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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THURSDAY EVENING MlanU Crf Butte 0 MAY 31, 1917. strike of sheep shearers now In force. It Is alleged the trouble started when nonunion men were put to work. In an altercation that followed Shoemaker Is in VinvB knocked Johnson down SHEARER KILLED RIVERSIDE, May 1. J.

W. Shoemaker, a sheep shearer, was shot and killed here todav hv Johnson. WANT $15,000,000 GREAT LAKES. May Fifteen million dollars Is to be Expended in the expansion of the Great Lakes naval training station here if the approval of Congress can be ob tained. It wan announced today, Captain W.

A. Mofett, commandant received word from the navy depart ment. approving plans providing fot the use of this sum in quadrupling the capacity of the station, enabling It to house 12,000 men. 't FEMALE OF SPECIES ARRIVE FOR FEAST foreman, after nn argument over the DESIRABLE CHARGE 1 The Federal Drug REGULAR PRICES NINE DAYS' TO BE GRANTED ENEMY ALIENS The time in wnlch Germans living In restricted cones may register and permit has been extended from June 1 to June 9, under orders received from Attorney General Gregory at Washington, D. C.

This will temporarily halt arrangement which United States Marshal James B. Holohan of San Francisco had made, to arrest all Germans within restrlct-- ed zones In his district who had failed to register by June 1. The general order sent out by the United States government called for the surrender to the federal-officers by June lot all firearms, wireless outfits, telegraph instruments or other paraphernalia owned or held by Germans. An extension to June 9 for compliance with this provision was also contained in the order extend- ing the date of completed registration. To date more than 300 Germans living in the restricted areas have registered, according to George Burn-ham, chief deputy United States marshal.

Henry Schalottenberg, a bartender, was forced to register in San Fran-Cisco yesterday on account of three feet of ground. To get Into the saloon In which he is employed the bartender was obliged to cross three feet of the restricted tone area. As a result he waa compelled to apply for a permit. Fletchers' Castoria Sal Hepatlca 20c, 40c, 0e Jad Salts 65c Bromo Seltzer 40c, 80c Calif. Syrup of Figs Glyco Thymolliie 40c, 85c Phillips Milk of Magnesia.

20c, 40c Swamp Root 40c, 80c Lydla Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 70c Angler's Emulsion 40c, 85c and kicked him. Johnson drew a gun shot three times. ACCOUNTS SOLICITEDWOBOOGOBOCg St. Jacob's Oil 40o Vinfol, a tonic $1.00 Horliclc's Malted Milk, 40c, 80c, $3 Dentins Food 33c, 65c, S2.25 Mcnn ln's Talcum 15c Dnnderlne 20c, 40c, 85c Pcbec Tooth Past 3c Lyon's Tooth 'Powder 17o Pompcian Massage Cream. 40o, 65c, 85c Mine Vccetnl, "Pinand's" 5c Carter's Little Liver Pills 17o 25c Madame Our SPECIALS KT For Friday and FREE DELIVERY ON ALL SPECIALS 25t SPECIAL LUNCHEON at the FEDERAL FOUNTAIN 50c Theatrical Cold Cream A vacation necessity for cleansing the skin, Q4v FULL POUND fcr' jj $1.00 Hair Brushes Assortment of woods and shapes VKt SPECIAL ou SOc Bathing Caps Season's newest colors and shapes 34c DTlirm A I FED ERAL 0 Try Vendome Talc, Scented.

FULL 1 POUND, SPEC. loc 25c Argentine Ant Poison Recommended by the. University of Call- 1 fornia. loc 25cTalhoes Ant Powder Non-poisonous, efficient. Package 1 SPECIAL oc ill 8.US:: Our lady representative will call at your home to show you what Calumet Baking Powder will do for you and why it is called the, cook's best friend.

The demonstration and est she will make are interesting and instructive The test is not a comparative test of ithe strength of different baking pow-ders because the water glass test does not show the strength of baking pow- der that does not contain white of egg, fThe test will, however, show the superiority of Calumet in other respects and prove why it has solved all baking problems in millions of homes. Calumet as not only the best leavening agent possible to make, but it is sold at a popular price and is therefore an important factor in reducing the high cost of living. Calumet is manufactured in the1 largest, finest and most sanitary baking powder plant in the world, by experts who make nothing but baking powder. Calumet received the highest awards for purity and efficiency at the world's greatest pure food expositions at Chicago in 1907, and at Paris; France, in 1912. Calumet contains only such i ingredients as have been officially approved by the States Food Authorities.

