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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 20

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THURSDAY EVENING QaklanD Cribunr AUGUST 21, 1919. 20 Ml'SlCAL INSTRUMENTS Continued THE GEEVUM GIRLS WASTED By Tim Early Takes a Golfer to nd erst and Golf 1 HOW MANY FLIES HAVE VOu s.m.-, KILLED SO VAW.SIS?, KNOW WHLN WT (CTV- ij LtZ; get a dozen -5Lt rrrrr-C I KRANISH BACH upright piano; $150 ukn it; act quick: term. (iirard Piano 34 lluor, US 14th iCI'IlTZMAX iiai.o. like new, roK $i7i. Mill sell fur $2 2 5.

Phone Fruit NEW Cabinet Phonograph $S5; one slightly used tiu; hmh grade ma-fhiiim, 26ii Kusgeil or College av Herkel.y. Day or evening. PLA YER PIANO, almost n. bench, used for demonstrating only price greatlv reduced: terms to suit. Paige PianoN, JsOu Clay at.

A. It. Chase, Decker. Ludwig: tennis. 1G00 F.ENT A PIANO Cioolupr1Krit.

ft month and up (Jirard Plana Co. Jrd floor. 51S Mth t. rtei N'W A rand ilano. excellent condition.

$. I'll. pied. 347K-W. tri lVtlV lO I JNINCf REPAIRING.

FOUSHlNfJ. F. DA1HAX 92:, 10TJ1 ST; OAK. f7. ri'liMUT PIANO Walnut, txcilent omi.

$1-5 -aah. 57 is Ayala nr. Tel. pied. S022.I SHOP; rare old violins fori I a Starving Look to U.

S. as Deliverer 0 -0-- Hoover. Finds Appalling Conditions Mexico cnisis AFFECTS U. S. SURPLUS SALE 1 PENALTY PROVIDED III F00UC0NTR0L By JOHV T.

(International Mens Sen loo Staff t'orresiontlent. BT INTERNATIONAL NEWS BESV1CI LEASED wmi TO TBIBUNE. WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. Attorney General Talmer's recommendations for "teeth." In tho food control act to reach big and little profiteers, were today accepted by and will be favorably reported to the House.

The amendments provide $5000 -fine or two years' imprisonment, or both, for hoarders or profiteers in necessities of Mfe, and bring within the scope of the law wearing apparel, food containers, fertilizers and agricultural Implements. The committee decided to elirnin-' ate from the bill its exemption of retailers doing business of $100,000 or less, recommendations for price fixing by the federal government. These provisions had been PARKERSOX, sistance from the United States, and then they will be able to stand on their own feet. "It makes one's heart ache to see the misery of the people in the cities," said one member of the Hoover party. "The people are starved and listless.

The whole country Is like another world, completely cut off from civilization. The people are like little children groping in the dark." The train the Hoovenjjbarty came through on had to stop every little while to take on a fresh water supply, as the locomotive boiler leaked badly. This is typical of all the rolling stock' In Austria and Hungary. HOOVER'S REPORT. Food was so scarce en route, that the Hoover party took a supply of provisions with them.

When they started back to Paris Hoover gave a steward on the dining car several cans of condensed milk and a few other articles of food, ft wa necessary, however, to give him an official letter raying how the food had come Into his possession, as the oxri-cials refused to believe that a single person could come by so much foodstuffs rightfully. Hoover was tired, dirty and disheveled from his long journey when he arrived here, but plunged at once Into his report, which will be one of the most sensational documents of its kind ever written. In addition to the scarcity of food and clothing, the- lack of coal is threatening all of the industries In central Kurope, the Hoover- part said. The commissioners visited the marekt places and inquired into every strata of life. At one place in Poland a Pole who had lived in Detroit spoke to Hoover.

The man had come to F.urope to join jUeneral lialler's British army. SAX DIEGO REER IJCEXSES. SAN DIEGO. Aug. 21.

City officials have drawn up an ordinanire providing for the licensing of tie sale of 2.75 per cent beer which will be passed by the council. (Continued From Page 13) stuffs are rolling Into the quarter master depot in San Francisco, and the heavy demand made in response to the postoffice offer is expected to exhaust the supply within a few hours. Orders for 100 tons have been received at Fort Mason. Requisitions by postmasters for 40 tons have been checked at the depot and the supplies soon will be on tha way. Uapid changes in plans made by the Washington authorities in tha last few days have led to the belief that the Mexican situation is responsible.

