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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 31

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR) it, isis. $2 51DAY MOrJvlNG IB 1515 Vilsi IHuge Welfare Work Grows Out of War i c- 0 iHow England Cares For Workers' Families 0 iTake Measures to Secure Labor in Plants SAILOR DIES; 511 FID UK HUH A department of questions and ensuers The glands for SERVICE. It Mill vtur your queries in this column. If you're in a tele glume. If not, urite.

lour name and address must accompany your question, but iwJ necrssaruf aW publication. i 1 Br RWETA CHICLE 00. ARKETIF4G iii he a woman physician and a wiean I aoperuiienjL At Boon e-ry dv she goes to a big, clean. ary canteen where. for a rrodest so in, ah Buys a rounsning meaL I- aimed dietii-r experts and prepared professional conks.

WASHINGTON. March It One roan the woris under conditions as safs as WJLa jj tn three wounded aboard tdTrh'a riX destroyer recent.y whe, torTea aad sanitary consaniences. Sha is the armed guard of an American line paid good wages ar.d her hours of work steamer fired on the destroyer, nus- are aumanely limited. taking tt for a submarine. A court fhe wears workjnf clothes designed inquiry has been orilered Ai- ror her eomfort.

heath and wrety. ana ascertain if the liners these, even, to soma cases to the snoaa, fTHiljNE ar CftiN'if't Aftreae.) T. Ma-ch it was In one of a great 1 1 suburbs of IaBdon. a fla. narrow coMet s'reets flanke.

en both irt-s f-iej-flsh hop. g'er-o gtce-s and e(ter l-cbie-de. i trapros's r. tifg fe wsvs. fi ever a i.

shops, trais and hurrying crowds workirg people a pull of reokT fog i.hf in ich tei-h bcrhood answers (or s'l-oepher. Tk the left, behind gh walls guarded at eerv cite by rcary Usui -i ni trie largest muuitlurs work in i-at Pn.atn. As far a the eye coild se. huge ngs frr which poure.1 the r-ar at the clang of steam hnvmr art tha whir and of everhenj. towertng chimneys belching smoke and flame.

The place was, in a oensideraMe town rievmerf during twentv-four ho.irs of eery day to trie production at highest Brur of aid ammunition ami "Market your wheat before Mir 1." I a part of an argent "war call to patriotic farmers mad by Herbert C. Hoover today iw a telegram to Federal Food Administrator Merritt for California. The urgent demand of the allies for wheat and the need tn take rare cf domestic supplies was given a the reaeon for the appeal for early and complete marketing of wheat bv May 1. except tha reserve for feed. Sam Is fighting for hi life." Hoover declared lt his telegram which cunistancea.

Tha liner was under convoy. The are provided res of coat by tha ena- piorers. Oe" NINE WOKK UNIFOBVS ONLV TWO HAVE 4KIRTS. I have befor ma a pamphlet entitled Clothioc for Women and Ort Workers la Kactories and" Work, shopa" This pamphlet was prepared for the Pritlsb government from information supplied by factory inspectors, su- weather conditions wera poor and the visibility low. Through the haie tha armed guard mistook ona of the destroyers for a submarine and opened fir.

Tha aim was such that ona man on the destroyer was killed and three others wounded. It wa regarded generally here as Cast yoo inform me the avrrsge anuual )W Id la boxca Jcr acra for ftl groww oranare trcce T. H. J. The answer to this very interesting comes through the COHrteei of Aaslstant Professor Ira J.

CondSt the repa.rtir.ent of Citncnlt re of the I'niTersity of California, and based upun expwrlments conducted I Frofe sor Valla ef the Citrus Experimental Station. He says: "Calculation based on acreage figure gathered by the State Commissioner of Horticulture, and shipments actually made by the rallroda, ehow that the average yield per acre rail orargea bearing age, throughout CaUfornta. for the five vears. 1J19-U to 114-15 Inclusive, wasvapproilmatelv packed boxes. The hlsrhest seastinal yield during that period was lis packed boxe In llSf-14.

