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Lebanon Courier and Semi-Weekly Report from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 5

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rra.r--r-iriTtffrrrfr'' ri'i'' II i'T' 11 Mil ff r'i BillliM I if 'I 6 8. '9u A Report -i: 'A i'll I-eaTnlng Laiest Council 1 1' K-' Tdo oi Councils in: on M. i lag at 9 o'clock. After -eft i tho repir's cf th i of Fire A'arra, Osier of adjourned si die. THE NEW No.

Xorti; Elevetita street, was arrested on Satmday 'Korninj! hy OHicf Uiagler, Hnn-tor liiul Ciuslablo Sa-tazhu, ou Jour war-r-i its I Booth of MOITOV PURE and Children. for Infante SHIRTY years' observation millionB of persona, permit i Yimlfnsp(l T.ocal. Do you want a neat and fancy job? If so couio to Tub Coukikk ili ie. AiliF.miAN Landis Gerberich has leased the Kloliidorf room, on South Eighth street, wheio he will have his ollie. Haukv (J uiser, of this city, ban bnon nppointed an agtint of acotU.n Co lioiilors in tobacco, of Detroit.

Owim; to a wa'jt of a quorum there wis net ft meeting of the school board ou Friday evouing lr-st, it being a holiday. f. Henry Yelser took possession of the Rising Sun hotel, at Newiuanstown. W. (J.

Lape. former proprietor, will live with his father, at Sheridan. The Orpheus club, which will render "Mikado" on April 21 and 22, on Thursday evoniijg gave the ooutractto a Philadelphia firm for costumes. About 31,000 trout fry were received here from Emaus, Lehigh county, by local fisher-uioa, which were distributed in the various s'raams of tho county. 11.

II. lless, of Lickdale, contemplates taking a course in the law school at Ann it) ir, Mich. Mr. Hess formerly was a messenger in the State senate. "Tup, Drum mar Boy of Shllou" was presented In Fisher's Hall, on Saturday afternoon and evening, for the benefit of the Good Will Fire Company of this city.

DEl'UTy Register Donley has granted letters cf administration on the estate of Rebecca B. Painter, lata of Myerstown, deceased, to Joseph Painter, of the same place. Tuv: -inui dress ball of the Rescue -i held in the Sons of Aii.crttii iiail ou Altuday evening. It was a sucoess In every sense of the term. John Kleiser, barber, hs Temoved from Cumberland street to South Seventh, rear of McGowans' drug store, where he will be fiblu to accommodate Lis customers and friends.

Daniel Coeferan was arrested on Saturday by Constables Sattazabn and Wenricb, charged with having stolen an umbrella from the store of C. E. llauch, Tenth and Cumberland streets. Alderman Booth committed him In default of $300 bail for a bearing. The best bank in Pennsylvania couldn't you more than six per cent if it wanted but there's no law against getting ten cent, interest by advertising in the Couriek.

Miss Mary M. Painter and Til den H. Frantz were quietly married Thursday morning by Rev. F. J.

F. Shantz, at My erf- It is questionably the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has ever known. It la harmless. Children Biro it. It givea them health.

It will save their lives. In it Kothera liavo Homo-thing which la absolutely afe and practically -reTfnri; p.s i n. rHlld' medlolne. Castoria destroyg Xorms; Castoria allays reverlshaasa Centoria preventa vomiting Sony Castoria enrea Diarrhoaa and Wind Collo. Caatorla relieve Teething Tronblea.

Castoria cnrni Constipation and Flatolency. tCastoi-ia pentralinoa the effeota of carbonio acid gas poiaawona iCastorla docs not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. 3Dastorla pgslmllatoa tho food, regelates the jtomach nnd Tic-cyeli, -eiving healthy and natural sleep. Caatorla ia pnt Tip In ont-ri bottles only.

It is not acid la litiia. SJon't allow any one to aell yon anything else on the piss or prciraino that it is "Jnst aa Rood" and "will answer every pnroae. LiOAt) SYSTEM AMLliACITE COAL USED EXCLUSIVELY INSURING CLEANLINESS AND COM TOUT. IN EFFECT MARCH 19, 18J. Uit.ilHd LEAVE LEBAMON: For New York via Philadelphia, weekdays.

T.ut, 8.M, a. and ii'l and p. in. 8.50 a. Ih m- uudjs, l.ii and y.4J For rhl'adelphla weekdays.6.05,J.03, 8.50, 10.

2 01, 4.ia and 6.45 p.m. Sunday, 7.42 i i A7 I', 11 m. a Mtddletown, 6.03, a. m. and ni hit Si 1 4.45.

6.45 and 9.00 P-ni Sunday, 7.42 9.42 a. 4.47 and 6.41 p. m. KorAUeotowu, wnekdav. 6.5 8.50 a.

4.45 and 8.45 p. m. Sundays. 7.42, 9.42 a. IforVarrisburg weekdays, 6 tH 8.23, 11.05 a.

10 2.28, 7. 8.50, and 11.57 p.m. Sunday, 7 ii; 10 5H. a. 6-56.

1L25 Kor tJyibur. weekdays. 6.1 and H.u5a. For Wppeusburg, MUW. Flue Uiove, 8.15 a.

m. l.ft, b.lja nd pjn. i ir Ri-mikslile. 8.15 a. m.

and l.t p.m. For FoUsville v.a Fine Urove, weekdays, lto p.m TRAINS FOJR LEBANON vew York viaC. R. B. of N.J.

and Allen Le toVn, weekday 4.30, 9.10 a. and LjO, 5 45 m. Sunday. l.OO.ti.CO p. in.

La7e Nw York via L. V. K. It. and Allentown 8 io a.

1.00, 6.10 p. ra. Sunday, 6 mi p. ra V9 New York, via Philadelphia, weekdays a nn 1 4.1HI. D.W P.

111. x.i. i. uuu 12.15 and 4.i a. m.

and 2 ra a. Phtli4ilHltlklLA. woenuays, 4.20, W.uo a 1.42, 4.C5, 6.00, m. Sunday, 4.t0 1 23 6.1-O.T.57 and U.UU.p. m.

buuaay, o.J, Vll 10.28 o. ni. Cew AUeutown. weekdays. 5.47.

and 8.45 a li IS. 4.30. 9.30 P. in. Sunday, 8 43 a.

and 4ii, y.oi p. Lea lba' Leav PUie Owe, weak-days, 6.15 and 7.30 a. m. 1.00 and 4.20 p. ra.

ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia Chestnut Street Wharf and Sniiili reel Wharl fr Atlantic City. a. 2..0 SaturtUy otj 475.0 1 p. in.

Aeuoiumoaatiou. 10.00 m. Accomino-dation. .00 a. 4 45 in.

VTP rlrY KKlUlMNii, LKAVK ATLANTIC Depot, oruer Atlantic and Arkamas Avennes. Week-daj express. 7.35. 9.05 a.m., 3 0. 5 30 and P- "iundays-Expreis.

4 00, 5.30,8.03 p. m. Accommodation, 7.15 a. 4-15 P- n. Parlor cars on ail express "ajns Qen'l Passenger Aget.

A. 8WEIGAD, General 8uprintendent. Cornwall Kallroail. dEOBTKS'l AJNJJ Al! li" th. 1895, passenger trains will te ran as AND 17t! follows: TO Lbavs: a a a 9.10 9.53 9.21 9.24 in 12.30 12.34 12.42 12.45 3.10 3.13 S.v.l 3.21 .35 7 IS 7.26 7.29 7.

7.41 7.53 8.25 Lebanon Douatilmiore Cornwall M. Village nryn Mt. Hops anheim arhivi: 7.12 7.16 7.2 7.30 7.39 7.45 7.58 12.02 12.56 1.19 1.55 2.00 8.35 9.15 uolambla. NORTHWARD, am am pm 12.30 Lbavs: Columbia Lancaster Maulieim Mt. Hope Penryn lllners'Village.

Cornwall Akkivb Lebanon pra 3.10 5.00 5Ji5 5.48 5.53 6.C0 6.03 6.11 6.15 1)1 3.35 339 3.50 3.53 4.05 4.22 5.W 5iA 3.45 3.15 4Ji3 45 4.16 4.49 4.68 5.02 7.33 7.45 7.50 12.35 1.30 1.35 1.41 1.44 1.52 7.56 10.10 7.59 10.13 8.07 10.21 8.11 10.25 4.31 4.23 41 1 Uarrlsburg.weeaujv-, aw in r. "7 1 K. 1. 1, auu k. b.50tvDd 8.50 a.

and 4.W), 5.M) m. llrookside, weekdays. n. i- 1.56 4.35 am 7.55 12.30 7.59 12.H 8.10 12.42 8.13 12.45 8.27 8.4i 9.20 9.20 a ra 8.05 8.00 8.45 9.00 9.14 2.20 1.17 2.23 9.28 2.31 9.32 2.S5 Lbavs: Lebanon Cornwall Village Mt. Hope Maulieim Akkivb: Lancaster Columbia Leave: Columbia Manbeim fet.

