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The Macon Telegraph from Macon, Georgia • 29

Macon, Georgia
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A THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH Eatabliihed 1626 MACON GA SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 2 1921 Baa Editorial Pam Far luMcrlptlaN NatM MOVING DAY SEES MANY CHANGES IN MACON BUSINESS DISTRICT CHRISTMAN WILL LEAVE GEORGIA FRUIT GROWERS ATLANTA CITY COUNCIL SLATED FOR WARM MEET CIRCULATION DEPT OF TELEGRAPH WORKS NIGHT AND DAY ON POLICIES WADE CO MOVE THEIR MACHINERY AND WELDING DEPARTMENT TO NEW HOME- NEW LOCATIONS ARE IN DEMAND More 'Changea This Year Than in Several Yean Previous ALL LINES ARE AFFECTED Abolition of Detectlye Department Veto of Probe Simla tlon on Program Ilian Ttlrgrzph Bonaa The Kimball Hunw ATLANTA Oct Abolition Within a Few Weeki Many Hundreds of Accident Policies Written Showing Great Popularity of the Moit Splendid Feature Ever Added By a Paper en years and Is very well known in tha music world In August 1330 Mr West and Abel proprietor of Abel's Pharmacy on Montpelier avenue purchased tho Nichols Music Company on Co'ton avenue Mr West being president and general manager i nd Mr Abel vlre president A complete line of Vli-trolaa Gibson mandolins guitars and violins and other musical instruments are carried by the West Company "The Interior of our new location" stated Mr West "will bo tha moat attractive In thjs part of the State The fixtures were built here In Macon by tha Moco Cabinet Company and are finished In Ivory There will be four- music bootha with blue draperies that vill add atlrctlveness to the interior of the store We will carry a complete assortment of musical Instruments Including all kinds of parts strings and tion of tha unparallehnl opportunity Tha 75 cents' premium is an annual premium and tha policies are In force aa long aa the policy-holder pays thla amount each year and Is a subscriber of tho Telegraph I street moved two doors toward Broadway The Paragon Pharmacy has move 1 to tha old ataud of the Ellis lunch room Tha Rodgers Auto Supply Company has changed Its name to tlie Kit-tenlierry Auto Company and will move from 414 Second street to Poplar and Second streets Nutting and Carswell new florist company inovea Into tha Kodgent' Aulo Supply Company's old location Chapman and Kessler move from 419 Mulberry street to 411-413 Mulberry street the former home of Wade and Company Sam flyman's garage which has lc on Cherry street moves to 419 Mullierry street Tha Kt Duly Plumbing Company moves from Second street to 613 I'opUr street The MbDanld-Hesrd Hardware Company moves from Poplar street to 631 Third street Tho Grant Company will take In the store that la to be vacated by the City Drug Company Lee'a Department store will open in the Horne building on Cherry street near the Tclcgrnph Currlngton and Elrod have moved from Cotton avenue to the Willingham Warehouse Canfield's filling station la being estahllahed on the former silo of tha Currlngton and Elrod garage Williams Jewelry Company la to occupy a new store adjoining the Western Union Telegraph Company The Illorh Bag Company has moved from Broadway to Third street Rico la to open a new cafeteria Cherry street near the Merritt Hardware Company Three small shops one a cigar store sre to occupy tha store In the Hotel Dempsey that was formerly occupied by the Midland Pharmacy General Manager of Fruit Exehanga in Atlanta Will Become Vico President of 8tandard Growers ATLANTA Oct Christman ainca 1914 manager of the Georgia Fruit Exchange with offices the Rhodes building haa resigned from that position effective October 15 to become vice president and general manager of the Standard Exchange with headquarters In Orlando Fla Under the management of Mr Christman the laino and sales of Georgia poaches have extended steadily With each succeeding year During the season just closed 10468 carloads were handled through the Georgia Fruit Exchange as against 4095 cars In 1916 Due to Mr Christman's efforts the plan of marketing the Georgia peach crop has been changed from the consignment basis to an fob basis as Is evidenced by tha fact that in 1921 75 per cent of the fruit marketed was on an foh basis as against 15 per cent In 1917 The directors of the Georgia Fruit Exchange accepted with regret Mr Christman's resignation and hla successor will be announced later As vice president and general manager of the Standard Growers' Exchange Mr Christman will continue his splendid work in the development and sale of fruits and vegetables throughout the Southeast as the Standard Growers' Exchange Is the largest grower buyer and seller of fruit and vegetable in tho