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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 27

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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ft Tf Service a. -S Last Edition News oection htfcrnattcrul ttfw S-rrvYc VOLUME LXXX1X OAKLAND, CAUFORXU. CXDAY 3I0ILNTNG, MARCH 3. 1915. 62 PAGES TO 36 no: ll.

II I i a. ill I I Mr RACE ffiMT -BLOOBSB, DEATH; ffiPJM FEROSAVS SHOT JLJ iL3iiiii US IIS 10 111 DRIVE Roosevelt Lauds, Sutro Condemns sOs o- Alliance Hearing Grows Stormy -o Q- Objects of League Are Defended Bjr Lewis VooJ, International News Srvice Stuff Corte-porvWt TT AS 11 L.VCTOX, March At the same time this afternoon the man in the street read Theodore Roosevelt's of Gustavns Ohlingrr as "an admirable example" of an American of German blood, Theodore Sutro of New York was characterizing Ohlinger as "rene-" TROOPERS iRIOT AT Two German Submarines Are the shoe laces of many illustrious gade who was unworthy to loose Ohlinzer is the Toledo man who Sunk in Mediterranean ican Alliance before the sob-committee now considering the King bill to revoke? the organization's charter. Sutro is the honorary president of the New York State branch of the alliance. He testified for nearly four hours this afternoon at the hearing and denied emphatically that the alliance membership was disloyal Karl A.

M. Scholi of Baltimore, at- American woman ajid I think every- SB RIVAL ON II PI "Kettner Told Me He Was Go-ing to Keep Out" Says Wool-wine, Told of Phelan Visit Report of Democratic Leaders Urging Republican to Run, Rouses Ire of the Bourbons The story published exclusively In last nighfs TRIBUNE of the visit of a delegation of prominent national and California Democrats, headed by Franklin K. Lane and Senator James D. Phelan at the Washington residence of Francis J. Heney bearing an Invl- jtatlon to the former graft prosecutor to become the Democratic candidate for governor of California, has stir red up a hornet's nest among State Democrats.

They are asking upon who's authority this self-constituted delegation spoke for the rank and file of Demoracy In this State. It mart be admitted, however, that me imn was strong nel. In addition to Lane and Phelan were Wlliam Penman. Isadora Dock- weiier from ooiwines own city. congrewman wiiuam euner ot Dlero.

Ttlll Kent, former Coneress- man and now a member of the Fed- Internal revenue, who was In Washington at that tins "on official business. Thomas Lee Woolwlne, who was In Cloverdale on his way to Uklah last evening on his tour of the coast counties to lnterect the Democrats In his candidacy, started on the war path when he was Informed of the visit by the leaders ot hla party to the home of Heney. WOOLWLNE WANTS AUTHORITY FOR STORY "I'd like to know the authority for that story," Woolwlne declared. "If Phelan and KettnW and the others Japanese Convoy Vessels Bolshevik Forces Reported at Tokyo to Have Seized Vladivostok Pier and Treasure 2. Austre-Oerman forces are preparing a new plunge In the lower Have district of Italy, said Rome (Tidal despatches today.

The preparations Include: spreading or vicious propaganaa unuerniine me morale oi iuuy kiiu her allies and may perhaps mark a major BfenslTe such as some authorities- have suspected was developing lit the south. Again. It may mean that the allies themselves have determined upon an aggressive course there, and that the i i inn preparations of the Austro-Oermans mark an attempt at readiness to 'II Vi ml Ik. V. Istrian and Dalmatian troops with' knowledge of Italian are passing th.

a.m and attemot-L tn TL w1th fh. Italians. The Ua offlcwr- ar. 0ff- -etUn thta propaganda, lno MlM' HOSTILE MIDS ARE IVL1XL1XU Ul HIV1 11311 LONDO March 2. Two hostile I direoted his remarks not to all Ger-s repulsed' by the British man-Americans, but to alliance min called on Heney to urge him to be a missing.

candidate for the nomination on Jan- AMSTERDAM. March 2. Accord-uary 6, that was after I waa In Wash- fhg to the Vosslsche Zeltung of Ber-Ington and held a conference with Hn, the peace negotiations at Bu-Kettnsji Kettner told me that he was I charest. Rumania, have fulled. It is going to keep out of It.

