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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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A. FREDRICKSON, Editor PAUL D. HKJMAN, Advertising Manager Sole National Advertising Representatives; Wallace Witmer Co. New York, Chicago, Detiolt, AtlanU, Memphis. Entered as second class matter at the pott- office at BlytheyiUe, Arkansas, under act of Congress, October 9.

1917. Member of The Associated Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier in the city at Blytheville or any suburban town where carrier service Is maintained, 25c per weet By mail, within a radius oJ 50 miles, pet year J2 50 tor six months, for three months; by mall outside 50 mile zone, 112.50 per year payable advance. Meditations Jesus cried and said, He that bellevelh on me, belicteth not on me, but on him that icnt me. John 12:44. We master fear through faith faith in the trustworthiness of Qod; worthwhileness of life and faith in the meaning of our pain and our striving, and confidence that God will not cast us aside but will use each one of us as a piece of priceless mosaic in the design of His universe.

Barbs It's funny how neighbors Judge a new family by the number of moving vans. Most ot the free things you enter art pay you leave. First prize for hair trimming went to a Michigan woman barber. And it wasn't shear luck! By swatting a fly you can kill about 500,000 of them and don't have to sweep out but one. Many a man looks run-down because of the bills his wife runs up.

Words Alone Will Never Melt Oppressor's Chains From time to time reports emerge from Washington of a tight struggle over strategies in the shadowy field of psychological warfare. We get no inkling, however, of what this contest ia all about. It could be over Specific techniques of psychological persuasion. Or it could be over the more fundamental question whether tin's newly valued instrument of national policy is perhaps being considered for two large a role in the broad global conflict with communism. President Eisenhower obviously was determined from the outset to make the most of this weapon, to try to seize the propaganda initiative from the Reds.

He reformed the government psychological warfare setup under William H. Jackson, a veteran of World War II strategic intelligence work, and brought in C. D. Jackson, magazine publisher and experienced wartime propagandist. These moves were hailed by men who felt the United States had been too long at a disadvantage in the war for men's minds.

At the same time, coupled with certain extravagant statements made during the heat of the 1952 presidential campaign, they perhaps raised false hopes of a new panacea. Since January, therefore, the prob- lem has been not merely to put new drive into our campaigns of persuasion, but to gauge their limitations in the total cold war effort. In this respect, a healthy contribution has been made by Edward W. Barrett, former assistant secretary of state in the postwar period and seasoned hand with a background of many wartime propaganda assignments. Barrett has been a long-time champion of psychological warfare as a national policy device.

Yet he perceives definite limits to its usefulness. Writing in his new book, "Truth Is Our Weapon," he makes it clear that he views this kind of combat as supplementary to diplomatic and military policy. Never, in his judgment, is "sykevvar" at the very core of policy. In no sense can it be taken as a substitute weapon which, miraculously, will spare us the pain and expense of battles in the field and at the council table. He does not' believe we can produce some magic psychological formula which will melt away Russia's armed legions, free the satellite nations and drive the Communist tyrants from the Kremlin.

Possibly it is just such correctives as Barrett's informed book that will aerve most practically to help our new propa- ganda specialists in their struck for a sane course of action. They must find the way to present the cause of freedom so that it builds a steady flame in the minds of Communist-enslaved peoples. Yet, in seeking to hold out to them a continuing hope, they must not let them or any one else believe that words alone will break their chains. They're Just Small, But. It may be a long time before anything happens in the Soviet world to equal the force of the June 17 East German riots in countering Eussian propaganda.

The elaborately contrived image of the workers' paradise dissolved in dust, for men presumably do not revolt in Heaven. Yet, big as that event was, it not eclipsed the smaller incidents which go on occurring almost daily in proof this same Soviet fraud. These lesser events provide a kind of wry satisfaction that free men everywhere ought not to miss. There was the case of the steamroller operator paving a road near a satellite country's border. He told border guards he couldn't turn his machine around in a tight loop and would have to take it over a bridge to swing about.