The 1914-15 crop averaged 143 packed boxes per acre. The highest yield for a district of any considerable fixe (foothlil ec-tioa cf I os Angeles county from Claremont to Duaxtet was 1 packed boxes per acre. The Citrus Protective League gives the average on acres from 1S0-T lll-ll inclusive ai 1ST racked boxes. -The Valencia orchards have probably averaged a little tn Vr acre production, and have certainly averaged higher In value per box. so that net value of the crop ha been greater.

"I might add that we are trying to lmpree tjr atudents that they must do better than the average if they expect to gucceed. The sTrage production of agricultural crops In the Inlted States, as you probaldy kaow, Is low. Only those who do better or much better thaa the average are making; much of a succetw of fainting. Will yrm llndly tell me th proper aathorlUesi to write to to oltaira th company and re-slmeiit of a drafted nan? E. A.

The onlv way in which accurate information can be obtained rrdlng the location of a drafted wan Is to write a letter to the adjutant ct the training camp In hich he is supposed to be, and ask for the information desired. The adjutant1 office is the clerical division of the service. It has the records of all men In each camp. For Instance aa Inquiry pertaining to a man at Camp Lewis would be addressed: "Adjutant! Office Omp Lewis, American Lake, Wash." Can yon kindly enlighten an old sobM-rlbcr as to the wberc-abevnta ft hat notexl Individual tlie Crown lrncc? T. B.

We can not. Neither can the State Department at Washington. Hs tiea been variously reported dead, in Russia, on the west front and 111 la a hospital, all on the sanus day. The best available Information wa hava regarding his whereabouts Is that he Is 'somewhere" In Germany. Wa hop he stays there! tierintendeare mnA follows Ac-ordlng to tha intorrration contained.

"la orjer that we mar comply with! n.aterial for Pntam army in the or controlled factories Upland now an accidental rasa and there was a dress. Nine uniiorns have hen worked tendency to believe that the armed out and only two of ttieit have sktrfs. was unable to get a correct view These two may be worn only when there us4, th weather condition. no danger of the sklrt cf.hlng in ma- I IcpaTtnient thts after- tha urgent demand of trie allies wheat and at the same time take re tvtJVTMiNO WAS DiATY of our domestic surply, we l9 reed this year and more corn- plete marketing of the wheat in Th. running up am! down farmers' hand than usual.

The al-i wer dirty g'av like the buildings. It l- rL 7h. noon reported the follow-in casualties wrists. lies are taking from us 5 per cent oria. on tns whole, arxmt tne most hope.

Was It not olfrlctilt at flrst. I asked a ieniv suit utilitarian ipot mr pil-gnmae throuili wartime lnr'and bad other cereals thun wheat to mix in their bread. WAK CALL ITn VliWT. "Inasmuch as the people allied eountrie and the soldiers must te fed with bread baked in bakeries, it is Walter Young fcmtth. fireman, L.

S. 8. Orion, was accidentally killed. Hie home was Columbus Oa. Edward Joseph llanley.

apprentice seaman. IT. 8. S. Charleston, was drowned.

His home was i'hiladelphia. Frederick W. Hough, landarnan for the quartermaster, naval aviation service, died as result of injuries received In an airplane accident in Scotland. His home was 4501 Lake ark avenue. Then suddenly I came en a small oasis in the Sahara of ugliness, it was a lone.

low t.uiltiiMg surrounded with n.1n nalirits ily uiie rang a hell, a a-wr rjwne.1 and we. stepped into one of woman superintendent, to indite women to wear trousers and to cover up their hslr with caps? It was. she admitted hut very soon the women wens converted to the ease and convenience, not to mention the safetv of trousers, nd now they would wear nothlne ese. r.insmipatloB from dangerous and tmprHer working clothes is a big gain for tiie wage earning women. Th.

