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National Republican from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 4

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WjjiggJtWgjlj3SB555 HDWtS' LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Foctrn Ward REPiraiCANMASl M.wT-l.'O.-.rarsaAtjl to call soma two handrtd r-erfons assembled lamui netttnc last nlgbt a th chamber of the Board of Com moo Council Mr. A. M. Onto called tt order, and proposed Mr.

B. D. Fk, for. merly editor of the KBptrftLfCAif, at lr- Muin. Benjamin McCoy.

Torpln.and J. H. John ton wen nominated at ylca presidents, bat none of those frtnllemen being present, on motion, Martin Cronln. and Lafayette Jeffries wen elected as vice presidents, and Mr. A M.

Green was chosen sec- Colon el Tcck, on assuming the chair, thanked the meeting for the honor, and said, while he might regarded a a stranger to many, he had been a Republican for more than a quarter of century, and was itlU tht firm friend of universal liberty. He had not attended primary meeting of the Republican of the Foarth ward, from the fact that his lite connection with a dally morning mpcr for a long time had prevented hie at tend nce. In conclusion he aaenred hU bearers that he was In sympathy with the Repnb-llcan party of the city, and of the whole country. Mr. r.

Crowley offered the following resolution Rttolrtt, That we, the Republlesns of the Fourth ward la nm meetlne aeeembltd, tliw with admiration and pride tat very prosperous aad flourlibUf condition or oar cltr under the fAllhral and prudent ad mints. t.tirt nt its ealef mnrlatrata. Series J. llowen, nn4 thai we depreette the attack tntJe upon him by Ms person Hi thtt we will, as a Rspublleunpartr. eaetalr.

him In his faithful effort to administer the nn.Kinil affalra ftf thta elt that ltae." despite disappoiated polities! aiplraati and pariy aitor-funucia. The resolution wai unanlmoaslT adopted. Tbo secretary then mbmltted a eerlee of resolves, concluding aa iouowit Rnorfi, Thftt we pledge ourselret lndlvldu ally nod collectively to do nil la our power to nutnth the Arci or Bereoael strife, aad when we htTC done thla and failed, all men who nod la tht way of the work Ood has is lined to ui through the medium of the crest party, must sink beneath the weight or their own tfforta to supplant the deslcaot Hsstsd and to controvert the will of Uod. The renolnUone were unanimously agreed to, and Mr. Green addressed the meeting at length, taring that he regarded wit feelings of regret the element of discord whlrh have sprung up within the ranks of the Rcpabll can party, but he thought there was nothing In such discord calculated to bar the pro-cress or check the advancement of a partv which has done eo much for the welfare of our country and the advancement of Christian clvlllxatlon throughout the world.

Mr. Green also stated la relation to the Republican party, that there were times when men should stand forth and shoulder responsibilities boldly. Not only Individual responsibilities, but snch as affect nations, and look to the welfare of the people at large. Ten years ago the auction block, the last, the thumbscrew and the treadmill were In use In this ten miles square, and no power of the Government, even, could be brought to bear to Interfere, and almost no hope existed In the hearts of colored people of ever becoming their own masters free. Now, It was very different.

Instead of being forbid to learn to read, they now are freej go to the polls, and have all rights guaranteed to freemen, lie said. In alludtnir to what is called the "dirt business," that the opponents of the Republican rnrtv (floated over the little dime nit that now agitated the minds of few In the Republican ranks, but he was certain that the matter would strengthen Republicanism throughout the District. lie hoped his hearers would stand fast and true to the parly whose principles had set them free. At the conclusion of the remark of Mr. Green, a vote of thanks was tendered that gentleman for hi eloquent address.

On motion of Mr. Cronln, the raectlop Adjourned, subject to the call of the president and secretary. Toe OctkaoeiitubCocktt TniFiaiD Committed to Jail. In yesterday's Ra-rcuLiCAX we published the arrest and com-mitirt nt thA colored man, named Den. Washington, for the attempted outrage uu daughter of Mr.

George Woolford, a messenger In the Bute Department. Yesterday morning the case had a hcarlos before Justice Wall, whan the children Identified blm as the party, and a knife, having been found near the place, was also Identified as belonging to him, and he was committed tojall for court. The little girl received several bruises about her face and neck Vn her struggle to free herself from the scoundrel. These outrages seem to be of frequent occurrence, for it wm rmlT three dare ero when a little elrl. named Mar Brosnahan.a step-dan inter of Mr.

John Kufe, residing on Ninth street extended, was attacked, It Is believed, br the um neirro. and an outraire attempted, but the little brother ran off after Mr. and thA nrnnntJrel made hi CSCflPC. The affair 1 still tbe theme of excited con- venation In the northern part or toe city, where many parent now foar to allow their children to go out of their sight. Faiiiioxable WcDDLfo.

Last evening, at 7:30 o'clock, a fashionable wedding took place at Trinity church. Notwithstanding the inclemency of tbe weather many were present to witness the ceremony. The parties specially Interested In the affair were Major 8. R. Harrington, a young and prom- Mis Maggie France, one of the amiable and accomplished belle of tbl city The attendants were E.

h. Sianton, Colonel C. W. Taylor, A. It.

G. Richardson, Mis Amanda Warfleld, Ml Lena lUburg and MI Ada Connelly. Rev. Mr. Addison officiated.

Tbe happy pair left on the evening train, designing to locate in Arkansas, where the gallant Major will enter upon the practice of his profession. The Major ha proven hi loyalty upon tbe battle-field, and It Is fervently hoped tho partiality he baa shown for Franei will not lead him Into actual hostility toward the United States or Induce him to form any alllanco with Louis Napoleon. We wish tbo newly-married folks unbounded success during their Journey together down the stream of time. Election or Officers At a regular mcetlDg of Mutual Division, No. 30, Boa of Temperance, held nt McKendree chapel on Monday evenlnsr.

the 18lu Instant, the fol lowing officers were elected for the current quarter! Jame D. V. John W. Snyder, W. A.

K. Smith, R. S.j II. U. Moullon, A.

R. B.i L. W. Worthlngton, J. 8.

Hollcdge, F. B. Wm. Holledge, Wra. Schedal, A.

C.tB. Pumphreyi I. B. Jos. Holledge, O.

S.i Rev. L. r. Weldemao, Chaplain. Lady Officer Musical Directress, Mrs.

Anna R. Holledge) First Lady Officer, Miss Emma T. Holledge i Second Lady Officer, Mies Ida Colllmj Third Lady Officer, Miss Faonle UclJraanj Conductress, Miss Maria Tomllusoni Lady dentine), Miss Maggie Jones. Heprrsentatives to orand Division Sons of Temperance P. W.

P's, A. K. Smith, H. R. Moullon, 1,.

W. J. 8. Hollcdge, II. G.

Langley, D. C. Fountain, James Oorcb, John Annsudale aud James I). Hollcdge. Mon Law Hesctb or a Vmiostn rnnM a Pomceua.

On Monday nftcrnoon 0(11 cooper (tnc recently appoinit-j coiorcu po llci'mao) observed a notorial)! colored rca acs- pcado, named George Pool, In tlie vicinity of Lincoln depot. There nrc two or turce bench warniuls In c.Utencu for Pool's arrest, nn '1 1 he officer ntttiiilptcil to nrrcst him, tut looU(K)k leg ball, tlofcly followed by Cooper, who cauubt up to hi in nuar the HU-deusburg toll-gate, nt tlie terminus of 11 ru7 s.i iK oS'cSTJKiA'Si him and started with him r. ip tii 11 vt rtii. nreclnct station. Just as lir not to the toll gate the crowd made rally aud assaulted the officer with knifes and msors.

Coojcr tired se rural shots Into tbo crowd, but could not hold on to Hi prisoner, who escaped, ii iid now boaellnffly says aa police otliccr rcr li lu man arrest mm. warrants nave uccn sued for a number of tho parlies engaged tue aiiuuu ou luu poiicetnnn. KikiiLE A gf IlilUdttlptiU, the pro prletor. of lb. lUc Worfi," inaklaR ttrsvotuss stales.

They nro the most extaifltv mawifactureis In that city, uod the oiiey scale factory usluj; steam Iowcr and having every ritclllty. Iheyur. tbo solo possessors of nil tbe patent and patterns of A. li. Davis iV AWjU Co.

liauJe, Ucntnore A whose makes of tLules mo widely and farorablj known. Their dctfite-bcam coal scale Is a great favorite. IVynlrs done well and quickly, and all work warranted. Hailroad Aocidbit. Astbo seven p.

m. train yesterday morulun, from Uailtlmore to this city, was nejirlnir, the bridge two miles this side or lUltlmarc, mu uamed Tbos. Deal, wbo was walking un the track, was caught by tbu locomotive and thrown under tue wnccis oi iuu tare, eu4uimin very serious lnlurlos. both legs lt issir liorribiv mangled and broken la tiro Is Tnn WiatttWn-rrtttnAMlLMtlllOM. From Iht report of Mr.

