Sterling Daily Gazette from Sterling, Illinois • Page 16
- Publication:
- Sterling Daily Gazettei
- Location:
- Sterling, Illinois
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 16
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Pairs STERLING DAILY GAZETTE. STERLING. ILLINOIS' Requiem Mass at St. Ambrose College For Jack Grennan High Tribute Paid to Member by Athletic Director and Coach A rrquiem high was rrlebrftt- ed Wednesday morninK at St. Ambrose colleRe.
Dsvfnport. Iowa, by Rt. Rev. Msgr. T.
V. Lawlor for the late Jack Grerman, an outstanding athlete of thp college, with students and faculty members in attendance. Msgr. Lawior. manager and athletic director of the college, in commenting upon the death of Grennan, said.
'The college and student body deeply regret Jack Grennan's passing, especially the football squad. He was an exemplary young man, ft good student, well liked by both faculty and classmates." Coach Jim Dockery said. "The entire athletic staff was grieved to hear of Jack's death. Suffering intense pain he attempted to play football when he knew that we in need or an experienced center for our opening game. Unable to continue after five minutes of play he submitted to an examination and it was then all of us knew what suffering he experienced.
"In his attempt to overcome a brain tumor. Jack put Into practice all the characteristics of an outstanding athlete. These included courage, determination and perse- rermnce. However, the illness was too severe despite his desire to get well and his will to win. His attitude on the athletic field.
In the classroom and on his sickbed is an example that will not be forgotten by his associates here at school. He had plenty of what athletes term 'Intestinal He was a grand boy." Aerial Eacert fw -Late last spring when a number of fit Ambrose were being examined for aviation, out of the entire group examined there were found to be just two perfect physical specimens, Jack Grennan and Mick Keraslotis. Jack, successfully pemart his flight tests and was given a private pilot's license. As a fit- flag tribute of honor to the deceased pttot. X.
P. Jacoby, manager of the Sterling municipal airport, stated this morning that an aerial escort will fly over the funeral procession to Calvary cemetery. A wreath will be dropped from the leading plane upon the grave. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 9 at St. Mary Catholic church.
Msgr. C. H. Meinberg of Iowa City, former president of 8t Ambrose college, will say mass. Msgr.
A. J. Bums will preach the sermon. Burial will be in Calvary etery. Pallbearers will be six of Pvt John W.
Pucketf New Army Field, Keesler, Mass. Information hits been received by Cpl. Donald Minner, army recniit- Inj officer at the Sterling office, statins; that John W. Purkett. enlisted for TJ.
S. nrmy air corps ser- vire Nov. 17, hft-s been fwisinfd to 310 school squadron, flight, B. barracks 4, Keesler Field. Mrvvs which Is one of the army's new jiist opened.
Friends may to Pvt. Puckett iu the above address. Cpl. Minner reports that openlnes in the air corps are unlimited at present. Those desiring information or who wish to enlist in the remilsir army may confer with the recruiting officer at the Sterling post office.
Careless Driver Almost Hits Band The old adage that, when a man gets behind the wheel of an automobile he loses a part of his common sense was demonstrated on several occasions Wednesday evening, but no Instance was more outstanding than one at the corner of Third street and First avenue when a car loaded with people started to turn abruptly off from the avenue onto the street in the face of the oncoming parade. Had it not been for quick work on the part of the police, the car would have rammed squarely into the front ranks of the band. This is one of the many reasons why Principal Eades has declined to allow the band to appear on the streets without a police escort. Today Is 'Republican' Thanksgiving Day "Republican Thanksgiving day" Is what some termed today, which is the legendary time for the national Thanksgiving. Some local people Journeyed to other places to enjoy the festal dinner with relatives and friends out of loyalty to the time- honored Thanksgiving day of the Puritans.
