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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 5

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY EVENING Oakland august 14, N11 Hi 4 j-v i un ss ii i 55 if Jir in i sl. il Ml 1 I 1 11 II II I I IU 1 IVN I i I I II 1 lV i Will Close Biennial Conference 0 Corner Stone Laying of New Mission of St." Augustine's Episcopal 'Church Is Held Americans See Holy; Lfand From Air "The roost modern fashion of see- fng- Jerusalem Is that enjoyed by the angels at th Christian era few Americana 5 derful experien at Ihe a na "The School OFSilence" To Be Topic Rev. Howard I. Kerr preaches at 11 o'clock 'tomorrow morning In Brooklyn PresbyterlstfccUurch on the 'he theme, "The School ot Silence." At ths regular Sunday evening serv ice at 7:45 Dr. William 8.

Nelson, from Tripoly, Serbia, will bring a stirring message on the situation W. the Near East. He comes from tf very heart of the Kastern condition. The chorus choir of Brooklyn church has been reorganized for the winter under the auspices of the choir director. Miss White.

A splendid quartet has also been arranged by the musical committee the Ladies' Aid Is planning to entertain the cboir in the near future. Tha ladles of the church are arranging tor a big day on Thursday, August IS. when they will gather for work at 10 o'clock. luncheon will bs served them at 12:30. Together with the other churches of Kast Oakland, Brooklyn Is making? every preparation fqr the evangellM io campaiKn to be carried on during tiie fall.

The fall work of this church is bejrtnning trr earnest. Tomwreow Day" In the bund-i-V school. With the Increase In return of the workers, definite follow-up "work begins next v.eek. Brooklyn is not only laying plans for Sunday work among ber young people, but is having a program whereby the church will be open to them on weekdays. The boys' ds-partment hss been reorganised Into six ciubs'instead of four, ss it was previously.

Jn this department there has also been organised a splendid High School Toung Men's club. Two clubs have been organised for the younger girls the Rain-bow Guild and the Silver Link Uuild one belna for Chines o-irla ACTIVE PLANS FOR UNIVEkSIT CHURCH WORK Not many people know of the many big things that sre being done in the University Christian church. An assistant pastor, ifMss Neva Ritchey, has been employed, and she is busily enraged In the work. Tomorrow ls "Students' Enlistment Pay," and Friday and today workers from lha church, were on shs university grounds informally 'mingling among the students i and Interesting them in the great program which has been prepared for their benefit. This evening at the church will be held a "Heliu" party.

All young people who are looking for place to spend the eveuing are Invited. A unique Idea Is be carried, out at thia party. Sunday morning at :45 a a Bible class taught by Dr. W. F.

Myers ot the university is a very Interesting part ot the program. At present they are studying the bcsk by Rauschenbusch, "The Social Principles of Jesus." Tomorrow evening, at the church, "a fellowship luncheon" will be served at fi p. m. This Is In charge of the young people and Rev. Cedric Or Price, the minister, win be -the-tosstmaster.

The Endeavor service 1a at 7 p. m. This Is certainly a great meeting. Just think of finding 100 young people In a meeting of their own, and it la no dry, insipid meeting Please give us a trial. "J'lie morning sftrvice will it 11 a.

and Rev. Price will speak on the theme, "The Call of the Galilean." Special music also at this ber vice. The sermon theme in the evening will be, "The Age of Opportunity: Its Challenge." This is especially adapted to the needs of students upon entering the university. ST. JOHV'H PRBtllVTKRIA'V Rev.

R. S. Donaldson will occupy the pulpit of St. John's' Presbyterian church tomorrow at both services. Dr.

Donaldson's themes will be of In terest, the morning one entitled "The Excellent Way Through Sather Gate." The speaker Is a well known divine and is secretary of the Church Ex beginning- of the from ihe say; ana a have had this won- ience. among; mem t. Lincoln L. Wirt, who speaks tomor row night at the k'lrst Congregational Church on A Pilgrim In Bible lands'' Net ohlr Palestine, but Mesopotamia, the Garden of Eden. Asia Minor and Constantinople, have been recently visited under special arrangements with the British officials.

