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Oakland Tribune du lieu suivant : Oakland, California • Page 13

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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HOTEL HARRISON Why Does a Girl Close Her Eyes When CLARK'S APPEAL POLICE CAPTURE SNOW. BIRD Ell Realty Man Is Own Attorney And Wins Case Can Yoii Solve She Is Being Kissed? OFFICE IS ROBBED THEY SAMS ill UNCOVERED. IN BANDIT PAIR MASTER HOTLY RESISTED HEART OF CITY Tribune Offers Cash Prizes to Those Who Give the Best Replies 1 Men to Collcpe" Taught Where Young Are I fo of Narcotics Long Series of Robberies Charged Against Lonis Morton inna-ked Younp Gun Compel Might Clerk. Empty Cash Cox District Attorney Record of Convietetl Man Precludes Mcrev, 4 JRaidei Bv Officers r.e".iiiisp Milton Clark robbed the Hotel Whilecotton of $l7jf worth of Patrick McX.miara. real estate operator, who was acquitted by a in the Superior Courtyester-fliiy, after standing trial on an embezzlement count, during which he defended himself, appeared in police rourt today following his rearrest on another warrant embezzlement.

McNamara waa taken into custody a year ago on the complaint of the Y. V. J'orter Heal Hstate Company on charge of embezzel-ing funds. When the time arrived for his (rial in the criminal department of the Superior Court last week, he astonished the presiding judge, prosecuting attorneys, court attaches and friends by announcing that he had not retained counsel to defend hint, but would conduct his own case. At the same time he disclosed that before rntcrihg the real estate business he had practiced law 20 years ago.

When he was arraigned on the new charge today McNamara. again announced that he will defend bitnielf against the most recent charge, which has been pending while the Hist was disposed of. valuables when lie whs but IS years old and because the Jury that ron-, ii ieil lvtn of lb" crime recommended be bo given probation. Superior Judge .1. ii.

ijuinii today delayed sen If there is any reason why a girl closes her eyes when site is kissed The TKIIiT'NK, and its readers are soing to come mighty close to hading out. The TKini'NK is offering four cash prizes aggregating $23 for the four best answers to the query: "Why Does a Girl Close Her Eyes When Ktoe Is Kissed? Since the1 contest started last Monday scores of answers have leen, leceived by The TUIBCNK. And many, of the answers come from members of the so-called sterner and hard-boiled sex! Comment on this could be impertinent but it is suggested there should be no reason why the preponderance of deduction on this problem should come from mete IK VOi: KNOW, SAY IT If you know, or think you know, what causes a girl to lower her eyelids while she is being1 kissed send 'y-Jur ex pla nation to The TRIKl'-XK. The contest is. being conducted by tencing lark for his crime until tomorrow.

Probation Officer Leonard Compton recommends that probation be denied because of Clark's bud ree- I Discovery of what the authorities is lirmcil a "snow bird college," young men mid hcen supplied with drus-s and into the iih of narcotics, was made today following a raid by operatives of the stale board of pharmacy on a resort at r.TS Kifteenth street, said to have been frequented in recent months by stylishly dressed "Women who attended nightly "snow Led by Inspector T. J. Melnerm i the pha rmucy board, a squad of officers swooped down on the. place late lust night and found several Jounl people of'hoih sexes ho ap-j'areTitly participated in one of the illcgcd cocaine orgies. At Ihe same time Harry Lewis.

ilc. tQ.iif a drug vendor Wd "king-' of the Kastbuy narcotic ring, was Jtaken into custody for violation of the state poison laws. In Lewis' ord Heading with the court not to brand the Sl-vear-ohl bellboy, hotel clerk and late, benedict as a felon despite his career of crime and hnl M'hcek passlngr'Attorney Henry Davie asked Quinn to consider tlte With the arrest, today of Louis Morton, alius Ncvelle, colored, who Is In the city; rrison charged with burglury. police say they have In custody the perpetrator of a score of bold burglaries committed In Oakland and surrounding cities In the past three months. According to the police Morton Is considered one of the most elusive criminals who has operated in Oakland within the last several years.

