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Weekly Oregon Statesman from Salem, Oregon • Page 2

Salem, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Black Hawk Colt, FLY-BY-MICHT. EASTERN NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Kritni our Ktlrs nt (tiiliilsy. moving on Wheeling Va nr I'lltlslinrg I'. I'ha rumor rosts on tlm laot that a force appeared nt Morgitntnwn Va en the Muninigiiliola rlvor neiir the Htnto Hue of l'a, No fears are foil fur Iho safety of either place) It It not probable the rb.

elt will advanr.ti further north. A llarritburg dispatch of Id-day lay "ny roiilradictory ronortiaro In circulation relative to the rohnl raid. There It no doubt tlioy have ta "grrenhank euaa" bought a hill of goods at one of our slums last week, and, after getting tha In his wrnn, drew greenbacks mi tho morebant. The latlnr rushed tn the wagon, gobbled up the goods, returned them to his thelvna.and told greenback to budgo. or two poslmsslert, In tlielr anxiety to have the fluttmm dltenntttined, ham returned copies tout to their nlllcea.wllhnut the knowledge or consent of the nersons to whom tliov wern nd- els, int'liiding threnonptiiiusnnil live lieiitennnts mid inimher nf nnd lifty mules.

They burned eight wngiim nnd a quantity of arms, ('ul, Drunks cuiiiiiiiiiiiling thn rebel tutiiip whs Ciiplureil hill tuliseqiieiitlv esunped. No cus-nnlties on our side, Tlireo tliiiniiuid three hmidrefl citizens have iilrcndy tnkon tho oath of tilleginnee. Rebel AllHch on Itnllt'OHd Train, A "mull pnrty uf rebels titliiched a Louis-vllln train on the pimsnge frnm this city. The rebeli killed two passengers. No duiimgo Wat done to the trunk.

Army of Potomac Nkw Yciik, April 28. The Timet sayi a rumor reached here last night that tho Army of the Potomac it moving. regimenta Btnto mllitin, fur thirty tiny. The I election for city oIKoera iu Chicago resulted In tho eVrctkm of all tho uVmnorntio catuliilate. Tbo oonteat wm vt-ry iplrlted, and the vote wn tho largett ever cat! in the oily.

Qoti. Ilunkt haa penetmted the twampt of Luitkini beyond Franklin, and li nil! "nmruhiug on," thnugh what lit ia after down there It net eatlly teen. Porlmpt to brook the rebel trndo by the inlet from the gulf and thence through to the eaatideof Uio MiMiuippi. Gen. Foster hat relieved htmtelf from oinliarrattinent at Little Washington, and In turn ha assumed the ag-gressire.

Hi protracted defenae of tho plaoe and prompt pumult of tho retreating rcbele, entitle him to more than ordinary credit. With a force little exceeding 5.01X1, ho roslsted a tlege of over three week by 17,000 rebel, and when they withdrew, Instantly began the tiur- Indi. lhr Danish briirude hail arrived, at ht. Croix on the lth. The crewi of tho fol-Invtinrr veeeela wero captured hy the Fhiri.Ia i Ship i Star of IW, liark Upland, of New York, captured nn the II 1st In latitude 30.

Longitude .15. Th fww ihe Star of l'eaoe oad ihlpped nn tho rMorida. Dm, rosier In I'lMalt of the nebcin. 1 Nhw York, April 25. PMiwnif It? the steamer Dudley my that Gob.

Koiter with o.OIXl men loft Nowliern on the IGlh. When last heard from ou Kriilay he at Deeey Galoh, hut had met with hut few atrafglinp; rebel ou Friday, however, a brink Mnnortaiting era heard for nn hour and a half nd it rt ramoml that Hill, with robel f(irw, In the direotion from whence it wm heard, Mgagement li thought to have occurred. WAtH Report Brpuljo or fedorala. New from Richmond or the Slat, lays ou the authority of a Jaokion, Mississippi, riii. rtatoti that the rebel General Chalmeri' command repulsed 4.000 of our troop ou the CoW-water, and that the Union troopi had retreated in great diwrder, with Chalmera in purauit.

Vilon Form. Hrtreatlai toward Springfield, Mo. St. Loira, April 25. Farmemille hat been evacuated by the Fed-rata and they are falling back toward Spring-Sera.

i Newt From Tennrisce. A diPateh from Murfreeboro, 24lli, Kiyi a parole of 18 men froix: lHOhlowaa attacked ywiterdaT on Stone river, by 30 rebel twalry after bnak stftitiiir the latter fled, leaving tev. oral wounded. Onr loot, nothing. Another rebel diviston il reported at Itarn Flill, 2.1 mile from LoWon.

An attack on that plaoe i ex- Dented. Th ietilleaUinaaa ar. that Improvrmeut In Arniiimttit of Iron lads. Nkw Yoitic, April 25. A snoolnl tn the World tnv It piirlinl rt'vo- iitlnn lias lii'iiii I'ffeotcd In tho Ordiiiintm Bit- renii nf thn Nnvy Dcpurtuiinit, In rmnsiiiiioiioe tif tint fuilnru nl the Httntik nn Cliiirleiliin.

Now IlitlriiiUlniis Imvn lieon Itsuml rospt'Otilig the imminent uf Iron cluilt, the Diilghieti guns arv tn Im removed, und an cniirely new 13 inch nil enpnlile of using 7 puiuuls nl imwder nt a linrgK it In lie uhetitutcd. This will be btiforo thu uttnok nn Chiirlcatmi In renewed, Rain Htorminigli Wnter. A special tn tho Tribune frnm the Army nf thu Piitomiio inyi ciitillnutid ruin havo swol-Inn thu rivers nnd itrimini iu thnt wen the lirnnlii lire unfnrdiilile. ltfhnl Loan Rt hnfTolk nnd Nnnnomond. Nkw YnitK, April 27.

It il esllinaled that the rehel hisses In llm Into attntiki on Hulliilk aud the Niiiiseuinnd wero eight tn our iinu. Brltlib Oetormlne to Htop titling ont 1'rlvatoeri. The Kxurtti lfiirns that llioro am prlvnto etturi In tho cltv. atiitiutr tlutt the niiliuy uf tht British Oiivoriiiiient ie now settled, vix to res olutely ttop the lilting nut uf any more, privu. leei't or vettult til wiir In llrltlsn pnrit.

tie mmo paper leHriit tlutt the rehul tuvvitineni ni Waihiiigtnn, N. will a Ittint tn cover the carrying ell' uf nil the grain in Hyde oounty In whioh they were nioovtsful. Hub-Marine Telegraph Arrow the Knppahniinnrk. IntclliKi'tioo from tho lieuiliiiinrtert of the Artnr uf tho rntumao, niontinna an Important arrest at Falinoiitli uf ponniii who bud oniitrnl of tho operations of a iiib-iimriuo telegraph citlilo under the Itnppiihniiiiouk for eoininuuioa-ting with the tummy. roft Bojnl, Virginia, Tshen by tbe Petlrrali.

STATinN, April 23. An c.Ttieditlnn, eoniiftlnit of twu rrgltnents, reuolied Tort Cunwny on the "'Id, nnd nt day light they built twvornl pnutoiiui nnd crossed thu rivor and seiied the town of I'urt ltnyal. whioh wus oooiipied hy a body uf the enemy'! eavnlrv, iniiiihuriiig over The oavalry wu tpeeilily dltpersoil nnd ill) or morn or thorn ou lured und linrned, severnl liurses and iniiloi wero bniiiglit away. Bvbcli Htrengthonlnr near frederlchibure. IIkahudaiitkiis Army Hotomac, April 2.1.

The onemv havo Increased their foroe along tho height hank of Fredericksburg mid strengthened their pickcta. Their cumpa Bra much mure niiiiiurnti ami their troops ciin lie lecn drilling ut ultitost nil hour of tho dny. Hurceuful Expedition. Nkw Youk. April 24.

A Fortress Mnnrne It Iter nf the 2.1th snys Yestenliiv iiinriiine a fufee nf liifiintrr. cavulrr and ntlillery uiuler Oen. Corcoran, wa sent nut friuti there on the F.ileutnn riwd, to dnvu the enemy from their rillv pits, hich were doing a grunt deul of Our troupe nd-vnnced onulioiisly and drew the lire of the enemy, the artillery then opened nn the rebel the infantry corned the rille pit nt the point nf the Imynnet, dislodging the rebels, tho in airy turted in pursuit unit captured a uunilrer of prisoners. Prlie Vesicli and the Dlockaden. New YottK, April 27.

