Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 20
- Publication:
- Oakland Tribunei
- Location:
- Oakland, California
- Issue Date:
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- 20
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PAGE 20 WEDNESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 1919. Combined Telegraphic News Service of all papers. Full Associated United Press, International News and Universal Service. 5 Women's Hats to Be LITTLE FOIK Paria Is Jail Compared With U. Says French Opera Star Pion eer Inside Stand Shoe Shiner, Famous For Chatter, Dead iiiK OPPOSES Si.
OEM BETH. EXPEI1E i MISS MIGNOy LA VRILLE, French ojtera star now making her hom6 in Berkeley, ho says that despite its gaiety Paris is a jail compared to America. 1 lUIIULIIUILIU SAN FUAXCrSCO. Nov. 5.
Two uits were filed in Sail Francisco to- day by opponents of the Hetch Hetchy project in an attempt; to i. prevent the city from expending the. $45,000,000 bond money voted in! 1910 on the grounds that the money! Is being applied for purposes not authorized by the taxpayers when I the bonds were voted. The plaintiff Is W. A.
Jones, a tax payer, and the, attorneys representing him are at-i toraey for the San Joaquin irriga- tion diwtrict. onv the attorneys. W. C. LeHanc, addressing the ity council of Berkeley this week on thej subject, warned tho city to keep out1! of the proposed participation" in! "Helen iletchy hecaufeTlre said, the I -Fan Joaquin Irrigation ists have a' ihj 1H11141 ihiijiw.1 11 TTnn 1 11 1 11 isT 'V jfrx' v---, I I Mrra 0 Two automobile loads of Oakland officials who will make an inspection trip over the Hetch llctchy water project with a view to determining whether or not the city shall join San Francisco in using the Hetch Hetchy supply, will leave to- morrow, at 9 o'clock.
The party will consist of City Attorney H. L. Hasan, City Marstoji Camp- vcn ana it. i. McLashan, members for Oakland of the water commission of the Eastbay cities; Commissioner or public Health and Safety F.
F. Morse, Commissioner' of jL Public Works. Frederick Soderberg, Commissioner -of Streets W. J. Baccus and Commissioner of Revenue, and finance W.
H. Edwards. "Similar delecations will leavn from Berkeley, Alameda and Richmond, and the Partie3 the Eastbay communities, who expect' 10 net together on the project, will meet at Groveland, ea.vt of Modesto, where the 'entire delegation will be taken over by Hetch Hetchy officials and conveyed over thc Hetch xietcny railroad, over the power plant near Groveland and tho dam site in the Hetch-' Uetchy valley. The inspection will bo completed Sunday. LAO IS WALLA WALLA, Nov.
3. Stuart Cyril Emigh, aged 19, was electrocuted in the garage at the family home here last night when he took hold of an electric light wire. There was but 110 vdlts in the wire and he is thought to have been dazed by tho shock and fallen against the car and. struck his head. Emlgh was a member of the W'ullu.
Walla high school football team and prominent in school work. GOOD SENSE AND GOOD HEALTH DEMAND GOOD TEETH Tmir twtb run he kif In vn.1l tlon by mt nnniml vit to jrnotf rtni-tisf. My cklll tnlni-it-hv SO yir' hciiti-lirnrth I illspowil at a mmlcrslr priei. OnlT the best In cvrry wh of modern all wonrc rui.Rss akd Gl'AIlAM'KEIt DR. BARBER THE 1110 Brondttar, Uaklund, I nL Next to Urondwajr '1'bratre boin-) a.
iu, 11 m. took for My Bir and My GrounJ Floor lrS.iriturf PHONE LAKESIDE JJJ George pioneer Inside-stand shoeshinc man, who died Monday at the age of 59, was not a captain of finance, but so far as the boot blacking business is 'concerned he was a captain of Indus? try. There was no more industrious center in all Oakland than his fourteenth street stand, where scores of Oakland's Influential people went regularly to have their shining done. The people went regularly to Turner's because of the entertainment. Turner was a natural-born vaudeville artist.
Whether or not he talked constantly all day long for the sake or the business or just because he loved to talk is his own Bccret, but It is true that patrons sat and smiled all the while the workman was. busy, and there was always a feeling that a generous tip was in order. chatter of the pioneer Inside-stand man ran along something like this: "Right this way lady" "Give this lady a1, seat" "You can'tvbe too nice to a lady." "Good morning, doctor; a seat Tor the doctor, right with you in a minute; here's the morning paper." "Yes! Bar, that lady has waited all too long (this latter remark to one of his men, -who had reported that lady had come in to inquire about one of her srioes that was lost) and then, morning liMiy! you havo waited too long. Here's an order for a new pair of shoes. You get a pair that suits you, it was all our fault and I thank you for waiting.
