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The Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 6

The Daily Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SIX A I Saturday October 3, 1M4 Cost of Want Ads in The Daily Review te per line for first insertion. Vc per line for each subsequent consecutive insertion. Minimum charge 20 Mm times zoc a llaw a -loo 4 Hoes times 0c 1 UBM times line. times 1 4 lines HUM 1120 1 lines 30 times l.W 4 30 times Mo advertisement accepted for tBSD two Itees. Count six ordinary words to aacb line.

Discontinuance of ndtertuing mutt 1ft-writing. It will not be ac. or This rour lateruU well as If You Can't Bring or Send Your Want Ad Phone Bell Auto operators, thoroughly ta- Bllller with rates, rules and classification, will Hve you complete information. And, you wish, they uiiit you in wording yout want Id. to make It most effective.

A4 accepted by telephone to ao- coianodata you if your name In tha talepnone directory. Every Home Has Use for Keview Want Ads LOST ADD FOUND. LOST--A black stilt automobile hit, T.hite silk lining. Wednesday night between lr- wln'a drue store and S. Edward.

Reward for return to above number. dog 1 year old. to name "Teddy." Reoard. Bell LOST-- Small cloth pencil bag. containing fountain pen.

pencils, knife, child's plasses to 771 Uecatur. Repaid. 1124 IXtST--Wednesday. Sept 25, In business sec- or stoies. IW in i and ten dollar bills.

Finder CJ.11 Automatic phone Liberal reward. ltl61 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED--Position by middle aged lady for coolunir or light house work Good references. J-162, care Review. WANTE0--Position ss cost clerk and accountant.

Expertent.ed. 1-013 HELP WANTED. TOAjfTED--Agent to take orders and deliver toilet urtlcles, sood paying proposition. 4.H Broadway. Bell Ull.

I-" 11 THOUSANDS jobs open to men and to 00 month. Write for list Franklin Institute. Dep't COS. Eoc 1 X. T.

ln 3 HELP WANTED-MALE. TED--Ten teams to haul gravel. -Mtch- Sleslckl, Side Drue. Auto 3 on S4 11CC FOR BENT. HOUSES--tCM.) FOR liENT--S room modern house, gas stove heater.

liOi N. Main. 950 FOR BENT--One 6 room B02 E. Pnl- rie and one 6 room brict 246 N. Mill Close In; good and reasonable rent! Inciulre E.

Prairie. Bell 2010. U297 FOE BENT--FLATS. FOR RENT--Flat TTTO room front flat: steam heated. J.

Drake. 330 N. Main. 1224 FOR r. rooms, stsam heated.

Kt-ferencee required. Landsman, 123 E. Main St. "23 FOK JtENT--Four room flat, grate built In book case and china cabinet; private entrance, heat and Janitor service furnished: 1st floor 410 W. Macon 1004 FGOR KENT--Modern "well ventilated flats.

Steam lieit. i a service, $13 to WO. Prink hufTcrn Bldg, 351 X. Water. nun FOR BENT--ROOMS.

FOR "RENT--Tw i conveniently furnished room 1 connecu-d or separate, 815 W. North St Bell phono 1218 FUR KENT-- vlt-tily furnished rooma in prl- thoroushU modern home; references required, Mork from car 1114 College. FOR RENT--nooms close In. ground floor. 430 E.

Eldorado Bell 250S. 1221 FOR nENT--Furnished rooms. S38 N. Cal- r-oun FOR RENT--Flvp large rooms, upstairs: modern except heat and bath. John r.ay, 51S Jasper BeM 1S1 1-22 FOR RENT--One front room, furnished, 15S4 c-hurch FOR RENT--2 furnished roomji water, MS.

range Ground floor. K3 E. Wood. Bell 3t.oO. lnati FOR RENT--2 desirable rooms, city heat.

3 Works from city References. Business people preferred. Bell IT'" I 1 FOR RENT--J rooms i i close to i Fu i lurmslifd room In mo.1- 0-11 a to ladv must references, 31(1 Kldorado Phone Bell 190" FOR nice rooms, furnished, strictly modern; family. 5 RENT--Sleeping room, floor; I entrance. 521 North .131 FOR RENT--Three rooms to sti pie, E.

Wood quiet pee-1113 FOR Furni'hed room thoroushly rnmlem. city heat. M9 North. Ben FOR KENT--Furnished front room strictly modern, pruate farmb. 112 Main FOR business woman large furnished ioom; modern city a require nest of close in Auto -iS4 liwa FOR Ttl'NT--S'ecpjntr rooms.

Inquire at 554 TV. Main St. TM 8U FOR KENT--Furnished rooms, strictly modern, i heat 132 Prairie, uppe" Bi'l FOR RES'T--Furnished front rooms, close quiet, cheap Call N. Church. 098T FOR RENT--Sleeping or living rooms '-i b'o'k of a house.

Cell 4C03 946 "WANTED--Boy 14 to 16 to stem tobacco at Mlchl's Cigar fuctor WANTEt)--Cigar salesman to seil cl-arettes. tobacco to dialers. J1X per month, tt per travelling eip Amber Tobacco Co Boston. Mass. WANTED-A boy at Bell Drue Co WASTED--Salesmen, travel and appoint aeents salar.v, SSO and expenses Home Supply Mfg.

