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Bismarck Weekly Tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota • Page 3

Bismarck, North Dakota
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Wane. A Neat Presentation. At a meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the M. B. church, held Mrs.

Thursday at the dence of Mrs. Thomas, the president, Mn. D. Plannett, who is about to removd from Biamluok, was made the recipient of a silver cake basket, from the members of the society. The secretary, Mrs.

S. M. Hodges, on behalf of, the Bociety, presented the basket with the following little address: President: It was wUh the deepest ing of regret that the members of this society aware that yon were about to more to field of labor. During the year that A JOB have been in Bismarck this sooiety has been organize, and, under yonr able leadership, mi oh work has been accomplished. The most OOJ iplete harmony has characterized onr prooec lings.

No personal rivalries witheaoh other ha' interfered with the efforts of this sooiety. Th aim has been to nnite all in a bond of an and certainly "in nnion there is strength.1' Ac o-ding to the law of traism, a faint heart am weary hand never accomplished a work of and are only credited for negation of will for physical force and moral energy are eseential elements of success. In parting with yon we ind much to reoall that is most pleasing, and wit sincere love we wish yon God speed, trni ling that in your new position and home you may find loving hearts and willing hands to cbet and lighten yonr labors. The members of this society felt that they wished yon to have a sow enir of the pleasant hoars we have spent togc her, therefore, in their behalf, I present yon with this silver cake basket as a slight token oft eir appreciation of yonr good efforts. Itfis needless to say that it was a complete surprise to Mrs.

Plannett, who in a few heartfelt remarks assured the ladies of her appreciation of tlleir love and their gift. USX OF DONORS. Mis Dunn, Mrs Davis. Mis Bogue. Mrs Dr Williamson.

Thompson. Mrs Griffin. Mrs Griffin. Mrs De Forest. Mrs Clark.

Mrs Barolay. Mrs Frank Donnelly. Mrs Thomas. Mrs Glover. Mrs Plum.

Mrs Ford. Mrs Hodges. New (Salem Notes. Mr. Bamberg was in town yesterday and took back some lumber for his new store at Mercer, A democratic mass meeting will be held in the waiting room of the depot next Saturday.

Those not clean On the other side better take to soap (not soft soap) and water. A gentleman from Stanton went up the Knife Biver valley with a small library of law books and began to expound the law on the county seat question to the innocent tillers of the soil. Ho deaths from fright has been reported. Binard Bros, came to town and returned today with a load of lumber. A terrible prairie tire has been raging for a number of days.

0. M. Lonin lost his hay and oats, and bad a hard fight with the flames to save his house. Mr. Arthur Strickenberg came from Mandan on the noon train.

He is always welcome. Sims has been looking around lately for a "little boom," and has found it on the county division question and making Sims a county seat, bnt alas, it is still in its infancy and quires a good deal of nursing. Hew Salem, Ootober 16. Wnere Has He tiose? has been aroused by the sudden departure from the city of Pr jf. Jones, who, for some lime past, has been conducting a select school nesr the corner of Thayer and Meigs When Mr.

B. W. Correll, who is agent for thi building, went to the school room day ta attend to the matter of rent hefonnd the denra unlocked and the room deserted. Upon the will was a note writtenTty Mr. that fail had been called away by'the sudden death a relative.

Inquir) failed to throw any ii the subject, no one knowing when and had gone. The scholars books were -found In the desks, and can be had by calling on Mr. 3orrelL Prof. Jones may return, bnt lot known when he went or how long he gone Mr. Oorrell desires to prepare the 1 for tenants.

It is believed by some that Joies became despondent as he was of a quiet wjtioent disposition and has not of late been very lavishly favored or smil upon by JMM fortune, and has gone from Bismarck to Mek anew field of labor. as it is will be buildin He Was A Fellow. He may have been a fellow of infinite jest, or be may never have smiled a solitary smole or jested a aingle jest in all the days of his ated eaMtr in the Missoun slope. But the fact remains that he is nc more on earth forever. Mr.

