at 1:30 In the morning and SI at o'clock. Of these employee, th majority of them work ovrtlm consistently and even on Sundays Tlie eliarter dees net provide for overtime payment.

There seems to 0 no itmtni from business public for a tnd ta therefore only a ruattee pf policy en the part of this coun cil. Under preient conditions. If longer hours should demanded feel that th aalary schedule would have to be adjusted to suit th change Involved. "While the civil service board la to be commended" for Its efforts, it seem that th policy of the couni II I now aatlafactory and no chang at present I necessary YOUTH IS FREED Holding that William Norton had not sold liquor to American soldiers, but rather had shsred soma purchased for inedlcnl purposes-, with the uniformed men without charge, I'nlted States Commissioner Francis Ing. Jamna K.

Cotillon. assistant I'nlted States attorney, presented evidence to show that Norton, suffering with the grip, had purchased th liquor and later offered several friends In uniform a drink. Norton, the son of William II. Norton, aslat-. ant superintendent of the Southern Pacific, was arrested with the soldiers Saturday night.

W. 6BA IN IK RUPT Waller S. Chandler, Thirty-eighth street. Oakland, an employee of the Standard Oil Company, filed a petition In bankruptcy in the InstHvt Court of Appeal today with liHlnlitiea at and em nil assets at (liX. tl.

il, ilarter, a tsiiler ntakr residing In Alameda, filed hi rttltlnn la bankruptcy with liabilities and assets at 4ifl, tnnst of which sre enampt. f.lOTHER'S FRIEI1D FOR Two Splendid Things OneJ is plenty of open-air exercise. you can't et all of that you shouW, it's all the more important that you should hare the ofAtrr tried-and4rue renv ed or a torpid lirer and bowels that don't act freely and naturally. Take on pill every nightt more only when you're sure it's Decenary. amies Colorless face often shew til ebeeace ol Iran im th blood.

Carter's iron Pills will kelp this condition. V7ITTLS IVER PILLS sxv 1 jf 1 wt 4 timbered land in tiismyou county, Tne estate claims mat royalties to me amount of I2D.0OO for timber so fsr cut has not been paldjjsnd the demand pay ment before compleilng the leas a re. nulrd. The demand for lumber occasioned by the wsr and Industrial growth la re- sponsible for the action. fTVrC rDiCCIWr.C Vl s-kJ VnwOiltUU Of paramount Importance to motorists and overland travelers as well a husT- nes men of Contra Costa county I tha authorisation granted by the Stat Rail- rnud Commission today for the construe- Hon of highway crossing on the line of the State highway which links Oakland with Stockton along the Plnola-Martlnes-Ben Ida route.

Th new hlghwav will eliminate ls-teen miles between th two cities and will also do away with grade crossing which bv been th acn of many accident. Th cot tf th work will be divided be- tween Contra Cota county and thai Southern Pacific and Banta rallroid, 1 i After 59 Years in Business ill HI MflMTiiP HI id a i I umiiuuL VV. I 1 with the arrest of the alleged ring leaders of the movement. At no time. It was said, was the disturbance more than local In character or regarded here as likely to spread.

The fomentation of this trouble Is only one of many activities which authorities here are Investigating In connection with the recent seizure of I. V. W. papers throughout the country. FORMER BLIND GIRL TELLS OF MANY SURPRISES HKHKELKY.

Sept. Mlaa Tomsvna Carlyle, a former student of the t'nlverslty of who hus until recently been blind since birth, haa written to tlie university a letter in which she tells of the queer feelings and Impressions brought about by the recovery of sight. Hhs underwent a dellrste operation recently which restored her sight. For several years she has been a teacher In the Wisconsin State School for the Blind. "Your alphabet Is so funny, 'J she writes.

"I cannot get used to It aiter all those year of tha point system" employed hy- the blind. For Instance, we spell 'mother' m-o snd then a point for the th. 1 don't think 1 ever get accustomed to your t-h. "Objects on the street were very Interesting" to me st first. hen I saw a piece of paper blown down the road by the wind I did not know whether It was a dog or a chicken, because, although 1 knetv that pnpet tlldn't fly, I had never seen -either animal and jlldn't know what It waa, I will learn, how-, mm REFUSE INCREASE WAPHTXOTOM, Sept.

Coal operators of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Western Pennsylvania today notified miners' representatives in conference here that tbey were unable to meet the miners' demands for a wage Increase of about TS per cent unless the government revises the prices on bituminous coal. It is probable that, after snother conference between op-j" erators and miners today Dr. II. Oarfleld, the coal administrator, will be called in to consider the situation. MUST SERVE LIFE Associate Justlc Kerrigan of the District Court of Appeals in San Francisco today afrjrnied tie verdict of the Alameda county Superior imri ssnteming Charles O.

Angelll to life Imprisonment for the murder of Stefanc Toppi on August -if) -of last Annelli hd- appeaied against the decision of tb gu penor Court. MOTHERS' COOKING CLASS. A moyier class In the demonstration ol cooking will be held tomorrow at the Oakland Near Century Club, with Mrs. The class will meet at o'clock and Is the same ss was- con-! Bia louagr ui ouiexuu viuxu Oldest Stove and Range House West of Chicago. Established in 1858. 553 MARXET STREET (Opponit Sanmmf) SAN FRANCISCO. from femal troubles so I could, hardly who have announced drag around and do my work. I was su far: ery nervous, and had dizzy spella, heat A special luncheon meeting of the Com-flasnes, and headaches until life Was a monwealth Club of California will be held burden. My husband brought me a botf at th Palace Hotel on Thursday. Kep-tle Of Lydia E.

Pinkham's Vegetable tember 27, to meet President Wilbur of Compound and I Soon began to improve. Stanford on his return from Washington, I continued its use and am now fro on Hoover and the from all pains and aches that made life fogram. burden. You raav us this letter in a. trip to-tte any way you like for 1 want the worH ivntrar' Kmergency Hospital, and "into know what a grand medicine LyJ'a cpms interne Mt ll bospital formed a E.

Pibkham'S Vegetalile Compound isv- -imtn tt hich led to the Mrs. G. 0. LOWERV, S. Barrett rrest of John Judge.

HIS Baker street. Ave Denison Texas. --tmtr-ntorning on a chmge of ateallrg the WHte the Lvdia E. Plnkham Medi- I "hlch ha1 This Stock and Fixtures now in to be Closed Out at Once. 1 ay requesi xnisi store will remain! open Saturday until i 9 p.

m. the hands 01 1 Lis 11 I Is the best teacher, but should ws notffurftge presiding. -i-v- rr. 'Mas. foe feo Vir BJJ UU fWiM( tv iw-w awlSW Just Phone for Dessert Xo woman onlov working about warm stove ireirliiK dessert hen I la-hnliHi'tli's have Milled the dowsort ineMlon "Itli their speelnl Ice eresm bricks.

ltcllvered to home pecker! In Ice tn ffnmrt te Inr I 1 thnosnnd persms Is more to be depended ducted lat year on Friday at the club-tipon than that of one Individual. Mdfny liouse. thousand of persons hsve used (iiatnher- Iain's Cough Itemedy for couuhs snd cMds- TAX Is $126. 120. with the best resulis.

which shews it to The inheritance tag appraisement be a 4liruUIUy reliable Pparalioai tor, Morge MetsSey, died In by (Osgood iirot, drug stores. AdvrUe-1 J1-6130. according to a report I ess If you fall at tlie Hrondway store for them. I'lione ftk. 4V6 for prompt delivery.

Advertisement 0 I bv his own csT today when be caugiii I his foot In the door and started th tuschauisia at tii saxu UtD..

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