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Lebanon Courier and Semi-Weekly Report from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE LEBAKOK COTJEIEE, WEDNESDAY, A.TJG-TJST 24, 1892. Swatara Items. Jacob Walnier, of Lickdalo, and Miss 1 avoid Chestnut be Lebanon Courier. is a Mistake Mary, daughter of the late Daniel Wal- to get low prices fori Condensed locals. School-days are fast approaching.

Tiik berry season is on the doclioe. Picnics have been well attended ia this section this Benson. The year 1802 will be inado famous by Hot liy weather has been prevailing tho past, few weeks. Farmers are well ahead with the aiannro but wo fie vuently hear tho coaiplaint of "To dry to plow." Public Soli 00! Open. Next Monday our city's and several townships' schools will commeneo.

Teachers, tlio worthy ones, will enter their rooma, some familiar, otheis new ones, with holy aspirations, lofty purposes, sublime ambitious, a consciousness of their privileges uorn, will be uuitcti i tue noiy Dowels of matrimony next Saturday. Mrs. David Kleimer, of Altoona, speut ing. We do not aslc iUiLllOAD tK. "Chestnut Street last week here, the guest ot Milton Deck in en Mr a.

ivrtz appueu a 01 to the school-house at McOills- nnd his wife, Mrs. K. also visited other prices" for our goods. We give you better cloth ana paint town. Mr iends and relatives.

Mr. Jacob Ilcrr, from passed lower prices than is asked in the stores on other Meyer it Sor.ft comnioncfd in Urn lliightbill kiln, at through this vicinity one lay last week on to burn lime is way to Pinegrove. You need not take our word for it. A ten minute look will convince you that we are right. We are informed mat ra.

11. bime. ho conducts a leadiug hotel at Orwigs- a SO I' EJJT OF PA8SKNG Kit KAIX8 burg, will retire from the hotel business at the above named place at au early elate, and will probably take up his abode at Readme l'a. Mr. bcine is well known Browning, King Co, here, he formerly kept the Heilman House, Jonestown.

Thos. A. Loser, of your city, passed Leading American Clothiers, i i May 10. ls-Ji. TitAINS Leave LiKhaj.ji a follows: For Now York via J'hiladelphia Route weekdays 7.UT.

8.50, 10.3O. a. and 2.17. 4.40 and 6.46 p. in.

Sunday, 7.42 a. 4.49 p. m. for New York via Allentown, weekdays, 7.07, 8 M) a. 12.56, 2.17 and 4 40 p.

m. Sundays, 7.42 and 9.43 a. 4.19 p.m. KorwnVf aa. m.

1MB. 5 15 11.20 p. m. Sundays, 9.54 and 11.48 a. and Fir5Uidine'.

weekdays, 6.05, 7.07,(Fast Express.) i.T IwauillR, in til IT A AAA an1 ft ft through here ono elay last week on busi 1 ness, Ins trip proved to be quito successful. We would be pleased to see him make a 910 ana 912 Chestnut bt, Philadelphia. Choose Wisely. When one wishes; to kara trade cr study a it is wis-jtti cocs'el one's tastes, talents, physic il, lani' ,1 it i moral stiongth er w.jaki';S', j.p ji lc.ui-tiss and possibilities, aud eh-cumstance-s of self au iahatitants in community one to cc; nontly, and may her 1 sscuti.1! f.4:tjixst. There arc many f.iihifas 1:1 life bejms.j it i.i i hough tb.ssly br-guo.

Many a taoch-iLic fails becaus) ho has chosen tho trade elid not wisely and thonj. ifuliv reflect before ho made his my a preacher fails because lis; lAJi conscientiously submit his choicj to God. Many a pbysicaii tails elid not maturely, he adopted his profession. Many a teacher fails because he did not thoroughly study his books, his endowments "and capabilities before he decided to assume his solemn responsibilities. Many a merchant fails because he did not elisere'l estimate his capita! his money and his capacities.

Mauy a lawyer fails because h8 had shallow, mean principles b.3 pro posed making money and friends ithout a knowledge of, or respeet for tho true principles of justice. Very many frequently fail because as laborers, lua jbau-ies, farmers businessmen and nnd professional man thsy s' art life without the highest iti'itii-cts and holiest aspirations governing them, without meditation, deliberation and intelligence elirecliag the-m. They heedlessly, selfishly, and pei'versfcly forget to ask ttieir Maker to gra Ih jm the meeded wisdom to make life succasa-ful. Following are good thoughts from the Sunday Srhool Times: A chilel of God can have no station or occupation so honorable or useful or that iu which God has set him, or to which God has called him. In his choice of a life-work, a young man ought to havo an opon ear to Goel's assignment to duty.

Whatever he tlecide-s to be or to elo, his decision should be bared on the conviction thatfiofl -Ilyorsfowii 11-v. Hen ry Mosser, who spends ills vacation Ills hfautifei! farm south of. town, preach ou Sunday forortOMi jv ver do K.U1UOU to a Urgo aiuiianoe. Tha United Brethren, Evangoiios.l and Sunday-schools' excursion which left i.ur place for llt. Gretna, on Saturday afternco.i numbered over B00 persons Ton U-Hin consisted 15 The Aeuie music.

Tha excur-RiotiUis were pleased avith the trip. Mr. William Ney, who was foiiiid in Djnges Bros, stone where ho was Injured one day t.ast, died of his injuries and exposure. Saturday l.i-'.it. at 11 o'clock.

Tho deceased was "aged 82 years aud was one of cur oidosl and most highly esteemed citizens. His funoial will take place on Wednesday forenojn, servic; in Evangelical church. The public schools ol Jacksoa township will open tho 21st day of September anil continue for a term of six months. Sirs. Lemuel Groh, -whose husband belonged to Capt.

Wei. Tice Post, No. 471, G. A. iccaivcd the sum of Thirty dollars which is granted to every member's widow or heirs after his death.

Palatinate College will open tho fall term next Monday August 29th, the pros pects for a largo attendance are very good. A sad accident happened on Monday afternoon ou Rail Road Street to George Miller, a bright boy aged lo years, son of Cyrus Miller. It sesrus when the street sprinkler passed along the boy attempted to get whilo in motion, whou he lost his footing and fell beneath the whoels which passed over his stomach. Ho was picked up uuconscious, carrieel heme, auel J)r. Reiter was summoued who made au examination of his injuries which are sappossd to be fatal.

He bled badly out of his mouth and nosj anel it is feared that some vessels burst, the parents have the sympathy of our people. Seventeen men who are engaged in put- similar tiip this week. Gnaily Jut. Mr. W.

O. Spitlcr started up his lime furnace at Green Glen, some time Mr. Edwin Haber, a clerk in the large dry goods store of Bogg and Buhl, Allegheny City, anil his wile spent last week with his parents in Union township. Messrs. Morris Heilman and Jacob hviaiu'tr h'vo left here lor Pittsburg.

The Kv.ii Sunday-school, of this place, has decided to have no picnio. This is a good step in the right direction, We are told that the U. T. Sunday-sehool picnic, at Lemberger's, did not come off unstained. Ono of tho Blue Mountain boys was assaulted by a boisterous rough who got the woist of it leaving considerable red spots on the giound.

But never miud this. Como all ye well dii-posed and well conducted "and join iu the plensuies of tho day," saith the preacher. A number of our people attended tho Farmers' Encampment at Mt. Gretna, last Wednesday. Mr.

II. W. Feeso and his family spent Sunday with his father in-law, Valentine Gorberich. Mrs. Lizzie Weaver, of Grautvilk, and Weather hot and dry.

bomo iarmcrs Warren A. Reed. Opposite Post Office. ave abandoned plowing iu consequence. A good rain would be highly appreciated by the farmers.

8.30. a. 9 1Q lia Wayne Tobias, a youug gentleman of this place, spent last Sunday visiting at 6 52 p. ra. For Allentown, wsekdavs, 12 5f 2.17 and 4.40 p.

6.05 7.07. 8.50 a. Sundays, 7.43, 9.43 unil obligations, their possibilities and responsibilities. These will accomplish noble work. Other teachers, the unworthy ones, will enter their rooms to kill time, to draw salary, to study policy anil seek ease.

These will disappoint the directors, defraud the parents (tax-payers), and rob the children, doubly, of education and morals. Some children will return from plea3ant vacations to rceivo cordial greetings from affectionate teachers; some will come from homes of poverty and want who had bnt little pleasure during vacation and will receive a cold reception from heartless teachers; some will come from homes of filth and recklessness and will be despised by coarse, ill-bred toachers; but the majority will come leaping, bounding, shouting joyously, and be welcomed by loving, refined, cultivated teachers. And let us hope that teachers and scholars, may become happier and sublimer this year than any preceding, for the present should ever be improving on the ago that went before. An Old Subscriber. P.