0. H. Wilson came down from the Turtle Mountain region Saturday and reported that he bad found the skeleton of a man lying on the river bank about fifty miles north of this city. The remains moist have been exposed to the and weather for along period of time as tbe fleehlhad entirely disappeared, and all that remained WM the skull and bony framework. The peculiar and curioflity-arousing feature of -tbe diamvery was the presenoe of shreds of and an old leather pocketbook, which leads to the conviction that the deceased mutt liave met with death either by aocident or fonl Ptay- Ike Saskatchewan Problem.

Mr. L. Wellman, owner of the famous Wellman Cum at Frasee City called oa the TBISCHB last Friday in oonpany with his old time Hsd army companion, J. F. Wallaoe.

Mr Welhaaa4s tbe owner, propagator and proprietor of original and genuine Saskatchewan fife has proven saeh a grand sncocas great a boon to many a farmer and Mr. Wellman will remain in the iiH-eity and county several the farmers and-will endeavor to introduce his wheat into nntry. As manyof tbe husbandmen of "the Missouri slope have suffered of late seed wheat, it is believed that they will be iglad of aa opportunity to secure the famous SsukslUbsWc fife. OkAlleiiKe Accepted. Xtis TTsaanr and ladder company of this will acoept tbe chal- IS, lenge of the Mitchell company to a hub and hub nee for $600, and are ready to run in this city at any time within the next thirty days.

It is hoped that the Mitchell boys will see fit to come up to the capital city, as dbthing would give the citizens of Bismarck more pleasure than an op portnnity to. entertain a deserving organization from oce of South Dakota's representative and growing young cities. Pleased With the City. The following officials of the Northern Pacific road passed through the city Saturday in a special car attached to the noon train: J. F.

Oakes, vice president Jules Hannaford, general freight agent Cbas. S. Fee, general passenger agent J. Odell, assistant general manager Geo. W.

Cusbing, superintendent of machinery, and G. S. Barnes, president of the Northern Pacific elevator company. General Land Agent Lunborn returned last evening from Jamestown. Vice President Oakes was seen by a TBIBUNE representative and stated that the party wonld go through to the coast, stopping at different points and inspecting all divisions on the way.

He complimented Bismarck on its provements and appearance of thrift and said that all along the line he fonnd the country in a very promising condition and business on the road improving very encouragingly. The party remained at Little Missouri last night, where they were entertained by Marquis de Mores. Excited Firemen. The members of the fire department of Mitchell, Dakota, are evidently a little excited, or, to say the least, considerably enthnsed on the subject of "gittin' thar" in tbe manner of an Eli. They have challenged any of the hook and ladder companies that participated in the late Aberdeen tournament to a hub and hnb race for $500.

This, however, does not include the Bismarck company. Quadrille Band. A quadrille band is one of the amusement needs of Bismarck, and recognizing this fact, several of the city's musicians have decided to take immediate steps toward the permanent ganization of a band, and will have regular rehearsals, providing themselves with all the modern dance music. This is a move forward in the musical line which will meet with the hearty approval of all who enjoy the pleasant exercise of the dance. The Vacancy Filled.

The vacancy in the M. E. Church pulpit caused by the calling of D. C. Plannett to the presiding eldership of the Grand Forks district, has been filled by the appointment of Bev.

P. Clare, who will arrive next week. The services in the cburoh tomorrow and Sunday the 25th, will be conducted by. Bev. D.

C. Plannett. Bev. and Mrs. Plannett will leave for their new home in about ten days.

The calendar. There are over 160 cases en the district court calandar for the November term, and it is mated that it will require at least a month to dispose of the same. A whole nation of honsekggpen have been Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder for years and has proven it pnre, effective and hsalthful. They know it to be the best baking powder for they have tried it well and it has never failed them.

This is kaowledge gained by experience in the kitchen in actual use. Tbe Primaries, The caucuses at the court bouse and fereenhonse Saturday for the purpose of electing delegates to the oounty convention to be held neit Saturday, the 25th were well ded and the proceedings were characterized by harmony. At the court house the meeting was called to order by John btoyell, and on tion, M. J. Edgerly was elected chairman and M.

