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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-e ay evening i TEMPERANCE TALK! LIEUT BROOKS DIES WILL SINK WELL SSs HE 5 10 in 10 START A a reaeaed foari of uf tsMy to t-r sak-jcg a saor.yiw as- -ricK te tap t'rutwd s. arri i la IE IB It IX Cm aad Waod te the ctrvf apciieri at tie B5ung t.r.jjat th Trtt tbarca. sr.d Broadway, i undtr cf the Wdtaea's Cin- a t'ru a Vr. ta on the national amml-nnt. Woid.

who was ia afrrlce on the FYenca froct. rj taj of ewsd.tions in Europe. SHOW LfiTE II Ueutecat 5 roc is, Eng-aeera. d.ed at Cairp Grait tasa vpltAl last cigSt of i- aJ iceElrrt-S. hcra vu la Lr Argele.

wiera I'm wtfs is at reseat. H's mother, a ha Uvea la E.rtio, X. Y-. arrtvei here a few days ago whea his tloa became criucal Ueuteaaat i an ex- 4 fcLJ ewer for future ciW.u Iteadeisrar. "Pie c.r:.- I tr.vea ter co a ra.t o.T fcr ha brvthrr v.e.

Ko.Vrd er ta i.itKijctt- tory cf dlvorvav. compmuod that see kulnd ii 1 to JTi to Santa Kju. Jeava hrr tj t-r kerwlf r. wrote feer a -t if ah ru to to Saeta oi.J rtk. rrrpsra- Brooks was a regriiar army officer.

r. to itaa for a test a eapofltfrg Wea ea am of ta cuauir uttwtu wtilc-h rt i c.a!"riedi a aaTwg ef to per evrt Ja the cost cf fuel caa t- ejected. Fr tte uae cf the devk-e fee rtal-aad i'at. ra a el ttif'irtmy tioca for h.a reception sr.J ectertain-raect. Isclailrg a Succieca ta ten-! dered fclra ea March IT at the Palace' Hotel fcy the n.ct i eaa-ie but that hla mat In fiH- hr, t.

n. ud by tha Maria Oorr ff th United States wiil how t-morrow cljfht at te ra if War PrrK" ua at Lor.jtt'.; This deal ith cur-nt aod hsva bn inor i tha mot lnterestir. and iostructi cf try sent out. A musicl will t-ivn and a pttnode taJK mad fcy Ilonorab: Thil Oatt. Tha lUirict C'ub Is on of tha most axthe ia th city and soma cf tha precincts ia this district eery liousa displays soma t.n how- As the first iractical rtep la th'-s city toward cut si pUriir.g roovvment.

Ir-ftlgited by te Oorrr.raert. ves table seeds hare been la the rrk conservatory. When these sprout" in aout three eks, the plans will be distributed ta hundreds of Oakland to be pUnted la their gardeua. It pkui-ned to hare these hme gardens producing all the year round, by means of rotation crops. As scon as on kind of vesetab! Is irrowa and taken from the ground, a different vegetable ill be planted.

Permiloii to plant th vegetable seeds In the park conservatory was gfvea by Mayor Parle and th Park Commission to W. E. Moore, supervisor of penmanship In th Oakland schools, what was Bpnolted to auoer- How to Make Oatmeal Bread Healthful to Eat Saves the Wheat lnt: aftlUaUoB ith wax aervk-a orianl-lation. Tonight rrosectittEtr Attomer F.ra Decot will makt a address at tha Cola School unJfr the auspices IcapOaar riaU4 I cvp cocJ mU Is approaching rapidly and the important thing right now among women is the vle home gardening In this city. taUaapeo ihartaaliM lrpaaauk 1 twaapeaa a it tifcUayaiw axar matter of EASTER CLOTHES.

1 Sift k-tbr low. cora asaaU aaJt. baking jxrwdc aod A4 catsMa aaud abonvniaf and milk. Baa to graaaa4 baUw paa nt aaaaarata a 4 ta 4S ttuoauc Thb wbolesocne bread is easily and quickly made with the aid of ROYAL BAKING POWDER If used three times a week in place of white bread. by the 22 million families in the United States, it would save more than 900,000 barrels of flour a month.

