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Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 2

Statesman Journali
Salem, Oregon
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tMStc. J) Statesman, SVm. Wed, Dec. iX "37 Policeman Holds. Bludgconing Hammcr Theater Time Tible utniks Whirl, Nations Tremble on Oregon.

Flu Drops For Eighth Week PORTLAND. Dre. If Oaa First Christmas of Space-Age Dawn Solon pefenHs Request for Mouse Funds PORTLAND. Dm, Nawharfar l-Or' uid laday hi raajuaal lar latVral kid la puiiia do a Or(aa I held main a In lax a taa BaJ eatlrrty proper. Laat a ark Orafaa aWralary af ttata Mark Natltrid kad IM atata ahauid try to aai IM prahtera befart ratlrnf la tM tadartl (a.

tiimaa r.iti 1 at tita-k TO Oaaota laa. tu. ia trtrei 'ao iac a ia in NAkrO IN TWI mVM-. IM, at a a axil I anna Ttrt aaiaM oaHtrt nt" I laa. 11 Ihauaand aad miaflta aa flu 9f Tt AWOOATTn rttU a(Wi grreled (VWim the IW tWik af maw una laaro, frandi naa ar aiinil rawa rapariad la atau taard ta i nii im MitMu at refute mi hmmmh at la aaa Ual aaatad rWMiKM aa laa ekae Neaje Mia la IWf Im4 Uar.

tl. laane erid today reJ fknttma at rhe IhretJmM i in plgrtma lrtH I Ik kartnater IM fanuiy eakaBjl ml (ltrwl la per tha Arewaid ua earH Taa raiataj IM alaia'i total far lark af MM ImH lha year la IT.m Maat af rut aMtard a I Dr Harald Krk-kaaa. at at tart On eertk pear-le at men will la all mea I ind tremh.e-1 i the ikM aaaikaf la? la anew a G. E. Odle, hraHk ailirar, laid Ihn aaa IM nthik atudi lha aunMf lurea Akaul Ika aauy pier cef- Hut la IN laptlal af aaiM rant taut al VaWmet In muall warfare triggered leg tanirhet ld prld I at i I I Replyutf la thi rwntmaal.

Ke. barter aaid ha had boaa adviaad thai rrap damat from IM anauta Printer, Dies al rapariad raaa kad darllaad fram tM pravkau ara4. Laat ork'i total aai 1.117. numiant. in um anerinrr Aipa aa ia ert -witM prI 4 ei mW1 Irifc.hied anta da The km I Dal Ba laa end h-ltera al IM hord ammmled la SISSOS, I rm lialurM4 mmn II1.

Glaa rH Odl. prlatrr far lfn nlefr iMiiimii aaa ia in i anew aaw Tan aauld Indiral. a Mid. thai t'rfe aa. iMnl I Mi iriv le hanrtlul al Metefrft ia Una Immi tar Ik n-rtket aaf nM ir'K IM neaneat lha fiMdrtniff aaa laaartai aft la Orrcoa.

Ha laid. hoaar. ha at- roa arfwrrted lfc I wiiiimi ihmw at amaneai mora lhaa at )ar. died Tudr M4 laat thai aiarh a Ira fie kil raaidewr. Ma Itf U.

lllu4lMM la, many Oretoa farm Rora Jaa t. IMS la RidetiUe. 1IIUM ana ah Irk Ilea autiida is hint ml Oiiat aa Jaa. 1 aeaeta tad lha fcianer aneiaaieia prclad aarand flu tand ah rt eaa prnMemt dill uran'd I ItrVt ared blH hy IM eld Orthnde calendar. arai af IM weal.

hit IM at at after Jaa. I i Ind Odla rame at 111) la Kmer- Iht tttp, 4 thrir fsmnmri lha aria aher worked aa IM tM Mln la auonart Mk ut.i 1 and llai ia hnkH ranunuaul aarljr Marion County rapariad Marnhr aWMat la IM amaniir. II latar frraleal nuniher of ar raei Ua( ekry aewapaper tM (nrlr laie," ruber far aaid. Nank MrK TMf aai clll Sikilk KkrukcM atal la IM eek-in IChieftaia. rl! in i anq i )pm inrw I rin nrr mm I' .1 Tha beard alaa reported 14 1 maved fUWm la IMS aad 1 ttvlt i Kw" rti IhrnufMul IM.mik (nnitrfur; rvMwalK lank IM (lit all tram triaatllkr riiilMaooaa la alaT CMiflma pneumonia, romparad wai a praaamaa lar lb Stat I a V4ta ra irh III IM prevMMf vaek.