Calumet is guaranteed be Pure in the Can and Pure in the Baking. Try Calumet once at our risk. Your money back without question if it isn't the best baking powder you ever used. Calumet Baking Powder CHICAGO 6 BROADWAY, TELEGRAPH AND SIXTEENTH Telephone Lakeside 5050 Lakeside "Fifty-Fifty" Prompt Free Delivery ftPCOBOPgOSOPOOPOOOOOOPOgOOeOOOOOPPgOOOO lefty The Victrola Hear this wonderful instrument in "The Exclusive Phonograph the most complete Phonograph Shop in the West. Largest and most complete stock of Instruments and Records.

CONVENIENT TERMS i Oakland Phonograph Co. 473 12th Street Bacon Building ARE FULLY With the United State on the eve of having troops In actual physical contact In the European battle front, an Interpretation of the military terms. In g-en-' eral use' will be an aid to the general reader. The following; are among; those In constant use: A corps is two or more divisions, commanded by a major general. A division Is nnmnniiAd nf two or more brigades, also commanded by a major general, A brigade, commanded by a brigadier general, is composed of two or more regi-nrents and Independent companies or battalions.

A regiment of Infantry consists of twnlve ltn onmnnnlM mid three addi tional companies. It commanded by a colonel, with the following additional officers: one lieutenant colonel, three majors, fifteen captains as company commanders, three of them also being members of the colonel's staff as adjutant, Quartermaster and commissary; two lien- tenants to eacn company, one lieutenant acting on eaoh of the three majors'staff. A battalion is made up of four companies and Is commanded bv a malor. A company of Infantry consists of about jbu men, divided Into two platoons; platoons are divided Into squads. A platoon Is commanded by a lieutenant a commissioned officer; two or more squads are commanded by a sergeant; a squad is commanded by a corporal and comprises seven men besides the corporal.

A company of cavalry is called a troop and a battalion of cavalry Is called a squadron. A company of artillery Is called a battery. It is divided into sections and there may be different numbers of guns, according to the kind of artillery. Three batteries of artillery make a battalion. Th word "company," "troop" or "battery," should not be used before the letter as "Company It would be the fame as to sav "Street Jackson." The letter comes first Just as the numeral comes before the word regiment: "2nd Iteglment." Not Regiment 2nd.

MILITIA 13 DEFINED. Troops are either "federals" (regular) Or National Guard. Every male cltisen of the United (States between the age of IS and 45 13 a member of the militia. Never use the word when referring to organized bodies of troops. There are no such things as "militia officials" or "army officials" In military parlance.

The are National Guard and Army officers. A skirmish, engagement brush, fight or encounter Is not a battle. A battle Is an engagement for the possession of a certain point and Is general in Its character. Ijirge bodies of troops ere engaged more than a brigade. Otherwise the fight Is an engagement, a skirmish or an encounter.

Never say "Captain Jones and his soldiers of Company Say "A Company, commanded by Captain Jones," did so and so. Any Irregulnr body of troops" less than a company, or troopa. Is called unless It Is a platoon or squad or a section of artillery. Never sav "Lieutenant Jones and a number of men" from such and such an organization. Pay: "A detachment from A Companv, commanded by I.leut.

Jones." Ammunition- Is spoken of In terms of cnrtrlriKes fifty shots. Never say muskets. There are not any. Artillerymen carry pistols and not revolver. MOVE IN COLUMNS.

Troops generally move In columns. fThe usual column Is four men abreast two ranks comprising a squad, with the corporal as the man on the left In the rear rank.) They go Into the firing line in extended order" sometimes referred to as a skirmish line. Troops are sent into nettle or engagement as the firing line, the support and the reserve. The tactical unit In line of battle or engage ment Is the battalion. A picket consists of several men generally a squad.