Tlje bridge led to freedom. He steered the roller across and never turned back. A more improbable getaway vehicle would be hard to imagine. Now a Polish member of the neutral nations' inspection team in Korea has walked off to freedom. About to enter a Communist plane headed back to North Korea, he suddenly wheeled and sped to the safety of American protection.

The door had opened just a small crack, but he slipped through. Views of Others Secret Weapon Enemy bombers are approaching a city. The warning hits been given. Sirens wall. Should the populace hurry to shelters, or should they get out of town as fast as they can? This question Is being seriously debated In Washington.

According to news stories from the capital, the Federal Civil Defense Administration long has been a staunch advocate of underground shelters. Now, though, the agency is wavering. While there is nothing official, reports are that the civil defenders are leaning more and more to the evacuation theory. The A and the bombs are so destructive that it is feared public shelters may be deatlj traps. Warning systems have been improved to the point where it Is believed word can be passed in time for the populace to run for the hills.

The dispute is purely academic as far as Atlanta Is concerned. We have no shelters, and every big road leading from town bears signs that it will be closed to civilian traffic In the event of enemy attack. Refugees are among war's greatest tragedies. They choke the roads trample each other and Impede the movements of armies and supplies. For their clumsiness they are starved and strafed.

Our traffic congestion' could be the enemy's secret wea'pon. Hitler and Mussolini both showed us that express highways were necessities of war as well as ornaments of peace. Atlanta Journal. Simplified The new Administration's Commissioner of Internal Revenue Is planning a simplified form of tnx return for persons with incomes of $10,000 or less. This is wonderful! The man who ctin make income tax paying as simple and effortless as the paying of state, county and municipal taxes will be listed among the immortals.

(111.) Advocate. SO THEY SAY He's (General Dean) the hero, not I. Mrs. Dean, refuses to pose for pictures until the general comes home. I've never seen a mnn who had pretty legs.

Elizabeth Fairall, fashion expert, says men should not wear shorts. Floating down the river will be safer than driving from here (Union, Neb.) to Bernard 0. Burden, Union, plans to float down the Mississippi to New Orleans on homemade raft. There is no early prospect for reducing the defensive strength of our armed forces. Arthur J.

Conncll, American Legion National Commander. We (the American Legion) determined our nation shall remain strong and alert In the face of the current Communist threat. Arthur J. Connell, American Legion National Commander. He (Justice VInson) was leader not only In Judicial questions but the administrative work ol the whole court.

Justice Harold Burton. Now Is a Good Time to Send Up a Prayer Peter Washington Column Chief of Army's MP's to Study Problems of Morale in Korea Dog By DOUGLAS LARSEN NEA Washington Correspondent (I'cter Edson is on Vacation) WASHINGTON The Army's No. Iproblem as long as the Korean truce remains intact is the conduct and morale of idle U.S. troops stationed on the truce line. Gen.

Mark Clark said that when he returned Washington right after the signing. And Army Chief of Staff Gen. Joe Collins devoted a great deal of his time to that problem in the weeks just before leaving the Pentagon. As a result of the concern for the sltatuion, Army Provost Marshal Gen. William Maglin will soon be making an extended inspection trip of the whole Far East.

Specifically, Maglin will bs concerned with the conduct of his far-flung military police establishment. But because the modern MP's duties cut across Just about ail of the activities of GI's, Maglin will really be taking a close look at the big morale picture out there. Actually, Mnglin is not as concerned about the need of tightening up the job of his MP's as he is with seeing that they're properly relaxed in dealing with the complex problems of massed troops in a foreign country. A too tough military police regime in Korea, he says, could be just as bad on morale as practically no control at all. "They've got to be allowed to have fun without hurting them- selves or anybody else," he says.

Although he admits that's sometimes a fine line to draw, especially as time goes on with troops in enciless training. Maglin is a big genial man with an extremely good insight into the Korean situation. He has been in military police work since World War I and there's practically nothing about it that's new to him. His lifetime efforts to make the MP service an intelligent, enlightened outfit, composed of professionally trained men, has been a major help in making the MP Corps the respected organization it is today. He was in charge of organizing the South Korean police force right after World War II.