mC. h.h munition worker Is guar I RHETA C1IILDE DORR RHETA CHILDE DORR Impossible for them to prepare bread made whollv of other rerials. and w. nwrt ik; I and white i.jes, fat, ronieutetl ,,1 1 emergency, appeslinr tr patriotism, and gu'Klv, tixiilietl and crawled ever "im (lilTuiltv ther oltalnet an white floor, played with blis ks st low enormous miniiter of lt-sn. comfortable ths or slfot Lieacefuilv In rnrnm and safe lHiKlng for lounl'lon woikera.

anteed iroid working conditions bv act Chicago, of parliament dated August. I'nder I must furnish them with sufficient wheat to maintain the bakery loaf. I. therefore, appeal to all the farmers in California that they shall bring ail their wheat, except their necessary reserve for feed, to market before There a covered veranda adjoining! These lodgings iiave b-eti supplemented the niain room, and beyond that a gar- over the kingdom by hutrls, soma ien s.acs, where, the head nurses I eftshllshed In rented houses, others In the terms of thUi act the home neire-tarv can reoulrst any factory or workshop in the I nlted Klnrdora to establish the government standard of heating, lighting, preparing and serving meals. May 1.

This It a war call, and a serv sored nie. they were able in summer to i portable houses to the Y. M. C. tea to Uncle 8am who Is fighting fori grow flowers.

It seemed Impossible, but 1 A. huts which are now familiar objects tiroviillng ambulances, seats ana an m. his life. If your local miller Is un- I paused to watch a group of In Kurone -ii i. i rr.r..l o'uer babies navlnn In una k.n .1 Some of Some of these hotels where I have seen i tary i-ondttlon.

Wsges are also regu The RED LETTER VEEftof the VAUDEVILLE SEASON It Commences Today at Matinee son. hundreds of women Bnd girl lodger. raaraet ji oiner traoe ooo- the dinuv hinterland and hovered I so rlose "-ry bit as attractive and as comfort tarougn Allien it win meet to the sand hesn th. children sand heap that the children stop- i ah'" Rs lardiiig school. Ksch lated bv law.

itours or nf' and since August. 191T. Sunday work has been practical' abol'shed. WELFARE WORK PLUS GOOD WAGES EFFECTIVE. Step by step all these requirements hive been made bv the state because soman had her own tiny ruhlcte, unless aminItratlon grain corporation.

pni playing and tried te catch it Simultaneously Hoover announced a Ig WOMEN MUST WO reduction in urofit allowed dealers In I BABIES MUST BE Canrn she preferred to double up with a friend. I'otteJ flowers, futility photographs and small persoi si be'otigings made the lied the sale of wheat by-products, or; Babies, flowers, wood birds In the mldnt with every step the health and happiness rooms homerae of lacturr i uwn ii.wir ii, i nd I he etr cienrr ot the in In the and a k. a lire and a piano or a phono- creaseu. urusio ym iu win jc- Incongruous thM "heTsed for eT. blanatons The a gtapn.

1 h. graph. There were newspapers, maga- fiw loimn une i -hi 1 7 Jf lines, books and comfortable chairs line oers, wmcn sue u-v necessity, not io, grew out or benevolence. a country club. Most of the hoteis hadCiency.

wmcn sne could nave Take the question of wages for ev- ei'her a small hospital or a dispensary sitli a trained nurse in attendance, and GERHHIDE HOrflUHH AT THE A Kf LAND In many Industrial tielghhorhno 1 throughout the Inlted Kingdom the thief reserve of labor was found nmnng married women with young children, cf these women were war widow. bad husbands Invalided home from ranee; some hsd liuhnd In the trenches, and others still had husbands in the factories The great loss of men snd the desrih workers among able-bodied men nmde the work of the women necessary to the state. The women refused to work In numbers unless their bahles were cared for. Hence the day nurseries. And growing out of Kngland great need of niore and more man power, which means amp'e.

