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The New North from Rhinelander, Wisconsin • Page 8

The New Northi
Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
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HH 1 III 1 1 1 you wish to borrow rr.onej to buy, Improve or clear your farm? We nake a specialty of FARM- LOAN'S. Jiave on hand novr lo Loan: 250 300 500 000 700 750 600 1000 1250 1500 And other amounts. HARDY 4 RYAN, Viskesha, ana see our local representa- tire B. L. Horr.

Rhinelander. Hews From Neigh- be ring Hasn'ets Ity J. BUNDY. ilr. Lee and family left for Fostcr- viUe, wborv bo baa a tion as cook lu the loard.nK liouie.

A fudge party was ghcn in lion or of Miss MauJ Saturday evcnins at the torce of IMTe Kumireis. Miss Marie MacUonald and Henry Myers made a brief visit to Mer-j rill this week. Is it weddics bells The Mlnocqua team def fated the Arbor Vltac team at the S. gymnasium Saturday night. A prelim- tnary frame was irs between two girls'

She J. Hubtr Is vlslllng here with hit family thU week. The cut Mrs. John Mann. Wednesday.

with GAGEN. Mrs. E. Sparks and baby of Rhlce- wefe the puests of village we hear? 'friends from Thursday until Tuesday. Mr.

and Mrs. KreU and; speni B3V ra days in Mrs. Gardner spent a pleasant Cay neapolis on illness last weei Jos. lOetz was a Rhinelacder visitor Friday. Miss Mattie Stoll of Three conducted services at the school in Rhinelacder this week.

H. Yougnquest returned from Chester. Sunday. John Younsquest made a business trip to this week. Mr.

Hutner w-as over from Parish, Ish, Sunday children. to visit his wife ar.d was in La Follette's WEEKLY MAGAZINE The Great Progressive ee Kly There are many reasons why you should read trhat It says SS times each year. It Is free to tell the truth It win oppose th'e encroachment privileges upon the lights. It wfll call the rcil on public men and measures and Inform you how your congressmen work and vote It will critlclsa the executive branch of government from the highest the lowest, If In Judgment th, people's Interests are not protected It win spread the gospel of I home life through the Department. It trill be conssrvatlv when good things are to be and radical when jd thing are to be exposed.

SENATOR R. M.LAFOLLETI tDrroi Price $1.00 a Year Yon can get the magazine and the New North BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2.00 IN ADVANCE SEHD IS TOUI ORDEK TO THE New North ASD ROT TO La Follette's WEEKLY MAGAZINE MON1CO T. F. Ryan of Green Bay own, Wednesday. The E.

F. U. held their regular at the home of Mr. and Mrs Emll Meyer, Saturday night. Wallace Taylor went to Watersmeel ast wweek ard from there wilj re- urn to his home in Marinette.

C. F. Shepard of Uhicelander was town, Friday. Miss Elsie Kuehn was In Rhinc- ander, Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. M. Wesolowskl were AntSgo. Thursday. The Imperial Amusement Company gave a dance In the Monlco House, Saturday night.

J. P. Warren, who has been work- ng at Ironwood, Is back at bis old on the freight. Miss Viola Rice of Pelican at tended the dance Saturday, night. The Ladies' Aid will give a mas; querade In the Molceo House next Saturday night, music to be furnished by the Military orchestra.

Every body invited to attend. Ernest Foils of Pelican attended the dance Saturday night. Mrs. Ida M. Hanks returned to ter home in Hiles last week.

A number of townspeople enjoyed a sleigh ride party out to Wilson's camp Sunday night. Miss Stasia Ford of Gagen was in town Saturday. Harry Wilde of Pelican attecdtd th dance Saturday night. Miss Ethel Taylor was in Riant lander, Saturday. Fred Ferris of Foxcraft, 1 house, Monday evening.

R. C. Luedkc transacted business In Rhinelacder, Monday. W. Locy, who is 111 with typhoid fever Is Improving.

Mrs. J. Rieti went to Orecn Car Wednesday morning. Mrs. J.

Lembcke and Mrs. Sparks were the guests of Mrs. II. Hilton, Monday. MM.

F. H. Piehl and children returned home from a three weeks visit with relatives at Racine, FrI day. Miss Mabel Logan who accomp- led them returned to Racine, Mor. ay.

B. Hofslund has been numbere: with the sick this Geo. Moon who works at Armstroni Seek spent Sunday with his family. Mr. and Mrs.