As a result, he knows most of the Korean government officials and is familiar with the special problems of the country. One of the things which Maglin is especially interested in looking into is the way GI's who are military prisoners are being handled. The exact number of American soldiers who are serving time in guardhouses in the Far East is classified. It's not a figure out of proportion to the stateside guardhouse population. But because of the number of troops in Korea, it is large.

While the fighting was going on the Army didn't have much time lor anything but confining these wayward GI's. Now, Maglin believes, the Army should make a big effort to rehabilitate them and try to make useful soldiers out of them for the remainder of their service. The use of narcotics among GI's stationed in the Par East is an- other problem Maglin Will look Into. He stoudly maintains that drug addiction among GI's is not as serious as a lot of persons have tried to make it out. But he's well aware of the special problems of that area and of how the truce situation could aggravate them.

Narcotics Available Tn Korea Dope has been readily available and widely used in Korea for cen- 'turies. After the recent fighting began narcotics were smuggled from North Korea, across the front. It will be much easier to smuggle it across the neutral zone, if the Reds want to use this device to try to lower morale of the U.S. troops. As a result, Maglin wants to make sure personally that his narcotics agents remain constantly alert to any increased drug traffic which might be detected.

He's not Worried about the need for sending additional MP's into Korea for the special truce situation. With the end of the prisoner exchange hundreds who were guarding captured Red troops were released for rovitine duty. Special problem he's anticipating is an increase of blackmarketing activities both by Koreans and American GI's. Idle stocks of food and supplies, which have to be kept large for the chance of renewed combat, are a special temptation and will require special guarding by MP forces. Taking alook at the big picture, Maglin admits that one of basic problems is making sure that friction between American troops and Koreans doesn't grow to the point where both sdes tend to forget the reasons why U.S.

GI's are there. the Doctor Wrlttel for NEA By EDWIN P. JORDAN. M.D Mumps is probably the most highly contagious of all of the so- called childhood diseases. It is caused by a virus which appears 1 to be spread with the greatest of ease to susceptible persons and can even be carried by a healthy person from one child to another.

Mumps like the other contagious diseases is common in children than grownups and when the adults do get they wish they had had it while young. It is not pleasant at any age. It is Inconvenient, somewhat painful, especially when chewing certain foods, and does not flatter the appearance. It is not completely harmless since complications in the kidneys, joints, or brain are not unknown. But tne most reared complication is what is spoken ol as "going of the sex glands.

Tills Is much more common in men and docs not occur at before maturity which Is an 'argument for having the disease early, if at all. Studies have been made on this complication. In genera! it seems that it doesn't occur so terribly often, when it does one side only Is frequently Invovleri. and mumps is therefore not often the cause of complete sterility. It is curious that this virus disease should have such a liking for the salivary glands lying on the sides of the Jaws: It Is also strange that even though Is highly contagious It often attacks the gland on one side only, lealvng the other one susceptible to Infection at some later time.

Symptoms in 8 Days can expect the first symptoms of mumps about eight days after exposure. As is true of the other contagious diseases local qunrnnttne regulations vary, but ppurently there Is little danger of Infecting others after the swelling has gone down or eight days after the appearance of the first symptoms. Mumps is not a disease which every youngster has to have though most of us would rather have had it out of the way in our own youth than get it when our children do. A TRAVELER just home from abroad was describing an earthquake. "Most amazing thing I ever saw," he said dramatically.

"The hotel rocked. Cups and saucers were flung all over the room His meek-looking companion suddenly turned white. "Great Scott," he cried. "That reminds me. I forgot to post a letter my wife gave two days ago!" Myers (Fla.) News-Press.

A GADGET has been devised which will uncap large and small bottles, crack nuts, lift vacuum jar covers, pierce fruit Juice cans, serve as a corkscrew, remove lobster from Its shell and act as a screw driver. This leaves the housewife with only two unfulfilled wants. It will not make beds or indicate tha proper discard at Canasta. Greenwood (Miss.) Commonwealth. SINCE the Korean shooting stopped, Army enlistments have risen 75 per cent.