Heading the list of "jobs'' accredited to the prisoner Is the burglary of the home of p. A. Diamond. 19.12 Chestnut street, where $2000 In money and valuables was 'stolen when the house was ransacked Sun-dav while the family was away. The loot stolen by Morton, according to the police, will aggregats upwards of In his career In the Kastbay cities Morton has never before been In anything approximating close contact with the' police.

His arrest followed a clue and a tip following tire Diamond burglary Sunday. He was -taken inlo custody early this morning at Seventh snd Canipbell streets by Inspectors Richard V. McSorely- A Armed bandits Held up Hie niRlit clerk of the Harrison hotel, and Harrison streers, shortly after, midnight this morning, and after forcing him to turn over, the ci litems of the cash drawer escaped in a high-speed roadster which had been left standing in front of the entrance with the engine running. Hntcring the hotel lobby at 12: 30 o'clock the tvy hold-up men, un-n'asked ifid described as young and well dressed, inquired the name of a supposed' occupant Whlln Kred II. Miller.

the, clerk, had' his hack turned inspecting the tuest list the bandits envep'd him with their pistols. When the clerk turned to face the men -lie found himself staring into the muzzles of their revolvers. TOI.n TO HAND MON FY. The. robbers then commanded Miller to hand over all money in his possession and he gave them the content of Ihe cash drawer, amounting lo $62.80.

Neither of the- holil-tij. men made any attempt to conceal his features, according to the clerk, who furnished the police with a good description of them. J'oeketing the moyey the bandits backed across Ihe lobby, keeping Miller covered, and on reaching the twinging doors made a ipiick dash lor their automobile and drove hurriedly away. So ipilrkly was the -hold-up effected that a group of two The TRIBl'NK in good faith and any iiiuui of no prisoner lien lie lonteo tile Wliiteeottoii salt in March. tfIR, and to take pity on Clark's bride who is waiting for htm to come buck to her at McAllen.

Texas. wtVw II.IIO MERCHANTS WILL Here is GERAIA)lE FARRAR, in the role of a Spanish beauty, receiving a kiss from her adoring lover, her eves. They're closed. Most girls close their eyes als(fuhcn they are hissed. Why do they do it? The TRIM ME ill pay cash prizes for the four most satisfying answers.

jiusscssion orncers say tliey found H-i He said that Clark was willing to explanation. wjn th serious or otherwise, will be accepted gladly and, if listed rm the prize winners, will be paid for. Here are the conditions governing the conteft. pad them cane-fully, particularly that rule iimiW I ES large iiuantity of drugs. He is believed to have been the "instructor" of the "hop liejHl school," according 10 the pharmacy oMicials.

0 answers to not more than twen The alleged -rendezvous has been mS ty words, as this rule has- been nftuor suspicion lor sometime, ac-tording to Inspector Mclnerney, who ays that conclusive proof of the levels Indulged in with drugs as the No mitriliutions to "charity will be Itr nf thA broken in many instances and -it may mean your contribution will be disregarded. Your answer must not exore-d twenty words in length. It must lie written on a piece of paper laboring your name ami exniltrating lnllucneo, was received-; Merchants' KxchaiiKe, which Includes a majority of Oakland shop and ptnre mid wholesale men, unless the object has bon Investigated hy a secret lii-change committee and approved. The ktep is taken as a double pro. teetioh to the Kxchaiign and to worthy (Miurlty In resolutions passed ut a "TiieeVing last night.

address at the top. Write noth- that Whiteeotton bad. accepted the offer, thai the bride needed her bus-band to help conduct their hotel at McAilen, and charged that a detective had "framed" I he raid on 'lark's hotel in Minneapolis. "There lias been a complete metamorphosis in this youih since he was married' and came of age." declared Havie. calling attention to the fact that the crimes for which the man is wanted in Kansas City.

