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Denton Journal from Denton, Maryland • Page 3

Denton Journali
Denton, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, '98. IteiDS of flews fronj All Tarts of the County Solicited this ARRIVAL.AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. MAILS CI.OSK. 7 A C. R.

Points North. A' M-Via A. R. for I'omls West. 80 A Mi-vl" Q.

A. R. R-; for Points Kast. '45 A -Via. Steamer, for River Points 1 OO P.M.--Via Stage, for Preston.

188 1 it C. R. for Ponils North. Mi-Via Q. A.

R. for Pomls West. C.4U P. Q. K.

for Points East. MAILS ARRIVK. A R- from Points East. I40 A. Q.

from Points West. 11.00 A. Stage, from Preston. 11 SO A. Steamer, from River Points.

12 00 -Via D.Sc C.R from Points Worth. So-1- -Via Q. A. R. R-.

from Points 32 1 Mi-Via y. A. R. from Points West. 800 V.



Watermelons are in market. Mr. Suowberger is. to build a dwelling at Ridgely. Peaches have been selling at sixty cents a basket in the Deuton market.

Mr. John Blossom will erect a dwelling near Williston in a short time. What a happy world this would be if we could only see others as we see ourselves. 'The auditors have about completed their work of-examining tfie public offices of the county- Richard Nichols, tlie proprietor of the barber shop, at Concord i give oheoks and care for baggage. Mr.

James Swann, insurance agent, now has on his list the Maryland Casualty (Accident) Company. "The Baltimore's great fin's' tf nlw advertisement in the JOURNAL today. Read it. Clerk Hobbs on Tuesday-issued a marriage license to Mr. Wm.

Wesley "Walls and Miss Minnie Bennett, both. Goldsboro. Mr. R. T.

Porter has purchased an interest in Mr. Ellwo'od Griffenburg's creamery. A large refrigera- -tor Has been placed in the-creamery. belonging 'tiTMr- Taylor which several weeks ngo was -bitten by a mad dog, was seized hydrophobia- several days -was shot. Several hundred people enjoyed the to Rehoboth Wednesday and spent manv pleasant hours "down by the sounding sea." The copnty commissioners of this and' Dorchester conntie's are soon to meet and award a contract for the building of the proposed, new draw for Winchester bridge.

invoices jfor two cari-loads of choice North Caro- vliiia can give you right prices kinds of goods. Try ns. Dennis Fodks', Lumber Preston, Maryland. 2 John GreenageandJamesThomas, colored, are in jail for failure to pay a fine imposed npop for assault and battery upon another colored man named Gibbs. The nc- eusod are from near Ridgelyi.

They sent to jail by Justice'Smith. A bnsh meeting will be held iu a beautiful grove on th.o Diggans near the 6ork the First tomorrow-- services will be held at 11 a. m. and 3 and 8 p. m.

There will be preaching on Tuesday and afternoons at 3 o'clock. The Baltimore wheat market has recovered somewhat, but prices have not advanced except over Tuesday's figures; when 55 cents the low mark and 70 high. Yesterday the was from 63 to'72. "At the Denton depot 68 cents, was offered for good wheat yesterday. Corn is quoted at 37 to 40 The conntycommissionersonTries- day last appointed Charles H.

Turner constable for the Seventh district. The board granted to W. J. and W. M.

Wright a privilege to establish 'a ferry near Linehester bridge, is to be repaired. The inissioners disclaim liability, the ferry, being individual enterprise. Queen Anne's railroad; will low-rafe excursions'to Behob'oth, for of those wishing to attend the camp-meeting there, on Thursday, and Friday of Tweek and "Tuesday and Friday of tha week following. Trains will leave Denton at, j8.48 a. and returning will leave lioboth at 5 p.

m. The fare from this point will be the round trip. Tho Charles King Company gave 5 aseries of entertainments 1 Hall this company is an nnrfsually strong 'one, and their rendition of "For Her Sake," Wednes. day night, Thursday From was well received. A fnll house to-night, when the.ever-popular lesson-giving drama, Nightejna.Bar.RQom," will be put upon the stage, would be a fitting recognition of the merits of this company.

Rev. John B. Quigg, a retired miniitar of the Methodist Episcopal nburoh. and a prominent man, in Wilmington Conference, died of paralysis at his home in Wilmington, Sunday. Mr.

Quigg. made, the' motion which resulted in- the 'formation of the Wilmington and "was prominent 'i'ri jC founding Wilmington -Conference Academy. Another notable piece of his work was the rescue of the Avenue M. 1 E. MR.

STILL EXAMINER. AKkcd to Continue His C.ooil Work In tlio School Vrocccdlnjjb. Much interest lias bocu mauifestctl for several weeks in the outcome of a partisan effort to displace School Examiuer M. Bates Stephens, Las faithfully filled the position ol executive officer of the public schools of Caroline county for twelve years. Mr.