Hope Miners' Village Cornwai! Donaghniore Akkivb: of CasCorla tha pa.tro.aaga via to apenlc of it gitfron-fc gcesKinitr. A. cm. every Pitcher's Castorfa ATKINS rm Alwr.ys kv on Ltad a frceh reck of Urccer-ies wh eh :hr.y ara do-ternained to Bell cheap. AU tltey ask is to give them a trir-i acd bo f.cri-irir".cc.d aiao carry a full lln of Qtjsbhs, Glass akd Willo'v-vtaee, ATKINS Grocers, LSBAI-TOIi.

Mutual Fire Io ilioiU OF PA. A. LIGHT, President, E. D. KRALL, Treasurer.

Office, No. 10 South 5th Street. Organized In 1886, Insurance In force over 2,000,00.0, None but First-Class Ittss accepted. S. II.

Bentz, Secretary. Arrd, 11 jr. PIN It HAND-MADI! EA3 FITTING BAID F. WIS it'CJ irn i i a in.1 tkPJ Ii'ijie3j LEBANON. i'A.

iO Maker of Fin Ca: icm Boot lN and fonoes. Tha finest Grades. SatKfaction puar- aatosd. rW Particular sttontion give a io Odd Shaped ret. Easy Bunions.

Headquarters lor Dressings and Al.ii, manufao turers of Boots, Shco and Craitcr Upper and dealer in Leather and yinding fall Papers and Window Sliades. All the latest styles of shadings and designs, bright and cheerful colorings, as well as the most delicate tints. Quality the best, Assortment largo, Prices the lowest. Samples cheerfully given. You will save money by making your selections out of this stock.

D. P. Witmever's Old Store, 21 South Street: Time saves Nine." BRO H' 'TSn aim wi ''c-t mo; O'Ahig: 'O litOY pupi's could net attend th Ing, Karc'i The by il. V. Mi lips s-or.

re iri on was 11- Il le. 1 he in l'n si nl, ll.c.s v.v Mr. 111 lh ob.ieel cf lhe ur a a (I a tn parlii-Tute iu Ui xj: "America'' suvg 1 tii lea.Jli),;. A pie, The Sunny hi ie i a Tea-'l 1 '(1 I win CM 1 a by M. VV.

Phillip-. Mr. Aai I-Ubt. Will! a foiiii 'r t.f the il, sonal and r. gjva ed to 111 liosi.i taiuty and support of patrons and fi iend-: tiio g.iod Mr.

Phillips am lioin-k did h'm, who vr county superiiileii.l.-nis. and ti pleasant as-ocUiions with tiie pupjis wh-iure now grown and scattered, following callings and rilling responsible p. isitions cidi tably. "1 he Old Front. Door" was next sun- by the selioo'.

Mr. V. M. an ra.ut letters r--ceived from the follow ng persons w'io were former pupils or teachers 01 Hie school co il.t not be piesent: o. L.

Kreider, A. MA man Henry (former suuerieleudeni), J. til Kohn, E. A. lieiiinan and Samuel H.

Stine. Mi Curdy, gave a shert tilk which was heartily applauded. V. M. ili-Uni in gave spicy recollections.

He said he a -iiiiu'ter a century ia the Wertmo vcaoul, eh her a pupil or teacher. II. spoke of thn stimulus and inspiration he reeeiven from oi his foi nii-r tei-eheis Asaph S. Lighi.Ileury C. Sunveiy and M.

t'liler, during seveu jears of his si-hojl life, whieti made his character witar it is to-iliv. he good times they id at the spring bte's singing schools and lit soci es hero were also touched upon by him. j'. Su ively made interest iiij; remarks and s-ave an accurate history of the school since i.iis, wh'cii we "-vo below. The house was next favored wi'l'i a liracefiil recitation entitled, "The Jolly lV-cie gogiie," by Sarah A.

Saaveiy. liarvey lieimiaii rendered a seleet reading, '-Tim The above exercises weie int. wit' nimie motion of li. M. Ciller it was a-'reru to hohl another on third Saturday in 18W, if I lie weather be iacleineut on tin fo.n-ti, Saturday, in the afternoon.

Ou motion 01 W. lleiimau a committee was appointed to nrran luugiaiu. rue meeuuu oui-nul sweetest inspirations. leacneis in e.harvn nf ijh. foiiiieriv rt ider's 1 i vV.r: TlT.

c.i'jii: i irnm l.4l period cf 48 years. to IS From Teaeiie 1148 iSin Martin Seiler. Henry Heilman, Jr 1851 Solomon Heilmnn IHil Cvrus V. Mm 2 1S5S Sylvester H. hitzr-v Is5 1S54 (ieorge i Black.

John K. Funck. 18551.856 Henrv If. hrculnr litS-! w-ddc-r. Jno.

F. Kreider. 1N8 18nl Asaph S. Light. lil 12 simon Suavely.

Henry C. Snuvely. Wesley M. Heilman. Onesimus Kreider Kpliiaim M.

r- Samuel Snaveiv. Wesley M. Heilrri in. Cyrus J. Seltzer, (two months).

Aaron F. Heilman. Jonathan G. Bonn. ictor Thompson.

Aaron It Merlin 18D2 17rt5 lW 1SI5T 18I-8 1K70 1S70 1S72 1K72-1S76 lS76-lS7ti 1H76-1H80 IHSD 18SJ 18J 1S4 ISStj 188ri 1887 Emerson nan 1887-IS8J Alfrea Boeshore 1889 18! Samuel II. Stein' 18'J0-1814 Milton W. Fhlili John a. Horst- lS'Jo i8l5 Milton W. l'hillmn In all hn senooi ot wno 11 rune are dead oniv siv various calluiL's.

The followiii- were scheol directors when the nrst house was erected in 1848: Ilern Tiee Henry Shae rer, Christian Brandt, Michael lloif: man, ounu rioiir. Mainii. al lif. still Ilv1. uamcu iu ii-souri, ana is a inem- uei 01 me Legislature.

In iSSijanc-wselioal building erected but a short distance from the old one. The folio v-ing were members of the sckoal board at the tune: Isaac SUaeiler, Wm. H. Saltzer, Adam B. Light, Win.

Bowm in, Clias. Fornev and Henrv C.Miaveiy. Of those ho nttMnriii 11,0 io M.c avmv 11. DC-en engaged in I.Ist of Ic-ltcr. unoallsi for in tho pos tof- fi-ia at banon.

Avril Gib, 180G Ladies' Alice- C. Brandt. Emma Gambler, Mrs. M. M.

GrillHh. Roaanna LiceaweRver, Henrietia Mis. JIC-Cristel, R-nk. JIis. Kitia R'inri Susan E.

Soavely. Whittnnyer, Sa'i-lie Weiant, Kate ZiKgier, Katie jrn. UESTI.E.MAX's List. Jas. B.

Arnold. Henry Bixle-, Ira D. Bowcisri. A. E.

Carl, J. II. Daly. M. Dev.

rcau Henrv rjnis. Josrpu M. tiiDgncb, Nichs M. Grif fin Parti. TI ,1, ,1 mil itjv ur tV'.

man, Meno llolimsrer. Thos. Jones, T. McLarron, D. K.

Mectzer, W. T. Mor-11, D. L-jVis Moore, David Potn. Jacob Sholly, H.

Shumate, Siivao Als, S. S. White, i'rank D. Wetherlv, cob Zeller. A.

S. Licht, P. M. Constipation Causes fully half tho sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in tho bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, imli- gestion, bad taste, coated tongue, siek headache, insomnia, etc.

Hood's Tills cure constipation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists. Prepared by C. I.

Hood Lowell, Mass. The only Tills to take ith Hood's SarsapariUa. WE recently closed a dual with a well-known retail firm needing take their entire stock of TABLE representing the choicest patterns of all the makers of reputation. Their anxiety for cash gives us the opportunity to sell, at retail the entire stock at HALF" MAKERS' PRICES. Berry, and TibksnoonB, all sizes; Ladles, Pish, Lettuce aud Ice Cream Sots; Butter, Pi Fruit, Table and Cake Fancy Forks, etc.

Nothing useful or desirable has beora omitted. Each piece stamped with laak- er's name acd quality otherwise you'd think thooi no good bacauai they're SO CHEAP. J. J. OOH J.