I was as- understood King Ferdinand's reply to sored by Phelan that he was going to central powers was unsatisfac- Women Beg For Lives of Soldiers Facing Execution SAN FRANCISCO, March 1. President Wilson was to show leniency to the four private! of the American expeditionary force who were condemned to death by General Pershing recently for sleeping on sentry duty in a telegram sent today by the Federation of I Mothers Clubs of San Fran cisco. The federation represents 6000 women. The telegram said: "While we realize the need of army discipline," especially in war times and while we appreciate the seriousness of the breach involved of a sentry falling asleep at his post in the presence of the enemy, nevertheless the Federation of Mothers' Clubs appeals to yopr excellency's distinguished sense of humanity to extend clemency to those so accused, particular-i ly in view of General Pershing's) reference of these cases to yoni The mothers of America Will applaud your () mericans Worst Huns In Attack Outfight Attackers in Flank Assault; Few Killed; Germans Lose- Twelve. WASHINGTON, March 2.

One man was killed In action February 27 and, fifteen slightly wounded February 2 and 27, General Pershing cabled the War Department today. In addition, a second man died from wounds and a third from enemy (as. The following is the list: KILLED IX ACTION. Private Glenn H. Campbell, Ft Clair, ammunition train, February 27.

SLIGHTLY WOrXDTO. Private Carl S. Clients, Plattshurg. N. infantry, February 2.

Sergeant Raymond L. Cuneff, Philadelphia, ammunition train, February 27. Prirate Genre F. Klrll, Philadelphia, Infantry, February 26. Private James Kllltigton, Plttsboro, N.

Infantry, February 24. ITWate WaJWr IWuBero, Chicago, infantry, February 2S. Private Allen Boone, Philadelphia, ammunition train, February 27 Private I Bruges, Sheboygan Falls. Wis. Private Carl Jones, Belleville, Infantry.

February 26. sH'glmental Snpply Sergeant Verne Lankrord, Bluff, N. ammunition train, February 27. Private N. B.

Neabit, Infantry, Chicago, February 26. Private Louis O. Rayery Infantry. February 26. Private Bern P.

Trotter, Anderson, 8. ammunition train, February 17. Private R. A. Sparks, Huntington, trench mortar battery, February 14.

Corporal Thomas, V. Stanky, Peru, Infantry, February 26. Corporal Glenn If. Stephens. Phoenix.

Arlz Infantry, February 26. OTHEH DKATHS. Private Samnel A. Knplnn. "Lawrence, infantry, February 26; result of wound received in action.

Prirate Harry Taylor, Springfield. Ohio, Infantry, February 28; result of enemy gag, Private Clarence J. Smith, Eutaw, Infantry. February 27; meningitis. Corporal noraee.

E. Teter. Philadelphia, medical department base hospital, February 28; pneumonia. LONDON, March 2. American soldiers on the west front in Frsnce won a complete victory over picked German raiders on the St Mihlel sec- 'tor Friday morning, according to reports received here tonight Dispatches rrom tne American front said the Tsnkee losses consisted of a few killed, wounded and missing, while the Germans left twelve dead and three prisongrsabe-hind them.

This apparently refuted the Berlin war office's claims of "heavy casualties inflicted on Americans. The attack was made by about 250 picked Prussian storm troops early In. the morning following a heavy artillery preparation. The Boches swept around a salient and struck the Americans from the the sharp hand-to-hand battle that ensued the Americans outfought their opponents throughout REICHSTAG QUITS WASHINGTON. Mar.

2. The Ger- man Relchata has adjourned uutil March 12. Recording to the Vosslsohe Zeltung, copies of which were re- reived here today. 1 he Reichstag ended Its discussion of the budget, according to the German paper, and sent it back Jto the plenary I S0L1IE1 Moscow to Be Cut Off and Bridges Destroyed as Germans Approach Metropolis FORTRESS OF KIEV IS TAKEN, BERLIN CLAIMS Francis Wires That Russians Expected Their City to Fall at Time of His Departure By JOSFTH SHAPLKX (Copyright, ItlS, by Tnlttd rtW). PETROQRAD.

March J. Russia haa adopted the slogan. "Victory or Death." The capital Is greatly aroused ever the Bolshevik! proclamation: "Peace delegates at Brest-Lltovsk, discussing the question of peace or war, have settled that It Is wsr. The enemy will enter Patrograd only over our bodies. Our slogan Is, "Victory or By JOSEPH HtlAPLEX.