A correspondent from Key West nf tho snys there wero ill port thirty ntixe veteels, wlHNte cargtH-a were uisposeil nl ny tlie cnnri. The giitibuut Siigaiiinre iltiriiig crnno un the est otidst destroyed two hloukudu ruuuers loaded with otittun and grniu. From Mlnourl and Arkaniaa. 8t. Lottia, April 28.

Oueral Van Denver left fur liulhi, Misiutirl, on Weilnetduy, idi a brigade ul cuvulry and artillerj. It is Hated that Blarmailiike lias a foroe nl 20.000 men in niitheust Mo and 1'rice at I'ocahimta. Ark. lnlelliience aa tn the nninlier and intention nf the reltela oudnr Marmadnko ie anlisfaulory. I heir nuiulier la estimated nt B.lll).

A Iiuiii-ber nf our lruon iaitittiuued within half a mile nf them. Dattle and Defrat of Rebel. Bt. Lnuia. April 27.

Dispatches from Cnpn (lirnrtlcau my the rebels H.000 strniig ntlauked our fnruei there at II o'clock. A. M. lighting continued 3 hour, at the end nf which tho rebels wero repulsed. Transport Run the Blockade at Vlrkibnrg.

Caiho. April 27. Last Wednesday night tix transptiru, Itwd-ed with tture protected nn the larboard aide by cntton and bar, mn tho hlnokndo nt Viukihurg. They left Milliliin'i llend at 0 o'clock nvoonipaiiivil by llio Von l'liul. with Caenernls Cirunl, Mtil'lierson and Logan, and Mime 200 linntlred proininelil army ollieori on litsird.

The Tig rose led the way without a light, intending to Hunt down until discovered, and then iti-nin ilnnii nt the greotest ppeetl. Tbo other liiwita wcie to follow in tho eniue luniinvr nt inli-rvale. Tho Tigrre hod been gnue about hulf an hour when a flush, followed by a peal nf distant thunder, told in iho hod been discovered, and tint upper butteries had npvnetl lire tin tier. The un l'liul dropped down to tho bi-ml uf the onuiil. nnd Irnui that point we a guild demonstration.

Ai tlie hoots wheeled round tho llend, bnllery lifter battery opened upon llietn grent luuilitet Ken- lighted, overspreading earth and sky ith a ruby glow. The onniinnnde lusted thrro hours. Six hniulred shot worn fired, lull four bunts eeonped uiiscntheil. Tho Moderator wui disabled by tho cxpliteinn uf a thell iii her engine nmin.hut the ciin lonti ho repaired. Tint Tigrtti wai truck between wind nnd water, near the al-rn tearing away a pieoo large omiugh to tiuk her in a ihort lime.

She it thought In he a total Ins. Tho whole, thing vta. however, a complete tucoesa. Thu crows of the vessels were volunteers from the various regiment. From California Cwe of J.

R. Coryell and Eotr the Mnrder. 8an Fkanimbco. April 28. Court of leeeinnt to day ovor-rilled the demurrer in the cam uf J.

11. Coryell for altering Swamp Lnlid Hill after It paaaed the Legislature. Trial set for May 7th. In Twelfth District Court a jury hni been nbtninvd afk-r itxlinutling a pnnuel of 148 Ju-run in the case of EufT for tho murder of Chapman. High Price of Urllli.

Ortlers have been received from New York in this city to purchase all the drilli in thit market at higher figure than have recently ruled. Arrival of Steamer Conatllntlon. Steamer Constitution arrived nt 3 o'clock p. with 840 passengers and Atlanlio mails nf lit Inst. Hhe brings a large quantity nf freight but only a mnll amount nf newspaper mail mailer.

Operation ot Rebel Gen. sinrmndke-nil Loaa In Lale Battloa. St. Lmna. April 87.

Dispntehe frnm Bolivar oonniy, tori that Mnriuatluke hoi itrimiud tlml aeutinn of everything niuvenlile, mhiiiug Unlonltta and leoei-fiiiinsli alike. Hi lus nn ntlnok un Cap Girardeau on Rundity, wa from to to 00 killed and over 200 wore wounded. Sevrnly-flv horses were killed. Buecetaful Engagement for the Fcderali. Lnler dispatches frnm Gen.

McNeil any Uen. Vnnduveer (federal) altuakcd tho enemy hurt night taking large ttiiiubur of prisoners and arm. The enemy wero pursued in Ilia direotion nf lllooinfield. Another Brilliant Federal Mutemnttt'ap-Inre of Frlioneri, btorei, iic. NAHitvii.i.ii, April 25.

I'art of Green Clay Hmilh'i diviilou mailt a daih on tht eamp of tht Teiau Leglnii, eight miles loiilh of Krnnkliu and cnpliircil 128 reb TIMK, TMIM bountiful Intra will lie kept nt the Mtnry Niehle of T. It. Klckoy, io Hnh-iii, from May 1st to Lull, I Sti3, tit IVO I'OM TMH fKAONI. Any re fuilhiir this venronn have the neat itettsori gritils. I'aslnmee lit P'-r nmnlh.

iT Mnnei at thn IJvory Hiehle of Ttennelt Qliioiliy, I'orllaoil, Will lie sent to ine i hi the rtinie reir, held at mtJ imiienoi tit ie. a iiBine lnokinK horee, shows mncili blot" and Is well nut uo. iHirfecilv snitnil, nnd has a me idea of perptit-imi tnotion i and when at the top of hi trpewd oeai a siroiur reseiolilniice to tlie noted trolliuir Itorse, Mhim AlleiT He ia years eld, a bewnifiil brown, with a slur la forelieail Is 1ft hands liiscb. k'lo i.v.Niul.Lu iui eH bt Canada Itlack Hawk, he try Old Vermont Kluek llnwki his tlnrn was a lawe blaek Moivan mare, tlanttda Dlitult lluwk was lire by Col. O.

Bow, of Noyiin, and Klv-hv NiM by l)nvid Derhik, of Clureneeville, LHtiasm rvoti A rljr-by-mehl Oolt takaa the let Pramlum at ins utiuoraia oiow Vie hv Nk'lil arrived iu Hacrameitio in 1S6I, and list hot a vearhioi nolle. Otw tlm took the IKST rUEMIUW the utuioiaia eutie ran- test "I'Voo. kn.uul,i n.v ravnrite horse to Oregon, slid lieen pertlnohir in deeerfbhur hint and Ml nudities, to saiisty the public that the coll is no humbug or broken tlOWO naeB.nnil nope look at him. TIioukIi not the largest, 1 believe him to ho the fasiosl stttllion In tho Htate, and in proof I airs iwulv. on llftoen tluvi noliie, to luaU hltn to eointle heats for any ainooiu the parties eon airree upon.

Ho has trotted in public in California in M4 Hi record will slaow. fl. isat.i'1.1. Bolem, May Hit, W. COLT FAIR At Salem, Saturday, June 6th, 1863.

IS I VIE proprietors of, ami tutents for Waterloo, Tiiil Jones, lthuik Hnwk and Htookion, oftor proininnie for ptieltlinir cults aod yearlings pf lite horses ahevo named, as follows For Suckllngi: let Premium A erstaun free le asry of the above stallions. Std HYemlom hriille ana ,50 eirelng-le. awl halter. For Yearlings 1st Premiom A session fro to ur of tbe hone above nniiied. Bil fremtum fs hrwff- and (1 ,90 sireinle.

Ut) Preinium inalter. ITT Yenrlitiire most Ne shown with baiter hi exlrt- hiliuu fur $5,00 Premium 1b Cola. J. 11 Emerr oir.T B'i in coin for the beat etonmrur veHrlitiii or snckiinif colt of auy stock, altowa wills Imlter. Eflnliftirm to evirrmtenee at In o'clortt.

a. Jexluee law all, J. ihnnnrn, V. 11 Carleton. Premiums free fbr oil Colti la the State.

It re also atrreed Vv ne that emv eoht fn the Stilt. either yeurliiifrs or snoklhtKe, otn eontend for these premitinat. tai lite payment of only 10 per eenl. en-truiten. The etsiu proinioni ia free for all without es Iniiuie charm.

