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The Weekly Tallahasseean from Tallahassee, Florida • Page 5

Tallahassee, Florida
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I THE WEEKLY TA TAM TALLAH TALTiAHASEE4J 1 I 1 EEAN THURSDAY JANUARY i 1901 Ol i rjH rjHii 4 i ii a 5 to 8 idi 0 0s i I I 0 The manufacturers of Royal RoyalBaking RoyalB RoyalBaking Baking king Powdethave Powderhavealways Powd rhave always declined declinedto to produce a cheap baking aki powder powderat powderatlthe powderatth at atlthe atth i the sacrifice of quality qualityThe The Royal is made from the thempst themQst lmbst mpst mbst highly refined and wholesome wholesomeingredients wholesomeinredients i ingredients Ingre lents and an is IS the embodiment em 0 Imen Imeno nof 7 7off off of all the excellence possible to be bei beattained beatitained beattained i I attained in inth th highest class baking bakingpowder bakingpLwde powder powderRoyal pLwde pLwdeI I Royal Ba Baking ing Powder costs sts onlya only oniyfair a I fair price and nd is i cheaper at its itsice itsp itsp ice than any similar article articleSamples arti articleSamples le leSamples Samples of mixtures made in imitation of baking bakingpowders bakingpowders bakingpowders powders but containing alum are frequently dis distributed di ditributed distributed tributed from door to door or given away in ingrocery in ingrocery ingrocery grocery stores Such mixtures are dangerous dangerousto to use us in food and in many cities their sale is isprohibited isprohit is isprohibited I prohibited prohit ted by law Alum is a corrosi poison and andall a andall dall all physicians condemn baking powders containing it itROYAL ItROYAL itROYAL ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 100 WILLIAM ST NEW YORK YORKn The Denfctst Den Dr Dr1 A Shine ShineMisses ShineI ShineMisses ShineMisses Misses Missesn MJmie jjmie mie and Willie Johnson I i1left i1lefteft left leftlay leftIt eft Wednefayof Wedne lay ay of last week for Quincy QuincyMiss Quincy1iss I Miss Anie An A4ie ie McQueen is visiting Mrs MrsF MrsW 1 fiobjrtson Bo btt8Onof rtaon of lamonia IamoniaAttorney lamoniaf 4 Attorney AttorneyMcKjnn orneyMcKinripn cKimion went wentto to his histlari histlarina Mari Marlna Mariana na fcomesf bom for or the holidays holidaysB 1B MaDoneil M4Doue1l Donell has been recommis recommiaNoned recommisioned recommisiioed Noned First Fi Fir Lieutenant of the Jackson JacksonTille JacksoniilleLigh ftilleLightjInfantry ftilleLightjInfantryYou Tille iilleLigh Ligh Infantry InfantryYou You should sho Id know that Foleys Fol ya Honey Honeyand and Tar is i absolutely ab lutely the bestjor best st for all alldiseases allwses alleases diseases eases onthe 0 oi the throat and lungs Deal Dealers ers tr are authorized au orized to guarantee it to give givetisfactio gi givetisfactio ve veatisfactio tisfactio Wight Bro BroMr BroDOnk BroMr Mr Job DOnk Jrof St Louis spent spentChristoaa ipentChristria pentwith Christoaa with his fathers family at atthe atxham atthe the old Bftxham xham place near town townMr toW1Ir townMr Mr A Gray Gr a cadet cad in the South SouthHo Southl1Ch SouthFIoa Ho FIoa da Military litary Institute at Bartov BartovT3hometo BartoPshom Bartoweshometo8pendChristmas T3hometo eshometo8pendChristmas eshometo8pendChristmasTax shom spend Hpen Christmas ChristmasTax Tax Collector Iector Felkel has re returned returned returned turned fim a visit to his hi home at Mic Mictosukee Mickre Micsosukee tosukee tosukeeSave kre kreSave fIm JSave Save SaveHoney dc afidTarbills d4tors ctors ctorsafidTar bills by giving Foleys Foleysto FoleysHoney Foleysoney Honey oney afidTar a aid Tar to infants and children childrenprevent childrenin in In time tc tcwhich prevent pneumonia or croup croupfatal croupwhich croupwhich which an anBabies ar4 fatal COBO toso many manythousands thousands of ofight Babies Yight4 ight Bro BroJudge BroJud BroJudge Judge Jud 4eorge Jeorge Raneymade Raney made busi business business business ness trip fo Jacksonville last week weekGovernor weekGovernbr weekGoverthr Governor Bloxbam latt In Tuesday ap approed approed approied proed te new bond of State Treasurer TreasurerJames James Bfiled Whitfielrt for 150000 and it itwith it1ras itWas filedWhitfielrt Was filed with the Secretary cf State StateMr SlateMr 1 1Mr Mr im Pitts of Birmingham Birminghamj BirminghamtAla Ala connected with withtl tl United States Statestoterr Statesterr toterr