Go right and get the new shoes, I have arranged for it," and remarks to his men. one, just returning leisurely from lunch shop full of patrons "Say! what's the matter with vou. you think 'cause you got a iunch under your belt nobody else wants to eat: get your coat off and get busv. What dpou think of a man taking hisV'me like that when everybody else is hungry. "I pay a man wnat he's worth and I watch him.
If he's been here two days and he shows he worth more money he gefS it. If he stays six weeks and he don produce he don't get it. I always recognize a man's ability, that a it recognize his ability." George Turner was an unusual man, twenty years ago an ordinary janitor in a barber shop. He. rented a store, started the first "inside" bootblack stand in Oakland and among his patrons were the mest prominent men and women of Oakland.
(By the Associated last of the war brides of Amecan dier' le" vBHterdav for the Lnitea ates'ot thea steamship Northern Pacific; There were nine of them. "This virtually completes the 'war brides work' of the Young Women's Christian Association Mrs. Seymour, the Y. W. C.
A. executive in charge of foreign work. Three-fifths of the war-brides were French, one-fifth English and the other fifth among twenty-one The brides ranged from fifteen to fifty-five years old. Some of them had three or four cMildrejr by previous marriages. Running down smugglers and otl.ier criminals by an aerial police force, which will keep vigilance froni the sky, is one of the possibilities for Oakland, if a project shortly to be taken up by the aviation committee of the Chamber of Commerce is carried into effect.
In an effort to give this section of California better protection from crime It is likely, according to the mem bers of the committee, that the city, state and federal authorities will be urged to establish an aerial police patrol center in" Oakland. The first start In that direction was made today, wlien Lieutenant Colonel S. Herbert deputy police commisisoner of New York, flew from the I)urant aviation field over Oakland and surrounding country to advise V. F. Morse, commissioner of public health and safety, as to the best means to give Oakland air protection.
The criminal detection possibilities of the airplane have only recently come to be recognized locally, though the federal government has been working some time on ylans to police the air. Sidney B. Veit, of the "round-the-world air derby commission, who viewed Oakland's air fields last Saturday under the guidance of the CViamber of Commerce, pointed out; a number of ways In which, aeroplanes could be used by daring criminals. Among them were: Smuggling countraband from Mexico or Canada, landing the smuggled goods in an isolated spot and flying out of the country before capture could be effected. Swooping down on wealthy persons or their children and kidnaping them by air for ransom.
Raiding isolated country estates or ranches, robbing them and flying away before assistance can be summoned. Veis pointed out that California's situation, close to Mexico, would be productive of International complications In the event of such criminal raids by the air, as the fliers could find sanctuary in the sOullhern republic. 'Consequently, he was particularly urgent that air policing be established here-1 Uphold Constitution, Is Association's Plan Articles of Incorporation for the American Commons-Allies Memorial Association, the organization formed at Dr. L. F.
Herrick's "house of commons," in the rear of his residence at 546 Lakeshore Boulevard, Monday night, have been filed with County Clerk George E. Gross. The objects of the organization, as stated in the articles, are "to establish a common center of American citizens to uphold the Constitution of the United States and to advance the 'principles of democracy and humanity, and to establish a memorial to American soldiers who gave their lives for liberty In 1776, 1861, 1898 and 1914." "Tne directors are given as Charles Adams; Herbert T. Eaton, Andrew Sedlmelcr, Fred 8. Hughes, L.
V. Herrick, Minerva Rosetter, I. M. Bradley, Irma Drew Hughes and Carl Wood. There Is no.
capital stock. IIJM. ia Sporty This Winter? Sure, Some Are Riot The United Press received a tip tliat women's huts were to be sporty this winter. IToceedUur on this information, It assigned its trortM editor to cover the big-. gest display In town.
Ratter up! By HENRY Ii. PARREL, United IVess Sports Editor. NEy YORK, Nov. 5. -As near as I can dope it out, women's hat-dress this winter is going to run the gamut fro ma riot to a pis 0 knockout.
And as for colors, tlu certainly are as wild as a- bnn southpaw. The price tags resemble nothing so much us Willie Hoppe's, high run in a billiard tournament. There was one id that sure was reminiscent 0 the home plate. It was five-cornered, dust cplored and had a little stick-up -jigger on the back that looked just like Umpire Bob Kigler's whisk broom. Of.
course, they didn't call it that, but there vas also one that was a real grandstand model. It had a concrete colored rim with an overhanging roof and a bunch of birdneat effects under' the eaves. "Isn't this one just too cute?" gurgled a Mary Plckford model, as she slapped a peaked cap like the Athletics used to her head, then pulled it over one eye just as though she; were going out to play the sun field. P'or the golf incurables there was one model with a mast affair in the center like a niblick sticking up over a bunker with a lot. of sod hanging to it.