We dosiidi that on parrhtlltv shall be shosm for the eoks of onr horses, hut tlutt all shall have jnstioe in the awards, and we pledie oar tHmest to irivocMUefnmioti in Hi panieuiur. I lie entrance fee is aiouil, and cannot prevent any line colt from lfr There will he inure of efieetl in lite afternoon, ln.tween tmttintr stitllions and areklinoa. sard ererv ef fort need to atalte lha tascaaioB one of interest alL B. All. Ill KIII3, Iwnera ot I'huI Il ls.

DONNELLY, Atr't ftir htoektoo. 1. B. EMKUT, Owner of Itlnrk Hawk. J.

B. WELCH, Ajf't fur Waterloo, atlem, Mav Stlt, IftKl lwlf BENJ. STEANG, niAi.ia is PARLOR aND COOK STOVES OP RrtRV PATTRRN, XeeNt eooslaully oa hand, end Maaafactere to ctvder, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, On reaaonable lernai. MKTAL HOOFING, and dOBBUt'O of all kind. promptly attended to.

nimp on intiimeirmi street, Bulera, Oregon, 2 door North of Brown cV Myers1. VXtil fakerisT Stile. VTOTICE is Iteroby kivmi that bv virtue i.f ut exe- 1 a eulion I ate directed from tlte elerk of tbe cin-utt court fur Yaeaiiili euautv, (rretrtm, in favor of K. T. vi aslibitrn and airainat ol limes and u.

Kuluu-stm. and fur wain of etuTiuieui pereottul propertv to aulielV the aatua, i lutva levivtl utua tit following; di-sertuetl real property as the proif1y of tlte suid taee ana nomiistio to wn, neittif atrt or aee. leiu ts I w.aiid hounded as follows! lletriiutintf at a point 13 ohs 10 Iks uf the poet on line between see. It! und IMu tire nfoeeeaid townshin: tltetiee eouth HA 10 ths; llH-tM-e 3tl dott. 11 ehs.

tit Ika i ttieue It etie Ike. i tltetiee ehs. tl lka to the place of Iwytiiuiuic. eoulaiiuiuf 11 o0-ltm acrea, more er lewa, with all titta improvetnwols and anoaflartoSMwaa tltereuuio 0111111; a sttw-nnll. and other oaubiuklinars.

all uf whteh will be udeeed lur eale at public aurliou to the hicheal tedder, ftreaafa at liautl, uu lite aretiMeee, li nulea from Lafnvetle.111 mud eoniiiv. on the rkhdayof Jnne, Ihta, at lo'dock. uouu, ut stud dav, to satatfy suid exectitton and ousts. UKNltY WAKKEN. bkerul of stud eutiutv.

Lafayette, April 57ih, IS63. IwU NltrriiT ajalt. OTIt'E bt herehv elven that hv virtue of an exa-i a nemo lo ate directed from the' I'lt-rk of the lle-enil fur the enuutv of Yamhill, llreffon, in favor of G. W. Miller and attains! Uitlutioial and hdward tfalli nnd for wnttt of eotftrient teraomtl prttpeetv Uisntiafv the satae, I have levied trpoa the fidh.wiuar diribaml renleelnle ae Ihe property uf lite said Kdwaud Ilnll, to wu 1 I oiinneiiiiiie nt the corner of A Millar' lend claim; theiiee weet, to Werreu's comer; iheiire north 10 lown line thenre rant 10 Jtawplt Cornwall's line thence smith, bulweon Joseph Cora-wall's and A.

Millet htnd rluttii, ao ae Io im luuia It's aerea, ln'iiix Kit-titmnid Hull's ilotntiion Umd rlsim and silnaietl in 1 5 ft in Yamhill cumy. On xuu' The nleive deenribed premisee, lib all the improve-llielile and appiirtftutlicce then-uiltu ith a huttte nnd other out boihltinre. will lie offered for aula r.t public, to lite htarhcat bidder for in hutid. 101 tlie pretuiaes, 4 nitlus euutlt of in suid Yamhill euuntv. on ih ii.

June, INhJ, I ,1 cluck r. of'totid djiv. to aaiisfr suid caeeulhai atnl cueu. lIKNlty WAKKKN Mheriffof eaidc Ijifitvelle. April "Tilt, 1)03.

To Wool Growers. T'lIK niiderslirned desire to infortn tlto wool yrrowere 01 tin-iron who to improve their Hoeke. that we ti a few t'tloit'K riioHoriv who may desire we hitve for sale a It ti II aatssaaasosai iNKKiMit tllKlir, or Ihe Krulicb. rtDaniah and Attelralutn families of lhal breed. JtiSKPH HOLMAN.

JOHN JUNTO Parties intorvwlod, are reopecilully referred Io tlto lists of ftrsatwats wrerdetf by tkt Ortpon Ulutt Ag-rarwfaro Sonrty, where II will be eeen thst ihe small floelt we now refer to sell from has trained FIVE I Kiel rMI.Kfand ONK out of 7 entries, a mi sat tkarm cntprhlitn Kith Uu ore aArep ia rte A'fofe. Atldree John Minlo, ttulem. or call at my fan, II miles sunlit of cedent, nn the elatre road. Harms: the sole liiaiiaireiiienl uf the fiot'k, I will warrant every animal eoltl to be oarr nod aa I represent il in evorv JOHN MINTO, livnioii llilh Marion April Idol ami) WATKjULiOO. THIS hih bred TROTriSO Rtallion will jtoYN'tlltal Ihe preaent ai-ajmu a lr yt CfS Plover, five miltv east or Knlem.ou Muo- day, Tiieedav and Wednesday, of each week, and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday al tlut llolilo of T.

II. Uickoy, Iu Stiletu, ut ae tmr iMien, Reason to ooinnience April 12th and end July lSib. Any mure prttvintt uut ui foal oau It returned neat seaepn free of cltitrite. i.tHid itastnmxe fttnilslied to ware front a distance). Waterloo waa aired bjr Hotiry, of Jtow York, and wna out of an imported mare, anil iu eixo, color, and irenerul appearance Is vera savrs file A'-HVataa.

Kor inanv years, Wniorltat stood al the head ul the Weet-ern Turf ae a Iwo mile trotter, winuiux all the purse aiid premiums wherever shown, te ear tufaac t-tt B'tml, Htarouia,) rtaatae fas firmmm is fie Ul.OOH klSII oeerae foames IWaeetea, rrd He' also won the l'KKMH'M far HtnuUltr Wislteaa aat Ike C'oVtoraw fr'itiV ft'tn-maenfe ie lliiil. His Inst uppeniunee on the turf was al the Illinois Stale Fair at Kreeporf. in where he won the Noriely' pnrne and preniliiat, frwitar far latt Arx'aa Hue of lite aet nf YYatorlini trotted last aoaaoa In IM. aud his ndie aetierally are outsidcred toe. Waterloo iein good health and condition.

For further parlieiilara apply to J. WKI.l II, Aitent, lui -alein, lireyua. Aditititlalrufor'a filf. I WILL sell al auelinn. on Ihe prentiee.

in Yamhill county, on Monday. June 1st, between 10 n- and I r. as "tlie following- described land, belotiuliiK 10 the estate ut II. Ueltorne.doc'd, lale of Ynnthill eonnty, to pay the debts of sattt eetale, there not boiiio personal proierty to satisfy the sntnet Fraeiionitl west half of or of see. H7.

Kiver lots and a in see. il, nnd Ire. tiogoi nan 01 a tir. 01 teo in I s. a en-.

utiiiiiK uo acres. ai. ncA UKU K. Adm't 1 Hay lotxi. ip a fnmilv boll, aides of the rltfht slriie.

He look titer Kill VI' I'UKMII'M al the Isieoln Kitir. fitttvl fcs VM of I Hon, also, the FIRST I'KKMI LM KtiU 'i iiti'l as heiittr the best Trotter in ttliforiua, ken Miirgiinlmvn, anil now oooupv It Willi rroui to H.tiDO troops iiiitlor Joulilnsi our troop aruln motion, to Intercept hlui.iintl artillery lining sent from llarrlshurg. Anollier dispatt'h fmin llnitintown stales that the rebel ling Hunts ovor Morgaiitown, and men, women and children are Dying In all dlrecllons. Tho llaltiinoro and Ohio Kallroad between Cumberland and Onflon was destroyed. IlAl.TIMiiIti:, April 2H.