TMra Priminf Drparlmral uaiil rtira- Jfllblll iuii mi in al ira aad aa. The Weather batkbera I III raaea mi pneumao- ment Ihre )ari It later la adkfar tbii year, romparad nk I.Ul'ia ItM. School Board Thursday Agenda Short Mm hti 11 1 ja a Says Attacked A Salrm maa wai it ruck aa tha head aith a iH pipe ar wrench by an unknoa aaaailanl Tueaday aifhi ia In IM blork af Lanrarter Dr K. atat polir aatd Kenneth Smith. 4117 realer St.

K. wai takra I Salem General worked part lima a a prunaa lor IM ifialeamaa-Jounial Publish-lag la. and laruh Knaop Print in Ca. Udl aa a menibrr af Pint reagregalloaal fburch and Mawa-ic ldg 4. Survivor I a I a hit widow.

Mr. Ora Odl. Salem; daughter. Enraged Bull Ftiia Marora Ml s'i Mfa arlUM aai Ikiiitaar lnlmt Irrr I run ailk HMi Iwl IM midaifM ua tfimiiukMd IMtr (Iram. la HialaprM, Jwr4i ardiaal MimhtrMjr Mrr trd kit rli(WiM holirtr IM I' Iriailaa aMft hai lakra raluf la naM ar-rl by Humariaa Rada.

Not lar a. la IM Maria 91 atl and raiirttou, hit farmrr aartalary and IS auaf Ramaa CklMJit prtrali vara aa Irial at rauatar-ratalulianarira TKouiandj al Attacks Man 4 VI tl i Aiinlman( af adwry rummillra lor a indminal au-paruaory lramm prafram ia IM adult tmalxwal adin aliixval da- Br Tut atMMMTflt ratal A Sprint Valley man wai at ruck Mr. Wealey Hanaea. Berkeley. Mat Mia rra I II by aa enraged bull at hi rendenc ana.

Robert Odl. Salem; itr. Mil Edith Odl. Waahmg-1 1 rarlntrnl Madi a ahnrl aimda Tueaday evening but managed la earapt further injurle by jumping into a nearby creek and awimming loa. DC.

and a brother, Harold larmi Srm vnnoi inr Huncartanj mhm laufhl rafular mrHint am Thura rr(lmf ta lnt aiamM af I ft Odle. Clear alar. Pla. ArrangemenH ar pending at Virgil T. Celdea Ca.

la aafety. AxMraaa AiKuauaraiM Auania twa CMHar CtaiMd tnai pairan Pairaaaka 'art rarf atk CltvttM Matana Hapiial aher he aai treated an out patient Noapilal atlendanli Mid had about a laa-lnch tare. raiion oa hit head. Smith told police thai wai jutt letlinf out hit rar about Jt m. ia bark af IM Pink Elephant Tavrra Ma wai itrurk I rem behind, tl aaid aai stunned momentarily and hat er did act th aaaailanl.

41 at -11 IT Arthur J. Nygrrn. Rt. 1. Boi tM.

1 Mj -M 41 aa 41 II Salem, wai lakea la Salem Memorial Hoapital with three broken day ia IM AdminiairaiKMi nuno mtrt 1 Bid IMra vera mara fifu and Oihrr Hann la diwiaaad ar Oiriatmat rlntr ta Budaprat lh a pnaiibilily af auMutulinf a plaa yrar iMa lal tir Inr fla.i it lifhl fulurra lur tM traublad Middla faal. laa junior high und-r ron Jwvralarv Crnrral laf Mam- alriklioa. and profrri el plant niarUiold wtdrd I N. Kruarxra rib auflered wMn the bull itrurk bun about hmpiial attend -Ai 1 1 ikJ 1 ant aaid They aaid hn condition Death Claims Mrs. Jacobs Mr.