John T. Carter, supported for the place, a petition having been circulated in his interest. School patrons generally ami the teachers of tho county, however, the commissioners to aslc Mr. Stephens to continue in the position. Tho board two yo.irs ago had appointed Mr.

Stephens for a term ol four years, and after roergaimatiou on Tuesday last, on motion of Commissioner Fisher, Mr. Stephens' appointment was confirmed, President Thomas W. Jones and Mr. Fisher voting for him. Mr.

"Stephens' term will end August 1st, 1000. Mr. II. Stevens, who ou Tuesday became a member of the board, succeeding Mr. Edward R.

Goslin, opposed tbe continuance of Mr. Stephens. The commissioners appointed Miss Annie W. Stevenson, first Miss Allie K. Higgins, second assistant, and Miss L.

B. Bushong, third assistant of Bidgoly public schools. It was ordered that the sale of the school house lot near Anderson town referred to Com mission or Stevens to dispose of as ho sees lit. The bid of E. E.

lusloy to build addition to Ridgely Academy for $755 was accepted. The secretary was directed to communicate with James C. Gainbrill to look at colored school houso at Pcd- eralsburg and estimate cost of repairs actually needed to preserve the building and muko his report to Commissioners Stevens. The appointment of R. Merrikon, principal, Mrs.

Effie Pluiumor, first, Miss Lanra Letty, second, and Miss Mary Butterworth. third assistant of Greensboro public schools wore confirmed. Also the following: Miss Lida Porter, assistant at Goldsboro; Miss Dolly Kellcy, Hog Island; Miss Margaret Benss, Bee Tree; Miss lola Nichols. Furman's Grove; Mr. R.

J. S'. Bullock, Liden's; Miss A i Poole, Houston's-Brancli; Mr. J. Boyor, Concord.

-It was decided that an oxamiu.i- tion of 'applicants for" scholarships at Charlotto Hal) and St. Mary's Female college be advertised to be held OB Saturday, August 13th. The secretary was directed to renew advertising contracts with the American'Union and DENTON JOURNAL for one year, beginning July loth. A. Potter was appointed a trustee of Burrsville school.

The New Bankruptcy Law. The new. national bankruptcy law went into effect ou July 1st. Messrs. DanieLL.

and Thomas F. Hiekey, of Baltimore, have been appointed referees in bankruptcy for the State of Maryland by Judge Morris, of the United States Circuit Court. Mr. Brinton says The new law supersedes all State insolvency laws, my opinion, and this point will probably ne deBnitely settled by Judge Morris, of the United Stntes District Court, at an early date. I think that all petitions in insolvency filed in tho Circuit Courts of.

the State since July 1, when the new law was approved, will have to bo dismissed and new action taken bo- fore the ''referees. Proceedings instituted the Circuit Court prior to July 1 will not be disturbed. The general desire. 'to abolish tho State insolvency laws, which fiud effect only in their respective States, was the reason for the enactment of the national bankruptcy laws. Heretofore a debtor who took advantage of the insolvency laws of Maryland was not freed from his creditor who resided in another State.

The new law is; therefore, to the advantage of the debtor. It also minimizes tho fees and costs in insolveuey proceedings, prevents the assets from being eaten up by costly charges, Tin- I'lrsl Noiiilii.illons. A oniTcisv-oiidtmt of the Hun writing From Cliostertown, says: Tho name of Josppli A. Wiclcos has from i to boon mentioned through tho press in i i with tin? Demooiatic i a i for Congress frotn the first district. When soon tho day tho ox-Jndgo said that hf did consider it proper for a man to refuse a thing until it was offered i "But," said he, "in this case I will say that 1 would not have the congressional nomination for tho district if it wore tendered nio unaniaiou-ly.

am anxious to soo a clean man iiouiinnk'd au'l oloclod. Wo a them in tho i i i and tin-re is, no rousob why thc-y should not be oni. of tho people. 1 Harrison W. Vickorfe lias also boon prouiiiu-nily in connection with tlio lionoi of representing 1 his district in Congress.

That Mi. jViokers a solid working delegation to Ocean City convention h-oni his of Kent Ihovo is no tjnesliou of but ho persistently repudiates the statement that ho is a candidate, lie is au aggressive lighter and would doubtless mako a strong campaign should he bo placed on the ticket. Tho Baltimore Sunday Herald says: In the First district Dr. Barber is practically assured of a i-onomina- tion. Wilbur F.

Jackson's candidacy is not taken seriously, especially sinco Dovchestor now has tho State Comptroller, understood, wants to himself. The Democrats vogaui tu.3 fisht as practically won. Tln-j l-ehovo that Col. John Walter i defeat the Republican can.lidalo, ho may bo. I i Sold.

