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The Morning Astorian from Astoria, Oregon • Page 3

Astoria, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'glxz s8xtmi AbTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY, JANUARY ID. I Justice and police court runs lihtr since tho new year. San Francisco restaurants hare "fried atuYgeon" on the bills of fare. udjje Green has been nominated by the president for tho positiion of chief justice of Washington territory.

Though the comet is moving away at the rate of 20,000 miles a second, it i still visible in the gray of dawn. The Salem Statesman denies tho charge that it was paid $500 to oppose the election of John H. Mitchell. That is all ancient history now. A collision in San Francisco bay, last Wednesday, between the British ship Benmore and tho American ship Florida, damagod the latter vessel $5,000.

Captain Wm. Mace, one of the old-timers on the Columbia, and well known among river men in early days, died recently while nn his way to Panama. Tho regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the British Columbia Packing company will be hold at the Occident Hotel at two o'clock this afternoon. The Priscilla came down yester day; the echooner Sparrow went up; the Columbia is due this morning; tho Eskdalo and Pendragon will probably sail to-day. In the supreme court last Tuesday in the case of Ann B.

Wilson, ot al, appellants, vs. J. M. Shivoly, et al, respondents; Motion of appellants' counsel for a modification of tho judgment herein overruled. A real estate agent advertises in Dakota newspaper: can be found at the Gold Mine playing at Mitchell's Exchange, betting on the age of 'old hosses' with Brown, or at my residence on Oak street, perusing tho Scriptures." The taxable wealth of Portland has bean increased by improvements during the year about two million dollars, and by extension of city boundaries four million dollars.

TJie waj'a and means committee estimates that taxes will be reduced this year from ten mills to eight mills. A New Tacoma gale, last Wednesday, broke the hawsers of the Carrolton and Glendon, sent the El Dorado half a mile high and dry on the flats, broke the boom of the Tacoma mill, drovo the Oriental ashore, and smashed things generally. Damages, 25,000. Nice place. Tho tariff bill has been reported to the house from tho ways and meant committee, and comes up for immediate consideration.

The duty on tin plate is reduced: Pennsylvania aud West Virginia tin-plate manufacturers ask that tho present duty be retained. Uner date of tho 15th Capt. S. C. Mitchell writes us from South Bend that in consequence of the extremely incloment weather, he has been delayed in the finishing up of hiB Teasel, far beyond his anticipation; "but at last we have very nearly mastered the undertaking.

And if the weather is favorable we shall be ready to launch on or about the 23d of this month. I have every reason to anticipate a successful launching. The new schooner's mme is Sailor Bov. During tho recent trials of the parties charged with kidnapping, there were 110 men summoned before tho court to appear as iurora. Out of this number, ia answer to ques tions put them by counsel, 105 said that they read The Astoria, and three had it read to them.

Hero we have 108 out of 310 that read their homo paper, a state of affairs satisfactory to us atid highly creditable to our patrons. Tho inference is that 93.18 per cent, of Astoria's population read The Astoxiax. During the month of December, 38 vessels, bound to or from ports in the United States, mot with misfortune. Of this number 30 wero wrecked, 4 abandoned, 1 sunk by collision, 1 foundered and 2 wero burutd. One of the vessels in the list was the Fiona, wrecked in sight of destiaa-tion with a cargo of California wheat.

Another was tho Lennox, laden with coal, and burned sihilo on the way from Dundee to San Francisco. A third was the schooner Golden Rule, owned at San Francisco, and wrecked on the northern coast. The losses for the year wero 307, including 26 steam era, 28 ahipi, 108 barks, 33 briga and 12 schooners, The Bain Caso. I The trial of John Bain, indicted for murder in the firat degree was be- for the- circuit court yesterday, and attracted extraordinary attention. Our leaders aro already familiar with the main points in tho matter.

On tho 12th of last April Alexander Lowrio Alexander, a teamster employed by Wm. Jnplin, drovo up to 0. H. Bain's mill with some machinery en tho truck; that while unloading it aorno words were paseed between deceased and defendant, resulting in personal collision, the final result be ing that defendant threw a hand ax at deceased, severing tha tendons and entering the flesh of the abdomen. Alexander was removed to the hospital where he died April 22.

At the coroner' inquest tho verdict was that he came to his death at the hands of the defendant: and the next grand jury, found a bill against him. Tho trial began on the 21st of last August, and lasted four days, the jury disagreeing, the laat ballot stood six for conviction of manslaughter and air for itcquittal. Bonds were furnished for defendant's appearance at this term of court, and last Wednesday his second trial began. The following witnesses wero examined yesterday merning: J. H.