N. D. Devoreox, general superintendent and treasurer oi ine nasn-Ington canal mission, under the auspices or the Toung Men's Christian Association of this city, we find that the mission 1 In a floorlsblag condition, and In the three year which have passed since It organlxatlon great good has been accomplished to the field oflabor. With the object of furthering the work the general superintendent Intend to seenre exclusive possession of the room at Carvl hall, corner of Twelfth and streets, by rentlag It at about 143 per month By this arrangement It can be Died In tbe day aa a common school, under the airectionoi we trustee oi and evenings, as often as may be regarded expedient, tor aeroiiooi mining saa mug-log exercise or scholars. The trustee of the public school gladly avail themselves of the opportunity to co-operate by eetab-ltsblnr a regular day lahool.

and thus re lieve the mlaslon of a portion of the expenses of tbe halL This arrangement regarded a highly useful and eff elite one for the cause of the mission, aa no doubt most of the day scholars wilt become a part of the Openir nesting, on various occasions, have been held tn an unoccupied lot on Fourteenth street, for the benefit of (he colored people, anA these meetings have been attended by considerable numbers of the pa rent oi me couaren Deionging me scnooi. as well as by the children themselves, and much good has resulted. Those co-opera tire labors, Instituted by the association, give Important and rateable aid to the work In the mission, and cannot but be productive of a lasting benefit to the people In that quarter. Very shortly the meetings, under the auspices of tho same association, will bo recommenced In Camel's ball, (the school-room of the white department of the mission.) The numbers In attendance at both schools average one hundred and eighty ninety In each school with about ten teachers tn each. There Is not now, and has not been for the last year, mnch deviation from tbl.

The children. In tbe main, present a respectable appearance, and with an occasional exception deport themselves In a becoming' and orderly manner. There Is, however, much yet to be done toward bringing them Into a siaieoi oiscipiine ana gooa conanci. "ine surest and most effectual remedvfor die order and Insubordination Is conversion. Let us, then, my associates, labor for the conversion of our scholar, and good conduct will assuredly follow." In adverting to the subject of a mission chapel, the superintendent thinks that in tbe course of this year the locality aud character of the edifice to be erected will be decided upon.

The old Washington theatre Is thus spoaeu on "it wonia oe an exceedingly tails factory circumstance were It possible to purchase of Mr. Carusl the bnllding known as Washington Hall, because of Its desirable local! tv and easv adaptation, with but little alteration or expense, to the purpose of Sab- Dam services, a wen aa ror ine Historic interest whleb attache to It, as the spot where onr work began In July, 1800) but tbe price at which It Is held seems to render It unattainable. Whatever may be determined on or accomplished hereafter la this regard, tbo general superintendent cherishes tbe belief that tbe many friends whose hearts hare been prompted and hands ready to give their co-operation in maintaining tbe mission up to this hour, will add to the honors justlv their due as th benefactors of tbe canal mission, by giving na aid la completing Us great purpose In the erection of the chapel' Tbe mission 1 financially In (rood condi tion, having available resources in hand of v.raJKi. tho expenditures for two years were 11,450. tCoumnsUkUd) Be Merciful is Vonra.EJUor Itepnb-titan i Sincerely gratified am I to see repeated notice In voor paper rtesrdlne cru elty to poor, docile, dumb brute, which toll so patient! and lone for tha benefit of man.

It Is a wholesome and well-eslabllsheJ orln- clple, under Providence, In the affairs of men. tnat wrong to no class or the weak or oeipiesa can do toog practiced or permitted Ithout sooner or later recoillnr In retribu tion on the wrong doers and cruelty allowed toward brutes will beget and, foster cruelty toward man, while cherishing mercy in ton lormcr inspires larger ainaness ana consideration toward the latter. A merci ful man Is merciful to his beast." 1 an old ana irueptutctb tk Arab, who have the best and most tractable hones In the world, Tor tney are treated with tbe greatest kindness aad tbe confers of the statement Is equallr true a man cruel to beast will be equally cruel to hi fellow-man where he as power to do sot nence ine commu nity are Interested In this matter. I am glad that your paper has taken the Initiative step towards reform on this subject, and wuiie considering toe uomercirni overload Ingof carts and the laxy drivers riding on tnem, it is necessary also to notice ana cor rect me cruei manner in wuicn ine ooor animals are "checked up' until their necks are cramped In painful position, and their mouths cut till they bleed. I always forbade and corrected this cruel practice among loose nnaer my commaua in tne army.

More anon. D. S. C. OaptxATiOM or a Miviitib.

The Free-bvterr of the District of Colombia fNew School) assembled last nlgbt In tbe First (jonsMiououai courcn, corner or ureeo ana German streets, for the pnrpoee of ordalnlog Rev. Jason Rogers to the gospel ministry. Tbe services were conducted by Rev. S. I).

Noyes, moderator. An appropriate selection of Scripture was read by Rev. J. N. Combs, of Washington, D.

C. and tbe ordination sermon was preached by Rev. T. B. McFall.

of the same cltr. based noon tho 2Stb and 29th verse of the chapter of Matthew. An anthem was sunir br tho choir, led by Charles C. F. Elchler, after which the constitutional oueetlons were pro pounded by tbe moderator, and who also maoe tne oraaming prayer, ado coarse ia tbe candidate was made by Rev.

Dr. John C. Smith, of Washington. D. C.

After the or dination services were over ine rresoyiery organised lor ine transaction oi pusmess. iter. ur. Dunaeriaoa. or uasninnon.

kcv. C. P. Glover, of Mount Airy, Maryland, and caward i. tarns uoore.

or uauimore. were appointed a committee to wait upon tbo sessions of tbe Fifteenth church, Washington, and report upon Its condition at a subsequent meeting. Tbe Presbytery then adjourned, with the benediction pronounced by the moderator. Bait. Sun, 1W-V af Riter News.

The following are the arrival at and departure from tho wharves aloos the river front vesterdavi Arrived- Schooner Missouri, with wood steamer Arrowj Way mart, from Alexandria, with lumber for Kltch A Davldsoni Oregon, from Maryland Point, with wood for market! S. B. Wing, from Philadelphia, with coat for H. F. Clark and T.

J. Gall. A number of vessels loaded with oysters and fish also arrived. Sailed Schooners Ocean Queen. D.

8. I Tage, down river, Ugtrtj steamers Wawasct and Isaac P. Smith, for river landings, with I passengers and merchandise. I Intelligence has been received from Havre de Grace that tbe steamer America left that port on tbe 13th coal for Warder I A Co. Port of Georgetown Arrived I Steamers John Gibsoo, Louisa Moore, New York, and Isaac P.

Smith, Baltimore. Sailed! Steamer Louisa Moore, for New York, with an Immense freight, Included in which are three thousand barrels of Georgetown flour for Northern ports. Tub PuoroasD New Dridoe Acrou Rock Cheek. Yesterday afternoon a conference took place at the Mayor' ofllce, between Mayor Do wen and Sweeny, In reference to tbe bridge proposed to be built over hock creeK, between ci street, ueorge- r.ra., ktsi" 2a iv. frail nerrpil Ihnl piirtilm a nilli erally agreed that a structure simitar to that in tue terminus or street will bs adopted.

A meeting of the Joint com mitt will he held Inn few days, when a plan. Ill be adopted. CmciitATi LAOEita-Chrlslopbcr Madcs. at tha corner of Tenth and ntrwin i.n ired a sSpplr llreweff Iffie? bur ml.M.-ri hi Is tho onlv gena.M laecr maimracturcd. De this as it maj, Mr.

M.dts take, c-erv oiw I of furnlshlug tbe patrons of St lioua with the best of everjthltiL'. 'Ihu "Mades Holer1 Is deserredly popular. Tbmi-eiuics Amosq tbi 6oirUBS. There was a temporanco meeting held on Monday evening last at the barracks of the Mlt cavalry, under tho direction of a committee from lloward Division, No. 7, Sons Teraperauce, consisting of II, N.

Hothcry and a Alexander, ess. Both these gentlemen addressed the meeting, aod a large Dumber of names were obtained to the pledge. GBonoiTOWN MxaciUNTi na There was quite an attendance on 'Changu yesterday, and business seemed lively. Five rmm m. iinM.

ma tnousanu time Hundred onsncis or wheat. at 11.800 all InTEBEsmo Maiuiiqe Ceeemomt. -The Tcnerabte St. Patrick's church was yesterday moral i) the scene of an Interesting ceremonythe nuptials of Herbert A. Preeton, one of the reporters for the Natioxal Rb-rt'BLiCAN, and Miss Annie McNabb, formerly of Baltimore, which were witnessed by a few of their personal friends.