Largo bodies of troops have been moved to all Important points nn the lino of the llaltlmore and Ohio railroad, which guarantees ample and pni-nmnent pretention. It Is not btillevad that work will bo delayed Iwonty-toiir hours on tho road, PHli.aiiHbPUia, Aitrll tH. A large amount of tpecio reached I'ltttburg from Wheeling last ulght, Wreck of a VeiielLoii of Llfn. Bt. Johni, V.

11 April W. The Anglo Saxon, from Liverpool with 3tW passenger! and a craw nf Ht men, was wrecked four mllt't east of Cape Kaco at noon, to-day. Bitty-three ptrsont rtcapsd from the wreck by meniit of ropet, and twenty-four mora in a life bout, milking total of saved. Two other boats have not vol arrived. In eontennonce of the fog.

Heveil more who embarked on a rnft arn still misting. There Is att 111 a heavy tea fug. The om. mamler la supposed to bo among the drowned the purser, tirst and second otliners, and surgeon, wero saved. The deck broke up about une hour after tha vcttol ttrncki about toveiity person clung to the rigging until the foremast full, but no assistance could bt rendered.

I'ickton, April SH. The ateamar Dauntless picked up two bouts this forenoon containing 90 persons. Very clear off tho Weat, to-day, Tho Flve-Twuty Honda. April till. Tho subscriptions to the llve-twitnty bonds yesterday and today, amount to three aud a half mllliou.

f. Hold. Nkw YnHK, April 28. Btnckt flrmer. flold quit at iVJ.

Bout of the Rebeli at Cape Ulrardean. Ht. Liiuii, April iS. Uen. Vtn Ihtveer came upon tho enemy near Cape Ulrardean, attacked ami routed him, taking many prisoners, horses, arms, dto.

The rebels retreated toward llloointiold in most disorder pursued by Van Dovear and McNeil. Caihii, April Advices from t'ape fllmrdeou say all is qiiiei there. The woroeit, ami rebels here in lid! retreat ou the lll.aimnflil roe. Willi UiNuill III elnee ptimilt. It was lloNeill's tntentiwi to eend a fore to the enaniv rear jlifor the purpose ef tieeirnvhig the brtdires over Uie river, tittle cutuog off hie rstroai.

rtltouid be suo seed, tuual of their force will be eaplilred. Tcnnesiee Kewi. Mesrsssssoao, April VS. Tits rebels are nporM as navies atale leifMrtant etove-taanu In ear front, atsurlslljr ensnslus Uta stiustlon, alitlh-ir In reply to ear msvanaals so ItcMienvllle, or utsl rebels are weary of wslllos fur us to a.trattcr Is not hnotni. II Is known tltat Krass hsi even reteforeail hv one brtssils front MalJila.

A MiMiitlnel rastaHat, treat Vleksaem, ties been ami back from L'lisunoosa. A lers force lias r.litlereeil NanrriMtsr, llrmttkni Ot rrhal rlshl. flrii. Jolmilon Is rrfMirteO la Mrs ntitvwl kls haadqaarlara Io Ni.lhy One llTtilon la at Our lisp, twelve antes front slttrtrvesliere, on tho ehrlOvvillv TrrtMoil roa4. Two at- al IMI aukl.

whtlo a Utles feres Is saM te nave boon at iMolitila IM. far soma ilart. II la Mkivoil In rtbal eaatss Utat tf Hoserrsoa dots uol svsnea Hrsss will an alissa. Oa ano.t eelneniy, la slalo.1 that Bran has 16,000 man. Rebel New.

A Ists ftlehmotwt a'ateleae, sneakies at slslrs kt louth Oarolios. ears Ihtrearo ImlteaUaaa af lot Vsokoas atnvlne, II tiutKH0l Introllon la In atake a ral.1 Iu the vicinity of L'oasBWltstrhlr, probably In stloeipl to drilroy Ihs batwven tlksruiton ami Hsvannali. A rroosrlnlciburif eorrtiuoatlrel at lav JUpdrM af Uta itlk. wrllrs "Wv sre not.t, bol supertentanil ltnfM4l and cool'tanl." Tltt ssate paeor Itas a totosrset. wmrn sort tna rrtivma aro aorsncmr la isskson, Iim hy Ih.

MvrtOiaa road tavy kad assuwysd a suae brldta an Ine rtvvr. The Inillanola Unnboat. VrsssisoTov, April ft. Tka Nave Dapsrlatrel ksa roeelved lauvr froa Rosr- Atialrsl Porbrr, dslwl April IUi. Sllat ar count of rattnlas battvrtta.

It sdot nnlklot eel what has keen already pol-lishad. forler sayi thai sa esaetlnallan of Uta Indlaenla shows that ska Is HtUfh hsllertel. Vila rvaals aarrleil at nee two etna Inch soni, sue lven Ineh suit was burst and Uta ether ilea aloaatble In sins fast water. Foreign Newi. Ssw Test.

Arirll ft. The slsaoier Hsw York, freet r-iBlhaiiiatoe, Ike Itlh. has srrlied. Tbr Vlrrlnls. whlrh was Isenr'ieil en the Clyde for Ike Can'edrrelea Is reported In Iks rtnuth Chssnrl for thi- Vrenrh, wherv she look a tare- asioantof wsillk.

ttorat, aslhos weatwanl unamliataly. the ta described ss ef Ute brat atrrnath, kt vary fast, and la artno.1 with Ivti kosvy sons. an.1 twa Wbttworth allly-etffni r-oamlvr plvat puna. Both- Ins lannortsat kad aci aired in fsrlisataal. Au aadtrsasnd.

let kas noon MUbhsbed ketwern three eoeetrloa: rrsoce, litval arruala saa Aaetrte, rat asuat la soassrl toaera sVissia. Army of Potomac In Motion. flaw Toss. April ft. Ths Waehlerloe rsfaUlgeaeee, ef tVvdoeaday, aoaeooees Ikst lion, tlnukor eotamvnced a forward movement on ll'tn-day, heavy atssaas sf setiilery, and elnvr Ironaa.

wars cress-Ins the lta.pahannKk al stutrtae. Tits 7'rtoiMS ssys tks a vratb and slvvaelk eorps, and the aavslry carps look Ute lead. i California Newi. lit PsiBrearo, April ft R. B.

Vteala. ksa He kts bond and taken poaa.aalae at tba Mint. Uoo. Itorhsat, af slsrya.lllo, appolaleil eb-rk to oodae r.ld Mr. Crocker, ef Herrwatrnlo.

wno went Stat Io aWata McAUlsler's alaav, will ke eptiolnled eaa ef tka So-prratt ialtvt. to aot.1 aatll the veeaeey akeal la ko aaada by Jade-- Viel.l'a rvalttiauon. Tbr al.sattr ll.rrs Ntvala arrlrc.1 here Ibis evvmlnt froat the Nerth alao arrlvnl, ship llnott latt days Iroat riiiUdaldiia, ship Derby Its) days float lacaiassrro, April ft. Frederick detV, lopffrlniendeel Utarland Mall loaipany, wko was Ikrwwn (rout a earnest yesterday, eiptred Una af VvreeoM, ke was fraat CtwatniHiil, nhera he leaves a wife. F.MitiBATioN.

Wo have private intelligence In relation tn the Immigration to this Htato the pretent tvaion, which corruborntct tho ttulo-nieiil of the paper tluit a litrge iiuniigrotion may bo expected. One of tho Ban Franoison paieri eatinmtct that not leu than tonlt will cross the plain. The titlo I setting mostly to Iho Oregon and Washington Turri tory niiuet. but a contitrVralile portion mny bo eipectet to gome into the agricultural diilrictl. The present iliicovcrlet nre not anfTJcli-iit in extent to iccuiuiuodatc audi a vast number and they mutt seek room elx-whoro.

Cant, Jledo rem Crawford, who bin een appointed to com' mand Iho emigrant escort, estimated that 30,. 000 were already in motion nn the let of April and thought tint would not be mure than half the nn in her who would Hart before the teuton iliould pan. Tho great neoeesity nf thit country it pnpn lotion to develop lie Immense retnuroei and riches. We are glad to wo that thn prospect it io fair for having that want supplied. Fifty thousand Would nearly double our population, evolutive nf the mince.