Major General Charles A. Oevol, chief of the quartermaster's corps of the department of the west, yesterday received an order to stop over-the-counter sales. He interpreted his instructions to mean that sales through municipalities would bt stopped and that there would be no further disposition of army foods except through the postoffices. General Jievol almos.t simultaneously received a telegram ordering him to leave at once for Washington, I). to attend a conference August 27.

Whether or not the Mexican situation is responsible was not. indicated. In conformity with his changed (V, i of 40,000 new and reclaimed army 1 ltnn reclaimed army, market herrtodav I PARIS. Aug. t.

America is the shining deliverer to which the fam ine-ridden peoples of Poland. Austria, Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia are looking to save them todav, declared Herbert Hoover, head of the interallied food relief commission, who has just arrived here from a tour through central Europe.X "The most appalling conditions prevail everywhere," said Hfover. "The dominant note is the Pathetic dependence upon the United States. President Wilson was right when he said that Immediate peace Is necessary to save the whole of Europe as well, possibly, as our economic future." Hoover and his party gained the impression that the millions of people throughout central Europe are in a panic of fear that the Hapsburg rule may be restored. Although the vast population of the former dual empire is on the verge of actual starvation, the people are zealously guarding tlwijt newly found liberties.

i The cry that greets every American, Hoover -(aid, is: "For God's sake do not leave us now." rOLES WAXT YEAR'S AID. In Poland the people are tilling the fields with home-made farming implements. The Poles declare that they want only one more year's as- charge and will communicate first with the various county food administrators who served both with him and with Merxitt during the war. The "committees" willcontain a number representing retailers. wholesalers, housewives and other branches ot the public generally, Th Hritinirif m-ni- nf ri Strlngham to begin the preliminary 1 1 1 unci hi.

11113 i University of California, following advices received from Ralph Mer riuw1? 18 on vacan "-ait- itornia not c.prings. GROUNDS ABOUT AUDITORIUM TO BE BEAUTIFIED The Park Board will decide on the lieautification of the grounds surrounding the Municipal Auditorium next Tuesday; its first meeting since the adoption of th' budget by the city council. Fourteen thousand- dollars for improvements was included in the park board estimates and the council expected that this would be "expended on fixing up the grounds tmd beginning work on the bandstand at Lakeside park. However, all the money is likely to go Into the improvement of the grounds. According to Kerfoot, park superintendent, th plans Include the planting of teirTt res of lawn, the bringing to grade walks and possibly the installation of a ligliting system.

Duo to the large amount of money spent in the construction of the Auditorium, it is the conten tion of park board members that the grounds should be made a suitable setting, with velvety lawns and fine walks and roadways, in stead of the present barren sweeps of gravel and. sand. Jt was estimated that $19,000 would be needed to construct the bandstand, and the park officials declare that it in useless to start this work until the entire amount is available. TOBETftBOOHERE Oakland's automobiles are to be "chemically pure" they must lie ho constituted that, they can run over J'ruswls carpet without leaving event the, trace of a mark- or Oak- autoists are going, to be pinched. The city council today irwtmeto.i th nttnenev'a office Instructed the city office I to draw up a bullet-proof drip pan" neiiiotineo nrnviiiinu- dial all untos ordinance, must have safety drip pans no made that not the fraction of a drop of oil can fall to the The or diniince will be in effect within 30 days.

This action followed the report filed with the council by Commissioner William J. Baccus, together with samples crfnsphalt pavements destroyed by oil, dropping from automobiles. Oil on asphalt gives it the consistency of cheese, and causes the ol i-nnt 1 11 I 1 I ii IhinilmHu rt 1. -i PHrkel -anil dripped oil-have been discovered by the street superintendent's office, and -'John II. dray, testing engineer, in the report stated that repairs are extremlyrdiff icult than ten thousand dollars worth of damage has been suffered in Oakland streets by oil-asphalt naniage, according, to street Siipcr- intemlcnt.