C. SCHMIDT, Mgr. The Leading Jewelers and Opticians 731 Cumberland St. New York Office, Ivo. 65 Nassau St.

Open evenings till 8. Saturday till io. October 16 lyr. ATS Ke-u 1 1 'XMMiiiu Another A A JBk. SHORT three our less than successful.

a Handsome choice of the 'S BOYS' See that yon tet A The fao-almila eignatnre of Children Cry for CMBEROEK RNEA8KL. At the Seventh street I.uHieran parsonage, this tity, by the Rev. P. Croll, on Saturday evening, April 4, Samuel S. Umberger and Eiss Tlllie Kneasel, an 111 xjtiuaaim DIEHL.

On April 1, at Hebro Mary Dlehl, wile of Joseph Diehl' aged 77 years, 2 months and 17 days. SHERMAN. On March 3d, In Bethel township, Lebaaon county. Pa Jonathan Sherman, aged 40 years, 8 mauths and 2 days. WITMER.

On the -27th sit near Cornwall, Fiihraim Winter, aged 'ci years, 11 months and HERKNESS. At Jonestown, on April 3, 1W, Emma, wife of Alfred M. Hei kuess.daui. liter of Joseph and Elizabeth Morehead. I1.U1-meut wasmade at Philadelphia on Monday.

KOCH EN A UK Ft. On Sal.nrrisiv at thn dwnce of her son. Oeorge Kockenauer, iu this city, Mrs. Sarah Kuchenauer, aged 67 years. LEIN1NGER.

On Friday, iu Lebanon. Mr. James Leininger, aged 4C years. ECK. On Friday, In Lebanon, Thomas Eck, aged 18 years.

ACHKNBACn. In Lebanon, last week, Robert w. Achenbacb, aged lommthi. Interment at Pinegrove on Saturday. HARiNETT.

In this city, recsntly, Mrs. Joiiu Hai'tuett, aged 93 years. Religious "Doifiesz. KS" Kev. H.

J. Welker's appolntmonts for next Sunday are Services at Klinmerllng's at .0 a. 111. aud at Orace church, Avon, at 7 p. Rev.

A. J. Bachman's apnolntments for next Sabbath are as follows Holy communion at Tenipleman's, at 9.30 a. m. Millbacli Richland, 7 p.

m. Preparatory services to Holy Coninunion on Saturday, at 7 p. 111., Tem-pleman. Obituary. Wednesday of last week the remains of Fattier Simon iongst were buried on the U.

B. Cemetery of Bellgrov. The deceased was nearly i-e ven ty one years old, and loaves a widow and son to mourn their loss. His beat is not only vacant in his home, but In tha church. Ha led an upright Christian lifj for 40 years; was about 28 years a class leader aud many years Sexton of the U.

B. Church. He died as only a brave soldiar of the cross can in the ranks of Christ army in fall array of battle. He wai the oliest metnbir of his church, and a regular attend. act.

His death was very unexpected, al though complaining the whole wlntar from Ho died from heart paralysis about fuur ciock on Sunday Morning. The fan iiy had only about an honr's warnlDj of bis approaching death, and only a few words were uttered within that time by him. Rsv's. Jones, if Palmyra, Joel Light, was him, anu a. B.

Donmer of this olaee otuolatea at the funeral. Tha seat which brother Yiengst occupied In Church was draped in mourning, as also wers the lamps which ha so often lighted rap for aei vices. Blessed are those servants ho ar found Watching when the Son of JIan cometh. "YVliat Everybody Says About Brandy. That the Wines and Brandy of the Speer N.J.

Wine Passaic, N. are leading all others in public favor. Their Wines are unexcelled for delicacy of flavor, and are pronounced by the most capable judges to be the very best in the market. For pure grape Brandy their Old Climax, vintage of 1876, is ad-nittedly tbe best to be had and more reliabio Iban French Brandies. Druggists sell it.

"The Man Who Became a Sv," hy William. T. Hcrnaday, aathor of Two Years in tie Jangle," etc. With 10 poll-uage half-tone illustrations. The Peler Book Buffalo, New York.

Ic is a powerful high clss tovel of obarscter and adventure. is highly origical in eoncsption, fresh in thought and character, rich in incident aad adven-tuio, end fasoioating to readers of both sexes from the first to the last. The soons are laid in Boaiana, a large ciy in the State of New York, ia Montana, and in Btirnco, amongst the head Mr. Jereroiih Rock, a typiaal business man, aecarad eo disgustrd and wi-h tbo evils of bad politics, strikrp, itcal-reranaeand "tha struggle for cxisteaoe," that ha to the heart cf only to immediately bcarjme involved in helping au old Savage to defend his country the gold snrkera acd traders in rum who sought to overrun it. A Stitch in Lumber or WHEN li- with la Ui il '5 if it jbs'ilU Oerlwr.l, of- of il J.i.iiis Kairlmni.

idi ce.Hsi "no v. a i My, unit st.tra of 1 fi il. of '0 1 aU in ouiuuiii led to jail fir a o.i Monday vvalter Shay anil Iia Werutr er.5 arrtsttd hy Chief of Itily Uiugler nad Constable Aaron Zutar.ahn, charged with buiug aecoruplicaj of Isaac Leailom in robbing the res: of Mr. J. U.

ICillinyr, eouthwest coraer of Ninth ami Water streets, sovao tiaie ago. Alderman Booth committed to jail without bii for a healing to diy. Our Mayors. Last Mcnday Mayor Qtirrett closscd his administration, w'oieii was highly satls'ao tory to his party, ami indeed eaerally. John A.

Wtimer, thn youngest Mayor we ever bad, acd who was elected by the larg e-t Majority given th Mayor in our city, assumed his dutios unJar exceedingly riittering circuLcsticccj. Endorsed so Btrougly by the and assisted so ably oxpeiienced, Iclelliijeiii nro.jr.-.ssive caau-ciltnen, co'ibtitato luta branches, the citlz-iua fairly antioipate a pro.Tjjjroas Mayor and his ji-ople up tLe bright pros peats retartittg prospisrUy.and judicious maua(593ieut ili minioip'il atl'tirs. Oiu- Now onncils. ith antl Umpaun Ojucclls re-cr-ganiztd IrtsS Muuday, making uo changes in the prenHents clorku, bur. conrildrable changes in coinciittoesi.

Theru is plenty of work for tha ne adaiiaistration. Prominently the water, sewor, city hall and police questions need matured attention. In the midst of cumy r.eedcd iroprove-cents it should not bj forjtiou tht our taxos and debts should na; bo reckleisly increased. Many of our st citizens ar taxed cue's as they fiver solid progress they Ar-i opposed to the increase of tax rates now, when wjigts, renin and interests are very low. When employee atd employer am struggling hard to "keep even." Indeed th-i prevailing depression affects all ani taxos should not be increased at this time, even if tha debt mnet be.

C'hemletil and l'atrol C'oiupany Thti Liehaton Chemical Kagina aud Patrol oompa-jy No 1, held a meeting laat Friday evening at the Lebanon Ilousa, Third ward. Dr. A. 15. linger, president, was ia the chair acd Ligbt acted as secretary.

Tha committee oa location for aa engine houso, B. Siltzjr, chairman Dr. V. H. Holebrg.

McAii'gter, O. P. Smitb, John A. Utiier sEd VV. li.

Weiroer, reported to the tU prop-irtj No. 110 North Ninth street, formerly occupied by J. E. Daugherty, pitrblo cutter, hot owned by It. E.

Wei-uer, aftjr a dissnsslou was instructed to c-jafer with Mr, Weimer end present a. sopor in itinj at thy nxi meeting as to the pries and under what conditions it can be pr.rchnel. nerod Gocd Fiiday and F.aster werj Rppropria-tfly o'esorved by reariy all th3 churches. Soma had services oath eveciog during Passion week, others had special exorcises Good Friday, -shilrj others only held Easter aDni versaries oa Sunday. These days Qo.iil Friday and is'or Sunday so close together in tim3, ia focliug and religious obeervacors are in marked contrast.

The former eo tad, the' latter so thrillingly glad. In our age of advanced and advancing literary, moral and spiritual culture, it is bat natural that these religious holidays are obsarvd with increasing appreciation and reverence. Won Their Suits. B. M.

artorney for the six ex-letter carriers of this oily, v.ho claim additional frjin the government for fxira wcik, hss ttceivid word from hU -ioiatrs, Kin at Wash-ingiou, D. C. that tho court of claims has reciiVfcd tho judgtKueut of vheir clients of the a jq jot of 52 Gongrjss will now make an appropriation for thti payment of the elitist p. Egf" Prof. 8.