Dr. Wirt heard from General Alienor the atory of the remarkable campaign by which the Holy Land was won and Jerusalem redeemed Ty British Tommies; moreover ha has fresh communications from that land where Mohammedan uprisings "aire threatening; anew the British empire and the peace of the world. All people who are interested In world problems, or love brilliant and picturesque speaking; are. especially Invited. v' At the morning; service rtsr.r".

J. Van Horn, the pastor, will preach on "Pictures of and, as always, downtown church most convenient to reach extends a cordial Invitation to tourists and visitors. ScUnct cnimciiES OF cnmsT, SCIENTIST Subject of Lesson Sermon 1.ri... ,1, 17th and Franklin l8t UlUrCll Bts. Reading; room.

open 12 to 4 p. m. excepting holidays. 2d LllUrCn- near Telegraph. Reading room open 1 to 4, excepting holidays.

1 rll 1 1251 oa unurcn e. ith st. Heading room open 1 to 4, excepting- holidays. 4th Church- icU AudUor'-5th Church 1. J50 41st two vaiuiiu blks.

east I Broad- way. Reading; room open 2 to 4:10. 7th Church- Harrison bet 23d and 14th sts. is I Plans of St. Augustine Colored Episcopal Mission, now being erected on the site of the old edifice, Twenty-seventh and West streets, Bishop, Nichols having laid the corner-stone last Sunday.

(Inset) KEV. D. R. WALLACE, pastor of the Mission. Day Adventists work of the Seventh-Day Adventist church In this part of California.

Mora than a million dollars will bs necessary to finance instiutlonal and evungrellstic work of the conference during the next two Tears. In addition to the tithe system used by Seventh-Day Adventists for the support of their evangelistic work in the homeland, the delegates voted to raise 2O.0uA for foreign missions during- ths biennial period. This plan calls tor 0 cents a week from each member for educational, medical and evangelistic effort In heathen lands. CHURCH PLANS RECEPTION TO WELSH ENVOY On Wednesday night. Aupust l.

at o'clock, there la to a mfpttti2 at the Welsh Presbytertan Church. It Is to be In the nature of a reception for Rev, Ellis Parry of Wales. Parry was a chaplain with the British army In France with the rank of captain. He has been commissioned to visit the WelKh centers of the United Slates In the Interests of the T. M.

C. A. work In Wales There will be a short program and Rev, Tarry will make an address. lit-freshments will be served by. the women of the eongre-patlon.

Kvery pprson Interested In Wales and things Welsh Is Invited to attend. The usual services will be held tomorrow at the church, under the direction of the pastor. Rev. O. R.

Williams. At 10 o'clock Sunday School has its various classes and at 11 a. m. the worship service will be Kngltslu The evening service will be at 7:0 -and will be In Welsh. Travels in Egypt and India, Subject Rev.

W. Rollln McCaslin will speak at Centennial Presbyterian church. Twenty-fourth avenue and Foothill boulevard morning artd evening tomorrow. In the evening he will give some of his experiences Kpvpt nhd India. Danlgli Rortpp gian Baptist Danish Norwegian Church i5th Aver near E.

14th REV. P. PETERSEN, ph. Merrltt l7l. Services: Sunday school, 10:00 a.

Danish service, a. m. English, t. Young People's meeting st 7. ftnitwsaUst The Temple" PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTIVE IDEALISM PRESENTED BY BERNARD C.

RUGCLES, Minister THE CHURCn OF THE UNIVERSAL CHRIST HOTEL OAKLAND, ROSE ROOM 11:00 A. "THE INNER SHRINE" HOW TO REACH THE CALM SPOT OF LIFE Pmbpieriat! Brooklyn Church Presbyterian Uth Avenue and 15th street "Th Church of Friendly Folk" HOWARD 1. KEKR. U. minister.