J. Carlson made trip to Rhlnelander, Tuesday. Miss Stasia Ford visited her moth er at Monlco, Saturday. W. Olson went to Rhlnelander Monday and his -wife returned wit; him and Is spending a few days I camp.

Xllss Nina Warren Is on the ilc list HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Miss Janctto Hurnscn, 1st grads teacher tn-the school building. Vas out of school, cu amount of Illness. Prln. C. C.

1'arlin of Waurau the high school papllj this oon. He will tbls evening: at! he Congregational Men's Club tan- uet. llasktt ball game with Toxahauk to morrow evening at the Armory. The heating plant will be une 10. 1911.

The rhetorical programs will be teld tomorrow afternoon. Subjtct in 'unlor-Senior division: Resolved that the U. S. Senators should be elected the popular vote of the people. A large cumber were absent oa account of Illness thU week.

The next basket ball game will played with Wausau, Jan. 27. HAVE COOKING SCHOOL. A cooking school was held Monday evening at the Guild Hall, the pupils being composed of the voung ladles and men of the Episcopal church. Father Johnson acted as Supeiin- tendant and Mrs.

Johnson as principal. Kules and regulations were observed and eiact punishments were inflicted. Iteport cards were also Issued. The following was the menu served by the pupils: French Brown Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Creamed Corn, Ice Cream, Cocoa and Wafers. All voted Father Johnson a very good professor.

DONNERSTAG RETURNS Rudolph Uounerstas arrived in the city last night from his home near Woodboro. Donnerstag was released from the Federal prison ai Fort Leaven worth and returned to his home. (Continued from Telephone 152.7* Illegal and cancelled 1 ,6,736.57 Fair crcund appropriation; 1,700.00 Yaughan office rent 45.00 Court house bor.ds and interest 9,925.00 State tax 83.55 Solditrs relief fur.d £06.00 Gus Horn rent 1 93.00 Poor account, Fac clu Flambeau .20.00 Error in delinquent return town cf Pine 10.75 Error in delinquent return tjwa of CaJsian 10.S6 W. T. Baldwin, outlawed redemptions 1 43.48 County orders 21,914.24 Municipal court orders: 1S5.61 Court certificates 5.123.57 Postage I 28.50 To town treasurer for making delinquent return 40.21 Delinquent personal property tax Tr v.nrWO* 118.02 Delinquent real estate Newbold gliCT Court house fund loans ar.d interest repaid 15,070.42 To elerk of court, judgment vs.

OneidaCo 6.9S8.9T box rent 2.40 State tax, less state school money 16,316 29- Suit tax and fines to state 409.00 far Camp murder case I 100.00 Training school appropriation ...1 2,700.00 State school tax to different towns 8,413.55 County Assessors meeting 124.97 Vital state statistics 2S.16 Error in certificates Bale of 1910...." 10.00 Town library fund to F. A. Lewell, county superintendent 1S6.CO Outlawed certificates 12.67 Cash balance 1,780.84 Moved by Supervisor Scott and seconded by Supervisor that the report be adopted as read. Carried. The following report was read.

To the Honorable County Board of Oneida County, Wis. Gentlemen: I have the honor herewith to submit to you the report of the receipts and disbursmenta of the county clerk's office from the first day of Jan. 1910 to" Dee. 31st, 1910 inclusive. RECEIPTS Balance on hand on redemptions 2,608.03 Balance on hand on redemption fees 10.05 Balance on hand on deed fees 9.60 Balance on hand on marriage license fees .50 Total balance 2,628.18 Received on redemption 12,396.57 Received on redemption fees 259.S5 Received on deed fees 139.20 Received on marriage license fees 41.00 Received on county land sales 45.00 I Don't Overlook This Offer New North' $1.50 per year Outers' Book J1.50 per year here inspecting and purchasing ship inees.

Chas. Jolan of Rhine-lander spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Mae Taylor of Summit Lake. pent Saturday and Sunday at her borne. There will te a dance at Hotel Northern Saturday night.

Brusoe's 01 chestra will furnish the music, Every Invited to attend. llrs. 11. Wesolowskl was in lander, Saturday. CASSIAM Jlrs.

Mattison returned from Ne- Sunday where the had been visiting relatives for some time. 3Iiss HsteUe Cronan dejaiud lor her home in Red Owl, S. Jan. 7, after an extended with her tls- ter, lira. V.

J. Kibkr. Several of the men working la camp have betn transferred to JlaJ- vern to work for the came company. The infant son of Mrs. Jenn.e Fredericks taa been ill with pneumonia, but is Improving at this writing.