Cledya Pearl Jacobi. SI died Tueaday at her resldenrt for rapair af IM cn 1 Ua pJlilic r. yn ro. auardint IM wai mtitfat lory Tueaday night. almmini pooli (,,,, sinp Chnimai taroli arrr Sill Pallet (a pi.

Ktrajaal lUwirtf bald I fclaad-fafrfd 51iw kammrr whirl lvl AIIfb tl Indu atrial auprrtiuiry Iramini kun a im nalitr loniurt af IM ka aard Taaiatav la Mil kla a I fa. Mahal. Ska dld frnn. ik. Tan biamrr aad aaothrr are aria; retained la Ike atale police eldeac room thoaa krre.

(Plrlure alaa mm i(e 1.) (Slalnmaa Photo) I 41 a II 4 41 li II an 44 41 kaaaat CMy Laa lm AM Miami MnateM Paul Na Orwaaa Ma Yark Onaka raanli Kaaj tUH Laka CHy kaa pt faa rrannara aakaniaa 1011 Hat St. SE. SM had moved Woman Bumped By Automobile rouraet will atari nrtl fall mil a Rranliam. anadiaiu. Colombt-roura for IS intlrurinra will Mart 'ana.

Finni. Da net. N'orwrfiana. neit month. Intlnirlnri ill be Swede and Yufcalati make lerted from namea aubmillad by up lb lore.

AtflPaft aWl CW4aVg ttarfa laatr Opaa It 41 Ow "MIIIT CMartTMAI" akwwt At Intersection Hair Uad Mlem indmlrial leader, raul wllmrth. aupervlaor af adiih va- to Salem from Clovrrdala about two month ago. She wai bora Aug. ItM, al VYarrea. Survlvori Include her widower.

Weaver G. Jacobs, Salem; mother Mr. Retty Grewell. Cloverdilr; m9 The catmnal aduratloii, aaid Wilmrth aaid he will racnm-mend niM inrliutrial leaden for tha advianry board. Money Caused Fatal Quarrel, Man Says (Ulary ana aa paf 1) lof Salem, and then jot into hi At IM Jordan Itrael border, rualoma a i I I and pnllr rberked Oirlailaa Araba and ether ChriHiina from larael ai they rmaaed lnt Jordaa for villi with relative and lb procewtoa to San Quentin Guard Admits Holdup Role OAKLAND.

Calif Dec. 14 UP ama two daughter. Mr. Beverly Retty TadaTt nara4 (from w.ih. ar Buraau, McNarv Find.

Miami: MaaUy rlaad wiui an-asiMi hahi rama tndar and lnniM. HifH Inday oar law taaifht aa. Willaaaatia Hlar; II I frl. Tamp. 11 at am.

axiar as. kalaai PtarlaHaliaa tlM atari mt waalhar yaar pt I Taaala Laal Yar Normal MM II tl lM Mr. Lambert Mary Pnngr. M. of IMS Maple Ave.

NE, received minor injuriei when the wai bumped by a rar at the intersection of Tile and Fairground road NE, about 1 57 p.m. Tuesday, city police said. Mrs. Prange was treated by first aidmen for hand nd knee abrasions. Police aid tM driver of the Mohr.

Hood River, and Mn. Bar Game bara Belt Gibbons. While Salmon, and four grandchildren. Relhlehem Arab Jordai ra-laiad Hi border eat let lorn for Salem Couple Gets Special Present Levi, Allen Sleinhter will upend with the idea of xoin( to his MO Oat aa folic lonifht aaid a Saa Quentin tM holiday Arrangement are pending at W. In IM ailed Stales, harataed Prison guard admitted he look inrnima in coniiMmeni Decaiise T.