Marslon) Campbell. LEAKY AUTOS SOON i objected to by Palmer as threaten ing the efficiency of the law and raising obstacles to its early passage by Congress. Reiterating that profiteering is responsible for the high cost of living. Senator Walsh of Massachusetts this afternoon introduced in the Senate a measure which would re-fiuire the President to lay before tho Senate all information concerning Income tax returns of corporations and Individuals, and information concerning government contracts with firms that had interested parties employed by the government. The resolution was offered us an amendment to the Owen resolution providing that a special committee of five bo appointed by the Senate to investigate the high cost of living.

Senate leaders in charge of high cost of living legislation today frankly predicted no immediate action in the senate likely. LOT IE AUG. 24 Th licully PvndicHte Compay is offering Chevrolet Park at a Hub-division sale beginning Sunday, August 24. Thla property Is urn oris the finest iioldingn of the It is located at the head of Seminary avenue, directly opposite the main en trance of Mills College and is bounded by Seminary avenue, Cam-I don street, Sixty-fourth avenue and Outlook avenue. It l.i the intention of the Syndicate to build a car line immediately to Sixty-second avenue and Trenor 'street rniiHnoriatlfiri to trie very tenter of the properly.

It la understood that conatructioln on this) line will be started at once. Chevrolet Park is within ten niin-nutcn' walk of the Southern Pacific fclectric station at Seminary avenue ami Bond street, furnishing rapid' transportation lortation to Kan Francisco at the minimum rule. The Syndicate ia equipping thiMj tract with concrete atiiets, mtriilar in construction to the California state highways. It is said to be the first subdiviaion that was ever! equipped with streets of this cnarac-1 ter in Oakland. I The company claims to have spent three years in studying out the poa-1 'sibillties of this property and ure I JJ3 from every standpoint by planning winding boulevurds, following contours, that have jjiven every lot an individuality which ought to appeal to urtiatlc homo seekciB.

Ail sewers ana water mains arc laid at the back of the property so Unit builders in making their connections will not have to go to the expense of tearing up and replacing streets and sidewalks. The property has been divided in td i to bo to some BOO lots which are offered at prices ranging from o-e-o com- i tiiand a view of the bay. the bay a walking Chevrolet Automo- i Chevrolet Par distance or the Chevrolet Automo- bile ractory and very closeto the site of the projected Scripps-Iiooth factory, construction upon which, it is understood, will confluence shortly. Stevedore Strike is Stayed by 13 Votes SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21.

The loggers' and Stevedores' Union an- nounneil, 'hat decision not to strike wo'uliTTrsultr ft Rowing a referendum on vitltrA IShS of a total membership of 2700 voted. Th vote stood 053 against and 935 for. The union has ac- ceptcil the wage concessions of $1 an hour, with $1.50 an hour overtime working conditions to be later conf oreneen of rnm. nn, inal ilemanils of the workers called for $1.25 basic scale, $1.60 over time. NOTICKS.

noticf. to iiF.niTons. No 26055. Department 4. Notice Is hereby given by the tin-dersigned Administrator of the estate of Manuel S.

Madeira, deceased, to 11 persons having claims against the said deceased, to within four (4) months after th first Jication of this notice, either file tm, the necessary vouchers. In the office of tho Clerk of th Court of the Slate of California In and for the Countv of Alameda, or them, with the necessary voucv to at No till Clav Street, il the City of Oakland State of California, which nlioo the undersigned selects as the place of business in 11 matters con-nected with said estate, nectea Sn.VA FORREST. Administrator of th estate ot Man- uel S. Madeira. Deceased.

Dated at Oakland. California, Julj 23d. johx M. OrSAITU Attorney for Administrator. DLterorf'0f'irstalpubIlctlon July 24, 1S19.

A. B. WRR7HT and H. CHEVHDLE nmi ft repairing a specially. -iay.

piarm. at nun. plain otter. i ii for iiHiiiri 'ir Phone Oakland 23. I loll I'ASH will huy a Kood practical piano; BTiali upright, wiram riaiiai Co, floor.

Mth st. WAVTF.ll, HAVE rah for lined uprijrhf piano d.alera.. I'lione Pruitvalw 277-W. no VICTROI.A or jrrafanola soriaol. Marine Uc.

rnitat ha rea-Merritt 3S2. ANTEIi 1 prittht piano for tc. State price. Ilux i 7 7 0 Tribune. yol'S'O laily will store piano.

for use of same. "iVIltinK to pay small rental I'ied. i.ninaAna iia lyann fn-mf FOR HA tered Boston Hull pupa. 1SZI Alatitda. I'i ifi KAI V- ii.iKlmi Terrier pupn.

