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The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana • Page 6

The News-Stari
Monroe, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MONROE NEWS STxVR, TUESDAY, FEBHUAttV 13, 1917. ORIS AIL NEUTRALS a local and personal the day's records in HAY WANTE H95BfiHSSSBaSKSSS PARISH AND CITY COURTS TO CUT OFF EXPORTS I will bo at the Monroe Hotel on Friday and Hsturday 17i imo to miy ispcdeza and Rerinuda Hay, 1. Ton ftr next at Kern's horseshoeing shop. Wa make wagom of any kind to order. JOB KERN, Prop.

liMviintenl Filed For Record. ii yuu uavB nuy quauiuies io oaer see me from a. m. Washington, Feb. 13.

Mexico's Terminal Investment Cc, to p. either day. The rest of the afternoon will be consumed inspecting hay, M. LEARY Representing gHREVEPOUT MILL ELEVATOR COMPANY do facto government entered the lists as an International peacemaker Monday with an identic note to ell neutrals proposing a joint effort to end tho European, war, to be followed In the event of failure by tno cutting Mrs. Ola Boyd, W.

W. Trimble, Mrs. Fannie O'Brien, sale of lots. of Mrs. Sophia Meyer, to Fred L.

Mover, judgment of putting in possession. R. H. MeCcrd to R. G.

Pleasant, governor, bond as notary publlic. We have moved our market to 515 DeSiard street, where we will have at all times the best beef, pork, san cage and oysters. Game in season. Phone 60., Delivery to any part of y. i MODEL MEAT MARKET.

15 tf a acrergo this year did not City Court. Eudora Dtncan, fighting; fined off of all exports of munitions and supplies to belligerents. The eommvnication was handed to the state department by R. P. DeNe gri, charge of the Carranza embassy here.

It was received with expres Poraronski, fighting; dis Yellow yam sweet potatoes, 25c, 112.50. peck Heavy candy like new crop Wolfe country syrup, 70c. gallon. Aspara charged. THE MARKETS COTTON.

sions of ra'ngled amusement and much in today's advance as 1 positions. There is said to bj outstanding cales of spring an mer months r.gainst spot tho uncovering of which is Dei fleeted in old crop months more strength than distant pbl Tomorrow morning at 9 o'jelf cal time, tho United Etates tens' gravity In official quarters. The pro WANTED AT ONCE! vailing opinion was that Secretary Lansing would reply promptly and NEW ORLEANS. gvB id, cans lac, at JU K. rowers.

ISMt. Beginning Monday, Feb. 12th, our phone No. at our plant will be 217. At onr tailor shop 1868.

Selig lttsselL Inc. tO SL. reau t.ill make report on quad Boy OP man to deliver briefly refer. Ing to the futile effort SbrevepoiT Times eV61v0? President Wilson to bring about morning. Good par for twoj1)oace aud out er hoiiN work dflilv Annlv conditIonB an embargo on nouis woik ciauy.

appij ,11. wouh, ha ft ftf Tuesday, Feb. 13, Spots 17.19; nominal. Sales 1917. 477.

cotton consumed in the Un'tedj during January. The Natloitii High Low ners Ar.sociation estimates ftf Among entente diplomats Close 15. 97 15.97 15.91 Yestj 15.24 15.2? 15.31 Ita NEW STAB TMABKET Gralnmont 4 jndles all kinds of fresh beef, pork, i Lraiuy i usage and oysters. Try once Jock afternoon, OP ring Carranza handles sausage and oysters. Try GXl)orta consumed In America, last yeai March 1G.14 (May 16.14 'July 16.17 l.r.50 15.44 15.45 action was denounced as WU over in a halt hour then, Jon" "I'm Glad You Have a Bell Telephone" "It's so much easier to keep in touch with you now and to include you in our little last minute parties.

We'll call for you in half an You, too, should have a tele phone in your home to keep you in touch with your friends and to help in your social affairs. If you will just telephone, call or write, you may find that tel ephone service does not cost as much as you think. 000 last year lluter3 not lnrhii 13 2t. phone 71:4. H.

B. BEl NEW YORK. and yon will be one of onr regular customers. Quick delivery to any part of the city. Thone 973.

23 lm. Grain Letter. The St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern railway will have through Pullman and cafe parlor car for Mardt another evidence of German influence in Mexico and as a further effort to becloud ths issue and embarrass the United States In the situation resulting from Germany's new submarine campaign. Officials of the government who commented Wheat: Trade was Inclined Tuesday, Feb, 13, 1917, Spots 16.30.

Quiet. Miss Rose Abroms of tho Krex Qraa passongers. Meals served a la selling side after a strong On the uncertainty of the war dd rneuts, the large shipments tl carte. 13 St. High Low March 31 15.89 leaves today for the East to purchase tha finest Hue of spring goods ever shown here by the Krex Co.