Johnson, C. H. Bain, the father of the accused, Geo. Johnson, Johnson, Jay Tuttle, and A.

C. Kinney: at the conclusion of tho lattor'a testimony court took a reces3 to allow the jury to examine the prisoners. Upon reassembling at three o'clock the trial went on; the testimony is substantially tho same as given at first trial, and reported in full in Tub Astoeian at tho time. Following is tho jury: Perry Titus, T. B.

Morrison, L. H. Parsons, John L. Stone, Thos. Dcaley, John O'Brien, R.

D. Sales, Andrew Van Dusen, G. W. Raymond, Ira Coe, Jas. McCarty.

Tho defendants counsel are C. W. Fulton and J. Q. A.

Bowiby. E. J. Hart, who arrived yesterday afternoon on the Fleetwood, -went on the witness stand at half past three, and after his testimony was concluded the defendant made his statement. Dr.

Kinney was recalled to testify concerning an attack of typhoid fever, from which defendant suffered in October, '8L This is tho only new testimony thus far adduced. Judge Bcnnet instructed tho sheriff to provide all suitable accommodations for the jury and adjourned court to 9 o'clock this morning. Buratea Boiler. The steamer Josephine, en route from Seattle to the Skagit river, blew up last Wednesday afternoon, in Port Susan bay. The boat was completely wrecked.

Captain Bailey, Pilot Johansen, Steward Bollins, Assistant Sparks, Fireman Kavanaugh, and two S. E. Cannon and S. Babbitt, were ir.siantly killed, and several others wero seriously injured. No cause is assigned for the explosion.

Balfour, Guthrie advertise salt, tin plate, block tin and soda for sale. The Chinese steamer C. T. Hook will be dowu lo-dayt sailing hence to Heng Kong. The Tarn o'Shanter is down from Uanier, loaded with piling Sho is to be taken to sea to-day.

The Astoria chamber of commerce has come to be ono of the institutions of the country. It is an intelligent and active body, and has accomplished tho greatest benefits for tho state and for Astoria. It is gratifying to note that as an organization it is prosper-ouBj with a large list of membership and a full treasury. Oregonian. Yestorday the wind wasN.K.

and blew keenly all day: Ores and overcoats were in demand, and much grumbling was heard among bachelors, both youug and old. Tho thermometer was 24 degrees above rero at five o'clock, with evcry-protnise of a cold night. At points up the river the low temperature suggests a freeze-up all along tho line. At Portland it was 17 degrees above zero yesterday morning. F.

E. DeMill, of Detroit, the engineer in charge of the construction of the works of tho Astoria Gas Light is in tho city. He contemplates beginning operations next Monday. Tho lots, which lie on Fifth and Wail streets, are each 50x100 feet and afford plenty room. The main building will be 25x45; the gas holder will bo 40 feet in diameter and 15 feet high, with a working capacity of 30,000 cubic feet.

Tho large pipo will be run along Wall to Main street, and down 3Xain to the Parker House; lateral branches will be run along Chenatnu, Squemoqua, and other Btreets. I How Ho was Caught. Kay, a rascally warrant clerk the county clerk's office of Alameda whose bogus county warranta, to the extent of kept him in pin money to meet tho incidentals of his fast life for tho past year, was captured Saturday evening, at rom 45, Chester House, San Francisco, and something over $1 ,300 recovered. Ho had laid in a good stock of canned provisions, with a view to maintaining a strictly quiet and private sort of life for a few weeks, until the excite-mentof his offense should so farsuhtide as to enable him to slip away on some outsroinz vessel. His manner of sr- rest was rather neat piece oi ae-j teetive work.

It was known that a very friendly relationship existed between him and a Misa Julia Bader, who resided en Valencia street. Accordingly Julia was 'shadowed" for several days. On Saturday evening she went down town, and after visiting several stores, and rig-zagging around several blocks, she srrived in front cf the Chester House, and doged in at the private entrance. The houso was soon surrounded by the minions of the law, and Kay's gamo was up. As the honey bee laden, with stolen sweets, leads its captor to his precious stores, so did the sweet Julia unwittingly give her enptiva calier araT.

