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Estherville Daily News from Estherville, Iowa • Page 5

Estherville, Iowa
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68, Cbloaffn fiwt Express. 8 20P (To. 64, Way Freljtht 7.15 A OO1NO NORTH. No.61. WmrtMnxton fftmenger 5.15 No.

63, Sioux Falls Pwwenirer 7.35 A No. 89, Way> A Clone connection made Cedar Haplile with trains nolntr Rnot, and aoutt- W. 1.. Station Aftt. barley, outs, 22(0)24; flux, $1 25; corn, IIOKS, $3 75; Hmo thy, $4 20; Hity-lootm, $6.60.

Lough's new opera house will soon be ready for the opening. Amundsen Anderson are fitting up I heir dniR store in moat becoming style. The Metropolitan opera company. at Sliver's hall is highly spokeit of by ti-e 8l. Paul papers.

total enrollment at the pnhllr school for the winter has reached 574 The attendance last week was 512. are yet a few of our who have failed to conie around with some cash, or report at nil that milter. Quart on called court The docket is unnsnall) large but it is thought most of the woi will be cleared up this term. K. of I', lodge of this city arranging to have the Emmetshnrg local company produce ''Dinnon in on the stage here soon.

office has printed stationen this week lor a new real pstate firm L. L. Urulv 'Jo. Tl.eir office is at Albro's grain office for the present. Home talent at Emmetsburg pro duced Damon and Pythias on the stagi jFriday evening.

It was under the of the K. P. lodge at 'Inn Iplace. S. (I.

William? will be the new pie ecriptiou clerk In Amuudson Andet Ron's pharmacy. Mr. held a aimilui position in a Chicago drug store foi five years. the "public square" to remain play ground for dogs and a 01 dumping ground for odtls and ends? A little energy and untied effort can make some wonderful changes there. Jahu DeWStt Miller's lecture on "Love, Courtship and Marriage," listened to by a fair sized audienci Monday evening, ltdidnotglye gen -eral satisfaction.

The subject is a Jittle bit worn. of the railroad offices 'therville has but two telephones, thui the bank of Eatherville and Mr. iRhodes' residence. This number fallt- about ninety-eight short of U.e actviai irequirements of the town. we have an id before: just notice Che merchants who have come into Eslherville the past three to five yeuif- and Kre now doing more business the old "stand-bys" ever thought doing.

Those new merchants have advertised. The county board of supervisors- took a recess last week till Thurada) of this week while their were settling with the various count) officers. The new members fall into Hue in good shape. Full will be published in our next issue. number of country papers are putting up for governor subscribers jpaid farthest in advance.

This rule would be a little embarrassing here, farthest paid subscriber is a demo- Uoacou. The name difficulty would be en conutered with ibis great family organ. Indiana schools are great tin "wriukUu." A while ago a Crawforda villa man advertised his house for sale raise sufllcitiil funds to supply my i5 year-old daughter with the lowfool- ipry required by the uiglt school faculty, The Indianapolia Heuiinel says haling is a loat art in Indianapolis OCOUlft." Eattwrvllle'a moat valuable tin iprovetuauu during 1896 will doubtles? ibe in a "slicking up" of— planting shade trees, build jug fences, laying out lawns, It is a much needed work and that we have water worka Uut people ahmjf the route of the mains can keep ftbair lawua green and trees alive. £upejrior Democrat: "The Farmers' company that has been bualueae here the past two years will do so no more. They closed their door Saturday nighl." Like wery thing eUwa farmer has enough to do if toe attends to Jbia farm.

He can't be a good merchant and grain fttuyer and oe a good farmer at tbesame least 10,000 trees and ahruba £boutt ita planted in Estherville the by owners of lots, either unoccupied. Nothing oauid he done to make the tow unite taore teautif ui the property more valuable. But if expect to plant ftreea thia spring 10 plan for ft MOW. U'tt a subject deal of atudy. Mr, JL Thrall, general agent of the C.