H. Jewell Kccretary. The following gates were chosen: B. B. Mellon, JL.

N. Griffin, John A. Stoyell. George T. Webster, M.

H. Jewell, £. A. Lilly. Al.

Beal, J. H. Marshall, M. J. Edgerly, W.

B. Bell, Frank Frisby, Harvey Harris. At tbe greenhouse the caucus was organized by the selection of W. S. Moorhouse as man and O.

B. Little, secretary, and the ing delegates were chosen: S. Moorhouse, J. F. 6.

Philbrick, J. J. Jack- man, J. A. Haigbt, F.

V. Barnes, E. J. Clansmen. The caucus in the Third precinct was held at the Field's school house.

The delegates chosen are E. A Brunsman and Louis Soheiman. Library Association. At a special meeting of the Bismarck Library association yesterday the following officers were elected, to hold nntil the annnal election of fleers in January! Goff. Vice Pye.

Sec. Vice Olague. Weaver. Gail. Frulta in the Sanetnm.

The TBIBONX sanctum table was adorned day evening by a large box of grapes and pean from Portland, Oregon. The delioious fruits were sent in with compliments by Pullman ductor Harry Carter, one of the best "boys" on the road, and just such a gentleman as it is a pleasure to meet at any time or in any place. He is a staunch friend to Bismarck, and this is only one of the many instances where be has remembered her citizens in a manner which is highly appreciated. mmrnm Betarn of the Excursionists. Governor Pierce and paity, who left here Friday noon on the steamer Benton for a trip to Fort Yates, returned Monday noon, having joyed a delightful excursion.

The steamer on the way down landed at Fort Lincoln to add ftw. Captain Bead to the party, whose ing influence upon all, but especirlly the tlemen, found a recognition in a series of lutions unanimously adopted and addressed to her, but which it was impossible to obtain for publication. The excursionists were met at Yates by the officers of tbe post, Major Laughlin and Mr. Douglass, and escorted to the house of Mr. Douglass, while the governor's lute was fired from the fort.

After ments the puty proceeded to the residence of Colonel Gilbert, where an informal reception was held and the visitors presented to Colonel and Mrs Gilbert and the other officers and their ladies. The Indian supplies were all carefully inspected and found entirely satisfactory. The INDIAXF SCBOOIi next visited wai an of special interest. After ringing and recitations by the ohildren 4 1 1 A and a abort address to them by tbe governor, the party was escorted through the school ing to see its plan and appointments, in oloae proximity to the school, the to most of the guests, of squaws preparing jerked falo from Uncle Sam's beef, attracted attention The legendary Standing Bock and Indian tepees in tbe near distance, were among the most interesting landscape features seen. jor McLaughlin kindly arranged for a large Indian WAB DANCE at the agenoy, to which the party were taken in carriages.

Nearly 100 brave and 200 squaws participated first the friendly Indians and then the The novelty and charm of the scene had a remarkable effect upon the sq ladies of the party, who were discovered afterward on the forwaid deck of the boat producing the ball scenes of the prairie to the sound of smoke stack torn toma and the plause of their favored audience. After the war dance tbe party were taken in carriages to the different Indian camps, where the nation's ward's had gathered to receive their regular rations, Sitting Bull's residence and relatives receiving the larger share of attention. Most of the excursionists were entertained at the reaidences of their various hosts, and later in tbe evening at a delightful hop given in their honor by the officers. Nothing was left undone which the most generous hospitality could spggest, or hich could add to the pleasnre of the. visit.

A somewhat SUBDUED AND SLEEPY LOT of excursionists gathered Sunday morning in the ladies' cabin to attend divine service, ducted by the Bev. Mr. Dwight, of Worcester, Mass. Among tbe many pleasing incidents of tie excursion, none were of greater interest' than Captain La Barge's stories of his ence in early days on tbe river, when every linding of the infrequent steamers was a signal for an Indian fight, and crossing bands of buffalo stopped the course of the boat in mid stream and Bteamer deck hands hoisted the clumsy brutes on deck from their straggling ranks. After dinner toasts, witb onr genial governor as toast master, singing by the ladies, quiet games of cards, glimpses of deer, swans, geese and ducks, just out of rifle Bbot, and an sional intrusive snag running in between decks enlivened a journey at no time monotonous.