M. Harman, who many years ago left Londonderry township and went West, and who has been residing in Dayton Ohio, during the last several decades, paid ns a genial visit recently. Although advanced in years he is well proseved, and but for his inquiries about our aged citizens.who long ago wort lila associates and friends, we woulJ not be impressed that he tad passed so maaiy milestones a the record shows. His acquaintances, remaining, many, as ho remarked, having "crossed over," will be pleaaed to learn that he has been very suc Mt. Zion.

MILK ai 0 ESERVEn Messrs. Levi Mover, Clinton Cooner. REAM PR Henry Umbergr aud Morris Eisenhower, in nicir Swoot Kf-it. fmm 1 made a trip on tticy saiety Dieycies to Mt. euiti Hie wurmesi xreatner, Tiie sccj Gretn i last Thursday.

Mr. Chas. Brightbill, chargea with rape, id a hearing before Justice Kicker, ne day last week, and held in $2,000 bonds for his appearance at next term of her sis'ter Miss Mary Seltzer, of this place, court. If reports are all true, the lull ex B. church, by its many and desperato strikes.

Pawnee Bill's Wild West show, on Thursday afternoon and evening, was well attended. Mr. Thomas Shank has been appointed watchman at the Farmers' Bank on North Ninth street. Amos Fry, cigar manufacturer of Man-heim, lias recontly received an order for .500,000 cigars. The Hopewell Band of West Lebanon will have a cake walk this evening.

Tlieie will be a large attendance. Rev. C. J. Warmkessul, of Bishop Seibert Memorial Evangelical chu.cb, Manheim, has resigned, owing to ill health.

Constable George A. Hunter has sold his span of bay ponies and his road wagon to Penrose H. Seltzer, of Sheridan, Thursday, September 8th, is the last day for the registration of voters who wish to vote at the November election. David Lcedom. arrested for wife beating, was held in $300 bail, in default of which he was sent to prison ttntil September term.

Aaron Fuhrman was fined by Alderman Robert L-. Miller, on oath of Irwin F. Grum-bein, and costs for profanity last week. B. J.

McGrann, of Lancaster, offers 5500 as a premium at the State Fair to be held at Scranton in October, for the bsst plowing. The Reinoehl Lumber Company employes had a holiday, last Thursday, to enable them to attend the Farmers' Encampment, at Mt. Gretna. Register Ilartman has issued letters testamentary on the estate of John Krum, late of Heidelberg township, deceased, to Leah Krum and Dr. J.

W. Keatb, of Scbaef-ferstown. The depot of the Cornwall and Lebanon Railroad are widely known for the substantial manner in which they are bnilt and for their modern architecture. Seba C. Huber, B.

who graduated from Lebanon Valley college in the class of '92, has been elected first assistant teacher in the Tama, Iowa, hijh school, and will enter upon its duties in the fall. Mr. Hervin U. Roop, A. a graduate of Lebanon Valley college, has been elected professor in tho Shippensburg State Normal school.

He will enter upon his duties September 5. Reoisteu Hartman has granted letters of administration on the estate of Daniel Snyder, late of East Hanover township, to Levi Snyder, of the same township. Mit. Christian Heilman, residing at No. 337 North Ninth street, this city, had one of his toes badly injured on Thursday at the Pennsylvania Nut and Belt Works, where he is employed.

Ox Thursday morning, before Alderman H. G. Miller, Andrew Felty, charged with committing an assault and battery, on oath of Rolandus Royer, was held in 200 bail morning after were baptizetl in U19 U. Rev. Aindt.

on Sunday services. tent of law shculel take its course io this case. Both the principals, figuring in the Well begun is half done." case, wore employeel on the farm of Mr. yoar housework by buying Begin cake of Samuel Shirk, a highly respectea citizen. about two miles north of Fredericksburg.

ho young girl was formerly an inmate of tr weekdays, 6.02, 8.23, 10.58 a. 2.22, 115,7.07, 8.46. (Fast Express,) and 11.20 p. m. Sunday.

7.34, 9.54, 11.48 a. 5.04, Fo' 10.58 a. 7.07 p. m. a.

and 2.22 p. Sunday. "-34 a. m. For ine 11 rove, H.25 a.

m. 1.00, 6.15 and 8.55 p.m. or Brookside, 8.25 a. Mi. and 1 .0) p.m.

For Fottsville via Fine Grove, 8 2o a. m. and 1.0J TRAINS Fok Lebanon Lh.we as follows Live New York via Allentownt weekday 4.00 and 8.45 a. and LOU, 3.4d and 5.46 p. m.

snndav. 5.30 p. m. New York, via Philadelphia, weekday 7 4' a 1-30, 4.00. 5.00 p.

m. and 12.15 mid r'uhr" Sunday, 11.30 a. m-, 5.00 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, weekdays, 4.10, 8.35 10.00 a.

l-i 140, 4.0), 6.00 and 7.15 p.m. Sunday, Jo, 05 a. and 3.40,7.15 p. m. LeaVeKea i weekdays, 5.05.

715, 10.10, 11.50 a. ml 27. 4.35, 6.00, 7.57 and 10.25 p. m. Sunday, 8 W.

10.48 a.m.. and 4.00. 6.00,10.25 m. t-aveAUentown. weekdays, 5.47.

8.40 a. and 1' lti 4 6.4i, 9.C5 p. m. Sunday, 7.25 a. m- weeMgrs.

7.55. 100 a. 1.25. 3.45, 5.00 and 8.0a p. m.

Leave Urookside, 6.20 a. 12 15 and 2.a5 p. Leave Pine Grove, 6.15 and 7.30 a. and 1.0) Sunliy.V50r8.50a. 2.00, 4.09.

5.00. 6.10 p. m. Atlantic City Division. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharl a id South Street Wharf.

SA POLIO. alms house. iVmong tho visitors here oter Sunday tine extra wires 011 the no es nt tlm fli-pat. 1 inatthof rather have him be anel do rather have him tm anil dn American Telephone Company stopped at anything else in the universe. If he is to I Sapoiio 13 a 80lid Cake of ScOUritl were Messrs.

Willio Brown, 01 Mt. auel Joe. Weaver, of Lebanon, they both oap usedfor all cleaning purposes eiio eoevcr jeotiso over ouuuay. I vj41 v. iuiaoiuni-y, iu hcjouiu ne Mr.

William L. Black and Charles Las- h.e feels that God wants him to bo Try it. made the excursion on their safety bicycles. A large number ol people Irom this place attended the Harvest Home survices, held cessful, and will unite in wishing him added years of health and prosperity. He is one Fredericksburg, laet bunday, by the Hev.

II. Geisz. of Jonestown. of th oldest Courier subscribers and pro CE T.ICD ALWAYS USED, Prof. J.

B. Badtorf, of this place, will so; 11 ne is 10 00 a lawyer or a merchant or a farmer or a blacksmith, it should be because of his knowledge that God would have him to te just that, and because of his assurance that ho would fail of his duty in studying for the ministry or in going abroad as a missionary. One thing is certain.evorv child of Gcd ought to bo where God wants him to bo, not merely where God consents that lie should bo. The bast place for him is the only right placi for himjand he ought not to be contented with any other. take charge of his school, at Cornwall, next Monday.

poses to retain it for life. Tnls Man Don't Strike. There is a man in the employ of Brown Mt. ZIon Items. Tho Myerstown Orchestra and the Brass Band of Bethel furnished tho music at the Hamlin picnic, in W.

G. Heilman's grove, on Saturday. Miss Mary A. Stoltz spent a vacation of two days at Mt. JEtna, taklDg in the picnio on Saturday.

The Sunday-school picnic at Kimiacr-linsrs church, oa Saturday afternoon, was well attended. Mrs. Michael Snyder, of Greble, is re-coverh'g ftom au attack of malarial fever. Mr. Adam Emencb.

was nearly drowned whilo bathing in the Swatara latt Sunday. II. K. Hain and D. T.

Miller helped him out. John Walhoru, is down with malarial fever. Mr. Danirl W. Hain and family spent several days with friends niar Mt.

The picnic on September 3rd, promises to he an old time success. Mt. Ziou picnics always draw crowds. The young ladies are ail coming to hi-ar the Myers-town band. The speeches will all be good, aid tho games fascinating.

