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The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas • Page 4

Leavenworth, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


THE ARMY. CITY NEW8. "Do you want to save money enough on a single Bed Spread to buy a Big Roast of Beef for next Preparation for a. Big Time at Hiawatha STRANGE. Tbe Bod 7 of a Floater Found and Supposed to be From Leavenworth.

The following dispatch was received yes Raspberries are fretting plenty in the The following is the committee of arrange market. ments for the reunion of the Kansas and 'If you do, and we know you do," County collections yesterday amounted Sunday's Dinner!" attend our next to $181,64. Nt braska veterans, to make arrangements tor the coming reunion: at camp, Geo. Wheat harvest has commenced in some royal isxati H. Thomas, near Hiawatha: Hon.

E. N. portions of the county. Morrill, chairman; F. D.

Krebs, secretary; Showery again yesterday morning and warm in the atternoon. Comrades H. J. Aten, Jno. E.

Moon, 0. C. Mortgagee Sal. In times past it has always been a noticeable fact that when a heavy stock of goods was being sold at auction, a great number of people would rush to the place where the goods were being disposed of, thinking of the great bargains which may be obtained, yet how many are gainers at most sales? Very few unless thev are experts and understand the goods offered. This can easily be done when furniture or household goods are sold.

In clothing it becomes an impossibility to judge at most all sales of the value of the goods offered. Therefore we call attention that at the present time the public can avail themselves af an opportunity of purchasing fine made clothing at even less than auction prices, besides having the chance to choose garments in fit and quality of material. These tacts the public should bear in mind. We can say, without fear of contradiction, that such a chance to purchase elegant made clothing for men and boys has never The colored benevolent society had a fes Hill and I. N.

Smith. The following cir tival in Laing's hall last night. Friday's Special Sale, terday by Mr. Henry Jansen, agent for the Mutual Sick Relief Society: "Tbe dead body of a man was takn from the Missouri river at this place this evening. From papers found upon bis person his name is J.

P. or P. McLinden. From oarers or receipts he was a member of the Kansas Mutual Sick Relief Society of your place. What Bhall we do with the body?" Signed L.

G. Hopkins, Justice of the Peace. Mr. Jansen left last evening to investigate the matter. Tre only man of a similar name in this cular which has been sect oat, is self-ex The attorneys engaged in the Hillman planatory: I.

ate Orders leaned From Headqnarters. Captain Marshall, after being relieved from duty as depot quartermaster at St. Paul, will continue in charge of the construction of the quartermaster's building at St. Paul until completed, when he will report by letter to the quartermaster general of the United States army. Captain Blair D.

Taylor, assistant surgeon, will be telieved lrom duty in the department of Texas, and will report in person, on the expiration of his present leave ot absence, to the commanding general department of the East for assignment to duty. Captain William F. Carter, assistant surgeon, will be relieved from duty in the Department of the East, and will report in person to the commanding general Department of Texas for assignment to duty. Acting Assistant Surgeon William P. Kendall, U.

S. Army, will be relieved from duty at Davids' Island, New York Harbor, and will report in person to the commanding general Division of the Pacific tor assignment to duty. case, left yesterday for their homes. Comrades Tou are cordially invited to The lawn festival at Judge IJurd's resi attend the reunion of old soldiers, sailors dence last evening was a most eciovable affair. and marines to be held in Hiawatha, September 9ch, 10th and 11th, 1885.

under the auspices of the Hiawatha Post No. 130, G. The German Lutheran Sunday school OZET A. H. Department of Kansas.

pic nic, was well enjoyed, at Reisers grove We contemplate making this one ot the yesterday. The Leavenworth light infantry looked best and most interesting reunions of old soldiers that has ever been west of the Missouri river and want every old soldier.sailor city is Mr. Thomas P. McLinden, who was for a long time fireman at the Kansas Central elevator, and after that worked at the sugar factory. He was at one time employed at Brandon Kirmeyer's Brewery, and iB about 45 years of age.

He, with the en fine as the boys marched up Delaware street last nigh; to their armory. The concert in the court house park to' and marine present that can possibly get there. Plenty of tents have been engaged to cover all, and the camp will be estab night, ha been postponed, owing to the engagement of the band elsewhere. John Joerger, of the Missouri Pacific, By direction of the secretary of war, 2d Lieutenant John T. Thompson, 2d artillery, will visit the camp of the 3d regiment of was thirty two years old Wednesday, and lished in close proximity to several large straw stacks.