One of a picket Is a sentinel or sentry. In front and on the flanks of nil troops In company are outposts picKets. All: troops doing guard duty, picket duty, outpost duty, are commanded by "the officers of the day," "so designated forr period, of twenty-four Honrs as are the troops on guard dutv. Troops carry "ponchos" rubber blankets. Not rain coats or rain capes.

Mounted troops and drivers are equipped with "slickers." A bayonet Is kept In a scabbard. A rifle or carbine is loaded wtlh a clip. Fatigue duty refers to work to be done about a camp. A camp "policed" when It la cleaned up rid of rubbish and the like. A cavalryman Is called a "trooper." RECRUIT NOT A "ROOKIE." A recruit Is not a "rookie," unless you want to ue slang.

The. phrase "new recruit" is redunbant. Troops are "mustered" Into the service and out. Also they are "mustered" each month for the benefit of the paymaster that he may know whether dead men are drawing pay. The Insignia' of United States officers designating rank are as follows: Serond lieutenant Rmwn braid on cuffs; gold-black hat braid; U.

S. collar; leather legcins. First lieutenant One bar on shoulder: other Insignia corresponding to second lieutenant. Captain Two bars on shoulder. Major Gold leaf on shoulder.

Lieutenant-Colonel Silver leaf on shoulder. Colonel Silver eagle on shoulder. Brigadier-General One silver star on shoulder. Mnjor-General Two silver stars on shoulder. Iieiitenant-General Three sliver stars on shoulder.

Full General Four silver stars on shoulder. All grades wear brown braid on cuffs, gold-black cord on hats, leather legging and S. on collar. The InslRnia wore by the various branches of the service are as follows: Infantry Two crossed rifles. Cavalry Two crossed sabres.

Artillery Two crossed cannon. Medical Mercury wand with entwined snakes. The designating colors for each branch arc: Infantry, blue; cavalry, yellow; artll lery, red; medical corps, maroon. FOR BEAT ENERVATION TTw Horaford't Aoid Phoiphfttn Evjnt for? tho rellpf of exhmmtlon, wrr-misiwuH and luipalrM digestion. Try It.

AdTer- ALUM WATER FOR GRAY HAIR Restores Natural Color Gives quick, perfect, lasting results. Kasy to use, no special care IS required. It never falls. As pleasant as a shampoo, You can have your hair beautifully natural for the balance of life. Dissolve one bottle of ovelo powder In two ounces of water, moisten the hair Mosquito: "Any of certain dipterous Insects, of th-family Cull-, cldae having' a rather narrow abdomen, usually a long; and slender but firm proboscis.

The males have a featherlike antennae and the mouth parts are not fitted for piercing, but the females have slender antennae, and a set of needlelike organs In the proboscis with which they puncture the skin of fruits or animals to suck up their Juice or blood." Noah Webster. Mr. Websteif in his ponderous and well-advertised volume, also declared that mosquitoes were products of swamps and stagnant waters. He does not speak of their historical origin. It is' a well-known fact that the first American-born mosquitoes, were discovered In New Jersey shortly after the landing of the white man.

Nothing mean can be said about the male mosquito; he minds his business and leaves the sanguinary work to the women folks. In tne caae of the mosquito It can be truly said that the female of the species is more deadly than the male. She takes particular delight in poking her needlelike organ, as Mr. Webster called it, into mankind in general. Gallons of good, red, American blood is absolutely wasted each year through the activities of female mosquitoes, and efforts of various societies and organizations have resulted In only a multiplication of the insects.

They take particular delight in pestering the fellow who wears silk hose and low shoes, but are not respectors of persons. There is only one class of people who escape the vicious efforts of the mosquitoes the Eskimos but who wants to go to for the summer?" For the Teeth and Month A little in half a glass of water neutralizes mouth secretions, penetrates to and destroys bacteria in between the teeth where the tooth powder or paste can't always enter. Cools and refreshes. 9H 25o at aay Drntsuf UifW Award Tuumt Pacific Expoutiea WHY SOCIETY WOMEN WASH THEIR OWN HAIR They do, not because it is a fad, but because they wish to obtain the greatest possible hair beauty and be sure they are not using anything harmful. They have found that in washing the hair it' is never wise to use a makeshift but is always advisable to use a preparation made for shampooing only.