Myorstown, who had Lceu as a candidate for tha otlice of State Serja'or, announces that. General Gobin, iing a candidate for re election and eminently compe tent and worthy, ho has concluded to run for tha tihja of State Legislature, lbs Professor ia well and favorably known throughout tha county and admirably nuili- fied.aa a fiao f.cho'ar and stauach Ra- pnbliean. Awful Acvldeat Last Saturday afternoon, whilo Thotcas liCk.agod 10 with his parents Ncrlh Twelfth street, this city, was play fully handling a revolver, its contents were discharged int his head, killing Lim in stantly. 3X VSf Eubscri'Uf-rj to The Co'JiUEit coutm- pluting ri taovil, who receive their news paper by e-irrifii post, saooid promptly adriee of present ard prospec tive residence or address. State what day the tshv hnm:) wiil be occupied or new ad dress be for the old.

Acnoy-in? the rr.issf.s in delivery or -lay by mall will thus he sivi-ldid. Sale of Hank stock. A ul a oi taa N-iiioti. baiik on S.Murcay aften.oon at ihc Ataurici.i il kid, ahdras ware disposed of at prices ran, -in from fGO fj) 35 Ths par valus is 50 EProiidoat Judge A. V.

Ebrgool has a ln.erartn ofl lfj acres, situated along tha inborn Lords? of this coauty. airu uo passea rus 0ys. t-7 Fox, ao employe of the Leba- tioa ledn-trial wori 3, her finger caaght ia a sewing machiao and the needle pros trated th-) mou-ber. I'nblle Sale of Stock. Samuel PUil'ipa will bold bis annual sale of star.dara acu oiDsr sloes on bie stock farm, of Presoott, sometini3 ia the be g' fining of My.

1)13 aaucuccono-jt of the sale wiil brt fciven st a iatf.r date Out Sale. All oar tastrcmects will bo sold at half price, v.e going out of tho aiai-ic business. Com.i s.rly and -t a bargain. A largo stoek of instruments and sueet music at les than cott. In th-5 future we ill handle notning but seln machines.

E(iLASl) BilOS 7 South 8ih L-jbaaon, Pa. Coiuluy: Horse sale a.e always Interesting, and the reliable de.aier Harry Light's sals on Thursday, April next, at Bollman's Uotel, will attract uuui'ii! at'eollor. The season, the apritig; quality of stock, suited for firrora, doalirs, basin men, livryiuen aii'l g- and Mr. Light's knowledge of tb trade, arjlmali fellers and buyers ail justify tli: that this will bo a I.vgo' Hiienneii sue anu that some advanttx' om will rr.Aili. All i H'l-Jl rs lor tbe horse tra I sjirta lo and booming io.

e.s calculated to create a. demand jr 1j i 3 iih.rul aairua This lot al tna time aad cunsits the kind whicii is int nded ac oo lt buvers generally. Ojiiio and ft tins bovch aud couviiece.l tl at Mr. L'ah. tu and understands the Lorni t-ti In thereby best oinol-is the of oo ms ci toiners arid Iiit3se.f.

A g-j- 1 ii- mtttiially nr. til able, mk t-t horse bol Decs such is Mr aiu.H. I' The UltAKAUPK Piano is tbe best piano for the ujor.i y. It Htiys iu tune wif piano him! -wear exceedingly well. Ni-anv lai) 01 thtue pianos are 1:1 use Hi.

lirifp iu aiid nee theui. i21 fatreet. iiiT.Ki: Co I U. Sf -i. v.

it: r-b del at! wi'ii bis wifi and tii--. 'or iierrv tie when! will II is liouncbold goods wire t-uv: ed ago and when the arrive at their the family will go to house-ke er His resides at the place. A pay to, per and the $10 of an W. of C. at of on 1 1 I At 10 a.

Monday Clork Bki oilled i he new council to order aud M-jor II. V. Moer waB inado temporary lobn HunfiicUer was unamiously ohosn peroiaueiit prcHideut. Tho oleotioj oi a city o'erk was deferred nmil some future time and President Hnnsicker thereupon admiuiatered tbs oath of ciHae to the four new couiicilmen, as folio as: George B. Sohosk, First ward Q.

Gerhart, Third B. Mar-quirt Fifth ward; John KilHoger.Sevontb ward. The membeis remamijg in office aie A .1 Meredith, Sooond Ilaiisic'er, waid Ilany P. Mover, Sixlb waid. All the oiembers are It opublicioa.

COMMON. AtlOo'olook Clerk Sharp called common coaooil to order and O. C. Bojd was unanimously elected president. The president thereupon adrcinisterad the oath of oliioe to the uew couucilmen as follows: H.

Cilley atd H. T. Atkins, Second ward John II Bhuaar, Fourth ward; John Wnner and D. B. Buck.

Sixth ward. The old merabeis ere O. C. Boyd and Grant Kleiner, First ward George Liegle acd John Fanok, Third ward B. F.

Schools and J. G. Bonewiiz.Fifth ward; George Black and U. L. Litit, Sev.nth ward.

Tfce council ia It publicau 13 to 1, Mr. Schools beicg tho mo ruber. Mr. Ijord, of the Fourth ward, a new ttsr-rnbtr, was cot fiis iit, Mr. Funck rai ed a poiut of ordt that tbe prEsideut was elected ilitgally iu-as-mcch as there was not a qnoiuoi of until the new members ware sworn io aud hence an election could not be held.

The point was cariied and on his tn jtion Mr. Uoyd wao it-sleeted president D. Sharp oleik. The council then took a leoess uatil 7:30 o'clock. SELECT.

The new select council was called to order promptly at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening. Mr. Ilunsicker presided with Messrs. Gerhart, Marquart, Meredith, Sehock, Moyer and Killinsier present. The message from Mayor Weimer was received as follows: Lehasos, April 0, ISMS.

To the Honorable Councils of the City of Lebanon Unable to fully express my gratitude to the electors of the City of Lebanon for the honor conferred in electing me to the mayoralty, I am at the same time aware of the responsibility the honor imposes, and by devoting my time and best efforts to a proper administration of the office, I hope to retain their confidence. In submitting my fust message to your honorable bodies it will not be necessary for me to call your attention to the important Improvements our city seems to be in need of for its further advancement, on account of my predecessor having lately submitted a very-full and complete messago calling attention to these needed improvements. Tho most important matter requiring immediate action is our water supply, and while efforts are now being made for increasing it by artesian wells, it would be money wasted for nie at this time to advocate anything but thorough testing of increasing the supply in this way; however, money may be saved, if we were to continue drilling, to employ a competent engineer, who should have full charge, locate the places where the holes are to be put down, and not allow well drillers to select their own particular place. By adopting this plan we may finally settle the question whether we will be able to increase it by wells, or botcompelled to seek another source. It is necessary that we lose no time, so that when the expected annual dry season is upon us, our citizens will not bo again compelled to have tho filthy water of the Quitta-pahilhv forced on them, as a result of divided opinion, or slow action.

POLICE. The increase of our police force has been agitated for soino few years past without any action by councils. Oa account of it being absolutely necessary to have an increased force. In order to give our citizens the proper protection from recurrence of the late rob-berios, and the frequent brawls at night on our streets and in some of our public places, which should bo checked at once, aud can ouly be accomplished in this way, I would ask that you grant me the authority of adding at least eight to ton additional officers to your present force. CITY ARCHIVES.

The archives of the city seem to be in a de plorable condition, no one at present being able to say where the ordinances and laws in force can be found, as has lately been demonstrated. Unless something is done to get them In proper shape, it will be 1111 possi rile for your mayor to carry them out as passed. Let me uree that you have tbein all com piled in book form as soon as possible, and hereafter annually have theui, together with the proceedings of Councils and the Mayor messages, bound iu booK form, tho same as other progressive cities of the samo class ub ours have been doing. Conclusion: The other needful improve ments, such as streets, sewerage, sidewalks. city hall, lire alarm, will lie presented later messages to be submitted from time to time as you may convene.

Respectfully yours, JOHN A. WEIMER. Mayor. The bond of Mayor Weimer in the sum of $2,000 was approved. Mayor Weimer presented the following appointments for policemen: Wm.

II. South Fourth street, chief of police. Aaron L. South Fourth street, patrolman. George W.

Smith, 517 Walnut street, patrolman. Jacob K. Uloucii, xweuui ana streets, patrolman. George V. Uover, I'-'o-' orge street, patrolman.

Uharles L. Arms, 101 wainui street, patrolman. John L. Uonner, 'SM weiuman street, patrolman. They were considered separately anu confirmed.

Mayor Weimer was present and stated to council that he had selected these men from the number of applicants and that any complaint will be sufficient to cause a removal should the charge be substantiated. STANDING COJtMITrEESS. President Hnnsicker announced the following standing- coramittees: City Property C. B. Marquart, U.