Bring blankets and cooking utensils and we will guarantee comfortable quarters. Rations will be issued daily at cost price, and will consist principally of been offered to the people of Leavenworth and vicinity. We bought an unbroken stock of new goods of the most celebrated makes at Mortgagee's sale, at less than half of its original value. That we are selling this stock at lower prices than any house in the Missouri Valley can easily be attested by the great number of people who have bought of us. We desire to impress the fact that all our goods have been marked down to half their actual value, and they are marked in plain figures; by this we mean that the price at which they were originally sold, is on each article in some unknown friend sent him a basket of Absolutely Pure.

fiowetB. Wtite and Colored Bed Spreads FRIDAY, June 26,1885. One Day Only-- coffee, hard-tack, beans and sow-belly. Quite an unsavory odor passes through It is recommended that all posts that at the board of trade rooms, when both doors are open. It emanates from the vacant This powder never varies.

A mart of purity strength, end whnlioouMi More eoonomlcs than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In oom. petition with tbe tnntltnde of low teat, ehurl tend in a body, organize themselves into a company, or companies, officered and equip lots in the rear of the building. alnm or phosphate powriere. Bold onl; tlna knnl MHn PowdoT Wall JS 1 There is a pond not far from the Union ped as nearly in conformity with the nited States army regulations as practicable. black ink, and the price for which they are gine er, at the time of the burning of the Kansas Central elevator, performed some heroic work during the fire, for which they were complimented by the press.

He was lately employed at the sngar factory and left there on June 7th. His home was at No 227 Olive street. It was ascertained during yesterday afternoon that McLinden had moved away from Olive street. He had placed his children under the care of the Sisters and boarded for a while at Mrs. Armstead's boarding house at the corner ot Third and Arch streets, his wife having been dead for some time.

He left his boarding house several days ago, since which time none of his acquaintances have seen him. He was employed as fireman in the engine room at the sugar factory up to the 7th inst. His acquaintances think he went from here to Kansas City seeking work, and that being unsuccessful, he jumped into the river and drowned himself. depo that emits a stench, most undesirable being sold at present is also marked in Ihe Women Relief corps will have to passengers having to wait any length of i.1 A. iitne in me waiting rooms lor trams.

charge of the dining hall, where all comrades, who do not wish to do their own cooking, can get meals at a nomiual price. A large snake was killed near the corner plain figures in red ink, so that no overcharges are liable to occur. We do not permit any false statements to be made to purchasers, and all goods bought of us are just as represented or no sale. Any child Alabama state militia during the period of its encampment near Selma, Alabama, commencing July 9, 1885, for the purpose of inspecting that regiment, under such instructions as he may receive from the Adjutant General of the Army. There should be one hospital steward (graded as of the first class) for each military post, who shall be appointed by the secretary of war from the edlisted men of the army, and shall be permanently attached to the medical corps; and no other Bhall be appointed to that position unless he shall have passed a satisfactory examination as to his fitness, and Bhall have proved his ability to perform its duties.

At no post or place shall there be stationed more than one hospital steward of that class, except under special authority from the adjutant general's office. When necessary, and upon the recommendation of the medical officer, the commanding officer may detail an enlisted man as acting hospital steward, to rank as second class. It is earnestly requested that post com of 2nd and Olive streets, yesterday afternoon, by Mr, A. Gorzkiewicz. It had lived in a nest under the sidewalk all can come to our store ana oe treated as rinter.

airly as an adult. We desire that every The Lot is too large, and the assortment too great to name prices here. The Goods will all be on counters in center of the store. manders have this circular read at all regular meetings ot their post, until the date of the reunion, and the committee will deem it a special favor if you will open corre spondence and advise them what we can expect from your vicinity. body call, look through our stock, and if Lieutenant C.

S. Fowler and Mrs. Violet they are not convinced that they can save J. Walker were married in Kansas City, from 40 to 50 cents on each and every dol yesterday, and will be "at home," at the Continental hotel, in this city, after the Arrangements will be made with the lar they invest, they need not purchase. M.

Wollman. RESOLUTIONS 27th lest. different railroads whereby special rates will be obtained for all soldiers who attend Proprietor of the Newman, Meyers Co Mr. Frank Jobson continues to improve. i 48c.

to 3.87. Stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing i Rap of Prices fro the reunion. and Dr. W. W.

Walter, who has been his Uoods, Delaware between 3rd and constant attendant, since he was wounded Very Truly Yours, In F. C. L. E. N.

Mokrill, chairman, 4th, South Side. says he thinks he will be able to be down Upon the recomendation of the aoide- town next week. Special Notice. mic board, the following-named cadets of REGISTER'S OFFICE. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine ha Trade and crossed Red Lines on wni)(er.

TAKE NO OTHER. The bird concert in the First M. E. Regarding the Death of A. J.

Angell. Leavinwobth, June 25. The following resolutions of respect for our deceased comrade, A. J. Angell, were adopted by Custer Post, No.