Omaha, San liiego and were committed when Clark was a- vallow. homeless, irresponsible youth. KKSISTST l'ltOUVI ION. Deputy District Attorney John I'. Calkins resisted the granting of pro-bat ion, declaring, that Clark, alter llerkeley hostelry fled to Minneapolis, was brought IrneK difficulty', was released under bail, fled attain forfeiting his hail and causing a bench warrant to be issued for him.

was brought into court only ing ole or your answer will he I men and two women standing out chniiiiuieri from the route rial li ally. side the entrance were not awaje that the place bad been robbed until It win urged that all Oakland tner i Miller gave the alarm The bandit car disappeared out 'chimin follow the plan or demanding Harrison street and escaped before-fproof of I'lxcliaiign coimeiit with all f-cverai aays aso. Preparations wore Jnade Utst night to raid the place in the midst of one of the alleged or-tsies, but a "hot evideni ly carried through underground channels, caused niott of the occupants in vat-ate the premises before Hhe arrived. For the past several weeks'. JJie Jilaee which is near the intersection H'f Telegraph avenue and Kifteenth meet, within a.

stone's throw of the city hall and Central police headquarters, has been under close watch. "Young people hardly out of their terns have been seen to enter the Jilace at all hours of the day, according to thu officers, 'who also luted that stylishly dressed women end men of a ppa rent respectability were also seen to enter and leave iheKace. llccaiisr they are modest and lo Mill want their lovers to see the loving expression in their eves." S. 601 Seven -ti'Hh stiert. Oakland.

"Ihe pupil varies in according lo light, being larger in (he -hade. She lias a In Iter view of ou." John 1 J'ilth Mi et. i lakland. "Woman instinctively guards emotions. Must not show how much she feels.

Fes are wells of i'vpressioii closing them sell protrcllou." Helen Moore Lout-fellow, 4358 Howe street, Oakland. "Uccaiise she feels sleepy." Mrs: Anthony Mollo, 171- Marine wnv, "thisl Oakl ind. "Ili-caiis it feels good." Mis Hacl Mello. 7 1 Marine Last la la nil. Itis-aiise of the wondcrl ill meaning of a real ki-'aml flit; thrill kisses give.

She closrs ilirni in jovful siliiiig." Norma and t'clia Kiirrtit, I-'oriieth street, i.iaklaiid'. "Woiiiiiii closes her ryes when kissed so that she may think of hint shi' loves without those yis hot ra jilts her." Miss l.nt-IU K2'S Kifl.v-s-cond si i eel, 'oaklainl. "It is Ilia I thrilling sensation of the loin of kiss that make a girl close her eyes, when, being kissed." Mrs. Karney Kubiicius, 1IU2 Laurel avenue. Stoe, woman chses her eyes during the Mrs.

Kohert Khrei', -4T(i street, i lakland. ryrn prrniil the lntln rtrenm. To feel Hint eenlHry nuprrmr, onl.v vlniunw ruu inKtiO And puMRiun'm elniin fulnil." W. Kast Twenty-seventh ftrii-t. Oakland.

"Ifrrauso there is sm a mr and most diino loo rome- to llirni." W. K. Kogors. $2 ltittou avenue, l.eandro. Iterniisr sh i thankful to itid that ilio lias a man to lo-e." --Anna Knopf.

Kast l-iur-teenth ttreet, O.iklami. gos ago when man wore InisJiy whiskers, women, when kissed closed eyes for protection. She dors it yet Miss I'. Stewart. 00 JTigbland a-Mi ic, Kast Oakland.

kiss licCyi en two ktsous where love is 'eriproratcd. causes a wave of emotion to pass through a- Mrsii! mind." Mrs. I', I'erricone las Summitt placi-. I't. Kh'hmonil.

kisM with their eves closed in a case of hashftilncss and in extreme emotional rc-liicy." Churlotte Nornond, 3907 'Webster' street, Oakland. "When a ghl is kissed' iJho closes eyes because she adores it." ISertha liohr. Kifty-sixth avenue. solicit at Ions. The Lxrtimige, tiftor bearing Miss Annie V.