E. Kleisr and J. H. Shugar. Finance II.

P. Moyer, B. F. Schools and James Lord. Fire J.

II. Kulingor, J. Ci. Bonewitz and O. W.

Black. Highways C. G. Gerhart, Grant jcj. Kleiser, J.

H. Cilley, J. K. Funck, J. II.

Hhugar, J. ti. J. luck, G. W.

Black. Laws and Ordinances u. I. fochoek, J. K.

Funck. J. H. Cilley. Markets G.

B. Schock.U. Y. Uiingle, U. W.

Light. Police A. J. Meredith, G. iu.

Ivlemer. John Werner. Printing J. H. Killinger, Geo.

W. Lingle, H. T. Atkins. Accounts A.

J. jUereuitu, U. W. Light, II. T.

Atkins bpecial Water 1. Aloyer, Itoo. 15. Marquart. ii.

F. Schools, G. W. James Lord. The first bill introduced was by Mr.

Moyer and provides for the appropriation of $750 for the payment of damages awarded for the removal of the Hanley property, at i nth and Lehman streets. Passed first reading and was referred to the printing committee. The second Dili was presented Dy Jlr. Schock, and instructs the committee on laws and ordinances to prepare a digest of all laws of the borough and citv in force on April (i, lsiMi, to be ready by July (5, IS! W. Passed first reading and ordered to ne printed.

Mr. Schock presented a resolution 111- Ktructing the board of water commission ers to furnish an exhaustive plan of the mains from the city water supply dams to the city and in the city, which passed first reading. Mr. Schock piesented the third bill which provides for holding an election on May 26, 1800, when the citizens may vote for or against the incurring of a debt of $200,000 for an independent water supply fromSwatara creek and appropriating for the payment of expenses incurred. Passed first reading and ordered to be printed.

A resolution was offered by Mr. Schock instructing the water board to furnish council no later than June 1, with estimates iu detail of the costs of a pipe line from ttie junction of the Big and Little Swatara creeks to the I'nion water works dam, the erection of a pumping station and the construction of'a reservoir and the re-maining ot the city with 12-inch pipes. The resolution passed first reading. The bond of City Controller Charles Foster, in the sum of was ap proved. A resolution from common council asking that a committee of three council- men be appointed to assist the city solicitor in the suit of Savilla Smith against the citv was considered.

Aa Mr. Schock represents the plaintiff in the suit he was excused from voting or taking part in the matter. The chair pronounced the resolution passed illegally, inasmuch as it was passed finally at one session. of of of Mr. Schock's opinion was that it was passed in a legal mamier and need not have the endorsement of the mayor.

The matter was i'mally referred to City Solicitor Fisher, who is to give a written opinion on it. The council then adjourned to meet next Monday evening for the purpose of electing the new citv oflicers. COMMON. The newly-organized council held their first regular meeting Monday evening with President Boyd in the chair and the following present: Messrs. Funck, Cilley, Atkins, Lingle, Lord, Shugar, Schools, Bonewitz, Werner, Bight, Buck, and Black.

James Lord, the newl v-ele jted member from the Fourth ward, took the oath of office. Tho message of Mavor Weimer was read by Clerk Sharp. Guy Sohcitor Fisher appeared and re quested council to appoint a committee three to assist in the trial of the case Savilla Smith vs. the City, involving the widening of Church street between Ninth street and Partridge avenue. A resolution providing for the appointment one member from select and two from common council parsed finally.

Messrs. Funck and Cilley were appointed to represent common council. bond ot Mayor John A. Weimer in tho sum of $3,000 was ap proved. lhe various standing committees for the ensuing year were then announced by President Boyd.

Mr. Bonewitz presented bill No. 1, providing for the relief of the Industrial works of surplus drainage from its laun dry and roofs and making au appropria tion for payment ot the same. It was referred to the highway committee. Bill No.

2. presented bv Mr. Funck, prohibiting the inspection of the fire de partment except by and with the consent of the mayor and fixing a penalty of $25 and 30 days imprisonment for any violation thereof, was referred to the fire committee. Mr. Funck presented bill No.

3, which provides that fire engine horses shall be driven no faster than a trot or short canter going and coming from fires. Referred to the fire committee. The bond of City Controller Charles Foster in the sum of was approved. Bill No. 4, presented by Mr.

Cilley.ap-propriating $3,000 for the erection and construction of an air compressor at the South mountain supply dams, was referred to the finance committee. Mr. Kleiser oll'ered bill No. 5, making an additional appropriation of $100 for placing three fire alarm boxes, was referred to the finance committee. It was requested by President Boyd that a report be made thereon next Monday eveninor.

I la nil in Items. Tbe readers of the Lebanon Courier will pkapa notice that correspondent hss ir.acia his appcarauco and will furnish thn news p.s t'-ey transpire at Hamlin. Our publics schools tavs all closed and tho merry youngsters are happy to have a long vacation of sii months. A quilting; bee was held at the residence of A. H.

Ilunsicker, and the fruits of H- labors were a very handsome quilt. Ths followirg woro prossnt Mrs. Mary Ilunsicker, Mrs. Elnaina Hoflmap, Misses Liliie Thomas, Katie Hnnsicker, Amelia Click, anil Permilla Hummel. 8.

M. Lntz had been a visitor to Fredericksburg, on Wednesday morning. 11. K. Wolf and 1).

II. Hoffman attend ed to business in Fiedericksbarg oa April 1. A. II. Hnnsioker had alibis oattle da homed Iaiit week.

II. L. BhLey of Cross-kill Mils performed the work. Mr. oey is an expert at his, and, has dehorned many hundred hands sines iast fall.

The funeral of Jonathan S'-iermau who died whilo eating his breakfast; on Monday morning from disev.e, wai held on Fridi-y afternoon. Iuterns-at at KhererRburg.Kor. H. J. Welker olli Mrs.

J. G. Gerhart of Frcderiakiburg paid a visit Io her parents, Mr. and s. Wm.

Ildiltnan, llamlio. Jonathsu Mdler lefc our village and ciovtd ou hi farm in Berks C). Evas Forry occupies the house taai'o voanc by J. Miller. Everybody setmfed to he "'on tbo move" last woik, and a jjisafc tnaoy took placn.

A Spnnu: who had charge of the ('roes Kill mi ls, moved to Eoderii, Dauphin on Thursday. Last fall bo bough a mill sud firm of wbioh he now cok possosoion. Thy made the rip hOiSe3 and ccossin, ths mountains by way of Tower City, the being about 40 iniies. Oa Ma dy Thursdiy the correspondent saw iu this vicinity, people roaming ia tha meadows peeking daudslioa. Tuoy peeoned 10 be the first of tha season hunting this weh-kcewn plant.

John Siosver, vete.rinary Surgeon, tt-teudtd to bushier hi our week. Our farmeis are anxiously awaiti ig for the weather 10 moderate ia order to gat out on the fields to rooetd with their usual spiinij work. Blrsnmrck Items; A few woc-ks a jo our Christian Eadsav or Sjciety elected Mis. Gertie Glendennen pieeidentand Miss Ella Bowman ssore. tary, for the purpose of holding a mis sionary entertainment on the nrst buuday of Ai-ril, which was saocessfuliy carried out on Sunday evening iu the Reformed a i a 1 1 .1 criurca.

iii'. ji.ujitiuu xniiiau presiueu ovtr lhe (ieliberatioiij of this relii-tus mcetiLg. Prayer aad siDgmfr.after whish an adliea3 was delivered by Mi38 Knti3 Goshart tiio, by Missjs Liura Bowmau, Ida Carpenter and Gertie Sjah-l-r; by John KauffmatJ and Edna Witmer; principal address by Mr. Am L03 Ki'liau; siugiLff by th9 choir; rec itation ry Miss Ida Bowman, Ella Dulla-bobn, Au.ia Ramsay aad Mary Milier; by Aboer .1 IS )vvniao, i red- erick G- rarr Misses Gcrtio Saahltr, Ida Caroentei and Lauia uomrt; recitation, by Maivin Binner, Harry Carpenter, Jaoob Meebuur. J.

Mesaner. Alter the closing txjiciass Mr. Abtior J. isjwman was president and Frr.d. sasre- taryrDrthe second misstotiacy meeting to be held cn the llrsi evening iu My.