The o'd-tlme trade unionist would not accept the piece wages because he feared being speeded up beyond human endurance. Me demanded week wages or dav wages, which gHve hint a chance to soldier on the Job. The Mute, as employer, met this condition by offering a bonus for production over I he slnndard for a dav's work. Production simply leaped. In one reat works I was shown the records proving that the output In some depart-ments.

under the bonus system, had Increased 30t per cent. Nor had the work-ers suffered. The doctor's records in that same works showed a decided Improvement in health within the past year. all had a superintendent who was a stidal worker. There were few rules or regulations.

The hotels were hoarding hnm' and 'he hoarders were as free there us In any other kind of a Uwlging This was Just the first step When en Kugiish girl, competing her training in ons of the fifty or more schools for munition workers, goes lo a dlshint point to take on a Job making or tilling shells, building aeroplanes or whatever else, she Is met st the station by a responsible woman official, and given her choice of several comfortable lodgings. When she enters a factory she la met and weli-nmed and thereafter looked ouf wheat mill feeds. The new margins I of profit, he announced, would bring ajl mill feeds made from wheat byproducts to the consumer at a maximum of 14. CO over the 3J per rent cost based on the price of the whole wheat at the mill. Heretofore dealera have been allowed a spread of S.

IU L1VO IS HlfJII). This new ruling which Is a benefit ta farmers and is designed to curtail tBe manufacture and sale of proprietary articles containing wheat byproducts, such as bran, middlings and horts. becomes effective today. A paragraph of the new regulation tates: "Any manipulation bf the price or Unwarranted mixing of wheat mill feeds by the miller which results In a profit to the miller In excess of an allowable amount as heretofore Indicated will be considered an evasion and violation of the food administrations regulation and will be pubject to penalty. Millers are warned that manufacture of undue proportion of any one grade of wheat mill feeds not normally produced, will be construed as prima facie evidence, of attempted evasion of the regulation." woman power aiso, other welfare work on scale undreamed of In pre-war days.

is snow something about welfare work In the I'ulted States. Hut welfare wnrk as a government tw-illnv in.titnt.j and largely nald for bv the tint. i. MASKED UMTS something we have not vet developed. I Hut we may have ta Ueielnp it if this' war lasts as long as predicted bv some of tha experts.

I i.W. W. SCATTER IT ST. MARIES IIP SUN INDUSTRIAL CENTERS VERY LIKE OUR OWN GARY, The nearest approach I have seen to Conditions Which annenre! 1 mil I- lUrroingham, Coventry, Clasgnw nrd inausinai renters In Ureal Frlfsin Is afforded by Gary, lnd a town which every one knows is largely owned and operated tvy-tlie great steel companies Bngland Itihor force wm Kngllsh. Scotch.

Welsh Bish and imrst of force SAN FRANCISCO, March Their faces covered with white hand-kerchiefs used masks, and armed with revolvers, four masked ban- ST. MARIES, Idaho. March 1. With determined citizens co-operating with fifty ptate guardsmen In patrolling the city, thirty ringleaders in Jn II and the roads from town sprln- was used to decent living Confusion, iiflerinir followed dlts succeeded In robbing the saloon unrest ann genuine sin.itTiei kled with foreigners fleeing under their transference to the munitions of milium t'oiiniin, 139 ORPHEUM PARTY For the benefit of the Oakland chapter of the American Ked Cross, the atudents of Heald's Business College of this city will give a theater party at the Oakland Orpheum on Monday evening, March 13. Arrangements are beitg made for the benefit theater partv by the Toung Men's Ited Cross Auxiliary of the achool, assisted by the Young Women's auxiliary of the same school.

Though but recently formed, both are doing towns. street, this afternoon, driving the inreai .,1 rri mm ''V hient or deportation, the I. W. W. nit turners Into a small closet snd lock-! I entirely under control tonight, following an by mem lug them In.

after which they looted the cash rrglster. Coughlin. hli hartendpr. Panlcl bers of the organization upon Sheriff Nolnnd. Ringleaders in the assault upon Nolo ml crowd the Jails, awaiting word from the state and federal officers Something had to be done, end since the minister of munitions st that time happeend to be lavld Moyd something was done.