Last Thursday was the nationally proclaimed Thanksgiving day, and was so observed as a holl- day in Illinois. Only 11 Men Left For Induction by Local Draff Board Three Have Joined Army and Navy in The Past Few Days Out of a quota nf 23 mTi called by the state selective semce the Sterlme hoard will hr ahle to send only 11 men Saturday morning. Originally the board had 14 ready to go. that being nil that were available in Class 1-A. Pmce the call, however, three men have Phelps in the nir corps John Puckett in army and James Willard the navy.
Those who will rejxjrr'ftt the draft board headquarters the coliseum Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock are Winston M. Davidson. Clarence Bernard Bohms. Robert Dean Se- loover, Blllle K. Short.
George Wilson Elgin, Raymond Dale Robert, Alvin Gustave Erlckson. Harris Arthur Russell. Paul William Kaiser. Walter Frederick Koster, Howard William Gafley. After receiving their instructions, I he group will be photographed for the official records and The Gazette, then given their release until Saturday morning at 6:30 when they will report at the North Western depot to take the train for the Chicago Induction center.
This will be the last group to be sent to Chicago; subsequent groups are to be sent to Camp Grant for nductlon. Modem Silling Closi Closes ot High School class in modern jteH- ine. whieh hfts been conducted at the hleh srhool In cooperation with the Retail Merchant's association by N. Boiton. has closed.
The class started 22 and has been fairly attended since Jt.s or- Many Here Observe Thursday, Nov. 27 as Thanksgiving Day ThU is Thanksgiving day in many states it might also be added that the holiday Is being celebrated by a large number of people in Sterling and vicinity, while It Is being also exclusively observed In the far western part of Whlte.side county. The latter Is due to the fart that Towa is Mill sticking to the old date and White.sidd county people who live along the edge of that who do their purchasing In naturally conform to the holiday of that state. There are a great many young people from this vicinity who are attending schools and in Iowa. They are home for Uielr vacations.
'Naturally, having been deprived of their former holiday, they and their are observing today. Many farm residents are also observing the day, not being particularly Interested In the change made by the President tot purely business reasons. WWWUP trow TOOTH POWDER Cj SOFT. WwMilrW PAPER Regular 49c GILLETTE SLUE BLADES I tU I i CHERRY CORDIALS Pound Sox I Package of 10 Police Commended For Excellent Work Considerable comment was heard on the streets today on the splendid Job of policing done by the local wllce force. The crowd was ably handled and the traffic situation during the parade was taken care of good shape.
Tryours for Tank Meet Boys 16 or under who are members of the Y. M. C. A. and interested in swimming competition, will be Interested in knowing that Friday.
Dec. 12. there will be a swimming meet at the Preeport M. C. A.
Tryouts will begin at 4 p. m. tiaMmatst at at. Ambtese-and others Wtil be honorary pallbearers. Tht Holy Name society of which ht WM A member, will recite tha rosary at UM of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Onenhan, two at Montmorency hall, at Bifiit Dr. Boktr to Spook Htrt on December 7 Dr. Akmso Baker of Grand Rapids, will spsak at the Pint Pres- church on Sunday morning.
IHosmbar 7, on the subject, "America's Need of Discipline." Dr. Baker fJald secretary of the Betterment Foundation, a national philanthropic organisation devoted to educational activity on eugenics, feaetics and various phases of biological science and living. Footwear from GREBNERS Exoms for Licenses Applicants for licenses to sell Insurance in Whlteaide, Rock Island, and Mercer counties will take their state examinations in Molina December 4. The examinations art required under the agents and broken qualifications act. What Finer Christmas Gift Could You Give? GREBNERS Best Shoes For 43 Years" SUITS coats TO $42.50 Tailored by Clothcraft $25, $27.50 and $30 By $25 and $28.50 Hondcrafttxf By Red or Oreen Top Boot Box Parents of Son Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Wilson ojt this city have received word that a son was born Sunday to their son and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson of Mitchell. 8.
D. The young man has been named Mare Edwin Wilson in honor of his grandfathers. To Rockford Dinner and Mn. Ralph Allen, Mr. aad Mrs.