1'ast Hanover I lotus. Mr. Samuel Hoyer, of I ottsviue, is visit-g friends anel relatives here. Mr. R.

formerly resideel at this place. moro is cheering, inoro tea or coftee. Better ing, it I'tniaueipnia, tne great clothing home, who i3 paid 10,000 a year ibr tlionor caiisfying than i-o snbgiitnte.r;.-:;, I AmoDg those who attended campmeet for designing patterns and styles. His ca 13?" "Romance," tho magazine of com- ing last week were A. B.

Kern, Levi Moyer, A. B. Wenger and family, William Shirk and family, Miss Ida Wenger Mrs. Mary Brown, Miss Han- niuucn, buuwo every momc new sircs ot tue improvement in its character, which reer in quite an interesting one aEd an incentive to all skilled laborers. Apprenticed at an early age to a Liverpool tailor, he ran away, intending to come to America, but oegan when lrs.

Kate Upson Clark be lTQisecllancoux. ah Kern. came its eoitor. The September issue will THE LEBilSOSI Reported weekly by the Produce Mr. Henry C.

Kern, who rented the oe tne nrst ot a notable series of special he, delogates to tho State Convention of tho P. O. S. of America from Camp 64, left on Monelay noon for Shamokin. Mr.

Levi Groh, a former resident of Jacksou residing on a farm in Virginia, paid a visit to his relatives anel friends. Capt. William Tice Post, No. 471, G. A.

at their last meeting mustereel in two new recruits. Comrade AVm. Yarnell is Post Commander. Tho Acme Band is engaged to furnish the music for the picnic which will be held at Wintersville, Berks county, September 3rd. Miss Delia Donges and Mis.

Rev. Um-benhen and children left for their home at Pottsville on Monday evening. Mrs. Dr. Mays of Phila.

and her 3 sons are the guests of Milton Myers, our Postmaster. The Kaniona Creamery the finest of its kiud iu Pennsylvania, has added a new 20 horse power boiler. Increased power is ncceessary for the large amount of milk received weekly. Last week was the banner eek, nearly 53.000 pounds were iuu through the separators. Mr.

John It. Bucks a well known merchant iu our town has purchased a house on tho moutain near Wernersville which he ill occupy later. He has been in bad health for some timo and has found the mountaius are so invigorating that he will male his home there. numbers illustrating tbe fiction of different was apprehended by his master and sevorely Committee of Lebanon Retail Merchants' Productive Association boarding house at Lickdale, will take possession next Thursday. We wish him nations, at least halt of the stories in it be-ing from the French.

Special numbers de- hundant susaes-s ia his new enteiprise. n-pninmodation, 8.00 a. o.ou i. m.

5.15. 7 01. 7.30. 8.00. 8.31,9.00, 9.80, io.30 a.

4 3J p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a'Keturn5iugIleaves Atlantic City, depot, Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues, 7 30, S.O I. 9.W, ln.OO a. and 3.15, 4.C0, 5.33 (Kx-c'urhon.

6.00), 6.30, 7.3' 9.30 p. Accommodation, 4.10, 5,59, 8.10 a. mo. and 4.30 p.m. Sundays-Express.

3.30, 4.10, M. 7 8.00, 9.30 p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m.

and 5.15 p.m. o. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l Passenger Ageut. I.

A. SwEiGAun. General Manager. iay 18.1892. IJutter, per Knirs.

ner dozen punished. Again he tried to escape, with no better success, but, undaunted, he finally accomplished his purpose. Arriving in New York, he was not long content to vctoel largely to stonei from other foreign languages will follow. The Xovember issue Miss Baeltorf, ot Philaielphia, ho made a temporary stay at this place. Lard, per pound, Shoulder, perpound Ham, per pound, Potutoes, per bushel otarned homo aain last Thursday.

work for wages, but started a shop of his Messrs. (Jim. Thompsou auu William own, where his talent securetl mm lasmona- licaeon, per pounu Dried Apples, per pound, Klahr, both young men of this place, each ble patronage and made him known to ot one of his misers badly bruised at the WEEKLY MARKETS. The following are the pavincc prices Messrs. Browning, King who bought win be a special American number.

Mt. tretna C'auipmcetiug, Concluded One special feature of tho Camp was the iuitt Sabbath. When it was decided to hold C.vnip at this place it was also decided not to havo any trains run on the Sabbath day, and to discouraga as much as possible all travtl thither, Every stand about tho grounds was closed up. Only the regu-ler boarding halls were opened for the regu Steel woiks, last week, Mrs. Walmer, of East Hanover, speut Willie, sou of Mr.

Frank Klscfc, last week Vv'liilo cn his way to the post cniao, accompanied by bin little sister, was seriously butted by a neighbor's ram. It is feared it may cause his elcath. Ziou's church Sunday-school will picnic in Sir. Levi Schuyler's grove on Saturday, August 7. Two bands will enliven the occisiou and several adelresses will be elo livercel.

All Christian friends are invited to unite in making the occasion highly en last wejk here visiting he, daughter. of grain. Corrected weekly by A. Stricklers' Sons, Lebanon, Pa. Mr.

Chas. Suae th treated hinifC-li to a iu Beadle hound last week. Cotton tails CarnvBll Hallroad. phmon and Lancaster Joint Line.) HIIOKTKST "kOUTB KOK LANCASTER AND ALL POINTS EAST AN 1) WEST. AS AND AFTER SUNDAY, NO Ey EK passenger trains wil bd run as 1 OTA will apparently be quito nuaieroii3 this Longberry red, per bushel so 83 1'oiu, per bushel, 7s so hlte, per bushel 75 7s ltye, nor bushel 55 55 Mew Com, ner bushel 45 lar boarders, anel the result cne of the inter, anil unlets they clear ihe track, erranelest babhaths we have ever soent at will be bagged by the hundreds.

ays joyable. Intoxicated persons will not te bUU 111 Mr Shf.cttvr. Oat, per bushel 32 a .05 Fl Mis. Abraham Shhk anel Miss Amanda am 9.10 permitted in the grove. Huckster not Camp, and Goel manifested his approval by giving an unusual outpouring of "his spirit.

May the time never come when Mt.Gretna Campmeeting Association wiil consent to stain its hands with Sabbath elesecration in 3.10 3.21 3.24 out his stock and engaged him at 510,000. As their sales amount to over per year, they must have the best designs and regardless of expense. Tne Berfee County Fair, To be held in tho city of Reading on Sep-tamher 6th, "7th, 8th and 0th, promises tj be an unusually grand event this year. In addition to the other attractions there will be a "Wild Western Exhibition" daily on the race course. The races will he many and exciting.

In every department a fino display is assured. Many distinguished visitors will be in attendance. Xo city in the State offers better opportunities for en am 6.30 6.46 6.50 permitted, llic Sunday-school scholars Shirk, visit-d Sit. Gretna last Thursday, PHIK.ADEUPHIA lUAKKETS. Philadelphia Aug.

20. Flour Penna. supers, 82.25a2.50 9.21 9.24 ill meet at the church at 12 o'clock sharp. Mr. Oliver Saay, who was visitrng here 7.12 7.27 7.30 7.39 7.45 7.58 .15 7.26 7.29 7.36 7.41 7.53 8.25 11.16 11.19 11.26 11.31 11.43 LEAVE: Lebanon Cornwall M.

Vitiate Penrvn Mt. (lope Manheim Akrivs: Mrs. Mary Albert regains wero brought for the last tvro weeks, left lor home (Mil Penna. extra, Penna. Scliacflorstown Items.

Adam Miller, a workingman, lait Tuesday evening accidenaltly fell out ct the door edtliG hay loft of Mr. Fetter shed.a height of about 13 feet, landing on solid ground, resulting in a fracture of the thigh beue near the hip and other severe bruises. any form whatever. The services increased in interestlhromrh- from her family's residence, at Ebenezer, ton. las' luursday.

family, 63.25a3.65 Penna. roller, 54a 011 Tuesday forenoon and buried at Shirk's While Mr. Edward Shaffer was attend out the entire week. ltev. J.

K. Wagner 4.30 Penna. patent. SLo0a4.7o. 8.35 12.15 for his appearance Letters testamentary wera issued by Register Hartman on the estate of George Hartman, of Millcreek township, to Mag-dalina Hartman, of the same township Mr.

D. P. Witmeyer has given the contract to the Lebanon Steam Heating company to connect his residence, at Fifth and Cumberland streets, with steam heat. Messrs. Cyrus H.

Shantz, Harry Miller and Francis Newmeycr have been ap pointed a committee by Lebanon lodge, No. 120, I. of O. to erect a fine monument on their lot in Mt. Lebanon cemetery.

Tho contract will shortly be awarded. Mus. Jacob Gruel, formerly of this city, died on Sunday a week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rev. W.