Southeast The Standard Growers' Exchange with headquarters In Orlando Fla also maintains offices In Atlanta Macon Miami Tampa' and Southern Pines Mr Christman lr thoroughly familiar wtih every detail Incident to the new position as he began as a stenographer for the Atchson Topeka and Sante Fa Railroad and worked steadily upward later becoming chief clerk to the superintendent and after that joining Armour and Company being Identified with the Fruit Growers' Express owned by that -Interest becoming general Southeastern agent In 1909 from which position he resigned In 1914 becoming manager of the Georgia Fruit Exchange In leaving the Fruit Exchange Mr Christman carries with him the best wishes of the officers of that organisation as well as the host of members throughout the State WANT THEATER CHOCOLATES LONDON Oct The law forbidding sales of chocolates In theaters and shops after 8 pm la now under attack Candy manufacturers want the hour extended to 9:30 pm Wade and Company for eight years located at 411-13 Mullierry street have moved their machinery and welding departments to the new building which was constructed according to their plana at Second and Plum streets Mr Phclpa Wads Is the most widely-known nisrhlnlst and welder In Macon and Central Georgia Tlie class of work that has lieen turned out In this shop has gained for Wade and Company sr reputation that any business firm would be proud to possess "In moving our machinery and welding departments" atated Mr Wade "It la our desire to get our two businesses located together Our electrical service elation which Is In charge of Mr Chauncey Smith at 666 Second streitt has for several years enjoyed a successful patronage "As tlia automobile business for the past two years has been moving lo the south of Cherry street wa planned that It was better for us to move tho muchlnery and welding departments near the electrical aervlce station where we Could better eerve the many motoriats of Macon and Central Georgia "We do not confine our machinery and welding departments to the automobile business Our corps of mi-cl Ists are the most efficient you can find In any machine shop and ws do all classes of machine work This same statement also applies to our welding department aa we do all kinds of welding No job that waa ever known has been too large for us to handle while we maintain a standard of service on all work "Our electrical service station Is the authorised factory distributor for ninety-five per cent of the electrical equipment used on all makes of automobiles and trucks If electrical and It Is used on a gasoline motor you can find It here "Wo are factory distributors for the following: Kxlde Battery Bosch Magnetos Delco Remy Weatlnghouse Autoltte Connecticut Atwater Gray and Davis Northeast equipment electricians hava stood factory examination on each of these equipments which Insures you direct factory aervlce when you drive Up to this electrical service Advertisement WEST MUSIC CO MOVES TO CHERRY STREET The West Music Company will move Its locat'on from 103 Cotton avenue to 420 Cherry street next door to the Macon Telegraph Mr West has been selling Vlctrolas and musical Instruments for the past sev the Detective Department and Mayor'')' veto of tho resolution passe two weeks ago denouncing the Knight 9 of Columbus ars outstanding mattsrs awaiting action by City Council Mon- day afternoon and both givo prowls of precipitating heated contests -Councilman Sima la author of th knights of Columbus resolution whlc' Council pasaed at last meeting b'v a viva voce vote only to have It vetoes two days later1 by Mayor Kay Indications wen Saturday that sup-porters of tha resolution ware making efforts to muster the necessary -strength to override Mayor vets at Monday's meeting of Council A two-thirds majority will be necessary to accomplish this The resolution which was passed he the face of strong opposition by eral councilman denounced thi Knights of Columbus as "un-Americas and unpatriotic" and called on the' New York World to Its e- tlvltles as soon as it completed "exposure" of the Ku Klux Klan i May Establish Cancer Hospital A proposition to spend the $508006 bequest by the late Albert Steiner to -tlie City of Atlanta In tho etabllh-ment of an adjunct to Grady Hospital for the treatment of cancer was sub-mltted to Mayor Key last Saturday by executors of the estate Under the plan of the executors Atlanta would become tha center of cancer treatment in the South and -patients unsple to pay for tho treat- ment would receive it free of charge The proposition submitted suggested that the plant be named the "Albert- -j Stlener of Grady Hospital They proposed to put in a supply-of radium at a nut of not less than $50000 and to pnArlde experts In tho -treatment of cancer to take charge of the work JOHN HAMMOND CLEMSON BEATEN 'J f' Centre College Takes Hard Fought Game By 144) Score DANVILLE Va Sept Centrfl College won a hard fought football game here today from Clemson Col- lege 14 to 0 when Bartlett crossed the South goal line In ''J the second period and "Bo" McMIllln duplicated In the third period Bartlett kicked both goals if The tremendous popularity of accl- dent insurance has been demonstrated during the peat few weeka by the many hundreds who have taken advantage of the Telegraph's accident pol(cy which goes to Telegraph subscribers only for the very small sum of 71 cents Tha knowledge that $1003 will be paid In the case of death from accident for the paltry sum of 75 cents and that thla insurance la In a splendid company with many years of sue-cessful operation has made Maconites and people all over this section of two States rush to get policies They wonder how It can bo dono so cheaply for it Is accident Insurance at a ridiculous low price However the statistical experts on deaths from accidental causes such as from being knocked down and killed by a vehicle either a railroad train an automobile or any other vehicle or from being killed while a fare paying passenger In train automobile or trolley car or being killed In a car which you own yourself op your neighbor's car-have figured out Just what can be done In making rates Tha law of averages Is -piled and the Insurance company knows what It la doing So great haa been the demand for policies that tha Telegraph circulation department works day and night In order to keep up with the work Since the Telegraph has taken on this Insurance policy from the North American Accident Insurance Company a half dozen papers of the South have signed up with the same company showing that they recognised a good proposition when they saw It The Telegraph has an unlimited number of policies and the number already written In Just four weeks haa run up Into the many hundreds That there will be many thousands during the next few months goes without say Ing for the accident Insurance la gaining in popularity every day Investigation by the Telegraph ahowa that the North American pays claims promptly and there are no trlcka clauses in the policy However the policy should be read with care by every policy holder bo that he will be entirely familiar with it Telegraph subscribers are writing in from every direction taking advantage of the offer while many who are not subscribers are sending In subscriptions asking that the Telegraph he sent and with it an insurance policy Circulation managers agree In saying that the accident Insurance is the gre- eat feature ever added to a paper and people of this city and section are already showing their apprecia Several New Buiineu Houtes( Alio Begin Operation Down town Macon will hardly recognize llarlf after moving dny la over fo according to reporta frn various Diireea there are to be more changea la location thla year than In any re lent year From public aervlce corporations the Uacon Gas Company the Macon Kail pay and Light Company and the outhern Bell Telephone Company it la atated 'that there are comparatively few changea In the residential section 3ut down town It's different Starting over on Mulberry stret (Vado and Company will move from 111-413 Mulberry street to Plum and Second streets Their electrical aer rice stalion la at No 66! Second it rent which Is to be reinodelud Th'e II West Music moves from 103 Cotton avenue to 420 Sherry street where Button Brothers Icwelry store was formerly located llearn'a studio has moved over Zllsby's shoe store The Overlund-Macon Company moves from Broadway to a new build Ing at Third and Pina streets The Mddlebrooka-Dnme Auto Company moves from Hecond street to 07 Mulberry street next to the Btew-irtsMI Company Uward Smith's offices will be nuWed from the Knights of Pythias funding on Mulberry street to the Mncon Savings Ilank building Elliott's office has been moved from the warehouse on Foplnr street to the Macon Hotel building The Midland Pharmacy Is moving from the Hotel Dempsey building to Third street next door to the New York Shirtwaist House The Boulhern Dry Goods Company has -moved from Third street to the corner of Third and Poplar a( recta Tlie City Drug Company will move from Third street to the Jnrpies building at Cherry street and Broadway Tho Bandefur-Harwell Company moves from Cherry street to 369 Third street next to the Hotel Dempsey ltank In who has been occupying a building Into which tho San-dcfur-IIarwell Company moves for the past year retur a to hie old home on the other aide of Third street vacated by the Southern