The courtesy of the officers of the received due recognition at tbe hands of the governor and council pro tem, General Agent Baker being promoted to the rank of admiral of the Upper Missouri fleet, and Purser Leasure gracefully acoepting tbe title and emoluments of dore. Both nominations were unanimously confirmed by the council, and rcBprase made by tbe recipients is the usual and acceptable style. No better evidence of the good feeling of the party and their hearty appreciation of the irany courtesies extended them can be offered than ths following minutes of a meeting in the cabin of the Benton when nearing Bismarck, the lutions being signed by all the excursionists. At a meeting of the excursionists in tbe ladies' cabin, Gov. Pierce (the great father of the Dakotas) was called to tbe T.

D. Merwin, Gold Eyes, of Mandan was made secretary after a close and exciting contest with Iron Eyes of Fort Lincoln. J. A. Bea, J.W.

Baymond and E. C. Cooke were named a committee to draft an EXPBESSION OF THANKS for the good time had. Bea, without retiring according to the custom of the committee of five, read the following which was unanimously adopted and boisterously applauded: In recognition of the pleasant courtesies of this excursion we would have it recorded that To Admiral I. P.

Baker by the grace of bis excellency. Gov. Gilbert A. Pierce) to Captain John B. LaBarge, the pioneer gator of the upper Missouri to the popular John Leasure, "commodore" by common consent to the commandant, Col.

Gilbert, officers and ladies of Fort Yotes, including Harry Douglass, always first in entertainment, and to Major model Indian agent of the service, we return our best compliments and pledge a long remembrance of the interesting scenes and hospitalities enjoyed. The names of the excursionists are as follows: Gov and Mrs Gilbert A Pierce. Mr and Mrs Baymond. Mr and Mrs Barnes. Mr and Mrs A Bea.

Mrs Goff. Mrs Mallanney. Miss Edith Leasure. Mrs Capt Bead of Fort Lincoln. Rev and Mrs Wm Dwight of Worcester, Mass.

Mr and Mrs Hold of Buffalo, Y. Mr at Mrs Cooke of Mandan. Mr Wm Upton of Walla Walla, Mr Merwin of Mandan. Honoring the Dead On Sunday morning, the 19th Matt P. Farmoe, of this oity, died of typho-malarial after an illness of two weeks.

Mr. Farmoe had been a resident of Bismarck for about eighteen months, during whioh time he had been in the employ of Dahl Bros. He was 39 years of age, industrious, quiet, of good habits and beloved and respected by all of his acquaintances. He was a native of Norway, where his parents still live. His only relative in this country is a brother, who arrived from Fargo 8unday.

The deceased was a member of the Garfield ght Guard band, and the Guard and band attended in a body, making the eral the most imposing and impressive ever held in Bismarck, as it was the fint military ceremonies of the kind that ever took place in city. The sermon was preached in the M. E. church by Bev. D.

C. Plannett, and from toe church the remains were escorted to the ceme tery by the militia and friends of the deceased, the band playing the "Bequiem March" in a touching style. While the death was a sad ore and is to be mourned, it was indeed a gratifying scene to see so much respect, so profound and imposing a ceremony in honor of a man from the lowly walks of life. No more imposing or truly respectful obsequies could haye attended the death of a king and the funeral was a grand manifestation of the appreciation of true hood, regardless of position, was a credit to the Garfield Light Guard, and a gratifying to the grief stricken brother and friends of the deceased. At the graveyard the band filed on either side of the grave, playing the reqniem "Dust to Dust," while the corpse was lowered.

After the ceremonies at the grave the band played the quickstep "Calumet." Mr. Formoe held a policy in the Western Mutual Aid society of Des Moines, for $2,000. Haynes on Top. F. J.