The real estate OL the Jato Andrew B. Roe was sold at Groonsborough on Saturday last. The properties wore disposed as follows Grcons- borough town property was sold to Sallie Carrie Roe; No. 2, tho Sangston a was sold to Sallie S. aim Carrie lloo, J.

II. Bernard and J. E. Nichols; No. 3, tho Windmill farm, was sold 'M Carrio and Sallio S.

Roe; No. 4, the faitn on tho east side of tho Choptank river, noav Grcousboi'oufrh, was sold to Richard Cannons; No. 5, the favm known as "Roc's Discovory," was withdrawn: No. was to Carrie and Sallio S. Roc: No.

a 13 aero lot, to Carrio and Sallio S. Roo, Blanche llickards and Katharine R. Emerson; No. 9, Grconsborough town property, sold to Dr. G.

W. Botsou and AiniioOn-oll; No. 10, Grooushorough town property, was sold to Jtio. F. Janr.iiu; Xo.

11, town lots iu above iiamod was -sold to Sallic S. aud Carrio Roo. Tnnu'r's flhimllil.iry. The Baltimore -Sun of Saturday publishes tho following interview with Hon. J.

Frank has been announced throughout Talbot that Democrats here without regard to faction would support mo as a candidate Cor the nomination for Congress from the first district, aud for the past six months old fiieuds and i enemies liavo aliko pledged mo personally their support. Among tho leaders who have aro such mou as Frank G. Charles R. Wootors, Charlu.s 11. bibson, W.

E. Stewart, i i a S. Morrick, Joseph B. Harrington, Wilfred Bato- nian, William Collins, James H. Willis, II.

Haddaway, Charles H. Koso, William C. Dudley, Jamos C. Norris, S. E.

i a a many others i i in the party here iu Talbot. Asido from this, the rank and file of tho party hero is with mo to a man. MATTERS MATRIMONIAL AND SOCIAL. it -The Walls- lic'iuioK NnpUiilH-- Vurluiiii Items ol I'vi-Honal Iiilt'rust. Ulioptanlc No i i i i ol' I hi! 1'eiicc.

and thereby enables the creditors to get 'a large proportion. Tho law will add to the work of the United States District Courts, but it will take from the State Circuit Courts a heavy volume of'business. Marydel. Mr'. Mrs.

Heather and son are visitine relatives iu town. I Mra. John-Knotts, of Pocomoke City, is spending 1 some time with her parents, and Mrs. Wm. Williams.

Miss Clara Powell, of Norristown, is the guest of her Mrs. Geo. Mussulman. Miss Sara V. Heather is-spending: this week at Rehoboth.

Miss Fannie C. Hall, of Philadelphia, is with friends in town. Mrs. Effa Dawes and sister, Miss Carrie Williams, 'spent Saturday and Sunday atCamdon camp. Miss Gnssie Chandler, of Townsend, is the guest of Miss Eft'a Heather.

The Value of Camp-MociIujSH. Tho season of camp-meetings is again upon us. Thoy torm a connecting link that holds us to a past ago with which we uavelittloin common. Thoy non- rather as pleasant landmarks that our fathers sot up. Their practical value as aids in tlie active propagation of religious is The church does not require thife onco potent agency.

Tlio camp-meeting, however, may still bo a valuable factor in society. The opportunity to enjoy ton days of invigorating life under proper moral discipline should not be lightly valued. People who tont at these camps would not otherwise got away from homo. They mako a fine healthy outing for overworked persons who need the change. Tho camp-meet ing has become a sort of church picnic where good morals and religious feelings Mr.

Hobbs. Clay Hobbs has about completed his canning-houso. His dwelling is finished, and ho will oc- the'end of present year. Mr. Breeding is soon to erect a dwelling horc.

Mr. T. F. Chaffinch has about finished his new residence. Greenftborough.

The now creamery is now being rapidly built and will be all ready -for bnsiness by tho first of September. Mr. T. Dawson Larrimoro is August Wrntlior. Hicks, the weather piognostieator, never hit tho mark moro squarely than when ho warned us to look for extremely warm weather tit tlio opening of August.

On or near tho 6th and 7th, be says, thoro will bo a reaction to storm conditions. From tho 11th to 15th is a regular storm period, during which many blnstoi- ing summer storms be natural. We do not think that heavy and general rains are to bo oxpoctod in August. Look for reactionary storms about 18th and 19th. A regular storm period runs from tho 22th to tho '2fth.

Look at that time fov extreme warmth, ouding in storms with i Much cooler nights -will follow. Tho 29th and 30th are reactionary storm centres-- warmer, with bluster and rnin. Ou Wednesday evening, at eight o'clock, Goldsboro M. E. Church was tho scene of a pretty wodding, tlio contracting parties being Miss i i daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Bonnott, of Golclsboro, and Mr. i i a Wesley Walls, of tho same place.