C. Kiemer, at Chambersburg, aged 81 years. Deceased wa3 injured by a fall several years ago and has since been confined to the house. Officer Wiso on Wednesday afternoon arrested John A. Sattezahn, upon the charge of Dawson D.

Hollinjrer, with having used profane language twice on July 5th and nine times on July 23, and was fined 7.07 and costs by alderman 11. L. Miller, which ho was unable to pay and was committed to prison. Alexander E. Biggard, alias "Indigo Snyder," was arrested on Thursday morning by Connty Detective Sattezahn for betrayal of Kate N.

Wertz. In default of 8500 bail, Alderman Garrett committed him to the county prison to answer the charge at September sessions. The members of Iron City castle, No. 107, Knights of the Golden Eagle, ast Wod-nosday evening called at the home of preacneu tne morning sermon oa Mosuay meeting house. ing the Lickelale Sauday-schcol picnic hist 9.15 2.00 Wheat No.

2 red, 77ic; No. 1 Uiiinmbia. a very fine discourse In the afternoon Mr. Amos Geeseman brought a lot of Saturday. Ins horse (a c-)It) bec.ifae un Penna.

red, 79a79ic. SOUTHWARD. am am pmpmpmpm the pulpit was tilled by Heir. A. A.

Long.of cattle from Buflalo last veek. lie is resting as well as can be expected. manageable, lte result t.eing broken 12.35 mnspire, anu in the evenina by Kev. Cra it. is roporteel that the memo at Millbach Corn No.

2, 58ia59e. Oats No. 3 white, No. hite, Mr. Edwin ltuth find ife, of jour city, halts, to such an extend as to uccetsitate Springs last Saturday was a grand suc l.tM 1.34 1.16 were the guests of c.

1 loencn over joyment than Heading. Excursion tickets 40c. Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure. Rheimiftiisiita Lumbago, pain in joints or tack, brick dust in urine, frequent calls, irritation, inliamation, gravel, ulcere fcion or catarrh of bladder. Disordered Mirer, Impaired digestion, trout, billions-headache.

SWAOTP-KOOX cures kidncv difficulties, La Grippe, urinary trouble, bright 's disease. Impure BIfit Scrofula, malaria, ecn'l or debility. Oiiarnntpc rontent? of Ttno. If not benefited, Druggists will refund to r.i ice paid. At Druggists, 50c.

Size "Invalids' Guide to frCO, Da. Kilmsb 4: Bisciiamtos, Nf. Y. Mr. S.

borrowing a pair from a faimer near by. The harness was also sluhtly 3.45 5.30 6.03 6.15 6.20 6.26 6.29 cess, iour classes were present. Rev. mer, of Manheim. Tuesday was au especial day, oae which will long be romemberod by every Sunday-school scholar present.

This was undoubt Sunday. Butter Penna. creamery, extra. Rev Elias Heister occupied the pulpit at 7.00 7.33 7.45 7.50 7.56 10.10 7.59 10.13 8.11 10.25 will he sold at all railroad stations at low rates during the fair. lamaged, but no further injury resulted.

4.14 4.20 4.23 M. Fernsler delivered an address which was well leeeived fcy all picsent. Our 24c; Penna.print 1.57 2.00 Zion and Walmer's churches on Sunday. 1 he Lickciale bund ay-school picnic was edly tha greatest day of the feast, as far at jobbing, 2Sa32c. larsely attended.

Our place was well band did justico to itself as usual. All seemed to have enjoyed themselves very 2.10 435 630 1 ast as numbers are concerned. This was "Children's lay." Th exercises of the Lggs Penna. lirsts, 20c. Cheese Part skims, full represented Seldom.

Common Council. A spicial session of Common Council was uiucii, ana tne cocduet was hrst class. Mr. David Lebo, machinist, is expecting day were opened by an appropriate address of weloome, by Ero. Ulrich, Superintendent skims, la2c.

Mr. Thos. Becker, executor of the es hi.s eliplorna, duly siaei, sometime ft 2.30 15.42 12.45 Potatoes New, 20a30c. fort bushel held last Monday evening in rocm No 4. Harvest Home and Children's Day.

Next Sunday, August John's lie-formed congregation, Jonestown, will celebrate Harvest Home in the morning at 9.30. In the evening of the same day Children' Day will be celebrated by the congregation and Sunday-school, with an appro 335 3.50 3.53 4.05 4.22 tate of the lata Mrs. John Becker, held bis week, he i.i employed at the Lickdale basket. Court House. public sale of her household gooeis at tho Leavh: Columbia Lancaster Manlieira Mt.

Hope Peuryn Miners' Cornwall Aiuuvs Lebanon Lbavz: Lebanon. Cornwall Miner' Village Mt. Hope Miiiheim Ahrivk: Lancaster Columbia Leave: Columbia Lancaster Manheim t. Hope Miners' Village. Cornwall Arhivb banon May 25, 1S92.

bteti works. Clerk Light read the report of the special ot the tlunimelstown Sabbath school, followed by an interesting and enthusiastic response from Bro. A. S. Light, Superintendent of Trinity Sunday-school of Lebanon.

The address by Bishpp Castle in tho after home of r. Jonathan unavely, cast of Mess; s. John aud Harry Freylinghausen, UVE STOCK PItlCES. Philadelphia, Saturday evening, committee of city councils and committee of town. Articles sold at fair prices.

this place, visited friends and relatives All the Fifth and Sixth wards, in regaul to se August 20. Mr. Bair, our photographer, attended SUNDAYS. am 7.55 8.10 8.13 8.27 8.44 9.20 9.20 am 8.05 8.00 8.45 9.00 9.14 9.17 9.32 10 Liebauon over bunday. curing a proper elrainsge ot tne northern Beef Cattle Extra, oiaoic; good, noon was exceedingly grand.

The day was spent ploasantly anil profitably by all, and a ii at Alt. last Saturday Sorts and Conditions of Men" use the section of the city. Ihe union bunday-school will hold their priate service of addresses, antiphoiial responses, and an offering for benevolence. A cordial invitation is extended to all All 4 Ja54c; medium, 4ia4fc; common, 4a- where he took a large number of pictures Messrs. E.

K. Woelfly, C. H. A. annual picnic next Isaturelay 27th inst 5.00 5.00 3.45 3.45 4.23 4.35 4.46 4.49 ana in the evening the schools returned to Hc; culls, 3ia3fc; fat cows, 2ja3ie.

beveral small children in town are very Seltzer ami W. G. Borgner, of the citizens' committee, appeared before council. their homes, well ploased with their trip. On Wednesday forenoon the Holy Com feiiEEP Lxtra, oiaotc: good, oaoic: are welcome.

ill. The Millcrsburg Comet Band will furnish tho music for the occasion, which pramises to be successful. The public in general is munion was administered to nearly four 2.20 2.23 Remington common culls, 2 lambs, 4a71c. Mr. Abraham Jloyer, who has boon On motion received and tiled.

THIRD WAKD VACAKC'Y ELECTION. cordially invitee! to attend hundred parsons, no communion sermon was preached by ltev. Ludwiek, of Colum iioos Chicago, oic; other Western. 2.35 5.02 J. 11.

oattazaliu arriveel with a car load The following resolution was unanimously very sick with soarlot fever is somewhat better. His many friends wish for his speedy recovery. bia. 81a8ic. adopted: of oxen last morning.

Ihe prices in tris attirnoon the vim or was William McCurdy, who resides in Donagu-more row, and tendered him a donation of money and eatables. It will he remembered that about one year ago Mr. McCurdy had his spinal colunm fractured in a railroad accident, and is permanently incapacitated for work. His family received the donation gratefully. Mis.

George D. Rise, cashier of the Lebanon Trust and Safo Deposit bank, with his family, is occupying J. H. Cilley's hotel cottage on the Chautauqua gjounds at Mt. Gretna.

They are all eDjoying camp life immensely, and expect to remain several weeks. Resolved, 1 bat a special election 1.0 tiela Sale Bllla. We are better prepared than ever to print all kinds of sale bills, of real estate or personal property, being constantly in receipt of new type and descriptive cut3 necessary to turn out neat and showy bills. For references wo need only pint to tho numer seem low for such well selected stock. If Ih'j services iu tue Lutheran chnrch on administereel by Rsv.

II. B. Dohnor, D. D. on November 8, 1892, in the Third ward of Presiding Elder, both by sprinkling and im you eiesire a good winter beef, dop't fail to see this lot before purchasing, or you the city of Lebanon, to fill the vacancy in mersion.

Fat cows 2 JaSic. Thin cows $8a20 per heal. Milch cows $25a50 per head. Milch calves SaCic. Dressed beeves stock uuotatioxs Common Council caused by the removal of win miss a bargain Sunday morning were largely attended.