Station A. i a a i Fal's. New York I' 1 HELP WANTED-FEMALE lady to do a aa. Call E. Wood I- 01 for vaudeville.

Amateurs considered. F. A Glllman. care Kcmi'jly WANTED--Girl for general small family. S49 W.

North. WASTED--Two vouns; ladies for clerks Call at 435 N. Water MISCELLANEOUS WANTS'. WANTED--Slip covers made to order ClJbs hotels and private homes Prices reasonanle 241 E. Elflor.ido St WANTED--You to see Geo.

D. Brockway hj- fore vou get your paper hanglnK done. My price. iOc per "single roll. Bell 2S37.

4.19 Broadway. "Work guaranteed. 184 W. Grand, or Bell O.T WASTED--To make hats, dresses and hair switches. 123 E.

Main. Boll 4603. 94i WANTED--All kinds of house rp-pairins. painting, paper hanging, carpenter work. Jtt fact any kind of work you -Rant done about your house, and haven't th( nec- easarr tools or are too lazv to do vnurstlf Tom atlllinston.

the painter, 1T1 ThJtchei Place. Bell 1103 or 2744 00' WAKTBD--Tour well boj-inK. See me at oSce. 95S X. Main.

Bell 4314. Kl WANTED--All kinds of eewlng. Miss MJnt Monroe. Bell 4041. C3.9 WAKTBU--Plaster patching, fixing of fines.

of rental properties, and paper hanging: Adam Page Both phones. 100C1 WANTED--All farmers to know that thes; eaS all stock removed free of charge. Notify Wm Price, N. Monroe It Phones: Bell S474; Auto WASTED TO BUY Wanted to Buy. my highest cash prices for used and refrigerators, or will take (a oM as first payment on new.

Home Outfitters, pbone 1841. 3701 BOARDERS WANTED. SOAXDERS WANTED--In private aome, eiotn to depot, 14 per week. 1102 East North street. 02BG WANTED TO BENT.

WAJ8TED--To rent or buy, a modern house Roan 530 Walt Bldg. 1101 WANTED Two furnished rooms, light housekeeping: couple: no children. north northwest side preferred. Plate pries. J-193, Review.

FOE BENT--HOUSES. TOR RENT--Five room house at 740 Decatur street. Inquire FianU Plumer. Jr. 1220 FOR RENT--SiT room partlv modern bouse.

313 S. Maffltt. Inquire M9 E. Main Bell phone K43. 1327 JTOR RENT--Six room house.

938 N. Monroe. Inquire 1063 N. Monroe. 11P5 9-4 REKT 5 room modern cottage.

Apply N. Ednrd. Self MS HM JfOR HEST OR SATjE--1 S-room house on X. Main; 1 8-room house cor W. Wood and MCClellan; 3 fr-room house on Church 3V We have special price? on tots this week.

BOKKCM. rocm 514 Mllllkln Blrlx Sell phone 144. 1350 rocm M4 MHHKIn BMje Sell phone 144. 1350 modern bousp. 12flo K.

Union. C. Mosbarger. Auto 5247 or SdSB. 3170 FOR RBKT--New 5 room house; well located.

ah.ea». Bell 14MI. FOR RENT--Eight room modern house; gas. electric stove. 1142 N.

Main. 1103 FOR RENT--Six room modern house and barn at 1036 Wood. $22 per month. Bell or 5474 Bell 1067 FOR RENT--Modern 0 room house, 001 W. Macon: modern 7 room house.

3411 N. Clln- tos. Call Ball phone 549S. IOCS FOR RENT--Bight room house. CSS North.

Msdera except tier month. Aptly Decatur Coffin Co. 0204 TOR RENT-rFIve room cottace, J10. Inquire K2 N. Churck.

877 FOR KEXT--Neatly furnished rooms, $1 BO: upstairs, 453 IN "Franklin 9217 IR KENT--Two furnished rooms In i a mme: modern: close to depot, lOoi FOR 1. Xorth Bell Cofl IIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. FOR RENT--Two nice furbished rooms for lliiht housekeeping. U4- Macon 1:03 OF' three light housekeeping Mam Bell IWfl HIS FOR hous'-kec'pinc and sleeping rooms a i UK! FOR for house Ue-ping. i 112 1: FOK unfurnished roomb for light 1-ouaelifopinp a a reasonable rent 420 a i a llc FOR housekeeping rooms, around floor l.M rprro Oorilo libb FOR Furnisheci rooms for light housekeeping, modern.

501 Franklin 11-S FOT. RENT--Throe furnished sht keppir.t; i floor. G-o FOR nlceb i housekeeping rooms; modern, refrigerator: kitchen rablnet: range, no children. Rctcrpnces 70S "ft ood FOR KENT--Nicely furnished rooms for light -'oae in. rail at -n'oocl A r.12.' llw- FOR furni-'iPd rooms for light housekeeplns: sas ranBP a toilet; nn rhildreii 40S S.

a Bell 1044 FOR RENT--Three llsht housekeeping rooms hot a heat. 4SO Church FOR Iins'T--Tu-n i room 1 for sleep- inu- or light tttm'f keeping. Orchard 1(m FOR i i rooms for light hous'kpi-plne, also sleeping rooms; ail modern. H4 Eldorado. Oolfl FOR RTVT--Two furnished front rooms for housekeeping.