terr ai al a Revenue RevenueDepartment tQepartment Department 18 in the thenhr theCtty theCity nhr City on Jfficial jfficial business businesstroubled busnest 1 I Itr If troubled tr bled with th a weak digestion di estion estioni estiondchin telchin telchindull belchin4 sour stomach or if you feel feel2r feelnIl dull i nIl af 2r eating Chamerlnins Chamerlninsand Stomac Stomaccents omac and Liver Tailets aPrice Price 25 25Samples 25ents 25cents cents amples free fr at Wight 8 Brqs Brqsre Br BrosrUgst 8 81lrug 1lrug rUgst 8t re reEev eRev eRev Rev Eevthewoi Claridy has been beenret returned rneU to toat toe towoi thewoi WOl at CarrabelJe by the General Generaloce Confer ConferWends nfer ice ce which pleases his many manyat Wends Wendsintend nends at that place placeMr Mr od Mrs Logan Lo a of Cbatta Cbattawg ChattJlooga CbattalOoga lOoga wg parents arents of Mr Logan Lo super supernt superIntend superfltendnt intend intendCptapj fltendnt nt of the Tallahassee Cotton Oil Oiliy Oilare Cptapj c01np41y iy are spending the holdiday holdidaywith teson EOfl fwith with Ith their son at the the1anF Leon Mr MrJ 1anF greatly surprised at and much muchwith Ha8ejwiththe lease with the Tallahassee country countryThe countrye The Theont most 05t soothing healing and anti antiapplication tin intiIc i itlc tlc Ic application ever devised is De DeWitch Det DeItts Itts tsWitch Witch Hazel Salve It relieves relievesand relieveson I ont ontAlld on nc and a cures piles sores eczema eczemain in in diseases diseasesilere Beware of imitations imitationsAgain imItationsJelP Alld iud ilere JelPAgain ler Again In Tallahassee TallahasseeP TallahasseeErr Err Drji Hudson of Nashville Tenn TennMahat Ifennclaltst Tennt jecialist Mahat who was wasjD jn Tallahassee Tallahasseew TallahasseettauJ ttauJ tZ ar and whose who glisees Corked ork orked dcures so socures scamong to cures among bad eyes is 18 again in inaasee msee in 7Tlia4asee aasee see January 4to 4 to 10 at his oldWlththe old oldvnth 34i1Qwth Wlththe vnth the lallahaasee Drug Co Itto It Itf IIto to say that Dr Hudson has fitted fittedin in Tallahasseethan TallRhaeee rall eihan than any anywho anyWbyBIecialiat 7 WbyBIecialiat ieCiallst who ever came camejbere camejbereBeca 1liere 1liereC8UBehj here herejusehis Beca jusehis se glasses gl8 aesare are the high highhis lilghprices his prices eEl the thelowes lowest andTJIS andTJIStisfactory an and hiS hiSm9et 18 181D6teatisfac 1D6teatisfac m9et satisfactory He Hebaa baa basa a new newimentsj newmStrUIflent wlit lit ot lDttrument imentsj and ndtb the fin finest fine tJme eEt1evever tJmeever line lineever vever ever brought to this market marketoa tion tio oa free fr Bee ee ebi hip hi ii atonce at once if ifJear ifor Jear 8 or llisees I sestrouble 8t trouble le you youf youI I iJ i il I i 0 7t 1 Dr Lesvis Dentist Phone No 68 4810t 4810tMr 48lOtMr I Mr Hi CCIiffOrd Clifford and wife of Chi Chicago Chicago Chicago cago were re among a lI on lastweeks arrivals arrivalsMira arrivalstru arrivalsMbs Mira tru Tabor of of New York City Cityis is i accent a1rJ acent ctnt winter wtnt visitor ltor to Tallahassee Tallahasseet TallahasseeCairie 1i Carrie qarreE Edwards war 8 is spending pen dint the thefriends thefrjends cjy ea I friends atLloyds atLloydsThe atLbydThe The best that money mony can buy should shouldbe be your aim in choosing a med icine and andthw andthid andthL thw is Hoods Sarsaparilla It cures cureswhen cureswhen cureswhen when others fail failMiss fallMiss failMiss I Miss Irene Herring a student at Mas Masseys Masseys Masseys seys Business Busi ne College CoUe Jacksonville Jacksonvillecarae came home lor Christmas week weekMrs weekMrs weekMrs Mrs Alex Jb Jacobs and two daughters daughtershave daughtehave daughterhave have returned from a months visit to toPensacola toPensacola toPensacola Pensacola PensacolaMr Mr iJ Curd of Riehmond Va Vawho Vawho Vawho who arrived Sunday to attend the fun funI funeat un uneial eat I at of Hon Wombwell returned returnedhome returnedhomc returnedhome home the ntxt xt day dnySuch daySuch vSuch Such little pills as DeWitts Little LittleEarly LittleEarly LittleEarly Early Risers are very easily taken and andthey andthey andthy they are wonderfully effective in incleansing inleansing incleansing cleansing the liver and bowels All Alldeaieis Alldeale Alldeale deale deaieisMrs sMrs tM Mrs Barnes arn left last week for forJacksonville forJacksonvilJe forJacksonville Jacksonville where