Haynes, the well known photographer of Fargo Northern Pacific artist, is rapidly (pining reputation and much to the BISMARCK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. OCT. 24, gratification of hie many, friends in the norths west, be is frequently heard from in a manner which indicatea his gradual aaoendancy toward the top of the ladder. The last heard from, he has been appointed, superintendent of the ming art gallery of the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition at New Orleans, and received commisyon on the 13th inst. Mr.

Haynes has won a great share of his tion by bis excellent work ia the National Park his stereosoopic views of that famous beautyland having been distributed throughout the world in large numbers, and now his ment as superintendent of the Wyoming aft gallery at New Orleans will give him a broader and more conspicuous field in which tp work. A few years ago he came to the northwest with no capital, and pluck, and now he is financially independent and steadily gaining wealth as well as fame. At the Old (Stand. The TBIBUNE observes in the Miles Cily papers that Capt. John W.

Smith and James Coleman are again it. associated in business at the old stand in Miles City. Atl old time Bismarckers will remember Capt. John Smith, the jovial, big-hearted pioneer, and the Palace sample room he used to run in Miles City long before the railroad reached that point. Mr.

8mith has been to the Coeur d'Alene mines, haa been to the National Park and a score of other places, but has finally come back to his first Miles it is stated, he has opened np in that degree of elegance characteristic of Mr. Smith, and his amiable companion Mr. Coleman. The old stand, corner of Main and Park streets, in its palmy days turned ands of the shining dollars into the pockets of Mr. Smith, and now that he is back again the TBIBUNE and all other Dakota friends will lose no opportunity in influencing history to repeat i'lelf.

GREAT REI Rheumatism, Neuralqia, Sciatica. Lumbago, Backache, Toothache, Sore Throat. Snel 1 Room 141st National Bank Block. D. F.

BARRY, Photographer Photographs made by the Instantaneous cess. Children's Pictures a Specialty. The only I irat Class Gallery in the city. Photographs of Sitting Bull, the Custer Battle Field, and all noted Indian Chiefs. Dakota Block, Main St.

CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. Tickets only SS. Shares In proportion. Louisiana State Lotteiy Company. We do hereby certify that we supervise the rangements for all the Monthly and Semi nual Drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, ana in person manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the pany to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached, in its advertisements.

Commissioners. Incorporated in 1868 by the lature. for Educational aid Charitable purposes -with a capital of which a reserve fund of over 9660,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made apart ofefhe present State tion adopted December 2, A. D.

1879. The only Lottery evev voted on and endorsed by the people of It never or postpones. Its Ctrand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A 8PLEHVID OPTOBTII5ITY TO WIS A KORTiriBR. ELEVENTH GRAND DRAWING.

CLASS JL. IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, "NEW ORLEANS TUESDAY, November 14th, Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize $75000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each Fractions, in Fifths In proportion. LIST OF PRIZES.

1 CAPITAL PRIZE 1 CAPITAL PRIZE 26,000 1 CAPITAL 10,000 2 PRIZES OF 6,000.... 12,000 6 PRIZES OF 2,000.... 10,000 10 FRIZES OF 1,000.... 10,000 20 PRIZES OF 600.... 10,000 110 PRIZES OF 200....

20,000 3j0 PRIZES OF 100.... 30.000 600 PRIZES OF 50.... 25,000 1,000 PRIZES OF 26,000 APPROXIMATION PBIKE8. 9 Approximation Frizes of 9760 6,760 9 Approximation Prizes of 600 4,600 9 Approximation Prizes of 260 2,260 1,967 Prizes, amounting to Applications for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New leans. For further information write clearly, giving full address.

POSVAL XOTES. Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in nary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of $6 and upwards at our expense) H. A. DAUPHIN.

Kew Orleans. or A. DAUPHIN. 607 Sevoath WuUniton, D.CMake P. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, Kew Orleans, La.

A for 4 Total PAIN. IngHjS Barn a. Scalda. Bites, 48D ILL OTIlKIl BODILY PAINS AND JlCHtt. by Drugglite Bod Deilera everywhere.