Bath, electric lights and rinse Bell 5149 FOE BENT. FOR RTNT--Warehouse ft on a'lev tn rear of 140 Iain St fin" plac" to fltnre it ia' steam heated: a room or woifc Applv 120 15. Tfnod TVm Trawr bon. 11L 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SiLE--Restaurant and Soda Fountain In county seat of 5 000 population.

Pe'Hng account of health. Will consider automobile or a lots Addrers J-14S, care stock of genera! mer- In Email Ullage, doing good not able to care for business. Address 1-089, Revie-v. LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE--Pony and rig cheap.

Bell 3MT Call 1SS3 X. Broadway. 1 FOR SALE--Two ponies One six anfl other coming 2 342 Monroe. FOR and rig cheap Bell Call 1S33 Broadway 11158 FOR PALE--Pony buggy and harness, complete F. Smith.

Lake City, 111. 104S FOR SALE--Mare years old, rubber tired hugpv and good set of harness, cheap Adrlre4 T-OSS. care Review. 96S TO EXCHANGE. WANTED--Farm or suburban tract In ex- for Decatur property.

J-213. Review. For Exchange. Several small suburban tracts; acres 111 Mack corn land: 220 improved In Co IU vt acrep near Decatur; SO aerrs improved Barton 114 improved Shel- bv Til land; 40 acres near Mowenqua; 240 jn Panhandle. mile of countv seat; 1(10 acrpR Kansas Wheat land; 800 in Missouri 9SS7 T5 rmOBISCH SON, ilatn St Old 4612: Aoto 1077.

HOTTSEHOU) GOODS. FOR complete tor seven house. Including sowing machine Bargain If taKen st onre J-1T5, Review. FOV. Kalamazoo base burner: first dasg condlt'oo.

RodRers Bpll Tiion. 11152 FOH SALE--Cheap. Furniture of 8 room house Stovo IBS N. Morgan. 11151 HOUSEHOLD GOODS.

--i-Furniture I buy, sell or exchange new or furniture, stoves. rtJM. etc. M. A.

Peabndy Ul-9 R. North St. 4T41 HOUBBHOIJJ GOODS FOB SALE--Sideboard, gas range, kitchen cabinet. iood condition. 1041 N.

Edward. U9J FOR SALE--Beautiful white enamel dresser and Party leavlns; cits'. Mu N. Church. 1139 FOR SA1JE--Almost new hlsh grade fumed oik buffet 54 by, 2T 1561 N.

Water. Old phone 916. 119 FOB BENT. FOB RENT--25 acres good pasture; close to city; running water; per month. C.

W. Harris, 655 Broadway. "10 FARM LANDS. WHT PAT to ISOO per acre lor land when the same land In the county that furnishes the stoh'e for the new state caplto! front $25 to $75 per acre, we have acres of corn on this land that will run from 40 to SO bushels per acre: there IB no finer fruit and grass country than Barry couaty; we grown that -will grow In such a climate; good schools, fine churches and society of the best You have to see this country to be convinced. For further information, address MANI.EY INSURANCE AGENCT, Cassvllle.

Mo. 1209 FOR BALE--830 acres, 3 miles from town; a fine wheat farm; well Improved; 845 acre 1 have large list of farms and ranches. I have some real bargains. Write me your waits. A.

L. Ramey Natoma. Kan. 1SOS FOR SALE--2 acre tract, Improved. 1760 Cantrell.

Bell 1130 FOR SALE--40 acre orange-and grape fruit grove, one-half grape fruit and one-half late oranges. This grove has just been contracted for to be completed 1- Near lake, lake region of Polk county, Florida, 200 feet elevation. Selected land worth S15O per acre;" trees good budded stock and land virgin soil with all stumps removed Good wire fence. Compelled to sell Will take 58,000 for all cssh. Address Boi 212, Tampa.

Fla 1100 ADMINISTRATOR SALE Three farms, about 500 acres corn land Best of Improvements Adjoining Continental, Ohio 'lood markets, high school; two banks Can be sold as a whole or separately. If interested write Frederick Buckingham heirs, or P. Palmer. Administrator, O. 1138 FOR SALE--ISO acres corn and clover farm, 0 room house, new barn, sheds, one mile from town, nothing: surrounding can be bonghr for less than $125 per acre.

Price JU2.50. terms. Other bargain:" Tell us your wants Bill Ryan, Chillicothe. Mo 1109 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--80 or 160 acres in eastern Nebraska: all In cultivation; 4 miles to town, SO acres in winter wheat. Price J130 per acre Prefer good business or Panhandle.

Texas, land. A. Bruner. Frc- mont, Neb I 1 1 FMtM FOR SALE--If ou to buy one of the best northwestern Ohio farms, without paying any rommisslon. buy direct from owner, who is desiring to sell on account of age.