6, G. A. R. Whereas; God, our divine commander, has in his all-wise providence seen fit to summon from our ranks to the vast encampment above, our tried and trusted loy- Having had many calls for our fresh made candy at retail, we have concluded, in or chtirch last night, was a fine entertainment, Transfers of Real Katate Filed for Beeord ana snould be repeated at an early day. COME WE WANT TO The church wouidn be large enough to hold the people next time.

Yesterday. The Insley Farm Changes Hands. The following transfers of real estate were L. C. Hauserman, the butcher, has just had completed for bim, one of tie hand filed in Register Curtan's office for record a.

comraae, a. J. Angeii, and wniie our der to accommodate the public, to open a retail department in our factory, where the citizens of Leavenworth can get every variety of fresh, pure made candy, in any quantity they may desire. Leavenwortn Candy M'f'g Hardy Solomon, Manager. Bananas in large quantities to-day at Farrell's.

somest delivery wagons to be seen in the hearts are sad, and our heads are bowed in the U. S. Academey, are, by direction of the secrecary of war, turned back to join the next succeeding classes: Second Class Samuel Seay, jr. Fourth Class William Graves, James E. Normyle, Joseph D.

Leitch, Charles Young. By direction of the secretary of war leave of absence for two months is granted Mj. Lawrence S. Babbit, ordnance department, to take effect after June 30 18t of absence for one month, from July 1, 2885. is granted 2d Lieutenant William P.

Evans, 19th Infantry. By direction of the secretary of war so much of paragraph 8, special orders, No. yesterday. city It is well made and handsomely Frank H. Kumpf and wife to George painieu ana is irom me snops 01 j.

j. rot Spread Our Spreads ter. Sheidley and Thomas B. Tomb, all of the south east quarter of section 14; also the councilman M. l'rybylowicz is Having a quantity of the old macadam, that is taken north east quarter of section 2o also the from Delaware street, used to brio? becond south half of section 23; also all that part of street up to the proper grade.

lie is also having Olive street, near Second, graded i ne norm west quarter ot section east ot Big Stranger creek; also the west halt of the south west quarter of section 24; also a down. Watermelons A car expected to arrive daily of large luscious ones from Texas. Dealers leave your orders in time to get a supply from the car. They come to Farrell's, 525 Delaware street. Delicious oranges, sour lemons, and sweet cider in abundance at Farrell's.

sorrow lor tbe loss ot our comrade and tnend, and while we submit like true soldiers to the will of our Great Commander, yet, we deem it meet that we give expres sion to our grief, and extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in their hour of affliction. Now, therefore, be it Resolved, By Custer Post, that in the loss of our comrade, one has gone from anions us who was ever loyal and true, always found ready, with open heart and hand, to aid all needy and worthy comrades, always brave and steadfast. Itesolved, That while these simple words are but a faint recognition of our comrades' sterling worth, we hereby extend to the bereaved family, of which he was the ex ALL OVER THE TOWN. This sale surpasses in extent, variety and of goods any former Special Sale. part ot section also a partot section 25: The Light infantry departed yesterday morning under the command of Insley for Beans lake on a picnic excursion.

It was also all of the south west quarter of tbe south west quarter of section 14 east ot Big Stranger; also ten acres of land in the south east corner of the east half of the northeast quarter of section 14 all in township 10 range 21 and containing 1141 43- 100th Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." Ma. Insley birth day aod the battalion made him a present, after they got into Fresh fruits at Farrell's. B. M. Tanner informs us that he is now 183, June 11, 1885, from this office, as di recta Captain Francis B.

Jones, assistant quartermaster, to report to the chief signal officer of the army for duty as disbursing officer for the signal service, is so amended as to direct him to report for duty as property and disbursing officer for the signal service. Iave of absence for four months, to take effect when his services can be spared by bis department granted Major Caleb H. Carlton, 3d cavalry. By direction of the president, and in accordance with section 1246. Revised statutes.

camp, of a fine gold beaded cane. Jake Douglas, who had suspicious look through courting and that he ha a large Its ing tools about him and was found sleeping numerous acres and known as the Insley stock farm; $50,000. competitors stock of fruits for sale, and that it must be in tbe yard at Captain Insley residence. closed out during the next ten days. If John P.

Cahill to A. M. Meiner. lot 5. was run in by Deputy Marshal Davoren appear to have, one after another you are in want ot fruit of any description, block 43, city proper; $2,300.

last night at 12 clock. Ibat and three can on Mr. lanner, ne can satiety you in James i ranks and wite to J. M. Stuich- disturbers constituted the arrests last night.

both quality and price. berry, lot 19, block 12, Central subdivision; Why is it that a better sidewalk is not Oranges and lemons at Tanner's of all JAMBS POSTER; The Original Cash Dry Goods Man. Surprising Special Sales. fallen away." BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. M.iy 31, 1884.