The store and contents owned tj J. P. Jensen, together with the P. O. and town Looks wtre destroyed by fire the 3rd of January.

Origin cf the fire unknown. He carried a small Payable in Advance THE OUTERS 1 BOOK Is the Greatest Sportsman's Magazine in the Northwest. Mrs. U. I.

Roberts cf Teccatawk was a guest of Cassian friends Fri ay Saturday. Religious services will te held at le home of M. C. Peterson, Sunday anuary 22, at 10 o'clock. Jlrz.

Ltan Lee and con Carl and C. 1J. Taylor were guesti of Mrs ra Smith, Thursday. L. J.

Marsh has gone to Arbor ITltae to make his home with his son, Eugene for the remainder of the witter. The Land Co. lost a valna tie horse last week. Everyone' Knows The What NEW NORTH IS Subscribe Now MINOCQUA. Un.

Manning and little daughte have returned from a two weeks' vis It at and Milwaukee. Dr. Carl Bcblect who left here to at Loyal, decided to return and win occupy hit old office here. Dr. Hiwley and wife arrived here this week from Mercer.

They will hare charge of the Margaret hospital. Father Monroe left for Escan- WICKLOW The R. N. of A. Lodge will meet neit Saturday forenoon at the home of Ida Peterson.

As It Is Installation of officers It Is necessary tliat all members be present. Mrs. August Emerich went to Tomahawk to consult a physlcianlast Saturday. Rena Foss returned to her school duties In the Brown District last Tuesday afternoon, spending the Christmas vacation at her home In Willow Lake. Fred Oollett and son Clyde have been on the sick list for the past week but are a little better at present writfcjr.

There will be no school In the Lund District this week owing to the illness of the teacher Maude Fisher. Mrs. Mary McDonald Is in Sacred Heart hospital In Tomahawk. Josie Lee returned from Tomahawk one day last week after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Stensrud.

Amanda Ziemer expects to start for her home In Milwaukee next Sunday after spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. Alfred Girand. Dr. Wray of Tomahawk made a business call at John Menticks one day "last week. One of the small children being sick.

Dan Lee and Alfred GIrard are hauling pulp wood to Cassian for J. W. Kelley. Fred Col'ett got a wolf In one ol his traps this week. AROUND THE CIRCLE Mr.

Dewey Sears, and wife are now located at Seymour Wls, where they will reside for the present. W. B. Antes, understand, has Imported some blooded stock on the "flats" this week In the form of a farm dog which his quite a pedigree, so Will says, being one part dog and three parts son-of-a-gun. We understand that Prof.

R. J. louseau lias resigned Ids position at he power house at Hat Ilaplds for a more lucretive one elsewhere. Once more the clouds have cleared away and we can see a clearer atmosphere after the past fifteen days of snow storms, but no matter much one tries there will always be the chronic kicker bob cp to register kicks. Geo.

Kramer and wife were city callers the first of the'week, A. C. Radka has cone to the woods for the. balance of the winter. Frank Cole and Chas.

Gross are do- Ing quite a stroke of business in the wood line this winter. Chris Thompson has charge of the culinary department In a large lumber camp near Manltowlsh, this winter. Wm. Hahn assisting in repairing the farm buildings on tjie Lewis place this week. Mr.

Billlngton seems to be an up-to-date farmer and Is going at things in the right manner, and Is making some very substantial and Important improvements about the place. We are glad to note that Walter PARLIN SPEAKS TONIGHT. Prof. Charles C. Parlin speaks at the monthly shipper of the Men's League of the Congregational church this evening.

The banquet begins at Eii thirty followed by a musical program and the speech of Prof. Parlin. Total D1SBURSMENTS I Paid on redemptions 13,613.86 Paid on redemption fees 189.00 Paid on deed lees 109.75 Paid on marriage license fees 29.50- Paid on county land sales 45.00 Total 1 Balance on hand on 1,390.74 Balance on band on redemption 80.90 Balance on hand on deed fees 39.50 Balance on hand on marriage license fees 12.00 15.509.89 Why Business Lips. Gloomy bought a revolver from yon yesterday. I with youd take It back.