Sermon on infant baptism. The whole audience was spell-bound giving the closest attention to the delivery anel matter of the sermon. PcnaaylvaaU Haltroad ON AND AFTER JUNE 12th, 18S2 trains will leave Lebanon as follows, eotinectins at Conewago lor all points oa the Pennsylvania Railroad. Leave Lebanon at 6.25 a. m.

Arrive at Cone waso at 7.05 a. Lancaster, 8.10 m-." delphia Vi.20a. New York 1.10p. Harris Wra. 11.

bwope trora said ward, and thattbe The evening services were conducted by Rev. C. J. Kepnart, who preached a very it is reported that the public fchojU of mayor te directed to make proclamation of our place will open on the auth ot Bepteia- ous bills ttistnontea tnronguoui tne county which have emanated from this of said election as provided by law. powerful sermon, and after a short timo had been spent in earnest evangelical work, the bcr, just about one month hence.

The question of the report of the special Rev. M. P. Hocker.of Steelton.preached Camp was closed in the usual way. The reported up to 12 o'clock on Saturday, by Haven Townskkd, Stock, Government Hauliers Brokeis, No.

42S Chestnut Street, l'a. committees on sewerage of Fifth and Sixth Standard Typewriter because it is constructed upon the best design, of the best materials, and by the best workmanship. people formed a circle, and then followed Harry K. llgut's Sale. a vory interesting aud instructing sermon at 2p.

ra. on the subject of mission and wards wjts resumed. Strong Witnesses. the mendiy handshaking. Tears were Mr.

Harry E. Light, the popular horse fice, and will bear comparison with any work of the kind. t'ouferrees Cboaea. Mr E. M.

Woomer, Republican candi .1. E. liemoeiil, apnoared ta Savor 1-iID. ASKED. beiieticecco.

More should have been pres shed, and tender farewells spoken. Know of the report. dealer, will sell another car load of western Among the thousands of testimonials of cures by Dr. Miles' New Heart that ing that many who attended and enjoyed U. S.

4's, coupon 110 Pennsylvania It. It 51 Philadelphia Reading It. 29 ent to hear it. lie also delivered a very interesting lecture to a larere audience at After a Icnathy elucuysion, ou motion of hordes at Mr. liensing hotel, this city, on Monday afternoon, August Ufth.

Mr. Lizht this meeting will never again attend an 3 Mr. Bittner.the city solicitor was instructed other like this one on oa.rth, for before the the auniveisary of the W. II. F.

M. so date for Congress from this city, has chosen as his conferrecs Hon. Thomas H. Capp, or Allisons, a well Known citizen of Glen Itock, who for years had shortness of breath, sleeplessness, pain in i.eui'-ja uuey it. Lehiith Coal and avitration Co.

with each succeeding loael receives valirable to notiny tue 1'liifadelpiiia ana Keading 8 time for the holding of another meeting ciety. 51r. Alleman, of Steelton, also ad- Phila. Kdg Gen. M.4'3 as experience which he uses to advantage for Wyckoff, Seamans Benedict, Railroad company to open and enlarge the sewers on Eighth sullicicntly to earry comes some will have passeel to the golden left side, shoulders, smothering spells his customers ana hirt'Sell, mutually.

AU this city O. H. Henry, Annville, and W. 6. Heilman.

of Greble. Dr. Coble, John shore ot a bright eternity. With these fare elresscd the society elelivering words of congratulations and encomagemcut. Co elo ls.t Pref.

5's i7Vg fio do Pref. 5'a Gy do do 3d Prct.5's.., 63! 834. Chestnut Phila. on the water. horsemen, anel even unassuming farmers one bottle of Dr.

Miles' New Heart Cure and one box of Nerve and Liver Pills.cured wells closed one of tho best and largest On motion of Btichtel, seconded by Long and businessmen know that the horse trade campmeetings ever heid within the bounds Wostern Union Richmond Terminal is subject to more than ordinary risks, even a was authorized to be appointed turg 7.35 a. Altoona p. o. m. This train makes close connection at Har-risburii lor points on the Northern Central and Philadelphia and Erie Railroads.

Leave Lebanon 8.15 a.m. Arrive at Conewago At 8.50 a.m., Harrisburs 11X5 a. Altoona iA p. Pittsburs 8.10 p. Philadelphia 11.25 a.

New York 2 p. m. rhis train makes close connection at Harrisbura tor points 1 on the Northern Central and P. B. Railroad.

Leave Lebanon at 10.50 a. m. Arrive at Cone-wago 11.35 a. Lancaster 12.50 p. Harris-burg 12 01 noon.

Philadelphia 3.C0 p. m. Aew Leave Lebanon at 2.00 p. arrive at Oone-wago 2.45 p. Lancaster.

3.55 p. Philadelphia 6.47 p.m. New York, 9J2 p. in. Harrisburg 4.20 p.

Altoona7.50 p. 1L55 p.m. ilaltimore 6.45 p.m.. Washington 8.10 Leave Lebanon 3.15 p. m.

Arrive at Conewago 4 p. Lancaster 4.45 p.m.. Philadelphia 6.50 p. New York 9.35 p. m.

Lenvtf Lebanon 7.10 p. m. Arrive at Conewago 7.55 p. Lancaster 8.41) p. Harrisburg 8.40 p.

Philadelphia 10.65 p. m. New York 3.J0 a ui. J- i. oou, Passenger Ageut.

UHAS. E. PUGH, General Manager. him. Peter Jaquet, talem, N.

is another witness, who for twenty years suf ol the H.ast Pennsylvania Conterence. May McElhaney and Albert Black areconftrrees from Dauphin county, and J. E. Bonshal, Capt. F.

E. McKeeman and S. H. Whitmer Louisville Nashville C9'X to consult with a competent engineer to as when conducted with greatest care and skill, it be but the bright beginning of a still more fered with Heart Disease, was pronounced CLOSING OUT Among the very isteresticg exercises of the evening we would mention only one part which was exceptionally beautiful and touching. It was a lecitation by Miss Sallie YY alters, subject "The Ladder that Reaches Ileavun." and losses, a well as gains, often follow Atchison, Topeka santa.

1'e SS Del. Lackawanna Western 155U v. a. Tl 1 certain the cost 01 sewerage and the bes! route to relieve the Fifth and Sixth wards. incurable by physicians, death stared him judicious purchases.

A horse may have the gien-ious future. i 'eieitd. Newspapers Indorse. in the face, could not lie down for fear of from Perry connty. The confarreo meeting will bo held in tho court honso, Harrisburg, President Hayes appointed as such com germs ol sickness when sold, unknown to the seller and purchaser; he may have the Missouri pacine eu ya Northern Pacific Com 2 smothering to death.

Immediately after mittee Bechtel, Millard arid Capp Educators are certainly the greatest on Monday next. Next Saturday our band will furnish "PrePd disposition of viciousness, curbed tempor- Summer Shoes and Ox fore Slippers. GST AUo, Odds and at and below Cost, to make room foi- a FULL LINE of Fall Stock Shoes, benefactors of the anel after using the New Cure he felt better and could lie down and sleep all night, and is now a well man. The New Care is sold, also Free arily; he may be unable to endure hard 8er- the music for the is l- infeltersville Sundsy- Franklin o'uTaTw. rks.

cnrft race, reading Aeljourneet. Bbeamatlsin Cnred in a nay. vice, appearing very muscular and wiry; he scuooi picnio. heln declaring him io ha amnmr the most help declaring him to be among the most Amending. Mr.

Charles Weiss, son of Mr. Henry Weiss, of Avon, who has been suffering A. S. Brendle Esq. Mr.

Cvrus Mur- may have many blemishes, unobserved: or entertaining and educating authors. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu Book, by Dr. Geo, rtoss ac Co. Orphan's Home Annlversatjr. he may have wonilerful speed, undeveloped; deck left oa Monday as delegates repre New York Daily.

He is not a stranger to which will Euip.iss nnytllMg ever offered to the pub'io. ralgia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and powerlul endurance, hidden; gentlest dispo our readers, as bis advertisements appear The anniversary of the Orphans Home, senting U. JNO. '-ioO, P.

O. of A. in ths State Camp in convention at Shamokin sition, not apparent admirable qualities in our columns in every issue.calling atten. My ef mysterious, it removes at once the cause, and the disease immediately disappears. Kenerally.only to he (liscovereel by extensive Pa.

Hon to the fact this elegant work on JSer Cornwall A handling; all of which Mr. Light studies, 1 ftallroad. all Points on voui and Heart Diseases is distributed The first dose greatly benefits. 73 cents. Sold FINE SHOES at Womelsdorf, Berks county, will take place to-morrow.