(Copyright. by United Press.) PETROGUAD. March J. German forces advancing on Petrograd have begun an encircling movement to the south evidently with the Intention of cutting off the capital from Moscow Heavy forces of the enemy are reported moving toward Novo-Sokolni. aimlnr to sever tha Ptrnmil.Mi' railway.

The Russians are offering stiff resistance. Russian railway workers also have been ordered to destroy the bridge between Porchoyo and Bologoye. Cutting of communications between Moscow and Petrograd not only would eliminate an Important souree of munitions and food supplies for the capital's defenders but would prevent removal of the government to Moscow. Preparations aires dy have been started to handle this contingency. The main advance of the enemy la from the direction of Pskov, whero they have established their base of operations.

They are pushing forward in a fan-shaped line with the stick at Pskov and the wings at Dno and Ourtleff a front of more than 100 miles. This force Is only three hours march from Luga, which 1 only (ln hours' march from Petrograd. Kvery preparation Is being made to defend the capital. A special commission Is clearing out air members of the' middle class, allowing only those physically" fit for U-ench digging to remain. They are also ousting the old, very young, the invalids, the unwilling soldiers and suspected prisoners of war.

special correspondent arid I are only American newspaper men left In Petrograd. Most of the British correspondents also have gone. SMALL GROUP OF AMEICAKS REMAIN Edgar G. Slsson, chairman of the American committee on public. Infor mation ana a email party remain.

The railways from the city hare all been closed to outgoing travel, but we have provided ourselves with sledges for a quick get-awayr The workmen and soidierr councils tn Moscow, It was learned today, have passed resolutions declaring the German peace terms are unacceptable and demanding that 'resistance be continued. Similar resolutions have been adopted by the Pan-Russian trades Because deserters from the, front have seized grains and the defenss Committee has ordered all railway stations barricade and the fugitives disarmed. BERLIN. March 2 (British Admlri alty per Wireless Press). The Russian fortrers of Kiev on the Dnieper River, In the UJcralne.

has been "liberated1," the German general staff announced today. General von Llnslngen's troops have captured Gomel. (120 miles south of Mohilev), the official statement also de-lares. Kiev has been In Bolshevik! possession for some time. The Bolshevik 1 ourted the Ukrainians February 8 after a pitched battle In which the 1 been 4000 killed and 7000 wounded.

TTTJ A VPTC TPTTC flP X' sir J. 1 UU AM-iJXJLJ V- PETROGRAD'S FEARS March 2 A despatch received by the State Department today from Amtiftsador t'ran el announcing the safe arrival of and KtiVff st Vologodo Febru ary 28, nam ne uertnan advance on Petrograd and Moscow was continuing when he left the capital February The genpfnl belief tn Petrograd that time was that the Germane would occupy the city la few days. Bill STRATEGY recently flayed the German-Amer body should follow my example." The belt of German "kultur" should be used In American life, said the witness Its high moral side, he explained. "Don't you realize the Ideals of Peutschdum are different from these of America?" questioned Senator King. "I don't think America culture snoum oe replied Butro.

1 think two should go side by ride with the American first But dPon of the best from the two wouia oroaoen anyone, npld tor ln practice of teach. lng German In the schools the man with two languages haa two souls he picturesquely srgued. Do you believe that thw Gorman emigrant should submerge himself Into the American citizen?" was' a question by Senator Wolcott "Absolutely." The national alliance might oppose prohibition without violating Its charter, held Sutro because that stand would be for "moderation" In the drink evil. This question led to the activity of the organization In poll- tics. The matter of the resolution ft everybody against Wilson and Roosei velt, said to have been aimed- In Chicago In llll, waa brought up.

"I would not approve of such a sentiment," said Sutro. "if it had been done formally I would oppose It. If it was done outside I don't think the members were bound, by it. Independent speeches1 are often made by alt of us, Including you, saying we should vote for this or that man." "But we don't organize and get charters fisst," said Senator Sterling. APPLAUSE DOES NOT SANCTION UTTERANCE.

Sutro said he did not necessarily think that applause sanctioned an utterance. "I don't think that Canada affair when Mr. Bryan waa hissed would be relevant to the actual sense of the meeting," he said. Later, Paul Meerscheldt of San Antonio said the Chicago mating was not an official alliance gathering but a "conference of Germans." Meerscheldt and Iaul Schneiders of Jacksonville, both said German-Aniericaris In their states were entirely loyal. The Texas man sahl he would not want to belong to an organization that opposed assimilation.