N. Jiis position and the vacau- lltad by appointment of W. 11. jKntekeii. Mr.

Thrall baa one ct Abe leading df this road for the tpaftl twenty tfve yeatti. He retiit-a to private life a very rich uiau and with (MM sincere giatitude of the tf ratflroity of the north kinds at the buy a aack 118 IERSONAL MENTION. Bro. Beagflrt, of the Armstrong Journal, was In the city Motidfty. HA dirt weM to attend the lectiWe on "love, courtship and marriage." We expect, to hear soon that he has profited by it.

Atty. E. V. Swelling, of Algona, had business at court ft day this week. la lookintf well and reports business good in the paper city.

Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Nellie Lawrence and Herman Graaf at, the Presbyterian church, Wednesday, the 30th 2 p. m. Reception will he held from 8 till 5 at Knights of Pythias' hall. Mayor Call started for Lake Charles, Saturday evening, to superintend the dredging (hat is buhtgrfnne on his rice DPS Moines. A.

Nichols of the rt.RptTnt,iCAN family is in Missouri this week on business. Church and Society Notices. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church will meet with Mrs. Flenry Mtindy, Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 23, 1835.

All will be invited to sit down to t'ie table and partake of a good farmer's supper Teams will he at O. Brown's and liev. M. I). Bevan's Irom to The Woman's League will meet with Mrs.

M. L. Archer, Friday afternoon, -Ian. 18. Earl Trousdale will arrange seals in his "Package Delivery 1 and call for all who wish to ride for ten cents the round trip.

Leave orders with Trousdale. Band Notes. The box for contributions the hand fund has been placed In the post- otlice at the right as you enter. Envelopes will be distributed as fast as possible. In Mm meantime let everyone be prepared to give somelliinp.

llernember a few cents from each makes quite a sum in the aggregate and Ihe only way to support such an organ izalioii by voluntary conltUnilions. Tile nanie and number ot all con mbulors to the band fund will pub lished later tint not Hie amount. Estherville Ought to do the Same. Louis Ulobe-Democral: Twenty citizens in the village of Stamford, in the Catskill mountains. Now York, subscribed $50 each, and with ilius obtained have provided themselves- witli a telephone system, a storekeeper having charge of the central exchange.

The cost to each subscriber will be $8 a That the village is no ordinar) olace may be inferred from the fact that it hud previously secured a sewer age system, electric lights, pure watei and an improvement society. Des Moincs River Land Settlers. Fort Dodge Messenger: Mr. Fletcher, dsaisUut to Mr. lierner.

has arrived in C'ort Dodge to begin the work of de- lerminiug who is entitled to the indem nity appropriated by congress. Mr. llenier is engaged iu a murder trial at iiome and is delated for a few days, out will be here by next week Mr. Fletcher was here with Mr. ber ner before, when they "looked up ano letermined the amount of indemnit) necessary.

Now their task Is to dtler mine who is entitled to it. Those in crested should understand these gen demen are uot here to pay the money. They have no small task to trace the iwners of each piece of lanri and deter mine who is entitled to the money, and ibe disbursing agent will come aftei ihey huve made their report. The first step will be to distribute blanks to claimants to make applies lions on. Mr.

Fletcher will visit ever) county seat and distribute these blanks Then will come the sifting of the claims and the examination of titles. Mr Fletcher thinks will require at least Might months for them to do thia work, so that it will be the latter part of 18U5 tiefore the settlers can expert to receive the long hoped for relief. It much patience to wait the of the government, but the money iu sure come iu time. Hauge. the tailor.

11 as opened up a shop ou Lincoln street ilirectly opposite the postollice, and respectfully solid la your patronage Suita made to order promptly in latest styles. Splendid Hue of new to select from. New tariff law prices. 8-If The cheapest place to buy coal is at the bteaui Mill. 1'rices vary from $2.25 lo per tpn.