Rigdon Mortuary. PORTLAND. Dec. 1 V. rk mnumilm had Iron, narl in a If? am kirinao-rooberV.

01 an argument during Which hlS U'alk4 AUav tllvr DoriSDav, car was Kenneth r.arl Heilemn To Discuss High School Programs iwemy-eigm roupiea got a special dIm fhruima Eve. Half the Another mn implicated in the oeaien. Chrutmaa gilt here today. A cir- lrminmrm im ln Island Rail Sunday market holdup. Allen; The Myear-old retired carpenter Remembering he had no driver's 1970 UncaMer Dr.

NE. No i ft at tl Damages license, he returned home and lions were issued walked to a friend' house in, nw rri- ior rniiaren ma coupiea nave la reoort la arret! bv Oakland Dolica yesler- with the avin of his 54-vear-old enU af all Oregon college have adopted WBrk i diaoul aver holiday. dar wile Ha admitted to state notice nn bout A. ii taviUOon. t.

meet ind One of the couple wai Mr. and Zk 1.1 Hulrt Murray Thai hir hH mlZ'rh, h'a OregOn MUSCUm Mnnlrin Gardens, which is about 3 Automobiles Three can were damaged in a cranh at the intersection of Belle-vue and 12th Streets SE, about 1:20 m. Tuesday, city police said. so. at mma oiacuaa mia arnooi courga prepar- Mrs.

jscs oani 01 saiem. ineir ml wvln 1 ki. ihrea limea-' wiih Haw hm. Keeping a claw ham I fcj.Ul A ij wt IIPV UallUt CrVer livuii mill Sleighler said, he walked down ibU LHJU Americans 1 1 were an.r hour 0 auestioninc that rner 'along the riverbank. The river is dressed In a cotton several hlnrki nf M.nKrjn kAfS I f-if 4- BUR I fm MM CaMrasfy rV a I ONBNa4AOp-fJ fr tM iiaaa 15 'much lea troubled.

On rormoaa, he manned lb gitewky car and Sleighler, 1 they had turkey-one a rarity acted as lookout for two gunmen shirt, brown uit coat and blue n.rH-. iticiiiwi 111 xjiii bro Police said the car were driven wM robbed an Oakland it or and trousers, was taken into niclndv u. i. .1... 1 1 there at cents a pound.

tM I. lki 1 A i. i i 1 mm Dtlor hlS WHO died. home and ralld th. .1.1.

nnli. PORTLAND. Dec. 14 OB Th Betty Jean Mattson, 1755 Fir Oregon Museum of Science and In-! wy NW, Marthene Florence dustry today announced it had re- Ecker, 93t Norman Ave. NE, and II 10 iu7, i.i7 locseo us manager ana 1111 wiib nrla mt linlBMl xlhrata Ik I.

-1 1 id 111 imci After his wife was struck with who called Willamette Ambulance. the hammer Sleighler said he Money was at the heart of theiceived a gift of $50,000 in memory Walter Johnson t5 Glen kH arnillwl i hnna nn Plu- fata k. IM I t- nailer WW.IUUD, OV3 Uien iuiu aic pfiivc 1 viiariea r. owiitcn, runianu Creek Rd. NW.

mouth Drive, one nail mile north ollicers. business leader and civic engi I bif annual yearend forgetting I party. Christmas Eva la Japan Is Ialmoat th equivalent of New I Year' in th West. Only about I I one Japanesa ia 167 ia Christian. I Party la Korea II la Korea.

troop at Taegu Thieves Raid Cabinet Shop ne explained that his applies- neer Merry Christmas to AU MOPP'S GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY Maude Sours lion for a pension had been ap-j The gift will be added to the proved but that he never found museum's construction fund and out whether he is getting any the science and industry wing of money. the museum will be named the More than tfiOO in electrical Succumbs He added that his wife got all F. Swigert Hall of Science and cabinet-making tools was reported stolen from the William J. Sullivan tne mail and she wouldn tell Industry. CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS WITH US! him if he was getting his pension I Swigert died in 1935 at the age cabinet (hop, 130 McNary Ave.