Many pf our friends say they get the besy results from a simple home-made canthrox mixture. You can use this at a cost of about three cents a shampoo by getting some canthrox from your druggist, and dissolving a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water. This makes enough shampoo liquid to apply to all the hair Instead of- Just the top of the head, as with most preparations. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt are dissolved an-d en. tirely disappear In the rinsing water.

xour nair will be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its lustre and softness will also delight Advertisement. GROCERIES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS. With continued war, groceries will continue to soar. You make no misiaite 10 stock up welL Our enure siocK priced very low, BREAD Large loaf BITTER; Best 15c Creamery OA.

2 lbs. Large, fresh 2 doz. OC EGGS Pullet, fresh a doz. ODC SUGAR Granulated ef cane la lbs. PW" BACONCalifornia TJ3C BACON Eastern Sugar AQ cured lb.

OC COOKIES Assorted plain 0 uuuiUES-rAssorted fancy 07- lb. or 4 V. STARCH Argo gloss SOt'PS Campbell corn or Cfl. doz. uvt, Doz.

RAVIOLA Everyready OLIVES Special "TC Doz. SOUP Tomato. Libby Qgc SCAT Special Qg JELLOllAsVortVd' QC Doz. SOAP Naptha 1916 C7 Doz. SOAP Big Ox C7- Doz.

SOAP Crystal White Doz.C GELATINE, Knox AKt 8 ntn. JC YELLOW CORN MEAL Cf). 10-lb. sack ouc ROLLED OATS Sperry, Off- larfte package 2 for NAVY BEANS Small, very 9C. 2 lbs.

Jv Free deliveries as far as 60th St. or 23d Ave. on orders of $1 or over, except suear oniy. see us for de liveries beyond these points. YERX'A MARKET 1538 Broadway, Oakland.

Phone Lakeside 1831. I WILL BUY Diamonds. Old Gold and Silver. Highest prices paid. H.

LOEB, Manufacturing Jeweler 467 13th Street, Room 27 early, Tomorrow 99 1 Opefflmg TO ENTER RACES Old time automobiles, tottering motor cars ana buses that have seen their nest days in the earliest years of the motor ear game, will be much In evidence on Saturday, June 9. both in the parade Inaugurating the Fageol ground-breaking ceremonies and the races between the old timers themselves. Since the committee in change of the special stunts Issued their call to the owners of old automobiles and requested mat mscnines of the vintage or any- irum iivu on up to a iewyei ago, be furnished for the ground break ing aay parade and for the race db-tween the old time cars themselves, Fred Vogel. chairman of the manufac turers' committee of the Oakland chamber of commerce has received many applications from owners of these cars for the privilege of participating in both the parade and races. Vogel stated that he wanted to get all the types and stvles of old time cars together at the earliest possible moment as the work of segregating the various models and their year of make Into the PToper place they are to occupy, will take some time.

Ownerg of old time automobiles who will allow us to exhibit their machines in tne parade or who will race their cars in the old timer Tiotor car races should get in touch with me at once. So as to stimulate the Interest In this event, we will award Prizes for the winners. second and third over the line, etc. The prizes will be announced later. The comparisons In speed, between the results of the old timers' race and the race between the two Fageol motor cars which will be held the same day, should prove an object lesson to the publlo and show them graphically just how far the automobilnas advanced during the past decade and a half.

Accerdlng to the plans of the parade committee It Is proposed to have the automobiles of long; ago. segregated and grouped In divisions. These groups wTTl be in time periods of five years each so that the parade will show each production of a. half decade at a time. Thos.

Schhiter. who will be in charge of the parade, feels that from the pres ent outlook this feature or the ground breaking ceremonies will be one of the most Interesting events ever held In Oakland. The complete program for the Fageol factory ground breaking will be as follows: 12:16. business men's lunch, Hotel Oakland: 1:30, get ready for parade; 1:45, parade starts from Hotel Oakland: 2:46, assembly at Fageol factory site, address bv Mavor John L. Davie: 3.

address by Frank R. Fageol, secretary and manager Fageol's Motor 3:10, military speech, 'sneaker to be announced later: 3:50. flag raising, salute bv Pattery 8:30, ad- dress bv Joseph H. King, president oi me Oakland chamber of commerce; 3:40, ground breaking for the pew Fageol motor plant in which an entire acre of ground will be blown up by dynamite; 3:50, race between old time car; 4, high-gear slow race: 4:15, race between two Fageol automobiles. THREE uc.