Johanna Cahill to Alberto M. Meiner. lot grades and prices. Don't fail to Bee him if I an army retiring board will convene, at the call of "the president thereof, at San Antonio, Texas, for the examination of such officers as may be ordered before it. Detail laid between the Union depo and Delaware street.

One of the excursionists got tripped emplary father and husband, our sincerest sympathy in this hour of sorrow. Resolved, That our charter and the vacant chair be draped in mourning for the space of three months, and that a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of our deceased comrade, and to the daily papers of the city for publication. J. L. Wkvkr, M.

Chas. Franks, A. S. Johnston, Committee. UNITED STATES COURT.

5, block 43, city proper; $1. you are in want. on a loose board on a loose board on Chero William tt. Morman and wife to James Michigan strawberries received daily at Oall Gr-rtrt, Druggist At in. Wat.

Dealers. kee street, near the depo yesterday and badly skinned one of her ankles. She will lanner s. Franks, lot 19, block 12, Central subdivision; $300. not give Leavenworth walks a good name, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.

Norm Grist and Lu'a Grist to Mailt Kverybody Invited. Ihe condition of this walk is tearful and Carter, 25 feet oft the east end of lots 14 Cretor band will play on Judge Hurd's SENSATION FOLLOWS SENSATION. we ctuiu nave a oeuer one at utile ex and lo, block 10 in the original town ot Tonganoxie; $25. lawn. Friday evening, instead of at the pense.

REGARDLESS cosr for the board. Brigadier General David Stanley, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph R. Smith, surgeon, Major Joseph P. Wright, surgeon, Major Iaac Arnold, ordnance department, Major Edward M. Heyl, inspector general.

direction of the president. Captain George F. Foote, 8 cavalry, will report by letter to Brigadier General David Stanley, president of the army retiring board appointed to meet at San Antonio, Texas, by an order from the war department and will hold himself in readiness M. Id. lnslry and wife et al to M.

Stuich Progress of the $10,000 Damage Salt. Adjournment, Etc. PERSONAL. court house. Ice cream and cake will be served by the I.

O. W. W. ladies of the Baptist church. Everybody invited to attend.

berry lots 16, 17 and 18, block 12, Central addition; $10. Without Cessation. Herman Lang left yesterday for'northern BASE BALL. kansas We will Sell all STRAW HATS, Miss Mary Albright leaves this morning The gt Joe The jury in the case ot the city of Rus sell vs. Wm A.

Gray, failing to agree nigbt before last was discharged yesterday morning, in the U. S. court by Judge Foster. The suit of Maggie Kelley vs. the Burlington and Missouri river to recover O0 for the death ot her husband on said Beds Victorious Yesterday for Colorado.

lion. Len. T. Smith came ud on the Rock MENS' UNDERWEAR, Afternoon. The St.

Joseph's Red Stockings are dai- At the Vienna "Model" Bakery you wil. find the best and sweetest bread, the choii -et cakes of all kinds, ice cream and soci watr that is not excelled, and the celebri. ted "Boston Brown Bread" every Saturday. Give us a call. McCool's Vienna Bakery, corner Fifth and Ottawa.

Continual Cruel Cutting1. CURTEOUS COURIERS WITH CIRCULARS island yesterday morning troni Chicago They do not wear their hunter green siee. O. bribkerhoff. suDerintendent for the WHITE VESTS, suits and red hose and caps for nothing.

Kansas Pacific railway, was in the city yes WHITE and FANCY SHIRTS, teraay. Tk 1 a tt to appear before the board for examination when summoned. 1st Lieutenant Theodore Mosher, 22d in-iantry, now on leave of absence in this city, will report in person, without delay, to the superintendent mounted recruiting service, St. Louis, Missouri, to conduct a detachment ot recruits for the 6th cavalry to Fort Selden, New Mexico. By direction of the secretary ot war act-icg assisting 6urgeon Leonard Wood will proceed from Boston, Massachusetts, to P.ecott, Arizona Terri ory, and report to r.

u. juaauen, ot Aansas uitv. was in rotd.was proceeded with, before the following jury: A. C. Joseph, R.

T. Jackson, J. D. Le-compte, E. W.

Voorhes, W. M. Pickens, Wm. H. Tnomas, Henry Murray, Henry Harris, Chas.

Currier, Chas. Lane, H. W. the city yesterday shaking bands with old Just now is the time to take Bethesds water, the best known remedy in existence for diseases ot the stomach, liver and kidneys. Phelan sole agent.