Informally, frankly expressed the small in visible sari Close 16.30 16.44 10,48 Yestj 15.41 15.65 15.72 May 16.47 15. S3 encourage selling; the new July 16.50 15.92 Notice to the Public. Mr. J. J.

Odffln is no longer In our employ. IRON MOUNTAIN BAKERY. l3 6t. fluences are too remote and di the preponderance of thed i LIVERPOOL. appear to come from Beginning Monday, Feb.

12th, our phone No. at our plant will be 217. At our tailor shop 1308. fcelig RnseU, Inc. 10 3U same vtew.

It became known last night that a proposal ciuilaf to the one now brought forward officially was made at one of the closing sessions of the American Joint commission, which recently attended to solve border difficulties. Louis Cabrera, minister of finance sources and the visibly loonui prosent figmes the selling resumed on all advances. Tfcd Tuesday, 13, 1917. Spots 10.84; fair. Sales 8,000.

Closo Yesty March April 10.47 10.11 May June 10.36 10.03 was very little under that of jSaj Notice. Liquidator's Sale. Monroe, Fobruarj 13, 1916. For Sala A'l of the property and assets of Tho Keller Grocer Com and immediate markets likely to swing within narrov Notice, Elks. Regular meeting of Monroe Lodge, No.

454. B. P. O. Elks, will be held Wednesday, Feb.

14th at 8 p. m. Nomination of officers to serve for the ensuing year. You are request Corn: Outlook is very stt CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (Incorporated.) the visible increases are undl CHICAGO. Tuesday, Feb.

13, and will be until the farm 1917 In Carranza' cabinet and head of the Mexican commission, said they bad hepod the commission would not only settle disputes between the United Statei find Mexico, but ght bring peace to the world. An embargo oa exports wa. his plan. WHEAT ed to attend. W.

H. DeGRAFFENREID, 12 3L Exalted Ruler. under way. The car cargoes faa Close seriously impaired the movement X74 farma and the distribution 148 about normal for some tim. High iMay 17 July ir 2 XORN May 303 (July 10114 Mexico's sxnorts to Europe are pany, Limited.

The undersigned will receive offers from all presons desirous of purchasing any or all of the assets of the eaid The Keller Grocer Company, Limited, until and including Saturday, February 24, 1917. Apply to any of the undersigned. J. KELLER, W. H.

DeGRAFFEXRElD, B. X. DUFF. 13 1 01. Liquidating Commissioners.

fttore Was losed. The Stovail Sales Company's store probability of a scarcity In thid Beginning Monday, Feb. 12th our phone Xo at our plant will be 217. At our tailor shop 1ST, 8. Selig Russell Inc.

J0 3t. considerable and of vast import Low 172 1474' 101 55 ft will ASAINST RUTHLESS shortly lends strength to th side on the declines. ance to the entente allies. Euorra 101 100 ous quantities of oil for the British OATS Oats: Arw marking time audi fleet are from tho Eng'ish is still hedging character, thf May 57 PRCBE FOOD COST SUBMARINE WARFARE 66 owned oil fields on the Mexiccan east July G4i dropped off arcund a million fa, LOTT AND WIRTH Carpenters and cabinet makers. Old furniture made like new.

Hand made screen doors. Also repair work, 110 North Third street, onder Opera house. I coat iu i 1 but the accumulation was that It will take quite a whllt Extend Pike Peak Highway. nv do ided strength to tlJJ Washington, Feb. 13.

A bill directed against ruthless submarine Washington, Fab. 13. Approval for a $400,000 appropriation will here was closed by creditors this morning on writs from St. Louis, St Joseph, Mo Feb. 13.

Plans for the extension cf the Pikes Peak from Us relative fluctuatioas asked of President Wil3on by the warfare and open ports corn. ton store was closed several days ago. hIshiyy from Philadelphia, whero it Fedftral Xrade Commission and by and harlors and waters of thr Unit i II. R. 8 re nu'i una urn vvniaiu iruiinus, iu ThO COmOanv'a rwt MnnrnA hratioh H.

R. Speed's Daily Cotton LHtr. New Orlorns wires; Tiiore wera no Important developments ovor the holiday t0 remove tho uncertainty of politics the market qu.Aly hut steadily creeped upward, ovdng to the scarcity of offerings and shorts cov ering, prices advancing about $4 per bftle for new crop deliveries. I Of lato Liverpool has displayed an the departnmnt of agr'culture for ed States in tirao of war to the war the food price investigation they are ships of belligerents against whom Membors of the Chamber of merce are urged not to fort Phone 1301. 29 1 m.