A crowded church awaited the arrival of the bridal party. The i a was played by Mrs. W. C. Whai'ton, and tuo ushers wore Messrs.

J. A Bennett, Euos Walls, Wallace and Horace Dcnni- son. Miss Mattie Bennett, sister of the bndo. tho maid of honor, and Mr. ha a was the groom's best man.

At tin 1 chancel i bridal party was mot by the Kev. C. L. Konnaul, who very impressively performed tJio ceromony i i iu wedlock two members of his Sunday School and church. Tho room was neatly, (rimmed i evergreen and flowers, an arch spaiining tlio cha.ii- c.ol, and two wickot gates on cither side, attended by Misses Addio Jarrell and Bertha Walls.

Tho bride was neatly attired in light tun serge, trimmed i i embossed silk. A receptiou was held at tho bride's home after the ceremony, aud a pretty and useful presents wore left as tokens of deep regard for tho brido, who, with the groom, has the best wishes of tho church and comm i A charming euchre party was given last week at Oriole Cottage, the country homo of Mr. J. M. Barry, of Baltimore city.

The hostess, Mrs. Barry, assisled by her daughter, Miss Barry, gracefully received her guests on the spacious porch surrounding the house. Tho first ladies' prize was awarded to Miss Rickards, the second prize to Miss Fry; the first gentlcinens' prize to Mr. Fields, second prize to Mr. Rickards.

At cloven o'clock refreshments wore served on the lawn. Those present wore! Miss Fry, Miss Jones, Miss Dodge, the Misses McShano, Miss Jarrell, Miss Peunington, Miss Whoatley, Miss Day, the Misses Smith, Miss Swing, and Miss Rickards; Mr. McShane, Mr. Rickards, Mr. Fields, Mr.

Lord, Mr. Whitby, Mr. Jonos, Dr. Colston, Mr. Callahan, Mr.

Mandril and Dr. Stone. Messrs. David and Clarence Ramsdell, of Chicago, arc spending some Lime at tho home of thoir parents, 1 town. These young men hold lucrative positions in tho Windy City, where they have lived several years.

Mr. R. B. Bond is spending a days at Ocean City attending the annual shoot of tho Baltimore Gun Club. He made a very creditable record in the general and' team shooting.

Loo Davis, of this place, has been givon a scholarship at St. John's College, Aunapolis, by Geo. T. Rodden, member of tho Legislature. Mrs.

Alos. Hardcastle, is spending several days with Dentou and Tnckahoo Neck relatives. Mr. Htirdcastlo was hero on Sunday last. Isaac Hyner, of Ridgely, formerly a resident of Talhot, was in Eastou on Saturday; so was J.

Leslie Beau- ehiiiup, of Hillsboro. Ledger. Mrs. L. B.

Towers gave twonty- ouv of her young lady friends" a straw-rido to Chilton's Camp on Tuesday evening last. Masters Ridgely Melvin, of Anua- polis, and Thomas and James Mel- viu, of Ellicott City, are visiting Carolina relatives. Messrs. Summers and Poo, of A Aruudel county, visited thoir friend, Mr. 11.

B. Bond, in this place, several days this week. Mrs. Sallio E. Dowuos, of Baltimore and Mrs.

Samuel Focer, of Philadelphia, havo boon Mrs. H. A. Roc's guest. Mrs.

J. W. Biyiiing, of Lae, and Mrs. Georgo Cooper, of Philadelphia, aro visiting D'onton relatives. Rev.

George S. Fitzungh, rector of Christ Church, is at Port Royal, for a short stay among old friends. Miss Ella Turner left on Wednesday morning to spend several months with Western Shoro relatives. Hisses Mary and Elsio Sanlsbury and Mrs. L.

0. Eaton have boon visiting Mrs. T. P. Fishor.

Dr. Cornelius Dcwoeso visited his brother, State's Attorney Dowooso, this week. Mr. and Mrs. M.

L. Coulbo'irn, of Philadelphia, aro visiting Tnckahoe relatives. Mr. Milton Greou, of Marydol, has boon visiting friends in Cam- dou. Miss Estolla Willis, of Soafovd, has been visifing Proston friends.

"Mr- A. J. Mossick, of Bothlohom, spent Sunday at A a i City, Miss Bertha Jamison is a visitor at Mr. W. A.

Stewart's. R. W. Stowartis recovering from a long illness. Miss Jemno Hicks is Miss Bossio Rochester's guost.

Miss Georgia Stevens Is visiting Deuton relatives. To llio Kditui's ol A i tho General Assembly was in session 1SU6 tho citixeus of Choptank petitioned that honorable body, through our representatives, Dr. Clark and Mr. Lewis, to pass a bill authorizing the Governor to appoint an additional Justice of the Peace for tho Fourth election district, to reside iu the town of Choptank, which it did (chapter 400 of tho Laws of 1890), aud Mr. J.