Itrown of the Ktbel Moore Memorial Committee, appointed HHirjr U. IlHtch, 11. Wllenberg, W. Slrel slid I. H.

Fpiro as a committee to co-operate in the memorial Bulk, The jibni lo anneal to the state for the police could give pursuit. noimFKs worn: NO MASKS. Miller told the police that both men bad clean-cut. fealuies, were alioiit years old, vote caps pulled dovvii over their ejes oYid slender appearance. one of them wore a-nark and the other a gray i oiercoat.

A dragrirt as thrown around the c.ti Immeiliately after the hold-up and policemen in all parts of the ci'y instructed to halt all suspicious moimists and subject. Ihem to rigid iiTteslis.ition. Sirliui ban comniiinl-I ties were notilied to be on the look-j I alter his attorney had been threat- oncd with Imprisonment if be did not disclose bis address. Calkins declared that, the July when it n-coni- mended probation did not know of Clark's past, record. I CONTKST tl.OSI.S JAN.

Your answer miisit Ik in the mails by llio night of Tuesday, 25, at the hilosl. your answer to the Contest TKIISI The four winners' names will he made public In The THUSI on Sunday, 30. They will lie solcrled hv TKIII-l' rditoi-v. AK-eptahlr answers will lie paid for at the following rale: First prize-. SIO.

Sc(ind priw, S7.T0. Third prize, $5. Fourt pi i.C; Here is'Mhiy's batch of ans'crs "My answer to why do girls close eyes when klssod is to fool sensation of M-." Sarah II. Brown, 1913 Twenty-second ave-rue, Oakland. IT'S GUT' ISIJSS "A kiss Is the highest point of -oui I li IIcucc ht rcn soil nnd Thomas Wood and two patrolmen.

The offirers surrounded him and covered him before he could resist arrest. Some of the burglaries with which police say they have connected the prisoner are the following: 11. Clinton, 11.11 Market street, November 26. 1920. It.

11. Harris, 102C Brush street. January 16. II. A.

Poll, (Iti7 Eleventh street, January. ill. Ueorge Williams, 003 Tenth street. Ja nuary .10. Mrs.

.1. II. Patterson. 001 Linden street, January H. Mrs.

Mary Karrell, 1 3.18 Tenth slreet, November 3, 1 920. Thomas Moriarjty, 11 Kirkham street, January 17. Frances Arnoued. .1.2.10 Filbert street. November 30, Oeorge P.

llurkins, 92.1 Fifth street, Janmrrv Two Women Are Frightened By Noises Frightened strange noises about their homo at Or.29 Her.og street, late hist night, Mrs, M. Middleton nruV-Wles- liaehee MUUUe.lon,-4Uster... In-law, colored, sent In an emergency call for the police after they thought they paw a. man standing in the middle of the dining room. Terrified, the two women (led from the house through a front window und telephoned for the police from a neighbor's house.

A squad of officers responded but investigation disclosed all doors and windows, wllh-lhe exception of the one through which the women left, securely locked. Davie calm, hack by declaring that Deiintv District Attorney M.Mon liar- pi o- lis had promised not to oppo ballon tf the Jury asked it a state operated lire boat for the. whole of the San l-'mnelsco Itay area which is sponsored by San l-'ranelseo Hy Hint county was approved as well the movement for permanent Asiatic exclusion law s. Attention of the traffic commitlee of the organization directed lo i the January 2fi hearing by Hid Slate liallway t'ouinilssloil of the Southern t'aelllc's plea for Increased switching cl.urRes In iiakland, San Francisco and Los Angeb-s. WOMAN IS PoitTl.ANH, Jan.