NE, city police said Tuesday. threw what they claimed lo he the biggest Christmas party ever held in Korea. It was for 1,200 I orphans. Similar parties were given by 5 troop ia West Germany. I Navymea aa th U.S.

aircraft I carrier Randolph ia the Mediter- ranraa dispatched a plane to cnecK. 'of 72. Survivors include two sons, "I tried to find out about the! Charles F. Swigert chairman Mrs. Maude Sours, (2, a Salem nursing home patient since 1951, died at the home Tuesday evening.

She was born in Anoka. Entrance was gained by forcing a window to the building, police money, and she got mad," he of the board of Electric Foundry isaid. and Ernest G. Wwigert, president Serving Dinntr From 12 O'Clock to P.M. of the Hyster Co.

said. Sullivan said he had been working out of town since Saturday and discovered the burglary Tuei- Feb. 10, 1875. She married John Divorce Coasidered Manlea with food, clothing and MERRY CHRISTMASI Phone EM 1-1733 I 'gifts for to Italian merchant ma- day. n.MB in itw, starjntf Wankly a wa djs -p i The ooiiple moved to Salem from traught and fatigued.

Sleishter I nieVCS I 3Ke S4I N. Liberty ne cartel between tn age 01 Grave Flowers iauwwKi, a. in ais0 explained that he filed for a Her husband was employed at divorce two years ago but that Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. until wife filed a counlersuit the Mmmmmm Leading American religious Van Dy Man DIG Havt Christmas Dinntr at NEWARK, N.J., Dec. 24 Wl his death in 1945.

same dav. 1 leaders wer spending cnruimas us servicemen abroad, i low on BeaverTon She was a member of the Meth Three men in a fast moving automobile today stole the floral piece I rancii cardinal npeuman, no- "We decided to forget about It and we went back to living together aeain." he concluded. man Catholic Arcnmsnop oi kVlMrill JCI1UUI odist Church in Salem and Eastern Star in Dcadwood. Joseph Infantozzi planned to put mother-in-law grave. Mrs.

Sleighler was born his Bridgeport. near Dallas, Jan. aaaa Survivors include two daughters. Mrs. Mildred Fiebie, Torrineton.

'ork. wai with troops in horea. Rev. Dr. Edwin T.

Dahlberg of St. Louis, president of the Nation-a al Council of Churches which in-? eludes 30 Protestant and Orthodox BEAVERT0N, Dec. 24 A Canby man his submitted the apparent low hid of SI ,469.000 for construction of a new high school in and Mrs. Harriet Rachetto, Dcadwood; one son, Arthur Sours. armed the Beaverton district.

denominations, visited Salem; sister, Mrs. Frances Butts. 22, 1904. I hey were married in Dallas, July 27, 1922. She and her husband lived in the Salem area ever since, except for a short time in Falls City.

Mrs. Sleighter lived in the Salem area most of her life. force in Alaska. The bid was submitted by, in California; brother, Eldred Harvey, Sioux Georee Irwin (or construction of City, Iowa; four ind seven great- I the district's second high school Operations as I'saal Most U.S. servicemen through- grandchildren grandchildren.

DANCE Wednesday CRYSTAL GARDENS Always a Rig Crowd! Survivors besides the widower at are two daughters, Mrs. Charles Xout the world had a innstmas Dav off. But in Colorado Springs, (33 (Tie LOmmiSSIOn ml I Via NArlh i Arrangements are pending W. T. Rigdon Funeral Home.

I Anvfrican Air Defer. Command, OfflCial Nt3ITieCl MINUTE CAFE 1045 Fairground! Road, In th Center af Hollywood Open 6 A.M. to P.M. Serving. Dinntr 12 Noon to I P.M.