2t3 Any person four or five unlea from Estherville to trade for hotel property, please call at office of REPUBLICAN. 2lf Notice. I have aoid out my business and all uot settled by cash or approved note by the pf thia mouth will bo left with an attorney for collection. M. UUBUAKD.

We Have Sold Out And all owing ua must call iu and settle by cash or note without delay. Dou't overlook thia aa it is to- jour lu- terjbtijl make immediate settlement. ItoiiUB opposite a gram office. Cuildieu'fe capu suid hounptg Miaa cheap. See the new line of walking hat a at MbaDrizhal'a.

Bird aeed and parrot need at the racket store. are invited to See new styles iu JU WwW bats, ribbons, etc. i'nctfa are Ivy von will be astonished. Miss east side Cement Wolfe 1 do cement work ax follows Storiu caves, cisterns, bide walks, tc etc. Ill plastering I uae the dry ground vyateiw.

Gall on or write to uie for particulars atui prices Otor JOHNSON, Ubaideuct' in Lougu'v additiou. For money to loan oil 2ud real estata to number of the citizens do not, seem to be thoroughly posted in regard to the electric light plans. The rates for lights have not yet. been ordinance to ihat, effect is being drafted now. It is safe to say, however, that, the rate be made as reasonable as possible and those who take the moat lights will get a proportion cheaper rate.

The prevailing ideri that those who take incandescent lights are to be made to pay for the street lights, is erroneous. The cost of Operating the street lights alone, to gclher with interest on bonds, will be figured out and a tax levied to cover thus making nil property owners share in meeting that expense. The present street lights are to oe given a 60 day test and if they do hot prove satisfac; tory new lamps of candle power will be put in, and if necessary a new arc dynamo added to the plant. All these things must he given lime and our people will mnke nothing by being impatient. The incandescent Mghi service is as fine as could be wished for, the only I milt being that most of the business men have failed lo put in enough lights.

The writer has taken (tains to notice the lighting service in over rive hundred different towns ami cities, from ocean to ocean, and o.n assure the people of ENlherville that (heir innide lights are equal to any. tf all business houses would take from three to six more lights they would be perfectly satisfied with the service and tlnd tl.e cost little if nny more within a few months. Hut above all things, Jon't begin kicking befote its time to kick. Bacon, referring to its flies of just twenty years ago, says in its last issue: "The relief question was the topic uppermost in the Beacon at that date. Clothing and provisions were iii-re in considerable quantities for the families of farmers who had been eaten out by grasshoppers.

Now out of our abundance we are giving to the farmers of the burnt districts." The writer well remembers those times. The suffering cams not from crop failure Out from the grasshopper scourge which devastated this section for flfty miles around. Relief promptly tendered from the mure fortunate parts of the stale and it whole store room of pro visions, clothing, was placed here for distribution. Some of our present kickers ought to have had a little of that experience. Stale Register is taking great credit upon itself because It denounces gambling in the capitol city.

We sup posed all papers of ordinary decency rtere opposed to the gambling vice, but when the Register goes on lo plate thai play ing "progressive cinch' 1 is gambling it is enough lo make a mine tired. might more consistently call offeritiK premiums to the one who would get the xrealesl number of Subscribers to a paper, gambling; or offering rewards of merit at school, or declamatory contest medals, gambling. Man's existence might be well termed a game in which the best players win the prizes, but all men shouldn't be called gamblers. The gun, as usual, scatters too much it goes off. newspapers of tbe various counties have been enjoying the annual lying contest before the board of super visors in the matter of filing lists ol "bona tide subscribers." Thia ia a ridiculous law nud yet no legislature deems disposed to change it.

L'ke most laws made by lawyers it is full of loop holes and easily evaded In its important lealures. In Emmet county all four ot ihe papers puulisu tbe minutes of the board meetings at the price allowed iwo by law. Thus all give the news and all are dubbed "official" papers. The pay is too small to quarrel over, an this paper Insisted live years ago, and as all the papers iu the county agree lo now. are always persona who ttppoar to be ''soured" on everything pel turning lo home affairs, They prefei to patronize foreign to home affairs.