T. Blades, a former representative of the Republican party, but then an acknowledged loader of a reform moveinout, was recommended aud appointed to that position. Ho held With credit to himself aud satisfaction to the i to the oud of his term, despite tho opposition of his competitor, i his political alliance, who being also a member of theState Central CommitteeforCaro- Huo that position to boar upon an effort to prevent a con- i a of a justice of tho peace at Choptank, as will bo shown further on. At tho end of Mr. Blades' terra a petition of about all the voters of Cuoptunk and i i i regardless of political suutiuiout, was heut to the Governor, through registered mail, asking that he be reappointed.

No attention being paid to tho matter Mr. Blades was urged to write tho Governor as to whether or not his commission had boon overlooked; to which he received the following roply. SCK, ANN Inimary JI. ChopUiik, Mil. iiAli ruiHy'toyour IcUcr i JUth inst to the Governor, 1 nm thrcctcO to hay Dial the appointment of an rdJitionnl justice of Hie election district of Caroline comity Iins not licen overlooked, lut Ihc CSovcrnor lias been informed by a number of citizens of Caroline county thai an aililitioiial Justict is not Vtry Respectfully, KILHAKD DALL.OI, Sccrelaiy of Stnte.

Wo believe wo an; in a position to know who tho "number of citizens" arc, and what interest tho3' had in i i the Governor i that iufoi'Qintiou. Surely they are not eitizeus of tho community that would be directly benefited by au additional Justice. Then what ground has the Governor to refuse recognition of a recommendation of tho citizens who are directly affected? The attention of tho leaders ot the party has been frequently called to this neglect, with no avail whatever. Now we are a little sensitive to tho treatment received in this matter and shall lay tho charge where it bo- lougs, recognizing, as wo do, thro' what source all benefits part of tho county have come. Our rights Lavo been ignored by tho very party who look to ns for political support.

Now, if auy redress can bo had it will be made through the party whose influence coiucidcs with our public and personal interests. We are a i in this matter and shall endeavor to mafcc it so appear at tho right time. Additional matter will bo exemplified through those columns, if necessary. MAXY CITIZENS. Thenc Arc Dog Dogs days are now in their full force.

The origin of these dog days is very antique, aud they carno about in this way. The great heat of July led to a superstition among Romans. They conceived that tho pre-eminent warmth aud the diseases and other calamities flowing from it were somehow connected with the rising and setting of tho star Canicula, or Little Dog Star, in coincidence with the suu. They accordingly conferred the uamo of dog days upon the period between the 3rd of July and the llth of August. So the twenty days immediately preceding and tho twenty days following the rising of the dog star, con- stitued tho dog days of the' Roman superstition.

Their poot, Horace, even believed in this superstition. He makes allusion to it iu his address to the Blaudnsion Fountain, in which he remarks that the influence of the dog star has made the water warmer. But the scientific fact is that a spring necessarily preserves a moan heat all tho year around. The which closed last Sunday wus a record breaker, as far as records go, for its intense heat. A FINE CHILTON'S.

Tin- Services--There ure Muny Vinltoi-s ut Till! Tl'nlH Chilton's camp, which has been going on this week, will close next Monday. About eighty families aro i on the ground, but the at- tondauee has. not boon so large as in former years. The meetings, how- over, have boon of interest, and many instructive and convincing sermons have been preached, Rev. A.

D. Melviu, president of the Mary- laud Conference, who was present during tho first three days, preached two very able sermons--one Saturday evoniug and the other Sunday uioruiug. Rev. T. 0.

Grouse pveach- ed Sunday afternoon and on Monday aud Tuesday. Suuday night, Rov. Louis Randall, ouo of the most promising young men of the church, occupied tho pulpit. Rev. J.

F. Wooden, who preached Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, presented tho truth in a plain, straightforward a and on this his first visit has endeared himself to the people of Caroline. Rov. D. W.

Anstiue, an ex-pastor of Caroline circuit, arrived Monday evening and will remain uutil this morning. Mr. Austine is deservedly popular at Chil- tou's, aud ho preached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with his usual ability. Rev. W.

R. Graham, D. preached a very scholarly and instructive sermon Thursday afternoon, and will preach again tomorrow morning. Rev. Q.

Bacchus, who preached Wednesday and Thursday, is also an ex-pastor of Caroline, and has attended every camp-meeting which has been held at Chiltou's in tho last fourteen years. He will preach tomorrow afternoon, aud the llev. LouisiRaudall will preach at night. Tlio Christian Endeavor service hold Thursday afternoon by Rev. C.

E. Drydeu was very interesting, and no doubt awakened a deeper interest in the movement. He held up tho society in Denton as being in many respects a model one. Among the visitors at Chilton's this week wero the following Miss Nora Moore, Miss Susie Moore, Miss Lillie Melvin, Mrs. Hattic Money, Mr.