Addresses will be made by Rev. M. H. Kieffer, D. of Easton Rev.

R. C. Hartman, of Philadelphia and Geo. B. F.

Fisher, of Philadelphia. Thtre and endeavors to parchase only such animals rvlIiECT KOUTJ5 for free by our enterprising druggists, Dr. Geo. by J. L.

Lemberger, druggist, Lebanon, Pa. from a very severe attack of typhoid fever for some weeks, Sunday morning regained consciousness for tho first time within a week. His brother, Dr. George S. Weiss, of this city, has been at his bedside every night for the past two weeks, without retiring to bed, watching the progress of the fever, and now has some hope of his RAILROAD.

Time Jonestown PliNNSYLVANIA as will improve with usage. He will have Koss Co. Trial Bottles of Dr. Milec' Ner In euect Monday, May 23, 1892. la.

)le No. 18. along with a number of good ex TUe Cornwall Ore Bank Knit. vine are given away, also Book of Testi fhe coiner stone of the First Lutheran are now in the Home 91 orphans. a.m.

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.n:. p.m.

p.ic. 26 15 10 50 2 00 3 15 5 00 7 10 traordinarily speedy trotter. monials showing that it is unequaled tor An amended bill was on Monday filed in and Homemade will bo l.irgir than ever, and will sell them as cheaply as other stci'ts can offer yon East-siu goods. church, of this place was laid by Rev. the United States Circuit Court, by Mrs, Stoverdale Camp Closes.

World's Fair Kotes. Nervous Prostration, Headache, Poor aleni-ory. Dizziness, Neuralgia, 8 10 12 0 3 55 4 45 8 10 20 11 2 3 00 6 49 6 EO 10 55 Louisa Ybanez Coleman, widow of George llham Kurtz assisted by Revs Schultz, Wiielbaha and Muhlenberg, oa September The Stoverdale campmteting closed last IW If you want a Good Hysteria, Fits Epilepsy. Dawson Coleman, eleceased, in her suit 3 50 1 1) 2 0i) 5 50 9 20 9 35 A Creole kitchen, with native co jks and Wednesday evening with the usual farewell brought against the Pennsylvania Company 7 35 11 C5 12 01 3 20 waiters, and eiishe3 prepared iu creole excercises, including the joining of hands Trunk or Satchel, 8 52 5ied. Lka ILa Jrnil'a Nw York Hii-rlsb g.

W'111-iport. Plttiburg. Lbave. Pittsburg W'mspoif, C.irlisle...., tor Insurances on Lives and uranting An 1 17 4 3) 3 00 7 00 4th, 1792. The congregation has ar-raugeel for the proper observance of this coutennial by appropriate services ou Sunday, September 4th, 1893 A number of style, will be a striking adjunct to the ex 8 4f 10 58 3 25 6 01 p.m.

nuities, and Bertram Dawson Coleman, to and marching around the circle. The stock hibit which Louisiana wilt make at the secure her rights out of the estate ol her hus holders elected the following directors: ST Edward Murry, residing on Noith Fifth street, had his nose broken on Wednesday while playing ball at Penryn by a base ball coming in contact with it. Dr. John C. Buchor attended to his injuritsr World's Fair.

11 15 6 50 a.m. 8 10 3 05 5 bi band. The bill was amended by adding as HAUliK. On the 17th of August, in Freder- the plaoo to go is --MILLER'S ministers who lormerly preached here will bo present, and participate ia these Rev. G.

W. Miles Rigor, B. H. Engle, L. parties defendant, Robert H.

Coleman, the ericksburg, Mr. Isaac Hauer, aged 81 years, 10 In the Minnesota building at the World's Fair will ae exhibited the olel priutiog 4 00 6 22 7 30 8 10 ....11 55 a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

p.m 1 20 3 30 7 15 00 8 25 12 30 7 45 9 1312 30 2 30 8 3.) 10 40 2 35 3 40 9 00 8 5011 50 11 45 10 55 2 00 2 50 uiuiiuis una 21 uays. R. Raber, Harrisbnrg; G. H. Grove, Mar president, and J.

Tavlor Boyd, the superm services. 7 tendent of the Mine Hills. It was stated HEFFELFINGEK. On August 11. at Mt.

press upon which the nrst newspaper tin F. Nissley, Christian Hershey, Edward The contract for linting the (J. B. Ifiw York 12 15 A.tna, Gabriel HellelilnKor, aged 34 years, 10 that Mr. Coleman, as president, and Mr.

3 00 5 20 7 25 printed in the state too tutnneaota noneer Stover, Hiram Landis, Hummelstown; A. months and 10 days. church has boeu awaieied to Mr. J. Frank Troxel.

Boyd, as superintendent.have exclusive care was run oil in 164o. Piiil'a 4 30 LuKMstcr 6.27 AKItlVB. Eagle Shoe Store, MANNING. At Lebanon, on the 17t J. D.

WlLLCOX. H. Rider, Middietown; J. S. Musser, Mar and macagem3nt of the property, and are accountable to the owners thereof fcr the Johu, son of Klmer Manning and his wile Su The Miners' Association of Nevada coun 9 00 The pavement on King street leading 9 45 12 50 3 65 4 55 6 10 One of the Oldest Settlers in Fcnna.

Lebanon 8 20 ietta; H. H. Krieder, Annville. sanna, (a horn Bi miner,) aged 4 years, 6 months rents, income and profits arising therefrom to ths Lutheran chureh will ba laid this week. una zi aays.

ty, JaUtornia, is arranging to have a small stamp mill in full operation at the Heal Estate Changes. Mr. Steiling Gait Yalentine has sold to A'lele E. Valentine lot at south-east corner of Twenty-Third and Chestnut streets, West Lebanon, for $1. Elizabeth Phillips has purchased a honse in East Myerstown from Amanda Scholl and Catharine Baldwin, for $1,150.

No. 84G Oixmberland Will Purchase a Half Interest. rniiadeipina limes. KTJTTEB. At Newmahstown.on the 18th Worlel's Fair as a pait of its mineral dis Mrs.

Henry Linelly, of Uuiumelstown, LeAi nutter, aged 00 months and 2 days. J. D. Willcox was bora 67 years ago and has lived, most of the time Jn Ohnsville, Tioga where he is a a practical farmer and a successful country merchant. He is deservedly LEBANON.

Mr. A. S. Craumer, formerly engeged in the mercantile business, in Pinegrova, now play. was in town over Sunday.

ULKICH. on August 5, in North Annville "'A God-send is Ely's Cream Balm ownshlp, Maria Ullrich, widow ot David Ull Mr. Jacob Souuor, wita and two daugh In the Missouri building at tha World's residing at Basic City, will become a Tia'ieM lor all Western points baggage cuoeeeu through. further Information see the time table at all oniass of this auu tUe "jjtjjj General fassenger Agent NED IRISH, General dnperintendent Saturday, September 3: Carload of Cows, 4c. by Christian amlth, at the Win.

Fenn hotel rich, aged 81 years, 8 months and 21 days. 1 had catarrh for three years. Two or three times a week my noso would bleed. I thought ters, of Washington, D. are spending Fair will be displayed a huge map of the resident of this city as soon as ha can dis SHIRK.

On Wednesday, David Walter, son state, Ui leet wide anel 12 leet long, show the sores would never heal, loar lialm i3T" Tho offices of Messrs. Capp Schock, of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Shirk of Independent some time town, the guests of Mr. John Soulier. popular, known for miles around and by strict integrity and honesty he has attached to himself a host of has received from the Government the pose of his business there. He will pur ing the counties, and statistics as to the i-Msuici, agea inontiis. has cured me." Mrs.

M. A. chase the half interest of Messrs. Raitt Mai. J.

P. Earnest auel wife, of Pino amount aud value of tho product of each ALBEB3. At Ebenezer.on the ISth Mrs. mouth, J. H.

attorneys, on the second floor of Ulrich's building, Cumberland street, havo been handsomely repainted and papered and Grove, were in town List Monday. for 1891. Ira F. Albert, agsd 23 years. Postmastership of his village.

He says: in the hat and gentlemens' furnishing establishment, of which his brother In-law, I was so much troubled with catarrh i Uuite a number ot our young people at FKITZ. On the 17th in Schuylkill Ha I had been weighed down by poor health Over Michigan's building at the World's Fair will lloat a large American seriously altecttu roy voice, oae Dottle tendee! the Lickdale and Ono picnics last ven, icev. James ti. Fritz. Hay-Feve Mr.

Samuel Erb, is a partner. Ely's Cream Baitn did the work. My voice SitnrJay. aturdav, September 3: Rial estate, by ex'ors os of Gejrao Hollir, deceased. In S.