Pamphlets givin full directions free. mends. And eve'ything in the entire oionei ioung ana major jveelmg re house at or below cost for thirty turned to Ft. Leavenwortn yesterday from The Reds of this city sent for them to come and fill a gap made by the failure of the Ottawa's to meet them yesterday; they accepted the challenge and after a hot game yesterday afternoon they beat the Leavenworth Reds 2 to nothing. You may safely mark down the fact, however, that it was about the hardest won battle they ever fought on the diamond.

Our boys accepted their defeat good natu redly and it will not be long perhaps before they will cross bats Will keep you informed as to particulars. Every day a Jubilee. Only one Sunday a week. No matter how SMALL or how LARGE a purchase you intend to make, buy all DRY GOODS OF US. We are the cheapest selling House within 4oo miles, and shall constantly prove it.

Send for samples. ht. Louis. days. Come early and get bar Mrs.

Lieutenant Paddock and family ar Book Binders. Ladies have your magazines and muai. at Carter Sparks, ll' Delawa Street. Ground floor. gains.

rived at ort Leavenwerth yesterday lrom Rica and Henry Dillard. There was no business before Judge Foster yesterday except signing a number of decrees. The clerks were busily engaged in packing up their books preparatory to leaving tast. isses Augusta and Rebecca Michael are in St. Joseph, visiting at tbe residence ot PHILIP ROTMLO'S, Hatter and Furnisher.

with them again. The St. Joe boys came well fixed, being in fine practice and having Ice! Ice I Ice I I still have a two years supply of ice on hand and can furnish everybody with ice at lowest rates. Leave your orders cor. ot Fourth and Seneca, and Fifth and Oak Sts Telphone 144.

David Atchison. with them the Uuincy battery, who are l. Weill. Rev.Chas. B.

Mitchell returned yesterday from Bismarck Grove, and reports the meeting a big success. Chauncy Raymond, one of the "wide said to be the finest players in the country. Donald Ashmun. NEW DRY GOODS STORE, LEAVENWORTH. this morning for iopeka.

Judge Brewer goes from here to Denver and will probably leave for that place Sunday. The case on trial now in Judge Fosters' court will be the last one called this term and his court will probably be adjourned to-day. the friends ot the Leavenwortn Reds backed them bravely during the game and Extra fine mess mackerel at 15 cenU per poend at Phelan's. tne commanding general department ot Arizona tor assignment to duty. By direction of the secretary of war Captain Frank B.

Hamilton, 2d artillery, will proceed to Greenville, Mississippi, for the purpose of inspecting the mili'ia of the state of Mississippi to assemble at that place on July 4, 1885. By direction of the secretary of war the leave of absence granted Major John E. Blaine, paymaster, U. S. Army, in special orders, No.

129, June 6, 1885, from this office, is revoked. First Lieutenant Louis P. Brant, 1st infantry, is assigned to duty on recruiting service at Geneva, New York, to date July 1, 1835. By direction of the secretary of war, Captain John Egan, 4th artillery, will visit the camp of the brigade of Rhode Island militia during the period of its encampment, commencing July 7, 1895, for the purpose of inspecting the troops taking Economy is Wealth the St, Joe boys went home witn pockets awaneet boys on the road came in yesterday and registered at the Delmonico. F.

B. Drake, assistant superintendent for the Missouri Pacific, came ud vesterdav in heavy with Leavenworth dollars. Columbia river salmon at 10 cents per I P. pound at rneian s. POLICE COURT.

POLITICAL. FRIDAY'S SALE July 3d, will continue until midnight. SATURDAY'S SALE Jly th, will continue only to o'clock P. M. 10 command of the Kansas City Sunday-school excursionists.

HOTEL ARRIVALS. Send your pails and vessels to L. V. O'Kaneis for good ice cream. Resignation of Col.

J. Hallowell. Proceedings Before Jndge fitlaaon Tester, day Morning. The following special dispatch was re Ice cream, any flavor, at O'Kanes; only 30 cents per quart; guaranteed. ceived by the St.

Louis Globe Democrat yesterday. O'Kane ice cream is taking the lead At the Planters. A. Saltman, John S. Andrews.N.

Myers, Jennie Brua, Amanda Brua, C. F. and J. SWEEPING REDUCTION Stop at the REVERE HOUSE Clark Mim CHICAGO. Three Minutes to Four Principal Theatre.

Board of Trade and Principal Business Hounea. Washington. D. June 24 W. C.

thisseason; by the gallon, quart or pint. Any day at all that you want vanilla, Perry, the chairman of the Kansas Demo part in the encampment. Bacon, and Mrs. Fultz and BHter. of St.

cratic central committee, had an interview lemon or any flavor of ice cream send to Joseph; J. Rettern, A. E. Rowley, F. W.

The Champion Harvester Kane it is only 30 cents per quart; Little, J. Jones, and W. A. Lamont. of to day with the president.