"Nobdy here wants to make Germany out of America," he snld. Attorney Scholz' brief said no bill of particulars had furnished, "loose and lrrelevaht" testimony had been heard, "without notice to the accused," and that unless the proceeding had been lirought to punish the" alliance for "opposing the election of the Democratic candidate for President," the Investigation should be handled by the department of Justice. The hearing will be continued ilon- day. H.H.Bancroft, Historian, Is Summoned GreatSfWriter of California'! Achievements 'Stricken at Home. SAN FRANCISCO.

March 2. Hubert H. Bancroft famous California historian, and founder of the Bancroft Library at the University of California, a remarkable collection of documents and volumes, died at. his home here tonight of acute peritonitis. He was it years of age.

Bancroft, who waa the owner of the Bancroft Building of San Fran-J Cisco an? oiner sau Kranclseo land (holdings, resided at 289S Jackson street He had been 111 for some time past. Ho is survived by his son, paivl Bancroft' lie was nart cularlv famous a ft subjects, and the State University profited largely by his work. In recognition of his services Bancroft avenue In Berkeley was namod after him. Hubert Howe Bancroft was born in Granville, May and received the degree of master of arts (honorary) at Tal in 1 875. He be-i gan.

his career as writer and pub-i llshfr in a book store in Buffalo, N. i and later 'caiiio tt Ssm Francisco, whore ho eeta.bljftb.ed publishing house. In he began the task of collecting material relative to Pacific coast history, ami the result bf his tusk, SO. 000 volumes, was over (Continued on Page 30, Column 1) WORT i Detachments Encamped Near Atlantic Coast Mobilization Center Participate in Battle NEGRO STEVEDORE KILLED BY TROOPS Three Hundred Men irt Mob Are Put to Flight When Soldiers Are Given Order to Shoot PORTSMOUTH, March 8. man of a negro stevedore regl-jment was killed and two there 'wounded, one probably fatally, to-Inight.

when guards of the 48th' ln-'fantry. regulars, fired on several hundred of the stevedores, who were attempting to rush a small store near their camptwo miles corth of this city. The names of the dead man and wwmde were not made public. Colonel Von Voorhlea. chief of staff here, in a statement! tonight said I the stevedores had been returned to their camp and that no further trouble was The attack on the store, he said, resulted from an argument between Private Turner of the stevedore regiment and a white clerk at the soda fountain in the store.

Turner returned to camp and gathered together about 300 men, and marched on the store. They attempted to wreck it with bricka and When the assault began, the col onel's statement said, the 48th In fantry guard waa ordered to arreet the men. As the soldiers approached the negroes ran. Two commands to i halt failed to check them, whereupon guard was ordered to fire. Three of the negroes fell, one dying almost Instantly.

PLANS AUTO LINE 8 AN FRANCISCO, March 2 Alleging that the train service between Antloch. and Hit; burg, in Contra, Costa county, is poor, Dennis Pettas 1 filed with the State Railroad Commis sion today application for authority to operate an autombile 'stage line between these two points. Pettas plans to charge 6 cents from TlttHburg to the Columbia Steel Works and the Great Western Chemical Company, 10 cents to the Standard Oil Company and 25 cents to He will jnake round trips a day. CAPTURE HUNS LONDON. March 2.

In February the British took 812 prisoners In the Belgian front. Including sixteen officers, says the official statement issued tonight Twenty machine guns and one flame projector, also' were captured. Portuguese troops today brought In a few prisoners as a result of patrol encounters. 'n HELD AS SLAYER LOS. ANGELES, Mar.

2. Abraham Rodriguez, a Mexican resident of Los Angeles, was shot and Instantly killed late today on the main floor of the Federal building here. Police officers arrested Premetteo Flores, a brother-in-law of Rodriguez, and charged him with the crime. Rodriguez waa shot through the head and heart BOATMAN SAVED BAN FRANCISCO. March 2.

Hod- jrlguez Cammanatta, an Italian fisher man, was rescued roint fonlta by the life saving crew late this evening when the engine df his launch went dead and he sent up signal rookets for help. Cammanatta was being carried out to sea by the tide when overtaken hy the crew. CONVICT SLAYERS mrriAfirt Mnrrh 2. hla viiiunwv, hlea for a new trial Is grantfd Dear will hang for the murder of fudolph Wolf, chauffeur. He ws wund a Jury and sentenced be hanged.