Ann. twp Friday, August 26 Oak lumber, by Daniel 8.;li; Co in Union township. Lebanon eo Saturday, September 3: Real estate, by ex'r of Jacob M. Lentz, dee'd, in Swatara twp iturday, September 10: Real estate by heirs of Jolin Imbodea, dee'd, in S.

Annville twp of Beldin? silk by the women of Ionia present a most inviting appearance. lf While Mr. Charles Youtz to speed, ing his horse along East Lehman street, is tully restored. Is. Liepsner, A.

M. Mrs. D. Earnest, last week took a JT Ex Sheriff S. M.

Crall, formerly of county, that state. Pastor ot the Olivet liaptist Uhurcn, puna- for a long time and gradually grew worse until four years ago the crisis came. At that time four of our best physicians could give me no encouragement and some of them said I would not live a year. I commenced to use Dr. Kilmer's Sufferers several elays' outiog.

fishing in Monroe Valley. dclphra, Fa. augl(-2t 1 he women ot Texas are raising money the Eagle Hotel, tlU city, but lately of the White Hall Hotel, Harrisburg, last week assumed control of tho Fetter House, West opposite the Bolt and Nut Works, last Thursday evening, the animal hurst a blood with which to place statutes of Houston CHRIST KRUMBINE. On the 20th at Tue 1'eifocto club, ot Lebanon, passed the parsonage, Schaefferstown, by Kev, A. J.

ei Austin and busts of Howe, Crockett, through town on Monday, en route to Bachman, Mr. Cyrus Christ to Miss Mary Krum- Travis and F.muin all oelebrated Texas Bethlehem. Swamp-Root, Kidney, liver and Bladder Cure. My doctors said your remedy mieht belt) me for a time, but that I blne. Doth 01 Itexmont.

Harpers, wharo they will ior a week. historical character in the state building Be Year Own Doctor. It wont cost half as much. Do cot delay-Send three two-cent stamps for postage, and we will send you Dr. Kaufrnann's great work, fine colored plates from life, on disease, its causes and homo cure.

A. P. Ordway Boston, Mass. vessel and dropped dead. The animal was recently purchased at a sale of Mr.

Robert H. Coleman, at a cost of 8125. Cenferrees. Special Day at Jit. Oretna Farmer's Encampment at the oriel Fair.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kneasul, of West would not be here a year hence, I took Swamp-Root for nearly twelve months 'Dofiee iiatarday. Septemb 24: Real estate, by ex'rs Jjha Stewart, dee'd, in Heidelberg township Saturday, September 24: Heal Estate of the late John C. Seltzer, dee'd, at Jonestown.

Saturday. September 17 Sheriff's sales of real estate of Jessie Roller, Henry Doyle, and Cnristian R. the Coun House.Leb Saturday, September 17: Real estate, by executor's of William Poormau, dee In London-deny township. Monday, Augustj29: Wisconsin and Iowa by Harry K. Light.

In Lebanon. At tho Theatrical and Musical exhibit- Should read our nev 1 1 2-page book on the treatment and cure of Hay-Fever and Asthma. Sent free on application. Lebanon, were in toava over Sunday. Teusday (yesterday) Aug.

83rd People's Party Day; Wednesday, 24th, Demo3ratic io.i in Vieuna gnat applause and popu Mr. Joha iloch au aged anil well known three times a day, ana used your U. is. u. Messrs.

S. H. Whitmer, Jacob Bonzell Fourth Stbbet Pubsbytkbian Church. 1.Q-n laiity were won by the "Schrammeln'' citizen of town was prostrateet last week DayjThursday Day. Many and F.

M. Keepau ere the Congressional Anointment rubbing in thoroughly over the affected parts, across my chest, liver OUUlMbU'KUUVI, it Oi Ill lllim IVV, XV.Or 111. No evening services. Society of Christian augl7 at A Trne Bill Fonnd. The Grand Jury of the United States Dis quartette ol singers ana wnistiers in a presentation eutitled "Old Vienna." It is with a severe spell ot sickness, but is better again Endeavor prayer-meeting, at b.i.

p. in. Wednes conferrecs instructed by Perry county to day evening prayer meeting, 7.30 p. 111. and back, warming it in with a hot flat iron.

The rheumatism was so bad that support Mr. E. M. Woomer at the coin i Eg au'iounceel that the quartette has been Hon. T.

11. Uapp, oi banon, last 'I have been a sufferer from It ay-Fever an eiigageel to repeat its attraction at the The Evaso. Lutheran Cnuiscn ot the Holy Trinity. Lehman street. Sunday-school, 9 a.

111. conference meeting at Harrisburg. I could not get either hand to my face. My health now is very good, in World's Fair at Chicago. Tueseay was elected a director in the Jonestown Bauk, to fill the vacancy caused by tho death of Dr.

John C. Harvest Home service, 18.30 a. 111. Asthma from birth 26 years. I have tried all remedies that came to my notice wiihout permanent relief.

I am pleased to say that your medicines certainly cured me to stay cured. trict Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, on Monday of last week in session in Philadelphia, found a trua bill against John G. Staufer, Justice of tha Peace I.nrge Funeral. The remalni of the late Rev. James G. Evanq Lutheran. Cornwall, Sunday fact, I think I am as well as most men at What a I'lly. The Marietta Manufacturing Company, of Marietta, which had the contract to furnish the election booths to this county choolat 1.30 p. m. Harvest Home service, Seltzer.

W. Vedgek, Kosknuaie, Boston, Masc. that S3 un my otherwise attractive, polite 111. Jr. M.

seip, astor. Fritz, a prominent United Brethern minis Miss Gertie Wagner, of Anuviile, is thousands of people visited the Farmers' Encampment at Mt. Gretna last week and the attractions this week will bring as many mote. 91 1. dretna Campmeetlae.

On Monday, August 22, the day appointed for the selection of lots at Mt. Gretna Campmeeting, a large number of people gathered on the camp ground, and fully fifty lots were selected. This makes about 275 lots already taken, indicating tho probable erection of 125 to 150 cottages this year. my age 67 years. I give your iswamp-Root entire credit of saving my life and the good health I now enjoy ia due to anil particular paople ailiict their friends by Kev.

11. J. Welker's appointments for next ter of Schuylkill Haven, were brought to Lebanon, his iorincr home, with the 10.58 tho foul and disagreeable odor of their visiting in town, the guest ot Miss Maggie WendliDg. of Lonelonderry township, this county, "for depositing in tbe mills non-mailable matter, consisting of obscene circulars and ad P. Harold Hayes, M.

Sabbath are Dedication 01 an organ, at 1 uue-liocken. at 9.30 a. 111. and at 7 i. 111.

its use. I have worked some on the breath; it is mainly caused by disordered Rev. F. F. BUantz.

a pipuur Luth farm of late and do most of the chores Kev. A. J. Bachman's appointments for digestion, and can be correcteJ by removing 716 Main Buffalo, N. Y.

train last Monday morning. Services were held in Sa: em U. B. church, Ninth and next Sabbath are Harvest Home services at eran minister, was in town em Monday. myself.

the cause, iy using tnar, pure meilicine, for use under the Baker ballot law, have placed on exhibition a samp'e in tho Hartman House. tT Mr. John W. Firestino, who resided at the corner of Tenth and Lehman streets, died on Saturday afternoon shortly after 2 vertisements." He was held in $1,000 bail to stand trial at the next term of Court in Mt. Zion at 9.30 a ni.

Shaefterstown, 9 30 a. Misses nnd Lattu A hen bach, This is not written for publication, sulphur liiitcrs. Jieaun Magazine. Church streets, conducted by Revs. W.

H. a student will preach here Bismarck 2 p. 111. Schaeftcrstown, 7.30 p. m.

Regular monthly but if it will give others confidence in November. of Wilmington, Del last week visited iu town, tha guests of Mr. Geo. W. Walker List of letters Ubler and J.

Shoop, presiding elders, as- missionary meeting for the month ot August. your great remedy, I have no objections to your using it as best you can. With llemaining in the postofrlce at Lebanon on ITnioh House or Pray eh. German preach Hintfid by a number of other clergymen. Thirty Delegates.

About 30 delegates from tho various P. What is tbe Use! ing on next Sunday at a. m. and 2 p. by o'clock, from paralysis.

He was formerly August 22, 1892 best regard I remain. J. D. wulcos. lingst.

union prayer meeting in tne eve The Board of Managers has decided to erect a fine toilet for ladies, and to enclose the camp ground with a neat fence. jar While Messrs. W. W. Brook i and Al This is but one of the hundreds of Ladies' List.