Hadn't Lost Faith. In days gone by 'tis told that a Philadelphia Quaker, who was also a large ship owner, suddenly dropped all his iusurance on his vessels, and when be-set by the agents to explain his singular conduct he said: "I have come to the conclusion to depend upon the Lord for tho safety of my ships." No argument or explanation could move him from his purpose, and things went along for fivo or six months without a loss. Then one ship was destroyed by fire, and another was driven ashore, and close upon the heels of these disasters came the destruction of a valuable cargo, It was then that tho old man sent for an agent and said. "Friend Thompson, tho 'Rover' is about to sail for Liverpool." "Yes." "And theo may mako out a policy for $50,000 on her." "res." "And then thee may also make ready to insure her cargo." "Just so." "I do not desiro thec to under stand." continued tho old man, "that I have lost faith in the Lord, but it is moro to save him the bother of keep ing track of my sailing property." 'BO LIKEWISE." Dr. R.

V. Pikkce, Buffalo, K. "Five years ago 1 was a dreadful sufferer from uterine troubles, Having exhausted the skill of three physicians, 1 was completely discouraged, and eo weak I could with difficulty cross the room alone. I began taking your 'Favorite Prescription' and using the local treatment recommended in your 'Common Sense Medical Adviser." In three menths I waa perfectly cured. I wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly mentioning how my health had been restored, and offering to send the fall particulars to any one writing me for them and inclosing a stamped envelope for reply.

I have received over four hundred letters. In reply, I have described my caso and the treatment used, and earnestly ad vised them to 'do From a great many I have received second letters of thanks stating that they had commenced the treatment and were much better already." Mrs. E. F. MORGAN, Newcastle, Me.

Temperance Billiard. Having fitted up the rooms lately occupied by -Call Adler's Bazar, next to Geo. Hume's store, I would be glad to see any of my friends who wish a nice game of billiards or a good cigar in a quiet and orderly place. A competent person will be in attendance to give instruction in billiards to those who may wish it. James Macombkit.

Notice. Any nartled wishim: to have trraves in the cemetery cleared, can be accommodated bv applying to 11. Conley, City Sexton. FranU Fabrc Oyster aad Chop House. Frank Fabre announces that he now keeps his house open all night for the accommodation of his patrons.

Those wishing to get a nice plato of Eastern or Shoalwater bay oysters cooked in any style, or an early breakfast before guinjr aboard the boat, should call am him. Fresh Eastern and Shoal vrr.rcr bay oysters received by every steamer. Art Needle Work. itiss Clothier will soon be in Astoria, prepared to give lessons In Art needle work. Lace work, Kensington work and Etching.

P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street, has just received the latest and most fashionable stylo of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc Agent inj Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. A 3'oung man wants rooms and board for self and wife, in a respectable locality. Address A.B.; this mee.

SelliHgatCest. Mrs. A. llalcom is closing ont her, stock of -winter millinery and woolen goods at co3t. Candy.

Made every day at John P. Classen's Astoria Candy Factory. Creams, chocolate, French candy, taffy, etc- Oystera Oy.sterMl! At Frank Fabre's: in everr style Fresh from the beds every day. NOTICE. llarlnr sold an Interest ia the busSnMS to Fm fl.our J.

Dement, take this method of Inform- Atorl M9 iny friends aud those indebted to me wneai- that I wish to collect all outstanding indebt- ednes. squaro up all old accounts. AT. E. DEMENT.

II To LirerporA per Pendragon. From Portland 12.323 bbls flour Methers: Motherx! I An? you disturbed atnlght and broken of your rest by a sick child suffertne and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, co at once and get a bottle or iirs. msiows fcuotmng I Syrup, it will relieve the poor littlf, sitf- ferer iramedialely-depend mon there Ls no mistake almut it. Then not a mother on earth who has ever! used It, who will not tPll you at once; thnt tL-ill tlm f.nttrol.: I give rest to the mother, and relief aud I ealtli to the child, operating like magic, It is perfectly safe to use all casts, and pleasant to the taste, and Ls the scriptionof one ot the oldest and het remaip physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold

as wn bi a bottl o. A. Fair Propoation. Anyone suffering from habitual con-; stipatlon, torpidity or the liver, colds, fevers, headaches, n-stlessnes-j. sleeplessness, indigestion or other ills arising from a disorderen or inactive condition of the liver, stomach and bowels, and wishing to give Syrup of Figs a thorough trial, can buy "it of Y.

E. Dement, druggist, who will agree to return your money if it fails toact promptly and satisfactorily. Iloile Davis Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. Carl Adlcr sells Pianos and Organs on monthlypaymentsof only SlO-OOaiid upwards. This enables all those who have a monthly income although small to buy a first class instrument without the sacrifice of a single comfort of the household.