There were -some others with a fewbladeg of-grass sticking up around the edge that made a fellow think of the, eighteenth hole. The favorite color, seems to be a brown just jike the derby Garry Herrmann sprang on the world, series. But there are other hues, from a sort of auto-tire gray to an auctioneer's red flag with all intermediate shades. Veils are in as great a variety as hats. Some have a wide screen like a catcher's mask; some have a finer mesh like a ball protector, while others look like a slice of tennis net.
After giving the whole show the once over, 1 agreed that women's hats this winter will be sporty but It seemed a shame that tho; 'sportiest function they will prob- ably grace will be a tea fight or a tango rassle. Oregon Rancher Held Guilty of Murder EUGENE, Nov. 6. The jury in, the case of the- state against Martin Clark, McKenzle river rancher, accused of the murder of Charles L. Taylor, road supervisor at McKenzie bridge, late last night returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree, after having been out a little less than five hours.
The trial lasted eight days and attracted a great dijal of attention owing to the prominence of the man who Clark was accused of killing. II r.n 1 Ml' i-5i t-zzz- TO BE LISTED Has the registrar of minors been to your house yet? He or maybe, she will bo there sooner or later. The last legislature passed an act requiring a registration of all males born since November 1, 1898, and all females since 1 November 1, 1901 The registrars of minors in every county and city of the state are after these figures. In some cases the registrars ex- Mject to have more, or less difficulty. especially in the cases of foreign families where the purpose of the us is not understood.
Because of this possibility, Will C. Wood, su perintendent of public instruction, has made a general request for cooperation with the registrars. The registrars, appointed by 'the school authorities, are to visit every home and secure tie following information: The name of the family; the nativity (country of birth) of the father, the mother, and the minor children; the sex of the minor children the race; date of birth-month, date, year; the age at lastj' birthday the occupation, if the minor is working; the name of the school which the minor attends," if he is attending school; the name of the employer, if he is working; the address of the school, if he is attending a private 'school; the address of the if he Is working; the grade he is in school; the statement as to whether the minor is crippled, blind, deaf or dumb. The purpose is 'to assist in giving better educationad opportunities to those who are employed, and also to those who, because of one or more of the afflictions mentioned above, are unable to secure an education in the, regular schools provided for their more fortunate By being prepared to give this information to the registrar when he or she calls, a service is rendered to the school authorities, and at the same time the work is made easier for the registrar. Soldiers' University For Coast Planned A soldiers' university for all enlisted men in the Northern California district Is the governments, latest educational Study of" the scheme has been made by officers of the western department.
The location will "be at the Presidio and as a starter a large part of an initial allowance of $45,000 made for educational work in this district will be devoted to the university. Conceti' tration will be the department's 'policy. Scholarships In the University "ol California and Stanford University are possibilities in the way of reward for the ambitious and talented enlisted man. The time spent at a university will count in the man's enlistment period. At the Rresldio school, trades will be taught a well as courses in basic learning.
Only a small part of the soldier's time hereafter lis to be devoted to military drills. A New million dollars with which to fight the claims of the city to the water right. It Is assumed that this is the beginning of the promised fight. The complaint sets out the contention that the voters never authorized the construction of the Hetch Hetchy dam, nor the vast power 'project now being developed. The bonds, ft says, were voted for the jrroject of bringing sixty million gallons of water daily ihto the city.
The water was to be stored in Lake Klcanor and then carried by gravity to the Altamont hills, over which-it Vas to- be pumped by power to be generated from the water aqueduct, Jhe whole plan involving only some J7.000.000 In the Sierras, It is Maimed. The original cost of the ipe line was estimated at and the plans called for expenditure for a distributing system. The complaint alleges that this Simple plan has been entirely abandoned In favor of a project that will cost 1150,000,000 at least, and which it claims the city can never finance. 3 charges thajt it is 'evident from the plans and purposes of the board rf supervisors that it is not intended use the Hetch Hetchy development in competition with the Spring Valley, buc to make it merely an adjunct of the latter for the purpose Of forcing the latter's purchase by jhc city." Two Women Granted Divorces by Court Two divorces were granted late I yesterday by Judge A. F.
St. Sure. The first was given Mrs. Marie McKillop from Victor A. McKillop.
The ground In this case was extreme cruelty. As one of the charges in her complaint Mrs. McKillop stated her husband had threatened her life wiMTa butcher knife. The necond divorce was issued to Mrs. Martha M.
Wuilman. cross-complainant in the suit filed against her by Tony Wollman. Wollman accused, his wife of desertion and Kroes neglect. He stated she had left him four days after their marriage, and after an extended absence had returned, only to leave him a second time after living with him for twenty-five days. In her cross-complaint Mrs.