MEN SEND WORD OF SAFEARRIVAL A cablegram received here today from Guy C. Calden Jfchn B. W'hitton and Gardener Crafts, members of the University of California hospital volunteers, who left here more than a month ago to Join the ambulance units on the French battle front, tells of the safe arrival of the party in France, and indicates that the submarine blockade was passed without mishap. The telegram was received by Rev. Albert W.

Palmer, pastor of the Plymouth Congregational Church of this city, and contained the one. word "arrived" with the signatures "Calden, Whltton and Crafts." Censorship regulations proscribed any further inscription or wording, and intimation was contained of the experiences on the way over The cablegram waa dated Bordeaux, France. The ambulance party left New York about ten days ago on the Chicago under armed convoy, ostensibly for soine French port. Prior to their departure, the young university men, many of whom were from Stanford as well as Eastern institutions, were feted and banqueted in New York City. i FISHERMEN BRING STEAMER TO PORT; GET $2,000,000 AN AMERICAN PORT, May 81.

How eiKht Dutch fishermen earned $2,000,000 for their day's fishing trip instead of the each, was told today by Michael F. Sweeney of Lowell, and William F. Ford, seamen from the torpedoed Belgln relief steamship Kongalt. The Kongall was torpedoed April 20, off the coast of Holland. The crew escaped in the.

boats and made their way to the coast. They had scarcely landed when the fishermen, who had filled the hole in the side of the Kongall with bags of grain, towed her into port. The salvage money gave each of the fishermen about $260,000. DECLINES OFFER PORTLAND, May SI. Dr.

William Trufant Foster, president of Reed College, has announced his declination of a call to the presidency of Colorado College, Colorado Springs. A resolution signed unanimously by the faculty and students' of Reed College had asked him to remain here. WII I RI IV Shotguns, Rifles, Pistols, 'braw Ing Seti, Musical Instruments, Field Glasses, etc. D02 Bdwy. PH.

Lake. 2164 A4vrUaemenU ICO THE IVY CORSET "IT CLINGS To celebrate the opening of our Fourth Store, and to quickly introduce the IVY CORSET to the ladies of we will place on sale Tomorrow Morning 50 Dozen Ivy- Corsets $1 5 Values to $5.00. Special Introductory price. These famous IVpORSETS are all of ihe latest models and made of Fancy Broche in Pink and White This is a rare opportunity for you to try a GOOD CORSET at the price of a cheap one. This price will only prevail while the quantity lasts.

Come while sizes are complete. Our regular stock is complete in every detail and we can fill your corset wants to perfection. IVY CORSETS are made in 1 00 models Prices $1.00 tb $15.00 IVY CORSETS are guaranteed absolutely to give satisfaction and not to rip, tear, break or rust. Expert corsetieres always at your service to demonstrate the superior qualities of the IVY CORSET. IVY CORSETS give youthful lines.

with the solution, and while damp rinse the hair well In tepid alum water (two teaspoons of powdered alum to one quart of water), then rinse well In plain tepid water, they dry the hair. That Is all. It acts like magic. At once It brines nacK tne natural color, soft fluffiness and gloss to the hair, and restores the original color In shades either of light, me-dlum or dark brOwn, or in blonde shades. You can wash It, brush It and curl or wave it, and It will stay the same rich nat'iral color, stay fluffy, stay glossy way clean and odorless, with a clean scalp.

Ovelo powder solution Is inert and strictly harmless always a child can drink It. Any druggist can easily get ovelo powder for you. If he happens t'o not have it in stock. Advertisement. Sale Starts at 9 A.

M. Don't Forget POMIN Ivy Corsets Agent Stunts Galore'2 TRIBUNE DAY at IDORA Wednesday, June 6 537 Fourteenth Street, Corner of Clay Street We also have JHREE stores in San Francisco-.

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