The early bonr of tbe marriage added to tbe solemnity or tbe service an air of tranquil repose Tho sacred rite was performed at 7:30 o'clock by Rer, J. Kcaue, assistant pastor of St. Patrick's, whose remarks, both at the beginning and close of this part of tho service, were chaste aud appropriate. The ministration of the sacrament of matrimony being concluded, he retired from the sanctuary, and returned clad la vestments of white satin and gold for the celebration of the mass for the bridegroom and bride. White and gold fitting emblems of that purity and charity which the Church teaches her children should hallow this sacrament) for on snch an occasion she mingles with their hap f'lness her most joyous moral ng with gladness the nuptial of those who come worimiy uisposod to receive her Dies.

Tbe ordinary of a nuptial mass omits tho uioTjaanareao. At me iooi or tne altar. tbe celebrant begins with the beautiful words of the Psalmist I will go unto tbe Altar of God, to God who rejolceth my fouth." Continuing, he says the xtlt Psalm, he Conflteor, and ascending tbe steps tn front of the tabernacle, ho prays according to the ritual, and then reads tbe In troll, which Is from Tobias vil, May the God of Israel Join yon together may He be with ron who was merciful to our two first pa. rents when alone. And now, Lord, mako them praise thee with a full and sincere heart' After the Collects, the Epistle was read from Epheslans 23.33, followed by the Gradual and Tract, both composed of short selections from the Psalms.

The Gospel read In this mass Is from Matthew xlx, 3-0, which la tho words of Christ declares the Indissolubility of the marriage tie. Aftt-r the Offertory came the oblation of the Host and Chalice, and then the prayers prefacing the canon of tbo Mass. When the patriarchs of the Catholic Church commence the sacrificial part, they are relied from the people, and are not again seen till Its consummation but according to the Roman ritual, tbe priest, when he has an nounced, "Brethren pray that my sacrifice ana yours may oe acce ptame to uoa, toe Father Almighty," turn his back upon tbe congregation and so remaliisnntll after communion, except at tho celebration of the nuptial Mass. The brides room and brlds havloir entered the sanctuary, kuett in fronl of the altar, on the epistle side, wbllo the celebrant was re citing the Lord's prayer. At Its conclusion, turning his back to the altar, he pronounced the beautiful nuptial benediction upon the newly married couple.

They then retired to their seats, again catering the sanctuary near ine conclusion oi mass to receive me parting blessing. After a few mloatcs spent 1U tuau.IIIIIUgl IUB UllUUi IUD church and received the congratulations of ineir men as. The bride was attired In a traveling dress and lower skirt trimmed in pleated rallies. A close fitting basque, glores and roll of the same shade, and a bearer hat with a white gull, completed a dress at once tasteful and appropriate. Local Brevities.

Ladles have lust cause of complaint In being compelled to encounter mua ana siusu antic accp in crossing reno svlvanla avenue to attend Centre market. Cause, water carts. To extortionate rents may be attributable the factof such a large number of Imposing dwelltniMiouscstenantlessat this season. It Is an omen of reviving trade to observe our ousiuess people witu smiling races and greeting passers-by with a welcome "good morning." A stroll around Washington evinces the fact that our city, like the world, "stilt mores." Scores of first-class private residences hare been erected wliuln the past year. Wm.

Warne. charted with assault and battery ou Officer W. A. P. Cooper was fined 15 hy Jostlce Handy.

m. Dciran. for Interfering with Officer Scbmoneck in the discbarge of his duty, was Frank Monroe, colored, charged with the larceny of a cow, the property of Wright Curtis, Is held for a hearing. Timothy Rodgers, for running a cart without a number, was fined 93 by Justice MHU, aim rraoaurooic ana i nomas donn, colored, were nned t'ttt-U B2.00 by ustlco Thompson for the same offence. Levi Johnson, colored, fn wuitlng Jas.

Wiwl, pU a flue ot 5, and etc vtrta, Joseph Stuard, colored, selling liquor without license, was fined tiO by Justice Thompson. Tho property of W. II. Ernest, located In Tennal lUown, has been sold to T. A.

New man. of Ueorretown. for 3.200. Tbe following gentlemen have been elected oincers or tbe Wasblnirtoa Turnpike Com paoyi President, Robert Ulckj treasurer, W. Laird, Jr.i managers, John Daolop, John Davidson, R.

P. PoJe, Tboma Brown, E. Plckrell, Thomas Jackson, John Marbury, d. a ijioiuicara. Tbe steamer Louisa Moore Is temporarily running between New York and this city, lu place of the steamer John Gibson, now undergoing repairs at Chester, Pa.

Auirnstus Laode. formerlv a conductor 011 the street cars, lias been arrested bv Detec tives uoomes ana aimer, and is now in jail awaltlug a hearing on the charge of threats of violence and a long list of other offences. uen. eh a. rarker, commissioner or Indian affairs, will probably be the next president of tbe National base ball club.

Thowbarf property (leasehold Interest and estate) In square south of square Ho. 07, with wharves and warehouses, was sold yesterday at auction by Messrs. Green A Williams to Klggs A llarreyi price paid 19,000. Fitch A Fox have sold to Daniel Shea a yo-root lot on Twcnty.first street, between and street! price paid (350. Rev.

Dr. Soutbgate, who has for so mo rnoniDs uneaiue puipuor ascension cuurru, has accepted a call to fill the pulpit of St. A train of sixty burden cars, loaded with cattle from Virginia, passed through the city on Monday nignt en route to uaiumoro. Tub Cuoiul Societt. Tho Inclement weather did not prevent a goodly number of the members of this society from being in attendance last night, at the regular portico meeting, songs were reuacrej in a superior manner, the members evidencing rapid Improvement.

Tho executive committee- held a meeting In regard to the Inactive memoersuip, ana 11 is expected that mauy of our most wealthy and prominent citizens will become connected with the society, which Is steadlW nrnrrreaalnf-In r.tnr nii Its first public concert, which we hope will be glren at an early date Is looked forward 10 who mucu interest. AlfOTIIEIt IUlLlltUD ArCIIlEIT MlKAC nous Escire Deatu. Last night, as the train ou tbe Orange and Alexandria railroad was crosslag tbe bridge across tbo Polo- mac, a gentleman named uiibert, proprietor of a stage line to the Virginia Springs, fell from the platform of one of the cars aud was caught araong timbers of Ihfi. bridge, the tram orer uuu, luriunuvuy, However, without Etrlklnir hi bodv. lie was found soon after badly bruised, but without serious Injury.

Uu was brought to this city, where his vtottuds were dressed, and I in a iuir nay eoou 10 recover. Bass Ball Nationals vs. Oi.tmpich. iuo executive cominitico or tho Nntlonal baso ball club have wolleJ upon tLeOhinrilcs aod requested tbem lo ilay another scries of home-arid -home games. Tho truest wai; declined, an Is stated that it the Klrk- wooa nouso on Monday cvcoint; Mr.

1 or co, "W.of."!-?. ratlsflcd that the Nationals could iit-rUv them with the Dine which they prettcntwl on Monday. So tho Olympics propose to rest on their laurels. (iiutp CoNC-tur rou the 1'ooh. Tho I ft Preparing for ft Grand concert be given for tho patpoee of creatlu1 to bc tAUA for lto relief of I tllfl rrtf Wwhlngton durlDg the comloe; Zl, cni.t favmi.ia Jj Zln) 2i tk 2 i Ke -nmto shnj.

ojii wers 111 SOOli A LUNCH Taule. BtiMrlntrndent IMce has conscnUd to the rt-eAtabllsbmorit of a lunch tablo In tbo Treasury Uejinrtment, where tho clerks can obtain a "bllt" during office boors. ThotaMo Is to Im in charge Of a Worthy Cl-sJJlcr of J.tuad.LnluuwLta. nn excellent caterer, nnd will be located ou tbo second floor at the tout heart corner of tho a lid In g. Minns.

W. (1. MnTHROlT i Cn. bimmb. nniwin.lila.

1. r' S5 wmc? tv vu. urn tiitj auto uvnin ior otcinway u'. mi.t'Ti....!!... w.guua.

Excitement at tub Kiaxwoon nor. Suite an excitement was occasioned at the Irk wood House, about half past tsa o'clock last night, by reason of a "war of words," which finally resulted In a lavish display of "six-shooters." The trouble was occasioned, as near as we can learn, In tha following manner! It appears that Mr Tim Murphy, of Atlanta, Georgia, a Government detect ive, uas oeen summoned to mis city as a witness In the Bchureman soon to bo be began to dig a well In a' meadow In the tried In the criminal court. About ten rear of his barn. About 3K feet below the o'clock Ust evening he was standing In tho surfacothey struck upon whattheysapposed, Klrkwood with a friend, whom ho Invited to to be a largo stone, and Mr. N.

went for the bar-room to take a drink. Drinks were crow-bar to remove It. Before he returned, called for and seventy-five cents presented however, his man had uncovered two large In payment. In taking out his money, Mr. stony feet And lege.