--Mrs. V. T. Crane. was taken to a hospital last night suffering from a bullet wound in her right breast, which he-told the authorities she received vheu her father-in-law, J.

T. Crane. ,72, shot her following a quarrel in Six Held for Trial On Girl's Charges the Crane Apartments. The police out and every patrolman in the r.ast.-bav dlsltlct fu in with a description of the baii'llts. Jjho.gun suuads in ihe a riousltTyiice pTecinet stations wer" kept, in readiness to answer alarms in the belief that the robbers mighTnTirnT'nilori the early morning hours.

prrested raile, who denied bavins 1 1 Maiv Kerasin. rrea-t he-fbot: old. Win inisTi tale of hoiesaTe the hands i men ii--. in ages nun suited in the Alleged Cruelty Gets Wife Divorce mid yoiil lis rang 1 1 to 22 has r. S- of nearly' IVILL flFllIIS lCDLD DREDGE IS SAN' I.

s'eii'Oil a impll Jan. lf 1 year-old i up at I be lone I. an lit In eu statutory i barges and ti I' ItANCISCO. v. as held a a AH hour lia-mus a llje red III Ivcrsori knev ii.w bungalow-its Midi as Its rc, 'lid ci i i on id" many iioH'-e com I mil i pill.

lie! fold I I oiul ot the lie liked their li Arkansas st rce.t to iclil.orlio. .1, bo sold I feit'l ion 1 bet MARY PICKF0RD "SUDS" It over lier orit'ior of in Sans -cording i' loijl'lillK the I nee me pi rect last n. a report made pp. LOOSED Bf FLDOD GIVEN PROBATE? -1 The irl I'-ie- put I and bought an Insanitary place It I ph titld i Id. 'the it st.i to testify 1 1 Krelius, lalward Andeis senh KoiiMi John i ictuell ung 'on another which she had at-(to get on iier hands and knees to the i put into condition and which he left today.

The uniierveii by the did not leporl Hilvti and John Soldana. i-'ollou-iiig the hcarlmr woii'ian was so til' i hat she incident until as lea i ng h. Tvsnii, insurart Judge nme time later. She offb of 1 leorye I looker hv whom Smith six of the to im-for their tier lo do while he Went to the home of a friend io help him work, according the testimony of Mrs, Nellie Kcrfou, who watt fronted a divorce by Judge Dudley ICinsell to- is fuiiplo'. cd.

ivlniii.i young man Jui swi-r to the or court alleged acts and set bad a --fi. of, v-nfUen-trf i bl.l in heir i'. i.aion.1. Were yellia lldc I ill'o stepp. dr.OTr i.otlifed -'a revoher at her and her.

in -e Jfu t.i U.e'i"' i 1 i'V I lie hand iimis" an 1 Hp STi M'KTt I ii'Hler swollen ric of the ius the gold dredger of the Hill Mining n. input, napped- her i abb-s ir Knight. Kerry ami was carried more than a mile i'um-i s'ream -before gri.iitidic.g. in l. Lflort-- Me now 1, em to move lb but ii Is doubtful if she cm be iirued to il.e oid location ami lo iv have to revini" where groiitnl- The will of J.

W. Quinn, wealthy shoe man who committed suicide in a vault of the Central National batik a. few" days ao, was admitted to probate by Superior Judge' It. C. Kobinson today.

F. Woolner and, Charles J. lleesemen Tvr-re appointed executors wiihout bond. The court was told the estate amounted to about $100. mil).

(Jiiinn left bis wife. Mrs. Owendolin i.oiiun, all of his real estate, a I 1 slO.l Hersoll -e'tid I.i. me. while a preterenee and ridiculed hi hiudiand, she Is for his Danish and tmgsedl I ji back and i i she ma lo- would kill otlt'TV.