Twenty seeds ef each, tomatoes, cabbage, kale, lettuc and onion, wer sown In th conservatory yesterday by th conservatory gw dener. TALK TO BARBERS Slembert th Barbers Tnion, together with employers and non-union men, held their annual celebration at the Labor Tempi last nleht Th Principal speeches wer made by Assemblyman Georg Gelder of Berkeley, who also sang in the musical pro-franvand-W. A. Pjvooner. secretary of th Central Labor Council President George Mast en directed the affair.

Musical numbers by Professor Hudson, baritone, and ignor Pabello. violinist, wer among th musical features. of the Oakland War Swrlca Thar will a dlplay of moving pictures and musical numbers. All of tha enterAinments and murine pictura shews Riven tr tha War Serrjca League ara public at all ttmea Tha rerular pen meetlns ft tha entire membership of the Oakland War Serrlca League win ta held rrlday evenlnf In tha blue room of tha Oakland Hotel. The featura of tha fathering will an address on A lt Io In France." Mrs.

Darl-Ina; Inaarurmtsd that branch of war transportation la Kurope which Is bow being eo succeesfully dona bjr thou-aands cf Alaskaa dors. The pictures with which sha Illustrates her lecture make It a most Interesting object lessen of tha war. Tha public Is Inrlttd. a THREAT IN MAIL IN Dl A NAPOLI3. Ind.

March XI Tha Ufa of Governor James P. Goodrich was threatened la an ni(-ned communication which was turned seer today ta the United States department of JuaOoe for InTcstlration. Tha letter warned tha roTwrnor that ha would meet wtta rto-teace unlesa he took steps immediately to atop William Jennings Bryaa from speaking at tha National Dry Federation Are you Ready? offer you the ery best opportunist la get ia( yoa Vrant for this occasion at the lontst prices. Beautiful nev Easter materials and colon art all embodied in our display and We want you to look at big Suit alut for Easier. Out mm andBlut bnkUt Bttt War Tlmt mhtmi (cods.

fr-dArxt ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, Dpt 13S WHIiain Si, New York FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR L. ELKS WILL PLAY Oakland Elks will tonight sea- a "modernised" version of "Vncl Tom's Cabin," when th "great B. P. O. E.

stock company" will enact its ovan conception of th classic at th lodge rooms. Th "new version" Is from the pens of Max HorwinsJtl and A. L. Vander NaUlaa. rBTRThV" 2750 SPECIAL EASTER OFFER miioa nere Apni te inaugurate a ZZz: national prohibition Hht national prohibition p-ht Cimo-Uank it, ts wife et abrttua NEW EASTEIT COATS, DRESSES AND WAISTS 0BSO Uarck 1.

te the wife et Afcrahaa llotma, a euliir. XAMIEll Uirck 20. te th wife of William jvitge bargains fridayi the wife et J. Uewellys te ts wlrt at Tkomaa ta th wtfs ef Maauel i te tha wlft ef Joaeph PDCHIT oRCAsn XLxEjU I 1 ONE PRICE EVERY ECONOMICAL WOMAN IX THE ET RAY CITIES IS DOING HERSELF AND HIlDEk Marts HER KiroCFllVs-MirT-h 1T( te tha wife ef Wesley a FAMLY A GRAVE INJUSTICE IF SHE DQESNT SEE THESE 1-DAY BARGAINS Ni-mlmva, a daiicbtaf. FATFPM OUTFITTING CO.

1 IvUJnJ 581 14th Street SI EL March 1, to tba wife ef Joaa Keal. a giLVEItA Mirrh 19. te the wife ef Aatoale h'flra a trlfhtr. SOAaLEg-Mtn-h IS, te tha wle ef Ton; ri, a Saatatw. in 56 Jerseys reduced Friday SAMPLES that's what these beautiful MARRIAGE LICENt BSl I eZWXLL-lOCCXP Uud M.

ftawell, 24, aad Drum a l.ow tt, hath ef Oakland. harln lUbrtel, II, rriaclsce, aaif Mary J. Ditsdille, 14, M. B-ra, 3T. aad urn J3th and Kvprv I.

vi in iiuru more. bizes and stv es for firls of 16 to women who 4nv New models every one. Military effects graceful suits with sashes, etc. wWjTiBas ti Heather mixtures or colon. like: .9 Mnrla riwn, IS, bn'h of Oiklaud.

i irDIMOKTEBILLAMT Adlii Prdramtt, 1 aud Anaa UUauiy, ii, both of lute Ctua. gAK ysAtrcisco ucrxiri. I VRFTSTONI IMITB Cbarlra R. Wketitooa. I-r-aldia.

mil Aita Imita. Oaklaod. HACTtlTT U. B.ckrlt. 21, Alanwda, aod alUdrad i.