she will visit her herson herson herson son Barnes Jr JrMessrs JrMessrs JrMessrs Messrs Cassidey and Cas Gassidey Cassidey Cassidey sidey and wife of Atlanta were here hereThursday hereThursday hereThursday Thursday last en route to St Marks MarksHon MarksHon MarksHon Hon Roge1s State inspector of ofthe oftbe ofthe the convict camps in fl the city on onMondayattending onMonda onMondaattending Mondayattending Monda attendinJ to oflieial business businessTo To ToCure Cure a Cough Coughstop Coughstop Coughstop stop coughing as it irritates the lungs lungsand lun lungsand sand and gives them no chance to heal Fo Foleys Foleys Foleys leys Honey and Tar cures without caus causing causin causing ing in a strain in throwing off the phlegm phlegmlike like common cough co gh expectorants Wight WightBrO WightBrO WightBrO BrO BrOThe BrOThe BrOTheProper The TheProper Proper Place PlaceTo To buy your Drugs is wbee everything everythingis is fresh fr sh Wheie VheJ health healthis is coi corned cornedcheap crneacheap rned rnedcheap cheap drugs or old dead drugs are dear dearat dearat dearat at any price priceWe priceWe priceWe We have haT hareno no old olddead dead stock to topush push off offwe offwe offwe we buy the best goods goods1noney money can buy and andsell andsell andsell sell them as cheap as is consistent icdth icdththe 1vitlJthe wit1the the quality of the goods goodsIn In this city one can drink cold soda all allthe aUtbey allthe the tbey year a1 we have bav it drtwi from our new newapparatus newapp newapparatus apparatus apparatusBooks app ratus ratusBookEYeswe Books BookEYeswe Yeswe Yes we have havethem them too books booksthat booksthat booksthat that are sold elsewhere in town at 10 1020 20 2025nd 25 2 25nd end 50 cents we are selling at only 5 5cents 5cents 5cents cents each A All of 5 cents booklets go going gojug oing ing fast at 2 for Scents ScentsSoaps 5 cents centsSoaps centsSoapsWe Soaps SoapsWe We have a large assortment at 2 for or 5 cents up Our line of Soaps in include include indude clude both Imported and Domestic DomesticComl Dome Domesticioml tic tictJomls Coml a and Brushes BrusbesA A large assort assortment assortment assortiiient ment our Tooth Brushes we are selling sellingat at cost tomake room for a large Jargeship Jargeshipment ship shipment shipmeat ment that we have coming comingCome cOmingdomel comingC02n8 Come domel 7 Come 11 11Yes Yes ve carry carryPIsy carryPIsying Play Playing Playing ing Cards PqZfca Chip and Dice DiceCheckerBoards DiceCheckerBoardsetc DiceCheck Check CheckerBoards CheckerBoardsetcWe er BQrd8 etc etcWe etcWe We sell Castoria at 25 cents others otherscharge otherscharge otherscharge charge you 85 85centa 85centaWefnrnish cents centalWe centsWe We Wefnrnish furnish fine fin medical 1 attention at atthe atthe atthe the store We Wedonotchargeyou Wedo do not charge you for a adoctor adoctorexamination adoctor doctor doctorexamination examination and prescription prescriptionfree piescriptiofree free Soof SOQrconrsewe SQ 01 course wearethe we are the hPROPERplace Efcoratf1 Efcoratf1place PRoPEEplace place fuWilfiams Williams The TbeDrug Druggist DruggistDr tDr Dr Gilbert WUliamfS William Proprietor ProprietorL roprietoroN oN If ilisaWIllie Miss Willie l1 Johnson of Kemphif Kemphifis mph mphis is visiting her hprfripnd friend MieaLcuis Miss Lcu Miller tJMillerI MillerMrs MillerMrs Mrs Mcinthosh Jr went on ona onavisit a avisit aVi8it visit to friends in Atapulgus Ga last lastweek lastwpek lastweek week weekMr wpekMr weekMr Mr Marion Donk a postgraduate postgraduatestudent postgraduatestudent postgraduatestudent student at Harvard camehjme came hlJme to spend spendChristmas spendChrIstmas spendChristmas Christmas with relatives relativesQuality relativesQuaUty Quality and not quantity makes De DeWitts DeWitts Witts Little Early Risers such valuable valuablelittle valuablelittle valuablelittle little liver pills All dealers dealersMiss dealersMiss dealersMiss Miss Margaret Randolph has been ris 8 iting itin her sister Mrs Dozier of ofJacksonville ofJacksOllville ofJacksonville Jacksonville during the holidays holidaysMr Mr Alonzo Rozear and family left leftthe leftthe leftthe the past st week for Houston Texas where wherethey whe wherethey ethey they will make their future home homeMrs homeMra homeMrs Mrs Kemper left during last lastweek lastweek lastweek week to visit her daughter Mrs Frank FrankE Bruen of Tampa TampaChapped TampaChapped