Wollman denied every charge made against her by her husband and turned the tables on him by stating that before their child was born he had deserted her and had not returned until the baby was three months old. In granting the divorce to the wife Judge St. Sure gave the child into her charge" Mrs.E. H.Gary Refuses To Join Strike Unit NEW TOnK. Nov.
5. The invitation of the women's auxiliary of the steel strikers union to Mrs. H. Gary to become an honorary member reached Mrs. Gary yesterdav at her home in Brookville, Long Island.
Before its arrival, however, Mrs. Gary learned she had been voted a member, but delayed taking any action until the telegram was in her hands. She then wired the president of the auxiliary the following, reply: "Beg to be excused, "MRS. E. H.
GARY." rftfXfK KOXOYE IN SEATTLK. SEATTLE, Nov. 5. Prince Fu-miane Ronoye, member of the Japanese house of peers and secretary to Marquis Saionji; head of the Jap- i 1 Dainty French Songb Locates in Berkeley While Preparing for Debut. UNIVERSITY va I it urn i- BERKELEY, Nov.
.5. -Paris may be gay with life and color, but it's Jail compared with America. Miss Mignon Lavrille, dainty French opera star w'Lio recently arrived in Berkeley, says so and she ought to It now. For Iiss Lavrille has seen the gay French capital in all of its moods and she has shaken' its dust from her pretty little feet once and -for all. Miss Lavrille sailed from overseas to give Cali- fornia the- over" and now she's adopted the whole L'nited 1 States.
I MATTER OF PLEASING "Freedom? Why they don't know what freedom is in France t'liat Is, the women don't." says the chic little dancer. of her native land. "In Prance one does things to please people in general; in America one pleases one's self andN doesn't care about the rest of the world. American- people are so. big and broad-minded.
They don't worry about little As for money, Miss says that there must be loads and loads of golden shekels to give a Paris-ienne a good time. Here, she says, it is quite different. "One can be so happy spending so little," is her PREPARES FOR DEBCT Miss Lavrille is preparing for an American debut and at present she anese peace delegation at Paris, arrived here yesterday on his way home to 8: 1 xmmwmm 1 iihmi ui rooocccccccccccoccccccccooccoooc Is having comic opera written entirely about her dainty self for production by well known theatrical leaders. The opera will have its premiere In the West. In the meantime, while finishing touches are being placed on t'le vehicle in which she will make her debut to California audiences Miss Lavrille is not wasting any of her golden hourtf but is studying for her American debut with lime.
Lydia Sturtevant, well known opera-singer of Berkeley. 4 DAYS MORE-- No advance in Prices ACT SENSATION mm Stenic Prologue Especially arranged Music by Sig. U. Marcel. li' 23 piece orchestra Starts 4:50, 10:13.
at: 12:35, 6:43, 9:03 2:53, anil KRYPTOKS Ar for people nfin repair Alstaoce and reading In on pair. grind them with, out ettnent, seama or buioua lie ua DOUl rour tjrM "Chas.H.Vood orT0MtTai la urn mm Color A Smart Model OAKLAND 54 Call, we ask you, and see our new Fall shade of leather Harvest Tan. It's a deep rich brown that time enriches and makes even more beautiful. complete assortment of sizes and widths insures your perfect fit. The model shown above is a wonder for service, yet smart as can be.
See what a restful Cuban heel and what long, graceful lines this model has from top to toe. 1 1 1 Oakland FIVE-FOUR-OH your O. call for all troubles electrical. Whether it be but a modest repair or a large contract, we will obey" your call and render SERVICE! Listening to the Marvelous DUO-ART in Your Own Home The Marvelous Duo-Art, at your bidding, will repeat for you the actual performances of practically all the world's leading pianists, reproducing their touch, their tone, their pedaling, their very personalities. With absolute fidelity you listen in your own home to the immortal performances of music's greatest masterpieces by such artists as Paderewslci; Bauer, Hofmann, Ganz, Busoni, Leginska, Lemer and scores of others.
Is this not-marvelous? Is this not a great privilege? The; Duo-Art is the very finest of Pianolas you and any member of your household musically trained or knowing not one note of music can play practically every composition ever written with faultless execution and with genuinely artistic feeling. The Duo-Art is truly marvelous we cordially invite you to come in and hear it! Sherman, Pay Go. 'Fourteenth and Clay St, Oakland Kearny and Salter Sts, San Francisco 816 McDonald, Ave, Richmond 8 i 8 (I IV I Visit vur netv storisr-thc finest electrical goods and electrical, service establishment in the tvesl 1 yr -HI LHectPica, 1305 Washington Street Tut WINKJNO tYt.
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