He and his friends are crowding things as much as -IN The police made a raid on three houses of ill-fame night before last and assessed the keepers $20 apiece and one inmate $10, which amounts they turned over to the police judge yesterday morning. Jim Reese was fined $5 for disturbing the peace. Mat. Delaney was fined $5 for disturbing the peace. Florence Richmond was fined $15 for assault and battery and disturbing the peace.

Chicago; M. F. Wilms of Cincinnati; A. quality auaranteed. Ice cream for everybody at 0' Kane's they can to obtain the apppointment of dis b.

bahler. of Atchison: Chas. S. Wriizht. trict attorney for that state.

It was the in Chas. J. Borden, and Thos. J. Bucban.

ot is for sale, also all other kinds of agricultural implements, at Mickles, 515 and 111 Cherokee street. Second hand clothing bought and sold, by Carl Mukllbb. 321 N. Fifth Straet tention to keep profoundly secret the resignation of Col. Hallowell, news of which Enrojean anflAmencanPlans New York; J.

W. Morton, and Mrs. Lowell and daughter of Philadelphia; C. OTTIR, It? RICES. Dress Goods.

was sent to the Globe-Democrat last night. Mctarlan, ot St. Lnuis; M. F. Raleigh of There was a disgust in Perry's camp to-day REDUCED RATES.

baltimore; Mhos. W. Haight, of Boston; when it was learned that their advance in uavid Hunter, ot ban rancisco. and J. W.

French Ballroaii a Suit. formation had gone to the friends of Tom Teer of Halton. American Plan, European Plan, Farrell will have a car of luscious watermelons to arrive in a few days from the Sunny South. Look out lor them. $3.00 per day 7So to 91.00 per day Fenlon, of Leavenworth, the rival Gauze Merwear 75c to $150 a Suit- At the National.

Thla a Terr convenient plan for Country Mer. Farrel had the biggest trade in lemons Mrs. Ileckmanand son, of Independence; and oranges yesterday of any day this THE FOURTH. Smnier Scarfs. 2cts each- season.

9 J. sscuneiaer, ot bt. Joseph; YV. Mount-joy, of Camden Point, C. M.

Wal-bridge, of Atchison; W. Mackle and R. Ida Holliday was run in and lined $10 for disturbing the peace and using obscene and indecent language. Richard Chivres was fined $25 for fighting with a man named John Glass last Saturday and stabbing him severely in the thigh with a large pocket knife. Glass has been in bed since the stabbing and the affair was kept quiet by the police until yesterday morning.

AMUSEMENTS. for a Picnic at Tachetta'a Arran semen ta By your lemons now before the rise. Farrell has a large and choice stock. Phillips, of Lawrence; T. F.

Indwell, E. Single Meals, 50a Furniture all New. a modern Hotel. Passenger Elevator. A home for aeualble people at moderate prloea.

Headquarters for Merchants and travelers ot the Northwest. All Silt Scarfis. 25cts each Manilla Hats, $2.50 each. Garden. A number of the gentlemen of the Cathe H.

W. Baden, Frank Hull, H. Graham, a. w. dral parish held a meeting last evening in y.

n. Bertram, uenswanger and C. Drawers which fit to perfection at John Seckler's. C. G.

half hose 4.00 per doaen at John Seckler's. Crawford, of St Joe; M. Mullconery and Phelan's hall for the purpose of making daughter, and r. M. Eearns and daughter, preliminary arrangements for holding a Small Vories Have 3 of All Wool and Half Wool Dress Goods in.

Solid and Fancy Colors to be closed out quicklv At 5 and 10 CentsPer Yard Many of these Goods are worth 40 and 50 cents per vard. No limit to quantitv or time of sale. 01 mosno napias. Mackinaw Hats, $1.50 each.) Light Color Stiff and Soft Hats for $2,00 to 4,00,, Eta, Etc J. lient and W.

II. Worsevick, O-ka- Alapaca coats for fat and lean men at John Seckler's. picnic on July 4th, at Brandon Kirmeyer's park (Tashetta's garden). loosa; Ci 1. Lloudas and S.

Richmond, St. 255 Alapaca coats and vests for clergymen Joseph; G. II. Hatton an I S. S.

Allen, St. Rev. Father Cunningham, V. presi The Grand Opera House Filled Again Laat Nl(ht. The entertainment at the opera house last evening was greeted by another fine audience, "Van, the Virginian" the cha at John Seckler's.

Joseph; C. II. Bond, U. P. railway; rrank No one can or will under sell us.

Kane, Atlanta Geo. Perren, Chicago. dent, and Mr. P. J.

Becker, the organist at the cathedral, acted as secretary. After talking the matter over it was decided to ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. At the Continental. J. Denitz and H.