TampaChapped Chapped hands cracked lips and androughness androughn androughness roughness ss of the skin cured quickly by Banner salve the most healing bealin ointment in the world Wight Wi ht Bro BroFirst BroFirst BroFirst First Lieutenant A Jones of the Jacksonville Rifles has tendered hisres hisresignatoa his rca resignat03 rcaignatoa ignatoa AdjutantGeneral Hous Houstoun Houstoun Houstoun toun tounThe tounTqli tounThti The January term of the Supreme Court will open at Tallahassee on Tues TuesdayJanuary day dayJanuary I January 81901 81901Hon 8 1901 1901Hon 1901Hon Hon John Crawford Secretary of Stat went down to his old home at Crawfordville on Sunday but returned returnedthe retul11edthe returnedthenext the thenext next day dayMr dayMr dayMr Mr and Mrs Charles Cay returned home on Tuesday 1 from a short wedding wed ling trip The TALLAHASSEEAN wishesthem wishesthema wishes them thema a happy New Year with the hope that it itcontinues continues throughout their future mar married marrieci marned I ned life lifeCut lifeCut lifeCut Cut this out and take ke it to Wight Bros dru drug store and ld get a frtesanpe frtesanpeof frl san pIe pIeof lof of Cbami Iains Stom i and Liver LiverTablets LiverI LiverTablets I Tablets the bi at physic Thev al 0 euro eurodisoidera curAdieOl curedisoidero dieOl disoidera der of tl stomach bil niard niardheadache II i 3ardheadache at dh headache headacheA I I I II A fine girl was born to Mr and Mrs MrsG MrsG IrsG Fleming of Watertown Fla on onNew onNew onNew New Years Day Mr Fleming FIE min is a na native native nalive tive of Tallahassee and is now agent for forthe forthe forthe the Seaboard Air Line at Watertown WatertownM i 1i5S ss Fannie Ball ha gone to Tampa Tampawhere Tampawlmre I where she will spend the remainder of ofthe ufI ofthe I the wimer with tier brother Mr EBall Ei EBall i Ball a former citizen of this city but butnow buta butnow now a prumineii merchant of that city cityMr cityllr cityZ1ir Mr John Sanders of Wakulla countv countvand countyanI I and Miss Abbie Taylor of McIntyre were weremarried nertmarried I married CarrabelleTnursday Carrabelle Tnur5day morning mornin morninI I byi Rev Mr Claridy of the Methodist MethodistNotice MethodistI MethodistUflurch I jljurch UflurchNotice jljurchNotice Notice is hereby herebygiven given hita it a mating matingof mp mPtingofthe ting tingof of ofthe the stockholdiri fi of Capital City Bank will be held heJdlll Tallanassee cTut5daJ Tuesday TuesdavJanuary January nuary 14 1901 1901GEO 1901GEO 1901I GEO SAXON President PresidentThe tThe The merited reputation for curing curingpiles curin curinpiles curingpiles piles sores and skin diseases acquired acquiredby Lbr by DeWitts De Wittf Witch Hazel Salve Sai ve has led ledto ledtQ ledto to the making of worthless counterfeits counterfeitsBe Be sure to get only DqWitts W1tt8 Salve All Alldealers Alldealers Alldealers dealers The Legislature should shouldpass pass a law for forbidding forbidding forbidding bidding thu selling or the firing of can cannon cannon cannon non firecrackers firpcra kers in the State They Theyare are re loaded with gun cotton and dynax dynaiiite dyna dynaihite ihite ite and are exceedingly dangerous for foreven forveJl foreen even the most cautious to handle and an anaccident anaccidentmaymean anaccidentmay accident accidentmaymean accidentmay may mean a loss of the fingers fingersor or a hand They are too unsafe to be beused beused used 5 and as wessaidhould be prohibited prohibitedby by statute statutePersons statuterer statuterer3iiwho Persons rer rer3iiwho rls who wh suffer from indigestion indigestioncannot indigestioneannotexpect cannot eannotexpect expect to live Ions because they theycannot theycannot theycannot cannot eat the food required to nourish nourishthe the body and ai the products of the th un undigested undigested Undigesteu digested foods they do eat poison the theblood theblood he blood It is important to cure indiges indigestion indigestion indigestion tion as soon as possible and the best bestmethod bestmethod bestmethod method of doing this is to use the prep preparation preparation rep reparation aration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure CureIt It digebts di ts what you eat and restores all allthe allthe allthe the digestive organs to perfect health healthAll healthAll healthAll All dealers dealersMr Mr and Mrs Dickinson and andFran2isErps andFrdnisEppos andFranisEpps Fran2isErps