Continuing their dig-Murphy exhibited a 1 100 counterfeit bill, glng, they brought to light the perfect flgnre which he Jokingly showed to tbe bar-keeper, I or a man of more than giant sUe, and, at "Mac, saying, as he did so. "you must look solid as though chiseled ont of tho rock of out for such money as this." Ooondsga. Mac took the bill and after he had ex-' Some conception of the sensation it has amloed It put it In his pocket. In a few mo-, produced here may be formed, when give menu Mr. Mnrphy asked him for It, but he you a few of the actnal measurements.

The declined to return It. Mr. M. told him he total length from the top of the head to tbe must bare It as ha was obliged to produce lower surface of the Instep Is 10 feet 2H It In court at tbe trial. Upon this Mac drew Inches across the shoulders the width Is a a pistol from hlspocketwlththeblllwrapped fceti across the palm of the hand 7 Inches) round It.

Murphy Immediately "pulled" the large finger it 8 Inches long) the thigh hi revolver, and was on the point of "draw- I 12 Inches, and tho leg below the koee fH log a bead," when Colonel Lount, a friend In thickness. The figure was found lying on of his, forced blm to desist, and at the Colo-1 tho right side, one hand placed upon the net's request, he left the bar-room. Mac, I abdomen, tho the upon the back, and the altlt list .4 (ha hh.Ii.M) t.lll Wt. 1ft lX.mst, t. Vk.

possession, and would not give It up despite the protestations of the proprietor of the a.uni.1 ill uuu uv kUHUKIICIt Witt 1U UI. I house and Murphy's friends. It Is said that -too mncn or me ardent" was me cause or Mac's obstinacy. Tou Bowie ok tub War Path. Between eleven and twelve o'clock last nlgbt, and a short time after the Fourth ward meeting uau aajonrnea, 11.

vrane was leaving the City Ilall, when he was approached by the notorious Tom Bowie, who accosted him aud told him that he must take back what ho (Crane) had said In one of his numerous published letters to the effect that ne (tsowiei and his orotner had not given anything for the support of the Republican party, or else he (Bowie) would whip him. As he made the remark Tom took bold of Crane, and was about to put his threat Into execution, when Perry Carson, the stalwart watchman of the Mayor's offlce.caught Tom, and a tussle ensued, In whlcb.Perry clothes were somewuaitorn. ine ponce were soon present and stopped the melee. Mr.Cr-ne was sent to his borne noder an escort of po lice, while Tom went about his business. Tbe assault, as stated by parties present, was entirely unprovoked, lias this roan a license to do just what he pleases! It would appear so, for be Is never punished for any of bis misdemeanors.

Cnoss A Walsh sold house nod lot In square 041, for $850j also, south 10 feet 8 locnes 01 lot 11 in square v-vt lor cents a foot) also, lots 9 and 4 In square 1,065. for 11,800. Rekew Yocn License. Persons dolnir business should remember their Recuses expire on tbe first Monday In November. Justice Plant.

249 Pennsylvania avenue, has all the necessary blanks. SATE TOPS Moxtr and burvonr Cents' Fnrnlshlns: Goods at tbe Original Franc. 494 Seventh street, between 1) and No Branch oiore 1 A LinoE store, a small store and an oDlce In Colonisation building, Four-and-a-half street and Pennsylvania avenue, ore ouerea lor rem. uwuw wvita ivi unci, tv, vvuta, at the Original Franc, 494 Seventh street, flnnn Im.i A in 1 lt ueiwecn ana no urancu store.

Jos. F. Kellet. SC3 Elirblh street, offers two new seven-room frame dwellings In ex cellent locality for sale on reasonable terms. Tna Ltqeott DeALEns' As-jociatio meet at Trades' Union Hall this sftcruoon at 3 o'clock.

Fob toe Cheapest Gents' Furnishing noods cro to the Orlirlnal Franc. 494 Seventh street, bet. and E. No Dranch Store. IT.

8. Graxt Post. No. 12. 0.

A. meets at 7 clock mis erening at union icagua iiaii. Post Lincoln. No. 3.

(1. A. meets at Grand Army Hall at 7i30 o'clock this evening. Tub ItOinn nv Titm-reR-. nr PrtiLio Schools holds a special meeting to-night.

LUUAL NOTICES. Both Allopathic and Homeopathic physicians agree In opinion that HofTs Malt Extract Is highly serviceable not only as an article of diet for convalescent patients, or Inthocaso of patients with enfeebled vital powers, but likewise for diseases of tho throat, chest, lungs and stomach, for Catarrh In all It different stages, or cold and hoarse ness, and for consumption In Its different stages. Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. co Fjkb White SniBTS. 1.

t.50. t3. 3.50, at tho Original Franc, 494 Seventh street, between and E. No Branch Store. SELr-APTEBTiSED.

Phaloa's Vltalla or Salvation for tho hair carries with It lu own best advertisement. As tho light shine through the bottle) yoa see thai tbe liquid I clear ostbeaxuroof heaven. You smell It and find the odor agreeable. Yoa apply It and It changes gray hair to any natural snaae wuiiout soiling tue scaip or producing headache. Nothing cau bo mors barm-less, eoj i UlfDEItSniBTB AND DbAWERI, bOc, $1, at the Original Franc, 4'J1 Seventh street, between and E.

No Branch Store. Financial. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or WASHINGTON; II. P. COOKE, (of Jar Cooko C.

Wit. U. lIOKTlBaTOX, Uaablcr. QOVEHNMENT DEPOSITORY rlNillCUI.iOIST orTIIK DKIT.D BTlTtr, rirTit.Tu orroiiik TUk tbei.cb ATa bar and ..11 all cUuM 00V1.BNUEST 8XCUBITIE5 alearr.Bt B.rk'.l rDRiiiiii Excmaai td B.k.C(.llilo. 1LLT1IK ClTUIOFTr.S DII1TID STATES.

W. p.ircbki.aov.ram.DtVoucb.r. a llio MOkT FlVOniDLkTElDII, akd III. tlAtirttl. OP raoart AtrkkTiox to ACCOUNT.

OF U0S1.1ESS JIES AND HBKS. ani lo Bar otbar lotrti.t.d to a. TOLL mrOBUATIONlB to O.OYEBH. MlnTLOA8alalttlla. cb.erfullr fural.b...

HELL XCIIA.1CJE ale irt.ul lata. OB loaaoB aod prio.lral of Eb ropa. attta-lf JAY COOKE CO. a.33HJ3, Fim.rTii strut, orrosiTE the TBIWJET, bar correBt to.rk.t aod coa.taatlr ob banc' a full 7 of GOVERNMENT HO.NDi", SEVEN.TiURTIEU, COMPOUND INTHUE8T NOTES. Ord.r.

fur Etockf, Uoa-, aod col all miiilblt BPHAKB' COURT, Octobis 16,1860. 5 aa iujtiaavaa aaitniaii atralrlz 1 bubbtbi n.iiuiiiy.ji,,mwmu, iu adulnlatrttrlx IViS' Co.r.of ViiSLSS'. mrtalk.iail Tn.iJir. tha (ill. It -Jfl.

iunu. ir aa Iccted aodlarneil iotA mi crJlUra Had i itld eaMad sri noltfled atientf. with tliolr clnline prnperly J.llUIUI.fll Dfl A roeell uismtaingvlar Dlsearerr Rear fljrstcswa. A remarkable discovery has becainado In the town of Lafayette, Onondaga county, N. T.

A human form of huge proportions, entirely petrified, was found under the following circumstances! About twelve miles farmer named William Newell. Batirday afternoon, In company with ahlredHnao, tClk IC IUIVRH VI IUS IIIUH U. semblance Is complete. Everything 1 there the wrinkles about the eyes, the Adam's apple In the neck, tho full reins, the prominent muscles and bones, the natural swell of each rib, and the clearly defined nails, both of tbe liands and feet. The face and features were decidedly Caucasian.

May It not be a statue? The decided opinion of nearly every person who has seen It and It has been visited to-day by some oriuo most nigoiy educated ana inicunzeu peoplo of this city Is that Us perfection, tho material of which It Is composed, aud tho place In which It was found, are against this hypothesis. It seems to be composed of a soft grayish limestone, with which this region abounds. As may be supposed, speculators are already on hand, sums reaching Into tho tens or thousands hare been offered for tho figure. Since writing tho above, I learn that Dr. Doyoton, tbe well-known geologist and lecturer or this city, has visited tbe spot, and Inclines to the opinion that the gigantic fimre Is a sutue.