H. KL Hill and Allen Hill, tha latter from Washington, D. C. throve to Rockford today to attend family dinner and reunion at the Bdwin Allen home. Here from Woskinglon Allan Hill, sojii of Mr.
and Mrs. B. Hill of thtt city, is spending his vacation here. Mr. Hill is 'in the war deptrtment Good Things To Eat BEIEN'S Complete Food Market Cooper's Fleeced Union Suit $IJI Blue.
Blue Oreen Plaid Caps Fancy Dress Shirts $1.00 VetveeU CsMwee, I la. bax Jelle, all ralger's Carfee, la, caa 61e Small Ckwwtl CM Vlsb, la. MOUNT OLIVI $6.75 THI HUNTU CO 25c 23. Golaen Delktoas Apples, Ibs. Texas Juke Oranges, siu 2M, dee, Bed Emperor Grapes, 1 Ibs.
Part Wool Sweaters Jght Weight Rubber Rain Coata IIJI Blue Husking Sleeves One-ln- Biff Tank Shlrta Wembley Nor-Xast Neckwear IIJO Arrow Hltt Shirts SalM Caabage, la. FaBcy Tvnipa, lea. Mukaard la. WE OFFER GOOD MEATS TO YOU Regular Rubber Boots ItM Ball Band Rubbers (1.28 Mack Shapley Shirts IIJI Van-HetiMBi OoUar Shirts UM 4-etaekle Overshosa cm Endkott- Dress FAMOUS PENBARRY BRAND CIGHRETTISlit by Mikm KENTUCKY ClUlCARTOH 1.19 BBrsa pip Squibb Liver OIL too Nrko Davit Natola CAPSULES .97 8 01. UPJOHNS SUPER-D COD LIVER OIL 83 ALMOTT 4.29 HALIVER OIL I CAPSULES IM's DRUG STOR soo 19 East Third SI.
15e PRINCE ALBERT VELVET or RALEIGH BLOCK BRIAR PIPf SOc ELECTRIC HEAT PAD Soft Shell Astmi PECANS 73 PuN Pound Sc CANDY BARS 3 "10 PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA SOc SIZE 27 PERUNA TONIC 67 BAYER ASPIRIN 59 29 PYREX 1 GLASS IM COFFEE BREWER VITAMIN 25 CAPSULES FOR PIHE1 FOR COUGHS iilfc A HAKES FULL PINT JUK I LUX or WALDORF TOILET TISSUES Dairy Rich CARAMELS SOAP rot 17 CI MWiutny i i 1 1 1 WEATHER LOTION Stattatry ia Ovtuware Set nthtimg WHITE ENVELOPES 25 HEAVY FUR $1 GO SIZE HOT WATER BOTTLE Quirt HAN!) tFU AM SIZE KfCULAR 35c SIZE WALL COUGHS STURDY UNPAINTCO STEP STOOL $1.00 Vofot SjaHTfolCCj IV 440 M- KLEENEX! FIBS VALET TIE LUCK set IM bW vMi fkirl 25c MOUUNM.D TNEIIIIOMCTEII Shop now for CHRISTMAS Preemaa A fine Beef Beast, Ik Beef Ik Calf Braise, a real tntat, la. 20t AL5O--Uf iMtting Chicktnt, Cell Cell Sweet Breedi, Fork Beef eittJ Veel Leather Trim Jackets Camel. or Teal Sport Coata HIM Bath Rabat Man's It-Iuetv High Leather Zipper Jackets- LOTION 1 SI7r ran Jr i iBseooi a ijcffl COLGATE Ifft A4 INQ 71 COVER ill Package of 29 ASSORTED NEEDLES 4 IJ FRICTION TAPE "CHRISTMAS CARDS 33 A I k. I A IU1 A I A a i i 1 12 8 UTPUSMSCIY 79c 89c $1.10 $1.00 IirPY ORANOt JUICER S9c 11.00 FISHING TACKLI KIT S9c $1.00 TABU LAMPS $1.49.
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