Mi3s Florence A. Bow Of buying worthless medicines, and spud-ing money on quack doctors whose only idea Larga numbtra ef both laymen and ministers fr abroad, as well as many friends and ac'i iaincances were in attendance. The ning. O. 8.

of A. camps of this city and county letters received daily by Dr. Kilmer tw Rev. II. Giesz will preach next Suuday at man, jsiiss rj.

u. oaienaer, Mrs. s. ii. 1 left at 4:40 Monday in a hand in the insurance business, more recently in the grocery business, and at the time of his death was a broker.

He leaves a wife and several children to survive. Uoleman, Miss Anna llauck, Mrs. Joseph somely decorated special car, over the P. and ve tnousanet Hollars will be given to any one who will prove any at S.o a. and at iviopp at p.

m. A Million rrleuels. is to gull the puDlic. is it not beur to Duy reliable meilicine liko Sulphur Bitters? I think so, as they cured me of Catarrh after three years. 1' 1'.

Clark, Manchester. C. Paine, landlord of the Central Hotel, Karch, Miss Anna Park, Miss Nellie remains were interred in the family burial lot at Mt. Lebanon cemetery. The deceased i -i J.

JULL! J. J. Xli JLl, It. road, to attend the state invention, at Shamokin. portion ot tne above testimony untrue.

Reinoehl, Miss Ella Shirk, Malinda Spang, were driving out East Cumberland street wes a brother of Henry K. Fritz, North Swamp-Root is beyond question thej Miss Annie vaugnm. last Sunday evening th horse took fright 'So 375 North Tenth Street The follow iuff are the delegates from tST Messrs. W. H.

Shott and Elmer Eai-bich, of this city, and William Ibacb, of augl7-2t 8T" Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Gentlemen's List. llev.

John Beam the camp3 ot this city Ueo. J. Werner, greatest discovery ol the age. Halls. at an electric car an 1 ran away, colliding with another team and throwing Mr.

Brooks Mr. Frank C. Bordner, Mr. Joseph Bow A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less thin one uiillion people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs auel Colds If you have nover used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers iu all dis O.

Detweiler, D. L. Cramer, John II. l.e'iiman street, Lebanon, Ta. Sheridan, arrived home from atttnding the Fjurtii street.

Kajojred Campmestlnx. the numerous visitors at tie man, Manager Carman, B. B. 5i: Mr. Bowman, Harry Gallagher, A.

II. Ritscher Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably adapted to make "a little health go a Ivny way. Its curative power is largely attribu Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge, at Pitts from the carriage. Mr. Pa; no jumped and ready method in drowning, as to what.

elo and how to doit, will ba found in burg, ou Friday night. sustained a double fracture of the left ankle, J. Sbindel Krause and Harry Sanders, of Camp 254; William Zweitzig and Levi P. S. Cary, Mr.

George W. Coleman, Mr. Georgo A. Diehl, Mr. John Dutter, Dr.

C. D. Fisher, Mr. Jacob Fritz, Mr. H.

II 3 A FULL L1SE OF SAMPLES constaS table to its stimulant, tonic ana nutritive Kautmanu Medical ork oiUiand. t'Ditiracimr me Latest Saty Wolt, or Ump 3S1; William Jbrantz, properties, by which the energy of the systenr is recruited. It is pleasant to the taste.easily plates from life. Send three 2-cent stamps He was conveyed to his Lome in the Good Samaritan ambulance and his injuries at ami Best Fabrics. All Fits iua ran teen a Messrs.

W. G. Hecker, W. E. Martz, Harry Schools, Harry K.

Lantz, Will. Griove, Mr. Jere Houshour. Mr. J.

J. Jack Aaron McElroy and Ed. Frantz, of Camp to pay postage, to A. P. Ordway ii etmpnxeting in Mr.

Gideon Light's grove, lit Thursday, were Mr. J. II. Behny, wlfa an I daughters Tillle an 1 Cora, of Steelton. Mr.

Behny furunrly residsd in this county, is wlele'y and favorably acquainted and borne on the stomach and harmless under pro- Woik Kxeeuteel at Lowest Prices, can ana me a trial. October 17, im. 1 son, Mr. William Kitzmiller, Mr. John 05.

tended to by Drs. A. B. Gloninger and D. Schmidt and John Shank, composing the onged use.

Try it. Marcnziuz-iy eases of Throat, Chest and Lung, liieh bottle la guaranteed to do ail that is claimed or money will ba refunded. Trial bottles free at Dr. Geo. Itoss Drug store.

Large bottles COc. and 81.00. Some of the bail sidewalks about town ought to be fixed before Winter comes. The Boston, Mass and recieve a copy iree. Aug24 2t Lafferty, Mr.

David II. Light. Mr. W. B.

Bucher. Mr. Brooks was also badly Central Market llonse. Miller. Mr.

Michael Moore, Mr. John Greenleaf Sextette, gave a popular concert on Saturday evening', on the Chautauqua bruised. Wash Goods. Reeeiveel another loi of the much ad fi7 A man tomper can stand many Quite an additional number of stalls have Moore, Mr. J.

B. Porter, Mr, -TicobRauch, Mr. Simon Kuhl. Mr. William Sohaeffer.

thingp, but what prcduces the greatest strain unon it is to find his collars and cull's recently been finished attheCentral Markot grounds. carried. mired corded Taffetas, in beautiful design Arno Spangler, Mr. Ruben Snavely, Mr. W.

F. Watrner. Mr. Harry Wao-ner. House anel are now offered to farmers.

The Lebanon and Annville Railroad for at 12 cents per yard. Also, Tiji cloth, worst walks are right near the central part of our city. Church Kcopenlng. badly laundered, and just whan he is desirous of making a neat appearance. This is why every man should keep a supply of butchers aud others who wish to avail the past month carried 81,836 passengers.

SF" Rev. J. Shoop, of this city.Presiding Elder of the U. B. church, held a quarterly confreence in the IT.

B. church, Pinegrove, styles elegant, also 12J cents. Very good Mr. G. Everitt Wallis, Mr.

Jonas B. Wolf, Mr. Byron E. Woodcock, Mr. Alex Young.

themselves of the jrivilega of selecting met many of his old friends which afforded them an 1 bitn great, mutual pleasure. Penalar ItMrl. The immetse crowds at Mt. Gretna Park during the last few days, and the character and extent of the Agricultural Exhibit, show that the Farmers' Encampment is gaining in popularity and prestige each year. Ihe Park Itoeif in a delightful place, This is tbe largest number carried In one "Linene Collars auu culls always 0:1 hand value in India Linen, at 12 17, 20, 25 and At tue reopening of the XT.

B. church, at Bcscrvicie Wo desire to sny few years wo have lusja lii K-nzV Now Discovery for Consnis-j King's New liife l'ills, Unckleu's Ar.v'ei tVUvo. is id Electric Uiitcrs, f.n-.l havo uewir handled remuelies tUat tell 5.1 v. nil, cr ihnt give such wilvewal We elo not. hesitate to guarar.ti thcia every time, anel wo stand ready to lvnuid tiij purchasu price, if iaiu.factory results do not follow ibeir use.

These remedies have von tt.eir great popularity purely on their merits, lr. Geo. Kosa Druggists. a. e.

iiieiHT, r. M. month since they railway was constructed for just such emeigencies. They are so accurate to style, beautiful in finish, tolh 28 cents. Derry, Dauphin county, on Sunelay last, sermons were delivered by Eev.

John Cheaii seaside excursions now. Thk Grange-is' picnic at William's Grove Ladies' Black Silk Mitts, largest stock P. Utter, of Avon, in tho morning, aud llev. C. J.

Kephart, of Lcbenon in the evening. sides alike and reversible. CanffblnK Jheads to C3nnnaxtlo4 will be held Irom August iJ to September 3. choice stands. J.

11. Seltzer, president, or J. D. Kerr, secretary, will cheerfully give desired information. Wk are tow in the last hot month of the ear, anil a little endnrance will carry ns afely through to theFall.

ee 10 it that your name is on tne regis on Saturday evening. Communion was held on Sunday. Circulation is what makes advertising valuable, and that is what the Cocbisb has. in the city; very gooei quality, at 25 A great many Lebanonians attend annually, try list. i better at 33, 50 and 75 cents.

Tan colored Kemp's Balsam will Btop tbe cough at Next month the bovs will he out with and ILe daily program and attractions It is said that tbe oyster crop tbe coining A children's meeting was helel iu the afternoon, addressed by llev. litter and A. S. Jjight. brass bands and torches, 25 cts, Manbeck.

Sahpo. added pleass the people. season win smau. uOt.

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