Oedoer, IT, Oakland. WAT0 COtTWTT tlOEKiTS. SFTTENCOtlgf -MA10BIE fruk B.U-nwt '14, Saa Matfo. and Alice a. Uacgrle, Oaklind.

MAKTIM" COUITZVAXOHZ Wai. B. Mrnwa, I alhef, Rote. Rimmr, Rookie. Cold.

Turauoht. Sxiraiong vests. i9c they're as long as "envelopes." Fine, white, Swiss ribs in sizes that are gener. ously large. A startling Friday value.

arge hair bows. 25c Mothers, attention! These contain TWO full yards of silk ribbon. All colors. Better buy Daughter several on Friday. Whieria.

Sand. FOR 500 RilEN A $1,500,000 Tractor Corporation, now manufacturing, with a tremendous market and a hand-pome profit, offers to 500 men (over 400 are al- ready in) who can subscribe from $100 to $1000 each, an opportunity which we frankly believe means the foundation of a fortune for those who Reindeer, Oxford. Belgian. Beige. Old rose.

onamrocf. SUITS ON SALE FRIDAY ONLY. NONE EXCHANGED H. lamp rrrnwHit, bi! FrlaclIIa tourtt-DtDche, SI, KvtlwiKHl City. ANTA OOtriTTT LICEBIFg.

OAROTALO FT7BXAKI (tatnuol 23, nil Mary M. rnrnarl, 21. heth ef Saa Jeae. CWTIBAlBirrtK Wllllioi J. laTer 2T, Aanaw, an.l MrT Arbaltar, IT, ftaata Clara.

riEKACCI MAVCIXl-Pertee PlaraeeL sad la Maai-lal, is, aeth ef Baa Joaa. Noiaseme hose sale S4inch suiting Black and white checks In two differ-ent Bizes sponged and shrunk splendid for suits, m7fC skirts, children's coats. Friday reduced to 1 Vu. rDEATh FOR WOMEN there are black outsize hose and a few white. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS IR17P9 71t to 1 1 1 firo VlnH stockings.

While the last Fridav gingham silk $3.35 The newest! Th prettiest! Every woman will want one of these stylish silk blouses. Flaids Or checks high or low collar effects. Alse reduced to $3.35 on Bargain Friday will be some high grade rrepes de Chine. gargains for babies! YARD. WIDE CHALLIES REDUCED Very pretty Persian patterns for comfort covers, a kimonos, etc Friday, yard I DC Baa Fraiwlera.

March mis now; ntty Parki of Ktn.i of Mr. Kia, aad H.rl.r fattwuoa a nttlT of Mioarl. asi 40 year. B.riJ"H call at tha r.2 7 to Tnk. tFt" 7 3.

for la- M.rrh W. litis M.r,. k.lo. wlr; af th. rr.rirk I Hunh.trf U-hJabar, aunt of Mfe.

flare Rwreuey and Annl rro-' Biana. a nntlva of Zell, Qrmaaj aawl rtr. It emere. and 4 dart. IXml ami a i T)n In In Mi-.

r- lrrh II. II. 10 SO a. fro tba I.rm.nt, Alaaio tam.t.rT. MABIlfER-la thl.

eity. Mirrh 1114 I A. M.rm.r, molhr of H. I). flwt' M.

of Uiklaml. firrr ll' Marine of Hi, and ef apokaoa. a natite of Malar, aa.d T8 ra ad mMith 1 raaoral ar.l-. Marrh II. wn, SO dork p.

at Int. rrfRCT-ln tnte rlt, March 20. 181.1. Sarah r. widow of tha lata R.nrr firrr-mothr of M.rr Hara I.

and Ward r-Lire of I.m Angoloa. Cat, and tb. iJ 9 yards cheesecloth. 50c EASTER BONNETS as fresh and dainty as the babes who will wear them. Cute organdy i A ana line iawn siyies, prettily trimmed.

