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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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A. FREDRICKSO1J Editor PAUL D. HUMAN, Advertising Manager Bole National Advertising Representatives: Wallace Witmer New Tort, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Memphis. Entered as second class matter at the post- at Blytheville, Arkansas, under act of Oon- gnm, October 1117. StTBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier In tnt city of Blytheville or any town where carrier sendee it maintained, 25e per week.

By mail within a radius of SO miles, fk.OO per year, $2.50 for six months, $155 for three months; by mail outside 50 mile zone. $12.50 per year payable in advance. Meditations For the love of Christ coiwtrmlneth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were aU Cor. 5:14. Be sure that Christ is not behind you, but before, calling and drawing you on.

This is the liberty, the beautiful liberty of Christ. Claims your glorious privilege in the name of a disciple: be no more a servant, when Christ will own you as a Bushnell. Barbs It took a magician only 30 seconds to get out of a lacked trunk. He should get married and try to get out to play poker. Discarded streetcars are sold in some towns for Irving quarters, mom hanging: over the fcftohen stove on a strap.

Parents soon will find out that taking children to a summer cabin is a mighty fine way to keep" on being tired out. Vvwry motorist is coarttaf bad brakes when he wtth them. A nice quite place on a lake is what folks rent so aU their can drop in unexpectedly and apott everything. Authorities Have Chance To Improve Highways users, meeting in Washington, for once heard a cheerful forecast on the subject of roadbuilding. They were told that from now on there ought to be a rapid increase in construction.

The prophet was Albert Bradley, okairman of the National Highway Users Conference. He says the roadblocks have been in the way for the past years have been removed. Government controls, high interests rates an the financing of projects, insufficient manpower and shortages of ftuch vital materials as steel are among the deterrents lately eliminated. If Bradley is correct in his appraisal then the mere motorist, looking at the nation's highways from something less than a deteched view, can only murmur: "It is none too soon." By now it is a commonplace that the country hasn't been keeping up either with the need for new highways of the maintenance of the old. Were it not for the continuing trend toward boldly engineered turnpikes, the highway picture today would probably be much blacker.

Obviously this trend is gathering pace, and before too many years, it may be possible to drive over turnpike routes from New England and New York to Denver and Dallas, as well as southward to Miami fro mthe East and Midwest. But these roads are financed by sale of revenue bonds to the public, not financed through regular government funds. In the absence of an imaginative attack on highway problems by others, the authorities who favor turnpikes are bound -to carry the day. This kind of road expansion will go on. Yet it is fair to ask the question: How far? The traveling public has shown a willingness to pay for smooth unimpeded progress on roadways engineered to match the present day automobile.

But a highway network is more than a few turnpikes, more even than a few per state. What it gets down to is that the federal and state government must modernize and recast their thinking to develop a truly adequate plan for financing the vast highway improvements which must go hand in hand with the growth of turnpikes. Bradley says the bars to this sort of development are now down. It remains to be seen what public authorities can do to translattUhig opportunity ino the realty of a fully modem highway net- Blotting Out Beria Is Rewrite Job The liquidation of "traitors" on the Moscow pattern sounds at first blush like a pretty simple process. You just take them out and shoot them.

But it really isn't quite that easy. In the Soviet Union, liquidation is a two-stage affair. First you hold a phony trial which winds up in the execution of the fellow marked for oblivion. But then you must also rub him out of the history books. Take the case of the late, unlamented Lavrenti Beria, once head of the Russian secret police.

It's been some time now since Premier Malenkov and associates finished off this prime "enemy of the But blotting him out of Russian history couldn't be done in a day. Beria was a highly important figure in Russian councils all through the late Thirties, the Forties and into the Fifties All approved accounts of Soviet events mentioned him prominently and favorably. Now all this must be undone. It is not enough for the average Russian to understand that Beria "became a traitor." His name must be eradicated from every printed page. The part he played in the Communist story must be forgotten by the Soviet masses.

The new histories coming off the presses must make it seem to all that Beria never existed. In many ways this is the weirdest most unreal aspect of modern totalitarian society. It is more than a tyranny of men. It is a tyranny of transient attitudes and opinions. And as they change, the whole of Russian history mush change to fit the newest approach.

If there were some kind of mental Olympic Games, the Russian rewriters of history would surely capture all prizes for gymnastics. Views of Others Now An Insurance Plan For Teeth Socialized medicine is going to have a hard time getting a foothold in this country so long as voluntary health insurance plans keep coming along to take care of people's health needs. Nearly everyone Is familiar with one of the various hospital insurance plans that have been developed in all parts of the country. They are increasingly popular for the low-cost protection they offer. Now a plan has been set up to do for the dental field what hospital insurance has done for bodily ills.