Hiv CrdOigo bairee aaa family iro get- tit their household goods ieady to be shit.ped your city, whore Mr. S'aires will (Ihcii-e as the regular paato: ot tho J1 E. Mitsioa church ou Lehman atre-t, Rev. eiizi. iu the begiauiug oi this wetlc tb3 praissmeiit of ths peisoual piop icy of Witmer, deceased, wiil tike place on the Nor.

li Cornwall farm, wiil ba held in the near future. Mr. G. Di3sinBer and Grant Binner, with their famdhB, will take poss of the fai ra immediately after tho necessary ar ranec-menls can Ui; roane. Harry P.

lviiek ana lamily moved to Nacctosp, whoio he will engsge ia truok- inc next batniner. On iriday evening tua meTjDers ol Camp 70 were agreeably surprised when a cake Boimeraiii lemonade were furniabed gratis by some iioerai-minaea parties 01 the Camp. noye aim trust ii, may nave teen the weans Dy wnioa iretu conrage, activity tsnd regular attendants will secured. G.o. Vv.

U-nbrrcer auld one of his oows ti fianiuel Walti-i 1 terms las Sdturdav. John Miller is on the bick 1 i-a-. Dr. 8 A. Brccht is his attending physioiaa.

Mm. Emanuel D.lz'er, of Micera' Vil lse, agreeably em priced h.r Suadaj school scholars ou bunday moinug iu prisBUtitg each ot them with a iaige aud ornamental Erstt-r eg with his name inscribed thereon. The boys highly appreciate the samo and npsak io glowing terms of their teacher, who has on diffeient oscasions kindly rewarded th.m. Ml. Zloir IteniH.

John Yeagly, Harvey Hain and Harry Yingst, have gone 10 Annville to attend the spring Ior-mal class. u. Fox, John Light and Dawson Light are at tins West Chester Normal School. A. Iivieg Vengiy las' week went to Lock Haven to enter the Cent Normal School.

it-sole s. Orumiiii.e spent Kaster at hnnn- bill letuiued to Seminary at Belhlehelll. M-ss ije.i who was very ill with pneumonia two weeks ago unproved, but is tiil cieiiii ed to her room at tho house vi her aunt Mis linim i Oiieft. Mrs Kit- 11 rhillippy and .11 moved lufo the house by Ilirini 1'hillipy, wlieie she will earrvou the difssnuiklng l)U8IIes. Mrs.Cattiariro Oiielc was hulled at 2 cemetery on Friday forwnoou, of his of Palmyra, Items.

Kev. Wilsiu cf Canada, a bishop tha Reforoae Mrunonito denomination, iireaohed in the Bethel ohurch lest Sat-irday cveninjf. Wayne Grniil, sou of B. F. Gratff, Enp-rinteuilent of tbe Poonsy lvaaia Lime Co vk 11 up the study of telegraphy a' P.

II this II. Ourney ooe of Palmyra's bright representatives at F. C.iilrgn, Lancistor, t-p t.t bis Eiater vacation with parents. Ooar 5e'i9r3 ard sisfer L'zzis rco-ntly urehsscd a Sjhatffr piano of tha Miller Organ Co ond aro t.kiog inttructior in music fiven by Miss L'zzio Millsr.

Dr. C. Vl Krvzar and brother William Reading, spent Sunday wiih their pi.reu's. Mrs, J. C. Philadelphia is visit-iu the fussily of J. A. Loosa. A cuKioer of aro attending; ha Annvi'le Normal school, which opoaid last Monday. Mbs Mamia Her has resumed her goiog to baooe, where sfce is learni-g tee art ot saiakiug.

A large acid attentive nurr.ber of opie werepresaut at the Easter services io the Sr. John's L-itheran oharoh. 1-ist Buo-day evening. The ooraiiocs v. ero teat Vciy appropriate, whiio tie program ivaa finely rendered, and the music of a high order.

Irwin rising pedagogue of North Londonderry towesh is taking a preparatory cours 1 at Lobacon Valley college. Ho catering a noted medical institution at an early date. The would bo apsasun, nhi) bo murderously 'fBauiteJ Diuitl Horst, a hireling with llcary eouth of Tnuraday night, has not been apprehended. Ilorst eacipsd dsatb, brougb the intervention of a pocket book wbieh intercepted foe plcnge of -he dagger. 'Vans aro 130 pages in the book and 127 wsra pierced, demoDS.ratiog tha po er of the unknown highwayman's stroke.

Robbery i3 suppossd to have beea the motiv--, and it is gei.e!ally believed that the wrong Kan wns attaoked. Dr. J. E. Heister, preached a special Eatr ia the Reformed church, last Sunday afternoon.

The choir consist ing of 12 members, whioh web recently organized under tbe cf G. li. Branner, made its debut at this seiviae, aud rendered an appropriate anthem. V7m. E.

Philips of Myerstown our new barter, has estsblichsd himself at lhe old place of business, and greeted his many frisuda las. Saturday iu his u-utlly happy wy. SchaefPerstovyn Item. Miss Floreuco G-eehr, of Kutztowa. who was a lormer te.iciier or in place, visited, some or our seiin us last ween.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Weaver visited Mrs.

Weaver's parents last Sunday, at Ma.itersjn. viile. Lancaster county. The family of Frank Smith.of riebauon, visited the family of W. It.

Smith. of Ierry. was in town to look airer ms nrst or April uu-unes. Mrs. T.

V. Miller sueut, Kaster in town. Our echool board will have a special meeting ui.u.ui.j V3 Hl IVAUCl 3 their but month's salary. T. Frank Ream, one of our landlords, one day this week while taking a -spin" on the bicycle accidentally lanaea in me gutter.

Our town schools close this week. A subscription school will be opened on the coining Monday, by I. J. Light, and on the ollowing Monday Miss Minnie Kistler will also open a school The following moved out of town: Rein- hold and Mr. Sohoeuer, asd the following to town: Daniel Carl, Wm.

Yeaglev and Mr. Car penter. The following changed residence In town: jonn Bainesderrer, Jtev. M. l-ernsler.

Allen Corl, Landi Miller. Moses Fitter. U. S. Leib, Frank Homberger, B.

F. Weaver, Charle Bordner, Mrs. Agnes Weirloh. Mr. Carpenter opened a feed store iu town Cyrus Beamesderfr is ou ths sick list.

His illness is very critical. Mr. a. C. Keener will attend the Annville formal class.

Misa Sadie Myeis also attends uii' same The Key. A. .1. Bachman held communion ser vices in St. Paul's Reformed church on Sunday morning.

He administered the Lor J's Supper to cummuuicaui sr. paurs Reformed Sunday-school held an naster festival on Sunday evening. The pro gram was as follows: Singing 277 In the hymnal lection, welcome, by seven girls: speech bv ra Bachman singing 283; exercise by eight Sir.s; speeeu oy uivue Jvraii: uuesuons bv in school singing, Infant scuool: Easter by laaiei riicnuie; singin 1 znii: exercise, nail taster Morn singing Z71 Mildred's ne pastor; Motion jng exercise. How a plant uoi.e, iaitu and love; singing dia oijurt oy uiara (jiuerana taaie Moyer; smgui presenting ot nre-ients: the Lord's Praver: O-xologv and Benediction. jl lie iiumrinn imlav-scBOol Hid no festival.

out eac.i scnoiar lejeivea a juuidi preseac. East Hanover Items. On Easter Sunday afternoon Zioa's Lutheran Sunday-school elect-id the following oflieers to serve during the ensuing year Superintend n. mauer assistant ua- vi i uiay secr-tary, Jonn u.ziegier; assist ant secretary, Samuel N. Cinch: librarian.

Samuel 1- ry assistant librarians. Miss Carrie Iteiuinsfcr and Isaac Hauer; treasurer, Jacob Kaultiiidii: organist. Samuel Clricri; assistant organists, Miss 11. 11 a Albert ana Mrs. Simon Failing.

Mr. biiiuuei fry, our genial postmaster, it Is rumored, will be a candidate for the otlice of Clerk 01 the Orphans Court. Mr. Frv has al ways been a staunch Republican and has for almost twenty years been engaged iu doing oou worn ior xne uartv wnouever necessity caiieaiont. mr.

rry is to the Hearty support of the Republican voters ot "the little star that never wavers. Mr. John S. Dot tor. one or our most success ful teacUvrs of the district, and holder of a per manent certificate, has opened a select school 111 tUe I-ranklln school house As far as we could learn, he hns unite a number of students.

aud it is safe to say that the students under his control will be richly rewarded mr. David uaiiK. son ot Aaron Rank, lert on Monday morning for Philadelphia to attend ineuicai lectures at me pennnyivania univer sity Dr. 11. Wahl, of Grantville, is his pre ceitor.

Messrs. ii. rorrest Oeroerleh and Harry Burgner left ou morning for Annvllie to a'teud the Annville normal class. Tbey nave attended tins cias ior the last lew years, Mr. Irwtu Buck, who recently cut a deep uah iu his toot, juuning nun to the nouie, is able 10 about ag nil.