Jr of Madison came to tothe tothe tothe the Capital on Thursday Mr Dickinson Dickinsonwill will be private secretary to Governor GovernorJennings GJvernorJenninls UwernorJennings Jennings For the present they are loca located located located ted at the St James Hotel but will oc occupy occupy occupy cupy the Spiller house on Call street streetDr streetDr streetDr Dr Hudson the noted occulist occulistand occulistand occulistand and eye specialist of Nashville who has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen been coming to Tallahassee for several severalyears severalyears severalyears years is back again this week ready to toserve toserve toserve serve the public publicWe publicWe publicWe We are selling sJhn Stationery at cost costgo costgoing go going ing out of the business businessTALLAHASSERAN businessTAJLAHASSEr businessTALLJHASSE1AN TALLAHASSERAN AN STATIONERY STORE STOREgoods STOREAI AI 44 goods to be closed out outat outat outat at cost at Boxhorns Bar Bargain Bargain Bargain gain House HouseWe We are selling Stationery at cost costgo costgoin go going jug in out of the business businessTALLAHASSEEAN bu businessTALLAHASSEEAN iness inessTALLAHASSEEAN TALLAHASSEEAN STATIONERY STORE STOREClosing STOREClosing STOREClosing Closing out sale saleat at cost costat costat costat at Boxhrns Bargain Ba gain House HouseTo To Cure Constipation Forever ForeverTake ForeverTake ForeverTake Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic lOc lOcor 10cor lOcor or 25c If fail to cure drug druggists druggists druggists gists refund money moneyDont moneyDont onevDon Dont forget the closing closingout out sale Je at cost at Box Boxhorns BOxhoin8 xhorna horns Bargain rgaln House HouseEducate HouseEdueate Houseeducate Educate Your Bowels With Witl1Cascarets Witl1CascaretsCdndy WithCascaretsOindy Cascarets CascaretsCandy Candy Cathartic cure constipation constipationforever cODstipatioDforever constipationforever forever lOc 25c If I 3 fail faildruggists faildruggists faildruggists druggists refund money moneyCheap moneyCheapfor moneyCheap Cheap Cheapfor for cash c8 at atT Roberts on onAdams onAdams onAdams Adams street corn pats oats haybran haybrancooked hay bran brancooked brancooked cooked cow feed flour in barrel and half halfbarrels halfbarrels halfbarrels barrels Besides this you will always alwaysfind al alwaysfind vays vaysfind find a choice line of groceries oceries cheap cheap41tf cheap41tf cheap41tf 41tf 41tfM 41tfM Joiners headquarters for Sin Singer SIDger Smger ger Sewing Machine Machinesupp1ies supplies has been beenmoved beenmoved beenmoved moved to toMiss Miss Gerards store Call or orsend orsendth orsend send sendth there re for what you want 31tf 31tfShoes 31tfShoes 31tfhoe Shoes hoe Hats Shirts irtsPants irtsPantsand Pants Pantsand Pantsand and all other goods at atcost1 atcost atcostatoxhorns cost costatSoxhorns atSoxhorns ata xhonsE5arlifBI Bargain House HouseNutritious HouseNutrjtfo HouseNutritious Nutritious Hayx HayxCall Hay HayOallat HayCall Oallat Call at the Tallahasseean TaUaha eean office offi see seesample seesample seesample sample and buy in Ton lots or more moretf tf For Forsale ForsaleLiIdS Sale SaleLands i iLmds Lands in Jackson Leon and Taylor Taylorcounties Tay10rcoUnties Taylolp counties co nies Maj MajRobert Robert Gamble Gambleagent GambleagentTallahassee GambleagefltTalla1iasseeF1a agent agentTaUal TaUal Tallahassee see Fla 48tf 48tfPlowsand 4BtfP1rand I Ii i i Plowsand Plow Gear at Yaegers YaegersL Yaeg rs rss rsIII I Lr i 5 i t71 i I 3 iJt i III DR 58 NYE NYEthe NYEthe NYE1r the Eye Specialist SpecialistI 1r vsa I is still in Tallahassee Tallahasseeat 1 at his office in the theLeon theLeon theLeon Leon Hotel Owing Owingto to the inclemency of ofthe ofthe the weather he has determined to remain over the Inau guration All those who desire to have their eyes examined and fitted with his celebrated Crystal Glasses would do well wellocall to ocall call before the rush comes Dr Nye wishes to call attention to the fact that he does not establish agencies nor em emPipy empl9Y employ ploy any outsiders whooften who often use his hisname hisnatne hisname name to their own interest interestj Office hours from 9 a to 5 mVery I Very respectfully NYBJ NYE Leon Hotel HotelWe HotelVe HotelWe We are selling Stationery at cost costgo costgomg go going ing in out of the business I ITALLAHASSEE TALLAHASSEEAN AN STATIONERY STORE STOREI STORELost STORELost