They do not like lo patronize home home home milliners, home dressmakers, home papers, hoiut merchants or home anybody. They appear to be enemies to their household, enemies lo those uuoii whom they are dependent for their bread and butter. This is a speciey of insanity, for any man will know that it ia to his interest tfive support aud encouragement lo hit. immediate neighborhood, whose success will at least improve his chances for getting along nicely near by exchange tells of a man who mortgaged his farm lo buy his wifr a pair ot! diamoud ear ringa. The wife took iu washing to pay the interest on ihe mortgage, but on the first job lost one of ihe "sparks" in the suda where upou she tried to bang herself in the barn, but the rope broke and she fjll ou Jersey cow worth 160 and broke ila back, iier husband then undertook lo the cow to put it out of misery, hut the KUU burU aud destroyed both MIS and the wife then ran away with lightning rod peddler.

The mortgage IB still ou deck aud bids fair to live to a ripe old age. is an Iowa law tbat uiaktsa it criminal otteuse for one person to point a guu of any kiud at another person, ll ought to be enforced promptly evury time the law ia violated. We counted uu the other day aud iu our exchaugeu a.iugle day, ugl IpwtbaiJ six persout) had betau kilted or wuuuded by havtutf a gui. pomUsd Ml Ilium. That the ghooler.

"didn't know that wait loaded." A few made, and the parties to pay full penalties, aud this iufaiudl wight bo lean ii.dulged iu. if Journal. Johuatou are now to 01 dera for Iowa Camiel ton, For wintry rotum, Wilson Bios'. flbop. For painless extraction of.

teetb RO to J)r. dentist Dr.prfee'f J'. 1 i Stale Begiiter sayn: "The Upper DBS Molnea in an excellent, article on advertising and advertisers says that people prefer to scan the columns of newspaper to running from store to store. Much lime and worry are saved In this wny. not.

only for those who sell, but for those who buy. People also come to look noon those men who advertise AH leaders in business. Whatever way it. is brought about, it is true that the men who do the business do advertising, or better still, the men who do the advertising do the business." lecturer at Algona says of public libraries: "Statistics demonstrate that to be of use to people generally the public library must be.absolutely free. The smallest charge for their use will deter tre large majority from becoming book birrowerp.

In the city of Springfield. in a single year, after the library was made free, the number of borrowers increased from eleven hundred to over seven thousand, and the circulation ot books from 41,000 to 154,000." By all means let there he a free public library in every town and city of Iowa. The storm Friday was the worst thie section has experienced for over Hfleen years. At daylight the weather was line and the night before beautiful About sunrise the wind started up, increasing in violence until toward night-fall. The thermometers fell from 30 above at sunrise to 18 below at noon.

There was very litlle PUOW but the wind blew dirt, snow and gravel into a veritable blizzard. The storm subsided by 8 or 9 o'clock that evening and by Sunday Iowa's incomparable climate was itself again. Clay county papers flled some pretty big lists before their board of supervisors, viz: Reporter 10fl6, Herald 986, News 942, Everly News 913. It seems funny that In a county having only 400 democratic votes a democratic paper (the Herald) should have such a large list, but then weak-kneed republicans are always anxious to ''stand in" with democratic papers if it can be done for $1 a year. Emmet county has just such fellows.

Walker, who has been through the drouth stricken section of Nebraska, corroborates the worst reports regarding the destitution of the people there. He says IU impossible to exaggerate. The people must have instance or many will perish before spring. Those who could get away have gone, but many could not leave mid HIC now at the mercy of the elements and the charity of the world. Estherville ought to respond to their appeal for aid.