Nolualy can colonial the advantage! that would acoruo to Oregon from tbo advent of 60,000 additional popula tion. Tn now i no Dirt. Certain howling eutan cipation Journals which, not long since, wore declaring the miration of tho country depuntl tnt upon the emanelpalinn proclamation and it conerqiienoei, am now Imluitrionily labor' ing to ihuw that they never olalnied anytlilng more for it thin to prevent tbe return of onn trahandi by military authority. They ouwyt thought it would be innperative a a military measure and tint it Niver wat a military no ooteity. Tht taiiifi ityle nf pnpvri aro alto anilou to tbnw that their fuotion through llnraoo Greeley aiiwr tooght foreign media' tiun It wat tho rataally ooniervativet who trietl that I The radical! neeir proposed to leek "iho belt attainable termi df peace" ob, no, Hut wm also a aoltemt of tbe terribly naughty oontervativei.

When the negro ooliolei of the abolition faction which hat lately had thn upper luted of tbo conservative wing ul the mpiiiillenn nartr ilnll have proved themtelvea liiuontett- alily Inoperative and waitofiil of tha national strength, tht radioalt will deny that they tear had anything to do with them, and that it waa all tho work of the negro Inving eouiervative I If the time ihnuld aver ouuio wbtn tht radl-aalt dare to throw aside the gulee nf their haired to the Union, they will iwear they wero ner fur the war It waa all oliurgcnblu to tba fanatioal wir oonrwrvHtivt. Tbey have dune notliiiig wean linoo lha war begun and will do nothing mean till It oJotM whioh they will not deny anil einrgo apon me coniervauroi. dressed. Tltoy have lienn reordered anil started If such meddling Is Indulged In again by either of lliom, we will give the otllclom 1'. an airing, a recent visit to Albany, wa had an op- fiortunity of observing the pro.porty of tho vll-age and adjoining country.

Tho alte Is one of the most eli(lblu in this valley and certainly is surrounded by nn agricultural district not excelled In richness by any town on tho river. Tho hnalnot of tho village Is perhaps quite at extensive as any in proportion to the population, though the auiid-allll appearanae of tlm principal -Street, so far at buildings am concerned, would not Indicate It. In the outskirts are a great number of beautiful and tasteful maldenees. In this respect no town with which we are acquainted, ran compare with Albany to Ita disadvantage, It Is a favorable Indication that no houses went advertised "to let." Albany has two or three tin churches, a large and commodious school house aeveral mills, ttorea, and more than the ordinary proportion of thopt engaged In ilomrstto manufactures. The country around it wears all tho appearances of thrift, Grand Division of Bona nf Temperance held Its seml-atimiii! session, at Alhany.lait Tuesday and Wednesday.

The attendance was fair anil the tarioua renirta showed decided Increase of membership in tlie order since the annual session. Union League was organised at Forest Orovt, April IMtti. This is the first Lsague In the titate. A great number have been formed in Call-f and all over the Northern Htatos, understand then mill baa parade of fine (talllons in town ou Baturdny, tha tlih Inst Trials of tpeed may be expected. -Ins esse itrlermlnrd St lha Ysnihlll eeurt, week he-fnra Isu, Judsu Mlia HrrMsd that buto ceunly sod sehoql (aisle) uses srs psysble la at.

The last Oreenn UrttJitare aopreprlstetl thirty-five ttMHiasatl Sellsrs. In eeln. (mei lha list Treasury, for lha permra! af Ike United Males las assessed or the July session af ConsreM. Ifttl, Il was net nrerldtd thai the Act shnuM Iske eftYfll linnttHllaltly, Slid It ennaMtirnlljr writ! Into el St lee of ninety dsys. Orfnre She sloes at the session lha Oenrrsl Aopreirisllnn law providing for Uie pii at the hir two yesre.

ws psMMt sod iel Into IninMlsla earn. Tha appropriations at that Act pramlsa Io esheeil Ihv Sd.llOu eur-ptns Ot Ike Treasury, at Uis eoenarnremsnl uf the sesslou, ami the rrviner durlns lh Iwo yesri, thus Isevlas uothlair to psy Ihv tultett etstss tsi with. llllty-sosl, whits urstns the psymsnl ftf Ihs Jodves and Mtste nlhfirre In wsi eomilrliiK St Uie pay. menl ef tils eau alnsuurs salary aud o.rqoillttti of sImui 1.1,000 a year In sell). Ami urtd as a rass.01 why tha ell srsl tarvrnmant shaald pay htw eoln, that Oreeon had volad la pay htr las In solu.

ai Ike ssnte Utile ba wsa adrosliiis Ute psyinanl af aisle lairs In sreanlweks, au Uvti th. State wnal.l hsrr bo sUi to pay 1 Tbirv Is bon-sslf and eanalsleury far yau I THE LATEST. BY TELECRAP1I OREGON LINE. PICIAL nilTATCH TO THK fTATKflf AN. Mny 4.10 a mi To Htatumah.

SWtiN--Tlin tfniner Joruilltii brourv nhnnl aiil piawner, Ui yrtdiHr purtioit of whom are btHiml fur our NtmWti miiitw. llnti. II. Hiinitntf, V. HeiMtnr from thin 8ui.

ttntl Vttl-iwna. the hawIv mpfMiintcil (Ittfrnr for Mtttin, tojrftb witn W. it, irn! in Kain Krru.rir ro Um Mat uu th iwy iho eiooMtiiait ml. Ibmy will arrivp lttn imi Ui iWAt inp of Uio lSirm NvJa, Hon. 8.

K. Miiv, Ht-rrrinrv uf HlMtn. arrivnl uu lha uml Iuvm for hI-mh ttiii wornm(. The lirottMr JaiuthMi will Imv p.irtJaml lurlut Finn-citoi ViciurM, thii eventiiir. I'hiu.

Nifwriiitendenl of Indlrni Affkirn fur VHhint(Um by huliaii Aanl, l. Ilowv.nHit twti di-rki, kttvti uii tiie UtMina Wiltwij (J. II iint Mint morning eu roNtv for LVurt ltotp wai, to ptfripatw in tit trrnnil runiuril whirl, Ui cotnmUi-ti Um Uh fur lh purpotiiof tHertitiif a trowtv wiUi Um frci im1 ullwr littiuut tnbw of Uio N'urlli. KAHTKIIN IV KITH. BY STAGE THIS MORNING.

spscut, nisesrcH vo rns sTitsiasv. EBmont of Bcbrl Abandonment of Poiltlon. HfcMDUtlARTKa ARMY I'nmMAO, April iW. Humors have been circulating during the last few days that the rebels are beginning to abandon their present position, nothing definite, however, it known the movement. 1'ila-oners are coming in almost d.illv from tho outposts, but their information conflicting and uo-aatisUetory.

Proposition to Deitroy Fort Ranter. Nr.vr Yona, April A toeclsl dispatch to tbo Trtinni says enirineer Wood of tha United Htalet navy now on duty iu eonnection with the Iron-elada, has made a proposition tn the (Secretary of the Navy to tho following euVet! lie offers to take a monitor np tbe barber of Charleateu, removintj on the war anv obstructions that may impedn the prog re ae of abips, or II Die dspsnoient only desires tbo destruction of ttumler he will accomplish that. A Slate Senator of California who enjoys In a large degree the confidence of the engineers, also nff-ra In accompany Wood on the important eipedition. It is understood that the President and Secretary Wells look upon tha proposition with favor, but the decision of the government it, of course, not known. The Rebels Want Laborers.

WaantNiiTON, April 34. The Richmond of the ft contains an advertisement for b.UOO laborers free and white to work en fortlrkatioai. Interview With Mexlraa Minister. The Uetioan Jliuiiler kail an interview with the I'reeittent today aad complained of the unfriendly treatment his country had received tn the refusal tn permit tho ahipinoiit of munitions of war on Mniirau account while tho French were permitted to liny vcsevla at New York, 8t. Louis aud elsewhere.

foreign Nttvr YoK. Aoril 4H. A Waahington special aays at lha instanoo of foreign bankers, afrenta were sent In Knrope four weeks arro to make sale ef our boikb) authorised to be issued by the is it Congress. The last steamer brought news that a largo amounts will be supplied on government rre.lil In Hamburg, London and Paris. Hubert J.