"The School' of Silence" P. M. Dr. William Shed Nelson will speak on "What of the Near East" WELSH 18th and Castro: Rev. O.

R. Williams, pastor. 17 Castro Lake. 61 6fi 11 a. English services; 7:30 p.

m. Welsh services. chitect f(rm of Miller ft "ft'arnecke will ba a two-story building seating over 200 on each floor. Relow will he tha parish hall, with siahc. kitchen and other accommodations.

Above will be the church auditorium, with the usual arrangement. Including ministers' study, cliolr room and chapel. The building will bo of framo construction with rustic exterior of the latest pattern. It will cost It la expected that tile building will be ready for use by November 1. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.

m. Even. Ing acrvlces I o'clock, at First, 8ee-' end. Fourth. Fifth and Seventh churches.

TESTIMONIAL MEETINGS Wednesday 1 p. m. 8UNDAT SCHOOLS :10 a. also 11 a. m.

at First and Second churches, DOWNTOWN; READING ROOMS Terry 44 11th open a. m. to p. excepting; Wednesday, when they close at 7 p. open Sunday from 1 to i p.

closed on holidays. S-L t'V- 1 DRRAY Organist for Temple Baptist Church and Clune's Auditorium Theater of Los Angeles; special World's Fair" Organist To r-1 1 GIVE Work of Seventh Tbs second biennial conferenca and camp meeting of the California conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, In session at Beulah Park sine August' will hold the closing aeaslen tomorrow. Report of the president and other conference officers Indicate reat prosperity during; the past two-year period. ti. ramn meeting: has drawn the largest attendance in the 'history Kearlv 180 famlll of es have camped In the comfortable tents on the park groupds; 2609 people attended each service Saturday Sunday: Delegates have beeV" tendance from Alameda, -Aicat.

Berkeley. Blue Ike. Byron, toga. Eureka. Ferndale, fort BragK, Fortuna.

Frultvale, Healdsburg, Hol-llster iJiguna. La Honda, Llvermore, llkepoftf Martlnea. McKinleyvil e. Monterey: Morgan Hill Mountain View. Mulberry.

oerwood. Petaluma, Petrqlla, Rloh-ErlL i Santa Crus. Sani- b.b Rafael. Santa Rosa, h.itnnnl. Kmlth River.

Bonoma Ho- quel, SL Helena, Ukjlah Vacaviile, Wllllts and Val elo. watsonviiie. The folidwlnr offiver have been elected for the biennial tfrm: Q. Wells, president; H. B.

Thomas, ec-retsry-treasurer: V. K. Royer. ct-tary-tredsurer of the -Tract Society, B. H.

Abbott, field missionary secretary; J. D. Adler, home mlsslonery secretary; Lester Bond, missionary volunteer secretary: 1)r-Av'V; man. medical secretary; H. Dexter, aecretary religious liberty department; Francis Fry.

"fh retary; Mrs. Belle C. Hall, faabbath school secretary. a The conference has manlfeated a progressive spirit. Plans have been laid that will greatly etrengthen the guMtUsft Baptist Swedish Baptist Church Cor.

10th and Mag-noil ava. Rev. John pastor. Sundsy school a. m.

Morning service, 11 clock. Young Peoples, :15 p. m. Evenins; service 7 90. Baptist TENTH AVENUE BAPTIST COR.


USi a "LOSINI THE CON-SCIOtSNESS OF CHRIST." 7 m. The second of series of addresses on "THE BIOLOOICAL APPROACH TO THE SOCIAL PROBLEM." BFTH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH. vih.Ith ata. Ser- everv Sunday at 11 a. m.

mnd 1 rr t. y. p. prayer meeting; every Wed. eve.

at p. Hawkins, pastor. 11S Chestnut st HASTINGS RECITAL! INDEPENDENT. SPIRITUALIST LEAGUE Jenny Llnd Hell. Tclerraph Av.

OFT- Kits DR. F. C. HAG EL IN in Business Some Spirit Messages Are you a skeptic? If so, we want you to, coma. Oood music.