REPUBLICAN believes that all the present cily councllmen, whose tetma expire this spring, should be rejected, in order that the work ao well begun can be carried lo completion. It does nol pay lo change drivers while crossing a stream. If the same roem- Uera and the same mayor positively refuse re-election (which they should not do), men In sympathy with and favoring the plans they have Inaugurated should be chosen to carry them out. Wilson was down from Estherville the first of the week. He lon't seem to be j'ist satisfied with Bstherville's electric light metaburg Demociat It la better to wait till the council have accepted tbe light plant before criticisms are recorded against It; but.

by'the way, Uro. liranagan, what did Matt think of the Emmetaburg lights? indictments have bten found hv the grand jury, viz: against McClelland, Dorsey and Uorsey plead guilty to keeping a nuisance and was fined $300 and costs, in default of which he will have to board at the county's expense. Mrs. Henry Allen died at Maumee, Ohio, at aix o'clock Tuesday morning. She had been lingering between life and death for many weeks with that terrible malady, internal cancer, and while her taking away brings rest and peace to her it was a sore affliction to ner faithful husband and affectionate children.

She was a dutiful and loving wife and mother and her loss lo the stricken family ia au irreparable one. Mrs. Allen's of friends In this vicinity peud heartfelt sympathy to the ifflicted ones in their great sorrow. For farm loans on long time and easy lerins call on L. at the grain office uf F.

AI bio. 8 tf Always keep in the house a bottle of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, for throat aud luug troubles. Your druggiat bus Ayer's almanac. Large New Line. Blankets aud robes at Wilson Bros', harness shop.

Dtuqsits of sund 4iid dust six inches deep were Irft in some dwellings during sandstorm in Wyoming. The folly of Is frequently shown by people who prefer to Buffer for years rather than try au advertised remedy. The millions who Lave no such notions, take Ayer'tt Saraaparilla for blood-difeases, and are cured So much for common sense. A Clarke county, Georgia, couple Uat week celebrated their golden wedding in the ((M'tflS they were married fifty yeara ago and which baa been llteii liome continuously since. Shade Ffuit Ticca, and II, F.

Chamberlain la excluaive agent iu Emmet county for the well known Charlea City Nursery, C. G. 1'attou, IVopr. Thia nursery uaa for 2tf yeara aold stock through thia territory aud ita sales, grow larger each year where it beat kupwu. jrorettt, evergreen, or- yiuea, perrien, qqweripy sbfiitw, your homes and yalij- by pjaulipg mid Mr uoatal gapl to BUT I will Whnt EsthervilJe Rlectric lights.

Water works. The county seat. C. R. N.

railroad shops Passenger and freight division of C. ft. ft N. railroad Fence factory. Wagon shop factory now in operation Creamery.

Ttvo flouring mills-100 barrel Hy. Three banks. Thiee newspapers. A (Ire department, $30,000 school house $15,000 court, house. Public library and free reading room Seven churches Twelve secret societies Three lumber yards Three grain elevators.

Poultry and produce dealer, Three blacksmith and machine shops A brick yard. A cigar factory. Two opera houses. One exclusive boot, and shon store. One Hxnlusive diy goods store Two clothing stores.

Three millinery establishments. Two harness strips. Four hardware stores Four livery barns. Four drug stores. Ten dry goods and grocery stores.

A crockery and notion dealer Two farm machinery llrms. Three barbrr shops. Two jewelry stores. Three hotels. Six restaurants a'nd lunch covmters.

One grocery and bakery. One exclusive grocery. Two photograph galleries. Two furniture establishments. Four meat markets.

A music store. A Chinese laundry. Three billiard halla. A driving park association. Eleven real estate firms.

Nine attorneys. Six physicians. Three dentists. Two tailors. Three dress making establishments.

A liquor store. Thehomlittst women and handsomest men in the ReaneyA Wilson are covering their smoky celling with new paint. A meeting of the business men of Estherville will be called some evening next week to discuss matters of inter est to the town. All Interested should plan lo be on hand, Posters will begot out in a few uays announcing Ihe dale. J.

