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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 19

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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British Oakland Does Honor to Rag-Sack Man Comin' Your Way Red Cross Wants Shoes, Clothes in Great Celebration IILU UIIUUU IU FOR SOLDIERS that can be accepted' are one-pound coffee cans- and Karo corn syrup caniw-The cans mnst be lean. The truck will call in the following dlstrictsion days: Mdnday East of Telegraph to Thirty-first street, the to Piedmont avenue, Piedmont; west of Mandana boulevard, south to Grand avenue, i Tuesday- East of Telegraph avenue west of Piedmont avenue, north of Fortieth street to Berkeley line. Wednesday East of Lake Mer-rltt to Fruitvale north of estuary to city limits. Thursday East of Fruitvale avenue to city limits, north of estuary Any rag, tny sacks, any bottles today? There's a bottle man comln' this way. The rag-sack-bottle man Is from the Salvage Department of the Red Cross, and he is coming in a big truck, for a full truckload of what you have to Rags, sacks, bottles, shoes, clothes, cans sacks full of shoes, sacks full of bottles heaps pf these things are wanted by the salvage department.

and the truck will begin making the rounds tomorrow, I'eople, who 'contribute are asked to have the goods prepared so as not todetain In order to-conserve space onr-the-trttck the-f- fuowing directions about preparing the bundles are given: Bottles should be put In sacks or boxes drivers will replace sacks: tie each pair of shoes together; tie Allies American tailors marched through landj The picture shorn part " clothing cansuue. AkJ-j ac' tha. Oakland chapter, American' Red Cross, receives from the hand of Perry Burlingame, president of the Trades Coancll of Alamed Covptythe Red Croh Hut canteen workers of the city will have realized their deelre. With a almple ceremony at 11 o'clock today the headquarter for extending to the men in Tihlform ho past city will be received and dedicated. Mayor John K.

Taylor and Mr Wallace Alexander, chairman of the department on can teen ervice, will be among those who will giva brief addresses. The hut has been beilt under th eTtrectlon of Burlingame by union la bor mnch 'of which wa contributed. LEASE OONTRIBCTED. Thm structure represents an ln-IVestmeot of something, like 11.000 I but in face of the fact that thou-i sands of men will be passing through I the mole during the period, of the Inext several months. Red Cross worker 'deemed- adequate accomo- wr- ium uuw a necessity.

i Tbm lease of the land on which the Hot stands was contributed by the the rain as their part in observance Day" celebration in Oak' of the detachment swinging along to the inspiration of martial music. Patriotic; Ceremonies and Spectacular Parade GOOD FELLOWS! Here's a Form for You to Fill Out-It Will Aid You in Stating '), Plans, (or Making Your Christmas a Uappty One. If you will be Good Fellow oa Christinas to some family of needy children in Oakland, fill out the attached blank and send it to Xlie TRIBUNE," Blue Bird Department: live at No. street I will be Sanja Claua to children (as many as jou wish). Please give me the names of children (State what section of city yon prefer to have assigned 'to you.) (Sign your name and number) i Mark Day; 1 housands 1 ake fart get away with things as she did In the past.

She stole Scbleswig-Hol stein and Alsace Lorraine and DBIVEPLAi "Men become wealthy by making their, money work for them and, nearly all great fortunes have grown' 1 from small investments." These thoughls, although, not new.i have been re-suggested by the War Saving Stamp Committee hlch out- lines an' opportunity for Alamedi county people to make hundreds of' thousands of dollars without turning a band December It Is coupon-clipping day, that is to say, the interest duo on Liberty Bonds is payable at lhat time. i Alameda county citizens have pur-' chased approximately J65.000 000 worth of bonds in th first, second, third and fourth issues. The semi-annual interest on this amount is fully $1,250,000 and this tidy sum- will be ready for distribution to county people "on Monday, December U. Now the War Suvlng Stamp Com-mlttee proposes that when bond owners receive their Interest thev reinvest it in war savings stamps, Jn turn, to draw, a compounded interest. This interest paid by the United States government on' its Litcrty Bonds can.