A thorough exam-Inatlon of the entire situation came first. In some of the hadly congested renters the less particular among the workers had fitted up a sort of a Rnx and Cox arrangement with lodging houses, where, by every bed was occupied day and night. When the day workers wi on duty the night shift tumbled Into the unmade, tin. aired beds and slept there, exhnusted, until time to go back to work. After a short Interval for rest snd a smoke the frond work, with the girls claiming the II JM 'wSsWs I such a i Ii f.Vi- I wonderful Shiiughnessy, and two customers, J.

Whelnn of 635 Capp street. and A. J. Lcinpke of Alameda, were In the place. Three of the bandits covered them and drove them into the closet leadership In Red Cross activities.

The girls are engaged in knitting, to their disposition. All others found In town tomorrow will alM be enrl t.ii 1 1 narkr wlll newing and other feminine pursuits while a fourth sortrched the register mnwrtrA info a "bull pen" if and have not been adverse to acquaint ln the boys with their superior ac cpmplishments. Couchltn was searched and a wallet I V. 1 11...... liecoriMji I 10101 lunii, 1 31 fillod with bills taken front him oay shift sgiiln turned In.

I MoFt of the men In Jail are litis-, If was the continued boasting bv the girls were fnnnd well as a ilhimotxi ring. The loot retv women and among these lodgers The women sought i tots led fuo. The bandits made which ('ii'). lodgings In distant suburbs snd even In I their escape in an utoiuo'dle nehrhhorlnT towns. This meant that thc-r at lhe hud to travel, morning and eveionr.

.1 snd from the factories overcrow ded Infective are Invest Igut ins. inns or liprmsin. hnerirr fsotanu -erks to deport the former nrd Intern the latter. A report on the situation i us ent to the governor's office to-, ninbt by Mern'ri T.nlor, former i lieutenunt-governor, who commands the ante guardsmen sent here today from Sandpolnt. i Coeur d'Alene authorities tonlrht trains or trsm the service ilstvi lnufle.

I PROBE IS ORDERED girls that led to the theater party. The young men declared that they would "show The girls still have the best of the argument as they have been asked to help In the sale of tickets. Itoth auxiliaries are striving to outdo the other in the sale of tickets. The officers of the auxiliaries are aa follows: Men William I llavnes, president: Joseph Carrlerlo. treasurer, and W.

McDermott. secretary. Women Miss Iaura Cook, president; Miss Ruth SAN FRANCISCO. March 16 was taken yesterday toward an telephoned that their city being immediate Investigation bv the Fed eral Trade Commission of patrolled bv citizens -to frustrate anv ettempt by I. W.

W. members to fptste to meet the new demands WOMEN AND GIRLS WERE BILLETED IN TOWN. Home women, the committee reported, hail to leave their lodgings d'll before a. reaching home as late as 11 st night. This rave them barely six hours' sleep at night.

Clearly It was as Impossible to expect efficiency and a full output from this kind of an Industrial srmy as It would be to expert efficient righting from a military force bad fed snd poorly equipped. In all government owned sfd cos. lornia idiiihii) ttrowers Associations Penning, treasurer, and Miss Mabel complaint that the food admlnlstrn- frmer secretnrv of the locil Hon been In the fixing of, transfer of hose trial fro.n prices fr tomatoes 1 yt )at vesterdnv whirl, are Inimical to the Interests ofj(h here. the producer, of Cnlllomia. xpnn's arroHt has nrnused touch l- ran ls J.

ll. tiey. of the commls-, mong rnd'culs in slon, who had been telegraphed bv 1 unt threats nre nllrced to have I AlUStar 1 i IU Dili of fr''iv' I I if triump1u Standard. 'Aglorivus. Orpheum jc scintiUlting Attractions! i phone i .4 rMt ii i A A i purest joy.