So that Is what is meant by a "security Memphis Press-Scimitar. POME In Which One And All Are Adjured Not To Let Their Patriotism Slacken: Though at times you rant and snort Never sell your country short. Journal. JACOBY ON BRIDGE Alertness Pays in Tough Bridge Hand By OSWALD Written for NEA Service South deserved a better fate in today's hand. He saw through a deceptive play by West and took the best possible measure at every step.

Unfortunately for South, However, West was equally alert and the breaks were in West's favor. West opened the seven of spades, and declarer allowed East to hold the first trick with the jack. He won the spade return in dummy with the ace, naturally enough, and tried a diamond finesse. NORTH (D) AA6 5 3 2 49353 WEST 10 8 7 5 21 K107 EAST 4 3 VQ.I 103 42 K1092 SOUTH 'VA74 AQJ6 754 North-South vul. North South West 1 A Pass 2 N.T.

Pass 3 NT. Pass Pass Pass Opening 4 7 West cnsuatiy played a low diamond, hoping that his king would not be forced out until he had managed to establish his spades. If South had been careless, he would have switched to clubs, losing a finesse to East. East would then lead his last spade, forcing out declarer's king. West would gain the lead with his king of diamonds in time to set the contract with his long spades.

West avoided this trap by lead- Erskine Johnson IN HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOO Every now and then press agents get the happy idea of assembling veteran stars to drum up interest in current movies about the Hollywood of yesterday. Most of the stunts fall flat on their faces. The once famous stars have a way of declining the invitations with a ''No, thank you" or sounding off on the subject of their bitterness to newsmen if they do accept. One recent highly publicized event that was to produce more great stars of the past than had ever been assembled fizzled when a publicity release terming them "old-timers" was given to newspapers the day before. Even the stars who agreed to participate changed their minds on seeing the hated "old-timers" word combination in cold newsprint.

Concluding this four-part series about, famous stars of yesterday and Who's Where today. Safly O'Neill, the New Jersey beauty who became a star in the 1920's, is a real estate broker at Rancho Mirage, a desert community, near Indio, Calif. Her sister, Molly O'Day, who also hit stardom, recently married oilman James Kenaston, brother of Billle Dove's husband Dorothy remember her as Jack Mulhall's co-star? lives in New York and recently appeared on TV's Studio One. Mulhall plays bit roles in TV and films. Madge Kennedy, darling of the early screen bedroom farces, returned to the screen last year as the woman judge in "The Marrying Kind." Katherine McDonald is a wealthy Santa Barbara, society matron.

Her sister, Mary McLaren, writes novels today and was represented on the bookstalls earlier this year by "The Twisted Heart." Corinne Griffith parlayed Beverly Hills real estate investments into a fortune. Wit Nita Naldi Nita Naldi, the vamp of the Valentino period, appears in plays in New York and recently popped up in a flop drama. Veteran fan magazine writer Herb Howe tells of penning an article about Nita back in the lush, golden days and submitted it to her in fear and trembling for an okay. Nita, always a wit, asked for only one change. She wanted the line, "Nita Naldi was born over a to "Nita Naldi was born over a fish market." Wesley freckled juvenile star, is now a producer at Allied Arists and recently turned out a picture starring Jimmy Boyd, the child Nelson Eddy.

George Ba- croft, a great character star in the late 1920's, is a wealthy realtor and owns important beach property near Santa Monica. Oceanside dwellers know him as a recluse who rarely speaks of his Hollywood glory Virginia ValH Is wife of Charles Farrell, now a top star again as Gale Storm's father in the "My Little Margie" telefilm series. But Virginia shuns the spot- Ijght. Pola Negri lives in Hollywood and almost made a comeback a few years ago. Gloria Swanson, her rival at Paramount in the palmy days, nosed her out.