Dry Goods 'Company The Ellis restaurant on Poplar 4 SAM HYMAN MOVES HIS GARAGE TO MULBERRY ST THORPE HIS ASSOCIATE Sam Hyman owner of Sam Hyman Garage la moving hla location from (37 Cherry street to 419 Mulberry street next to the I Office Five months ago Mr Hyman after resigning aa chief mechanic from' the Macon Fira Department started In the garage bualnesa Due to hla mechanical akill and fair treatment he has built up a business that demands largqr quarters For eight years Mr Hyman was chief mechanic for tho Macon Fire Department and when the call to arms came In 1917 he eullsted In the Army serving eight months at the front doing mechanical work on cars and trucks with the Thirty-Second Division After returning from overseas he again became connected with the Fire Department as chief mechanic which position ho held until he went In business Associated with Mr Hyman In hta new quarters will be Thorpe Jr son of Tiorpe Sr the East Mncon Grocer Young Mr Thorpe Is widely known for hla mechanical ability and haa a host of friends who will he glad to leam of hla new connection Mr Whitehead who for the peat ten years haa been connected In 6fncon with the automobile bualnesa la the foreman Aaaiatlng Mr White-head are several of the moat efficient automobile mechanics In Macon With this corps of expert mechanical men Mr Hyman la now In position to turn out flrst class automobile mechanical work are doing more overhauling Jobs than anything elae" atated Mr Hyman we at all times give service on the smaller work BUSINESS IS GROWING CHAPMAN AND KESSLER GET LARGER QUARTERS 1 "Due to the Increased patronage that we have been enjoying for the past few months we found It necessary to seek larger quarters where we could better serve our many friends and customers1' stated Mr Kessler of Chapman and Kreaaler the automobile specialists on Mulberry street "We are moving Juat three doors towards Broadway on Mulberry street In the building occupied by Wade and Company Our new location is much larger than our old stand and with the spacious shops wa will be In a position to give better service "Our corps of expert automobile me-chanfbs are the most efficient you can find gathered under any roof In tho city of Macon or in fact anywhere Every man In our employ la seasoned In the automobile business having made a life study of the work and years of practical experience aervlce that we have rendered the motorist of Macon and Central Georgia haa gained for us a reputation that ws are very proud of Chapman who Is In personal charge of all mechanical work la one of the moat widely known automobile mechanics In Georgia and Is known as a recognised authority on Advertisement HOUSE RECESS IS AT END Representatives Will Go Back to Work on Monday WASHINGTON Oct The House ended Its three-day recess program today and will go to work on regular schedule Monday There Is not much however to be done Some conference reporta and the re-apportionment bill will take up most of the time but as leaders do not expect the Senate to be able to consider the latter measure prior to December the movement to rush It through the House haa failed to obtain general support OUR DALY PLUMBING CO TO MAKE NEW HOME ON POPLAR ATTRACTIVE The Daly Plumbing Company moved from 628 Second to 313 Poplar Associated with Mr Daly' In hla new location will bo Mr A Criswell a plumber well known In Macon and formerly of tho Criswell numbing Co Mr Daly for twenty-two years was In the office of the plumbing Inspector of the City of Macon for nineteen years being in charge of thla office On May 1 1930 Mr Daly started the Daly numbing Company and baa enjoyed a very satisfactory bual-ness ever since At present he hae several large contracts underway In our new location stated Mr Daly have arranged to Install one of the moat attractive plumbing display rooms in Central -4 WE IMA VIE MOVED 5 A IR On Plum From Our I 49 Street at Just Nationally Known A Step Around the Corner Electrical Service Station 1 IP 'i AUTHORIZED FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS FOR Exide Battery Bosch Magnetos Delco Remy Westinghouse Autolite Connecticut Atwater Kent Grey Davis Northeast Equipment Our Electricians have stood a factory examination on each of these equipments which insures you direct factory seryice when you drive up to this Electrical Service Station Our Machinery and Welding Departments are in charge of Mr Phelps Wade the most widely known machinist and welder in Central and South Georgia WE DO ALL KINDS OF MACHINE WORK IF TPS WELDING WE CAN DO IT 'S it 6 r- Electrical Service Station 566 Second St Phone 1547 Machinery and Welding Departments Pfcun Street Phone.

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