His accomplice, Eu-gne Haftnett, was sentenced to 14 years In prison. TWO CAPTURED CHICAGO. March 2. Arthur and Harry Zelgler, alleged alien I enemies, were seized In a suspeeted fotnb plot Htelnbach was captured 'ss he was about to leap from a second-story window. 3,000,000 ARE GOING WASHINGTON.

Mr. 2. Three million Anipricaq soldiers will be in France by June, 1S19, Pepretpntatlve Minnesota, who has visited the iweeten front, predicted on the floor iof the House todaj A torney for the alliance, caused a sensation by filing a brtef saying that In "common decency" Senator King of Utah should not sit In judgment upon his own bUL Th, toom vt, nllM wlth mmnln InrliiAfnr mini nf the high officers, except Dr. C. J.

Ilexamer of whose utter- ances have been so much quoted alnce the hearing began. H1 The denunciation of Oustavua Oh- Inger by Sutro was written Into a brief presented bv the New York man i tn- du4, 0f iiwysr and Suit- nesa. SUTRO BEGINS WITH HIS BRIFF 1111 1113 "lu" "And now comes on Gustavus Ohlinger." said Sutro, -who speaks of German ancestry yet befouls- hia nest whk n.i.nnn... i-- i.ii. With a poisonous, false and vltrlolio tongue he denounces German-American cltlirns "You are greatly In error, broke In Senator Wolrott nf "lis hers." "He said," Interjected Senator Ster.

ling of South Dakota, "that the great majority of German-Americana were "Well, I will correct my remarks when I file my brier with the stenographer," continued Sutro. "Shame on such a man who claims, too, only a remote affiliation with Germany. Such a renegade was never heard of until he projected himself Into the limelight He would be too Insignificant to notice unlens the most august body of men In the country had stooped to listen to "Now, Mr. Sutro," broke In Senator Sterling, "that a very ugly Inslnuad uon. rnis is me judiciary committee or tne "1 don't mean to reflect upon you," offered Sutro, "You do when yon say replied Senator Sterling.

"I 'will erase the word toep" from my brief," said Sutro. Mayne you nad better let your statement go as you have read said senator King. HEARING CRAMMED WITH DEFINITIONS The hearing was crammed with legal definitions and fine points of distinction. Sutro made a lotigthy explanation of German "kultur," a word he mid he did not" think was understood In this country. Ho repudiated tho Idea that Germans should not assimilate themselves.

"I was born." he said. "In one of the 'cities of the in Alx la Chapelle, In Prussia. I have spent seventeen-elghteenths of my life here. As I arn nbt a woman I do not mind saying I was born In 1845. I believe entirely In assimilation.

I married an Japan Will Go Carefully Into Siberia Premier Terauchi Tells Diet That Every Step Will Be fly RALPH n. TTRXKK. I'nltml jPtto Wnff tonwpjondent. TOKVO Marph J. Japan Is proceeding cautiously in her preparation for intervention In Siberia, Premier Teraiichl told the Diet In discussing the Russian situation today.

"We are taking great care to make no mistake in our calculations," he said, and warned the people of Japan to consider carefully the question of Intervening leraiichi's address roiiowed a lengthy review of the entire Unsslan situation by Haron Motono, minister for foreign affairs. He declared the la i 1 1 ut-iuiHii mui.v i.Ki.iu.iig towards Petroerad and the diplo matic representative.1! of the allies in the Russian capital decided to leave there for their own personal safety and to escape the possibility of becoming German prisoners of war. Diplomatic relations have not been severed, 'however, Motno declared, "although the present deveiopme.nta will have a serious effect on the tutu re." Two hundred members of the American railroad corps, under tho leadership nf John V. Sterens, left Nagasaki February 27 en route to They will make an attempt to'inr-prove railroad conditions along the line of the trans-Siberian railway, despite the unsettled condition of the (Conlinued on Page 28, Col. 4) i I I raids were troops east of Pollgon Wood, field Marshal Halg reported ton'aht to the war office.

"A raid against the Portuguese front waa carried out on a front of 8000 yards," the statement also said. "The enemy entered the foremost trenches, but was counter-attacked and driven out. "TeBterduy 200 bombs were dropped by aerial forces on various objectives, Tw hostile airplanes were downed and two driven down out of control. One of our machines Is torv. Other German newspapers say the negotiations were Interrupted because Dr.

von Kuehlmann and Count Ciernin. respectively German and Austro-Hungarian foreign ministers, naa been summoned to rirrsi-jjiioYSK. A semi-onicmi siuieninii iwutu Berlin, however, denied that they had left the Rumanian capital. HUN NAVALCRAFT SMASHED BY MINES THE HAGUE, March 2. Several small German naval vessels ran Into mines today six miles off the island of Vlicland, north HnlLind.