She tie liii el 'dde la iiiPliui'. Central Rank 2d Floor 1118 Rroadway i ot lo her Uo'V rt iiiffit, "i Jf-' i M7in1r-in Tulare, ttounty ami lituiijc i- is not in' cash, amounting in nil $2500 to the "liig movfrneiit of the Oakland i it In i- flood mage Oakdllf SO. ioreH- Of potato! were w.i'-hed out. W.i'ter Is very high to to about, llrother" Indue of 1,1. 4L.

ijf JF4r 'fc-t '7-t tC 1.:. ft--. 'ir' the West-K atherine lakland tj i in ti, a and tho ha Ian Liks. home. J5000 sister-in-law.

the eslate to nieces, Kfoher T'earl Quinn. ot and ir four inrphews ('layton, Sterlin 1, 1 AB'i, i oilllt je il t.i It I I.I Helper Wrongfully Accused of Theft After spending several days in jail on a i hu'rge of grand eenv. I I. Stephens, furnace helper at the son Iron Works, has been releas. fin his own bv I'ulcifer.

following elopmen which liiiV" led Hie com Ida 1 11 i wi' nijss to believe a. mistake made in his arrest. Stephens was accused bv Chris. tens-en, iirnaceliia of the theft id i $100 watch and chain and $90 in money, which disappeared from Clirisiensen's clothing in the lorkei room. Chiistenseti appeared la-fore I'ulcifer with a request that Hid charge be dismissed and said 1m a ftei war learned that another man than Stephens Was thejatt to leavs the locker room, arid that be also had discovered Hiat another watch had been stolen on a day-wben Stepbiin was not ict- work.

VVOMFV TO VVIIIsT A.pol;i.illo.x Corp! No. to 'he O. A. 1: d'e a v-iii-i Stoci ton and during the a M.lilM of the il it when Mormon channel water rose it lo the levee ll a betw Stockton and I.odi. ats of ihe I alilorii.i Traction runparv have jo.t been aide to operate.

CITY'S MARSHES TO YIELD CROP OF VEGETABLES The city of Oakland paved the way for another Infant when the City Council adopted a resolution empowering Manuel tinmen to raise vegetables on the city's marsh lands near Hoi old pest house hi Southwest i.i land, at a-yea rly rental of Flag Is Presented i To School Battalion A larg ratin flasr of purple ami goid, the school colors, with a rie-. sign emblematically representing the. Technical High -was present, ed to th R. T. ba ttalion of i i iff' 'M -i 'V tV ilijJMLf df-dr' i.

"i' 'i. Jin II the school today at presentation ceremonies held In front of the school in which all of the students and faculty participated while school work was temporarily suspended. Presentation of the flag was made A will bloom Phone Oak. 22 here for all time there hac otili rty tomorr ow at moon been a inarch. on behalf of the girls of the school by Miss Winifred Hall, a senior stu-I dent.

The flag was received hy I Major Maurice tiradbury. student commander of the It. O. T. C.

bnt-j The lease v. on the i-e i o'elm in the 1. o. i i. 1 ball Lleventh and I'ranklirr t-'irr's Toe affair, which is bring dir.

-ied Ic Mrs. Sarah Harris,'dd,i ut of the Corps, will he for the, of the r.dlef fund of the ioe "SUDS" at Lowe's State Theater llii week, it takes MARY PICK-FORD an entire day to do a washing like this. ANY WOMAN can do a bigger washing in ONE HOUR ith a Hie City Attorney, who a lew-il that it Of.a-or i nt? to lorm. Commissioner La- ens oesirid to charm; iiiiiii either $1 a year or $100 a year, but the Council voted 'him down. The Council adopted a lesolution employing no extra, a i-sistant janitor for ihe Sreftt.