"t-S Girls" (rhymat with fa Girts) art built 'U lorlaughttr! I fV" CINtMASCOPC ant lraAH XES GIRLS' GENE KELLY-MITZI GAYNOR five KAY KENDALLTAINA ELG I tt-itimai JACQUES BERGERAC 1 1 i ji Ruth Raman -J Mack, Dallas, and Mrs. David K. Baker, Salem; a son, Levi Sleighler Jr. Salem: a sister, Mrs. Marie Teal, Falls City; and eight grandchildren.

Arrangements are pending at i Bollman Funeral Home, Dallas, -We cannot assume that any Commercials Take Holiday on Radio PORTLAND, Dec. 24 A. V. Meyers has. been appointed to the niw nn! nt land administrator potential enemy will be observing Christmas and New Year' Day," PartriHsa Urn I ordered operational readiness to I take precedence over yuletide I for the state Game Commission.

Kfaion at nnVano H. will be in charge of mainten- J11 OpOKane ance of buildings and other facili- SPOKANE, Dec. 24 Radio ties and will be responsible for all KZl jn tuburban 0 land transactions in which the portunitv will have a arterial nrM. celebrations. In Canada, a leading astron- I omer.

Dr. John F. Heard, allayed commission engines, the fears of children worried These include acquisition of pub ent for its listerners on Christmas no commercials. Holiday music will be broadcast throughout the day. with the only interruptions coming from re lic shooting grounds, hatchery sites, management areas and fishing access sites.

about a collision between Russia 1 Sputniks and Santa Clans. "Santa Claus has been around I lot longer than the satellites." 2 Heard said. "He won't have any I trouble avoiding them." I I quired station breaks and major If China'a birthrate continues to newj bulletins multiply at the rate iwo per Moftcow radio casually reported iMWMWMimcwiawwMiaww1 EXTRA fV At The Giant Wurliuer toniti RUSS MORRELL 1:00 P.M. if Playing Favorite Christmas Carols! that Sputnik I. spinning up there cent per year, says me ropuiauon ml Am mm.

Reference Bureau, her 5 3tS UamaflPfl since Oct. 4. had been around the lation by 1980, only 23 years from 3 earth 1.2.12 times, and that Sputnik Cfi II had made the trip 722 times, now, will reacn one oiiuon. irt lOIIISIOn IN SALEM IT'S THE if iff (Utf Restaurant Holiday laff Show! Doors Open P.M. litlJLMJlAiJLb 1 Three vehicles received damages but no one was in South Coral St, or Order Ga Call EM 22117 For Your Family jured in an accident in the 1500 block of Center St.

NE about 2.35 CHRISTMAS DINNER Donft spend more. a a 51 Just A Note of Ji Thanks tj For Making Our Bakery It A Success This Year. p.m. Tuesday, officers said. I Police said the vehicles driven by Elva Marguerite Riedesel, 1165 I Market St.

NE, and Norton Ed-iward Wood, Brooks, collided. A pickup owned by Frank A. Slick, 1532 Center St. NE, parked in the driveway at his residence, was struck by one of the cars, officers isaid. t5 i We Will Have A Complete Chinese or American Menu i 'tt-VtaMtt.

From Which to We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas Choose fill MMwaMMMMtan I Colt's Ckkktn Dinntrs a 4133 Portland Road I Will lo Serving I Christmas i Dinner I I Jj And A Prosperous New Year. NEW LOW PRICES ON ALL SHEETS during Pcnnoy's January White Goods WE Will IE OPEN FROM 12 Noon to 1 A.M ir.ikirtu Akin sr $pl 1 rvK. nnio. KcrMmt 1 1 crMOLrw MR. 4 MRS.

PAT RYAN ami niH livo Holiday Organ Music Playod by RUSS MQRREll IWMKlkIaV9tBU WRK-liMIrIL-W- klMMBIIiiMI I CkWa Plata 75 Ha I-nW liai.k 5t Merry Christmas to -jf la Flamiaf Caler! action "NAKED IN THE SUN" CO-HIT if Janet Craig it Uu MUaa I I Oawa II Maa Tl I M. mtl Kal IM 4-SMS ar twXtl!.

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