Musical instruments of all descriptions. Tho only scientific Iron Medicine that docs not produce headacho, but gives to the system all tho benefits of iron without its bad effects, is Brown's Iron Bitters. Dave you tried a stew or pan roiiat as Frank Fabre cooks it? Order one and you'll thank us for the advice. Shipper Rybke. No.

11. Oak street rortland, are the bon ton tailors oi the Metropolis. Sheet music in all the latest varieties just received at Gustav Hansen's. Sonatas, ojieras. waltzes and all the popular music of the day in stock.

If you want music for the piano, organ, violin, mite, you will find what you want at Hansen's. A very complete assort mrnt of blank books, all iizes, styles and prices at the City book store. Hallo! Where are you going? Why" to-Frank Fabre's for a pan roast. For the genuine J. H.

Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, 3nd see Campbell. Fino organs and pianos at Gustav Hansen's. Call and examine. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible, cough. ShUolf Cure is the remedy for you.

Sold by W- B. Da-meat Shoal water bay eysters: every day, at Frank Fabre's. Catarrh cured, health aud sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Masai Injector free.

For sale by "VY. E. Dement. for lamu Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sals by W.

E. Dement As an ounce of prevention, is better tliey say Than pound of the best sort of cure, ijc. us Keep our leein aim gums irom decay, And our mouth and our breath fresh and pure. For bottle ot SOZODONT all we require, To speedily realise all we desire. A medicine of real meritprescribed by many leading physicians, and universally recommended by those' who havo used it, as a truo tonic, is Brown's Iron Bitters.

An organ for rent at Carl Adler. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It oures consumption. Sold by W. K.

Dement For fine Havana, and domestic Li gars, such as the de Cuba Delicious." and the celebrated "Calcutta1 cigar, call at K. Thomas' Drug store. Shiloh's Vitaltzer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite. Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per battle.

Sold by W.E. Dement. Tho Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep 1 aver complaint, ooiis, nu mors, female complaints, etc Pamphlets free to any address. Seth V.Fnwl TJoston. Fancy soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be found at J.

W. Conn's drng store, opposite Occident hotel. Will you suffer with Dispepsia and Liver Complaint Shiloh's Yitallzer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.

Dement All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest gerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can bought at the lowest prices, at J. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Occidrn hctel, Astoria. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. w.

Cons'a 4rvg opcslt Oeei4tnt MftL GolaaifelA River Exports SHIPMENTS FOREIGN. januaht, '53. 1 To QaetnHovm per W. II. Starbuek.

From rortland 40.000 bus wheat Astoria 2S.1W 23.CU Totals C3.1M 3 To Qikoi? tmen ptr Lnrd Ktr.tialrd. i from Portland 7.2C1 bbl flour.L.?36,5t3 9 To ten per Gen. Yairthild. From Portland 5I.1C0 bus wheat $35,182 Astoria 23,931 SJ.OCT Total Tn Quatvdown jxr Wilna. S7S.219 TI.TT0 31 (Mo 5,721 3.1.VJ SO 03 Astoria 23J.S0 12 Tu Lictrpool prr Eihdale.

'From Portland co 572 Astoria 5.CJ bus S61.SO0 tf.166 77T v1' Quaiwtowii jr FiiMa. From bbl flour. Astoria 735 nOltU 2S7.9SS 3.325 SC3.701 Domestic Exports. Tllti receipts in ban Francisco, of cer- ain re con prouuee irom i 1. iV "vr elusive, Lavo been as follews: Flour, or sks Wheat, ctls- J9 i

Salmon, 3j22 ZZ 832 235 13,005 521 24 21.W2 52.2.7 3,021 102 2 ZZ CO 17 3S3 11 69 309 331 3,009 15 17.C8S 113 109.8M 1,307 27,116 2,381 485 46 ht bbls ca Apples, npo, bxs Ilutter, pkffi Pork, bbls Potatoes, sks VTooLbale Hides. No. Tallow. ueer, ows Beef, canned, cs t)ulcfcilvpr. Hay, Fruit, dried, pkga Leather, pkgs Plax, sks Ilacon, Meal, sks lions, Hams, jgs Bran.

ks Flax Seed, sks Canned-goods, Barley, ctls Shorts, Com. ctl Hye. I. W. CASE, IMPORTED AN Vr'IIOLKSALB AND KK TAIL DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Cbeuamu and Cass streets.