Call on or aildress JACOB DICKMAN Defiance. FOR acres black loam soil. 30 A. timber 2 sets good buildings, 00 apple trees Including personal property estimated ivorth over $6 000 Price $11fi25 Easy terms. Free list.

Ellis Bros, Springfield. lOjS FOR SALE--05 acres in Roval Oak: six room house with basement: extra good barns and outbuildings. deep well water ana -alnd- mill natural gas, farm under fine cultivation tiled ind fenced: oxvner on promises. 4 miles from Detrmt limit's; 2 miles west of Woodward a Henry Longer. Royal Oak.

Mich. lTM FOR SAUE--40 acre i farm, well Improved, peaces, cherries grapes ana small fruit For further information address Louis Scbultz, St. Joseph, Midi Davis. 444 West Main, Richmond, Ind Indiana and Ohio a Extra producers at low prices Write at once. S4o FOR SALE--Good farms on oasv terms; will improved, close to town, from 40 to 4SJJ: corn 40 bu to 80 potatoes from 100 to 400 and for clover you can't find any better land H.

A Zun Bruner. Hasty, i Wright county 7 FOR SALE--Farm 1GO acres, well improved, tillable, situated 2 mile south of i liamsfieia 111 Inquire J. A. Tucker. Wll- llamsfield 111.

FOR SALE--Michigan farm and fruit lands In Mason. Manlstee. Lake and Wexford counties; 50,000 acres to select from: prices HO to K5 per acre on 7 vtars 1 time. Write for age Illustrated booklet free Excursion, Tues- dav October 6th. Address G.

Swigart. owner. D-1S47 First National Bank Bide, Chicago, or bin local agent. R. Baker.

420 Citizens Title Trust Decatur. 111. 9257 CITY PROPERTY. FOB SALE--Seven room house In the heart of Findlar. III.

See J. Eslck, Westerelt. III. 1214 FOR 7 room modern house. Owner leaving city.

Terms Bell 3057. FOR SALE--By onner. 5 room cottage; modern except furnace Bell 13J3 FOR SALE CHEAP--New room house. wull and detern, S. Dorando St Ben phone .1445 FOK SALE--Six room modern, west side, S1500- 4 room.

oath, mod except furnace S2.IM. 8700 cosh balance payments, west side List your property or farm for saie or exchange Tvith J. R. Dardcn Bell phone FOR RALE--New Two story model bungalow wQst end; sacrifice. Bell 2247.

1052 FOR. owner, neir 5 room bungalow, east end. cash or terms Addresi 1-014, care Review. VACANT IOTS. FOR SALE--Lot In Nelson Park addition Call 637 North I FOR 40 ft.

lot. south front. 1500 block W. Forrest Price S600. Address 1-972.

Review FOR SALE--Look! Biggest bargains ever ottered in Decatur. 7 lots SOilGO ft. only J250.00 per 80 Perfect title and abstract IS each These lots will be sold down and J3.00 per month. Don't miss this chance lo own a double lot for the price of one. and on easy payments.

Thiii sale ends Monday, Sept 2Sth. as owner is Deea- tur These lots are close to Wabash Shops and Starch Works and five blocks east at Condit Car line. Fine level black soil with Sood sewer. Owner lives 1415 E. Leafls-nd Bell phone 4015 POULTRY.

BIBDS AND PETS. FOB. SALE--Pups. Fo-c terrier. Inquire at Brewery barn.

Bell 1586. I12S SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTED--Tou to know that the barber shop under the Parlor Meat Market ti under new management. Standard prices 10 and 25c; best of -work Bstus Ash. Prop.

llSu LADIES--Your corsets nicely cleaned. 25c. Bell phone after p.m. or 41.111. DO TOUR remodeling, repalrine on bulld- hlg now.

Phone Auto 5857 for estimate. 1056 Beautiful Laces. I secured my stock of Imported laces before the wsr. They are obtainable nowhere else. Call and see me, Mrs M.

Edward. Walt Bldgs. '58 Geo. W. Davidson PIONEER PIANO AND EEWIK3 MACHINE MAK.

now Incited at 215 K. Main upstairs call and see the ereatest In pianos and sewlne machines. Also machines repaired mK MTJSSELSHELL VALLEY MONTANA. 125.00 Sound 'Trip Prom Peoria. Illinois.

Price of land, to $2250 an Excursion Every Tuesday. A. C. ALLEN, 119 Water Et BOOK BIKPINQ PRACTICAL BOOK blndlnc and blank book manufactnrlps. 1ST eanth street.

11U Herman Spies. Hacazlnes bound, names stamtwd la lold on books, pocketbootes and memorandum bosks, toilet cases, ete. VEHICLES. FOR SALE--Good tired and lleht sprint wafon, 370 W. Sawyer.

102S MUSICAL. GOODS. FOB SALE--Piano in good condition. Very reaonable. 1048 N.

Main. 9S4 FOR buyi good upright piano; 13 other Pianos and typewriters rented. Sutfern. 2nd floor, 351 K. Water.

BICYCLES AND AUTOS. FOR Twin Indian Motorcycle, cheap. 150S North Church. 1143 FOR SALE--One 1D14, 7 h.p. Excelsior motorcycle.

In first class condition. Auto phone 1118: Bell. 3270. 1118 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOTTS. FOR SALE--Two bowling alleyi; alao two pool B.F.