The picture was "Sunset Boulevard." Claire Windsor, ageless and highly social, has made several TV films in the past years. Lives In Hollywood Blanche lives quietly in i Hollywood with her husband, mond Hackett. For a while Blanche followed the stage, but has now given up acting entirely. Her ex- husband, former director Marshall Neilan, is currently writing a screen play based on the life of Lee de Forest Franklin Farnum, whose beloved brother, William Farnum, recently died of cancer, just finished a small role in RKO's "French Line." Louise Fazenda, the Lucille Ball of her day, is the wife of producer Hal Wallis. Jobyna Ralston, former wife of Richard Arlen and once an important star in her own right, lives in San Fernando, valley Doris Kenyon, once married to Milton Sills, is now Doris Kenyon Milnarski, wife of the musician brother of Artur Rubenstien.

Mary Philbin retired from films and lives close to Sunset Blvd. in the Hollywood area. Loss of fame, glory and is the Hollywood tragedy. As onff famous star now in the real es tate business told me: "I was a star an important one. But Hollywo9d changed.

A lot of young punks with no respect for the achievement of actors came into the business. I left the minute one of them yelled, 'Hey, you, with the red hair, corne here!" ing a heart to dummy in order to try a second diamond finesse. iWest had to take his king of diamonds, and this meant the end of his ambition to bring in his long spade suit. His only chance was to return a heart in the hope that his partner would have strong enough hearts to carry on a successful defense. The heart return killed poor South.

He could still have made his contract by cashing all of his high cards and then allowing East to take his hearts, after which East would be forced to lead clubs up to the dummy. But South took the ace of hearts and tried a simple club finesse, hoping that he would get one break. As it happened, the club finesse lost, and East promptly cashed his two heart tricks. Even though South was set one by his actual line of play, I don't really blame him. I give credit to West for refusing the first diamond finesse.

If West had taken this first trick, South would have had no trouble with his game contract. NOW THAT WHEAT acreage has been determined, a suburbanite wants the government to regulate the production of crab grass, ordering not more thftn one acre bft produced on his 50-foot Mattoon (111.) Journal-Gazette. 75 Years Ago In BlytheYille Mr. and Mrs. B.

A. Lynch will go to St. Louis tomorrow for the wedding of their son, Bert Lynch, to Miss Jeanette Lichtenstein of St. Louis. Their son, Louis, will accompany them and they will meet their daughter, Miss Martha Ann, a student at the University of Arkansas, there.

Mrs. M. L. Skaller of St. Louis will arrive tomorrow to spend several days here with her parents.

Before her recent marriage sha was Miss Frances Rosenthal. Roy Head is attending to business in Memphis today. What's the difference, asks Willie Oakes, to a man with a memory of summer bathing suits and shorts, whether women's winter dresses are long or knee-high? Bird Watching Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 1 Small song bird 5 Wading bird 9 Cardinal's color 12 Engage 13 Hastens 14 Mineral rock 15 Kind of triangle 17 Employ 18 Irritable 19 Chose 21 Cicatrix 23 Golf mound 24 Plead 27 Speak imperfectly 29 Sorrowful cry 32 Bigger 34 Vend again 36 Discomfort 37 Soviet seaport 38 Brother of Jacob (Bib.) 39 Prescribed medicine 41 Soak 42 High explosive 44 Half (prefix) 46 Indian chief 49 Rage 53 Hall 54 Gliding (music) 56 Legal matters 57 Skein 58 Fasten 59 Abstract being 60 Playing card II Suffix DOWN 1 Partlclt 2 Attend 3 Love god 4 Birds' homes 5 Pronoun 6 Greasers 7 Stagger 8 Property item 9 Trackless 10 Gaelic 11 Act 16 Revolutions 20 Stop 22 Ventilated 24 bird of happiness 30 Likewise 31 Strike with open hand 33 Haggard 25 Brings forth 35 Dropsies young 26 Eminence 28 Non-metric 46 Peel 47 Baking chamber 48 Wing-shaped 50 Insect 40 Suborder of 51 Revise singing birds 52 Part in a play 43 Taut 55 Where birds 45 Senseless fly si a..

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