STORELost I Lost or Stolen StolenOn Stolfn StolfnOn StolnOn On the streets of Tallahassee TalIa ssee last Fri day night my six montjbs mon montbs sold old vointer pointerPuPPy vointerPUPPywbite vointerpuppywhite PUPPywbite PuPPy white with one onespot lemon ear and andcollar andspot andspot spot in forehead leathe leathebound leather collar metal metalWe bound with pad lock rill fill pay pa suitable suitablereward su suitablereward able abler reward for his return to me ef meRCAY neR RCAY RCAYlemon CAY CAYCWe CrWe CWe We are selling Stationary Statio ry at cost costgo costgong go going ing out of the business businessTALLLAHASSEEAN 38 I ITALLAHASSEEAN I TALLAHASSEEAN STATIONERY STATIpNERY STA ATLQNERY ATLQNERYWANTED STORE STOREW STOREWANTEDI WANTED ANTEDI I will give 15 1 for 100 live livepigeons liV liVpigeons livepigeons pigeons delivered in Tallahassee IIahassee and andtake andtake andtake take as many as you bripg Deliver Mr Oldenberg Adamsstable Adamsstable2t Adams stab stabe stabef et 2t I I HALL HALLSave HALLI HALLSave HALLSave Save eyes and money by seeing Dr Hudson with Tallahassee Tallahasee Drug Co CoAllkinds CoAIr CoAll Allkinds AIr ki kinds ds Agricultural Implements at Yaegers YaegersOn jOn On account of removal 1 we weoffer weoffat weoffev offer our entire stock at atcost atcost atcost cost Boxhorns Bargain House HouseThe HouseThebest HouseThebest The Thebest best line of Gents andLadies Un dershirts rshirts in the city for the prices at Ball Demilly Cos CosTo CosTo CosTo To THE DEAF DEAFA A rich ri lady cured of her Deafness and Noises Noi in the Head by rDr Dr Nicholsons Ni holaona Artificial Arti Artificial cial Ear Drums Drumsgave DrumsgavelJOOO Drumsgave10O0 gave gavelJOOO 10000 to his Institute Ins itute so that deaf deafpeople deafpeople dealpeople people unable to proctjre proc the Ear Drums Drumsmay Drumsmay 3 3may may have them free Address No 1174 The Institute 780 Eighth Avenue New NevYork York Yorki OUR LINE OF OFTOILET OFTOILET OFTOILET TOILET SOAPS SOAPSi i i lS never so complete completeas as now nowThe nOvnom nowThe nom The h1J Tallahasses allaha see Drug rlg Co CoTo CoTo oTo To the Deaf DeafA A rch lady cured of her deafness and andnoises andnOI am I Inoises noises nOI in the head by Dr Nicholsons NicholsonsArtificial chotsm chotsmArtificial SArtificial Artificial Ear Drums gave 100oO to tohi tohiInstitttt his hisInstitute hiiInstitnca Institute fo that deaf af people unable to 0 procur the Ear Drums ma have them themfree themree themfree free Address No 1296 The Nicholson NicholsonInstitute NicholsonInstitutt Institute 780 Eighth Avenue A mJl New NexvYork NewYOrk NewYork York HIV HIVHuylers 14tyHuylers 1413Huylers Huylers Candies Candiest at Schraders ai always aiays aIways ways ays fresh freshii fres ii 1 Seed pats patsRustProof patsRuet QatsRust RustProof Rust Proof May Seed ed Oics for sale saleby salebyL salebr by byL Yaeger YaegerStocks YaegerStocks YaegerStocks Stocks Cotton Wheat WheatAnybody Anybody desiring to invest or speculate can canget canget canget get our Guide to Investors and n1 Speculators Speculatorsas as a well we as our Daily Market Letter free of ofcharge ofcharge ofcharge charge upon application to toGeorge toleorge toGeorge George Skaller Skall Co CoBANKERS COBANKERS CoBANKERS BANKERS AND BROKERS BROKERSMembers BROKERSMembers BROKERSMembers Members of New York Con Stock Exchange ExchangeNo HxchmcNo No 70 Wall Street New York YorkFor YorkWood YorkWood Wood WoodIlor For sale by Gilmon Davis DtvisFULL Co CoFULL 0 0I FULL CORD CORDGuaranteed CORDI CORDGuaranteed I I Guaranteed and deliverd deli erd in city at 250 250per 250I 25Oper I per cord Sold in 8 foot Ieu feu1ths ths only No deliveries dt made unless yard yar is i acces accessible accessiblt accessibli sible to wagon wa on Terras cash or due on onpresentation nnpresentatiun onpresentation presentation of account yj yjByrds 89Byrds In InByrds Byrds New Baker BakerHaving BakeiHaving I Having secured the services of Mr MrSteinbeck MrSteinbeck Ir IrSteinbeck Steinbeck an accomplished Caterer and andBaker atlllBaker fltIlBaker Baker of long experience in New York YorkCity YorkCity YorkCity City and Saratoga I am now ready read to tosupply tosupply tosupply supply in any quantity on short notice noticeDvtAnJ noticeBread noticeB DvtAnJ A Plain Cream Vienna Gm Gmham GmI isiuuui Bread 11 I InH eIU 11 ham Tea Tt a Rolls Vienna ViennaI I Rolls Parker House HouseBath Rolls RuUsBath