S.mpon, Pan a. 111. 1046 FOR SALE--Two furnaces. Cheap if taken soon. Decatur Garment Co.

9917 Foa SALE--Oliver. Underwood, 135; Smith Premier, 15 other bargulBg Machines rented Suffern, 2nd floor 351 N. Water. MONET- TO LOAN. YOU CAN BORROW ANT AMOUNT None too large.

None too email. We lend money on furniture, Pianos Horace, Carriages, Goods in Storage, Cattle, Grain, Growing Grope, etc. Easier terms than other brokers Also we buy NOTES Telephone No. 13t OLDEST LOAN OFFICE IN CITY, established 1SS2. A.

T. SUMMERS SON. 110 North Watw St. Next to Milllkin National Bank. LITTLE BT LITTLE you can repay a loan--or all at once.

Carefully explained before you take the money. Pay only for the time you use It. We lend $10 S.U4 up on the squarest terms Imaginable too. 752 Fidelity Loan Company 315 Citizens Bank Bldg. Bell 370; HONEY TO LOAN on the easy payment plan.

$10 and up. All business private, Decatur Loan Office 202 Citizens Bank BldB Phones: Auto HIS; Bell, 3270. S9 FARM AND CITY LOANS--Any amour. and interest. Hill, attoriey.

313314 Millllcln Decatur OMT I 5 Money to Loan On beet possible plan. First the lowest cost, second the payments 3 arranged to suit the borrower and can be made either weekly or monthly. And lost but not least, everything confidential. 'When you 9 come to us for a loan, you can have the money -within an hour or two Any amount from $1000 up. Tou pay only for the actual time you keep the money.

Call and see us when needing a loan Rooms I 7 and S. BIdK Half block of transfer house, 14i North Main Et Sell phone 2041. A I 1595. 35 I Illinois Mortgage Loan Co. REAL ESTATE.

Home Near University. Six rooms, i water in house, sink and pas lights, gas shade and fruit fees paved streer Lpcatefl 1 W. Decatur St. Price f'220O J. M.

Pickle. 427 fftlzens Bank Bdg, A 1J77 Bell UWS FOR fine room modern home almost new, 2 blocks from 300. (5 room modern, except, furnace, close In College fct $2 100. lo properties 4 to 8 rooms on easy a FOR SATjE OR TR properties. scant lots stocks of rnerchandies, money to loan on i property.

T. Watson, 313 i i Bids. Auto 12S7. Bell 378 909 120 Acres of Trcll Improved land, IV east of a a III. Will sell at a bargain If sold In next 10 days.

J. E. Patterson, 401 Mllllkin Bide. Ml For Sale. Good ft room house and stock of goods, or as part pay 100 acres.

milei of Shelbyrille. Frank Godwin. 116 Merchant St. PROFESSIONAL No Drugs. No.

Osteopathy. No Knife OfCicc hours- 8 to 12. 1 to 8. 7 to 8, Sundays 10 to 12 Landgraff Williams Chiropractors LADY ATTENDANT. A phone.

12.10; Boll phone. 530. Rooms 214-15, Moran-Corbett comer Water s.nd Decalur. 111. 9301 SPECIAL NOTICES.

amk 508 N. Water Solicits your checking account. 8282 To Net First Mortgage Farm Loans Ksttlng In amounts from $250 to 12,000. Security four times the amount of loan Principal and Interest payable HENRY SPENCEH, 220 Uatn, Decatur. II Mrs oil WOT The Road of Good All trains leave terminal, corner Wood aad Water Streets.

IMtJ BuWect to Change Without Notice. West Bound. 5.20. 6:15. 8:00 9:10, am.

"11:10 a.ra, 12'01 p.m. 3:25 4:00 P.m. 5.25....p.m. 8.10 p.m. 11:15 p.m.

East Bound: 5.00... 6.30 a.m. 8.05 a.m 9:80 I 4:30.. pm. 2-30.

8:45. 1:30 p.m. I 11:15. Limited, Parlor car. North Bound.

a.m 10:55. 2:10 4:10 6:00. 11:00. p.m. Peoria Limited, Bloomlafton Light Plant MacHinery Break Discomfort Sullivan, Oct.

machinery it the Central Illinois' Pabltc Service company's broke, down Frldsiy evening and was not in running order early this morning. All Business and residences were in- darkness all night and the two 1 picture shows were of business for the evening. The young peftple of the city wene giving a dance i'h the Knights of Pythias hall and were forced to hunt up oil JOHN" R. POLAND DIE6. John R.

Poland, a well known citizen, died at his home night. He was Eisty-seven years Mr. Poland has been in. ill health for a. number of years and the year has been confined to'his home most of i -Besides wife he leaves three Bert Moore and Mrs.

Delbert of this city, and Mrs. iWalteY Carter of Cadwell. Funeral services were held from the family home this afternoon at 2 3o o'clock by L. T. Hagerman of the Church of' Christ.

Interment was in Greenhill cemetery. The pallbearers tvere Apollis Hagerman, Carl Carter, Hagerman, Ezra A. Moore, Fred LaNeue and Clement Harshman. Ma.ny friends attended the services. CANDIDATES BUST.