177! etreet. Oakliind KKW young yellow Rollers for sal Ala. Pacific av I Ij 1 I I tails, bat ears i kennel. jiJ4 Winaor ave take likeshore ave. car, Jakcsidt 4fiHJ TIIOiiOl'lillHREK I.ewellyn "aeTtei puppies.

$-'5. f. 7 f.l ShattiT FOX terrier pups. innlen, $4 each After r. p.

to 1 r.t st AN'CONA laying hens, ducks and rab-biiM cheap. Must. sell, inquire at Fire House. Champion nr. Hopkins.

AN'CoNA cockerels for sale. Shep-pard strain. $1 each. 1410 Henry at. trear).

Berkeley, Calif rrt'll Phoenix Pride Flour. $3 50 lhH, Milsman, lt L. 63H. INSIST on Phoenix Scratch and Egg Foods. Ileal Results.

All Dealers, ve B0 I'lflO 7 to l'd' Jor crmc Prsd Dlh1' 24 Franklin; Ijikealde 484. MAMMOTH Pekln ducks, 25 from 4 to weeks old; forced to aell; for 'luifk sale $12 for the lot. II V. L. ITLl.ETS, 4 and f.

months old, yearling hens, hnlf grown turkeys. RC6 JHth st.Phone Pled. 447SYV. 46 WHITE "Leghorn laying hens. 30 rahliMw.

3 months old. 4rt. av. DELIVERY horse for sale. McC'ar- ron 34th and hestnuL fVlt hogs, all, verv can; we are qtiiitiiiK: plenty swill biiiiiess.

Ad. Purakcnles Cat, Box S2. At it yrlle. FRESH COW WITH CALF. PHONE Frmtvnl I4XK.I DAIRY POriTIlT 9.

HATCH with simplicity ro.MniNrrn in. Cfl'Vrou rmooDElt. A wonderful hot water machine. Hava left I few MANDY LEE st sport prices I'KTtM MA nmt JITBII.EE INC1 IiA- TORS Huy now for next an save money See our sutomatic fa ints and feeders, one feed rulteis, root cutters, pprnvers. lei hands, tonics and i the only paint for brooders hen houses It disinfects well killing the miles and leaves a white flnih thai stays.

liaise poultry n.oi,BV doing. rnnke a specialty of aaslSLlng the pouitrymnn Vairy srri'LiR. Cream separators, coolers, palls, mtlk-Ina machines, churns, tanks, hoftles, cap, washinir powder, brushes, cheese-makers' suppMi gas enirines, pumps, scales. We have everything for the or pouitrymnn and are pleased give anv information desired. Call a3d leave your name for our price list on all supplies, out soon.

OAKLAND DAIRY SCPrTiY 404 11TH ST DPI'. T. D. THEATER PHONE TIM 'l HH CUOD horse and hucev for sale r. 4 'i 4 Mh ph.

Pied. 6121. Foil A 1.17 -Cheap, hay lu-rse, wt. 1200 ibs. Cali evenings.

S'7 st. HOI'SIJ. wagon and harness ci-i-ap. J608 Adeline st. Siii'ND.

gentle horse; euiinbic for milk wagon. V. AUTO RKi'l' PARK. Duldin. SKWINti MACIIINK.S KF.I.SON buys sells, rents and repa'rs II makes of sewing machines.

611 Mth bet. Jefferson and Urara llwn. ()man1 lilt. ft NT SIXOKK-New 1 7 If) San Pftio ave. cpp.

American Theater, larcest stock used ma- chines In Oslt'and. Lakeside 2713. rlnaer good condition $2l'. lute late Ji New Home. Use new Standard, good order il a Singer American AAA 100 Amertean Institution want Junk, Furriture, Gnts Clothing, Paper, Metals, Marulnei.

Stoves. Sacks. Bottles. P.aga or anything jrerketaMe. Absolutely best cash pr oes.

Phone Oak 402. SARGENT. Brush st A Top Price for men's ciota-: inn rrifR ins- wi ii Ktschhach's. 41? th phone Oakland -47s. A PRIVATE parlv buys diamond.

trhfi. r.fl. kodaks. clothing, fie; all iiins Oaklaid S145. heat prices dies, children clotnes.