Buckley, Atchison; have the picnic, and another meeting will be held in the same place, at 7:30 o'clock this evening, to make further arrangements. Guenther Durfee. racter assumed by Mr. Edwin Barbour and supported by bis excellent company was rendered in a manner that elicited repeated Drab de Ete's coats and vests for clergymen at John Seckler's. A full line of Balbriggan underwear cheap at John Seckler's.

Call and examine our summer coats foi 25 cents at John Seckler's. Did you heai No, I never, but at Johr Seckler's you can find Seer Sucker coab L. Wilson and W. A. Seldon, Cincinnati; E.

R. John, New York: Walter N. Allen. A GOOD TIME. The Best Equipped Hotel for the Price IN THE WORLD.

Bate Deduced to (alt the time. It It really a $3 Per Day House for $2. How can I do It I have the Iopeka; J. T. Luicke, St.

Louis; E. S. applause. The company grows in favor nightly and is a proof that a good company can play to reasonable prices. The house will be crowded again to-night, to witness St WHEAT cago St.

Joseph and Kanaaa City 8nnday Schools brown, Wyandotte; A. W. Smith, Richmond; W. Landstreet, Kansas City; and vesta, wnicn nt as though they wert made to order, like all other clothing sole by John Seckler. Meet in Leavenworth.

Two train loads of excursionists had a "Nevada; or the Lost Mine. DAVIS, SON THOMAS, ueo. a. Draw, iioiion; J) M. Uurtis, Koch SMALL VORIES of ueceivera and ablppera ester; Jotin Metcalf, Kansas City; J.

H. picnic near the Fort and visited the city BAD CONDUCT. Kirkham's the and gents vest Grain on Coimission, 103 Ttalawsre etraet Hull, Lmpona; E. W. Wild, Herman; Max Rice, Boston: R.

I. Pearson, Boston; Just received at W. A. latest designs in ladies chains. yesterday.

One train of ten coaches and a j.ouveswn, jno. r. uorcnmss, M. Sid- Leavenwortn, Kanaaa. CO pie, 11.

tsrewsier ana wile, Mrs. jewelry LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. NO. 404 DELAWARE STREET. baggage car brought 700 people from St.

Joseph, and the other consisting of six coaches and a baggage car, came from Go and see the handsome line of at Kirkham's. Cloggett, C. Fhnn, U. C. Tuft, R.

D. A Party of ExcuratonlaU Shocked Yesterday Morning. The attention of Supt. Drake, of the Missouri Pacific, was called yesterday, to the indecent actions of a couple of the wo XIlUHa WHEAT A 8PKCIALTT. Direct wire to Chicago and St.

Loul' Options placed ln an; market. TELEPHONE NO. 221. CHEAPEST RENT of any Hotel In Chicago for It Use. I give my Patroni the benefit of It, on mj Table and in the Booms, Ml Pay Fancy Prices Ot the to-called first-class Hotels, bat TRY THE REVERE.

Kansas City, with about 400 on board. ance, Kobt. Douglas, Albert Kelly, Mrs. Cook and daughter, Mrs. Poundexter, The excursionions were gotten up for the benefit of the Sunday School pupils of the cwmgox, m.

xownsend, Amos Riley. York The latest designs in ladies sleeve and cuff pins at W. A. Kirkham's. Lawn Mowers.

Geo. W. Mickle, 515 and 517 Cherokee Te5 PORK, LARD SACRIFICE i. n. iay is, j.

r. nvnigni, L. Jt. War-field, Jet Burns, jr. N.

Weill. Jack Posue. two ciues and they all had a splendid time. men of the "Centennial" dive, on Water street, as his train of Sunday school excursionists from Kansas City was passim the place. He says they appeared nearly naked, IT w.

u. vauiciuu, j. iia.uiii. lemmir. EUREKA.

Robt. Turner. II. Graham and A. Graham, street, has ust received a large number tt the best lawn mowers in the market.

Ca i and see them. of St. Joseph. 1 In Prices of Ladies' Ready-Made Suits The Experience of Flablng Party. A party of six gentlemen who returned snd behaved in a mcst outrageous manner.

He talked of filing information against them before the police judge. At the Delmonico. Go to Zipp Sona for tbe finest line of And eave at leaat One Dollar per Day. Why, thla wUl take 70a to the Theatre every night I Don't Forget the Rates. BOSTON, MASS.

hand made turned shoe in the city. H. M. Bickel, of McPfaerson.Kan. Wm yesterday from a fishing excursion, say they had a splendid time.

Fish was what thev 0 Connor, Canton J. Whelan, Tom Craw-ford, Isaac Hayden, T. R. Ashbrook, John went after, not so much for tbe fish, it is true, but to learn how to be successful next Only 30 days longer, the great bankrupt sale of Newman Myers Co. stock of clothing, 317 Delaware street.