All wel-onm. Pundsv. August 15. m. Spiritual Truth Church 629 12th Sunday.

p. tn. A CHURCH OP HAPPINESS Sermon "POWER OF Tromhons snlo, Mr. Driitrht-. Messages and Character Rradtng.

Mrs. McMillen, minister. Th" Twenty-fifth Annual Convention of the California fctate Spfrttualists' Association, luctd at Knpoattion Auditorium, San Francisco, Septem. ber 1st, td. Id, 4th and 6th.

1920. UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALIST SOCIETY Mldfet Hall. Psclflo ISth fend Jefferson Sts. Service Tomorrow at ":3 Hharp. Subject, "How to Unfold Medlumshlp" WALTER GORDON Test rnoAri Tiy wft'd dares to itlva ths truth.

SEATS FREE NO OFFERING 8 In in p. An Interested crowd wss gathered at and West streets last Sunday afternoon to witness the laying of the cornerstone ot Augustine's Colored Episcopal Mission. The lit. Rev. William tord Nichols, sssisted by Dean Edgar F.

tiee and a doj.en of the Esst Lay clergy, conducted the ceremonial. A vested choir led by a cornstist rendered the musical numbers. Addresses were made by Bishop Nichols and Dean (ice, who (Jointly established the mission ten years sgo at St. John's Churclq Eighth and Urove streets. A box containing the following articles wss deposited In the stone by the reotor.

Rev. D. R. Wallace: One copy ssch of the Holy the Hook of Common Prayer and Hymnal, the Living Church, the Pacific Churchman, tha Young Churchman, the Shepherd's Arms, the 18-0 Convention Journal, the Spirit of Missions, the Oakland Tribune, the Western Outlook, the roll ot members. Interior and exterior photographs of former building.

F.N-KAIlt.lSHKII IK 1DIO St Auguttttnes Mission was established for work of the Episcopal church among the colored people of the East Kay cities on the last Hun. lay In July. 110. at St. John's Church.

Eighth and C.rove streets. The Rev. international Bible students The Gospel of The Kingdom of cheer to all by J. MacPherson Evangelist MacPherson is known throughout the United States and Canada as an interesting speaker and Rihle exponent Don't fail to hear this lecture at I. 0.

O. F. TEMPLE Eleventh and Franklin Streets, Sunday evening 7:45, August 13. This lecture is entirely free to all. Elmhurst Christian Church Elmhurst Christian Church tOth avenue and 'East 14th St.

,11:00 a. "Shall We Recognize the Present Divisions In the Church?" p. m. A Leader for iiewll-dred Hnmnnltv" TO ORGAN -TOMORROW EVENING, Dr. Snape's Sermons 1J a.

m. "The Generic Idea of God" 8 p. m. "The Lure of Life" SoloisU Flora Howell Bruner, soprano; Charles Lloyd, basso; Martha Dukes, organist. tension Board of ths coast (Presbyterian).

Next week It is expected that the pastor of St. John's. Rev. Frances W. Russell, will again be "on duty" at the parish, and will no doubt conduct the services the- following Sunday, The regular meeting of the Presbytery of San Francisco will be held at the First Prenbyterian Church at 1:30 p.

m. next Tuesday. Reports are expected from the folowing: Committee on Evangelism. Committee on Vacsncy and Supply. Committee on New Era.

Board of Church Extension. Com. miasioners to the General Assembly. Executive Commission, enpecislly on the Chsnge in the Rales of Presbytery. Other business of importinqe to come up.

Blblf Class Pbilo'mathean Bible Class Sunday 10 a. m. sharp. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCII, 21st and Telegraph S. Mal.

teachsr. Oakland Cruth Center e.n "i 1 LETITIA A. ANDREWS announces services at Ebell Club Sunday 11 a. m. Topic, "LAND OF HEART'S DESIRE" MRS ANDREWS, speaker.