ASTohlA OREGON LEATHERS BROS. BOAT II I T. I l'p Stairs Over Arntlt i S-'crclien'H Shoi. and examine the work we are dolus aud Me the wood we are using, before niak-Iiiffa trade elsewhere. FIRST-CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY.

LOEB JOBBERS IS WINES. LIQUOKS, AD CIGARS. AUENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. KOOtls sold at S.m Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET.

Opitosltf Parker Astoria, Oregon. Piano Lessons With of Piano. MRS. J. W.

RUDDOCK. Terms moderate. Orders may be left at Adler's book store. For Sale. ON ACCOUNT OF DETARTORE FROM the State, one lot.

In a very desirable litv In thl itv PpIpa. Ct in I irlcp. S325. Apply to tw E. C.

HOLDEN Real Estate Agent. FOR SALE. 4 LOTS IX KLOCK 103. 1 HOUSE AND lot In Mock ami 2 lots In block 1, Adair's Astora. 150 feet valuable water front In Shlvelev's Astoria 1 house and lot in btock 28.

1 lot in block 51. and 1 lot in block 55 in Mitveicy' Astoria. Alo atore and dwelling houte to lcL Inquire of IlOZuRTII JOHNS, dlwk To Let. aUIE 2ND AND 3RD FLOORS, 2ND FIN-. ibhed in rooms 3rd all In one, 48 CO feet, uu finished.

Also a spice oi ground piled and capped, about 22 43 fct, fronting on ulncy street. Lease iven to responsible jwirtles for years. Location most desirable lor a Restaurant and Lodging House. For further partlctdars Inquire of MEYERS. Astoria, Oregon, December 2S.

18S2. $500 Reward. Vfe will pay the above reward for an case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, indigestion.

Constipation or Costive-ness we cannot cure with West's Veuetable LhrerrilLs.wlien the directions are strictly complied with. Thev are purely Vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Larpe boxes, containing 30 rills, 25 cents. For sale all Druggists.

Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured onlvbyJonxC. "West Co. "The Pill 181 and 1S3 IV. Madison Chicago.

Frco trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp, E. Dement, agent. Notice. STATE AND COUNT TAXES FOR THE year 1SS2. are now dut ana can bo paid at my office at the Court House, d-wtf A.

TWOMBLY, Sheii. Averill's mixed paints, the best in use, for sale at J. TV. drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. 0.

H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHAITOISE. MHaaaoBaaMHaaBMBntoaHnaMaaaHaaMaa Stock i THE ZiSJLDZ2TG Dry Goods Clothing House OF ASTORIA. Previous to our annual inventory of stock on Feb. ist, we will make a large reduction in all departments.

Fine Dress Goods Reduced Fine Silks and Satins Sedaesd. line Plnslies anil Velvets REDUCED. Cloaks, Dolmans, TJlsters, Circulars. Slanlsets, Flannels, Comforters, Bed Spreads, Fine Table Zainen. GENTLEMEN'S Overcoats and Ulsters Reduced! Fine Dress Suits Reduced! UNDERWEAR, TIES, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS YOU under If you think there is any sauce in the world equa to the justly celebrated EAST INDIA SAUCE (The recipe of a retired well known Caterer of 25 years experience.) It has received approbation whcreer introduced, and although but a short tim 1h tha market It has already attained celebrity throughout tho northwest.

Being composed ot Strictly Pure Dyspepsia, Broken of the Human System. And the only sauce for enriching Steaks, Gravies, Fish, Curries, Game, Soups, Etc. One trial will suffice to prove its merits. Beware of spurious Imitations. None genuine without our full Ann name on the label.

SOEHX.OFSS;'? SZRD, Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors, rortland, Oregn. For sale by leading Grocers and Druggists. ID. A. McINTOSH TAIL0S AND CLOTHIER, Has Just opened a large addition to his stock of Men's and Boy's Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods and Cloths.

Also a full line of Rubber Coats and Leggings, Umbrellas, Trunks, Satchels. Special attention directed to Hosiery, Underwear, and fine Neckwear, Gent's Dressing Gowns. Celluloid Fronts, Collars and Cliffs. D. A.

McINTOSH, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. OCCIDENT BLOCK, Taking Sale! IIXIL Fine Cashmere and Annres REDUCED. DEPARTMENT White and Colored Shirts Reduced Business Suits Reduced! CLOVES, REDUCED. BUILDING, ASTOEIA. LIE! a miaUks.

and Strengthening Ingredients. It is especially adapted for Down Constitution, and Weaknesses ASTORIA, OREGON..

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