No ticket of admission required when visiting the bankrupt sale of the Newman Myers Co. stock of clothing and furnishing goods at 317 Delaware street. Our salesmen are polite when showing J. D. A.

Rem, D. E. Saunders and wife, J. A. Fullar, A.

G. Gamble, F. M. Libbe, J. A.

Brookfelt, M. J. Morarity, Joe Mooney, FTfljr. time, a sort of practice fish, as it were. They return filled with piscatorial knowledge.

They have solved an important prob Capital, Surplus, Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Mercantile Irmi received, and any buaineea connected with Banking aolicited. London correspondent, City Bank, "Limited." Asa P. Porrzn, Prea. J. Wou WIN1JSOK, HOTEL, AT THE BOSTON STOKE.

ln order to close out our Spring work we are offerinc: our 10.00 suits for $7.50, 112.00 Suits for $8.75, $13.50 Suits now $11.50, $15.00 Suits now $18,00 Suits now $15.00, $20.00 Suits now $16.00. Fine work in proportion, this enables you to purchase your suit ready to wear for about the same money that the material would cot you unmade. MOORE WARREN 208 and 210 South Fifth Street. William. Early, B.

Grettur, J. E. Go to Zipp son tor the cheapest hand made shoe Ln the city, only $3.50. Go to Zipp Son lor men's hand made, low cut calf "hoes, only $5. Go to Zipp Jtc Son for men's hand made, low cut kid shoes, only $5.50.

Parties who are desirous of securing bargains in merchant tailoring suits or pants will do well to call on Oscar Seckler. We took a glance at their display in the windows, and made up our mind that those goods were lower thnn we have seen by eight or ten dollars. Millet Seed. In any quantity, at G. W.

Mickles 5U lem. 1 hey have discovered that it takes 1 keg of beer, 2 gallons of whisky, 1 box of cigars and 6 men to catch one fish. Toney Such. A. W.

Atkinson. rnii oierryman, j. awm, U. W.tSarnett. the stock whether you buy or not at the great bankrupt sale of clothing 317 Delaware Etreet.

O. Uouch, Aug. S'armann, Wm. Cue, Geo. iMDGffS FOODt H.

Hallow, Chas. II Follin, Gene Maddox, TO WED. naries trnest a. Kestor. Wm.

License! Iaaned In the Probate Conrt Yes KANSAS. TOPES r. Buckle and O. II. Quinton, of St.

Joseph, Geo. A Dean, Lewis R.ichelle terday. Marriage lieense were issued yesterday and daughter and G. W. Hugdes, Holton The great bankrupt sale of clothing of the Newman Myers Co.

stock, 317 Delaware street. Don't throw this paper aside before reading every line pertaining to the great bankrupt sale of the Newman Myers Co. fctock of clothing and furnishing goods. It will pay you. 317 Delaware street.

Chauncy Raymond, Chicago; A. Parks, OR. SC0TTSSdcS to Chas. J. MtKee and Ida L.

Bruae: also and 517 Cherokee street. The largest and best kept hotel in the city. Contains passenger elevator and all modern Improvements. The only hotel in the city centrally located. Commercial aid Political Heaiparters Uituwa; Ai orris aiann, Kansas (Jity; L.

a. Oa.Y a- Aftar atx inuntba tiava paaael tba period of dentition will raqnire to be iilalij looked after HI iHe'a rood pownwi, aa perhapa In no other preparation, tna element. It la rlca In carbon, and ta a perfectly ete diet fur all ciaaetta cond tlona. If all dirantluna ara folowed More cnllnreu haa bean auorawefnlly reared npon Rldge'e Food than upon ell tbe other food combined. Put np In tin cn.

four SSc. tl.JS and $1.78. WOOLEIOU on label. aaoooix, oi. ijiuib; Maurice A.

iloran. Baa met with very remarkable and Bretlrytoj: rae In the treatment of diseases -ti the BU-d. at to Andreas E. Deeter and Melissa C. Ready, and the latter couple were married in open court.

A license was also issued to James St. Jo-eph; J. W. Ebbf-rt and H. Retter- fcoft, Kannus Uity A.

H. Budlong, U.S.A. Revised Blblea. All styles and prices just received at Geo. A.

Spooner's book store. The demand will be great for this long looked for revision ot the old testament FOB KANSAb. J. M. Jellison, Hiawatha: V.

M. Stevens, Wdiren, of the police force, and Josephine Hunt's Remedy purifies the blood by assisting tneJUdneJ to carrj off all Imparities. Ubfcaloota; Lugene tfrusher, Rush Center, Vogel. er eaU. Qwiti iff atluai aee aaa aMaaaaaaaa.

WWaiakajs41 IF.

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