RollsBath Bath Buns Saratoga Buns Coffee Cake Cakeof CakePastIl CakeP of all allii JI kinds kiudsNapoleons I ft1 AtV kiudsNapoleonsPatl Napoleons NapoleonsPatiShells PastIl ii bLilUb es PatiShells Patl Shells Cream Tarts TartsMerintue TartsI TartsMeringue I lIerin Meringue lle Tarts Cream UleamPuffs CreamPuffs jreamPuffs Puffs Egg Eg and Chocolate ChocolateEclaires Eclaires Lady LadyFingers LatJyFin LadyFingers Fingers Fin ers Maccaroons MaccaroonsI AIaccaroonsCOkes I 1 lr Egg gJl1U1hles Jumbles Cookies Choc ChocllHKHS ChocI llHKHS COkes I ak olate Cream Bars Walnut WalnutUUUUUi ValnutI 11 UUUUUi IL MI I Squares Fruitcakes Fruit Cakes Pound PoundCakes PoundCakes PoundCakes Cakes Layer Cakes and in fact all allsorts aUsorts allsorts sorts of Cakes CakesTiinn CakesP Cakeslv Tiinn lv Cocoanut Lfinon Mince MincerlriS MinceFclOS i I rlriS FclOS iuu 168 and a various other kinds of ofPle5 ofI Pies PiesCakes Ple5Cak PiesCakes Cakes Cak Iced and Ornamental to order orderCan ortl orderJan rGan Can furnish anything in Bakery Goods Goodsof of finest quality for special orders We Weask Weask Veask ask for a liberal patronage from the thepublic thepublic thepublic public public424t public424t public424t 424t BYRD BYRDWe BYRDWe BYRDWe We make makePrescription makePrescription makelrescription Prescription Work Workour Vorkour our specialty specialtyThe specialtyThe specialtyThe The Tallahassee Drug Co CoV CoTakes I ITakes Takes a Bright Man ManTq ManTQ ManT Tq think of 9fany any thing in our line we wedont wedont wedont dont handle and the chances are fbat fbatif hat hatif if he should shouldthilikof think thinkof of some thing he would wouldfind wouldfind wouldfind find it out of date and superseded by bysomething byomething something Someth Dg better Picture in your mind mindwhattne mindhat mmdw1iat w1iat whattne hat the Ideal kaZ Hardware Store should shouldcany shouldeafloy shouldcarryand cany carryand and youll have a tolerble good goodidea goodide goodideaothow idea ideaothow of fhowthe bow the store of the Gilmore GilmoreDavis GilmoreD GilmoreDavis Davis 9o1ooks 9o1ooksC Co looks a Setids Seeds SeedsNowj eds1 I INow No Now Nowj wi that the Holiday season i ipast is ispast ispast past ajid aid you are preparing pr ring your yourgarden yourgardenfor 1 1ardenifor garden ardenifor for the early Spring crops cropsbear cropsbear cropsbear bear this in mind SCHRADER SCHRADERis is the place to buy your seed se dW We Weclaim Weclain eclaipl claim your attention because we wemake wemake wemake make this department of our busi business business ness one of incessant study and andpainstaking andpainstaking an anpainstaking painstaking care careAccept carccept careAccept Accept ccept only the Green GreenTrading Gre GreenTrathig nTrading Trading Stamps We are arehere areh arehere here re to stav stavFino stayPile Pile Tailorin Low Lo LuW nm Prices PriCRSCleaning Ppjppq PricesCleaning I lib00 lib00Cleaning Cleaning and Repairing RepairingCapifaLTailoring RepairingCapital I ICapitalTailoring CapifaLTailoring Capital Tailoring Co CoW I Iw IW FREELAND Prop PropNext PropNext PropNext Next to toSi1e Express Expressomce ExpressomceSDle Office OfficeSale Sale Agent it for The Royal Tailors TailorsMiss TailorsMiss TailorsMiss Miss Blakes Sanitarium SanitariumNext Next door north of ofLeon Leon Hotel open all allthe allthe allthe the year Graduate nurses For par particulars particulars particulars ticulars apply to toMiss toMISS toMiss Miss SALLIE BLAKE BLA i Propr Propr316m Propr316m Propr316m 316m Tallahassee Fla FlaWe FlaWe FlaWe We have only a few but they theyare are yours for the askin askinHuylers asking askingHuylers skingHuylers Huylers Birthday Book BookAT BookSCHRADERS AT ATSCHRADERS ATI I SCHRADERS SCHRADERSWood I I Wood Wood Wood WoodSold WoodSold WoodSold Sold hyG by Averitt the year yearround round All kinds of wood od cut or split delivered by jthe he load or cord in any yard satisfac torially at a reasonable price Orders Ordersreceived Ordersreceived Ordersreceived received on Phone 87 Terms Tt rms easy easv41tf 41tf 41tfWe We Wehave have a aNew aw aNtw New and expensive line lineof lineof lineof of Combs Hair Brushes BrushesToothbrushes BrusheToothbrushes BrushesToothbrushes Toothbrushes Whisk WhiskBrooms his i a kBrooms kBrooms Brooms Purses and Card CardCases CardCases CardCases Cases You will never he hedissatisfied lcdissatisfied 10dissatisfied dissatisfied with your pur purchase pl1rcha