be, made to draw a big; Interest In its turn. i -BEHIND QUOTA. Alameda county is far behind in its quota and it Jwtll take a strcnu-' rns efforfc-ej the part of every tltl- within the required time. It la believed by the committee that much of this interest may spent In Christmas presents with that holiday, so near in the futuro, 7 but It is suggested that war savings stamps, which are one of the beat financial Investments that can pos- -sibly be also make exceedingly acceptable Christmas gifts. Another big source of.

i avenue which the people of the community enjoy In this season of the ytar the dividends from life lnminuico policies. These dividends amount to many thousands of ilpllara and' th: committee suggests that it wouid hft Just as much the point of financial, wisdom to. reinvest these dividends in war savings stamps as would the Interest from Liberty Bond The committee strongly urftea ail citizens to consider these matters' and to make every effort to benefit fcelr own condition as well asvto help In this war work, which Is even more essential now than at any time heretofore. -1 j-z. Poincaire Receives President of Czechs PARIS, Dec.

7. Thomas "11. Masaryk, president of the Czechoslovak republic, who is in Paris, was received by President I'olncars thin, afternoon. He was welcomed on his arrival by the president aqd Premier Clemenceau and also bv a guard of honor composed of a company of the Republican Guard and a company of the Twenty-first Czecho-SIovak battalion. thought she could crush Belgium war-and France and get more territory.

wa pro-German and is now sup-but her plans miscarried this time. Ped to be an American is still as She has been a pretty good guesser I fLe a traitor as he was before, before and usually attained her Watch him and get rid of him-ends. But there is one thing th George has promised to clean Hun MLitnnt unrinratniKt. -Kh out every traitor, "In England and I to city umits. mday--North-of--Frrst street-to- Twenf-lrnnH fr.t trnm to IaW.

Mrrltt Saturday From Twenty-second street north to West Berkeley line, rrom tne Day east to Telegraph ave- BULLETS FLY IN CONSULATE; NO ONE HURT NEW YORK, Dec. 7. -The I Italian consulate here-' was thrown Into a panic today when Anthony Tobbl, 40. years old, a caller, suddenly whipped out a-: big, revolver and open fire' on 1 verythlng' that attracted his at- tentlon. After firing several shots, on the', consul clerks hurled Tobbl to the floor and seised the He was locked up, charged with carrying concealed weapons.

Consulate workers" Identified Tobbl as a man who had called at the office several times to complain of fancied "persecu- tion" by the New fork ties and wanted the Italian gov- eminent to vindicate him. Berlin Employment in American's Hands LONDON, Deo. 7. Dr. James Grack.

an American who has resided for a long time In Germany; is head of the department at Berlin which Is finding work for idle 1 could understand Britain's honor, JiEPT HER PROMISE. "She said to herself, 'Great Brit aln cannot fight. She only about 700.000 fhrhtlns: men all told We have millions of trained men ready and equipped to, crush Bel-glum and wipe out In 'other words, to paraphrase the kaiser we will not stand any foolishness from Great But Britain kept her promise. "Great Britain has had a million men killed in this war. Just think what that means.

The Brkflsh were on seventeen battle fronts and- let me teU you tight here that It was the British who did more to whip the Hun than anybody else. She not only ruarded the lanes of travel with' hftl- nnw hlif ah waa fniinri 1 iiiiiiuiiB wutifTer utauog wu done. be on their guard and crush out the pro-German spirit that is getting a hold on this country "If this war is to accomplish what We expect It to accomplish," he said, "it will cement the two Anglo- Saxon races mora closely together than ever. Tou must make this coun iuu per cent Amencan as a hope you will do the same her In thi Lieutenant Dagger was roundly applauded and in reply sang a favor with the audience. Miss Irene MacGregor played a selection on a Mrs.

MacGregor sang "My Heart Is Sad," and Master Malcolm MacGregor recited Scottish plecea Judge Jesse J. J. Dun recited Ad Shuster's "Goone-Step Four, and was greeted with vigorous applause. Trench songs by returned soldiers and sailors proved another Interesting feature. Mis alreoe Bond also gave an Interesting sketch.

The events of the evening closed with a dance tn the Auditorium arena. Six hundred sailors from Goat uivhuuuo. Police and city officials in auto mobiles headed the parade and immediately following In a machine were Mrs. H. C.