REBECCA ALLEN of Louisville, Ky wilt conduct meattners on Monday i p. m. and on Thursday iO p. m. On Thursday at p.

ni. Mra. Andrews! will commence a class In used ss the textbook. All Are Invited Congregational PTIX1R1M CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. th Ase.

and B. 15th. Rev. Ralph C. Waddell, pastor.

11 s. The Christian Doatrine of Providence" Van Horn will preach on of God" i I Presbyterian for American. Ten of Brooklyn's girls spent last week camping at Mulr Woods. BRTHANV BAPTIST The subject of the morning service st Bethany Rsptist Church will be "The Falling Vision." and in ths evening, "tSotl Tenting Among l'' Tha Bible School will meet at :45. and the two worship services are at the usual time.

The R. V. P. IT. meeting comes at 7 o'clock, to which all young people of the communitv are invited.

On Wednesday at 9 o'clock a mid-week meeilni? will he held. Hey. y. piBher Is the pastor. EPWORTH LEAGUES Sth Ave Kpworlh league, ftth ave.

and 4 7 1 It Meets at 6:45 Topic: "THE LESSONS FROM TUB TOET3 (Exodus Come and Join Cs. Kveryhotly Vlcome. Pioneer Memorial Epworth League, and ave. Meets at 7 p. Topic: "Christ In flu: Poets," Knortus Hebrews Lrader, Mr.

Schaeffer. B. 63d and Bhatttick Oakland, f-hattuck cars No. 4. Meets Sunday.

ii p. m. Presiding; officer, Edw. U. Johnson, pres.

SR.SS Whitney Onk. Eclscpal SOTO ST. PAUL'S Cer Grand Av. and MontecUo, Grand Av. or Lakeshars C'.

The Rev. Alexander Allan. Reefer. r.00 a.m. Holy 11th Sunday after Trinity.

11 o'clock Morning; prayer and sermon by the rector. There will be no service on Wednesday morning. Chapel of the Oood Samaritan. 11 o'clock morning prayer and sermon. ST.

JOHN'S Rlgffth snd Qrovs. The Rev. J. L. roster.

M. Rector. 1:69 a. m. low Celebration.

11 :00 a. m. Choral Celebratloa 7:38 p. m. Choral Evensong.

Church School. 7:30 a. Thara. 1:30 s. Fflrtwv, i.

'n. TRINITY CHURCH lth if. and Telegraph HOLT INNtX'BKTS' CHAPEU 4ih St. and 8hattuelc Ave. Rev.

Lloyd R- Taomaa, Services 7:89 t.n, 11 a-ra. and p.m. Church school .4 am. STmupr- -4- Wleel Ava. and Capp eta- Church school i a.

m. lervlces at 11 a. m. Kvenlng jrayer 7:30 p. m.

Adult Btbie Class p. m. Ksv. ilarwld H. Kellejf.

Qiurch of thf Advent B. 1 fit ri St. and Ave, Rev. Isaac Dawson, Hector. Services a.

1 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 4i a.

m. Young People meeting r-i. CHURCH OF TIIE ADVENT E. 16th and 12th Ave. Dawson, pastor.

Communion service at a. Monday school a. m. Services at 1L a. m.

and Cpisccai Episcopal Church Rev, John Stephens, U.D.. VILL rRHVOI A. M. the Common IJfe SlilluIart, A. A.

iifllf mmmm Special feature of morryng service, Cello Solo, Miss Uorotuy Dukes. Ordinance of Baptism introduces morning service. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH TELEGRAPH AVENUE AT TWENTY-FIRST STREET Edjjar F. Gee pastored- the congrega-tiiM until August, 1911, when the Rev. IX K.

Wallace came from Chicago to assume charge. In April, 1813, a sits with a small building was purchased by the diocese at the corner of Twenty-seventh and West streets. In these small quarters for seven years a splendid work has been Including the raising of sufficient funds to enahls the present large undertaking. The membership is lt3. new edifice planned by ths ar FEATURES FOR LOYAL YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLASS The Ioyal Young class of the First Christian church Is attracting considerable attention, as new features are Introduced every Sunday and special speakers are scheduled.