The experiment is being tried in 16 New York and New Jersey counties. When the subscriber first joins, he must undergo a complete dental checkup. Any work that needs to be done to make his teeth sound must be paid by the subscriber up to $150. Beyond that the plan takes care of the difference. Once the subscriber's teeth are in sound condition all dental work thereafter is paid for by the plan at a rate of $1.65 a month.

The dentists, in turn, are paid fixed fees approved by The New York's dental society. Thus, for relatively small monthly payments, an individual today can protect himself to a considerable degree against the high cost of keeping his body in repair. We see no reason why the dental program should not work out as well as hospital insurance Herald. Supply and Demand When the price of coffee began soaring, many panicky householders feared the result would be still more disasterous because it could not be subjected to the traditional law of supply and demand in the United States. But that factor promises soon reassert itself.

After World War II, United States price controls ended and coffee began its rise to astronomical heights. Brazil has producted 60 per cent of the world crop. Brazilian planters, remembering over-production in the past, did little to increase acreage. But plantings were increased in other countries which eyed the lush American market. Hundreds of thousands of trees were planted in Latin America.

Africa and Asian countries. Coffee trees began bearing at five years. Coffee from new sources is just beginning to come to market. Production in Brazil has slumped to 45 per cent of the world crop and will decline further But high prices are encouraging more and more planting of coffee trees in other lands. American housewives have assisted the trend by cutting their consumption.

It was down an estimated 15 per cent in March. Thus the amazing increase in coffee quotations are encountering the ancient natural controls or reduced consumption because of high prices and stepped up production for the same Mount (N. Telegram. SO THEY SAY I don't want to embarrass the President on foreign policy. They (GOP) plenty time trymg to embarrass me on mine, but my sympathies are all with the President Where There's Smoke There's Bound to Be Fire! -wa fjt ii Peter Ed son's Washington Funds Are Sought to Investigate WASHINGTON The federal-state unemployment insurance system is wearing a nasty black eye these days.

It results from charges or suspicions that an estimated 176,000 American working people out of the four million who collected unemployment insurance last year may have obtained up to $75 apiece through fraud or overpayment by state agencies handling the claims. Total of the overpayment is variously estimated at. $13 million to $22 million. Theae estimates have emerged from a "wild guess" made by Robert C. Goodwin, federal administrator of the Bureau of Employment Security in Department of Labor.

Goodwin had made his estimates on the basis of 42 cases of fraud and 23 additional cases of improper payment. These cases were discovered in a survey of only 950 cases investigated among all the 37 million U. S. workers now covered by employment insurance. This is considered too small a sample to show the real situation.

To get accurate figures on how prevalent fraud may be nationally. Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell has asked Congress for authority to make- a real survey next year. This survey would cover from 100,000 to 200,000 cases in all 48 states and cost around $2.5 million. The existence of fraud in filing unemployment insurance claims has always been a threat to the system, says Goodwin.

All the state law hsaepvelnf itaores fr 11 a i ms hTeerh.ave been many convictions. Last year the states reported just under 40,000 cases of detected fraud, involving nearly $3 million in overpayments. But $1,700,000, or 'nearly 60 per cent, of this total was recovered. These figures cover only the cases discovered, however. How many more slipped through for lack of proper inspection and audit is unknown.

The purpose of the big survey will be to find how to prevent them in the future. In most of the cases. Goodwin believes, deliberate fraud was not the cause of overpayment. It was more misunderstanding of rights and responsibilities under the unemployment insurance plan. He cites a few typical cases to show how it works: Suppose Joe Blow, a highly skilled glass worker, is laid off three or four weeks.

His state law may require that, to receive unemployment insurance benefits, he must actively seek other work. Being a skilled craftsman, he may not want to take up street sweeping. The state law may not require that he seek work outside his own trade. So he reports no other suitable work can be found and files a claim. Collusion between employer and employe may sometimes be responsible for fraud.

Rosie A. Rivt- boss liks Rosie and may want her back on the job after the honeymoon. So he may let her claim sh has been laid off for a coupl of weks, to collect unemployment insurance while she's on her honeymoon. Erskine Johnson IN HOLLYWOOD Guys and Dolls: It may come as a blow to fans who flip over Judy Holliday's trained Brooklynese, but the Oscar winner is speaking Sir Laurence Oliver's brand of English in her new Columbia flicker, "Phfft." What's more, she's a society lass from the right side o.f the tracks in her switchover, and she's saying: "This girl is a more legitimate person than Billie Dawn of 'Born Yesterday' and all the variations of Millie I've played. She's not zany or dizzy.