Rathbun, representing Brittania, and Mrs, James Cahill In the role of Liberty. United States sailors were next In (Continued on Page 20; CoL 5) nouwernw rkxuna furnishes also light and water. Moore's Shipyard Band will givs a concert of patriotic music during' i today's exercises. A tro of canteen workers wllj render natlonal song OmCHAlS TO BH PHE8ENT, Joseph will preside I as chairman 'of the' program." He wta deliver a short address following the acceptance of the building. Officials of the Pacific Division, American Red Cross, and, of Oakland and Alameda chapters have been included bv the invlution to attend the formal dedication of the canteen.

For several months Mrs, Alexander and her assistants have been car-' rylng on the work at Oakland mole. The new headquarters wijl permit of necessary -expsnsion with better ac- cornodationa. Word of the arrival ef troops and their departure Is forwarded to Mrs. Alexander, who Suni-- mons her helpers and when other provision, hss not' been made' for breakfast, luncheons or suppers, the women serve, the steaming hot vianda Telephone Strikers Jailed by New Law ST. PAUL, 7.

Prec-. dent was established by the government tonight by the arrest of thirteen striking telephone employees unrter tho law pasned by Congress October 21, prohibiting'' encroachment -on federal-controlled telephone erty. The prisoners Include "one woman. i "You know Britain had a little I island, commanded by Lieutenant flock of boats on the wsr and they Sales, featured the "Britain Day" soon stopped that- flood of food parade which wended Its way products which had been going into through the principal streets yester-Germany. -i day afternoon, at SO o'clock In a "The German began- to heavy downpour of rain.

Unfavor-They could see their finish. able weather failed to dampen the British had a ring of iron around enthusiasm of the people, who lined them. Bulgaria dropped out of the the sidewalks and applauded the IK The appointment of a supervisor to succeed Fred W. elected county treasurer, is expected to carry with It the control of tho Board of Supervisors. p.

J. urphy of Liver-more Is now chairman of the board. During the recent- gubernatorial campaign visited n'Paign UOVemof St I "vermore and In the course of his speech was interrupted by questions reiawng to the Theodore Gier affair. A heated argument ennued resulting In a. clasft 'Between Supervisor Mur- pny and Charles H.

Stern, recently appointed commissioner of banks. As a result. Murphy's friends expect new appointee will be pledged to vote against the present chairman. 1 The lineup will probably consist-of Hamilton, Mulllns and the new member. Whether Murphy will make any attempt to retain the chairmanship is not known.

Murphy maintains a strong hold on the up-country district He comes up for election two years hence. There have been many shifts in the control of the Board of Supervisors and until final action is taken it is unsafe to hazard a guess as to the result. Rumor is current to the effect that County Treasurer-elect Foss' will ap-. point as chief deputy a leading mem ber of the present staff in the county assessor's office. Should Judge be appointed to the Appellate bench a Hvely'seramble- wiH-ensue for Judge Waste place on the.

local bench. A number of the governor's friends express the opinion haf the appoint ment snouia.oe maae soieiy on merit, ignoring political considerations and thus avoiding factional strife. A spirited contest for the vacant plce, they point out, would result In another hot -flint two years hence when the terror of Judges Brown and Harris expire, and the new appointee comes up for, re-election. Speculation' concerning the appointment of a successor2" tovl. H.

Clay, city auditor and assessor, Continues at the city halL In the opinion of City Clerk Cummins it is impossible to appoint a successor to Clay until his resignation Is actually in the hands of the council. It is believed that an executive session will be held the latter part of the week when an agreement will be reached. It appears to be problematical wheth er Mayor Davie will attend a conference. The Merchants' Exchange Is back-Ins Uarrv Williams for the of fice, advancing the argument that he Is a local business man who has given: freely of his time to public service. Williams has served three terms as nrealdent of the Merchants' Exchange, There are a of other active candidate including Fred IeBallister, rumored to have the bac dng of Morse; W.

W. Crib-bens, LoulsAber and J. A. Sullivan, Hunters Employed for Lion Shooting PHOENIX Dec 7. One of the efforts of the state government eradication of predatory animals, which cause large losses in range stock, is the employment of skilled hunters.