Walker I understood to have sailed on tbe Mh with full power to perfect arrangements initiated by Oernian agent in March. Tbe Attack on Charleston Io be Renewed. The TruVaae'i Hilton Head letter dated ittlth represents that the monitors and army were ready to move, and adds that they are already moving. It aayt lhal before the cruse of the Week all the irouciads will be again overthe bar at Charleaton. The attack must mute off this time iu co-operation with the land forces.

Tbe robels are hard at work strengthening Iho land defenses on tha Islam! south of L'hsrlsston. Troop have been tent to assist them Irotu Navanab. Florida Derenie. From Florida wo learn thai there are uo armed rebvla east of Ht. John river, A siitllciunt foroe waa left to hold ht.

Augustine aud Fernaudina against any forcu Ilia rebels can bring againtl tbem. A email craft auppoeed to ba a truiibuat bad ctcad from 6avauaii through VVareaw aouud. tlofernaieat Vandi ttoae llho fipoat. The clerk of the United Bute prise court baa mn away Willi ttw.wo belonging to government. Rebel ftcaredalloni la Weilern Virginia.

1 lUl.TIMIIHB, April iW. Wild itorie are alloat of robel depredation in Western Vinriaia ou the liuo ef tits llaliiiuore and Ohio railroad, lteliable information elates that tbe guerrillas to Kuowleavllle and Altemont but were driven off before any damage wat done. We have also information that the rebels marched westward and it It believed the mavcauat bat been checked by the federal. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Nkw Yonk, April H. A dispatch In the Washington bur, of V7lb.

dated Harper'a Fsrrv, April 117th, lavs Informa tion haa been Motived that the rebel Generate James and souis force are at Moor Held, probably ou tho way to New Creek, for tha purpose of destroying the Baltimore aud Ohio Jiallroad io that county. Tha DalUmore Amtri-eaa ef Saturday, the lays rumor of a rebel approach to tba Riltlnor and Ohio railroad aa-turn a serious aspect. During Huudav a movement ef 8,000 troops wa mail a on the road to strengthen point west el lUiuberland. Two reg. (menu left Baltimore to Ukt the place of those moved further well.

On riouday night two com-Denies ef rebel cavalry appeared at Kuowleavllle bot were driven oT and did not tueeeed In dam aging the Cheat river bridge. rebel foroe ef nuder uen. uoyu ten lueuetier early till weak. Measure uar oeeu taaeu it ueok mem NBW YottK. April fU.

A tumor baa readied biro tint a rebel force li From New Orleans, and Texan. Tlm itfiiiiier Hliuilistmie from New Orleans' with (Intel to the and from Key West to the "Md Inn arrived. The iteamor Ciruaiisinn at New Orleans from Gatvestnn brought a iiiimber tif prisoners recently eapttirrd by onr blockaded oft Huhine 1'nss. Aiming tbem Is owler who commanded tho aieamer whioh captured tlit Morning Light and Quaker City. From tha UltalHilppI Fleet.

On the L'bh an I'xpi'ditiun from Pndley'i brigade crnssod thn point npposlte Port Hnilmn to cuiuinunicutti with Adinlriil Fnnrngnt. Let ters truiii llin teal of wiir aueompunied the ex-pediiioii, They fiMind thn Admiral In gnod tpirits, believing tlutt the enemy bud but four duvi supplies at I'urt Ilndson. I lie rain cjwllierlnnd Is still in enmpnny with tho ilurtford and Albutriaut.blncknding the rob- river. 1 he niovemciit ot Ueneral Banks in the iniiio direotion will tend materially to cat off rebel inpplini (ruin Tcxiit and Luuisiuna. Pilot or the Keokuk Arreated.

Nkw York, April 28. Tht pilot of the Keokuk Is nnder arrest, charged with running her nsliure at Morrit Iiland, to rnliel might oaptnre ber, Government Agent Robbed. A government agent reeidinr. at Hnboken, N. wn riddled by hnrglnri ou Ronday night af belonging to tho Government.

Advicei from Bermuda state tbnt tht Angle trade tontinnet brisk. No American vesselt uf war at that place. Drltikb Hupplylng tbe Hebelt. A line of iteanieri owned nt Liverpool II oniisiuutly roiiiiing tlto tiluckailB to Hilling-ton. AAJoarnment of California LeglilBture.

Saoramknto. April 27. The California Legislature ailinurued aine die at tt-duy. Mr. Kandcrwin, on behalf of the memliers nf tlm Assenililr, presented lint Moeaker, Ilun.

I Ai. oliicliiu, Willi a valu- ulile gold waluh as a testimonial ul llwir an preoiulion ul unji a a seutlonwiu and presiding ulliuef. The HoDie Boei Hot Uliapprove the Mob. On Haturduy, the Huutu tallied a resolution condemning the reiwnl mob ou tbo olboe of the Sutrnmento Jlqiubliean. Hull.

L. A. L. Keweu, Lot Angi-lei roan tr it atldrtning a lurce deinucrittio astenililnire liiuluumg many luilies, in the ball ul the iluuse ol Ui'prusetitativti. Han Frnneltco Items.

San Fuancihco, April 27. Jht anxietr for the inletr of the iteuiuer Oreoim from Mexico, wa relieved by her ar rival yesterday. The rumor tbnt the bad been filed by iceessionisi of ctiurm wa purely ellailllulial. iler detentiou wa owinc til ber navmg sumo nag nl coin not down on manifest which were teixed by ooetmn house oflioiali. Guv.

Murniiex nt lust ended tlie matter by turning mil ol ollioe severnl ol the olliuiuii who caused her dutentim. The overland telegraph being down east of Halt Lake, wc are without Into Eaatero dutei Ci-ttino Tklkohaph WiltF.B The Bao- raiiiciito L'nion inyi leocieiiiu guerrilla hive been cutting the tvlegrnph wirei between Vhv alia and Lot Angulet. It wot out tn me day at different pbioet for a distanoe of over two hundred miles. The ulijeot wa to preveut commuiiMatinn between military ofitocrt al the two poinla. Rsasarsaii.r.s.

1 hie tropical root haa a reputation wide tlie wnrltl, for euriutt one elaaa of disorders that slnirt mankind a retHiialion, too. winch it tie serves aa the heet antitlole we poeeeee Air semftiloiis eoniplniiits. Hut to be liroiurtit into use, its virtues mtist lie eiaiceiiiraiMI and combined with other nu'ill-emea thai inereaae ita power. Home reliable eoninoniid nf tliis ehuraeuir is much needed in the community lieaut the advertieene-itl of lie. A ver a riaraanarillu in our columns, and we know it neeiU no wnetHninm fmo lie to five mtreilisens eouhdence iu what ke otters.

thiaH, Sjfratnte, A. J. lwlf DIED. tn Walls Walls, W. Avrll 1Mb.

I. H. Morwnr.fernialiy nf Porllawit. In Dallrsnty. an lie-tilth Oentloa, aeel IS ytart, formerly nt It.

tltoaonrl. In en Uie IWh Mrs. Anna eolith, wlfs at Adniti sssil 11 years. In Manlsentta oreuitittl, Aorll 1Sth. Anna Infsnl asosnier nf rapt.

wm. a-snil Wilkinson. In Portland, April aoth.Jsmra MrKlnny, ased years, native of Wrsforil ceouly, Irslsnd; late etaward ef Ihs nnsonii. Hum. In stsrtnn ennntv, AerllfStti, Mrs Iftlsahelh Mnerls.een.

tort af Wsi. Morrla. asttt XT yvara, I mtuillis. and IH days. MARRIED.

In l.lnn eonnty, Wareb fsth, by Rev. ft. 0. Irvine, Chris-topltor Kons-rt snil Aettoa In Jacksonville. Aorll Tl, by I.