The St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern railway will have through Pullman and cafe parlor car for Mardl Oras passengers. Meals served a la carte 13 5t. Fresh country eggs and chickens. One Horse Cash Grocery.

Phone 1053. 12 6t. Invitations have been issued to the various leaders of church organira bucIi warfare fs waged, was introduced by Senator Saulsbury today. It was referred to a committee. meeting, night t0 consider tlw oaltion hold a fair in Monf was damrgod by flro about a month SQinu and to New York and ago.

Tho firm dealt in bankrupt aW island, and from its western stocks. terminus at Salt Lake City to the Pa cifio. coast, aro to be considered by tho Velvet Bean Maal, tho South su Plkes Pcak cean t0 Ocean Highway perior feed cows catt'e and Association at its ennuai national hogs. High quality, cheap price. Al which began In this city so beans for planting.

today. The convention, which 111 CAXTELOU BROTHERS, I bo ln ion Wt attended by rail. 1 about to Etttrt r.t bis direction. The inquiry will begin as soon as the money is available and a TJlau of organization 's worked It will go deeply Into the charges of price manipulation end restrafut of trade in violation of the arti laws. At least six months trill be required it is said tcday, before any Mrs.

C. O. Woodbriago, a former upward tendency with tome ira of Monroe, died last week at provement in the spot demand and as her home in Fort Worth, Toxbh, ac reports from England and cording to information received by American aro encouraging offorings friends herd. Her death was sud contracts been very light, den. Mrs.

Woodbridge owned con In other words, futures are dispute coiogaieB from many staton. Feb. 13A20 Montgomery, Ala. tions for a silver tea on Valentine's day, in the Methodist Sunday School room. 10 3t.

sort of a rypor can be made, and a (Continuea from Page Ona Minnesota Crop Improvement, property hero. the adjusting themselves to the value of I I A A 4. VM.11 1 a in cmr 1 1 gyr ri a vw Rats Foil Victims of II. C. L.

Boston, Fb. 13. Becp.use Notice is hereby given that th the food destroyed by Boston rata is family 4 1917 a on will revi.4 U.iI.rly:?i.g cause fi advanc chlof Pmmt Kentucky John G. Qd nnosOta Cron Imiifravtanrjit AftHrt. jing food coatsr i4UtJU 10 ino iaie ffc in rs nim ro Aionutain railway tnrongn uu uu 1 a exports 01 yarn died from alcoholism.

He plantation of the H. H. Fi'htcl estate at Cbroy is posted and the public is warned not to hunt or trespass on the same under penalty of prosecution. J. C.

Mills, Manager. um uuuu vuu 7u lsiana. during jaauary were 14 llion the cltv ifl hpro vniinrt hfr tnHv nw! win be. to cover every side of the food tnecity ii nere he had beog a i puuuus vs. ror iasc your year when found overcome bv i a tv ll it hi in it in session until FriHav.

situauon. jts cDservat'ons will lnr fluence of Hquor. His body Is that good aoed whoat and goo.J wdft the WDrk of the farmer, the estimated to increase the cost of living to the extent of a million dollars a year, a systematic campaign waa launched today to exterminate the rodents. The movement originated with tho Women's Municipal League, at whose request Mayor Curlcy by offlcicl proclamation deaifnated tod for boinnSnr the rat extermination campaign. 10 SL held at Peter's undertaking pi Messrs.

J. Mf Hatch of Buckner of cloth 499 million yarc's vs. 424, and C. M. Noble, and J.

C. Morris .103,500. of Charlleville, were visitors to Mon Fall Ri'mr reports the sura of roe last night, having come over to $761,975, an average of 2 1 2 per the potatoes will be scarce will ij In Packer, the commission dealer, commission dealer, wnne an eaort is Doing madf rain nf Hlo. fam vestiKated, and experts who have gono over tho Northwestern field will attend the play at tho opera house, cent was paid on a of wholesaler and 1 the retailer. Experts will go into every detail of food production, distribution and A new division will be establ'fhod, the sole duty of make reports.

$30,585,000. Cotton mill men says Rernstorffs laM day In Wasldn 'ii Mr. and Mrs. A. P.

WImborly, Mrs. A. S. Pipes and Mrs. T.

S.Barham of Washington, F. 13. Ti tr Count von Bornstorff's last 1 which will be fix the responsibility Ridgo, were registered guects at WaKhington. The former aia the Monroo hotel last night. dor affd his staff will laave for high prices.

The commission has powers in that direction possessed tonight for New York, wherf a FKRTII.lZEIt FERTILIZER I have secured the agency of the Orleans Acid and Fertilizer ad w.l keep a stock of their gocds hnd in Monroe. Sea me i.efore buying. 10 6t. GEO. W.

PHILLIPS. Mr. R. E. Vermillion, road master of P.