Thirteen are now in the employ of the state and federal governments. Other men are exterminating rodents which destroy ranges. One of the hunters within two months, has killed mountain liona Another killed fifty-five coyotes in a month. Give; Eight-Hoar Day on British Railways LONDON, 7 (British Wireless Service.) The British government has agreed to the principle of an eight-hour day for all members of the wage staff on the railways of the United Kingdom in fulfillment of the pledge given the railway men recently by the president of the Board of Trade. The eight-hour day will come into operation next be buying Oakland E.

Reed Co. Inc-Laketlde 706. Real I war. Tnrkev hi rA and great: -tragedy was written In Germany. She was doomed then; she is doomed now.

"The crime of the ages Vould be the separation of the great Anglo-Saxon race." BE ON GUARD, HE SAYS. Lieutenant J. S. Dagger spoke briefly and warned his hearers to -568-572 Fourteenth Street according a Berlin despatch to- of Arizona and the federal govern-the Express. Three thousand appll-j ment in' their campaign for the EyelyriiNeshitrid jTom Mdrjre at the American 'sr I I I i cants for work registered daily with him, it is said, and twenty-four thousand men are now unemployed there.

Less than a quarter of the Berlin troops have as yet returned from the front and It is estimated there wilt be 70,000 Idle when demobltza. tion Is completed. The despatch to the Express was sent Thursday even ing and deals lengthily with the labor situation, but does not mention any disorders such as were reported yesterday from Amsterdam. NeW Professorship Inspired by Wilson LONDON, Dec. 7.

Major David Davles, member of Parliament, and his. sisters have donated 20,000 pounds $100,000) to Wales university to found a professorship of International politics. They announced they' hope the chair will be "associated with the Illustrious name of Woodrow Wilson." new sums Oakland's celebration of British Day, begun' with a picturesque pa rade in the, afternoon, culmlnatea last evening In a tremendous display of enthusiasm, for America's ally In a mas meeting at the Auditorium. Judge Jesse in an address teeming, with appreciation tor tne English people ana oi satistacuon in the glorious enterprises which marked their way through tl.e war, was constantly 'applauded. The parade in the aiternoon was followed by crowds that banked the sidewalks through the line of march in spite of the rain.

The mass meeting In the evening, which was attended by a large audience, had an interesting program, another ad dress which brought forth applause being that of Lieutenant J. S. Dagger of the British army. Judge Dunn said In part: "Not since the signlne of the Declaration of Independence has there been a greater achievement than our achievement over the Hun, who tried crush us. We may thank the British navy that' the German flag Is not flying In New York tonight instead of In Berlin.

For hearly- our years the brave soldiers of Britain have fought and died on the battle fronts that liberty micrht live in the world. In the cold and mud. with the ground soaked with theli-blood Ihese brave ment fought and were glad to die to save the world from a military tyrant. Through awful showers of shot and shell and machine gun bul lets they fought the good fight and keot the Hun back until we could go over and' help clean him out. Proud we should be tonight to do honor to the sons of a nation which has done so much tor the world.

"READY TO SERVE." "When the Hun trod on the lion's tall and the lion roared, the men of Great Britain came forward and said: 'We are for God, king and country, and -are ready to Six million; five hundred thousand of them volunteered to die If neces sary in the Interest of humanity and right They, we say are cousins to the but this war has made us brothers." Charles H. Victor introduced as the next 'speaker, and said in part: "This occasion" ought" to inspire every American citizen with a greater love for that great nation which far three years kept us from destruction. A splendid work jias been done and many splendid thlngx have come out of this war. We are today re-writing American history. "America and England may have their little family quarrels, but when one is menaced the Other comes to its aid and tights for it like a brother.

I prefer the word of Oreat Britain because we are here tonight to do honor to all parts of that great country. "When we look back on eventful days of 1914 we can plainly see that the wholj thing was premeditated bv Oermany who thought she could Tltat is dofttcf Son Puns htrt of Chabot hall, a I'binnlnl riab, Ut DnHarlnD Bkijr, 9-30. Called Irba hoc Burred Heart Partis. S. Croaa tant dxllealeif.

Oak. aula, 1L. "World" Biar. 1'aclflc Bldr. St.

Josepb'a Sodality, 8. 1. S. Gjra. 8:30 a.m.

Orphrum Waller. C. Kelt. Pnltna Qrumpj. 4- 1 panlaa Vn Berne Macdenoosh Vaoderilla awl Comedy, T.

fc P. William Denmond. Amerlrtn Eeljm Neahlt. Klnema rattjr Arbnrkla. rranklln Old Wlvea for i Broadway Calllanx raa.