This theory, however. leaves tbo matter In almost as great a mys tery as tbe other. Booki and Stationery. -piUHKCU, E.ANGRAH A OUIXVIE, I'KAUUUAL, KnUKAVEUB AND PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, AND STATIONERS, 334 PentftiylTanla RTinai and 4tt Klnth street, between and Washington, U. C.

lSlra NEW BOOKS Philp Solomons. THKoirun ur daylight. LldUTEflifQ IXPSEU 1 SWITCH OFF as oa TIME 1 BrOurTiE OrTic, Theae foarTolamesare )ot pnblUntii.anil mka th "Lik HUorc 8rii," lb Moat IniarwUDK of 01Ur Ofltc boost for I at up lu a dI or soli separately at 91 Tola int. "PRE.fII TUB PKCACFTIVa I HID THSfcV ul thB l'nliaa Kl Hill tatbaltli cf PrtMldtelUrsnt.

Dy ttoT.UUbtrt Ha vol a in $3 00 nKSrRK fiTROlfa'ft LIFE WORKi or, Tbe atery elTed. Uy sin. S. A. Booth worilt OURSELVES A Series of Eetsys oa Women.

Hy E. Lyaa Lyntou. KSOL13 Altn ROUE. Three Lrtlera to 104) 173 toaieivrt. li Joba w.

brfa, M. A. li -torn mend a to cbnrchuaa by Ulahopn WhlttloKftatn, William i. Coxa and Ho allagloa THE NORTH PACIFIC FTATE8. SreechM of Hac.

William II. Seward la Alaska and Yaocottfer'a 100 00 MI Din AT. RTDD1XTI jrMUtnd atonrelore l-it- durine IhoeonlDi Metatna, ami otber Uooaa will laopplled promi'tly from the pnblUnersat All lbs I'ew IlooVs ar toia pabUnhei tj le Lsl at PHILP SOLOMONS, WHOLESAU: AND RETAIL IloolcHcllcrn end SUtlonovB, 334 Peuusjr'lvanle. arciiue, Pet ween, twh and 10th. SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL 11EQUIS1TES.

G.A.MITAKER&CO., SCCOKSSOSSTO HUUrilEHU oi WllITAKCC. "HEADaUAETEBS" Ooroir of Beveuth aud Itrstts. The attention ofottrfrUnit and clllieas of AltittJria.aad tarro.Dilla( conatrrie laTliedtotbeUrge andeamplettv stock we are now re eel Id of NL'IIOOI. AND SLOI.I.EUIA-.TE TEXT-BOOKS, Inbraelng tbt Uteit pnlllcaltons la (ermtiii, Freuch Greek. Itullaut Hebrew NpnulNltf nntf EuglUbr Toiether WUU every varietjr ana ttrie ot t-CIIOOr.

HEQUIHITU ADtrvtDToTns css or C( LLtOES, ACADEMICS. 1'UULIC ABU PB1VATK bCUOOLH. I'DDtla will Sad It to their Utertal toextinlaaunralock ani prices before eltewbere. G. A.

UII1TAHKH A AVholcsalt and Uetall Dealer In School llooka aud HUtlotttrXi eep3- Corner fiSTentband fitreete, NEW BOOKS. FIODltEEIdllT FOUND HEAD FitSICOLOBS HITTr UEOaAKON HUK.RHACK illllT L1VB IN BLACK KEOIHENT. IX U09ITII4IN ITALY HinoLLEfiTloNS ANTI.SLAVLUV so 100 cox. FUCT 1 INNOCbSTa AUKOAD. br U.rk Tw.l i All B.w book, r.clv.d a.

ou malM freoof pj.taf. at pabll.U.r. JOHN V. lMUKEIt' Post Offlco Book and Stationery Store. I5S Heveulli Nlrect.



fur heatliis Kallrutd Cun. bBTlBI pareuaaaa oi nwia Uobblaa. tke loveetor. etd Dr. J.

J. Murto the NMVTi" M-Vll'B UOUVuiKi for Utiles at -rotdl'aaatMteejCtr. 1-eUe prepoatla fraui rail-nslienpiuiitiU the Uaiwd flUtee, TLls Cuap-IIbk It Blr-aiSua(lBf. aud la euiopuwd of ateal aaj 'i" Mail wtlL Lhla KUam-riliNi Com-lloif eaa he heated In a aifu utauer. aad wilb aa Viia at leiaparatura tliruuiliout.

tad dwlos ivav wlik kt ta a ltK'lli-r tuuraaa awer jjitliuK 1IOWAKO, I'realjest, AsrnriiAi.i' Hiwiim. Beerattrr Llibt street, usiuinore, THE COURTS. SufttSMI OOCBT OS TBE VPITEO STATES Teuidf, October 19, 1U9. No. .64.

To lUltl- nor umo nuiroM uonpuri piaiauir in error, vs. tiles Z. Usrtls, administratrix. Th argantai Of ibis ium was ignnistta or sir. A.

tiuenaata, of counsel for tn pltiatiff In nor. and eoaUnoad by Mr. T.J, D. FaUaraoa Mr.l)vldge,ef counsel for tk defendant la error, and eooeludtd by Mr, J. IX, Srsdlsy, for tha pUlatllTia error.

If- 1U' George Mattlotly, appsllaat, vs. J. W. Nye at el, Tkls eaaia wasargutd by Mr. J.

It. eouasal for the appsllee, aad sabmlttad erlated arcumsnt br Mr. 8. It Phillips aad Mr. W.

8, Uos, or counsel for th appcllsnt. No.l. Wllllsm plstatlff lo error, vs. The AUaalnsuraoee Uompsny, On motion of -Mr. Ras, ordered by the Court that the order of eoatlaasaee entered In this eause be stricken out.

no, 169. Wllllsm Aldrlsk el plaintiffs la error, vs. TbstnalnsutaaeaOonpsny, huh wis submitted oo printed aijrament by Mr. Kse, of counsel for fa plaintiff la error, No. IDS.

First eusforto-aorrow. Adjourned until to-morrow more I eg at 11 o'clock. OarBAvs'OoeaT JatfffPsirrn. This court was oceupleit as follows oa yesterdays i LAST Th Ust will of MsryUrltUadcn ws par. tlsUy proved.

The tcatatrU directs th equal dlrUloa other persoasl property between her nieces and nephews.ezccpt certain furniture, which ah fives to Elisabeth D. Coleman. Th last will of Sarah Moaroc, Cited and reported oa the isth ot October, was fully provca and admitted to record. The will of Pal lip Powell, Bled sad reported last week, was admitted to record. LiTTnaa TasTAMntrrABT, btc.

Jacob 11. Kcoel qaalintd a administrator of Lewi KaagTa, (friar bond la 18,000, with Lwl U.Kola aod Willi am F. Kengla as surstles. ouabdiabs. Sarah Williams qualified affuardisn to the orphans of Bamnel U.

Williams, (Irlnf bond In M.0O0, with W.U. O'Donncll aod W. M. Wlr a sureties, Mary Tourney qualified as gusrJlaa of the orphans of Patrick Tourney, giving bond la 400, with Kdward llrenaaa and Wm. Tourney as sureties.

Accounts. The final account or M.Kellchu, showing a balanoe of .41,009 U) of the final account of 11. O'llalloran'sguartllao with th final aoeount of John Morgan's executors, with an ore-par rasot of and an aoeount of th pi rsonal estate of lleory Utntrleh, showing a balance the sivnaav will oasb. Th argument In th eas of the will of Iter-nsrdUlrerny was continued by J. Miller and John II.

Johnson. AJourod. OaiMiMiL Covt Flthtr. Tbl eourt wss occupied a follow yesurdayi TBBOBABD JDBT. The marshal rsturos thath ha summoned ine loiiowiog persona as grana jurors aceora lag to the order of th eourt passed yesterday! jono i joanaoD, juaici ttormier, ivoucii II.

Hooker, Herbert Harris, Edward Atktoeou, lowlnc whose names were drawn from tbs bos by the clerk ol tht Levy Uoart. the flitter of the city of Washington aod the clerk of core town warn then sworn na stand Jurors: Wm.Clah-.ueh, jaoob Alglsr, George T. itsneiey, wm. muirneaa, unaries w. A'er aina, Jtoraiio n.roaaor, vim.

it. it. ji-trstnr, Oeorce It. Bplllroan, Jjeojamla Sum, John T. ijvnen.

vm.uriiaisDrier. Ajaaauai ninuaa whan the Iuit wm called la tha book, and the teaUoath administered. Mr. W. Offult.

of ueorgeiowD, aorawn srana juror, uconneu 10 A. lima anhatltuted In hla ntaea. Judge Fisher then referred the craad jury to ois isst enarge ne itymc sows ine principles of their aetlon. Tho law required, however, that be should call their espeelal attention to thslsw aialDtt duelllojt.aDd to theeleetlon liai hi11ilan. Uharlea II.