Heyden, i. Thos. Mtriim sun airs, anaseclb I'osrnrt. In Kan Kraie-laco, April llab. L.

dacha, nf Jackaou.llla suit Sliaa rilaa Ltvueriimlti. of ban srattclaco. Special Noticea. KaosavAkV Hsrrs. There le ne elaaa of the eomwuelly more sety-et te dlataas ef lha dlsvsllve organs Ihsn those whose business eoeitels Umbi la ke coollnually wllhis doors.

either saated at a desk or sla wllng behind a sunnier, noef- lauS's Qeraaae tillers WIN peeve a tree bltaalnff te I beat persoos, and ensbk them Ut fulll the dotlae of their tlsllnn wllhasplrll anknowa tolhsat before. Those Outers ean be had of any dmsslst or dnaler In eiedlctnta. Catua see I'svsa Dseisn. Amird with BsisToLa Iabsv vasilu. ptrsntis residing In rver and Ague dlstrlols nisy Isugh si that prnslrallng dlaesss.

0ns bonis ef Ihls polant tag swtble lonle brtsks Ihs skill snd by perssverlng In Us use, the strength Is eoetplettly restored and the system for tiled sgslnsl ths mslsrla wttl.h generetes the ootnitslnt- ror thirty ysars this hss been lbs universal experience In lesalllles Inftateil wllb Inlaraltltnt fevers. Bat IhstMiIgn sfTtels of Ute great Ufa-Preserving gpaelae are not emitted la any sesss of altments lis arnpe Is alma I as wkls that ef latter Itself, tvirofule af the direst type, flath eonsum Inff esneer.oontractlons of the joints, sinews and atosclts, ktrpldlty and eoDsestion ef the liver, morbid eondlllons of Ute stomach aud bowelt, aiihma, liver eeogh, erepllaos, rMantstisa, gensetl debility, rs subdued with a rapidity and esrtslnly lhal sntsits ths meet siperienotd phyilelsm, by lb searching, healing, soothing snd Invigorating proper lira. Inkl by druggists through all nans of lbs world. Im lin.MUlll.Pl) tXTIIACT llt'CHtl, ma ohkat rni'ftmc. IIEUlBOUfJ EXTRACT BLTIIl', Till GREAT OIVRKTIC.

ItllLUDOtDI IXTKACT IUCIIIT, Till ORRAT MfttlTlC. HBLiiDot.Di r.rriucT buchu, Tlllt OREAT PIURSTI0. Aad a poslllrs and aptclno rttuady for dltaaaaa ef Ihs Blsdder, Rldneyi, Qrsvsl, Dropsy, Orgsnfe Wtakncaa, And sit Dlsesses ot Ihe Urinary Organt. Boa Aitverilaement In anolher column. Oat It eat and atntl for Uta mvillclus St once.

or cocymrsm laa ailvarUasiHsnl. ImT Or. aakar'e Pain raaaoaa for the euro of pain la tha atoma-th. Hack end Bowels, Burns, Oelnay, Cuts snd Iwslllngs, Colic, Plarrhea and Hheamatlsm, Headache Toothache and Karsnlis. Mia eunaof ewlal wAers fAlt eseieoeisilfAeui aserf, Ulve II a trial and you will lluil II the irealtsl psln curing reniely yal dlaoovareil, A ears Is certain In sll ossss of Plsnopala, Wsak Bra sal, hirer Uosiplslnl, Utntrtl Dtblllly, Fever atet Asoe, IMlrM Sors Throat.

Rplne and Rldney DlS' ssas, rsmlllet shonld nsvtr bt without a supply of II la ths house. Directions srs fully given and perlkuhwly adapted lolnstllsstsssfor Panacea" bt reaemmtoded. Voraalt by drugglalt svsrywhsre. Bee advenlasiaeat la anelhsr ealtinta. STALLION QHOVV IH aAl.K.n, NKXT lATl RDAt, fttAV Cotnuiviichu! it 10 o'eloek, a.

m. The newW'l ei ported sullion. Flr.hv Niohl. tn Ut eahlhiled Willi other trotting stalltoi'is, in harnits. ult.

Ruch example an few, hut worthy of Imitation. A clerk in tho Adjutant General' offioo at Wuhingtou hat been arretted upon the charge of tranimltting Importuut intelligence to tho rebeW. Tho government decline! to lame letter of marque unless foreign intervention occur. It la reported that the army of the Potomac, or a portion of It, baa commenced to move up the Itappabiunock. The rebel arc massing force at the virion ford to reiitt crouiug.

A succession of battle will likely occur. It i not yet apparent whether tho entire army will more by the upper Kappahannook, or whether the late movement it a feint to cover an advance by the right flank of the enemy. Tho latter route, wo believe, wat alwayi Hooker' choice. ATKT -The news bv this mnmliiK's stage Is ex eilinv. Tlw Matfiaiirn hi VlrirlnUt Is 0Niltw.

Hunker's acmjr baa ueirnn to mors in heavy rases. The rebels are trriuir the Ktonewall Jacltsmi trink of last nsr. bv aaniiiafr northward a laraw roree to threaten Itnnnruuit puintaon tlie lUililinara ami Oliin railroad, awl thus dittraet sha faileral araiv fmm its liesnrn of mnring toward rtichoioml. It will emlialilv rirom a futile dtaiira. Tha land fnreea and Uie amuitora are ajrain in metion tnwanl Charleston.

It ia deettrnrd Ibev shall act In eoaeari this tint, aa they aheultl have done before. The rebels in Teaaeaes are trolieannir an Intention to attack ltoseemns. Tha raid ot Martnu dnke into Miseonri haa been attvctuallr cheeked and 'it Is hoiwd ha will not be nhle to asram. Quid has de-cliaod af)aiu, ataudinv at mi the Wth. I0MISTIC ITXMH.

the recant municipal election at Walla Walla tha Mewing ofictra were elected Major J. g. Craig. Recorder E. L.

Matte. Martbal-A. Seltol. Attestor II. I).

Lane. Treasurer J. Cadjr. Councilman R. Quichard, Kyger, K.

Kelly, B. Linkton. W. J. Terry.

Surveyor W. W. Johnson. ditcoveriaa of gold hare been made en Grand Sonde rirer. The gold exhibited is coarse and resembles lha Powder rirer gold.

It ia aald tbe mi Dart art malting an ounee per day to tba maa. Watla Walla Aafsiaua gives lha cold shoulder to tha proposed L'uiou convention at Vancouver. Wa learn from the paper op the Celitrabla that two eoranauiea of the Oregon cavalry have been ordered to Fort Lapwai. Company it one of them. Major Truax it to re main in command at Walla Walla.

Lieut. Ca-bania ha been appointed quartermaster at Van couver. Six companies are to be present at Lapwai at tba council aad afterward three af Una are to go to Fort Boite. Col. Maury is to bare command In tha field.

or four villaiut sntered tbo office of Dr. I. A. Davenport of Portland about 3 o'clock on tba night of the Soli ulu, aad While one of them stood guard over him with a bowia knife tbe other proceeded to open hi aafe and relieve kin of about 1.040 in coin aad $10 ia green backs, which the robbers kindly took at par. ia eeaaideralioa of the liberal haal they got in coin After procaring all tbe booty they could find they departed, threatening to shoot tho Doctor, if he made any outcry.

Two men named Fields and Partington ware arrested next day on suspicion ef being connected with tba robbery. They had aa examination oa Wednesday, bat for want of ovideamweredierbanred. Suspicion has attacked to soma other parties, but nothing ha been discovered to warrant an arrest. Wa gather the above from tbe Vregeaiaa aad Timet. Dalle Jeeneaf tf tht 27th alt.

says that on the Saturday night before, tl? potomoo waa broken loto aud all the money -amounting to abont 13 atolen. The door wa broken down. On the same night Bloch, Miller Co. 'a store waa entered and about 4)18 stolen. same paper aaya MarcHal Headrick arrested a fellow for firing a pistol in the street and attempting to thoot him as be advanced.

No. 2" saloon at Portland waa relisted of tan or twelve dollar by a light fiugered hetnbre a raw day ago. A drunken man wat knocked dowu in the (treat tod robbed of one hundred dollar. 8o aayt the Timet. Walla Walla Klalttatda ays that it know tha only tribe of Indians hostile to the whites, ia tbe 8ikee.

advertisea to teach a "scool" io Olympia, lie ia auppoeed to be tbo missing Khoolanetter for whom ao many iauiria are made. Tisaat Is quoting Use at the Ortfoaia which la retorting by quoting geseef at the Tistst. They are each talking of tuatteis of which they know nothing. toast lection tf tin country, last Thursday waa observed aa a day of litre, it waa a day of est aafieg. It waa not eeatibly different ia that respect, from any other day.