I was afraid Billie would last forever and that I'd never get away from her." It's the kind of a role Carole Lombard played, says Judy, adding: "Sure, I'd like to stay away from dizzy blondes. But I'm at the mercy of my scripts. There aren't so many good ones that you can choose." CORNEL WILDE'S Fox contract nixed television, but his emoting in "A Woman's World" ends the pact. He'll try the home screens with "an idea I have for a different kind of dramatic series." Currently playing opposite Yvonne de Carlo in "Where the Wind Dies," Cornel says he's had talks with C. B.

DeMille about Joshua in "The Ten Commandments" and that he's editing the completed screenplay of "Lord Byron." The word's out that "Commandments" may be last movie, but Cornel doesn't believe it. He says: "DeMille's the "youngest fellow I know. I walked six blocks with him the other day and I almost had to run to keep up with him. He'll be making pictures 50 years from now." Still another type of fraud that has to be checked is nonpayment of payroll taxes by employers, employer provocation ol labor disputes in anticipation of slack work periods, or contesting- of claims by employers to gain higher experience ratings. Nearly all cases are for relatively small amounts of money, though they add up to big totals.

County prosecuting attorneys and state court judges don't like to handle these little cases. Also, it's unpleasant to have to force collection of an overpayment from someone who is out of work and down on his luck to begin with. It is admitted that there has been an increase in unemployment insurance fraud cases over the past year. One reason is that unemployment has been higher and the temptation to file a claim for more than is due, or all that can be collected, is natural. The state lawmakers apparently recognized that unemployment insurance is a major means Of stabilizing business.

In the first three months of 1954 the whole federal state system pumped over half a billion dollars back into the national economy. And for the individual worker, that system can be his best friend in time of greatest need. the Doctor By EDWIN P. JORDAN. M.

D. Written for NEA Service What troubles we mortals do have Mrs. B. asks for advice about a friend who "suffers from every phobia one can think of." She goes on to say that the friend had an appointment with an eye specialist, but by the time she had her eyes tested she had become so neurotic she thought she was going blind, when all she needed was glasses for reading. This sort of thing, of course, is a nightmare to the person suffering from the phobia and a distressing and trying experience for family and friends.

In discussing it, it should be said first that a phobia is an abnormal fear. It is not the kind of fear which all of us have in the face of a real risk. It Ls an excessive fear of something which is either imaginary or which a normal person will shrug off with little worry. true phobia only when a person thinks about death almost constantly. True phobias make the victim miserable and can completely dominate their lives and point of view.

Even when the nature of the fear seems amusing to the outsider, it is a constant source of annoyance to the person involved and causes untold mental distress. Should anything be done about these abnormal fears? The answer is yes, if possible. But remember, being afraid is abnormal only when it is excessive. In severe cases of phobia or obsession it may be a symptom of real mental disease. Under such circumstances, of course, a psychiatrist should be consulted.

There are many kinds of fears and I shall mention only a few of them because someone might think of a new phobia for the first time. One fear is called acrophobia, which is fear of great heights. This seems to be quite common, probably so much so that it is almost "normal." There is another fear called bathophobia, which really means fear of great depths. If it really meant the way it sounded it would be common enough among children There are other phobias with long and astonishing names and even stranger meanings. At the risk of making this sound like a list, here are a few: fear of bees; fear of being dirty; bibliophobia of books fear of gaiety: and necrophobit, or fear of death.

Obviously, the last Is a fear It. A. JACOBY ON BRIDGE Written for NEA Service By OSWALD JACOBY One Bad Play Leads To Bridge Disaster Sout couldn't- open today's hand with a bid of two no-trump, since that would show 22 to 24 points with all suits stopped. South had only 21 points, and the spade suit was very much unstopped. When North could respond with one spade, however.

South had to come out from behind the bushes. North could be counted on for a spade stopper with a. count of at least 6 points. Hence all suits would be safely stopped and the combined count would be at least enough for game. South's energetic leap to three no-trump showed his immense strength.

The contract was reasonable, but South should have been defeated. He made his contract because East is the sort of player who likes to trust to his instinct rather than to scientific play. West led the jack of diamonds, and South won and led a spade to dummy's king. West played the six of spades, and East very properly held off. Declarer success- fee.

qiiMa of and led his other spade towards dummy's queen. West followed suit with the eight of spades, and East consulted his instinct once again. It was a bad day for instinct, or perhaps the wind was blowing from the wrong direction. At any rate, East held up his ace a second time. This was a serious mistake.