Uragln wss named as foreman ef tne crana jury, ana me jurors reiireu to tneir room, woire iaey rfwiinfu uuih uori o'clock In private deliberation. The following, witnesses were called to Ihe grand Jury roomi J. 11. Wilson, Mary Ilsrrls, K. Thomas sod Samuel Mattls.

rnavaTiT jctr. Tht marshal rslurnsd that he had summoned the petit jurors as ordered by the Uourt on oionnay. tne juroii rviurucu a luiumun art the same as those reported In our looal column of yesterday as to be summoned. Tim BCMOBBMAB CAS. The esse of James 11.

A. Schureraan waa called. Messrs. Itlddle and Phillips, for tie fence, In moving for a postponement, presented the certificate of Dr. Orouae that Hehuremaa waa lo a condition of bodily health which prevented hla attendance at eourt.

lr. O. appeared In eourt and state4thata day or two after tbe dlaehargeof Mehuremao fromjallhe was called to render his professional assistance to him. lit found him suf faring from bilious congestive fever, In which delirium had superTtoed. Ills ease was then critical, dui nau jioiucu 10 iincum uiumtiii and be was now much better.

He had Tinted blm within a few hours, and unless there was a change for the worst he would probably be able to attend court In week. Mr. Jtwaie gsvt nonet mam tne cnnni far the pirMa to re-tsemliie jiKiria uu iu iivkt lfiai, mi ucnuei ild be compelled to aak for a oommtsslon to avtiUnc ia Ucorgla. They would, there- Mr. norris, arter stating that tbo protecu tloo had many witnesses herefrom abroad and wanted a definite time Died for tht trial, pro-poied next Tuesday.

Mr.l'hlillps thought that too short a time fur tht preparation of tht cast. After some further Informal conversation between counsel, Judge i'lther died Tuesday, November Isth, as the dsy of trial. i nere Dai or bo duiibhi reauv lor aeuon.iae petit Jurors were discharged until this morn ing ai iv o'oioca. Attorneys, Agents, Eto ROSS rEBRT, ATTOBKIT AUD UOtJUSlLLOR-AT'LAW, Wathlaston. D.

C. aTOffle, Ko 0 ronr-aad-abalf strett. Beat-deaee Mo. 11JF street. poll-ateoU 17BEDEBICK UOOHEHi orritiai lYotthwet I eorner of Bltbtb aad alreets.Oppoilte tbe foet Ofiee DepartnteBt.

soLiciron or patbxtj asd cliihi he- TOBB TUB DBFABTMKlf T8, ItOTABT PUBLIC, COMallSfilOaEB OF DB1DS. OK.tERALiatJTT. iirsBiMCts; Uisirs. B. llottlnttte, Mlddleton it U.

Foraer. Jar Cooke Uoees Ke tapJJ eolia TAMES S. EDWABDS, (Late Oapnlr BelaUr of Wills, District of Colombia,) Reona 10 "Yonng's LH llulldliiB," Corner ef Blith atrewt and Lonlalans avBne. IpecltlattrBtlonilToa to tbe preparadoaof tbt kafAtaiara. Adialalalratara ani Unar dUBtfortitHamaot la tkaOrt-htai' Conn, tbe ub ttlalBf of Dae rata for the aale of Orphan1 Real Kattte, tbe Colleeltoa of Claim aialatl tbe ealatea of deceaaed peraoaat alo to ail ntlttr of a teata maaiary ntiara wy-" i UIC1IAUU UAKHlNtlTUN, Couuaellor-at-law, Use remoTtd ble ODee lo No, IS roar'Std-t-btU' (treed between tod Looliltsi trenoe, 4lB IMI'IURD T.

HERniUU. aneellor.nt-I.rtw. UlOeeteioOTedfron street to Mt ilflO street, betwees Thirteenth end fuarteentb etreate. Cfiron.j erpl-ll JAMES IllIGIIKS. Attorney aud Conuaellor-al-LaWi Will nmcLl-alDtha BoDreme Coart of tbe Vailed Htatua, tbe Court of Cltlma, aod the Court of tbo Tha Lnalnaaaar lha flrinof HUtHIES.

DEHTIS a CKCK wit beeloaednpbr IheptrtaeraJolBtlr. a. mm. tiiouas wilson. HINE WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lo.4 Tj 00SWELL, J0ST1CE OF THE PEACE.

Office-J 'it Fonr-tad-tUtlf ttreet watt, near tireei aomu. Laadlord and tenant sod civil bililneit (eaertllr Alaa.bee'ds, testes, MoriRties end Wills dnlf eioemad. OUIeeopan from St.m. tolp.m.dtll. PJ It EC, Eesi Estate and, Control IamrMict Agtnti Wo.

40T bTBItT, between Sixth tad Seventh streets Prompt At trillion Olven to Collectlau. i Groceries. jvn i Tluiti etrael. between and atretic. Sa.aTit Palrlatof CHOICE bt'TTItft.

Quick Ut t. email 1'roflte sod Pair Detllni. VI. UEtlCKUViUD VARIUTV HTOIIK, Mcnna, Corner of myiyl Utntb lrl. IIOBAIIOBbOWJIIO.

AlfMICl 1IIIIMYN1NU WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL OnOCIKo, AID I. At tbe Old Bland of (JEO. TII08. 1'AHRBIt 311 prnniylvaula avenue. Oppoalte AtelrwpolUta H.a.

Waablnetna. I aotf DKUQ 8TOHB. OPPOSITE lltaODte Temple Preeh roods received twia a week, aostftltsoodskivt. Life Insurance. 7 0 7 0 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMEHICi.


piANOH. Tfaoieln wail of Oooi Initrument ffTW Shonld tall sad it raise onr very lsrse tbe beet makers ef tbe ton airy for sale rent en sait terms. JOHS T. ILL18, He. 300 rensaylrasla nveaae, ocl)-U Dear Tealb streeL 01 HEAT UAIiaAINn AT i.

wn.nitBos. lao andHnile Btore. If. SOT Bl tnlh etreet, (west between reMsylTanleTeaiMe anel street Their lae aaae-lsteat of Mot lea lanrnrotaU. laeladkac vxcellaa Weond-kaad Plaaoe.

will poeltlveiy ha anli) at aoat araDaralorv to tOU nuilifl eo -ope rail ve Plate jKtore. gpeetat at teatlea 10 tnilng aad rtpalrtng riaaos. oc-3tn SOLE AOENOY VAB THB QRKAT UNION riANO COMI'ANY NEW YORK, oi nil. iiimi, ii.op. iB.waff.rtb...

It.lram.Bl 1.. .11 Ul. miM.rB anc. w-mvti irr.tch cr.d U.rp Md.l. fmll lr.l fi.m.

Of.r.lra.I from S) to Up.r low.r k.r otb.r tk. C.ll kia.i.mL. A "'Pf k.l.-tf f.t DUtfl.l ifClwbU TDK WEEKLY NATIONAL REPUBLICAN THE WEEKLY NATIONAL BEPUDI.IOAN I. psbll.bad ararr M.VTUUnAY MORNING, bbJ eoalala. all Ik.

Bw. botb bb! loekl, DAILY NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. It politics ft etpperta tbe principles sal poller tbeirestUepoblteat parlr.aad snatalas the Ad nlalttratloa of Oeaeral Oraat, It ftvee eepeelal onlclat orders ot Meade of beads of baraai.lbnt tnak-laf ItaTalaablepaper for alio met re of tbt defer a meat wbo require Ihe Information wbltb I eeaialat Tbe mltcellaBeoaadepertmeat will receive epeeial atteatloB. and la all reipecte efferta will be ma'e tietUblUh tbe cbaracler of tbe paper as a nret laaa farnllr Jtroal. Terms at follows.

Inrarlablj lu Ad raneti SCO 7 80 WOO MOO 100 JW S73 aaulaa aaaaltia. IS eopUs BOBthS. 10 copies .1100 dtarlllssot aeeta-trr that Ihe attbierlbsrs to a slab sheald reeelrs their ptpera at the asm poet eOee, Wbereaclsbef sabtcriben bat Dees rer- warded, adJltlont mar be made to It at tbe is me relet. Ft per i will be addreeaed alnslr to etch member ef el lb. 49" -Voter orders iltonld be test from all pott oBcei laanlBf tbeta.

rrota other eOeea letUrs sbosld be reiltlered. feT Specimen eoptss of Dally or Weekly Hev tlOBtil Hepuulleau test on application. ADDSttti W. J. MUUTAGII.