In the course of attempts of nhe Germans to save the crws one wat got Into the surf and capsized. Five men from this boat were landed on (he Island. LONDON, March I. An Amsterdam dispatch to the Daily Mail says that at 1 o'clock Friday morning a German torpedo boat and two German minesweepers ran Into mines oft Vlieland island and were blown up. A German vessel which was In the vicinity lowered a boat to save the crews, but the high seas made it Impossible to reach the crews of the wrecked vessels and the boat drifted to the Island.

The dispatch says It is learned from Tinulden that a Dutch fishing boat also struck a mine, all on board being lost. SAN FRANCISCO, March I. According to Assistant United States Attorney H. Johnston, who returned from Sacramento the preliminary motion to quash demurrers to the Indictment of fifty-five members of the industrial Workers of the World, which were to have been heard before District Judge Cushman, will be continued Monday at Sacramento at the request of Attorney Nathan Coghlan, who will be unable to attend. STRIKE THEATERS NKW YORK, March 2.

A strike Of so. "00 marine workers, which ould paralyze "New York harbor. Is threatened. The marine i workers' attlilation touay iniormea mo York Owners' Association that unless the award of the federal board of arbitration Is "obeyed in full by March 9" a general strike will ensue. The wage increases and ame'lo-rated working conditions granted the workers were to have gone into effect last November, the employees DEUT.

245 FAILS ST. March 2. The district appeal board is tonight on record as overruling the Fltile. Shephard it. Evans, married on May 18.

claimed deferred draft classification. He cite'! a paragraph from Deut. 24:5: "Whfii a tntin halh taken a new wife, he shall not go out to War: nnner biihii ns i'r nun any but he shall be free at home nno Hnrt hu i UIIO omu man hwhlf'h. he hath taken." Evans was placed In class one. I.

i Keep out or 1L 1'helan sent me a. copy of the telegram he had eont to the Lincoln Day banquet of Heney's frlend In Los Angeles, and he explained that when he sent that he did not know I was going to be a candidate. "I said these Heney followers did not have backing of the Democratic national administration as they claimed, and I have smoked out a lot of things by tlng that stand. I heard a rumor hen I was down In Los Angeles that there had been some sort of an agreement between Heney and Phelan that if I'helan would support Heney for governor, Heney would support Phelan when he comes up for re-election. I did not believe It, and I won't believe It unless It -appears that this conference with Heney in Washington actually took place after these men had assured me that they would keep out of the fight, and give me a fair fight- "And I want to say right now that I'm going to do a little Investigating to see why one Justus Wardell, a federal employee, collector of revenue in San Francisco, is dabbling so liberally In politics, and why hetshould take such an Interest WAISTS PROOF FIRST OF OFFER TO HENEY "But until It la proved that these leaders In the Democratlo party trooped over to Heney's house to offer this Republican the support of the Democrats of California as the standard-bearer of our party, I'm not going; tn believe a word of It.

Kettner assured me he was going to ifeep hands off, and Charles W. Fay, postmaster of San Francisco and representative of Phelan In northern California gave me his personal -assurance that Phelan was going to keep hands off. "The, letter, to which I referred while In Oakland, a letter from Phelan giving the assurance tkat he would take no part in this campaign Is In Fay's hands now. I don't believe that Phelan wrote one thing, and then did another not till there Is absolute proof." The Heney "supporters have persistently claimed Secretary of the In terior franklin K. Lane, and it would now appear tnat they havo grounds to Justify that clakii.

Kent has al ways been a strong 'supporter of Heney and Is generally credited with having assisted In financing him In the for United StatejsvSenator. It is not at all Improbable that Billy Kent staged the delegation call upon Heney and Is probably now enjoying the discomfiture of some of those who participated In the "confidential" meeting. Justus Wardell, who repre-sentc the federal brigade. In refusing to affirm or deny participating In the conference, declared that If such a conference were held It was Wardell has always beetf a close i personal friend, of Senator Phelan i Senator Johnson, did "not Join his co- league In the pilgrimage to Heney's 1 nouse. in r-nn ram Day banqueters of Los Angela can (Continued on Page 28, Col.


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