Albert Warren, Feltou; Mr. Howard Barrowclough, Chester, Miss Mamie Vane, Miss Lizzie Freeman, Dover Miss F. Melvin, Mr. Edwiu Molvin, Mrs. R.

C. Garrett, Mrs. John Dill. Rev. J.

F. Meredith, Messrs. Alfred and Charles Russell, Miss Maud Cahall, Mr. and Mrs. R.

H. Russell, Mr. Aaron Warren, Miss Birdie Seaman, Miss Lillian Lnkens, Philadelphia; Miss Ella Moore, Leipsic Miss M. Hill, Mr. Lee Hill, Seaford; Miss Elsie M.

Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Thomas, Miss Nellie Graham, Vernou Mrs.

L. 0. Eaton, Miss Charlotte Overton, Norfolk; Miss Eugenia Redden, Mrs. Graham, Dr. Dornelius Deweose, Baltimore Miss Alma Knowles, Miss Mamie Knowles.

Bridgeville; Miss Ethel Anderson, Mrs. W. Porter, Miss May Jonos, Don ton Mr. Herbert Stayton, Dr. S.

H. Stayton, New York; Mrs. Jennie Moore, Miss Lottia Crouse, Miss Olivia Cain, Mr. George Swain, Miss Rella Smith, Harrington; Miss Bessie Anthony, Miss Sadie Anthony, Anthony Miss Anna V. Mooro, Mrs.

J. E. Willis, Gfeeus- Tnolvi- IV Arr State Entomologist, W. G. Johnson, says tho wheat yield of Mary- hind has been a ft notion moro than twolvo bushels por aero.

This in comparison with tho average yield for ten years past, is about three- fourths of a crop. Tho average for the entire northern tier of counties, including Montgomery, 14 4-JO bushels per acre, while that of Washington, Frederick, Carroll, and Montgomery alono is 1C bushels. "Ou tho Eastern Shore, Cecil, Kent, Quceu Anne aud Talbot together yield ICi bushels. In the five counties south of Talbot the yield is slightly moro than Si bushols, while the four southern counties on this of the bay average 8 1-10 bushels. The average yield by counties is as follows: Washington loading with 17 Ta bushels; Garrott, 12; Allegany, 13; Frederick, 16 2-16; Carroll, 13; Harford, 13i; Baltimore, 14J; Montgomery, 17: Howard, 12: Prince George, 10; Anne Arrundel, Charles, 7i; St.

Mary's, Calvert, Cecil, 17: Kent, 16 4-10; Quoen Anne, 16; Talbot, 16 C-10; Dorchester, 9 3-10; Wicomico, 7 3-10; Worcester, 10; Somerset, Caroline, 9. "Tho shortage of the crop is duo to the Hessian fly, which was very abundant and destructive to the early sown secondly, to the wet spring, accompanied with unusual cold weather in April; thirdly, to the drought, which prevailed during the latter part of May and June; and fourthly, to the attack of several fungus diseases, prominent among which wero rust, smut, and a new disorder known as septoria." Tlio Time to liuy Vent-lies. "It is perhaps not generally known that now is the time to buy peaches for canning, preserving, from a standpoint of quality, as well as economy," remarked a commission merchant recently. "Georgia has the largest and handsomest crop in its history. The quality of the fruit is excellent, California had an exceedingly light supply practically none will come from Delaware there is a third of a crop in Pennsylvania and Western Maryland, and an insignificant one both in quantity and quality to come from New Jersey.

Between fifty aud sixty cars of Georgia peaches are arriving daily, and at prices within a few cents of freight and packing charges. Orplmns' CoortOl'rococfllngK. All the judges were present at the session of the Orphans' Court on Tuesday, and the following business was transacted. Hinson C. Goodon deposited for probate the will of Elizabeth Carmean.

James Snow, one of the executors of James P. Suow, deceased, presented an inventory and appraisement of the personal estate of the said deceased. Harvey L. Cooper was appointed, by decree of the- Court, to sell the real estate of Thomas Arnet. The Court appointed Fred.

B. Noble, of Preston, to the scholarship at Washington College, Chestertown. HILLSBORO rli-l-MASOPHS CELEBRATE Tin. 1 i i i i i i i i A i i i i i i of The Insli of Lhcu- Tho Hcptiiophb of Tuckahoo Conclave, No. 29, celebrated the seven- anniversary of their local organization at Hillsborough on Wod- no.sday evening.

The order of exor- i-isos embraced parade through the tempting refreshments. The arrangements wei'p in compeioiit hands, and everything tended to produce enjoyable results. The parade formed over tho bridge, and tho lino of march was through the towu and around to tlie conclave room. Tho (rfoonsborongli band oscoitcd tin n.uciiors, in a float bearing three girls representing "Fraternity, Truth and Wisdom," the watchwords of the order. Banners and transparencies, bearing mottoes Heptasophic and setting forth tho principles and purposes of the society were conspicuously erous and appropriately designed.