Friday cut to. 59c can take advantage of it. In sixty days this company has secured orders and contracts amounting to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Potcction for this company's plans forbids general publication of details; these will he furnished, however, to those who can qualify. If you arc able to pay from $20 to $200 per month for 5 months or from $100 to $1000 cash, less 2, fill out the inquiry coupon and mail at once.

You will receive full particulars promptly and this does not obli. gate you in any way whatsoever. This proposition hai nrtt nnlv onr unqualified endorsement, but we alio have put our own money in it Mr. C. C.

Bowsfield, Editor of the National Banker, Cli'raso. nftcr a thorough investigation, said: "It will bring riches to those fortunate enough to participate; a more genuine opportunity has seldom, if ever, been offered." Titlon his personal public en. has ever given a rjroposhis is the first time this Editor dorsemrnt. 1 If you are human yon have often wished for a real, genuine opportunity. It is in front of you right now but it will not wait, if it did ft would not be a real oppor tunity.

This offer holds good only for the first 500 subscriptions; already over 400 have been received. You take absolutely no chance on this proposition as the basis on which it is offered guarantees its intergrity. Your inquiry does not obligate you in any way, but without the inouiry we will not be able to eive vou the LITTLE SWEATERS th white ones are all wool the cute mercerized knit coat, come in pretty colors. Get your child a ap sweater Friday for 31 piD SEE OUR iiZ of EHiab-'h PRICE TABLE JN'S SWEATERS OF WOME tti SI i a o.rTTa or rnca, iff ft, month, aad 14 dara. rwral aerrli-ea Trldar.

Marrh 12, 19U at 1 0 a'dwh p. at h.T lata knma I2M) th Gaat Oaklaod, te wbtrk fri.oda ar. InTftt lOSOHM-lo thl Htr. M.n-k an iota v. I This is sanitary, yard wide cheesecloth at a phenomenal reduction.

Not more than 9 yards to a customer, Friday. 42-inch pillow tubing. 26c yd. Housewives, here a big saving. Make your own cases from this and save money 1 Soft, durable, bleached.

Friday only. sale of rugs 189 rugs to sell on Friday only. Choice of tapestry (for living room, "etc.) or pretty rag rugs (for bath, bedroom, etc.) LARGE SIZE rugs, 27x54. Buy here Friday and save. Mercerized table cloths.

$1.00 For round or square tables floral or conventional designs on gleaming damask. Not hemmed. Big Friday bargain. jruiiofthe'loomsh 35 SENSATIONAL reduction. Genuine Fruit-of-the-Loom sheets 81x90 size no seams.

Limit 2. to a customer, on Friday." arge, heavy towels. I2gc Hemmed huck with red or blue borders. Extra heavy. Extra sie (18x36) Splendid buy.

Limit: 1 dozen to customer Friday. JDid you knovtl Easter be here in daysl Hurry here for your Spring outfit Corsetsale The better class of corsets In broken sizes have been reduced for Friday. -Medium and low bust; long hip; wedge clasps sizes to 29 pr. nim, loTliig mntb-r of and Ixntia Rnoohin and Mra. Sophia c-anaiaa.

olnT.r later of Mra. Martar.tha gi.hl, Mr. Man. PlKlM-tphaae and fit Bohohm, a eatlt. of O.rmanr, igcd 49 leara, 4 nootha aod 27 dara.

flndt and afvuialatanrta are InrltM to attrnit tha funeral itnrHnr. March 2.1, at I a'clork a. from tha parlor of Oraat P. Mlllw, 2327 Kut 14th atront, aorn.r of 2tta arfoue. Int.rt iKo-t.

Mt. Vl.w rrm.tory. RHODES In B-rki-l-T. March 11, mia plaa flarlna fih'-dca. of John r.