110 Oakland fc457. DISCARDED ck. thine want ed li-30 for jwtt'l auita. accord- lngto cond. 461 satt Oak.SS5 DISCARDED will "pay from! IS to 130 for amis.

according i condition. Phone Ala. -'710 HIT Park Alameda. SET of Blackatone; give price ml condition. Ko S701, Tr'hune.

WANTED Four pieces glasV i ft. by 5 4 tl. or price Harry's Shooting c.ailery. Broadway. WANTED or S-foo'r notion show case pay Telephone Fruit VK BUY old hooks for ash.

Hardy's Mi Oak. 47U. WANTED-Buainesa 11 1 1 airr. 411, medium, hy privale party. Pied VAXTEI-Preha trunJt.

Oak land jT7oTiVATCH B3." clVafiMi and suar-anteed. M. tlaiaey. Telec I2 F4u. KOI! SAI.K AN OAK dinfK set.

Iitirnry tal.le. oak rockers. nii-Jiopany hed. hn-Kkfasi set. r.ruaaelM rupK.

Iiahy rih. piny pen and alki. cofiper 'oil Iw-ater. kinhen table and chair, pan plate and carhage run. 811 r'ttsonall-.

4611 Ha thorn aye. nr. Ti prapti A COMBINATION pool ami hilliar.l table with all arc t'sunew; sk 1 household Roods. Snai uck aveV Berkeley. A BHJ-baruain.

$45. cos' Sr 1 port with mattress, pi in i a-l'y new. 4418 K. Mth. Print.

BED rm. ruaker. kit' lien 41 35 Howe Oak. ('hone I'i. -il.

702J. l.OJiISA riii. paa. coai eiiKewuoa raiiKe, $45; (ias heater. $1'; iron hed nd priiiK 7S 1 Kilt Alameda.

CHIFKOXlElt. ciia i rs mii tab etc. J. May. 4.11s rt ti.

FrRNlTI TiE and 'VurniKlirnKs' of 5-room lip to date Hut ijose in; Hat can be rented cheap; prh $475 cash, ill ldth si. FOR SALE New Packard bus runKe, 54i; apMl before JH it in after cnlni; AQKer. 1006 Jefferson st FOR SAKE Furniture 4 rooms; cheap rent. PIS 8th ar HlUH-fiRAIJB furnlture' and ruga direct from factory to you; saving ol $4. 1324 Frultvala sts.

ROBERTSON SOLAX HL'tJHES' electric Oak. 6261. range. Bargain. l'ivl- tr-i ir i ran says you money sllinK dl- reet to you from wholnsalera.

Office. 9 Mariposa pled. 4B54-W btfors 1. sf(er o'clock I EPECI'aL "bargains In Olenwoii'd atovei; weka oniv Sinai, ill Broadway. VALVES IN l'SEH HAS STOVES AND WATER 17.

THE STOVE SHOP, fisTTOTl LiKATKRs. i ST. WOOD-fOAl, ranpe, hot waJer back, $30; National cash reicister, $15; Inv. chair, ruliber tires. $15; electric water heater, steamer trunk, $6.

3S01 E. Mth ft. 1 FOLDING bed and three-tiarlr size beds. cad and sprniKH. Lake.

12f.0. stove; high oven; Uon water heater. Berk. W. 4-PIECE Ivory set.

1923 drove st call het. in and i Plica reduced on furniture storaco: rparats rooms F. F. PORTER, )4S1 Broadway. Ph.

Lakeside 1000 Fl 15 XI ft' It ASTEli" AAA WANT to buy from private family, furniture and furnishings of complete bungalow or flat in good pay cash, take possession at your, convenience. Berk. A LADY wants to buy house of whole or part: must, be reas Ph. Piedmont 427" for appointment. A PARTY needs fund! ore for 4 renins, Will pay very cood prir-e for OlS E.

nth st. 1 rutt. 1 1" Jll l.l.l r. HIllPU tZB IHIl'' .1 OT rooms of furn. 'hone T'ied S792.

i nrPrri pays hlghtat prices UUlbUl S09 Clay. Oak. 65111. COMPLETE office furniture, also furnishings for home and Wilton ruga. Call Ikesida 1673.