II, I DAILY NATIONAL BEPOBLIOAN Is furnlabed lo anbtcrlbere st 90 per snnowi fire eoples 1 resr I'M paOPOSiLS FOB COAL. tS ATS OP TIB UJUTID STATES. I OrrlOBDPTBt BttOtiT-ATAtBS. WAtBlBOTOH. Sealed propoeaie will be reealeed at thla eB im THItRRDtT.

Ortnrka- fa the dellfer-rto the SaaaUcf the Catted fitatea of at tbt bo mired loot poenoe to tne iobi oi ceai Wa te An rornaeeOoali alto, for one haadred aad iweail eoraa 0' aeai uaaara- riaa i art a. aaf BTnakA BmaraakiAatablallaBT Waiail. The aoal to ba Ihoroafblr acreeBtd. the wood well aataoaed, aaa tne wboio paciea wir ib C.m. IraaaatlAH nl lltahlftf I laaar or aaatataala.

who will wafth the eotl and noMtare tha wood, juun n. rHtn," aapllwet Barges a tt Arms. (In lha natltlaa at UllT Q. PBATT. BdmUlttrt1

lha aatata nt Hi rut ill Pralt. late of Iba towntblp of Uarple, Vet at prtytas for Ue eateatloa of a patent ran tad to tbe aid Kendall frail, and reissued la lonr uiiiiiud. uiuivfin NnmberelSKt, IWttad ISM. on the Mth diref lobraarri HA Somber line, on me xm aty if Jaaatrr, 1604.

for aa Improvemobt In ilorta It ordered that lha teitlmony la tbtcstabe aloaedentheelti dtr of Lieeauber neztt tkattbo time fur Slier arm me eta aod the Examiner's report be Huttad to ihe 10th day of December aesl. aud lhat atld petition be beard on tbo IiXhday of par to a may upww mm BAMOBLB VlSIIEB. Commlatloaer of Pateata. UNITED STATES PATENT OPPICE, WAtHiparox, D.C., October On tbo petition of BsBAMiv P. Arsar, of Louts villa, Kentucky, praylni for 1st, extension of a talent asUd to blm on tha 8th day of JtBBtry, W.

for aa Improvement In Plowst Itlsorderad that Ihe Utllmoay la lhla caae be eloaedoBtbe d.b dtr of December nexti that the time 'r Silas trfonteBta nd the Estmlaer't report be limited to the li'h dty of Deeembar next. and Ibat tald petition bo heard oa the 90lb day December next. Aoy peraoa may oppoae tbttex tentlon" SAUliaLa. PltjllBK, octll'allw Cirmntlaatoaar if PaUata. n.

r.1 Vat II I Hpbt, of Hew York, admlilatratvri of lbs eataleof Walter llunt, decetaed, prtflnx for the ax tan of a patent xrauted to iba eald waller Host, on tha at day of Jtuotrr, ISM, for I to prove- ll It ordered that Ihe la the eitt be eloaed on the S7tb ety of Novo uUr next, that tht lima for flit nr arsumattaaad the Ixamlter'a report be HniiUdltt the Htb dtfof D-aeaibar next, aad llittaald pettlloa bo beard on tht 13th day of veeamuer naxi. Abt Daraon tosr oppoaa lhla exteutloe. "Tt" fl BAMUELB. PJ8HEE. ocTh3t Commtitloteref PtUtU, it, U.

DkyB. (I. Oa tba pelltloa of A. w. WAtniCBB.

ot kbioo Clly. Mittlttlppl. praylnsfor tbeexUniloB of a PtUtt xrasted to bin oa the ttlh day or March, i. ft? aa Improveroent In Cotton Beed Planter-i Ite ordered thai tbe leailmonr In the ct.e be eloaed on the lih day of Pebroarr oext. Ibat tbo Uioefor Blint trsnii.etla and tbo Ex ami oar's re port ba unman wme r'V' said petition be baud oa tbe Tib dty of UAsrmon nap etl-Pdw Commlailonerot Pttents.

-INflilBriT'HEIdBrODRT OP THK DISTRICT I OP UOLUUHUf TUE DAY OP OCTO- JobnaleArtbnr Hoonblon) T-. J803Enully Docket 10, JullAEitAllousbton, On motion of tbe plaint I If, br Meart Hint aod Wllaon, bit ttlorneyi, II It ordered lhat the de feudaet etna bar appearance lo be entered be rata te or before the flm rule day oceurrlni torty days after title dtyi otbarwlao tbe etuie will be proceeded wltbaa lu sate of default Br ordcrof Die court. Trueeopy-Tealf B. MIJOB. oclJ-Tutw Clerlt.


On (be petition of ilium Obi, of Row York, N. praylni fur tbe extension of a ptieal irtutedfo blm on tbe Win day of Pebrutry, 18M, fof an Impruvement lu Lubricator It leoidered that tbo tmttmour barntabe eloaed on Iba Bin dtr of January nexti that Ihe lime for flilnt arsumentt aad the Exsuileert report be Iflth day of and that aald petition be heard on the Stil; of sifMimvpr ootlSTulw Commlaalonerof Patents. POS BiLt AT TUIB pai Hedlcal IlIABUiniD Al A HirUQI FSOH Q01CXIII Dr. SOBKVTOV ita.U.OT.r.4 th. tno.tnrUI.

Wa.ka... ot th. B. ttmbfc .1.1.1. k.ria., U.bllllT.

K'ariwju. raiwv'S Oliae uoav, urini, nwnvr qneaae, or wakvd to eaataty Ike llvlag lyre, nay enUwUkfnUeoalJoB. MarrUdreraoaa. or larrtase. Dolnsawsn J.kllll.

amtarmm a. oriTonic Moti'eStlettplallni awsre er phrriesl weekaeea, er i gailedabIlllrdaforai.tlea,j enrad. ii wht ktnMtf nader the may rellefeiklr eoaSeonkU boa a. I1" vh.v v.

wa tnia, aad eonldeatly rely npenkU aajtll ssnphy 9'. kkd Vlfo. Ko.torrt. Tkl. Urn47.1 OlMk.

wbl.k Llf. li.Fnk.IIBpo..ioi i.t..r."T than aadd M.v.nBB trrllahlltlT. D.BaTf.ta. F.U pltilToBVlk b.a.tllBllOBBl D.kllltrr.

01 tbo rrama, Cootka, Cob minK0P; STRIET. aliharbitlteM.ttadr.totUyry'Bsrrltse. Theae are some of be end rand tnelBBebQly efeetS prodteed by early habits yoeth.vlsj Weaiaete ofthe Back and Llnba, Palas la tbe Ilea-. P.m. Ill rvwtii rmiyitmiiym General De.

inaauptlon. ffnl affection the mind art MBStattV. The feat fnl math to be dreaded Loaa oi eirmnrr, vobibvioi llor and mjsMmsi of eoismplttt. luunu man who haTS Isjnred tbamatlTee by certtla practice ladalsed la whoa aloae ahabltrreoeealtr I staed fromeTllaompaaloBa. or at school, we efees 'f which are anhtlyftlt, even when atr, tadlf ol eared readera Dtrrlate Impotetbla, aad de-ttreyabolh mind and Wdj-ahoeld apply lome- eeaaarTreanltl'eete promote coBBBblal happlneee, ladee-i.

withoet tbeae, the Joarter through life bteomoe a weary pllcrlirtfthe proapectboetlr darkens to the elewi the mind beeomeathadowejl wUbdeapalr, and flllod with the meltacholy te-aatloB that tbo kapplaeet of anotber beeomea bllihted wllh their owe, DISBAII OP iHHCDUrCI. Wbea tbo mlifalded and Imprndeat TeUrr 0 plaatare tfsda be has Imbibed tbe seeds ef Ibis elafnl too often happena that sail Imedaeaaeof ebtme. er dread of dlaceverT. dotal da We aim from applrlBfto tboae who. front Ties to tooae wna.

irom aatctlica nt. raa aloaa baMarid bltn. Ha blm. falla lotothahtadtof IfBoraat aid deet(Bltf pre- diiiit, caa eioae Dairiraa i of earl or. fllch klanacB.

keep him trldiag uoitb afUf Of (luaaa oi ion uaaair poiaoa. laarenry, saiitai the cotatltnUontl ermptotaa of tkle terrible da oake.aatkaaAfectleBor tha Head. Throat. Ifoaa. frlibtralrep.dllr till daalb psta a period to bleoreadfnl anfferlac by aaadt at klra te that aadlaeeTored eoaatrr from wkeeeboerae ao traveler retnris.

gKDOUSEMINT OP Till PHI6I. Tbe maar thoaasade enred at tble Uttttvtlofe WlthlathelaatelihteeaToarB. sad tbt nBtnereae SarclctlOperttleaa performed br Dr. JobaatoB. wltaetaed by tbe repoiiere of the "fina'aad mtar other paptre.

aotlees of which appeared arale tad tftla before the pabltc, beaitlea bit taBdinettt t-aatlemaaof abaracUratd reapoBil-bUtty. It BsnBJelatl retrantaot the afflicted. IKI D1SEASKS VUSID, reranai laatbelr maaseri be particular la dlracl- lettere in iQiiowiaf JULlZ- IBPUAKS' COURT, IB ZHstrlaioCotutolta, Washington lb ibatuaof t'MAs. K. of Wlllbtra Owner, deeeaetd.

the MmlnlatrSlor ivr.iii tip. vi tBeurvnnBi'.i.l the poraoaaloalale batardar.thaSteioarof Noiam1 at iba etraohBTO twa cotleetad and laaeiflai moaertwbOBad ST bare all tbe credlUre and belrt. of atU deeetaal aroBotlSad to attend, with tkalr clalna rm party Touched, or tber mr eikerwleat by law excUdod from all benentla ttU dt eetard'eea'alei provided a eopr of thla order be" pablletjedoacenweak lor three weekatn Ike Ha taps ai. liireBLieAS prevlone to tbe -aid dtr. Ttiliu A.