C. N. W. railroad, at Preseott, was in Monro Saturday on uuainess, and mingling with friends. The St.

Louis, Iron Mountain aud fctthern raMway will have through tinman sr.d cafe parlor car for Mard! Oras passengers. Meals served a la aria, 13 6t. 1 will take passago tomorrow hi Danish steamer Frederick Vlf Ml fMi'OgreUveu Active In Houth. Atlanta, Oa Feb. 13.

Plans for keeping tho Progressive party in the South In good fighting trim for the preuidentlsl race in 1920 ar to be formulated at a conference of the party leaders called to 'meet in this city It is expected the conference will be attended by delegates from every state east of the Mhadssippi and south cf the Mason and Dixon line a AJ)VKRTTKSME7fT9. FOR RENT To nice large connecting rooms furnished for light housekeepiug. Second door from post office, West Monroe, telephone homo. nil ii Qrmtummi mil Parish Committees May A (If It 740. 13 3t.

the fgur33 aro the largest for any quarter In many years past. Now York advices that hoavy cotton goods have boea strengthened by demr.nds from the government for duck and other merchandise and that similar conditions exist on woolen goods. Tho influence of placing of the United States in roadlnoss is beg'n n'ng to be folt, Philadelphia advising that bids for textile materials to provldo army uniforms for more than 500.000 mea have bcn asked, representing an estimated expenditure about $100,000,000. The toftf average rainfall for Texas for January wss only 1.16 vs. 2.72 and 1 97 in 1915 for tho past four months ending of January 5.43 vs.

7,25 year ago and 12.15 in 193 5. However new crop deliveries, ow New Orleans, Feb. 9. A. ion was adopted by the exfcf by no other' agency of the government and authority to take any measures necessary to make the Investigation successful.

Tab'es prepared with'n the last few days I earing on food prices of 1916, show duriug the yenr there wat a general rdvance in price from 10 to 100 per cor. Some of the staplo articles aud he amount of their price, increases aro: Sirloin, 11 per cent: hr.m, il per cent; lard. 29 per cent; flour, 11 per cent; per cent; butter, 14 per cent; 100 per cent; sugar, 25 per cept; 4 per cent. saleslady. Krox Com commit te3 of the WANTED Experienced No other need r.pply.

POj Jim Flynn to Box Jack Dempsey. Iake City, Utah, Feb. 13. The boxing chib at Murray has com Plotod arrangements to stage a show tomorrow nffjht with a bout betreer Jim Flynn of Pueblo and Jack Demp soy, tho local hef.vywe'ght, as the ma'n attraction. The distance will be fifteen rounds.

The contest wi'l take the place of tho Carl Morris Jack Dcmpsey match which was called off because of Morris illness. 8eve Cold GutrWy Cured. "On December first I had a very severe cold or attack of the grippe as it may be. and was nearly down sick in bed," writes O. J.

Metcalf, Weathe by. Mo. bought two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedj and it was only a few days until I was omn etelv r'sto el to health. I firrob believe that Chamberlain's Coug' Ponedv Ir on Gf te verv best mod cines and wi'l know what to do wher. I have another cold." Obtainable every wb ere.

Advt. central committee at a meerji or Thursday authorising parish tees to act for towns and 1 IJbmry nr. 9 to 11 every day except Wdnadsy. 3 to 6 P. m.

every day. 7: JO. to 9 p. m. every Wednesday.

Library is free to "ill residents of Ouachita parleii. when they bevo no committfd ra ar II lei Oo to the White Way Restaurant and eat some of those famous 'Moore Pig Sausage" the only restaurant la town handling them. 12 6t. 0 calling raunkipai elections. Till provide relief for Breftyx WANTED Young married man, in act bo strictly sober, good disposition, familiar grocery business and hava some knowledge of advertising.

Apply in References required. E. Kali, Monroe, La. 13 6t. Thlbodoaux red a scora oC Louisiana towns.

L. E. Thois increaso in the Shrevenort. presidod. I ing to an expected et ou ml ea a jus ruunn Annual Ball will be at the Armory ll on the night ct Tuesday, Feb 20th.

1917. J. J. JONES R. W.

WINBERRY, E. SCHMALFUSft, 13 t. Committee. ow who ha re1 Vows Rtar iiflAd rontinn use them. art ni ii he IOC OOI hi in 'as1 ij.iiw sszs tsivri i EASY TO USE" itu rei nd SMOKE "LA DELICIOSA" A Genuine Clear Havana Cigar for a Nickel 7(7 Wexler's Cigar Store P5HSN0E Wbere the Live Ones Love to Linger" Give a quick lasting shine and preserve ela i low ha tart nii the I the leather.

F.F.DALLEV CO. OF NEW YORK BUFFALO. N.Y: mTi mm ft Mr i i' f. lit A..

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