All of the Democratic candidates from Moultrie countv were in Atwood Friday attending the fall, festival there. They met a 1 oters from Lowe and Lovington townships during the day. PAVING CONTRACT. The contract for the paving of West Jackson street from the Presbyterian church west to the ity limits will be let one week from next Monday. The pavement is to be twenty-six feet wide and will be of brick with a concrete base.

M'KINLET LECTURES. Ex-Congressman William McKinley attended a. meeting of Moultrie county Republicans Friday afternoon. In the evening Mr. McKinley gave his illustrated locture on his trip around the world to a large crowd on the west side of the square.

FIND MISSING HORSE. The fancy driving horse of Walter LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF ILLINOIS, INStfRAlJCB DEPARTMENT-- Springfield. Illinois, September IS, 1014 i. M.

Potts, Insurance Superintendent of the State at Illlnolsi do hereby certify a the foregoing and annexed instrument Is a full, true and correct copy of leelaration and Charter of the Protective League Life Insurance Company of Dacatur, Illinois, now on file and forming a. part of the --ecords of this department In Testimony Whereof, I hereto subscribe my name, and atfix the Seal of my office, at Springfield, the day first written. (Sig-ned) KUFLS POTTS. Insurance Superintendent. STATE OF ILLINOIS, rXSURAKCE bE- PARTMENT--SeptVnber 15.

Rufus M. Pottt- Insurance SuperlHteria- ent of the State of Illinois, hereby certifj a 1 a this day examined the Declaration and Charter presented by the Protective League Life Insurance Company of Deca.tur. IllinolF, and find the same to be in accordance with the of the act named in eald Declaration and riot inconsistent with the laws or constitution of the Stats of Illinois or of the United Spates. In Testimony hereunto subscribe my ntme. and tjie' ipy office, at Springfield, the first above nsurance Superintendent.

STATE OF ILLINOIS; JJACON. COUNTY, ES -To M. Potts, Superintendent of Insurance. We, the undersigned, hereby declare -our intention to organize and incorporate a company to make insurance upon the of persons, and ex erj insurance pertaining thereto, or connected therewith, and to grant or dispose of annuities, pursuant to the provisions of "An -Act to Organize and Regulate the Business of Lift 1 Insurance," ap- March 2G, ISG9. and all amendments thereto.

We propose and do hereby'adopt the fol- i CHARTER: (1) The name of Com pan shall be Protective League Life Insurance Company, to be located at Decatur, In Macon County, Illinois (2) The corporate powers of the Company shall be exercised by board of directors of not leas than five nor more than fifteen, the number to be electefl." from, time to time to be fised by the by-laws (3) At thp first election of directors a board of nine (9) directors be choeari by the stockholders who shall 'hold office for one (1) year and until successors are elected and qualify (4) The directors shall be elected annually at each annual meeting of the stockholders, for one jear and until their successors are elected and a i said election to be by ballot either IB person or by proxy. Such officers of the Company aa shall be provided for by the by-lawe-from time to time shall be elected annually by directors of the Company at their first meeting after the annual meeting of the stockholders, and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualify. (5) The stockholders shall meet annually at such time and place in the State of Illinois aa the shall direct, and may hold auch other meetings- as the bylaws may authorize. 6 Varaneiei in. the hoard of directors be filled by a majority of the remaining directors until the next annual of the stockholders.

(J Ttte capital stock of this Company he One Hundred Thousand (UOO.OOrtQOi divided into one hundred thousand (100.000) Bhareg, eftch share of the par value of One Dbllar CJl.Oft). (S) The objects and of this Company are to make Insurance upon the of persons. and everv insurance pertaining thereto, or connected therewith, and'fb'grant or dispose of annuities, pursuant to the provisions of the Act entitled. "An Act to Organize and Regulate the, Business of Life Insurartce," approved March 26th. 1886.

and all amendments thereto. (9) The manner of conductlnj-this Company shall bo unon the stock plan C10 The Charter of this Company shall be perpetual. In Witness Whereof undersigned 'have executed this Declaration on this fourteenth dav of September. A. D.

1014, at Deeatur, J. H. W. SHAFER. OEO.


E. P. GBACET, R. P. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE at TVllmlnu Aiklns, dcceaMd.

The undersigned hiding Administrator of the estate of Wllmlni. late of the Couaty.of Macon and State of Illinois, deceased, fcereby irlvea notice that he will appear County Court of Macon County, at the- Court UOUM ln Decatur. at the Ndvember temr. on the first in November next, at whtfh time all 'hartna- estate are'notmSa'ana requested to for tin purpose of havlnr afljuited. All persons Indebted to said requested to maJce Immediate payment to the undersigned.

Dated A Latham. Atfmtetttratet Attorneys. Edmlston, which took the ftnt two mco and which was taken from hitch- Thuraday by some misoreanti. located dajr. The animal loose after havlnf; been driven several miles In the -It returned home.

Lavlna. Elder went to Decatur Friday for a. rtslt -with her sister, Mrs Joseph Miller. CHURCH SERVICES. Christian The' usual services will' be held Sunday subject, "The Tragedy of a Drink of Water." In the evening a union service of all of the churches of the will be held In -thjs church tor the purpose of observing the Wilson day of prayer.