FURNITURE WANTEIk-Wi yo mora for your furniture and household foods thin you ran get lewhere. J. A. Munro A 1007 Clav O. 47L 111 Phelan dr.

F. Douglas 641 HEAVY fumed oak ilininir tahle nd six chairs; must he in good condi-tion. Phone Merrill 3203 after 5 p. m. or before 11 a.

in. KlST pays tha hishesyt prices for fnriil-tura and House hold eoodi. or exrhan Bw for old. 61? 11th Osk TARTY wants furniture, carpets, rugs, sewing machine, stove, etc fcr cash: auy amount. Call Fruit- ai PARTY nl 60 rooms teneral fjrriT ture.

carpets, nigs, ete cr large lot-; cash Phrn Oak 2036. THE DESK STORK riui ffie furniture Ito; Sin l-'solo av; phone 1075 UNITED FURNITURE INC. pays highest prices for used furniture stor 8 1 teres. 601 Clay; ph. Lakesids WI- pay mr.

1 desks, store fixtures, merchandise i than dealers Mersel Mevsel I Auctioneers, ISth near Franklin. Pit; Or.k. 447. Try us WILL pay a fair price to private family for furniture for a 6-room house. Tel.

Pied. 8436W from 7 to a. 6 and 7 p. m. WTXTED-Furntture y-

,2.5 Hon.s I i tuil It ii OK eAI.K AAA Piano Must sold st one, owner leaving town: hieh-grsd Instrument: i- o.ii "Biiiui, puce any time. Lakeside ,3119, St. Regis Apt. 19. 2425 Grove sL, Oakland.

AAA HEAR the SOLO TONE BEH- I NINO PLAYER PIANO before yon decide on buying Glrard Piano :2 TIOr. i Mth a. A SACRIFICE, $175 fine upright, wait nut case: perfect Instrument. Bax trioune. BDT A PIANO You can buy a piano here for $4 a month.

Oirard piano Ird floor. 619 14th BERRY WOOD electric; splendid for family or business place. 570 47th at. CH ICKERIXO. upright piano $1 SO takes It; act quick: terms.

Girard Piano 3d floor 519 Mth St. I i i I 2 a t'i A A A of li I When the shipments nf armv ooli organi-tatlon of the rood profiteer nen ine bnipments or army administration in each rl.uc, ()a win be ent county dn ierreatlon in the statoVas made by Robert G. oeienucrs reation IUO Thirteenth unH llarrinn 't whpre 1 large force of clerks will expedite the delivery of the orders. Mrs. Annette A.

Adams, United oiaica is i rii i Attorney, nas wrES in unci aireaoy prepared ror use in seizing fond hoards, but is awaiting definite orders from Wafjhington before proceeding. S. N. Ayres, secretaryxOf the Associated Dairymen or California, yesterday, y6 Mrs. Adams his corporation accused of hoarulnirr wire responsiblefor this I'Allt PROFITS COMMITTEES.

Formation of "fair prdfits committees" in' all counties of the state is being: started today. Frank D. Stringham, former city attorney of Berkeley and assistant to Kalph Merritt. appointed by Attorney Gen- cral. Palmer, has taken the work in The Price of Butter and Eggs 1 V- fJIaJlliii I Sure to Satisfy ill Thft Hnmnhrpv Hi RtiBERTS transacting business un-P.

rm nam of "PREST-O-MO- nrm name of The San Francisco Wholesale Dairy Produce Exchange owns no merchandise, and does not buy or sell. It is a meeting place. Its members meet each morning and buy or sell to each other. If one has more stock than he needs for his day's business and another has less than he jieeds, sales are made. The daily price is established by these sales.

The United States Bureau of Markets furnishes this Exchange each morning with the quotations in Eastern centers. The demand for these staple commodities, butter, eggs and cheese, comes from all parts of continental United States, from the Hawaiian territory and the Philippines. During the last few years large shipments "have been made to the Orient, South America, France, Great Britain, Siberia, and toall parts of the world. 'In addition there are the supplies purchased by the Government for the Army and Navy. Now comes the great fleet to Pacific water? bringing a still greater demand.