To tho side of the conclave hall, in the open air, a speakers' stand and seats for three hundred were erected, and tho Hoptasophs and tbeiv friondi congregated to listou to the orators of the evening. Past Archon George H. Beaven was the master of ceremonies, and his introductory and presentation speeiches elicited applause. The first -'speaker was Olin Bryan, of Baltimore, Supreme Provost of the Order, who eloquently elucidated 'the purposes of the organization and' referred to the good it has accomplished. Dr.

Charles H. Rose, of Cordova, spoko of the social qualities of the Hepta- sophs, and Henry R. iLewis, of Denton, presented the business side of the order. Rev. George F.

Beaven. one of the most venerable Heptasophs iu the country, mado a few brief remarks touching the lii.s- tory of Tuckahoe conclave. Mr. T. Pliny Fishor, of Dotiton, was called for, aud he responded in a few well- cbosou words.

Bouquets wero presented to all the speakers! and tlieii rouiarks were heartily applauded. The literary exercises over, the social side of Tuckahoe conclave was exemplified at a long table in front of the hall, where cream and various other rafivshmeuts wero served unsparingly to. all. Several of the neighboring conclaves were represented, those from Dentou being Henry R. Lewis, T.

Pliny Fisher, Z. T. Hutchiusoti, Charles H. Shields, Jonathan Evitts, T. Fred.

Garey, William E. Saulsbury, William S. Reed, R. Kemp Williams, James H. Nichols, Henry James A.

Triizaare, Jonathan E. Towers, Fred. Paisley, G. W. Richardson, C.

P. Dunning, Moses Gottlieb, Charles Flowers, Robert T. Bryau, Frank A. Ttoddqn, George W. Gvavatt, William Stewart, William H.

Thawley, H. Gavey, A. R. Wright, F. W.

Towns, John Johustone, B. H. Johnson. was tne rescue 01 M. the proprietor.

Churab, of Milford, which was about I The house, at tho south -to be sold at Sheriff's sale! I end of town is nearly completed. Tho "Acme Harrow" is acknowledged to bo tho best in tbo world to work up ground. Tiy it ou your wheat land this fall. Sold at prices and terms to suit the- times, at Barrow's, Main street, Preston. A Very Narrow Kscnpo.

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wilson, whoso home is near the Brick Mill, several miles north of Denton, made a vory narrow oscapo from death on Sunday last. They wove in thoir sitting room, near a desk which was against a wall.

They left tho room, and almost immediately, or in a very short time, lightning struck the house, tearing off sonic of tho woath- er-boarding in front, breaking many window panes, piercing tho wall aud shattering tho desk near which Mr. and Mrs. Wilson had sat. The paper Mrs. Wilson had laid in hoi- chair on leaving was burned.

Sonic KevoiHio ItnllngH. Mr. B. F. Parlott, Collector of Internal Revenue, announces among the Treasury decisions ou the war revenue law the following for this week Whore a customers presents a bottle to bo filled with wiuo tho bottle must be stamped when filled.

When securities of stock arc pledged for a loan tho stamp tax is to bo reckoned on tho face, value of the certificate but on the amount of money loaned exceeding $1000. Tho ordinary church or Sunday school entertainment, without auy hired performers, does not como under the head of public exhibitions or shows for money contemplated by tho law aud are not taxed, neither is a lecture, even when illustrated by lantern views, when given for churches aud benevolent societies. Amateur theatrical exhibitions, cither in private houses or Jiooused public halls, when givon for church or charitable purposes, arc not taxable. A Good Frmirlilsc Aviillalilu. Trappe, in Talbot county, and Don ton, in Carolina county, are both talking of putting in electric plan ts.

Cambridge Chronicle. There is au opening in this place for an enterprise of this sort. Wo hope some good men will avail themselves of the franchise aud establish a plant. DIED. On July 28, 18D8, Ellen T.

Starkoy, daughter of Marion and Mary C. Starkey, aged 14 months and 1 day. bovo Mrs. Russum, Hillsboro Mrs. Margaret Hopkins, Miss Laura Wix, Frodorioa Miss Mattio Chase, Oakland Mrs.

Annie Clough, Sudlersville: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Russell, Eabton; Mr.

F. M. Saulsbury, Lewes; Miss Estolle Saulsbury, Ingleside; Mr. Thomas Gullett and daughter, Koutou; Miss Maggie Green, Bridgetown Mr. Lloyd Boyce, Centreville Mr.

Watson Roe, Petersburg; Miss Edna Reed, Wilmington Miss Eva Malouey, Camden, N. Miss A a Thomas, Mrs. Arab Anderson, Farmington Miss Lucy Wilson, Goldsboro Mrs. J. H.