Fifty Cntift bottle Dirratioui in 11 THE CHAJttBH A. VOUELKR CO. 4. Paid commissions to agents Paid for printing Paid for postage Paid for office rent Total paid no.t IT. 8.

A CHEAP REAL ESTATE. E.G. FORD BE Al. ESTATE BROKERS. We do a general real estate business.

Call on or address Cash aud notes on hand Total Furniture and fixtures In office Booksinofflce. E. C. FOBD Total Due Applications in force April 7,1384 Insurance in force Number of death losses fSienedl LDIKIICUJ Climax hi CASTORIA Infants Is so well adapted to and Children. chOdren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H.

A. ARCHXB, M. Ill So, Oxford Brooklyn, N. Y. absolute Rheumatism Sprains Galls, From Organization, April, 1883, to April 7th, 1884, of the condition and affairs of the Muscatine Mutual ife Endowment Association OF MUSCATINE, IOWA.

Organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, made to the Auditor of the Territory of Dakota, In pursuance of the laws of said Territory. H. P. Linn. Vice Tucker.

H. Snoke. Principal Iowa. Attorneys for serTerritory Judicial District, Gray Gray, Bismarck, Burleigh County.of Dakota. Organized and Incorporated April, 1883 Commenced business April, 1883 INCOME.

For membership fees, cash and notes $6,905 00 Kor annual dues, cash 773 00 For reporter and advertising 54 10 Money advanced by directors 50 00 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for office books and stationery 120 5b Paid for fuel, light and excressage 30 58 Paid for traveling expenses 104 45 Kaid for membership fees returned. 22 50 Paid for legal fees 20 00 Paid for secretary work in office oo Due Association on membership notes 377 50 Due Association from agents. 80 ASSETS. Blank and printed matter in office 75 00 Cashin office 55 Cash loaned.

J2 Notes and ledger balances 467 70 LIABILITIES. MEMBERSHIP APB1L 7, 1884. Applications for membership since organization 700 rejected and held for 29 TERRITORY OF DAKOTA, AUDITOR'S OFF CE, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Geo. Ordway, Auditor of the Territory of Dakota, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original statement now on file in this office, Casteria cures Colic, OonSHpetton, Sour Stomach, Eructauo Kills Worms, gives sleep, and dl tion, -r4 4." it injurious medication.

tm- In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this office at 8J this 16th day of October, 1884. GEO. L. ORDWAY, Auditor. C.

S. NORTHROP, Special Agenc for Dakota Territory. C. L. RAMSAY, Agent, Bismarck, D.T., Office, Room No, 2 Slattery Block.

V. mm I i'. $7,782 10 I5 00 ,75 00 640 60 20 $7,782 10 160 00 MS S2 Saddles, Blankets, Whips, Brashes, Combs, Collars, and in fact everything Kept in a first-class Harness Shop. Rooms formerly occupied by Tritten Shreck, Third Street. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Bone.

BISMARCK ROLLER MILLS. BISMARCK, DAK. Also VALLEY CTY. DAK. RUSSELL, MILLER Proprietors, Manufacturers of the celebrated brands of Flour, AND Grold If you want good bread, ask your Grocer or Flour Dealer for CLIMAX FLOUR.

Bran. Shorts and Middlings always in stock. Orders for large and small wholesale lots by mail or othTrflse promptly attended to. Farmers can exchange good wheat for Flour, Shorts and You will save money by marketing your wheat personally at the mill. And go to DAN EISENBERC For your Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Bugs, Curtains, Curtain Fixtures, Cloaks, Shawls, Flannels, Dress Goods, Silks, Beady-made Dresses, Ladies and Gents' Underwear, Yarns of all descriptions, Laces, Trimmings, Quilts, Blankets, and in fact everything be.

longing to the Dry Goods and Notion ness. at astonishingly low prices. Call and examint this mammoth stock and you will be convinced that it will save you MAIN STREET, BI8MARCK. 4H $1,393 30 $1,250 00 671 $1,356,000 00 None O. H.

P. LINN, President. SNOKE. Secretary. Manufacturer of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS AND DIALER IN Belt, Iran, 1 "-J it.

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