Pas- 'tors from each Church make short talks. Presbyterian-- The usual services will be held Sunday morning. Methodist The usual services will be held Sunday- morning. REVIVAL. ENDS.

Rev. W. B. Hopper, pastor of the Christian church of this city, finished a two weeks" -revival service Friday night at the Prairie Chapel church near Cushman. Much Interest was manifested during ''the' meeting and persons professed conversion, WEINER ROAST FOR S.

S. PUPILS Macon. Oct. The young people of the Methodist Episcopal church will a weiner roast on the lawn of the Methodist Episcopal church Monday evening. BIRTHDAT PARTT.

The ladies of the home department -ot the Methodist Sunday school will Siv-e a birthday party at the church Wednesday, evening. Oct. 7. A good program will be given. The members of the W.

C. T. U. their regular meeting Thursday afternoon at the home 'of Mrs Walter Glenn. PERSONALS.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. and Mrs.

Jesse Markwell were Decatur visitors Wedn rt sday. Mis. Jo'nn Corlnthwaite -was a Decatur visitor Thursday. Mrs Mary Hitchcock, a member of the "Odd Fellow's Home" of Mattoon, is the guest of Mrs. Lola Rickard at the Eastern Star home this week.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Allspaofl, Sept.

30, a. son. Mls's Ella Sturgis, who has been spending several months with her sister, Mrs. Laswell, In Springfield, has returned home Flovd Dunham is visiting relatives and friends in Ml. Fulaski this week.

Amos Mathias has purchased the property in which E. S. Merrls and family reside. Mrs. a.

R. Woodcock was in Decatur Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A.

Dorsey visited relatives In De.catur a few days this week. Born, to "Mr. and Mrs John Wicker, one-half mile south of town, Sept. SO, a daughter. She been named Mildred William Lane, who has been visiting relatives in this city the past week, left Thursday for Minnesota where he is' engaged playing ball.

Mrs. O. H. Draper of Decatur, was a Macon' visitor Wednesday. Mrs.

A. Whitaker and daughter, and Mrs. Seth Carr were Decatur visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Berrsice Hleglns has returned home after- spending the past two months in California.

William Hight left the first of the week for Muncie. where he will visit his brother. James Might, and other relatives. Among the Decatu'r visitors Tuesday were William Moses, Walter Glenn and Mrs. Moma.

Frank Reedy of Boston. Is Usltinsr relatives in and near Macon. Mrs. Mary Rheimer and and Mrs. James Rheimer of Arcola, visited friends In and near Macon this week.

Mrs. Arthur who' has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs, left Thursday for Chicago.

Mrs, Gertrude "Waggoner, -who has been spending the past two months in th'e east, returned home Saturday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frances Wilson, Oct. 1, a son.

Mrs. Charles Love, who Has been ill, was taken to St." Mary's hospital Thursday. Those who attended the funeral of Mrs. Hawley in Decatur Tuesday f. ere Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Arnold, -Mr and Mrs. Frank H. and Mr. and Mrs.

William Overlin. William Crossen, who has been seriously ill at his home east of town, is somewhat improved. Mrs. Moma returned the first of the week from- 'Argents. where she has been the guest of her -mother.

Mr. and Mrs. James Geddes and Miss Velma Durr were Decatur 1 1sitors Thursday. Mrs. A.

Wlllard returned home Thursday after visiting relatnes in Htllsboro. Arthur Miller of Hillsboro. was a business visitor in Macon few days this week. Mrs. Will Love visited Mrs.

Charles who is ill at the hospital iu Decatur, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Puckett visited relatives in Decatur a few days this week. SHOBONIER.

Willie 'Klrkman of Forrest Is viiitlns here til its neek. Mrs. Susan Duncan has returned to her home at Patoka visit here Mra E. Bethard left Frldar 'or their new home at Lemont. Rev Mi Betlmrd, who has been stationed at Pleasant Prairie, has been sent to Lemont Miss Sidney Sessions of Macon, Is spending a week with home folks Mrs.

Clem Houston the nest of relatives In Verrton Wednesday Mrs. L. Chancellor who has been Charles Lamb and tamlly, has returned to her home m. Casey. Several from this place 111 go to Sunday -to.

witness the second of a series of baseball between- the Pittsburg and Greenville, teams. "Cotton" Johnson, the Massachusetts state, leasruer. will pitch for Plttsburg sluggers M. r. Cox Thursday for Arizona.

He expects to. be -several weeks. 'Honorable JTMF. Green spent Thursday with friends In Brawnstown George Haskell and family of are spend hi a couple weeks with relatives. Miss Gladys Gould- left Friday for.

several daysr stay with relatives and friends In St. Louis. Sim Edwards and- wife of Centralia, were here Thursday. They have rented the Dr. O.

C. Pollock farm for neit year. "Aunt" Cynthia. BlanXenshlp will celebrate her eightieth birthday anniversary Monday. All her relatives and friends planning a postal -cal shower.

A few years ago she over 100 CKS. Ed Blankanshlp wu a Centralia visitor Thursday. Dr. T. ChiMs has bees appointed turant officer here Mils Ids.