During the past six months at least 600 cars of eggs of 450 cases each, or eggs, have beenshipped out of California. Large eastern centers are still demanding California white eggs. Over two million pounds of butter have been shipped from California in the same period, The prices are not alone made by local consumption, but by the world demand. During 1917 and 1918, owing to the small stocks on hand, San Francisco dealers were compelled to import large quantities of butter from Australia and the easteren states. In the countries at war.

production of all foods was largely curtailed for years. Buyers from European governments are located in the United States taking our supplies and actively competing in all the markets. The smaller quantities of foods produced in Europe increases the demand. America has acted in the spirit of cooperation with her allies in furnishing foods. In all the history of previous wars the prices of aH commodities have risen and continued to rise until the end of thewars.

Thereafter there- came the gradual reaction until after several years prices found'lower levels. It is the same now and doubtless it always will be. The butter in cold storage in the United States on August 1 st, according to the warehouses reporting to the United States Bureau of Markets, amounted to 1 24,839,792 pounds, a little over a "pound to each person. The eggs reported amounted to 7,853,288 cases of 30 dozens, or about two dozen to each person. American cheese, 62,480,162 pounds, about half a pound a person.

Large quantities of these warehouse stocks are owned by European buyers, and are awaiting exportation. fl these stocks were suddenly consumed, the prices for these necessary foods, in season of non-production, would be very much higher than now prevail. SAN FRANCISCO WHOLESALE SVURY PRODUCE EXCHANGE automatic 1. SERVICE CflMPAM. rt wV oS, Radiantfire II I II ECONOMICAL HEAT IH If II il A tirpn arp hpatpr that flrvia -fa HIP I lJl 1 Avyy-v- HIV A.

JJILI Iflff I 19 witn raaiant neat and warmth. Ill II If "No tumes no odors does not deaden til I COMPANY ders'aned. do hereby eer- that we are co- A i rmoiness under the Arm partners, doing A-MOTORS nam and style of PRLST-O-MOTOHS of AHmeda, State of California, County of Ainmeon, c- and that the names in k. of said Co-Parineriup ana tneir respective places of residence are as fol-lnirs to-wit: A B. WUIfSTIT.

nil Arkansas strejt, Oakland. California. I ROBERTS, 3126 Main street. Oakland. California.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto i set our hands and seals this day of AuBUtt, A.B WRIGHT. (PEAL) H. 1.. (SEAL) i State of California, County of Alameda ss. On this 6th day of August, A.

D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nineteen, before me, N1TA KAXDAliL, a Notary Public. In and for th City of Oakland, Countv of Alameda. State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared A.

P. WRICHT and H. L. ROBERTS, known to me to be the persons described in and wlose names subscribed to the oe. In witness, whereof.

I have thereunto l't my hand and sftixed git official sal the day a-. year in tins abev wmnn. NETA RAN'DALU 'Notary 7-aWlc In aXd for the Count of State of California, 1 1 lot of drop-head machines at tlu ea.h. few Rood drop-hesds at Every machine guaranteed regardless price. Buy from a rellahl concern twenty yars in th sewing machine business rnt and repair all makes.

W.T.DAVIS New Location 628 13th St Bet. Jeefe-jon-Orcve. formerly 12th sL DOWN. Per month, buvs new ew-intr machine; old machines taken as part payment; alj makes aired Piedmont 447R-J. rK1 KITEltS American factory Rebuilt Typewriters AH makes All prices.

rented Special rental rafes to its. cents. Non-vis ble. 3 mos. 1 $7 60 and up Firs; rental paid will apply, on purchase price of mar mamine seiecteo.

CALL CP OAKLAND SZ1 1. .1 1 jth st. If you want a ir.t-ci..". i rebuilt or rent machin; also A re- Oakland Typewriter Blctana 4i 16th If yon kw in The TRmrvr ihemno. Tiuni i i I See and Be Satisfied Pacific Gas and Electric Company II 13TH AND CLAY OAKLAND FOR SALE.

Player piano, bench and e9s Market st 01.. I lthin his'rument. ard they acknowl-4 rolls: price $2 cash If taken 1 i edged to me that they executed 'the wiiiiito MACHlNgrO ting week. Inquire 700 14th. OfOD Player piano, mahog 2d0 rolls, i f.

nc A bargain. $ip Pee this. 502 ICih. KRiiriiiEU uprlgiit piano: good condi 1 ion harts in for cxeh.Tjike 2 ''2 0 1 3M piano. Cash $50.

No I. deaiar l.eed arrlv. 1S03 TeleirraDh. I.

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