WBUSTBh, eetlj.vTStr Keflttar of Vfilla OBPUANI' CODRT. BtrriMats Ditfriit a Columbia, iretAlnefon Couhig, lalhecateof AKfii Y.Mota, executrix o' BoboU.decetted, tho axeeotrlx aforettlj b. the approbatloaof the Orphans' Court of WaJ.ii.,. loneoanty tforaatld. appointed TUEHDaV oiiJ bar IS, A.

p. llUWor tbt iasTstllitBitataBd dial trlbutiouorihe peraonsl SttatsVf sad of tbaseacts "be tsntVht. beea eo octed nnd turned Jot raoner wnVaald where all the eredllora and belre of eald Ueaajli are noil fled to nlttnd. wlh their claliMMopT-TJ Touehed.or Iber nay olberwlaa Vy U- be clnded from ell benellt la atld pre-lded a eopy of lhla order be pobliabed oaloa week for three weaka la the ATloALBaFnaY OAa prtTlont to the said day, BU-Tl'. WEBBT1B.

ostMCItr RtilaUi tf llja. QBPBANI COURT, OnroiBRialSerx VMHii ri)t of Columbia. WatMnet ettunty touitt tba caae of JoH V. COBDia, edmlala- it ef John Cobura. dMaaaaA.

lha itniia- tralor tratarsforeeald bti. with tho approbation ef tba urpbaea' t'Aurlor waablae.oa county aforetald. eppolatod Tnawlar tba XSth dar ef Octebor. A. P.

1809, for Ihe Seal aalllapienl aad dlatrtbutloir of ik- KrtoBalealtteor eald deceaaad. aad of the aitete hand, at far aa tba aamo have been collected. Add nd.aa far aa tba aamo have baoa collected, atjd ore and hajre of aUd deeaaaedare aotlfled to attend. imoi arllri Ihalr flilmk oiberwlaebrjtwbe excluded from all baatflt ta ttld dtcaaacd'a aattUi provided a eopy of tbl order bapubllifaed once a week for threa weaka la ii an ciaiivua in aain aty. Mtl ii 4 haw A WEBSTKR BSTKR.

OfWIllt. rtHPtUHS' COURT. BtPTiMBint-L isea. Diitrlet of ColunUaWa(ngtam CowHiy, ta in tbe aato of Cxaxlis CAlTRar, est tutor ofbOLOMQitDxBW.deeetaad, tbeexeoutor afuretald bu, with tba approbation of the Orpbnnt1 Court of Wt-hlnston eotnle forek DAY, Oetober the b. D.

Ilorneataad dlitrlbutton of "uiaiuin awaniT aivreaaia, appoiniea rur.o the tame have beu collected and turaed Into mosey i wbea sad where all tbe creditors aad belre of said decaaaad are notlBed te atland. with their clalma proper! vouched, or tber may other wUebyltw be excluded from all benefit la ea(d itcceaed'a eetatei proelded a cor of this order epnbllabed enee a week for three we-ka In the ATiOBAl. HsrvsLlOAB prevloua to ifae aald dtr. Te-t. A.

WKllbTEH octt-Mlw Rriaterof Wills. TN TUKSDI'EKUI 1 01 Alslllftn Luuhia. afeelu 1,911 Equity. tha atiava eauaa. ht ss reported to the eoerl that be made aale of all in a'4 ai tba iiirliBkiaaira binum.

riled with Ihe lermt of eale. It la ordered by tba JDar.lM, iaai tuaa-ia copy of thte order be neried la tome newspaper Fiubllabad In tlie city of Waal.lai.tou. once a week or threetuceeetlfeweektbcfore the ttld lib day R. MEIOS, Clerk. OP COLUUUU, THIS 8fH DAY OP OCTO- JaaeD, llowlsod, aneD.

llowlsod, vs JluEqntr. vld P. Howland,) in moilon of lha pUlolllT, br lie ttlorter S. 8. vlt, It It ordered tbtt Ibe defendantcivutable Hi Oa Dtvlt, It It ordered tbtt Ibe defendant can table tppe trance to ba entered herelu oa or before Ibe nratrnla dtr, occurring forty dareftftev tblidayt otherwlee the case will be proceeded wiihstU c.a ui oeiauii n.

i Trot copy Teat) 4. Ul Clort HVW whom it may conarni DtrtSTHttr or thb Ihtsxiob, I PxBttoMOrneB.Brpl.U, )8C9. I been wade under tbe ectcf JnneSt, ISM. frlhe of tbe followlnr ds icrlbedLand WtrrtBti, whlfbareallefed tohavo been loat or destroyed) Notice It htmby rlvea tbattttba datafoUvwlns tbt deierlplloa ofetch warrant a ne certlac. or wtrrant of like teaor will be retimed, If at vslld objectlos tho aid tbsa AduplloAto of tend Warrant Certl Better No H.t(, for i(V) acres, leaned under tbe acl of Pe' raaif ii.

tm bibbbiib wuvibibi ua, tr.ol.a U. Ilia. Uolobtr av VjOiiaiu. Any penoa msv epposa (hla aian.inn V. 'lit! iieerteraeaalasframtnofleHUrr Haute or xontn -Uose aaoasv and aollurTPraelfoe sMfnl fstal tkeUelatlmstoaalhesoaiorayrejMtotbMaiUere I mMoe.lllfhtlaf IhefrmortbrllHait nopee or sepeeUilr.vWo bare Seeome the victims sf sspll Urf Vlee, thai dr.adfil and deetracllve habit.

waUh aaanally sweeps to an nalimelr irate ikon; aaoaorToaai nee eflbe moat exalted Hlenta and irtilUn. iBtoUMt. who salabt otherwlee havn ilaia lik tk tkaadara or old- I VHriB! v. vr m' mi r.l. IOT tB.

1HHU OI imprl t.a ktttto oonmll from Mtb.1.1 ot Ik. Ikkl B.w, nt. I. io.l nok.l kr lko.

f.lUfl li. tk.k br lk.4r4.kl, B.kiiar niv.t (Hra.tlf arpptom. to b.ib oaar aaa bibb IJ.IOia HtU.I1 l.n.B OI ui.T.ta.t.Bpio b. wtHt.c.boali.taUaia.

Poilla. ad. M.Bb.foflbaBoralCollaia aiBlaIC.ll.. IB rbaUaltad Ika vn'i' IK. ka. la H.I9Al! PbllaJ.lpbla. aoi nai of Iba no. I a.ta.l.klBa V.K'tllV kBowai Baartraablrfwllb rlkfla.lBtba k.kd Bad oara wb.a, ul.p, Bioal s.rv.k,:.?.r.Td Dr. J. addraaaMall those who nave i ware a leena I.

fiAllTibnd aTa n.lad.BBlttlBB'lbsiB fof 01 Ida te, vepreaaioaoi Svertloa to aoetoty, 6alf dlatro.t. Love of tolj-ladt. Timidity eome of the evils prodseed. Thovtaadtorperaoss or BTI aces can aewfnfge atlttheeaaaeof their deellBlag health loelaf tkalr vlior. beeomlsg weak, pale, aervoae atd amaclftUd.

havlBB a afaealar aevearaBee aboat tht MsrebS, IbU.Iu IbtBtifiegr tTblteomb Ur setef wta framed Julrle.lbU. NoTemUrS.t and Ho forlOUacrea, laaned under'' March 1AM, In tLe prone of Michael was srtnled DeecmWr 0, IMS. Decetr n-. an tTtfYT." i Oouulaalonere' -Penal ont. TTNITID STATES PATENT OVyimT o.ih.

tlaaall. Ohio, rraylos for ot Cl' sraatei lo bint oaUe ltr4 p3UTfl' t'lU fBltBU,.

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