Mr. Samuel Clrieh and wife spent the Easter Holidays in your city, visiting menus ana reia lives. Rev. Small, the Lutheran pastor, held 00m munion services at Zlou's church, on Easter morn Forty-five partook of Lord's sunrer Mr. Walter a.

Krum.our genial yonng mer chant. Is confined ir his home, owing to the fracture 01 a ferv rioi. Recently on 111s way home from a sale he drove through a drifted road and upset hn vehicle. He was thrown out, causing the fracture, and otherwise injur ing him. Iiis many friends hope he may saou tie able to tie atout again DOMESTIC MARKETS.

The following prices prevailed at the Lebanon markets Saturday, Jtiarcii zs. MEATS. Der round, Sirloin Fork chops Beef Veal Lamb Fresh sausage Salted sausage per no mid jSausage, smoked, per pound Ham, Sliced Lard Bologna Corned P.eef Pig feet, per iet l'ig jelly, per cup Fan haus.per dish PIIODUCB. Eggs, per dozen Butter, per pound llouey, per VEGETABLES. Potatoes, per Cabbage, per head Sweet potatoes, per peck Celery, per bunch Cranberries, per quart Turnips, per peck Lima beaus, per quart rorLTur.

Ducks, cleaned, per piece Chickens, per pouud Chickens, cleaned Turkeys, per pound Ducks, per pound Turkeys, cleaned jjga MISCELLANEOUS. 1416 1012 8li! 10 15 12 16 10 912 10 1618 8W9!22 12 Lebanon Couriek, per Apples, iper pecK) Applebutter, per Saurkiaut, per quart. Ciuer, per Unions, peek Itiekorynuts per quart Read beets, per bunch Radishes, per buneh Vinegar, per quart Pumpkins Horse radish, per WIKilY UR1IN I1ARKET. Corrected weekly by A. Striekler's Sous.

Wtinat, No. 1 red wueat, jno. Kye. Com Oats PKOCllK JIAItHETN, If The following are the prevailing prices paid bv our merchants for country produce. Corrected by J.

II. Shugar. Butter, li) lUSi'i Eggs, (fresh) doz in Lard, lb 7 Shoulder, lb 7J8 Ham, lb 10(ilt Bacon, lb Sy Dried 5 Tallow 4 Potatoes, 20 was taVen sick and could not beep atiytUing ou Liy i.toorach. I was indnced to tiy Hooo's Sarsaparllla, aud afler the very first dose was able to retain my food, Harry J. Martin, ltsyburn, Pa.

Hood's Pills cute all liver ills. HQLi fi 385 2:55 5 E. or a 10. I On IS I 1 10 i ii in in town. The young eouple left on au (-xteuded wedding trip.

A paper eays: A horse, buggy harness were sold at the Verbeke Market other day for the "magnificent" sum of The buggy and harness were in fair condition, too. But as much couldu's be said the horse. The United States pension effice has granted an original pension to John White, and a renewal and Increase to Edward Mell-man, both of this city. Also a widow's pension to Mrs. Sarah Jaue Hess, of Lickdale.

Fbask Bjrd wji arrested on Saturday evening at the Opera Uousa by Mayor Garrett and Offioer Boyer for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and taken to the Station House. The Mayor dlschargod him on bunday morning. Kkausb McCord, an employe of the Weimer Machine Works, while at work was struck by a crank attached to an overhead oraue in the fitting-up shop, and sustained ugly gash in his head The injured man was removed to the Good Samaritan Hos pital in the ambulance, where Drs. Glonlnger and Gingrich atteuded bis injuries. Ox Sunday mornine durinz services Rev.

J. Johnson, of St. John's Reformed chnrcb, consecrated a handsome 30-inch burnished cross. The emblem was the gift the Sunday school classes of Mrs. George ivocuenaaer, jvirs.

Aoner itltcber ana Mrs. M. Bowman, and occupies a Dlace in tha chancel of the church. Ths Iron cable of the electrlo elevator in the Nutting building, Eighth and Cumberland streets, parted at 2.30 o'clock Frldav afternoon when It was at the fourth floor. Edward Leslie, the elevator bjy, and two men were In the elevator, when, without warning it dropped to the third floor and being checked momentarily it again dropped, stopping below the second floor.

The trio escaped injury, but were shaken up considerably. Robt. H. Coleman and familv are still at Saranac Lake, In New York State, where they spent the winter, and all are in the en joyment of excellient health. The mansion Cornwall is boarded up and in care of three watchmen, who divide their duty, two being on watch at Bight aad one in tbe day time.

Mbs. Amanda Yinest. widow of the late John H. Ylngst, died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Elias Klopp, at Stoucasburg, last week.

It Is believed she had a stroke of apoplexy she had beea in ill health for many years. Two children, Jane R. and Lewis, survive her. She was well known in this city, having resided here previous to the um oi iier nusoanu. The fourth annnal ennventinn nf thn Young People's societies of the Presbytery Carlisle, to which Christ church, Inde- penuent Distrljt, and Fourth street Presby-ttriaa church are attached, wa held at Dua- Caanon OB Tuesdav.

Rsr. fl I'rnia and Rev. Etntl S. Tosnsmeier attended and the latter responded to the address of welcome. J.ROMA8 Haeue.

the "JaD." was arrested Saturday evening by Chief Rlnler aad nicer uoyer ior nentine ana disorderly conduct. Whilo being taken to the Station House lie resisted, and William Greet? in terfered. The Jap" reoeived several telling blows Ringler before the Station House was reacnea, and was given thirty davs bv Mayor Garreit, Chief Ringler brought the charge of lesistinK and intwrferiner with an officer against Gregg bafore Alderiusp Booth no committed Clin In default of t.i(X) bail for a County Detective Hunter, who had in charge a requisition from Governor Uast- egson Uorvernor Bushnell. of Ohio, for he extradition of Samuel H. Benson, of Jackson township arrived in this city with prisoner on weunesday.

ihocnarges upoa which the extradition wss procured are aduiterv. aggravated sisault and battery and desertion aad tbe prosecutrix is his wife. The accused was formerly teoant on the Tice farm North of Myerstown, but removed when bis relations Hits Miller, the hired girl became kDown. Aftnr the accused was sold eat bv the sheriff the hired girl aad himself disappeared ana subkequefciiy were uncovered to be living together at Dayton Ohio Tbe wife left her husband list September after dis covering the violation 01 bis marriage vows. Richland Items.

A great many oODle have been sick iu our neighbtu hood thin spring. Three deatbs ocenr- reu iasr, wee: mm. i.evi tsrenuie. widow; David Kilmer, need 76, and Harvey, a young sou of Mr. and Mrs.

William Shananiau baltzer. a comooser and professor nf music, living wim ins iatnerana brother her Is very poorly, sullerlng with consumption. .11 r.i. aamuoi Liuuemuta is connueu to bed with pueuinoida. haturdav evcblne our grammar school had successful entertainment for the benefit of the library fund.

ninuei Htier, formerly ofthU place, left Mob- d'v Koekfield, lud His parents and remaining brother will follow latter part of the JUIIIil II. It. B. Kegerrels. from Meroersbnrir Tntlfnt was lioui" to spend Easter.

A. and familv. from Lancaster. spnt Sunday with lsaacKegerreis and family. IJoIstvIIlo Itema.

Jacob Wenger made a business trip to Lebanon on Saturday. Messrs Ephrlam Krall and Moyer.of Iona. were In town on Saturday. neory ueeay.ot lena.movea to on nuay. Miss Euima Bennetcb, daughter of J.

Bennvtch, Is at present visiting friends In Keauir.g. Messrs Heary Kegerrels and 8 H. Achey, Ue.ruocratic delegates of Heidelberg town Mnp, at.terjdea convention in Lebanon on Monday. Messis bamuel Kurtz, and Isaac Krall are attending tbe spring term of Allbright Collegiate lDHtitutlon, in Myerstown. Mr.

luaac fbUlippy, Stock dealer of Kelst ville, ou Monday sent a car-load of 1J fine horses to the Eastern market. Mr. Harry Wolf and lady friend. Miss Cora Leisey, of ll'est Myerstown, were the welcome visitors or Miss JTannle Gelb on Sunday. Too German Baptist.

Sunday sobool was organized on Sunday with fair attendance, Tuesday moved lata the residence of Frederick Stager. Jacob Frederick, blacksmith, formerly of Coualico, Lancaster county. Is at present worfclng tor laeorge llisslnger. Ira Bennetch. son of our enterprising mer eiiant, J.