De anon, woo in turn presenteu Hall with a bouquet of daffodils and I violets, tied with ribbons of the school colors, purpl and gold. Musical selectiona were rendered by the school band. The' It. T. I battalion include 250 uniformed students organized In three com Ilowt it iiiiu li 1 appotnt an iiitli vitlual "I'xocutor, woulil von jeopardize the I'utiirn ol' your lovfil orifs hy an porliajis 1 houc'lil ful, i'Hl liavc a siiici re i I for your l'i aiid au cn-.

luring affi't't ioii. for y.our wife, but why hiirt.lon oillmr of thi'iii with tho c.vafiirig duties of cxcc-utorsliip Tiie prudent tiling to do now is to a 1 1 i ti your lawyer and makf Will, appointing lartrest hank as Kxeenlor thereof. 'I'lie Uatik of llaly the Ideal. Kxe'cutor. It is alwavs always p.iiii'

always always f'd. I all al tlirt Idiiik for a liooUet cx-jiliiinin" om service le, rt merit fi 5 i a da v. panies. I Try i Furtaili" ire very iliffi.iilt to rlen and fini-i. at the he-i.

have an expert ami llir proper equipnient. We. llianlt jou for loJ.i nieriran llveitia fjeanins Work 320-28 Chetinot a'nd 13.1.2 Itroa.lway I.akrviile Two-Two-Six Three Students Hurt In "Lab" Explosion I Ralph Mcintosh and two students i were injured in an explmion In the chemistry laboratory in I'remont High Mchool yesterday. Mcintosh I cut on the hands by broken glass and Buffered slightly from chemi'cals in his eyes. The other boys were hit by flying glass.

The accident occurred while Mcintosh was mixing potassium chloride and sulphur in an experiment after class Mrs. Clark to Be I I y- I lEIectric Washer and Ironer We are making MtT)S" for "our" Mar- in the lobby of the Lowe Stale Theater ibis week and in our ashihgton itreet window here we are demonstrating th II ELECTRIC VAS1IF.H AND jIlOR IRONER. All questions will he cheerfully an-nwered. You are also invited Sentenced Tomorrow Tonight ne'sdaXl Beginning a I 9 ,1. College Orchenlrt Ivory ttnll Hoom Cor Cb4rr.

JUEOEKS. Mistfer. to bring your finest fabrics and watch tlip simplicity and speed of the Thor in making them clean and white with--out the wear and tear of the wash tub. SC. 00 A'oie Puts Any THOR in Your Home.

Ralcnc on Very Easy Terms. Virginia I. Clark's case vis tinued for hearing until tomorrow Urwirrrs, ovrr $1 "i.OOO.OOO.OO Capital and Surplus, Cndividrd Profits, 1 P.ankiwi Offices in 1H California at ft Mrmbcr Federal Jtnerre mnrnlnsr at 9:30 when she will prob ably be sentenced to San Quentln 'await the out. nme of her appeal the Supreme Coerf MASTER DENTIST 1027 Broadway, Corner 11th Mar la irri prleea bark In normal. A Inner a thrae prlrea will convince ton.

I5 set. of H7.K0 110 set of teeth air, no $50 St leelh $10 crown A- brg work. Sl.oo cr fr hrg, wk. fik. rein.

$1 gold fillinga Inlaya. nn (. Slisinp 12 silver A cement- 1 1 1 i ua palnlesa ejiraetion Kitraetloii and cleaning frei trlih other work. I do ail your work personally; no hired operators. Lif'tlme guarantee with a'l work.

Examination free. Hours 9 a. m. to m. Bundajr 10 lo 12.

l'hona Oak. J217. jSanjrtancigcO' Oakland "Blanches: BrJij nd lit Strut 14tk li Melrti Brara-Cf. t. 14th A 46th At.

CaUtn Araaaa R.aitk-5701 CaOa, Ap. I MKi4MMMi44 4tMU nitration fr Tm tsjuonri mmm anirmi immi iw am o.i ocunnnrit wavKs pos ff jmmrom cooegc- ForRTifrvrn axt WAsnnvcTO-V 6TRET7, oakiawd ii il in 1.

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