pmchase chase cha if you buy of us usTHE usi usTllI i THE TALLAHASSEE DRUG UO CO I I I tryrnYlte tryrnYlteqf yit7 yit7Mons qf ff ffJ ffMens i i i I Mens Mensi ns 3 ShoesJ ShoesJB i Best st Shoe for the theprice theprice 1 price sold soldMens soldMensTrousersll soldMens Mens MensTrousersll MensTrousersllFine Trousers1 Trousers1Fine Fine fitting and andgood andgood andi i good goods goodsi goodsPrccs i I I Prices ces from 3 tonB to toii 5 5B4M I ii iir I nB B4M 1 ginnissJJI ginnissJJII ginnissJ ginnissJOa inms inmsSoda Soda Oa I i Water Watiiioand MandCoH MandCoHAT Cop LSCHRLDERsj AT ATSCHRADEBS ATSCHRADERS SCHRADEBS SCHRLDERsjI SCHRLDERsjF I 0 01 I IC2 I oN rn C2 ZoO ZoOEt Et t1 jiIt 13 13c A 1 I I qz 112 Et 11 tilt tiltG IIJ WiiI IPI yr 1ft 1ftZ 1 1 8 I So tJ CJ tit titrl rl sCO HPI CO COC 0 0 is isjq PI mJ 1 3 Ii IG iri jq rg 0 4 4t It rt rt wd sI I 18 i I A till 4j CD CDU V2 I 8 81m 1m Real Estate Esta EstatAgency td Agency I II I TALLAHASSEE TALLAHASSEEJ FLORIDA I I 200000 acres of Timbered Laud Landfor for fo sale in Middle East and We Weefc est Florida in tracts trac ranging from a ection quarter quarterteection to fifteen thousand pcres pcresat crea creaat sat at reasonable prices rated according to timber be ber location etc 4 I Also desirable city and suburban Residences Re idences and Building Lots ihand ihandaround i iji and andaround andaround around Tallahassee ee the most picturesque and nd attractively located city fn the State with bright prospects of improved improvedbusiness business conditions 3 Also improved Farms in Leon and adjoining counties suitable for cul tivation Stock Raising Raisin and Dairying One of the most desirable of this chassis is of ClS8 a tract 800 acres pfthe fthe the finest Farming lialmingLand Land in Leon County the garden spot of Middle Florida Floridaand Fjori FjoriI Floridaand and for health fertility and scenery unsurpassed unsurpas ed by any sectflm se ti in I tie South Especial attention is called to this tract which will be sold al atveIy Veiy resonable figures figuresFor For Jt or further particulars call on or address with stamp the undersigned undersignedW 31 cGRIFF McGRJFFTallahasseean cGRIFFTallahasseean I Tallahasseean Office OfficeTallahassee OfficeTallahaasqp 1 Tallahassee Ta has FIav Fa I ROZEAR ROZEARUnd ROZEARUtk Und Utk rtake FQr1 neral Dileatcz DileatczTALLAHASSEE FTALLAHASSEE TALLAHASSEE FLA FLANext Next door toGHmore Davis Co opposite AVight Vi ht Bros Drug Store StoreKeeps StoreKeep StoreKeep I Keep in stockall stock aU grades es of Uodp UndPJtLdng ttcing Supplies and guaraat satis satisfaction sat satfaction satisfaction faction A portion of your patronage is solicited and gall orders will il1 receive receivepromp receivepromp receivepromp promp attention attentionPanacea attentionPanacea attentionPanacea Panacea Mineral Springs Hotel HotelEDWIN HotIEDWINFDUKE 1 VEDWIN EDWIN EDWINFDUKE DUKE Proprietor ProprietorRates rRates Rates S150 1 50 per perlday day 800 per week S25OO S25OOto 2500to to 3000 per month monthSpecial monthSpecial monthSpecial I Special rates will be given families parties orpartiesHack or partiesHack partiesHack Hack meets all trains at Sopchropny SopcnOPfyStation Station oti Carrabelle Talla Tallahassee TiIIahassee T1lahassee hassee and Georgia Railroad RailroadExcursion JExcursion jExcursion Excursion Rates RatesThe RatesThe i iThe The above road is now giving ving the following followi lt low round trip rates ratesfrom ritesfrom 3tesfrom from Tallahassee Good to return from Saturday until Monday 135 135good 25 25good good for ten days 200 good ood until ptember 250 250AU 250All 12 12good 1 1All All Modem Conveniences ConveniencesThe ConvenlenThe The hotel has just been enlarged new mineral and salt Water Waterpools sater saterpools ter terpools pools built hot and nd cold water in inaU all rooms rooU18baths baths also given in hotel hotelbilliard hotelbilliard hotelbilliard billiard and pool rooms shuffle board ard and infact lD factall all modern conve conveniences convenienees convethences niences Post office in hotel building Telephone connection conne tionwith tionwithtelegraph with withtelegraph withtelegraph telegraph office Daily mails etc Cuisine the beet beetFor beetFor beetFor For further information address addressEDWIN addressaJWIN addressIDWlN EDWIN DUKE Proprietor Proprietort ProprietorPanaea Panaea Fla a aI i i zi I i 7 too.

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