F. Preston, the eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, has established a sanitarium at Mason Cily for the treatment of patients, lie wiil not, however, for the present at least, discontinue his visits here, where he has made many friends in his professional capacity. Reduced Rates to the South. On January US, 1895, the C. U.

N. R'y will sell excursion tickets from all points on lla line to the following territory: All points iu Colorado, Indian Territory Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Arkansas, and to points In Louialuna, New Mexico and Southwestern Misi-ouri. Tickets will be sold at the extremely low rate of one fare plus $-' 00 for the round trip. Good to return 20 days from date of sale. Stop over will be allowed at pleasure.

For further particulars cull on your nearest station agent or address J. Morion, G. T. I'. Cedar Ruplds, Iowa.

1 W. VV. Thomas, ex-minister to Sweden and Norwa), that, relative lo ila size und population, Die railroad system ot Sweden is lliu i-omplete in the world. In nine eoiiHeonti transatlantic voyages the (JOO-ton Lueania averaged a trifle oyer twenty-live miles an hour. A Saco physicians lias certified that old liuljr "died of old and.

that ouid disease ia not A NewHik, J. bridegroom started on hi? wedding tour the other day with black eye. Ilia sisler-iu-luw eauaed It by vigorously throwing a weighty slipper after him to give luck lo the couple. Dr. F.

L. Ferguaou. dentist, over I'eleraou 'a hardwire store. 48lf Ton make uo mistake when you take DeWitt's Little Early Uisera for biliousness, dyspepsia or headiiche, because these little pills cure M. Wilson, druggiat.

Administrator's Notice. Public notice ia herein glvuu, live had tlii.i u.iy urea uud uouuuhwiluuetl by (lit) Ouui'i of Kiuiuui Ouuuty, i i thu Pt town, AchiiluitHratrU of Ihu ol Andrew QuiiUui-auu. mid fell buying axiiiuol said ctilule ttru brreby nuiilli-d 10 Itm liu Ihe L'lerk of Mild Court, cleurly sluted uud U), aud wltliin Ittful tune, Iu iheif beliiR provtu ui.U owilltf Ufa IM iuukt- tmmtxlijtt) J)tt)'UirMl lo (Uc fd, uud avoid Dutut at Kvlliurvlllf. lowu, ihi.i a ol A I)- tJAUMt (ibMIKItaoN, A.lHUulbtlllUI* Huper, AUcu I'cUu, jo 313 Awarded Highest Honors- World's Fair UK; BAMN6 PWiffl Tho In tbtd rtrnwn hy well-known show I In men ttttln, llort upon tor oomotneM nod of detail; the drawn horn by the world-hmom Worth and rnrla; the from fcy cplebrntKd of EDMI'K Amnrloa, Hurt. A Ifarx, of Scions of Gentility, Our Hen's GarmenU, Elegant, Graceful, Fit you all over.

Made for Wear, Not for the Show Window. Made for Men, Not for Tailors' Dummies. The riarvel of it all is the Price; you'll wonder at the "How" and the "Why" of it; "So Cheap," you'll say, but there's Honest Value in everything we sell; that's the Best Part of it Reaneu Wilson, The Leaders in Men's and Boys Wearing Apparel. FOR THE GRAND OFTAILOR MADE City Grocery, Geo. F.

LETCHFORD, Prop. Successor to Oavin ft Letohfordj Respectfully invites the public patronage in his line. Fresh new Groceries arriving every day; Highest prices paid for prime Farmers' Produce; Free delivery in the City. AT SON'S AN IMMENSS NEW Fall ai)d Wiqter Stock i UliADY FOR INSPECTION Wool Goods. Dress Flannels, Hosiery, Underwear, Etc.

Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Oapa tiid ia one of the largest and beat-ajworted ia eitjr. Visitors always welcome. No to goods. Free Delivery in the city. MASONIC BLOCK.


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