Griffin, New York Misses Maud and Ethel Fleming, Stanton Miss Addie Williams, Greenwood. Wye camp-meeting was. largely; attended last Sunday. The Qijeen Anne's Railroad carried many people to tho ground. For the first time in the history of tho camp there was a Sunday steamer from Baltimore.

Passengers were able to spend tho entire day on the grounds and return to the city shortly after nightfall. Tho report that Concord campground was to be fonced and an admission foo charged is 'utterly without foundation. The camp will be conducted in this respect just as it has been in tho past. Bollngly--Qitceiistowu. Ou and after June 1st--rthe beautiful summer resort, Bolingly on Chester, located at Qucenstown, will be opened for the season of 3.898.

Special rates, over tho Queen Anne's Railroad will be given to Sunday Schools, desiring to use this delightful spot for a day's outing. Grounds arc being laid out for Lawn Toanis, Croquet and Base Ball, for the exclusive use of tho patrous. Those not taking lunches with them can be accommodated at the Hotel, with meals at popular prices. Fishing, boating, bathing, crabbing, and all other poplar amusements. For railroad rates, apply to C.

C. Waller, General Passenger Agent, Pier No. 9i Light street, Baltimore Md. M. J.

Marx, is manager oE the hotel. Remedies for Mosquito 1811 eg Mosquitoes were bad this week. The pests annoyed one wherever he went. It has been said that mosquito bite was a preventive against typhoid fever, or something else, but noue ot us.want mosquito bites. There are several remedies to keop the pests away.

One is coal oil, used sparingly on the face and hands, and another is to burn a piece of paper on whioh dalmation powder has been sprinkled. It is said dalmation powder will kill 1 lice and fleas whea sprinkled on dogs and cats. If mosquitoes botheryou try the Attractions of tlie Eastern Sliorij. One great beauty about life onj tho Eastern Shore is, we never have 'a total crop failure in any vegetable production, and onlyonoe in a great while do we have an entire failure in some kinds of fruits. We always raise enough aud to spare of grain and vegetables, and always have fruit of some kind in plenty.

Therefore the Easternshoreman and the Easternshore-woman, too, as to that matter, can always "live at home and board at tho same place," surrounded by all peace and comfort that' heart can Courier. Xotlcc. All members of Choptank Con- I. 0. having business with tho Financier will ploase call on tho Mr.

Ben. H. Johnson, after the 9th uutil my return, as I will bo absent after that date for about two weeks. T. PLINY FISHER, Financier.

About one month ago my'child, which is fifteen months old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I it such remedies as are Jusually given in such cases, but as nothing gave relief, we sent for a physician aud it was under his caro for a week. At this, time the child hud been sick for about ten days and was having about twenty- five operations of the' bowels' "every twenty-four hours, aud we were convinced that unless it soon obtained "relief it would not live. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and -was reconimend- ed and I try 1 'it. It soon noticed a-change for the better; by its continued use a' cure was brought about and "it is.

now perfectly L. BOQGS, Stumptown, Gilmer Va. For sale by Hugh Duffey, Hillsboro R. J. Colston, E.

Brown, Deutou. Locals of little Length, Mrs. Mary Ann Merritt, widow of Tobias B. Merritt, who was a well- know hotel proprietor, died in Wilmington, on Sunday last. She was Miss Chilcutt, of Talbot county.

Five valuable milch cows were killed in a field of Mr. Joseph M. Brown, near Quoen Anne, on Monday evening last, by lightning. Use "Lister's" Special Fertilizer for wheat to insure a big by J. H.

Barrow, Prestou. The JScst Remedy for Flux. Mr. John Mathias, a well known stock dealer of Pnlaski, says: "After suffering for over a week with flux, and my physician having failed to relievo me, I was advised to try Colic, Cholera and -Diarrhoea Remedy, aud have the pleasure of stating that tlie half of one bottle Jcnred mo." For sale by Hugh Duffey, Hillsbovo; R. J.

Colston, Ridgely: W. E. Brown, Dentou. The Ilallroad Depot Kobboi I The railroad -depot at this plhoc was robbed on Sunday night 'last. The thief or thieves gained entrance at a front window, from the platform.

The place was ransacked, and a drawer, containing $52 rifled aud tho funds taken. Other funds, in another to the express company, were overlooked. Fair Ground farm, near Bothle- hem, for rent; also house and lot on Main street in Apply to MRS. JOANNA MCSHANE. makes tbe food pure, and delicious.

POWDER Absolutely BOTAl OAKINO POWDER NEW PURE10NE! I llm only Iruo nfteratl. TRY Lister's Celebrated Harvest Queen Fertilizer, is the tiling for wheat; try it and be convinced. Sold by -J, H. Barrow, Prostou. LISTER'S DISSOLYEBBfllE on j-our wheat and tlio result-will astonish you.


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