South took a second club finesse and then clanked down the ace of clubs. He wound up with ten tricks: four clubs, three diamonds, two spades and one heart. If East had been scientific, he HOLLYWOOD'S BIG 1954 spectacles are glorifying the rugged, i swashbuckling male, but at least one dramatic queen is sticking it out in Movietown until the tide turns in favor of the female of the species. Says Eleanor Parker, twice an Oscar nominee for her emoting in "Caged," and "Detective "If an actress feels arty about her career today she should try the stage." Typed in "Valley of the Kings" and "One More River to Cross" as a period costume beauty with no great dramatic opportunities, Eleanor's not hanging her head. She says: "I'm a dramatic actress, but I've come around to the viewpoint that it's more important to do the commercial kind of pictures to please the masses." If John Derek ever gets around to penning his autobiography, there will be a chapter titled "How Television Helped My Movie Career." It's a puzzle to handsome John, but his ernoting in TV's hour-long version of "A Place in the Sun" brought him contract offers from four studios, with Paramount winning out in the bidding.

Paramount now plans to build him into one of Hollywood's most important stars with "Run for Cover" and other movies, and he's gulping on the "Hajji Baba" set at Allied Artists: "Now I've got a chance. It's all I've asked for. I'll never beef about anything again. There were times during this last year when I didn't know where the next dime was coming from. My wife and I had $8 in the bank, and borrowed money at that, when my first week's check for this picture came in," ing for pictures that will be graded for adults and children.

Van, who draws one of the best roles of his career in Warners' "Battle Cry," argues: "Censorship at the present time is limiting Hollywood tremendously." He sees the classification of movie fare as "a job for exhibitors" and says: "To obligate studios to make certain pictures for adults and certain pictures for minors would limit production. But if exhibitors would bar minors from attending theaters playing films classified for 'Adults then Hollywood could liberalize its present code. What's more, I believe the Johnston office and self-appointed censor groups would permit greater honesty under those circumstances." LITTLE LIZ- .9 Avoirdupois ond bathing suits! ore somewhat alike. The less a girl I has of either, the happier she is. IS Years Ago In Blythevilk NORTH I AKQJ73 742 4974 EAST 4kA92 853 SOUTH (D) 454 VAJ95 WEST A 10 8 6 VK103 J1096 4652 AAQJ10 North-South vul.

South West North East 1 Pass 14 Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening would have known that West held three spades and that South could therefore hold only two. (If West had two or four spades, he would play the eight first and then the six. His actual play of the six first and then the eight of spades showed that he had exactly three cards in that suit.) If East had known this, he would have taken the second round of spades with his ace. South would make only one spade trick and would have to give up a club trick sooner or later. He would therefore win only eight tricks, for a one-trick set.

NOW THAT the Supreme Court has turned a deaf ear to its plea to overturn the tidelands bill, Rhode Island justices to use a rehearing aid. Dallas Morning NO WIT'S Van Heflin joining with Sam Goldwyn, Bill Holden and other Movietown advocates of a revised censorship code in ask- Miss Mary Hubler will go to Memphis tomorrow where she will attend West Tennessee State Teachers College this summer. "Eddie Regenold and son, John Ed, and Charles Crigger, are spending today in Memphis. Miss Mary Reichel has gone to points in Indiana and Wisconsin where she will visit relatives during the summer months. SOME VIEW the problem of the auto makers as overproduction, and others say it is underconsumption.

Still others see it as a lack of vacant lots for Orleans States. WHILE a national survey is being made to find out what happens to the larger fish in the ocean and larger lakes, we'd like to know what happens to some of the little ones, Herald. IT CERTAINLY is to be hoped that one of these days the "votes of confidence" the French parliament keeps conducting on the-government will produce a little (S. Piedmont. Aunt Molly Harms-worth hat a cousin who has kept going back to the same place for her summer vacations for three years because she got overstocked in picture post cards the first year and cleaned them out yet.

Movie Actor Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 1 Movie actor, Merrill 5 He is a performer 9 Molding 10 Cry of bacchanals 11 Disclose 13 Snare anew 16 Anger 17 Schemes 19 Driving command 20 Dreadful 22 He a popular actor 23 Weights of India 24 Legislator 27 Playing card 28 Body of-water 29 Capuchin monkey 30 Irritate 31 Sesame 32 Glitter 35 Liberate 39 Give ear to 40 Exist 41 Fall in drops 42 Bitter vetch 43 Shield bearings 46 Bustle 47 Senility 49 Looks fixedly 51 Feminine appellation 52 Girl's name 93 Bamboolikt grass 54 Direction DOWN 1 Administer 3 Harvest 4 Shout 5 Flowerless plants 6 American inventor 7 Land parcel 8 Unipn 11 Disencumbers 12 Iroquoian Indian 14 Go by aircraft 15 Nuisance 18 Ventilate 21 More facile 23 Went by boat 25 Gull-like bird 26 Sturdy tree 27 Kite part 29 Female saint (ab.) 32 Farm building 33 Demigod 34 Church fete 35 Unit of reluctance 36 Biblical mountain 37 Lateral part 38 Epic poetry 40 "Staff of life' 43 Coquettish glance 44 Domestic 45 Greek portico 48 Drink made with malt 50 Art (Latin).

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