Rhod and mub af ft. and Barard r. Rhodr. id Mr. B.

a aatlT. of Ohi.i, aged Sasler "envelopes" Friday. 89c detail. i-i i mnTiia a oars, P.tTTttnOE Tn thU cltr. M.rrh 2ft.

mt4, lnn. I d.nuhtcr of rriwl-rlrk and Mar-, nwt W. Rntiedfe lt.r of Margaret A. mZl I9r Iin? sneer, longcloth. Backs i iA mil i irti hm ii infirara as ai mi A ji 1 1 A a Hums wun lace.

err. iaee ft ei nnrr avm i in i Lovely effects. TIIE POWER WALL CO. INDUSTRIAL BANKERS 502-683 Railway Exchange Bldg. CIIICAGO, ILL 3AI0 3AV GREEN TRADING STAMPS aasaasasaaaaBsa Above on sale Friday only, DovnstaM.

i narioii. a. Kntirnie, aatite of Oak-ln1. UiOW In thla rltr. March JO, 1S1, Walter Elnj.r Rnow, helmed aoa of Louder anrf lar.

ca. Snow, hfothar of" fh.rlea Adeline M'oolo Snow, Mra. Ethel Hantcr John g'. Mhl oi.r-nca L. aad Edna Maow.

a ratlt of Oakland. afed 83 T.are, month, and a dara. Bonal acrrlcaa Eridae, March 114 at 10 e'dnck a. at hi. lata home, sth treat.

Oakland, te which fri.nda are Inrlted. Inquiry Coupon -i Xy Jast two da if of "jetmg meet: CARD OE THANKS. Wa wl.h to nr aincecc appreciation for the hcaotlfnl ffwc and IotIm LADIES, DON'T MISS THIS MARVELOUS BARGAIN FEA'ST ook! Patterns 1 leadod he our maar frlcada daring unr t. i l-rreafercent. TIIE POWER WALL Industrial Bankers 502-683 Railway, Excasnga.

Bld, CHICAGO. ILL Gentlemen: Please give without obligation on my full particulari of Your unusual offer. If I am satisfied that it is a genuine and unusual opportunity I could inrt I cash or per month for five months This inquiry does not obligate me in any way whatsoever. Jub goods. 25 yd All reduced and patterns free! Think of ill free hat trimming Buy materials hfe Friday and Saturday and yfe trim hats free.

Cereal silk sale All underpriced. Patlerns free, too. See these (in all new. colors) 40- in. crepe de Chine, $1.10 yd.

35-in: taffeta, $1.25 yd. 3G-in. satin. Yes, free McCall Patterns with yard goods purchases of or more. Offer ends Saturday.

ffotion sale AT 3 such rare bargains as dressmaker's pins chalk wax snaps hooks and eyes buttons of many kinds tapes, etc. Name eeeeeie MR. ANT. MRS. JOErH rLAMZER AND DAtonTEa.

tk TRAWClgCO DEATHS. AUraarh. Miner Klof, Catharine Rnth-Birth iKenr), Chrlatlna TS LflAlae do Mndatrooi. Enid Rernhelni. Theodore WMnrrar.

Dcnnl, aT Brranl. rwrtittiea T. Mat well. Amelia SO Harms. Margaret McCarte, Mar Thrlatla.

Miit M'nef M-Kowb. Mary rl. Peacon. Lrdla TS MTar, Annie Hj rreler, rlophle JJ NHea. RettT--Aa, Prew.

Jnaeohloe Nott. (barlotte 11 Emmer'rh. Mai 1 O'Mallrj, Tird. Marfaret I ttlf. E'taterald.

failicrlne Towell, Jnarph 4d Oral. am. L. Pond, tcalf 50 i SI Ryan, Thnmaa L. rtarr, Lnla Rlerhera, Anna 72 Trarrey, M.rr 1.

rVhmldt, Mary Hoaa, Michael 1. Tnoaney, Annie Jaeebe, Saaael Wllaoa. Jolia Address Lancashire cloth Japanese crepe Plisse crepe Standard galaiea Fancy and. pure )vhle dress voiles Silk) poplin Dress gingham Beautiful satin-stripe Madras shirting Widths from 27 to 40 inches. Stock upl $1.25 yd.

-All silks are high grade. City and State Occupation or Business yfhop early fridayJ SaxG money Friday.

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