I've changed my mind. Blaetter. Total balance on hand Amount in Merchant's State bank 1,037.45 Amount in First National bank 572.94 13,987.11 1,522 Total 1,630.39 Less out-standing check 233.40 Net balance in banks 1,391.99 Expense accounts 16.00 Cash in oSice 114.70 CHURCH NEWS. IciornsttoD roscersln? eommnnltlen tie Irlnsr tbe grrTiree of a mirMonary In organ, tins a tehool will be gladly rtrelTed by the and? rttffoed. Psvria Ltl'oETr, lllm-lonary A.

S. S. Kiinrlandrr. German Zlan Krangcllcal I-Btherxa Scrrkrn Saoday Snadsy School 11:30 North Strrrt. 1 Uornlnz Wor.Mo Ckrlxtlxn Eodraror.

7:30. SerTiee. SwrdUh Lutheran m. p. m.

Sunday School m. Ladles' Aid Society every fourth Thursday Ed Tin Olman In charie'. KJThayer St. CbrlitUn Science Christian Science services orer P. O.

at Ifcii. Sabject lor Jsn. Siid, -Truth." Sunday school Norwegian i.nthenn Service Sunday at KMO and 7.30 f. m. J.

A. Snartemo. Pastor. Method lit. Momlnj worship 1930; Sermon subject: -Christ's Sermon oa the Mount." Bible School 11.45 Epvcrth League S-30 Eveclcf worship 7:30.

Sermon subject; -Growth of the Lilys." B. O. CZ.IXAXS. Pastor. St.

AngDStlDt's (Services next Sunday) Holy EccharUt 750 A. U. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Mornlcf prayer and sermon llSOa-m.

Sermon subject: -Follow Me." Evening Prayer 7 p. m. The crewol the Mauritania In the Sunday School defeated the crew of the LusltanU last Sunday In a -CateehUInf Down Contest." WM. W. CARK.

County Clerk. (Continued neit week) LOCAL TIME TABLE. R'y Time Table SOUTH BOCXD DEPART. No. eirrpt Saiiday 6:45 So.l Saaday a.

No.6—Dally— p.m. So. only ll.4aa.rn. aad Saturday p. o.

NOET11 BOO'D ARRIVE. No. m. No.lT—DaHy,except Sunday o. eierpt Sondaj 11:40 p.

a. Does oat run Xorth of Ralaelaader. Our Annual Inventory Is Just Over And we find many seasonable goods to unload before time for New Spring Goods We have some good quality Wool Sweaters for Children, in Neck, Turn Down or Military Collar, which we are going to unload at Regular $1.00 Wool Sweaters, now 79c Regular $1.50 Wool Sweaters, $1.19 A good selection of colors to draw from. Boys' and-Youth's Flannelette Night Gowns at 33c Child's Flannelette Night Gowns, with 25c Clearance Sale Special Prices On All Felt Goods. Have a big run of Ladies' Felt Slippers, in assorted colors, for See Our Bargains Now.

GARY 4 DANIELSON I No. p. I No. 55- Monday. Wednesday and Fridays a W.

SCOTT. Ac aba, where he tie funeral of a priest. attend Train No. west leave. (:30 a.

m. Train No. 84, eas) leave p. nx, Train No. 7.

west leave a. m. Train No. east leave- £19 a. m- A way freljht leartaf Uhlndacder cotoc east at fcti a.

m.f and ray frilght No. 33, from Gladstone to Rhlntlandor, ar- rtre here at p. m. 1 Dally except Sunday. R.

F. TOMFK1NS A tent. Kerber is out among us once more and seems to be Improving rap- Idly. Diseases of women, confinements, children and chronic diseases a specialty DR. L.

BREITZMANN fHTSICUN AND SUIG10X IIMllImtStrttl Office hours: From 8 to 11 A.M., 2 to 5 F. 7 to 8 r. u. CmNCULXDEB, JTISCONSIS Ladies! Te Money and Keep in Style ty Reading McCauTi Majanne aad Uiinj HcCaD Ptttenu help you stylishly st a expeaacbr kitplac potted oa ten fashions ra ud Lata. la Vrm ruaion Deilrat la esch toaa.

Also TilusbU IntorxtOoa on all sad per- soasl rnirten. Oaly 60c a year. Iscrodlnf a free ptoera. 8aV todsy cr send SVBBSV far free copy. rill you to la roar own home, with your own kxads.

(ox rounelf aad children which will be perfect ttjU snd tt. hitter thsa cents. Eecd fox Psttern Caukcae. Cra Tx FIM Tmesis tor sob- scrlpUoaj staont your friends. Send lot Premlaa sod Cssh Prtu Offer nt icoii cufin.

rat ft. in rou.

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