Ffohland of Vera. who has visiting Rev. R. Fleekensteln. returned to her Friday.

John and Anderson of Patoka, ars visiting relatives 5YEHR fflllJ BUI Playing With Matche Oil in Tiucola. and TuKOla. Oct. 3. A combination ot kerosene, and matches waa the of the probable fatal burnlnc of five year old daughter of Mr.

and John Pylea, at their In northeast part of town Friday afternoon. The child got hold- of can containing the oil and after spltlinK a quantity of It on her clothing: secured some matches. She began playing: i the lighted matches and fire Immediately enveloped her body. Before the burning: could be torn from her. she -was so frightfully burn.

cd that the physicians say there If little hope for her recovery. COMEDY BAUL A The last same of a successful ton of baseball for Tuscola will Replayed on Sunday afternoon on the Tuscola field. The game will be a strictly local affair and plenty of fun is promised. It is to be played tween 'the teams composed of. the clerks and the 'barbers of the town.

some of the regular Tuacola team longing to each group. Manager fov the barbers. Raymond Carpenter; for the clerics. "Doc" Snyder. LINEUP.

The line-up will be for the barbers! Pitcher. "Daddy" Romlne; "Son" Rojnine; shortstop. "Hot Time Bennett; center field. "Carp" Carpenter; first base. "Slim" Hutson; right field, Charles Cooch; left field.

"Jacky" Cockrill: third base. "Snooklms" Eyestone: second base, "Fid" Land; Jlmmie Holmes. For the clerhs. pitcher. Doc" Pn.v- der; catcher.

"Dick" Dh-klnson. first base. "Mickey" Kennedy; second base, "Friday" Peck, shortstop. 'Big Mike" Parker; third basr. field.

"Little Mike" Parker, right field. "Butch" Cedusky; left field. "Frits" Matthews. Tommv Nor-. Ille.

the painter. Is fa be the umpire. CONCERT PLEASE? The concert -then at the South Christian church Thursday evenlnir by the Chicago OrchestraJ quartet a enjoyed by a good slied crowd The slaughter house belonslng to the Cedusky brothers meat market In this) place, was destroyed by flra on Thursday. WILLIAM ILES WEDS. William lies, a wealthy retired farmer of this city, surprised friends Thursday evening by announcing his marriage.

His bride was Mrs. Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fetherolf, who have for many years been the tenants on one of Mr, lies' farms east of Tuscola. WED IN DECATUK Miss Kva Paull, one of tho at the Douglas Telephone exchange, and Murl Slpes.

son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sipes. were married In Decatur Thursday. They will probably make their home here.

William Byrnes of Villa Groif ae a visitor here Friday. Mrs. A. T. Bragg was shopping Danville Friday.

Ov Ervln went to Crawfdrdsvtlle, Friday. Mrs. William Mitchell of the Bench. House went to Hoopeston Friday for visit with F. H. with "a of frfends motored to'' Ctnurrrmiin Ffldty. The farmers of this vicinity are again clamoring for rain, cialmlna; tfiat tlie surface of the fields become so dry that wheat that Is beinff sown late is not sorouting On the other hand, the weather Is Ideal for the maturing of -the corn crop, which is rlpenlnr and drying up nicely will soon be beyond possible damage from a killing' frost. CHURCH 'SOCIAL. Mrs. E.

V. Buchanan, who finailr consented to accept the presidency of the Ladles' Aid soclotv of the First Methodist church, at the meeting of the society on Mondav afternoon. Itlt the help of her other officers, is planning- a social to be held at tho church on Monday night ivhi'-h will bp for entire membership of the '-h'irch. RAISES BIG CITRONS NEAR MORRISONViLL Morrisonville, Oct. 3.

J. Fleming, a farmer near here, planted In the early spring a large pat-h of what he thought was watermelon seed Instead of the luscious watermelons he has a field of citrons, some weighing aa high as twenty-five pounds. 250 FRIENDS VISIT HOSPITAL PATIENT Blue Mound Leader: a novelty. Miss Emma, Zlttrell kept a record of her visitors while in the St Mary'i hospital in Decatur several weeks following a serious operation The list reached 230. In appreciation of their visits and interest in her welfare she has composed a piece of poetry.

will be printed In booklet form and presented to her friends. SALVATION ARMY LECTURER COMES Colonel Henrr Billiard Af Ort. IS. Colonel Henry Bullard of Chicane, late a Salvation Army missionary In Japan, has been secured by Adjutant Thomas Williamson of tho Salvation Army to glve'an Illustrated lecture In the Army hall in on Thursday, Oct. IS.

"India. Japan and Korea, their customs and rellBion," will be his Ject, and 100 lantern slides will bt shown. Colonel Bullard Is making a tour the country giving his lectures. An admittance tee of 10 cents will be ed for the entertainment. DIVA'S INCOME $65,000 A YEAR New.

Oct. yearly income of Lillian Nordlca. the opera who died recently, was from 150,000 to fCS.OOO, according to Ernest Romayae Simmons, (or manr years her secretary, woo testified terdaT la dlioovery JEWS PA PER I IN SPA PERI.

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