We learn that a man named A mm Over binder waa killed just as he waa entering Hell Male. No (enstbl man, in our opinion, would so near Utt ttnltn. Ho threatened lha live of two ties at tba Ualaand eon of them abut live ball through bit body. Thit Overlander it the peteon who killed an Indian at Alpuwia creek about one year sinoe, without provocation, and "Hif Thunder" has demanded bis delivery into custody, before he would give up one ef his men who uardered a white man Bear tho Agency ktat Fall. OtUtu Ap.

(Veitfea Ag: of the Wd. taysi Paymaster r'raoci haa disbursed to tht soldiers at lert Lapwai post, upward of twenty-tire thousand dollars in greenbacka. The ciltaeus of Lew-itton perceive in a moment that eomebody has been giving them money. Ita tnVcta are sensibly felt. Hand hat, thus far, procured bat twelve recruit.

The Suturei say Tht obstacles that havt retarded tbe filling of the company, may be thus briefly staled lit. The proelaaialioa ef the Governor called for volunteer troopi to operate against the Suaite Indian. The people tf (Southern Oregon reasoned that they had done their whole duty in sending three hundred volunteers for the northern frontier againat hostile tribe of Indians. Tbe tael that tht company stationed at Camp liaker baa not yet reoeivod a single dollar for their tenic of eighteen tuenUii. The en II tied men ar to be seat to Klamath Dalle City claim contest haa been de cided tgalntt the MtlhoiUI IMaieo.

body of a drowned man named Frank Rand waa found in tbo river near the Dallea last week. He had toon asoeay on at person. Harding and W. II. Bamhart arrived at Baa Fraacisco en the 94th nit.

and ar coming borne averlaad. Teey wii! reach Halem iii a day or two. Ptrllaud people art at latt about to lake measure for the imprtveaieat af Owen la- land bar. pedttteu will thoroughly purge tho ooontry of T-l. i itrv, w.m.

mo onunirv i inn ot retugee Md dearrter nho will fiilt'iiito hi hand. Grant Joining Rout rani. The Jaekeon, (Min.) Apptal ar Orant'a arm holme robably Ita destination i the Cumberland and T' I III mmiR. cnougn will ne lert Den I no to tie fend tavimelvea aninet one (niwi at VLnlra horg, while tho main body movoa rapidly to the Rebel Harailifi, Tho Daily Miuistipjtiiin, in a leader on the aim nbjeet. My from a oarvful siirvrv of the aituation and the movement of the Federals the oonvtctHin hat been gradually forced upon that oar enemy preparing to max a tre-mendoiM foroe, perhau not lea than 900.000 men in maa to hurl nnnn Jnlinalnn wit of anaihilating hit army and thai opening tho U.

the heart nf the Confederacy. The Anneal ear anuihar hvautiiiMaio L. tho federal foroe are to be enoeent rated at Metapai. and moved rapidly into Mississippi. It infer that ttuo i tho case from the recent order ranted or the federal anthoritie at Mem nhi.

Tho Tollahoma, corretpoodent of tho Chattanooga llebtl mr that from present tadioatioM, wo may hazard the prediction that ine eanoaign in Middle Tmnewee will anon bob in eemiear. hv rM, Brat, all tent anil eiitee tinawaw. eat to the rear, retcrving enly three fliea to wave Hnunq men. PikUc landing at Tlekibarg Shelled. Cairo, April 25.

Viclubnre datea to tho Iflth eeived. The battery on the Irvwopptwite the city waa in full operation and splendidly trained upw io aerxH ami punnu ouiiding. ettrr dav a bora thell nt.l ilia Ltrm l.n ing and laTodril. leveUor the rreater noitum to the ground. The enemy 6 red reveral ahou reiorn.

toon oi icu auruc to iron cue-ma tea bat alaiuvtl lr atthnnt ininrr Tkmw videatly think their poeitmn impregnable Gaa are now being plaetd to command the Cawrt Hoate. RwtU Takes Car of lit rUaUtlon. There are report that a rebel diviaion baa been tent to Dati' plantatioo. to onpoae the landing of onr tronpr. A iteamer goea uio um eanai vac i'oint to-day intending to reach New Carthage to morrow.

The oanal ia a taeceat. Nothing ho been beard from the new wnwn ran ine uiockade a lew day noca. Money Market. N'nVnn Bterliogflnnat 104IG5! Geld atoady at nicai tf'aytlKt. Baa rraacliro Iteajt.

Q.u r.imiiv, l.rllOA a v. iiuiii jui Edward B. Cotter, foreman of the Broderiek tegioe, wat prnented but evening with magnificent tilrer trumpet, by the member J. H. kuaeeil and John McConib are elected rranaent im ice l'reuoeat ot Uio Typo Bicamer Oregon, from MazaUao arrived this morning with eighty paMeoger and 918,000 in treoMre.

Olilil Paper of the Otat. C. r. cbaxoaix, lorroa. MONDAY MORNING, MAY 4.

IW51. tka tuuaaaa It imMiiIm enUr a Iihm. Ttnat, It frr r. May. in airaartf.

kafti IOimmmi will ka tlatrni la Mlawiat ruai Itm, ana Insertion, Ml I 99 artw HiaaataMy uuir rrea Ma. Laitt atvl an triuitlaot aJvvrtUament moat prrntM to AaauaMlratotl' anHaaa. and all a-hrrrUMawMt eriallaa la tka ratal ef dVaowl awaiHW. IDWI fea arraaM, attlna ar aera MaHak4 kr Ue toaalf kW(i, and (aaranlaaa kt ka aakl kjr Iimh- Wilt sol paid MMn aaa vrar friaa lha Ibaa aaatrard. am InrrraaMl Ivcttljr-lra uar ami.

aack asar aaaMajt natlatlad Ui-Taftaf. Imiiuh-i war a taa.t bf mail at lha rlak af tka aak- II tear a mmitmi in ia araaaata ai a aaauaaaiar. CKAHDAU i WAITE, FabUaher. THE Mm. Tho ram Qoeen of the Weat over wbaae oaa-tare tho rebel had to much exaltation baa been taken from tbem ngnio at Grand Lake, Louit-iaaa.

Vioktborg baa been vattly arprird by a boU daaii of Um Inderal fleet aat tho aty aad hwtteriea. The ofjeet af th movemeat it evidently to attack Port Hodron and Uio ntr-row the lueaia or oumiuouicatioa between the labtit oatt aad wt of Uio Mittiaaippi. Ou tho aoatage) down, lite gunboat deetroyeo the rebel batierfe at Warrenton aud did the Con-lederaiM toaio other lui liif. Several gun-boalt bat alao goue paat Uie batterie on the Yarxw Hear and are new above Ilainet' IllufT. Tbty iotond hottililwt tgaiutt Vickaburg in oo iptratioai with a laud foroe to approach from Iba direotion of Corinth.

A battle in the direotion of Cormfh ia reported hot bo particular! art foruitbed. Thu Federal batlerie on tbe Itvt nppoaite Vicktburg bav ibelled and dot-t rayed teveeal of tbe public bollJInra in the city. There have been ijuito a Dumber of ikirmitbe io.Tfouoee, retailing mottry ia Federal ao-. An expedition to Celina dntroyed a targtamaoat of prndueo aad a Bomber of trae- pnrt botonging to tba rebel. Tho cititen of aaa rule have been ordered to tako tho oatb af aikagiaooa or go toutJi.

Duruaide it niaroh-lag toward Cnmberlaud Gap. Tbo eoemy bat fillet) tiadk to Knoxville and it uniting hi mattered toror. Tbo wlfo of John D. Morgan wat oaftufed at McMinvilla bot at that chieftain bat another, be will probably not reckon bit lot very great. Tba adranttget gained at MoMrarttte are atorruiood hi In greater than at Irtt reported.

There it tome troable again ia Miatowri. Marmadokc, with a tmill furot, hat ottao op from Arkaatat by way of Dlaok river la Patteranu. near Pilot Knob, driving Col. Huuvft' furoc. Tho JaUer ouiiducled a floo retreat, taring all hit camp (tore and e(ul- imm.

pilot Eoob bat been roiofurocd aad io eootiderrtl life. Gov. Gambia called oat four A 1 X) I.

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