Uka Merrltt Boatlns. WItai is doind 4f if rlaora Fllchhartf Koc. cluh. R. 14th A Christmas Optical Order 'What ca.n be more appropriate or more appreciated than one of Kittredge's Optical Orders We will Insure the fitting of the glasses after Xmas, 11310 'Washington rsi la.jra.' Boerrlaora meet mornlns.

SACRIFICED! EVA TANGUAY TO BE NEWEST. -BILLYSUNDAY LO3, ANGELES, Dee, 7. Eva Tanguay of cyclonio wriggles, tousled hair and I-don't-care here today that she Is going to quit the stage for -1 the pulpit. Miss Tanguay claimed she gave out the story reluctantly because tBn world wduJd "sit back and laugh." The Bible, she said, had foi nlshed. ber only reading for sev- 1 eral years, adding: ''I have learned -much from Its study ttnat it would be selflxh to withhold tii knowledge I have gath-ered from the world." The vaudevJHe star then -quoted at length from the Scrtp- tures.

Miss Tanguay would. not say iwhen pho intended entering the 'aflgeiistle ranks. "Very soon," was all she woufd say. New Rcwlatiotw of a Wife starts soon In EVELYN NESBIT in -The Woman Who Cover and TOM MOORE-in "Thirty Wcck," features oj( (is double-bill at the AmerU can, commencing with tht mat-inre today. Evelyn Nenblt In her first William Fox photoplay, "The woman Who Oire.V will feature the double pro-' gmm' which oommences a three days' er.Kagemonr at the American theater this afternoon.

...5 In "The Woman Who Gave" Miss Nevhlt plays the part of an artist's mode In the studios of Paris, where an American artist Is painting a maiter-pirra, A titled personage sees this picture beore- It Is completed and falls In' lovn with the moJil. Through a misunderstanding he forces her to mr.rry -The marrluee proves a most unhappy one and the woman finally rcbe.s at the inhuman treatment l.l-w 1- i V. 1 L. It WHICH lltT liununiiu nn iij.n... IIVF KIIU 'oecks refuneVlth the artJat whom' The play is filled with tortse sltua.

strong climaxes. On ths siiftie, program ls-raagnetla Tom Moors" In tho greatest role of his career. Danny the kin -'-Thlrtr a We a romantio, drama of lovai; a thin: bankroll and a stout liart The latest insoe of the Paths News Weekly Completes the program. Rose urooa symphony uruuesirm is a lea- ture of every evening penormance, I I -Still greater reductions have been made ori every Fall and 'Winter Suit in the SUITS! sjr- Hetty, Green Would Buy Land in Oakland Today NOW REDUCED -Wonderful Suits $2S iim.inuis,inwijsiirfiinmMiww wui.iliiJie,ilwiJSiirfiinmMiww i i I At a time when our population 1st greater, our people as a whole earning more, and spending more, and ought to be saving more than was ever previously possible, the present low values tf Real Estate In Oakland are unwarranted, Hetty Green said, "I always buy Real Estate when others want to sell; I always sell, when others Fashioned from serge, broad-' cloth, gabardine, oxford and mixtures, in the seasons newest stales. want to TO.

for $25. Novelty. Suits 1 Reduced lo $49.50 as well Choicest 1 material exclusiv models; misv fur trimmed. 7 69-50 SUITS! NOW REDUCED TO History has taught that periods of business depression occur about every so often. During such 1 times Real Estate values sink to lower levels and It becomes he desired of Then the pendulum' swings; an era of business expansion, of home buying and building, and development of new Industries begins.

Real Estate becomes the most sought for of all investments. And the demand forces values higher-than ever before. Real Estate wisely bought during former periods 1 1 '--M' i i i Of depressed value Is he source, from many of Oakland's largest fortunes have grown. Buy Land. Buy It In Oakland, and, share In the enormous prosperity that Is Just before us.

Buy i land and buy it Howl WOU Hetty Green Estate today. i-Finch tailored Suits 'A as dressy types, fashioned from v. oxford and vclour. i t- See elauifted Ad today. Frtd i SASiVO EXCHANGESNO RETURNSt'Zf Advertisement y..

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