J. Beunetvh, ou Tuesday weHt to pniiadeipiiia to buy a lull line 01 spring aud ulllUll, 1 I I. 1 1 Ul I IIQHU ,11 things in their line, would do well to give thei A a can Mr. James Derr and wife, of Weaverstown. were me guesiu 01 annuel ierr, on Muiciay.

ine lariiieri nave uy inn nine eommencea at tlieir spring work. John Wagner, of Millbaeh. made a ftvln Tisit ro iieinvineoii aunuay. me young ioiks or tins place attemiea tne Kiter fesMval. of the Reformed ehureh.

at on Sunday evening. Londonderry livmt. Valentine F. Keller, of near Kaufman's. paiu a visit to u.

wanner last week. i.asr Mundny trie c. M. Huudav School on I i ravel 11111, eieeiea tne following nmcers for the coming year superintendent, tiarry a. ismii iierser ash 1 auperintenuer.

Samuel M. uurrv H'-eretury, Daniel Wllbelra Asslslauy Hecre- fry. Jolin itlauen Isaac Stuckey and John Blaucli Organists, Nora Hartz and i.i.zie Ba-lnorf Treasurer. JnneDh I.eainnn. A 1 1 are envited to attend the Bcbool every Sun day forenjon at 9 o'clock sharp.

itev. vi. jones preacnea an excellent sermon on Easter morning, text 8t John le. 18v. rtlrs.

Ailam fNalUuer. 10 Is siek with heart niiuie is slowly improving. rut awav your heavy overcoats and fur and gel y. ur straw hat ready. Ti.e coll wave lias damaged some of the eai iy un trees.

erus Acnenuann of SDnnirs nabt vi-it to Ins parents last Sunday Mrs. wanner nas an taster ete a ven to her by her grand mother with date engraved ou April -t', 1'iu sue praces it very tugniy. Uavld Brand took possession oi the New BiarKet forge mm last i mirsoay. a Lebanon North and s-utn boiinu iraiua uuiii ct i icu-anou witii trains on Philadelphia Si Reading Kail road to and from heading, Pottsville, Philadelphia and New bound trains connect at Manheim with trains ou ReadiDg Columbia Kailroaas for points between Reading and Columbia. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company mileage books will be accepted on Cornwall Railroad.

l'enusyl vault lttUlroa'l. ON AND AFTER NOV. 18, trains will leave Lebanon as follows, sonnectlng at Conewago for ail points on the Pennsylvania Railroad. W'sEK-DATr. Leave Lebanon at 6.25.

m. Arrive at Conewago at 7.09 a. Lancaster, 8.05 a. Philadelphia 10.20a. York 12.53 P.

Harris-burg 7.45 a. Altoona 1.45 p. Pittsburg 6.s0 m. This train makes close connection at hur-risburg Tor points on the Northern Central and Phlladelphlaand Erie Railroads. Leave Lebanon at 10.50 a.m.

Arrive at Conewago 11.35 a. Uarrlsbure 12.01 p. 3.00 p. New York, 5.53 p. m.

This train makes close at Harrisburg for points on the Northern Central and Philadelphia and Krie Railroads. Leave Lebanon at 2.25 p. arrive at Conewago 3.03 p. Lancaster, 3.5)p. Philadelphia 5.47 p.m.; New York, 8.23 p.

in. Harrisburg 3.35 p. in. Leave Lebanon 6.35 p. m.

Arrive at Conewago f.20 p. Lancaster 8.40 p. Philadelphia 11.15 p. New York 3.53 a. Harrisburg, 7.50 P.

ci. J. R. WOOD, Oenerai Passenger Ageot 8. M.

PREVOST, Oaneral Manager aALE KECHS1EH. Thursday, April 9: Trotling horses by Milton Sultzbaeh, at Wm. Peuu Hotel, Lebanon. Monday. April 13: Kentucky horses and mu'es, by urney a amitp, at, m.

reun noici.ieu-an j.i. Sntiir.Iair A nril IS Sheriff's sales of resl es tate or Morris R. Carver, Unlun Brew ing Company and Cyrus Sclirjtl. teire-teu-aut, at the Court House, Lebanon. Thuisd.iy, April 16: Wisconsin and Iowa hois, by Harry E.

Wm. Penn ho.el, Leb anon, ra. 8at'Jrday, April IS: Sheriff's sales of real estate cf Srrs-h, Sue H. and C. R.

Iceman ani Henry Peifer, a', the Court Housj. Lei. Saturday. tiy 2: Cows and Pigs, by Henry Haak at Presco.t. Ileal Estate Salts.

Jacob and Lavina Eehney, t) David Wolf, for a lot in Myerstown; price, $275 JiiCib Landis and wife to Henry H. Mark for a lot in Palmyra; consideration, $500. J. W. Hartman, et al to Geo McLaugLlin for a lot of ground In Richland; consideration.

tl50. James A. fibestz to Tobias Kelt- oobl, s. for a lot of ground in Newmans- town; consideration, S57a. A.

V. A.mmec- miin ami wife to Amanda w. Kohr, tor hr.nun and lot of eround in this city: con (deration, C00 John Kngle and wife to Frederick Kosoiicger, for a tract of land in Millcreek township consideration, Z'i'-'Q David oaten berger. and wife tj Divid WesteLberger. for two tracts of an.l in South Annville township: consideration, John H.

Boeshore, et to Philip P. Boeshore, for hous and tract of land in Union township; consideration, 2 4o it George H. Arnold to Henry D. IKagner, fvr bouse and lot, No. 515 Weidman street, this citv: consideration, e2.3o 00 Jeandar oi Z'siieggor to Joseph Matt for a house and lot in this citv: consideration, 81,700.

8 P. Light and wife to C. J. Barr, for house and lot on ut Chestnut street: cousiaeraiion. li 10).

Mary A. McFarlaud and husband to ltobinson C. Moyer, for land in tow ns'rtip; consideration, $1,200. Jonas Haak to Elias S. Brubacher, for house acd land In Millcreek township; consideration, $5,320.

Alkkeij Ddmnif of Pleasant Hill, aged 10 vears.was brought from tbacounty prison by Cons-able Yoston Saturday morning aud taken before Alderman H. G. Miller to answer the charge of rapa QQiiitniUed upon Bertha Grumbein, aged 1 yeats, a daughter of Benjamin Grumbice, Upon being there he waived a hearing and was recommitted to the county jail. P. Keinhard, his counsel, had him brought before the court for the purpo-te or navnig him bailed for bis appsarance at June see- sions to answer the charge.

The court fixed the bail at Si, 000 and directed Prothonotary Bombfirior to take it when presented to bia satisfaction. Const amested J. Warren ItMler on a warrant issued by Miller. Hwsler ia chaTzed by Mary Leedom with assault and batte'y and surety of the peace. Ha was held in bail for Jaue terra cf oiart.

Information was lso before Alderman It. L. Miller charging Kassler.on oath of Jennie Rsssler, his wife, with surety of ths peace. Constable Sattazihn u.aa the and the accused was hold In biil f.r June court Thk Arlm club proposes togivo a i iaiita tion concert in Armory hall, some timn in May or June, hy Tend rlng Dudley Buc't's cantata, "King Olaf's Christ jias." Among tbe promitient soloists who have b-aan en-ged for occasion are Miss inr.e'hum, of Harrisburg, and Mil's Rebecca Carneft.of Beading, both of whom are Wdil known here. The entertainment promises to be of a diver-si Bel character.

The club, which numbers 14 voices, has already started to work on the cew pltce. Several nights ago thieves entered tie resid. nee. of Jc Ilmlner. at 513 M-iplo stropit, securing ffj 41.

Toe easily vUit, ing a ntighbr opp jsite aud were tu'pris-d when they arrived home to uud that thieves bad galnod an eutraaca throu.r'i tha rear door, and su joaaded iQ liadu tl.e oney in the book case. The frint doors hvl been left open and the supposition is that somebody saw them leave the house. cn to IN NEED OF Remember that we are Headquar'ei LOW PRICES, GOOD GOODS, QUICK DELIVERIES. iliiller, Cor. 6th Willow LEBANON, oadside of Special TIME AGO we were forced to put our Stores into one, and to make room we offered Planing one, Louser PA.

Oppor tl V5b GOODS. Street8 iuosties entire stock of $30,000 worth of clothing at manufacturers' cost. We have been more than Wc have made room and we have jnst opened line of Spring and Summer Novelties. The season in AftlD CHILDREN'S CLOTHIi mD FURNISHING EVERYTHING NEW. Everything at the same LOW PRICES.

Our Store is simply overflowing with Spring Attractions. You will find your bargains right here. Come and see us. CLOTHING HO 74-4 Cumberland LEBANON PA. N.

You ignore your rightful advantages if you omit to claim the benefits oficrcd.

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