Miss Zelma Carlson, who will talk on "A Farmer's Life," is the special speaker for tomorrow morn ing at Mr. Haler Is the new president and Is Introducing several niuv plans which tend to work out well for the growth of the class. The age limit is from "17 to JO." Fifty-nix young people enjoyed the last business meeting and social ot this class, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Daw.

Tomorrow the services of the church will be at ths usual time, with the Interesting "Junior church" meeting In a downstairs room during the worship srrvice. The Lord's Hupper will be observed at ths morning service and special muslo will be rendered both morning and evening oy the choir. Miss llernlce Zumwalt and Miss Mildred Jones are the lead ers of the Kndeavor meetings tomorrow evuning at At o'clock the I'lndeavorers will conduct religious at the County Hospital. Fred Evans Is In charge of the trans- finrtatlon and would appreciate ths osn of a few more machines. Valuation 3rmn sijTsn ji i -1 i SALVATION ARMY 533 EttNTII STREET 11 a.

ra. Holiness meeting. 3 p. m. Praisf meeting.

3 p. ni. Company meeting. 6 p. m.

Young People's meeting 8 p. m. Salvation Meeting. WELCOME Mountain and Hifthland Avenues 5 p. m.

Yonnj People's Meeting Clsen 1:30 I. M. i First Presbyterian Church OAKLAND'S TEMPLE BEAUTIFUL- The Church for Visitors. Corner Twenty-sixth ami Broaflway. Rev.

Frank M. Sllsley D. Pastor. Rev. Homer K.

Pitman, Pastor Trinity Presbyterian Churcb, San Francisco, nill preach 11:00 A. M. fcThe Church and the Community" 7:30 P. "Brother-in-law -to the Church' SPECIAL MUSIC CHURCH QUARTETTE ORGAN RECITAL INTER-CHURCH BREAK TO BE PASTOR'S TOPIC "Why Did the Northern Baptist Convention Bever It's Connection with the Interchurch World Movement? This will bo the subject discussed by Rev. J.

N. Garst, pastor, in the Twenty-third Avenue Baptist church at 7:45 tomorrow evening, tlarst was a California stats deli-Rale to the convention and a member ot the Important committee on order of buxl-ness when this matter whs disputed ot. Not only the members of his church, hut many others who have been following with Interest the Interchurch World Movement will want to hear Rev. Carat. Ths Sunday school will meet at and the sermon subject at 11 o'clock will be "Let's tlo Fishing." Ths U.

Y. P. U. will meet at the usuxl time with live leaders in charge. Tuesday evening the Sunday School Cabinet will hold a meeting and Wednesday at 7:45 p.

ni. the church will meet for prayer and conference. KLVIU IUT CHItMTI l.V At the Klmhurst I'hristinn church, Ninetieth avenue and East Fourteenth street, the Bible school which meets st each Sunday under the direction of Mrs. Clara Atkins will observe Mloine Coming- Day," August Each ulasa is asked to make an effort to have every member of his class present. An excellent program Is being arranged.

The pastor, Ttev. J. A. KhnptsuKh, will speak at both the services tomorrow. In the morning he will take as his theme, "Hhali we Recognita the Present liivislons In the Church?" In the evenins- the subject will be "A for Kewlldered Humanity." This will be the first of a series of popular sermons on present conditions.

Additional Church Notices on Page 1 2 esssesssVsssgsaj PIONEER MEMORIAL Cor. Telegraph anj 37th HAHOLD OOVKTTK. Pastor. 11:01) a. m.

"NICODKML'8" P. tn. "A GOOD SIGHT" Sunday ttchnnl a m. ietnodlst Episcopal Eighth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church Ith ave. and (1 17th at "Tfcr Janres Whltker Pastor.

Services at .11 a. in. and 7:30 p. 1 Wpworth Lesg-us m. Centennial M.

E. Church Chester and Sth Hts. Sunday School :5 a. m. tns; (Service 11 a.

Intermediate League 1:11 p. Epworth S.4i p. Evening Worship o'clock. Alfred J. Kennedy, Pastor.