OAKLAND Al Sj jn Mil ifmK. '40 iriiiin miniHio or s-, puipi artis, ae.ti-t plane factories and other places where the association to start a probe, wired war materials were produced, an administration was organized to establish tie en made that members of the nr-ganlatlon would crowd the town Btockol, secretary. VESSELS ARE TRANSFERRED. MEXICO ITX. March 16 The gov-ern merit has omereil the seven steamers i and one tig recently requisitioned from the Mexican Navigation Company to be turned over to the Commission Regulators de Henequen, of Yucatan, which purchased them for The sale was consummated after the government's act of confiscation and for a time the government refused to allow the transfer.

Four of them are of tons and the others more thnn lull tins each. where he wait tried for effect" upon the courts. It was to offset such I a gathering here that the change of venue was granted, whereupon the friends of Nelson sought to storm the Jail and release hlfn. to President Mark fJrlmes that he had taken steps to launch the inquiry. Ileney telegraphed to the commission at Washington to get all of the Informntlon available there and requested to be authorized lo sed an examiner of the commission lo Sen FrancUro to make an Investigation here and maintain good llvlnft conditions for the workers both In and out of the factories.

As for the housing problem, they tackled that aa tbey had from time im-memorial for the armies In the fleld. Thev billeted the workers on the towns. Not srbltrwrtly or tactlessly, however, but by persuasion. Women welfare workers, aided by voluntary committees of wemen. sent from house to boose.

the HUSBAND UNDER KNIFE, WIFE IS T. I I II HI MERRY AT DANCE Coughs, Colds Grip Are symptoms of a weakness that is shown by inflamed membranes. Peruna helps clear away the waste, restores the appetite, aids digestion, and builds up ea" it mm Tnu- Now! if.I Pl If (fill jil 'f Uj Gorgeout I ill Is I J'' SPOKANE, March Maggie M. Wllklns danced and made merry while surgeons operated on him, R. A.

Wilklns, a Plaza merchant, testified In Judge Oswald's? court, rie s.iol Ills wife did not no pen ront.oioed aluut bu. i and not. 1 rhu a wife should. lor, Wilklns testified that they had heard Wilkins receive notice that her husband was being prepared for the operating; table and that she proceeded to take part In festivities then In progress with apparent unconcern. tne sirengin.

men tne Diooa removes tne iniiammauon, restores the tone of the membranes, and the cold is gone. As a tonip following severe or influenza it will be found a valuable aiofto complete recovery. In cases of chronic catarrh its regular administration has re-stored thousands to health. A few doses at the first symptom of cold -tha depression that always starts it-will ward off suffering. I J.

if- II I Forty-four Years of Success a vziTan'm a mm a i Have made Peruna foremost in the.preparedness of the American home to meet the ills of the body. Your home might be the better by using Peruna. Tablet or Liquid Form. EVERY imEE OAKH LAND Marudin Tablets. Manalin Tablet are a pew form of a tima tested laxative.

They art delidous to use, iaf and effectivt, re-torin action to PLAN AIR CAMP WASHINGTON. March 16 Pasadena is tn lf the site of the new aviation hl the War He-purtment is about to establish in southern California, according to In. formation given out by Colonel Edgar of the signal corps today. The station practically a duplicate of the one now being; constructed at Riverside at a cost of $.00,000. The decision of the department to locate the new station in Southern California was made principally upon climatic reasons, it having been found, tliat the conditions there are for flying than anywhere else along the coai.

Senators Jones and Polndexter of Washington urged that the station be built In that state but Colonel Edgar advised them that a decision hsd i.i ilia Health and How to Haro It A new book of common sense treatment of many ills, with hints on how to stay well. Distributed free by or will bo sent direct on application. Read it and Drofit. 77iis is the one big week of weeks to see tha bowel, and a- rousing th liver. By thoir tee the habit' of constipa tion miy be overcome.

10 and 23 ceaUJ THE PERUNA COMPANY, Ohio rOS OUl Sl.HS.tM.fMW.. been made to go further south..

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