24TII AVE. M. E. CIIURCU 14th ave. nnd rev.

oeo. c. Presetting; 11 K. lMh PEARSOS 7:30 p. ra.

Epworta League :30 m. fjunnwy brno.M. a. m. BT.

STEPHENS METH. CHURCH, cor. PsrK Blvd. and 13th pastor, T. A.

Story Sunday-school. Ep worth League, p. worship, 11 a m. snd 7 45 p. m.

ITlfthodUt First Methodist 24th and Broadway DR. STErHExNS 11:00 "Cliristianity ilnrt 7:30 'TIic Single Bfie F.ralty RoJU'l, Church Muic Christian "WHY NORTHERN BAPTISTS SCRAPPED INTERCHURCH WORLD 4 MOVEIMENT" will be discoeJ tomorrow at 7:43 p. m. in llie Evenly-third Avenue Baptist Church Twenty-third Avenue and1 Esst Seventeenth Street BY REV. JOHN NEWTON CARST who ws California delegate to the Buffalo convention snd member of lha Order of Business Committee wbn the Interchurch matter was called and settled.

Yon can not afford to mi this. 11:00 A. M. "LET'S CO FISHING" YOU ARE WELCOME TO BOTH OF THESE MEETINGS The First Christian Church Grand Ave. and Webster St.

REV. IL'A. VAN WINKlE, pastor congregational "A MODERN PILGRIM -ttiOOVrMrAND Spiritual UK. If. 0.

BREEDON President Board of Christian Church will speak at both services. AT HOLY PLACES" being a narrative of personal visits to the lanrl of Paul the Apostle, Abraham the Pilgrim, Jesua the Christ, with a look into the Garden of Eden, and a conversation with General Allenby, the Christian Conqueror of the Holy Land. By LOYAL LINCOLN WIRT Sunday Evening at the First Congregational Church Twelfth and Clay Streets YOU ARE At 11:00 o'clock Rej F. J. "Pictures University Christian Church Dana Street and Bancroft Way, Berkeley 11:00 A.

M. "The Cail of the GallieaV; 8:00 rM. "The Age ot Opportunity; Its Challenge" SPECIAL MUSIC CHURCH OF OCCULTISM Athens Hall Id Floor Pacific Bldf-. 16th at Jefferson. Sunday next, 7:10 p.

m. miss Subject, "The Gateway of Prayer" FIRST SPIRITUAL CHUnCII. 2118 Telegraph opp. Y. M.

C. A. Pastor, Luclnda Parsons. Sunday 7:45, short address. Messages bv Mrs.

Heath, Mrs. Parsons and -others. Solo by Mrs. Oeddea. Public Invited.

SPIRITUALIST CHURCH meets every Sunday, p. Carpenters' Hall. cor. K. 12th-Fruttvale ave.

Entrance on E. 12th st. Mis. Amanda Smith, minister, leoturs by Mrs. Amanda Pearson.

Messages by Mrs. Pmlth. Mrs. Kvsns, Mrs. Robert and Mrs.

6al- mnn. All w)c-ome. TRINITY SPIRITUAL CHURCH R2 Twelfth 8t. The Chnrrh of the People. Sundex nlns nrvlrea, 7:45.

ins mueto with Shadow Baldwin -iist-rolorattira. Address snd spirit r- by Minister K. K. Frown, K. ivlej-f nl'h snd others t'nme enjoy two hours of spiritual uplift, toata froa.

A Homelike, Friendly Church Frequented by Tourists and Welcome! Unitarian FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH Fourteenth and Castro Streets IIEDMONT CHURCH CHARLES 1). MILLIKEN, Minister PnMie- Worthtp st It- M. "CONCERNING TIIE OVERSOUL" an at -ll-a-rjK by XLARECE J1ELU. "Alaska God's Sunday School 9:45 S. fn Junior rontm I.

J.f.-AiUi1' loruiii.

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